Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) s03e41 Episode Script

9059-041 - The Gang's All Here

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell turtle power they're the world's most fearsome fighting team We're really hip.
They're heroes in the half shell and they're green Hey, get a grip.
When the evil shredder attacks these turtle boys don't cut him no slack teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles splinter taught them to be ninja teens He's a radical rat.
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines That's a fact, Jack.
Raphael is cool but rude Give me a break! Michelangelo is a party dude party! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell turtle power lions gate entertainment ok, dude, here's where I whip your shell but good.
Yeah, you and what army? They compete as intensely in this game as they do in their ninja bouts.
I'm not at all surprised.
The loser pays for the pizzas.
Leonardo here.
What's up, April? That's what I'm hoping you can tell me.
Quick, turn on channel 6.
Hey, we're in the middle of a game! Sorry, guys, but this looks like an emergency.
This is April O'Neill live from midtown, where this strange whirlwind phenomenon appeared in the sky just moments ago.
That's no whirlwind! It looks like a portal to dimension x.
Oh, great.
What genius left that window open? We know it couldn't be krang and shredder.
They're already here on earth.
Then again, it might just be an accidental tear in the fabric of space/time.
Well, I don't suppose a really good tailor would help? Well, no matter how it happened, it's up to us to do something.
Let's go, fellas.
Good luck, turtles.
Keep the camera on that thing.
Anything might come out of that hole in the sky.
Did you say, "anything"? That's right, Vernon, anything.
Oh, oh, m-maybe I better check the equipment in the van.
Whee! Whoa! What do you know? Oh, don't hurt me, I beg of you! Will you please stand still? Holy guacamole, what is that? Whatever it is, it's now was.
Look, the portal.
Something's happened to it.
It looks like the tear in the continuum sealed itself shut.
Totally! But not before that weirdo thingy came through it.
And we'd better find out what it was.
Oh, no, you don't, guys.
Whatever that creature is, it's news.
Wait! Come back with my hiding place.
We've got a fix on it.
There it goes! Stay on his tail! Ha ha ha.
April, what are you doing here? Chasing down a big story.
Now where is it? Search us.
We're still working on what is it.
It's awfully quiet.
Yeah, too quiet.
Now, how'd I know he was gonna say that? Check it out, dudes.
Flying saucer.
Look, there it goes! Little dude, you're about to be shell-shocked.
Hey, come back here! I still got to make on those! Whoa! There's something mega-bizarro going on.
Michelangelo, you all right? Too weird, dude.
My chuks just freaked out.
Hey! Ow, ooh, stop.
Huh? Huh? You think its too late to ask for our money back on these weapons? Look, there's that thing again.
We've got you now Whatever you are.
What? Mondo mysterioso, dudes.
Now I get it.
This little guy's got psychokinetic abilities.
Ho, whoa! Psych-- psychoki Oh, what's that mean? Well, psychokinetic ability means the power to move things just by thinking about them.
It's amazing! It can even pick itself up.
It seems friendly enough.
I guess it was just playing with us.
Well, so, like, what do we do with it? We look after it in the sewers until we can figure out some way to return it to dimension x.
Leonardo, that's a great idea.
Hmm, I wonder how great an idea it really is.
The sensor gauge indicates that something came through the portal from dimension x.
Something with incredible psychokinetic powers.
What manner of creature could it be? It must be a grybyx.
The inhabitants of dimension x keep them as pets.
Personally, I think they're bothersome little things.
If we can capture the creature, we might be able to harness its levitational powers to raise the technodrome.
Say no more.
I'll take bebop, rocksteady and some foot soldiers and we'll head for the surface.
That grybyx is as good as ours.
Way to go, little guy.
He's such a cute little thing.
I'll be sorry to see him leave.
Speaking of that, exactly how do we get him back to dimension x? TV: We interrupt this program for an important news bulletin.
Another dimensional opening has just appeared above the city.
Here's your answer, Leonardo.
Time to go, cutie.
We'll have to hurry.
April's right, little fella.
Those portals don't last long.
What got into him? Yo, dudes, don't look now, but something else just zapped through the gap.
Leonardo, I suggest you and the turtles investigate this latest occurrence.
April and I will deal with our little friend.
Right, sensei.
Let's go, fellas.
Michelangelo, are you sure you saw something come through the portal? Oh, for sure, dude.
It was totally weird-looking.
Can you describe it? Well, yeah, it was kind of like, uh Like that thing.
It's the starmobile! I don't believe it.
The neutrinos are back.
It's kala, dask and Zack.
Hey, turtles, long time, no see.
You look groovy, Michelangelo.
Oh, well You look pretty groovy yourself, kala.
Yeah, right.
So what are you guys doing in our neck of the universe? We're looking for kala's pet grybyx.
Did you happen to see it? Uh-oh.
It wouldn't happen to be about yea big and able to fly, would it? And with fur all over its body? That's him! Can you take us to him? We sure can, kala.
Just follow us.
You know what's really mellow? That you cats found him before he ate anything.
Yeah, if he scarfs any earth grub, it could be truly bad news.
Really? How bad? Like, I'm talking real bad.
Oh, the poor thing.
It seems to be hungry.
There's one of Michelangelo's pizzas, and it's still warm.
April, are you sure this this wise? Such exotic food might disagree with him.
Now, what harm could a little pizza do? He likes it.
The turtlecom.
April here.
Good news, April.
Our little visitor belongs to the neutrinos.
They're returning to the lair with us to pick him up.
Oh, just one thing, whatever you do, don't feed him.
Oh, now he tells us.
You were right, splinter! The pizza did disagree with it.
I feel the next thing it eats may be us.
April, are you and splinter all right? APRIL: Well, to tell you the truth, we've got a small problem Rawr! Which just turned into a big problem.
Uh-oh, she must have fed the grybyx something.
April, listen closely! You got to pour water on it! Do you hear me, April? [INAUDIBLE.]
That might be a problem from up here, kala.
Hmm, perhaps not.
Oh! It worked.
The water turned it back into a cute little creature.
I would still be cautious.
Appearances can be deceptive.
Poing! Bye-bye.
Whee! Wait.
Don't go! Come back here! No use.
He is gone.
I've got some bad news, fellas.
The grybyx flew the Coop.
That's just great.
What else can go wrong? Congratulations, bebop.
You surfaced us in the worst possible place.
Uh, gee, thanks, boss.
And I wasn't even trying.
Oh, yuck! It reminds me of what the water looks like after I take a bath.
When was the last time that happened? Um, let me see, what year is this again? I think it's the year my bath is due.
According to this electrokinetic detector, the grybyx is nearby.
All of you, follow me.
APRIL: I feel awful, kala.
He just took off.
It's not your fault, April, but we got to find him.
And quick like a bunny.
Each time he eats, he grows bigger and more dangerous.
Not to worry, guys and gals.
This tracking device will lead us right to him.
Come on, let's go.
SHREDDER: It's the grybyx.
Quickly, you fools, after him! Uh-oh, oh.
Oh! Am I holding on to you too tightly, Michelangelo? No, not tight enough.
Hey, I see him.
So do I.
And I also see trouble coming.
It's shredder and his goons! Now, rocksteady, use the stun laser.
Ooh, right, boss.
Jeepers, am I glad to see you.
Me, too.
What a heart-rending, touching scene.
Stun them.
Laser blasts, incoming! Now they're outgoing.
Now you know why he's our leader.
Turtles, fight with honor! Finish them quickly! I want that grybyx! You got him, boss.
All right, amigos, let's kick some shell! Eat our laser beams, wimp.
Huh? It's all gunked up.
Cowabunga! Aah.
I got it! It's mine.
Come on! No fair.
Come on, fella.
Let's you and me rumble.
You will remember to write, won't ya? You turtles have bugged me long enough.
Now you're about to be exterminated.
Look out! [ALL YELLING.]
Farewell, you meddling reptile.
What? Ooh, ha ha ha.
When I get my hands on that blasted grybyx Something tells me we better split.
Whoa! Wow, and I thought the grybyx was only dangerous if you feed him! He's just goofing around.
He thinks this whole thing is a game.
We've got to catch him before he gets hurt.
Or we do.
That's bad.
It's really going to lower the trade-in value.
Boss, I think we ought to run.
The world's greatest ninja does not run from someone's Fluffy little pet.
Aah! Wah wah wah.
They hit the grybyx! Oh, no.
My poor little pet.
You got him, boss.
So much for this furry troublemaker.
Well, how we gonna get back to the technodrome, boss? The module's busted.
TURTLES: Go, green machine! SHREDDER: We'll worry about that later.
Right now we've got turtle troubles.
Now let's go.
Well, did you get the grybyx? Yes, but I'm afraid the transport module was damaged.
We'll need another one sent up.
We'll deal with that later.
First, you'll drain the grybyx's energy and transmit it down here.
How come you always come up with all the ideas? Because I'm the brain of this outfit.
Well, kala, any luck? Jeepers, no.
The grybyx readings are very weak.
He must be unconscious.
Tough break, chick.
We better find him before shredder can carry out his evil, unscrupulous, insidious plan.
You forgot nefarious.
Nobody's perfect.
It's done.
The hook-up is completed.
How's it work, boss? It will completely drain the grybyx's psychokinetic powers and transmit them to the technodrome.
What will happen to the little guy? Does it really matter, you sentimental sop? Now stand back.
I'm about to throw the switch.
The power drain's working.
Blast it.
A short circuit.
I'll have to replace this component.
Keep an eye on the grybyx.
That force field should keep its psychokinetic powers under control.
Don't worry, boss.
He ain't going nowheres.
Make sure he doesn't.
According to this, my grybyx is up on the surface.
Then, like, what are we waiting for? All reet.
Let's beat feet.
Gee, I feel sorry for the little guy.
Ah, don't be such a wuss.
It's only a dumb animal.
Oh, look.
He's hungry.
At least let's give him a last meal.
Hey! [BURPS.]
You shouldn't have ought to done that.
Aw, what harm can it do? Uh-oh.
I think I made a boo-boo.
Hey, groovy.
He's in that place.
Let's check it out.
Yikes! Yikes! Holy guacamole.
It's humongous! Why, the little dickens must have been snacking again.
Whoa! Whoa! Kala, he's your pet.
Isn't there something you can do? There sure is, April.
I can run! [ALL YELLING.]
Whoa! Don't you just hate it when people can't control their pets? With this new component, I can complete the power drain on that blasted grybyx.
Ooh! Ooh! Oh, no.
Now look at what you've done! What are you two bug-brains doing here? Uh, well, you know that cute little grybyx we captured? Yes? Well, uh, he ain't so cute And, uh, he ain't so little And, uh, he ain't so captured.
I'll deal with you two later, if there is a later! It looks like he went this way.
Really? How can you tell? Jeepers, this neighborhood's going to need extensive urban renewal.
Scope it out, dudes.
He's chasing shredder, rocksteady, and bebop.
Gee, for once, a monster who's on our side.
Aah! Ooh.
Mama! Wah, ooh, ah, oh! Oh, oh, oh! Whoa-ohAh.
I hate grybyxes.
Wow, kala, this pet of yours is like a one-man demolition squad.
And I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Gang, I think it's time to head for cover! All reet.
Let's retreat.
This is seriously uncool.
Looks like we're headed for that big aquarium in the sky.
Aquarium! That gives me an idea.
Kala, do what you can to stall him.
Stop! Don't you recognize me? I'm kala.
You belong to me.
Am I glad to see you again! Ooh! Righteous action, dude.
If that means groovy move, I'm in sync with the way you think.
Aw, shucks.
Listen, drop in anytime, neutrinos.
Yeah, just make sure your pet's fed first.
So long, guys, it's been a hoo-oot.
Boss city.
Will you think of me, Michelangelo? For sure, dudette.
See you later.
So long! Gee.
I think I'm really going to miss that little guy.
That little guy or that little gal? Aw, shucks.
I sure hope this isn't the start of an epidemic.
buena vista television
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