Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) s04e29 Episode Script

9061-022 - What's Michaelangelo Good For?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell Turtle power They're the world's Most fearsome fighting team We're really hip.
They're heroes in the half shell And they're green Hey, get a grip.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles When the evil Shredder attacks These turtle boys don't cut him no slack Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Splinter taught them to be ninja teens He's a radical rat.
Leonardo leads Donatello does machines That's a fact, Jack.
Raphael is cool, but rude Gimme a break.
Michelangelo is a party dude Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell Turtle power [MICHELANGELO.]
Come on, Leonardo, put the pedal to the metal.
I gotta get Pete to the zoo animal clinic before it closes.
I'm trying, but the van won't cooperate.
It needs a tune-up.
Now it needs a push.
Come on, guys.
Let's haul shell.
Why do we have to go with you? Because I know how you dudes love to visit the zoo.
Hey, if I wanna see a bunch of trapped animals, I'll go watch the subways at rush hour.
So what's the verdict? How is Pete? Will he be okay, Dr.
Goodfellow? He's just fine, Michelangelo.
And you can call me Jane.
Mondo relief.
His broken wing has healed perfectly.
He's ready to fly again.
Far out! Wait 'til I tell Pete.
Tell Pete? [LAUGHS.]
That pigeon doesn't understand you.
Well, sure he does.
We rap all the time.
Pete and I are heavy-duty amigos.
That pigeon is just an animal.
It hardly thinks, let alone talks.
Excuse me.
He's not just an animal.
In fact, he's a lot smarter than some people I know.
You see? Now you hurt his feelings.
We can split now.
Pete's wing's totally perfecto.
Alert the news media.
This is April O'Neil for Channel Six News here at the Center Park Zoo.
Hey, you did alert the news media.
The zoo has been the scene of several astonishing robberies in the last few days.
Several zoo animals have been stolen from their cages in broad daylight.
I'm here with the zoo director who may explain the motive behind these strange thefts.
Well, then again, maybe not.
But as zoo director, you must have some information.
Well, I don't know anything about animals.
My brother-in-law, the mayor, got me this job.
Remember, you heard it here first.
All right, Charlie, that's a wrap.
The Turtles.
What are you guys doing here? Well, Dr.
Dolittle here has a pigeon he's nursing back to health.
Possibly for a pigeon pizza.
I told him you were just kidding, Raphael.
It does sound like they're actually talking to each other.
Why not? They have similar-size brains.
See you later, April.
We've got some repairs to make on the Turtle van.
See you, guys! [SHRIEKING.]
Hey, hold the ladder steady, Michelangelo.
I am, dude! [COOING.]
Scope it out.
We got some feathered visitors.
Pigeons? I'm glad I'm working under here.
Looks like it's time to let Pete join his buds.
We're done.
Let's head back to the lair.
I'll catch you dudes later.
I'm gonna check out some more of my four-legged, fur-covered friends.
Listen to that engine.
It's purring like a kitten.
What's happening? I don't know, but we're not moving.
What's happening? I don't know.
They're robots! So what! They messed with our wheels.
They answer to us! Hyah! Hyah! [COOING.]
Hey! Give those back! Well, well, just as I thought.
No brains! One down! Two to go! Uh-oh.
Whoa! Make that three Turtles to go.
I hope that's not with a side of fries.
Greetings, Michelangelo.
I'm surprise that you are the first to return from the zoo.
I am? That's weird.
The guys should have been back here hours ago.
Perhaps that is why I have been sensing the presence of a great evil.
What sort of evil, Master Splinter? It appears to be an island clouded in mist, where I fear our Turtles are in grave danger.
You must rescue them, Michelangelo.
I--I'm not the Turtle to handle this, Master.
I'm not a leader like Leonardo.
I can't make gadgets like Donatello.
I'm not even a wise guy like Raphael.
No matter.
You are part of a team, and your teammates need your help.
But I don't know where to start.
When needed, we all find skills we did not know we possess.
Now hurry! Time is of the essence.
Are you sure I'm ready for this, Master? Yes, my student, you are ready.
Sensei, I hope you're right.
I hope I am, too, my student.
Total bummer! My compadres are gone! All right, dude, come outta there whoever you are.
Pete! What are you doing here? It's way past your birdie bedtime.
You saw what happened? Lay the whole story on me, bro.
This is incredible.
All these mutant creatures.
I'll bet this is where all those missing zoo animals wound up.
You would win that bet, my muscular green friend.
Who are you? And what is this place? Welcome to the island of Dr.
Why do I have the feeling this is no Club Med? With my mutator laser, I have created all the creatures you see here.
But why? Because I want to create a single animal with the best traits of all animals.
The courage of a tiger.
The strength of an elephant.
The bird's power of flight.
With an army of such perfect animals, I can conquer the world! And incidentally, get my job back as director of the zoo.
But to complete my perfect animal, I need the superb intelligence of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Well, superb intelligence may be a bit of an exaggeration.
Nonsense! I intend to get that intelligence, no matter how painful it may befor you! On the other hand, we've never really done well on quickie quizzes.
I got a feeling we're all gonna be losers on this test.
Now, which of you will volunteer to be first? You're wasting your time.
You'll not get the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to help you in your evil work.
Don't you just love the way he delivers those noble speeches? Before you decided not to cooperate, I'd like you to meet a few of my little friends.
Gentlemen, meet Brutus.
Between Brutus and my robots, I don't believe you'll give me much trouble.
Hey, this guy doesn't play fair.
Villains aren't supposed to.
It's in their contract.
Robots with giant arms? Right here on this spot? Whoa! And I wasn't here to help.
But you didn't see where the robots took 'em.
Aw, don't feel bad, Pete.
You did fine.
Mondo bummer.
I don't know how to find my buds.
I'm no Turtle tracker.
Hey! Who's there? Talking to pigeons again, Michelangelo.
Uh, Doc! I--I mean Dr.
What are you doing out at this time of night? Trying to find out who's stealing the zoo animals.
But I could ask the same of you.
What are you doing here out of your disguise? Something totally awful happened to my Turtle pals.
And I suppose you got the information from Pete the pigeon here.
Michelangelo, listen to me.
Pigeons and humans-- [CHUCKLES.]
-- excuse me-- mutant turtles, don't speak the same language.
Well, neither do you and I! Whoa! Uhh! Michelangelo, are you all right? I am a Turtle, remember? I tripped over something.
It's a piece of Donatello's bow.
That proves it! The Turtles had a battle right here.
Actually, there was a trail of odd footprints that I followed from the broken cage.
They led right to this spot.
Fantabulosa! Let's scope 'em out! Here.
Look at these.
What totally weird footprints.
They're almost like those of a primate, but too square and heavy.
They're headed straight for the lake.
The dudes must have had a boat.
A boat? That's ridiculous.
There's nowhere to go except the island.
An island clouded in mist, where I fear our Turtles are in grave danger.
What was that? Oh, just a voice-over.
Oh, never mind.
I'll explain later.
Right now, we gotta latch onto a boat.
This is the zoo boathouse.
It hasn't been used in years.
I just hope the boat's in better shape than the boathouse.
Okay, hop in.
You've got to be kidding.
Hey, it floats.
And it even comes equipped with Turtle power.
What more could you ask for? [COOING.]
Oh, brother.
Way to go, Pete! You lead the way.
I still think this is crazy.
That island has been deserted for years, ever since the power plant was shut down.
I still take the word of my bird.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a Turtle and watch him go.
Hey, my name is not Moe.
It's Donatello.
That one! [GROWLING.]
Four against one, huh? I can handle that.
On second thought, there's too much violence on television already.
And now to find out what makes you mutant turtles so intelligent.
Well, how about if I just tell you? See, it's probably all the pizza we eat.
Or then again-- Quiet! It's not your mouth I'm interested in.
It's your brain! Oh.
Well, uh, I'm kinda attached to that.
But not for long! [EVIL LAUGH.]
Poor Donatello.
He's about to go from brainiac to broccoli.
This won't hurt a bit.
Yeah, that's what my dentist always says.
Ach! Interruptions! Always interruptions! How can I ever get anything accomplished! Don't hurry back on my account.
Well, it appears we have visitors.
It's Michelangelo! He's come looking for us! I knew there was a fourth Turtle.
Now I'll have the complete set.
Pete says this is definitely where they took 'em.
I'm having a really hard time with the idea that you understand that pigeon's noises.
Hey, like I don't understand how you heal the animals I bring you, but I believe in you anyway.
Well, you got me there.
Now we'll see which is better.
Their rowboat or my robot submarine.
Did you ever have a feeling someone was watching you? A periscope.
Headed this way.
I'll just bet there's a submarine attached to it.
Oh, I was afraid of that.
Aah! Hmm.
I assume the turtle can swim.
Let us see if Dr.
Goodfellow can.
It's going to ram our boat.
Not if I can help it.
All right! [COOING.]
Thanks, Michelangelo.
I thought you deserted me.
Oh, no way, dudette-- I mean Dr.
I got a weird feeling that someone doesn't want us on this island.
And Pete agrees.
I never thought I'd be saying this, but I agree with Pete.
Oh, blast it! That robot submarine cost a fortune! Well, that troublesome Turtle is about to become fish food.
There's something about those lily pads that seems awfully bogus.
Maybe we ought to go around them.
Nonsense, Michelangelo.
A lily pad is a lily pad.
Except when the lily pad is ticking! Let's boogie! Warp speed! We aren't gonna make it! Hang on! Michelangelo! Get outta there! Michelangelo! Michelangelo, where are you? [LAUGHS.]
Excellent! Excellent! I hate to disappoint you, but your Turtle friend is gone.
Michelangelo? We'll get you for this, Lesseau.
Michelangelo, where are you? Pete, did you see any sign of Michelangelo? Great.
Now I'm starting to talk to pigeons.
Hey, nothing to be ashamed of.
I do it all the time.
Oh, Michelangelo! You're all right.
Ithought you'd been hurt.
And you did save my life.
Oh, no problemo, Docette.
I know I'm irresistible.
But now we've got some other lives to save.
Your animals.
And your friends.
The old power plant is on the other side of this fence.
I bet that's where we start looking.
Oh, now what? What's this? That shellback is on the island.
All right! Michelangelo's alive.
I don't care how smart he is, he'll never get passed my booby-traps.
Michelangelo? Smart? Boy, has he got the wrong Turtle.
Maybe our host thinks his lily pads finished us off.
I seriously doubt it.
What is that thing? I don't think it's the welcome wagon.
Way to go, Michelangelo! Uh, I mean, excellent throw.
You're really getting into this, aren't you, Doc? Me? Definitely not.
Well, maybe a little.
What truly bugs me is how does this dude know we're here? [COOING.]
Pete! Video cameras.
So that's how they're tracking us.
Well, so what do we do now? It's too far to hit it with a rock.
Gnarly notion, micro-dude! Bravo, Pete! Oh, blast that bird! He's ruined everything! Poor guy.
Now he can't watch "Wild Kingdom.
If I could just loosen this strap.
Hey, fella? Can you help me? [SQUAWKING.]
Keep it up, fella! If I get free, we'll all be free.
That mutant misfit friend of yours is making me mad! Funny, I thought you already were mad.
Well, I have just the thing to stop him.
Get that Turtle! Anyway you can! [COOING.]
Major bummer.
There's no way we'll ever get through this door.
The logical approach would be to knock.
Oh, right.
Like, the guy's just gonna open it.
You were saying? You were saying? I was saying let's get the heck out of here! We can outrun them.
Yeah, but my compadres are inside.
We gotta help 'em! I suddenly got a wild idea.
What are you doing? Me Michelangelo.
You Jane.
I've waited the whole show to say that.
It sounds like your friends have been blasted to eternity.
Voilá! Enter my victorious robots.
Wrong answer, dude.
You should have picked door number three.
Oh! The fourth Turtle! No duh.
Tell that man what he's won, Donatello.
Right, Miche.
An all-expense paid trip the the penitentiary of your choice for a full 20 years or 240 months, whichever comes sooner.
Turtles, fight with honor! You'll never stop me, you wretched reptiles! Another one! Where does this dude do his shopping? Robots "R" Us? Raphael, hit the power switch.
Good shooting, Donatello! You win a stuffed toy.
As long as it's not a teddy bear.
Destroy the Turtles! Who said they're dumb animals? They know the good guys from the bad guys.
No! Not me, you stupid mutants! The Turtles! He's getting away! He probably has a boat stashed somewhere on the island.
Oh, these poor creatures.
Look what that awful man did to them.
I think I can figure out how to reverse the effects of this mutating device.
Great! Then we can return all these animals to normal.
The elevator's coming back down.
If it's another robot, I quit! Put me down! Ow! Ow! Thanks, Donatello.
The animals are all back to normal.
And thanks to all you Turtles.
Especially you, Michelangelo.
Hey, when it comes to animals, I go all mushy.
Well, I guess Pete is finally convinced I'm okay.
For sure! He may have the brain of a pigeon, but he's got the heart of a Turtle.

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