Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) s03e09 Episode Script

9059-015 - Enter the Rat King

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell turtle power they're the world's most fearsome fighting team We're really hip.
They're heroes in the half shell and they're green Hey, get a grip.
When the evil shredder attacks these turtle boys don't cut him no slack teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles splinter taught them to be ninja teens He's a radical rat.
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines That's a fact, Jack.
Raphael is cool but rude Give me a break.
Michelangelo is a party dude teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell turtle power lions gate home entertainment [SQUEAK.]
Well, Vernon, any ideas yet for tonight's editorial? VERNON: Not yet, sir, but I'm working on it.
Well, come up with something, and I mean pronto! Yeow! Scat! Come on, get out of here! Beat it, would you! Ohh.
We need an editorial, and I mean pronto.
What will vern say when he finds out we don't have an editorial? Rats! What a brilliant idea, sir! "Rats--boon to mankind!" "Our friend, the rat.
" "Rats throughout history.
" They're a menace to society! Absolutely! Disgusting little vermin.
April, you're going to dig up the facts about our city's rat problem.
That's tonight's editorial.
Rats? You heard me.
Rats! Don't do it, Michelangelo! It's no use, Leonardo.
Don't try talking me out of it.
You don't know what you're letting yourself in for.
A turtle's got to do what a turtle's got to do.
Please, Michelangelo, don't go for pizza! It's raining cats and dogs.
And the dough gets real soggy.
Besides, there is still one last box of pizza mix in the cupboard.
There is? All right! Let's get cooking! Hey, you're right, sensei.
There's enough here for a major nosh.
A rat! Hey, fur-face! That was our din-din! Ahh-- ah-choo! I'll get him! [ALL SHOUTING.]
Don't let him escape.
Ooh! Ooh! Your reflexes must be dull indeed if a mere rodent outmaneuvers you.
That furry little dude was more than mere.
Shh! Someone's coming.
Maybe it's the rat again.
Tub-u-loso! This time we'll nail him.
Here he comes.
Hey! Watch it, guys! April! There's nothing like a warm greeting from old friends.
Sorry, April.
We mistook you for someone else-- we're talking about a lowdown pizza-stealing rat! What a coincidence.
I'm researching a story on rats! I think every one of them should be chased out of town.
Ah, ha ha ha! Present company excepted, of course.
Of course.
I came down to investigate the sewer situation firsthand.
Master splinter, are you all right? Yes.
Just an odd feeling.
Do not worry.
It will pass.
Uh-oh, I better hustle.
I go on the air in 20 minutes.
I wonder what's taking April so long.
This place gives me the willies.
Ok, Irma! Let's roll! So, what did you find out? I think vern's exaggerating.
I didn't see a single rat.
I'm entitled to my opinion.
You don't have to hiss at me.
Who's hissing? I agree with you.
Oh, no! Two flat tires.
Make that four flat tires.
Oh, hurry, Irma.
If I miss that broadcast, vern will dock me a month's pay.
Irma, did you ever have the feeling someone's following you? No.
What's it like? Rats! Zillions and zillions of rats.
Let--let's find a taxi.
Quick! Taxi! Taxi! Yoo-hoo! Taxi! Where to, ladies? Channel 6 news.
I ain't allowed to carry more than f-f-five passengers.
Irma, don't look now, but I think we're in serious trouble.
Thank heavens! A bus! Where is April? She's on in two minutes! You know how women are when it comes to time.
Ok, vern, I'm ready with my editorial.
It had better be good.
ANNOUNCER: And here, straight from the field is April O'Neill with a channel 6 editorial.
Good evening.
I hope this doesn't upset our viewers, but I'd like to talk about rats.
Our city is being overrun with hordes of these disgusting creatures.
Upset us? Heck no! This is a terrific dinner topic.
Something must be done about these vicious rodents before it's too late.
They carry disease, pestilence, and they aren't even cute! We urge the city to do something about them immediately.
Hey! Who pulled the plug? What happened to April? VERNON: She's--she's gone! April? Gone? Ohh.
DONATELLO: Put the pedal to the metal, Leonardo.
We've got to find April.
LEONARDO: This is the best place to start looking.
All together now.
Why can't April have a ground-floor office? I wish we had those antigravity boots from episode six.
Check it out.
There's the studio she disappeared from.
Whoever heard of losing a commentator in the middle of a broadcast? I keep telling you she's not reliable.
Vernon, find April O'Neill so I can fire her! Boy, he's really on the warpath.
Irma, this is all your fault.
My fault! How come? If you hadn't-- that is, if you had only-- I mean, if you and April-- trust me, it's all your fault.
It's guys like that who make me glad I'm a member of the opposite sex.
Yeow! The turtles? Quick, Irma, what happened to April? You know as much as I do.
One minute she's here, the next she's gone.
If you ask me, it's those rats.
Hey, lighten up, compadres.
If April needed us, she'd scope us out on her turtlecom.
You mean this turtlecom? Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Fellas, we've got to check every storm drain and sewer pipe in the city until we find April.
What are we waiting for? Cowabunga! Turtle power! Ahh.
How romantic.
They're just like four little green errol flynns.
It's good of you to help us search for April, master splinter.
Perhaps my rodent instincts may be of some use.
Well, guys, any sign of her? Nada.
We've checked everywhere, from the sludge pump to the garbage runoff to the raw sewage drain.
Oh, the scenic route.
Master splinter, are you all right? YesI am fine.
Please, let us continue the search.
I'm worried about sensei.
He's acting kind of strange.
I've noticed that, too.
Maybe we should keep an eye on him.
Now there's a switch.
Welcome to my humble abode, miss O'Neill.
Ha ha.
I trust you're comfortable.
Who are you? I am his royal rodent majesty, the rat king! And these are my loyal subjects.
My simplest wish is their command.
Why did you bring me here? To keep you from telling those vicious lies about my loyal rat subjects.
Ahh! Ha ha ha ha! Forget dogs.
The rat is truly man's best friend.
Rat king! Mister, you've got a serious identity problem.
You wish a demonstration? Haven't you heard? Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.
I think you're the only beast around here.
Don't you understand? My devoted rodent followers and I are establishing a new form of government in these sewers.
A ratocracy! And I am their leader! Brother, you're also nuttier than a truckload of fruit cakes.
Yo, April! Where are you? It's no use.
We've covered every tunnel and still no sign of her.
Man, this place is emptier than a pizza pan after an attack of the midnight munchies.
Leonardo, here.
It's Irma.
Listen, I know where April is and who's got her.
Some nut called the rat king.
How do you know that? Ahh, just call it woman's intuition.
Uh, miss O'Neill.
What is it now Your highness? It's lunchtime.
Can I interest you in some ratatouille? Here's what I think of your offer.
You're quite attractive when you're angry.
Especially for someone without whiskers.
Just wait till my friends the turtles get here! Ha ha! Turtles? They're no match for my army of rats.
It just so happens they're trained by splinter, a true ninja master.
I see.
And what is he, a salamander? If you must know, he's a rat.
A rat, you say? Ah, perfect.
With a ninja master in my power, I can rule every rodent in the city.
Yes, my faithful followers.
We'll stop these turtles before they invade our rodent realm.
We'll do this by turning their master against them.
It seems hopeless, master.
Nevertheless, we must keep searching.
Sensei, what's wrong? Uh, I I feel strange, as if some force is compelling me to do things beyond my control.
Hold it.
You're trespassing on royal grounds.
Who are you, dude? You will address me with respect.
I am the rat king.
The rat king.
He's the one who grabbed April! Listen, mister, just hand over miss O'Neill, and no one will get hurt.
That music.
I-- I cannot resist.
Actually, it is kind of a catchy tune.
Splinter, from now on, you will obey only me.
Yes, your highness.
Your highness? And my royal decree is destroy those turtles! Your command I obey, master.
Hyah! Hyah! Whoa! Unh! Whoa! Whoa! Oh.
Oh, no.
Master splinter may be too much even for all four of us.
Oh, in that case, we're turtle soup.
Turtles, prepare to say sayonara.
Grrr! Now, my willing subject, finish them off.
Yes, your majesty.
Hyah! Aah! Ooh! Whoa! No, master! Stop! Hyah! Hyah! Something's come over splinter.
He's like totally flipped out! What are we gonna do? I don't want to fight him.
We can't just leave him here.
Ha ha ha! It's no use, turtles.
If it has four legs and squeaks, it obeys only me.
Master splinter, listen to me! Ignore the rat king's commands! No, splinter.
I am your ruler.
Obey me.
Your will is stronger than his.
You must turn against the rat king! I don't think he's buying it.
There's only one thing left to do.
I won't try to defend myself.
Now, my loyal subject, finish him! Hyah! Whoa! Wh--wh-- it worked, master.
You're yourself again.
Come on.
Let's blow this joint.
Mondo notion, bud.
Unh! They've escaped with their ninja master! Or should I say, my ninja master.
This contest of wills is not over yet.
Never before have I turned on my pupils.
I am ashamed.
But, sensei, your will power did triumph over his.
Thank you, Leonardo, but I don't wish to run that risk again.
That is why you turtles must search for April without me.
I dare not face the rat king until my strength returns.
Don't worry, master.
You trained us well.
We'll get April back.
You're darned right! Yeah, for sure! Irma, why aren't you looking for April? I am.
How, by watching TV? It so happens, Vernon, I'm looking for a certain news story, and I just hit pay dirt.
That's the expose we did on abandoned subway stations.
And I've got a feeling that's where the rat king's keeping April.
Rat king? What rat king? Come on.
I'll explain on the way.
But I'm not dressed to meet royalty.
Sh-shouldn't we get some professional help? Relax, Vernon.
We got the four best bodyguards in the business.
Irma to turtles.
Irma to turtles.
Come in, turtles.
Oh, all this dampness is shorting out the signal.
If I see one rat down here, just one rat, I'll-- ohh! Mama! The mighty hunter.
Let's hope this nail file does the trick.
It did it! Ah, freedom! Rats.
He would have to leave sentries.
This looks like the only unguarded exit.
Not the most inviting place in the world, but here goes nothing.
That blasted splinter.
No rat has ever overcome my control before.
What's this? She's escaped! A fine pair of sentries you are! No more Swiss cheese for you two for a month! What's this? Ah, so this is her escape route.
After her! We must catch her before she locates the turtles.
The subway terminal the rat king is using is located that way.
So we'll go this way.
You want to zoom that by us again? That way he'll have sentries waiting for us.
This way, we can blind-side him.
Someone's coming! Get ready.
Hyah! Hyah! Aah! April! That's the second time today you guys have done that! And we'll keep on doing it till we get it right.
She couldn't have gotten far.
I smell something.
It's a woman's perfume.
Heh heh.
And the fragrance is getting closer.
Got ya! Aah! Who are you? Hey, hold on.
You're that rat king maniac.
Maniac majesty, to you.
Ok, Buster.
Where's my pal April? That's what I'd like to know.
Well, there's one way to find out.
Yoo-hoo! April! Yoo-hoo! April! It's Irma! KING: Where are you? And the rat king! April, you stay here.
And miss out on a story? No way.
Heh heh! Now, turtles, the final showdown.
A bomb! Jump! Oh, yuck! Oh! Bring her back to the palace.
I'll be your hostage.
Take me instead.
Call me when you're a TV reporter.
Ohh! Men! You always go for the redheads.
Ouch! Ooh! Ow! Ooh, that hurt! Ooh.
Look out! It's going to blow! Let's get out of here! Come on! Where's everybody going? Irma! Run! That means you, dudette.
Watch out! Well, so much for the rat king.
For sure, I seriously doubt if we'll see that creepazoid again.
I hope you're right.
It's a small world down here in the sewers.
Well, gang, it's been fun, but I gotta get back to the old rat race.
I wonder if we'll ever run across the rat king again.
Your battle with him was a stalemate.
I fear that he might seek a future confrontation.
I've already anticipated that possibility.
Ta-da! Holy guacamole! It's a super rodent trap, especially designed to capture the rat king.
We just have to plant this near his lair, and-- hey! Hey! Somehow, Donatello, I doubt that the world will beat a path to your door over this one.
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