Temperature of Love (2017) s01e01 Episode Script
Episode 1
It's very easy to make
stir-fried noodles with seafood--
Cut! Stop.
Goodness, what's with you?
Please excuse us.
-Please make way.
You said the wrong thing.
No, I didn't.
He's right. On the script--
I told you to ignore the script.
Remember what you said when we first met?
That was good. Let's just use that.
That's my personal opinion.
And I'm saying
that I like your personal opinion.
I want the show to be real.
The writer has no idea
what it's really like.
Gosh, this is driving me nuts.
Okay, let's go.
Stir-fry the noodles again.
We'll start over
from the stir-frying part!
I may just walk out.
I'm sorry.
Let's just try shooting it one more time.
Please show us enthusiastic reactions.
-Let's do this.
-Get ready!
Everybody, be on standby.
To be honest, I don't really like
cooking simple meals.
But today--
Stop shooting.
Cut! Who was that?
Stop shooting.
This isn't based on my script.
What's with that nutcase?
-Ms. Lee.
-Stop shooting.
You can't do this here.
Please don't do this.
Do you even respect me as the writer?
How could you do this to me?
Do you even hear yourself?
We should be asking you that question.
What the hell is this about?
Did you finish writing the next script?
No, I didn't write it.
What's the point?
You don't even follow it.
This is nuts.
Are you Shakespeare or what? Are we
not even allowed to make small changes?
Writers must not think
they're above everyone else.
I understand you might want to make edits,
but you should at least tell me
which parts you changed.
If the beginning changes,
so should the end. I need to know.
You're irresponsible.
You can't just shoot without thinking.
You're the irresponsible one!
Do you think causing a scene like this
is a responsible thing to do?
You left me with no choice!
I'm exaggerating a bit,
but I've asked you 100 times.
However, nothing has changed.
You keep pushing me to the edge.
Gosh, this is why I never work
with rookie writers. What was I thinking?
My gosh, what was I thinking?
I was so driven to make my debut
that I ignored all the rumors about you.
I knew you usually change scripts,
but I didn't think you'd do it to me.
It's thanks to my edits
that you get ten percent in viewership.
We'd get ten percent
even if you left it the way it was.
You're impossible to talk to.
If you hate my work so much,
just quit the show.
Are you trying to say
that you'll get me fired?
How can I get you fired?
Gosh, I really can't talk to you.
Look who's talking.
Hey, look. Look around us now.
The staff and cast combined,
there are over 100 people here. Ask them.
Do any of you think she's right?
Even just one person?
See? Not even a single person.
Gosh, I pity myself.
I can't believe I have to work
with a writer who's like a moody teenager.
No one?
I told you. Don't even bother asking.
Get out of here.
Let us do some work, please.
All right.
I'll take responsibility
for my actions today.
It's okay.
You don't have to be responsible
for what you did when you were drunk.
There's one person.
I agree with her.
What are you doing?
You're not our staff.
Today, I am.
I ran into him again.
It had to be at a time
when I'm behaving disgracefully like this.
I never forgot about him
even for a second.
I desperately
wanted to see him again
even if it was just by chance.
My first love
that disappeared when I was 29,
the end of my youth.
Detective Kim.
What do you want?
Could you please uncuff me?
It hasn't even been 30 minutes yet.
The writer called me.
I have to know what happened.
All the other assistants left last night.
Why are you still here?
You wanted to sleep here
and even asked me to cuff you.
They're better writers than I am,
so I must work twice as hard.
I like that you're humble.
-Hurry, Detective.
-All right.
Hurry up, please.
Is Hong-a the head writer?
The person you are trying to reach
is unavailable
What's up?
Why didn't you pick up?
This is the third time I'm calling you.
You're just impatient.
You called again
as I was about to call you back.
If you're done, come meet me here.
Where are you now?
I told you. I'm at the restaurant
Kind Soup works at in Hongdae.
"Kind Soup"?
Oh, the guy who can't spell?
What's wrong with him?
Yes, the dumb guy you hate.
I never said I hate him.
I've never even met him.
He just irks me a little.
What does he do there anyway?
I told you he cooks.
How many times do I have to tell you?
I don't remember things
that I'm not interested in.
Anyway, let's eat here and chat for a bit
before the running club get-together.
The writer wants coffee.
I have to go back to the office.
Can't your boss get her own coffee?
Oh, the bus is here.
Gosh, you're so simpleminded.
You sound as if
you won the screenwriting contest.
I'd be much more excited
if I won the contest.
I'd dance in the middle of Yeouido.
You still haven't heard anything?
Shouldn't the results be out by now?
I haven't gotten a call yet.
Do you know anyone
that got a call from them?
No, not that I know of.
Thank goodness.
What if I don't make it again?
I'm so worried.
Don't be negative. It's so unlike you.
Just come meet me later.
I'll have to see.
I'll call you if I can't make it.
You'll burn out and die
if you keep that up.
Why does an assistant
have to work so hard?
You have to work hard
if you want to become anything.
Anyway, see you later.
What do you know about being a writer?
I'm sure it's not much different.
If you're here, just eat and go.
Why did you want to see me?
Because I have to talk to you.
Had you had a cell phone,
I wouldn't have come all the way here.
Why don't you have a cell phone?
This is the 21st century.
Come to Gyeongbok Palace later.
Can't you see that I'm working?
We're so busy on weekends.
Then come after you're done.
You've never met Hyeon-soo.
Right, you wouldn't know her name.
Her username is Jane.
You've chatted with her before.
I don't remember.
I'll introduce you to her.
She's fun to hang out with.
I joined the running club
for only one reason.
What's the reason?
To run. I don't want to socialize.
I made this garnish. Enjoy it and leave.
That's too thick.
How many times do I have to tell you
to slice them thinner?
Chef, may I go to the washroom quickly?
Just piss your pants.
Go. I'll do it.
Thank you.
Why did you go into the hall?
Did you want to show off
your garnish to a girl?
Do you think you can be such a stuck-up
because you studied
in France and never had to work
as an assistant?
Why aren't you answering?
Was that a question?
I thought you were talking to yourself.
You're such a prick.
You must think you're a big shot
now that you're a section chef.
Don't you know I'm your superior?
Could you look after the steak?
I have to prepare the garnish.
Hey, do you think I'm a joke?
I respect you, Chef.
But we can talk about this
after lunch servings are done.
I'm sorry if I did anything to offend you.
My gosh! Hey, are you all right?
I'm okay. I'm fine.
I told you to call it
when you're behind someone.
I clearly told you that we can get injured
if we aren't careful!
I'll make a quick trip to the hospital.
Shall I call your mother for you
and tell her not to worry?
You obviously don't know my mom at all.
She's a very strong person.
She's tough enough
to abandon her own child.
We have an announcement.
I'll get right to the point.
Find him as soon as possible.
I'll pay you as much as you want.
No problem, ma'am.
Let's see how much longer you can hide.
Oh, my goodness!
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
I'm really sorry.
Could you help me?
Of course.
Anything for a beautiful woman like you.
Please follow me.
You look very elegant.
What the heck did you do
while I was napping?
These are all useless.
I'll edit them.
Gosh, this is driving me crazy.
Don't you have any brilliant ideas?
How about pressing charges?
That's too common.
I'm sorry.
Come up with five ways
how the main character
can take revenge on the culprit.
Should we just kill the culprit?
-Kill the culprit?
-Here's your latte.
Yes, kill the culprit using
the cruelest method you can think of.
Summarize what we just discussed
and e-mail it to everyone, okay?
What was it like
to sleep in a holding cell?
Did it help you understand the culprit?
Not really.
I think my presumption
that I'd be able to understand the culprit
when I'm not even guilty of anything
was wrong to begin with.
I told you it'd be a waste of time.
It's not a waste of time.
The content of what you write shows
whether or not you've experienced it.
-Yes, absolutely.
-Look at Hyeon-soo.
I don't need to tell her what to do.
She figures it all out on her own.
I like that spirit.
Thank you.
I'll summarize what I've covered
at the police station.
All right, sounds good.
I'm going home now. I'll be back tomorrow.
-Give me my coffee.
-Oh, here.
My mother-in-law
has to visit me today of all days.
Don't get married. It's horrible.
Then we'll also work at home
and come back tomorrow.
It'll air in just a few days,
and the director's still shooting.
You girls have to be here.
Hyeon-soo, you can go home today.
She did all that work for her research.
-See you.
-Work hard.
I can't believe
we have to sleep here again.
And she gets to go home!
When is she going to write
the sixth episode?
She'll probably write it
based on our notes.
She can't write anything without us,
and yet she gets credit for everything.
Make a name for yourself if it upsets you.
We have to put up with her
until we make our debut as writers.
Could I also get the meeting minutes
e-mailed to me as well?
What's wrong? Does it bother you
that we're bad-mouthing her?
No, it's not that.
You're always quiet
when we talk behind her back.
You make us look bad.
It's because
she's used to being so polite.
If politeness was a criterion
for becoming a writer, you'd make it.
Hyeon-soo has worked
for a big company before.
She's different from us.
We can't force ourselves
to do things that we don't want to do.
I also can't do things
that I don't want to do.
I'd appreciate it
if you could be more consistent.
It's uncomfortable to be criticized
and understood at the same time.
Hyeon-soo, why are you taking it
so seriously?
We were just joking around
to relieve our stress.
My goodness, just go home.
She gave you permission to go home.
Gosh, I can't believe her.
Why does she have to talk back
to every word I say?
Is she still here? Hasn't she left yet?
Would you like anything else?
Don't mind me. I'm just waiting
for a friend who's very late.
I'll leave in ten minutes.
I'll come back to say goodbye.
Jeong-u, I'm sorry.
I'll get on my knees if you want me to.
Don't go overboard. Just sit down.
Have you eaten?
A K-pop idol is in our drama series,
you know.
We get a lot of food from his fans.
By the way, why do you suddenly
want to start a production company?
It's time for me
to spend the money I've earned.
I want to spend it well.
You're so good at figuring out
where money is.
I asked you for a list of directors.
Where is it?
I don't think you know
this industry well enough yet.
Production companies
generate most profit through writers.
Whether you'll make it or break it
depends on
how many competent writers you have.
Are there any writers
you'd like to recommend?
I'm just a production assistant.
I don't know any famous writers.
But I do know one
who comes running to me
whenever I call her.
What did she write?
She actually went to our school,
which means we're all alumni.
She quit her nice, stable job
for a low-paying writing assistant job.
Forget it. I hate those kinds of people.
Those who are reckless and unrealistic.
I like realistic dramas.
She's very smart though.
You should meet her.
I don't want to.
When will you be home? Is it really okay
to sleep wherever like that?
You'll get all messed up
before you can actually become a writer.
Get me some pads on your way home.
Buy some instant noodles
and scallions as well.
There's nothing at home.
Talk all you want. I'll go my way.
This is so yummy.
Sweet potato chips are the best.
Meet me at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
I'll give you some work.
Why isn't she replying?
I told you I won't meet her.
Oh, she just replied.
What the
Pick a date.
I suddenly want to meet her now.
You haven't even eaten yet.
Why are you making meringue?
Shouldn't we change
the recipe for the soup?
Are you trying to make consommé?
Yes, Chef.
Come up with a new dish,
a stand-alone meal.
I'll add it as a daily special.
Thank you, Chef.
Call me by my first name
when it's just us two.
Okay, Chef.
The guys here must be
giving you a hard time.
It's because you got your job through me.
It's okay. I should quit cooking
if I'm going to complain about that.
-You should take it easy today.
It'll help you come across
as more approachable.
You should befriend everyone else.
Good teamwork makes you more competent.
I don't want to force myself
to look approachable just to make friends.
My gosh.
Gosh, seriously.
I'll come see you again.
What was that about?
I was checking if you lied to me
and actually passed out
after drinking somewhere last night.
What is with you? You know I'd never
lie to you about something like that.
Right, you wouldn't.
You never know though. People change.
Why did you buy this one?
You use that one.
I needed the ones without wings.
Go get it exchanged.
Yes, who else?
You can go yourself.
Where's your share of last month's
living expenses?
It's not like I didn't pay on purpose.
I just couldn't pay.
That's why I bought the groceries.
Still, we can't call it even.
As my big sister,
you can buy me some groceries.
Then can't you pay for my living expenses
as my little sister?
No, of course not.
Food and money are two different things.
How are they different?
Also, I run all sorts of errands for you.
If we convert my labor into money,
I don't owe you anything.
You haven't made any contributions
in the past five months.
I'll go back and get the right one.
This is why
you shouldn't have quit that job.
Why leave a company
everyone's dying to work for?
She's at it again. She sure is a teacher.
I can't stand her trying to lecture me.
I can't even tell anyone about you
because I'm too embarrassed.
You're so pathetic.
Until when are you going to depend on me?
Come to your senses, please.
How much do you make per month now?
Why are you looking at me like that?
And what's that smile about?
Did you just picture
squirting this ketchup on my face?
How will you write drama scripts
when you can't even lie?
It's not too late.
Just prepare for the civil service exam.
I wonder what Mom and Dad
think of you now.
They always praised you and said
you're smart and independent.
They used to nag me to become like you.
When will you stop thinking
that they favored me over you?
When will you quit
your lame psychoanalysis?
I'll just stop talking.
What did I even expect?
Calm down. I shouldn't get mad.
She's emotionally distraught
because she just got dumped.
That's why she's obsessed with food now.
I don't need your sympathy.
I'm not obsessed with food
just because I got dumped.
I lost.
You can drink that.
How could you make me wait?
You should've gotten there first
and waited for me.
I'm a public health physician.
I came as fast as I could
all the way from Ganghwa.
It's a bit spicy. What is this?
I blended coriander powder with basil.
My brother brought the coriander
from India.
You probably made this for me,
knowing that I like this kind of taste.
I forgive you for making me wait.
Thank you.
Shall we pick up Hyeon-soo on our way?
Just be loyal to me.
I was at Jeong-seon's restaurant earlier.
How can he live without a cell phone?
What an oddball.
He's just chosen to live differently.
So? Is he coming or what?
He is coming.
He does everything I ask him to.
No, he doesn't.
He just does whatever he feels like doing.
Hence, I'm the only one
who's loyal to you.
So what? You want credit for that?
I'm just saying I'm happy about it.
What is that?
Is that a letter?
Or is it some kind of a passage?
And why is his hand bandaged up like that?
He even has a knife scar on his upper arm.
Is he a gangster?
Do I know you?
No, I don't think so. Why?
You've been staring at me for a while.
I'm sorry.
Gosh, why isn't she here yet?
You are early. You too.
-Hey, Hyeon-soo. It's been so long.
-I know.
-Hi, Jeong-seon!
What? Do the three of you know each other?
You know him too.
We've met online already.
This guy is Kind Soup.
She's Jane.
What's this? It's so fancy. Look at mine.
I can hold on to your phone.
It's okay. I don't want
to cause any inconvenience.
What are you talking about? It's nothing.
You are too independent.
Well, if you insist
All right, everyone.
Please gather over here!
As you know, today's running routes are
Gyeongbok Palace, Samcheong-dong,
Bukchon, Insa-dong,
Cheonggyecheon, Gwanghwamun,
and back to Gyeongbok Palace, okay?
After a warm-up,
we'll break into small groups.
You can group yourselves
according to your pace.
That means I can't run with you guys.
You can be kkakdugi,
the weakest one in the group.
I like kkakdugi.
I'm suddenly craving it now.
Hyeon-soo, do you want me to
make you some?
Radish from Ganghwa is so good.
-What do you say?
-I'd love that.
Goodness, look how excited you two are
over nothing.
My knees are hurting already.
My goodness.
Hyeon-soo, come on!
It'll only get harder if you take a break.
You have to keep running.
I obviously know that.
If you know that, then do it.
Keep running.
If your legs feel too heavy,
consciously try to move your arms instead.
-Like this.
-Like this?
Yes, that's it. Great.
Now, you have to go forward.
Sorry, but I can't.
Go ahead. I'll take care of myself.
Are you going to give up?
-Can't I?
-No, you can't.
I'm like a pacemaker.
I never let anyone give up.
That mindset is problematic.
It's based on how everyone
must achieve success.
You shouldn't feel guilty about giving up.
It's not good for you.
You sure have a way with words.
I love that.
Let's talk more while running.
Let's drink cold beer after this.
Gosh, that motivates me.
Yes, I can do this!
By the way,
don't run behind me.
If I run, that's because I want to run.
I didn't know places like this
still existed.
This is amazing.
Where's Hyeon-soo?
She must've fallen behind again.
I'll go look for her.
I think I know where she is.
Where am I right now?
Right, I don't have my phone on me.
How creepy.
How can someone get away with murder
at a place like this?
This is the blind spot.
After the main character
lures the culprit to this spot
Gosh, it's not here either.
-Where's the sea snail restaurant?
-My gosh, I'm sorry!
I heard it's somewhere around here.
I'm on my way home. What's up?
-Excuse me, could I--
-I'm almost home.
We're in front of Gyeongbok Palace,
but she's not here.
She didn't go home either.
What should we do?
She's so bad with directions.
She gets lost very easily.
You're quite incredible.
How did you make your way out?
Are you trying to survive?
I'll live just like you.
You're beautiful.
You're actually scared?
Gosh, you totally scared me!
It's nothing compared to
how much you scared me.
Oh, dear. Why are you all riled up?
You got me all riled up, dear.
What are you talking about?
I didn't mean it that way.
Then what exactly did you mean?
The second-person pronoun, you.
I didn't intend to connote
any sense of intimacy here.
Same here. I also used the pronoun
with no other meanings.
What is the matter with you, seriously?
Why are you all mad at me?
And why are you making fun of me?
I was so happy to see you
that I almost ran into your arms.
Do you know how scared I was?
I walked nonstop,
but I kept walking in circles.
Do you know how many times
I've been here already?
I've been looking for you for three hours.
Won-jun and Hong-a
are waiting for you too.
Can I use your phone?
I don't have one.
Why not?
Who doesn't own a cell phone these days?
I can't afford it.
Those shoes are probably more expensive
than a cell phone.
That watch looks expensive too.
We obviously have
different outlooks on money.
Let's just drop it.
Well, I do respect other people's outlooks
even if they're different from mine.
You do? Then why did you say that?
-I don't know.
-You don't know.
Gosh, you have such a strange habit.
It's not nice to pick at people's words.
Let's not criticize each other's
tastes and habits.
Well, I normally respect
others' tastes and habits.
Then why did you say that?
Let's go. Follow me.
Oh, do this too. We have to stretch
before we start running again.
Can't we just walk?
-No, we can't.
It's raining.
Speed up.
That way, you can dodge the rain.
I saw on Curious World
that you get just as wet
even when you run.
In other words, running to dodge the rain
is a foolish thing to do.
I'm a huge fan of Curious World.
I can guarantee that it's true.
Please fall for it.
Let's walk. I'm so exhausted!
Are you dumb?
If you get to your destination quicker,
you won't get as wet.
Don't you take speed
and time into consideration?
I guess Curious World
didn't teach you those things.
You're smart. You didn't fall for it.
That sounds like an insult,
coming from someone who's dumb.
How old are you? You look younger than me.
Why are you bringing up age
all of a sudden?
Do you
want me to hold your hand?
No, I don't.
I don't want to run while holding
a stranger's hand either.
Okay. Let's run, then.
One, two.
Let's go!
Gosh, it's pouring.
It's a great night to kill someone.
There are no security cameras here.
Whom do you want to kill?
It's just homework my boss gave me.
I'm a writer's assistant.
Would you go out with me?
Are you crazy?
No, I'm not.
I'm crazy for asking you out?
Yes, you must be. You can't be sane.
You hardly know me,
and yet you're asking me out.
What do I have to know?
Your age? Alma mater?
I'm 23.
I've already served in the military and--
Enough, stop.
You're young, so you may think
that looks are everything
when it comes to dating, but--
You are pretty,
but I don't ask every pretty girl out.
I can understand you're caught off guard
by this sudden proposal,
but I'm not taking this lightly.
What time is it now?
It's 12:37 a.m.
I arrived at Gyeongbok Palace
at around 7:40 p.m.,
and that's when we first met.
It's 12:37 a.m. now,
so it hasn't even been five hours yet.
Out of those five hours, we only chatted
face to face for about half an hour.
And you're saying you're serious?
It only took me a minute
to choose cooking as my vocation.
Love at first sight is all about
physical attraction. It's dangerous.
The fact that it's dangerous
makes it hard.
And because it's hard,
I can't take it lightly.
I don't agree
that it's all about physical attraction.
I guess I just don't know much.
You really have a way with words.
And I thought I was pretty good.
Had I been a bit younger,
I would've fallen for it.
Then just fall for it.
Why do you want to date me?
You said you don't date
just about any pretty girl.
My heart is drawn to you.
Why are you talking so casually?
You started it.
You're right. I did.
I didn't even realize.
Are you mad that I asked you out?
I feel like I was looked down upon.
A younger guy asked me out.
Does everyone think I'm that easy?
I guess I've hit rock bottom.
Is being older that great?
I never said that.
We can't control getting older.
I never said it could be controlled.
My gosh!
You really don't feel anything?
How can you ask someone out
when you don't even know her name?
-Jeong-seon, you found her.
-Are you okay, Hyeon-soo?
My name is On Jeong-seon.
What is your name?
I'm going to reject
your proposal.
You're soaked. My gosh.
I should be confident.
No one in this world
has the right to criticize me.
I'm so excited to be back in Korea
after such a long time.
Don't you have a family here?
I have a son.
He's the only person
who's always on my side.
Hey! The halibut is very fresh today.
What do you think?
They look good. I'll take five.
-You always get just enough for one meal.
-I'll use them for our lunch menu.
All right. Just a moment.
I'm going with your idea.
Thank you.
I love the part where he gets smacked
with the crampons and dies.
I think it'll look great.
This is only a draft.
I'll tweak it
before sending it to the director.
I don't think it needs much tweaking.
It's captivating.
It's so gratifying.
I like how cruel the revenge is.
-It's very cathartic.
But it's about the main character,
you know.
I think it's a bit too cruel.
The scene itself is entertaining,
but I think it ruins the character.
The logic of having to become
a monster to defeat a monster
is used in many movies
and dramas these days.
It'll look like
we're simply following the trend.
-You're really good at--
-This is why
you can't make it.
We're not following the trend.
We're just depicting human nature.
And that's what our drama is all about.
But up until now, the storyline
was based on the premise
that human nature is fundamentally good,
which means the main theme
has changed now.
Why is that important?
The main character is more important
than the theme.
Do I really have to spell out
every single thing
just to teach a total amateur like you?
Do I?
I'm sorry.
Is there anything new?
There's a new daily special.
Would you like to try it?
Let me taste it.
It needs a bit more seasoning.
I made it a bit bland on purpose
to bring out the taste of halibut.
It's for our VVIP customer.
He almost always eats by himself.
He doesn't want to be disturbed
while eating.
How strange. Food always tastes better
when it's shared.
Don't experiment with this dish.
Just follow the recipe.
Please respect my way of cooking.
I do respect you, but I'm saying this
because it's business.
To me, this isn't about business.
Oh, you don't need to pay today.
Why not?
You didn't even finish the food.
I guess you didn't like it.
Actually, I didn't make it myself.
I know that the new chef made it.
You knew?
It was very delicious.
He did a good job of bringing out
the original taste of halibut.
I enjoyed it.
Then why did you
Because it hurt my pride.
I found myself devouring it like a pig,
and I didn't like it.
I'll tell him that.
There's no need. I'll tell him myself.
Compliments should be delivered directly,
you know.
Gosh, how could you eat like that
after getting scolded?
Getting scolded and eating
are two separate things.
You're so approachable when you eat.
I'm always approachable.
You ladies just don't like me that much.
You don't look like a writer, Hyeon-soo.
You're pretty.
-Yes, this is she.
-Bullies beat up pretty girls.
We don't beat you up at least.
What? Really?
My gosh, thank you.
Okay, I'll be waiting for your call.
What's going on?
Hey, I'm one of the runners-up.
My gosh, I can't believe this.
-My, this is amazing.
What's going on? Did something happen?
Gi-da is one of the runners-up.
My goodness.
Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.
Thank you. I owe it all to you, Ms. Park.
No, it was all you.
I knew you'd make it this time.
Hyeon-soo, have you gotten a call?
Whose phone is it?
Another good news, maybe?
-Hyeon-soo, it's your phone.
-Hurry up. Answer it.
Why aren't you answering?
It's my sister.
She loves to bother me like this.
I'm so happy for you.
I told you not to call me out like this.
I have a favor to ask you.
I told Hyeon-soo to come here.
So what?
The results from SBC Drama
Screenwriting Contest came out today,
and she didn't get nominated,
so I want to cheer her up.
Make something spicy for her.
I saw nothing spicy on your menu.
She likes spicy food.
I think you're misunderstanding something.
I'm an employee who works here.
I can't do whatever I want to do
in the kitchen.
You can't just come in here like this.
Who gave you the passcode?
Gyeong gave it to me.
Hey, Gi-da's submission got nominated.
-Did you know?
-Move your feet.
They all went to eat. I'm going to
join them as soon as I'm done.
Hey, I saw that
you made it to the semi-finals.
Show me your script.
I'll tell you what you did wrong.
Then you'll do better on the next contest.
Please just worry about
your own career, will you?
Gosh, you're all feisty.
You must be really upset
about not getting nominated.
Don't worry.
Let me see. Abracadabra.
I foresee someone special.
What are you talking about?
Thank you.
You're so polite.
I've learned that I have to be polite
to succeed in life.
You'll make your debut as a director soon.
You should also practice being polite.
It'll really help you.
Worry about your own debut as a writer.
Just making your debut
will guarantee enough income
even if you write half-heartedly.
Thanks for such valuable information.
It's true. Writers these days
earn money so easily.
They'll write lowly dramas for money--
Writers don't make dramas alone.
Writers and directors work together
to produce whatever drama they make.
Are certain genres considered better?
Does it have to deal with
social corruption to be taken seriously?
I don't think you really deserve
to say that.
You can't write melodramas.
That's why I'm struggling
to make my debut.
I've failed to read the trend
that has been passed down for centuries.
I've never felt this ignored in my life.
I'm sorry, Jeong-u.
We get like this whenever we meet.
You're making it sound
as if we're super close.
You must like to be precise.
Then you must like accuracy too.
You should work with us. No, actually
Work with me.
But why?
What do you mean?
You should accept it right away.
You're just a writer's assistant.
You should be grateful.
Just because I'm a mere assistant
doesn't mean I should accept
any offer that comes my way.
I have an appointment.
It was nice meeting you.
Sorry, I don't feel comfortable enough
to shake your hand.
Hey, wait.
I'm sorry, Jeong-u.
She'll become a writer.
She's rude enough to be one.
Hyeon-soo, you made it!
It's nice here.
This is the most popular restaurant
in Hongdae.
What would you like?
29,000 WON
STEAK 55,000 WON
It's too expensive.
They're French dishes.
You're a writer.
You should try food like this.
You ate something already, right?
Yes, I had a salad.
Then let's leave now. I'll bring you here
when I win the contest.
Hyeon-soo, have you forgotten
that my parents are rich?
How could I ever forget that?
Anyway, I want to eat here
when I can afford to treat you.
Where are we going?
I'll tell Jeong-seon to join us.
Don't forget your purse.
Years go by
Come out already,
or I'm going to leave.
I feel much better
now that I've had some spicy food.
My head feels clear.
Why isn't Jeong-seon coming?
Let's go now.
Some guy has been waiting for you.
I'm sorry, Hyeon-soo.
My plan was to drink with you
all night long.
What's our total?
-No way. I'll pay.
-It's 30,000 won.
Here you go. Keep the change.
-Are you going home?
-Oh, you're here.
Hyeon-soo, where are you going?
You should go this way.
Isn't it that way?
No, it's this way.
She's terrible with directions.
All right, guys. I'll be off, then.
-Bye, Hyeon-soo.
Bye, Jeong-seon. See you.
Where do you live?
Why do you ask?
Don't be scared.
I won't ask you out again.
Who's scared?
How do you get home from here?
Let me see. I'm in Yeouido now,
and I live in Yeonnam-dong.
I have to take the bus over there.
You have to go to the other side
to take the bus to Yeonnam-dong.
You're wrong. It's over there.
I may be bad with directions,
but I've been coming here for years.
I certainly know my way home from here.
I also live in Yeonnam-dong.
I'm sorry.
I don't give up until I'm proven wrong.
I'm the same way.
My name is Lee Hyeon-soo.
It sounds like a boy's name, right?
I'm On Jeong-seon.
It sounds like a girl's name, right?
You told me your name the other day.
I know.
But this is a new start.
I guess you can get over someone
quite easily.
If I don't, I can't move on.
When I quit my job,
I thought I'd be able to make my debut
as a writer quickly.
I totally underestimated life.
I had never failed any tests.
I love Yeouido.
I said that I'll dance in Yeouido Park
when I win the screenwriting contest,
but I don't think
I'll have a chance to do that.
I feel as if I'm a moth
flying into fire,
fully knowing it could die.
But you know what?
Even if I'll die,
I still want to go into the fire.
What are you doing?
What do you think I'll do?
I didn't hear from you,
so I assumed you couldn't find him.
So, you found his bank details.
That's a progress.
Please speed things up.
I miss my son.
Why did you bring me here?
You should practice the dance you'll do
when you win the contest.
You're really crazy.
Let's eat together.
We're going all the way to Beolgyo
to have cockles?
How can you take a day off
when the drama is in season?
I've never seen anyone so evil
in my ten years of writing.
Hand Hyeon-soo her belongings.
As much as I would like to accept this,
it's too much.
And my appreciation is much bigger.
-Give me money.
-Get out of my house.
Who is she? Who's turned you like this?
I want to kiss you.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
It's very easy to make
stir-fried noodles with seafood--
Cut! Stop.
Goodness, what's with you?
Please excuse us.
-Please make way.
You said the wrong thing.
No, I didn't.
He's right. On the script--
I told you to ignore the script.
Remember what you said when we first met?
That was good. Let's just use that.
That's my personal opinion.
And I'm saying
that I like your personal opinion.
I want the show to be real.
The writer has no idea
what it's really like.
Gosh, this is driving me nuts.
Okay, let's go.
Stir-fry the noodles again.
We'll start over
from the stir-frying part!
I may just walk out.
I'm sorry.
Let's just try shooting it one more time.
Please show us enthusiastic reactions.
-Let's do this.
-Get ready!
Everybody, be on standby.
To be honest, I don't really like
cooking simple meals.
But today--
Stop shooting.
Cut! Who was that?
Stop shooting.
This isn't based on my script.
What's with that nutcase?
-Ms. Lee.
-Stop shooting.
You can't do this here.
Please don't do this.
Do you even respect me as the writer?
How could you do this to me?
Do you even hear yourself?
We should be asking you that question.
What the hell is this about?
Did you finish writing the next script?
No, I didn't write it.
What's the point?
You don't even follow it.
This is nuts.
Are you Shakespeare or what? Are we
not even allowed to make small changes?
Writers must not think
they're above everyone else.
I understand you might want to make edits,
but you should at least tell me
which parts you changed.
If the beginning changes,
so should the end. I need to know.
You're irresponsible.
You can't just shoot without thinking.
You're the irresponsible one!
Do you think causing a scene like this
is a responsible thing to do?
You left me with no choice!
I'm exaggerating a bit,
but I've asked you 100 times.
However, nothing has changed.
You keep pushing me to the edge.
Gosh, this is why I never work
with rookie writers. What was I thinking?
My gosh, what was I thinking?
I was so driven to make my debut
that I ignored all the rumors about you.
I knew you usually change scripts,
but I didn't think you'd do it to me.
It's thanks to my edits
that you get ten percent in viewership.
We'd get ten percent
even if you left it the way it was.
You're impossible to talk to.
If you hate my work so much,
just quit the show.
Are you trying to say
that you'll get me fired?
How can I get you fired?
Gosh, I really can't talk to you.
Look who's talking.
Hey, look. Look around us now.
The staff and cast combined,
there are over 100 people here. Ask them.
Do any of you think she's right?
Even just one person?
See? Not even a single person.
Gosh, I pity myself.
I can't believe I have to work
with a writer who's like a moody teenager.
No one?
I told you. Don't even bother asking.
Get out of here.
Let us do some work, please.
All right.
I'll take responsibility
for my actions today.
It's okay.
You don't have to be responsible
for what you did when you were drunk.
There's one person.
I agree with her.
What are you doing?
You're not our staff.
Today, I am.
I ran into him again.
It had to be at a time
when I'm behaving disgracefully like this.
I never forgot about him
even for a second.
I desperately
wanted to see him again
even if it was just by chance.
My first love
that disappeared when I was 29,
the end of my youth.
Detective Kim.
What do you want?
Could you please uncuff me?
It hasn't even been 30 minutes yet.
The writer called me.
I have to know what happened.
All the other assistants left last night.
Why are you still here?
You wanted to sleep here
and even asked me to cuff you.
They're better writers than I am,
so I must work twice as hard.
I like that you're humble.
-Hurry, Detective.
-All right.
Hurry up, please.
Is Hong-a the head writer?
The person you are trying to reach
is unavailable
What's up?
Why didn't you pick up?
This is the third time I'm calling you.
You're just impatient.
You called again
as I was about to call you back.
If you're done, come meet me here.
Where are you now?
I told you. I'm at the restaurant
Kind Soup works at in Hongdae.
"Kind Soup"?
Oh, the guy who can't spell?
What's wrong with him?
Yes, the dumb guy you hate.
I never said I hate him.
I've never even met him.
He just irks me a little.
What does he do there anyway?
I told you he cooks.
How many times do I have to tell you?
I don't remember things
that I'm not interested in.
Anyway, let's eat here and chat for a bit
before the running club get-together.
The writer wants coffee.
I have to go back to the office.
Can't your boss get her own coffee?
Oh, the bus is here.
Gosh, you're so simpleminded.
You sound as if
you won the screenwriting contest.
I'd be much more excited
if I won the contest.
I'd dance in the middle of Yeouido.
You still haven't heard anything?
Shouldn't the results be out by now?
I haven't gotten a call yet.
Do you know anyone
that got a call from them?
No, not that I know of.
Thank goodness.
What if I don't make it again?
I'm so worried.
Don't be negative. It's so unlike you.
Just come meet me later.
I'll have to see.
I'll call you if I can't make it.
You'll burn out and die
if you keep that up.
Why does an assistant
have to work so hard?
You have to work hard
if you want to become anything.
Anyway, see you later.
What do you know about being a writer?
I'm sure it's not much different.
If you're here, just eat and go.
Why did you want to see me?
Because I have to talk to you.
Had you had a cell phone,
I wouldn't have come all the way here.
Why don't you have a cell phone?
This is the 21st century.
Come to Gyeongbok Palace later.
Can't you see that I'm working?
We're so busy on weekends.
Then come after you're done.
You've never met Hyeon-soo.
Right, you wouldn't know her name.
Her username is Jane.
You've chatted with her before.
I don't remember.
I'll introduce you to her.
She's fun to hang out with.
I joined the running club
for only one reason.
What's the reason?
To run. I don't want to socialize.
I made this garnish. Enjoy it and leave.
That's too thick.
How many times do I have to tell you
to slice them thinner?
Chef, may I go to the washroom quickly?
Just piss your pants.
Go. I'll do it.
Thank you.
Why did you go into the hall?
Did you want to show off
your garnish to a girl?
Do you think you can be such a stuck-up
because you studied
in France and never had to work
as an assistant?
Why aren't you answering?
Was that a question?
I thought you were talking to yourself.
You're such a prick.
You must think you're a big shot
now that you're a section chef.
Don't you know I'm your superior?
Could you look after the steak?
I have to prepare the garnish.
Hey, do you think I'm a joke?
I respect you, Chef.
But we can talk about this
after lunch servings are done.
I'm sorry if I did anything to offend you.
My gosh! Hey, are you all right?
I'm okay. I'm fine.
I told you to call it
when you're behind someone.
I clearly told you that we can get injured
if we aren't careful!
I'll make a quick trip to the hospital.
Shall I call your mother for you
and tell her not to worry?
You obviously don't know my mom at all.
She's a very strong person.
She's tough enough
to abandon her own child.
We have an announcement.
I'll get right to the point.
Find him as soon as possible.
I'll pay you as much as you want.
No problem, ma'am.
Let's see how much longer you can hide.
Oh, my goodness!
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
I'm really sorry.
Could you help me?
Of course.
Anything for a beautiful woman like you.
Please follow me.
You look very elegant.
What the heck did you do
while I was napping?
These are all useless.
I'll edit them.
Gosh, this is driving me crazy.
Don't you have any brilliant ideas?
How about pressing charges?
That's too common.
I'm sorry.
Come up with five ways
how the main character
can take revenge on the culprit.
Should we just kill the culprit?
-Kill the culprit?
-Here's your latte.
Yes, kill the culprit using
the cruelest method you can think of.
Summarize what we just discussed
and e-mail it to everyone, okay?
What was it like
to sleep in a holding cell?
Did it help you understand the culprit?
Not really.
I think my presumption
that I'd be able to understand the culprit
when I'm not even guilty of anything
was wrong to begin with.
I told you it'd be a waste of time.
It's not a waste of time.
The content of what you write shows
whether or not you've experienced it.
-Yes, absolutely.
-Look at Hyeon-soo.
I don't need to tell her what to do.
She figures it all out on her own.
I like that spirit.
Thank you.
I'll summarize what I've covered
at the police station.
All right, sounds good.
I'm going home now. I'll be back tomorrow.
-Give me my coffee.
-Oh, here.
My mother-in-law
has to visit me today of all days.
Don't get married. It's horrible.
Then we'll also work at home
and come back tomorrow.
It'll air in just a few days,
and the director's still shooting.
You girls have to be here.
Hyeon-soo, you can go home today.
She did all that work for her research.
-See you.
-Work hard.
I can't believe
we have to sleep here again.
And she gets to go home!
When is she going to write
the sixth episode?
She'll probably write it
based on our notes.
She can't write anything without us,
and yet she gets credit for everything.
Make a name for yourself if it upsets you.
We have to put up with her
until we make our debut as writers.
Could I also get the meeting minutes
e-mailed to me as well?
What's wrong? Does it bother you
that we're bad-mouthing her?
No, it's not that.
You're always quiet
when we talk behind her back.
You make us look bad.
It's because
she's used to being so polite.
If politeness was a criterion
for becoming a writer, you'd make it.
Hyeon-soo has worked
for a big company before.
She's different from us.
We can't force ourselves
to do things that we don't want to do.
I also can't do things
that I don't want to do.
I'd appreciate it
if you could be more consistent.
It's uncomfortable to be criticized
and understood at the same time.
Hyeon-soo, why are you taking it
so seriously?
We were just joking around
to relieve our stress.
My goodness, just go home.
She gave you permission to go home.
Gosh, I can't believe her.
Why does she have to talk back
to every word I say?
Is she still here? Hasn't she left yet?
Would you like anything else?
Don't mind me. I'm just waiting
for a friend who's very late.
I'll leave in ten minutes.
I'll come back to say goodbye.
Jeong-u, I'm sorry.
I'll get on my knees if you want me to.
Don't go overboard. Just sit down.
Have you eaten?
A K-pop idol is in our drama series,
you know.
We get a lot of food from his fans.
By the way, why do you suddenly
want to start a production company?
It's time for me
to spend the money I've earned.
I want to spend it well.
You're so good at figuring out
where money is.
I asked you for a list of directors.
Where is it?
I don't think you know
this industry well enough yet.
Production companies
generate most profit through writers.
Whether you'll make it or break it
depends on
how many competent writers you have.
Are there any writers
you'd like to recommend?
I'm just a production assistant.
I don't know any famous writers.
But I do know one
who comes running to me
whenever I call her.
What did she write?
She actually went to our school,
which means we're all alumni.
She quit her nice, stable job
for a low-paying writing assistant job.
Forget it. I hate those kinds of people.
Those who are reckless and unrealistic.
I like realistic dramas.
She's very smart though.
You should meet her.
I don't want to.
When will you be home? Is it really okay
to sleep wherever like that?
You'll get all messed up
before you can actually become a writer.
Get me some pads on your way home.
Buy some instant noodles
and scallions as well.
There's nothing at home.
Talk all you want. I'll go my way.
This is so yummy.
Sweet potato chips are the best.
Meet me at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
I'll give you some work.
Why isn't she replying?
I told you I won't meet her.
Oh, she just replied.
What the
Pick a date.
I suddenly want to meet her now.
You haven't even eaten yet.
Why are you making meringue?
Shouldn't we change
the recipe for the soup?
Are you trying to make consommé?
Yes, Chef.
Come up with a new dish,
a stand-alone meal.
I'll add it as a daily special.
Thank you, Chef.
Call me by my first name
when it's just us two.
Okay, Chef.
The guys here must be
giving you a hard time.
It's because you got your job through me.
It's okay. I should quit cooking
if I'm going to complain about that.
-You should take it easy today.
It'll help you come across
as more approachable.
You should befriend everyone else.
Good teamwork makes you more competent.
I don't want to force myself
to look approachable just to make friends.
My gosh.
Gosh, seriously.
I'll come see you again.
What was that about?
I was checking if you lied to me
and actually passed out
after drinking somewhere last night.
What is with you? You know I'd never
lie to you about something like that.
Right, you wouldn't.
You never know though. People change.
Why did you buy this one?
You use that one.
I needed the ones without wings.
Go get it exchanged.
Yes, who else?
You can go yourself.
Where's your share of last month's
living expenses?
It's not like I didn't pay on purpose.
I just couldn't pay.
That's why I bought the groceries.
Still, we can't call it even.
As my big sister,
you can buy me some groceries.
Then can't you pay for my living expenses
as my little sister?
No, of course not.
Food and money are two different things.
How are they different?
Also, I run all sorts of errands for you.
If we convert my labor into money,
I don't owe you anything.
You haven't made any contributions
in the past five months.
I'll go back and get the right one.
This is why
you shouldn't have quit that job.
Why leave a company
everyone's dying to work for?
She's at it again. She sure is a teacher.
I can't stand her trying to lecture me.
I can't even tell anyone about you
because I'm too embarrassed.
You're so pathetic.
Until when are you going to depend on me?
Come to your senses, please.
How much do you make per month now?
Why are you looking at me like that?
And what's that smile about?
Did you just picture
squirting this ketchup on my face?
How will you write drama scripts
when you can't even lie?
It's not too late.
Just prepare for the civil service exam.
I wonder what Mom and Dad
think of you now.
They always praised you and said
you're smart and independent.
They used to nag me to become like you.
When will you stop thinking
that they favored me over you?
When will you quit
your lame psychoanalysis?
I'll just stop talking.
What did I even expect?
Calm down. I shouldn't get mad.
She's emotionally distraught
because she just got dumped.
That's why she's obsessed with food now.
I don't need your sympathy.
I'm not obsessed with food
just because I got dumped.
I lost.
You can drink that.
How could you make me wait?
You should've gotten there first
and waited for me.
I'm a public health physician.
I came as fast as I could
all the way from Ganghwa.
It's a bit spicy. What is this?
I blended coriander powder with basil.
My brother brought the coriander
from India.
You probably made this for me,
knowing that I like this kind of taste.
I forgive you for making me wait.
Thank you.
Shall we pick up Hyeon-soo on our way?
Just be loyal to me.
I was at Jeong-seon's restaurant earlier.
How can he live without a cell phone?
What an oddball.
He's just chosen to live differently.
So? Is he coming or what?
He is coming.
He does everything I ask him to.
No, he doesn't.
He just does whatever he feels like doing.
Hence, I'm the only one
who's loyal to you.
So what? You want credit for that?
I'm just saying I'm happy about it.
What is that?
Is that a letter?
Or is it some kind of a passage?
And why is his hand bandaged up like that?
He even has a knife scar on his upper arm.
Is he a gangster?
Do I know you?
No, I don't think so. Why?
You've been staring at me for a while.
I'm sorry.
Gosh, why isn't she here yet?
You are early. You too.
-Hey, Hyeon-soo. It's been so long.
-I know.
-Hi, Jeong-seon!
What? Do the three of you know each other?
You know him too.
We've met online already.
This guy is Kind Soup.
She's Jane.
What's this? It's so fancy. Look at mine.
I can hold on to your phone.
It's okay. I don't want
to cause any inconvenience.
What are you talking about? It's nothing.
You are too independent.
Well, if you insist
All right, everyone.
Please gather over here!
As you know, today's running routes are
Gyeongbok Palace, Samcheong-dong,
Bukchon, Insa-dong,
Cheonggyecheon, Gwanghwamun,
and back to Gyeongbok Palace, okay?
After a warm-up,
we'll break into small groups.
You can group yourselves
according to your pace.
That means I can't run with you guys.
You can be kkakdugi,
the weakest one in the group.
I like kkakdugi.
I'm suddenly craving it now.
Hyeon-soo, do you want me to
make you some?
Radish from Ganghwa is so good.
-What do you say?
-I'd love that.
Goodness, look how excited you two are
over nothing.
My knees are hurting already.
My goodness.
Hyeon-soo, come on!
It'll only get harder if you take a break.
You have to keep running.
I obviously know that.
If you know that, then do it.
Keep running.
If your legs feel too heavy,
consciously try to move your arms instead.
-Like this.
-Like this?
Yes, that's it. Great.
Now, you have to go forward.
Sorry, but I can't.
Go ahead. I'll take care of myself.
Are you going to give up?
-Can't I?
-No, you can't.
I'm like a pacemaker.
I never let anyone give up.
That mindset is problematic.
It's based on how everyone
must achieve success.
You shouldn't feel guilty about giving up.
It's not good for you.
You sure have a way with words.
I love that.
Let's talk more while running.
Let's drink cold beer after this.
Gosh, that motivates me.
Yes, I can do this!
By the way,
don't run behind me.
If I run, that's because I want to run.
I didn't know places like this
still existed.
This is amazing.
Where's Hyeon-soo?
She must've fallen behind again.
I'll go look for her.
I think I know where she is.
Where am I right now?
Right, I don't have my phone on me.
How creepy.
How can someone get away with murder
at a place like this?
This is the blind spot.
After the main character
lures the culprit to this spot
Gosh, it's not here either.
-Where's the sea snail restaurant?
-My gosh, I'm sorry!
I heard it's somewhere around here.
I'm on my way home. What's up?
-Excuse me, could I--
-I'm almost home.
We're in front of Gyeongbok Palace,
but she's not here.
She didn't go home either.
What should we do?
She's so bad with directions.
She gets lost very easily.
You're quite incredible.
How did you make your way out?
Are you trying to survive?
I'll live just like you.
You're beautiful.
You're actually scared?
Gosh, you totally scared me!
It's nothing compared to
how much you scared me.
Oh, dear. Why are you all riled up?
You got me all riled up, dear.
What are you talking about?
I didn't mean it that way.
Then what exactly did you mean?
The second-person pronoun, you.
I didn't intend to connote
any sense of intimacy here.
Same here. I also used the pronoun
with no other meanings.
What is the matter with you, seriously?
Why are you all mad at me?
And why are you making fun of me?
I was so happy to see you
that I almost ran into your arms.
Do you know how scared I was?
I walked nonstop,
but I kept walking in circles.
Do you know how many times
I've been here already?
I've been looking for you for three hours.
Won-jun and Hong-a
are waiting for you too.
Can I use your phone?
I don't have one.
Why not?
Who doesn't own a cell phone these days?
I can't afford it.
Those shoes are probably more expensive
than a cell phone.
That watch looks expensive too.
We obviously have
different outlooks on money.
Let's just drop it.
Well, I do respect other people's outlooks
even if they're different from mine.
You do? Then why did you say that?
-I don't know.
-You don't know.
Gosh, you have such a strange habit.
It's not nice to pick at people's words.
Let's not criticize each other's
tastes and habits.
Well, I normally respect
others' tastes and habits.
Then why did you say that?
Let's go. Follow me.
Oh, do this too. We have to stretch
before we start running again.
Can't we just walk?
-No, we can't.
It's raining.
Speed up.
That way, you can dodge the rain.
I saw on Curious World
that you get just as wet
even when you run.
In other words, running to dodge the rain
is a foolish thing to do.
I'm a huge fan of Curious World.
I can guarantee that it's true.
Please fall for it.
Let's walk. I'm so exhausted!
Are you dumb?
If you get to your destination quicker,
you won't get as wet.
Don't you take speed
and time into consideration?
I guess Curious World
didn't teach you those things.
You're smart. You didn't fall for it.
That sounds like an insult,
coming from someone who's dumb.
How old are you? You look younger than me.
Why are you bringing up age
all of a sudden?
Do you
want me to hold your hand?
No, I don't.
I don't want to run while holding
a stranger's hand either.
Okay. Let's run, then.
One, two.
Let's go!
Gosh, it's pouring.
It's a great night to kill someone.
There are no security cameras here.
Whom do you want to kill?
It's just homework my boss gave me.
I'm a writer's assistant.
Would you go out with me?
Are you crazy?
No, I'm not.
I'm crazy for asking you out?
Yes, you must be. You can't be sane.
You hardly know me,
and yet you're asking me out.
What do I have to know?
Your age? Alma mater?
I'm 23.
I've already served in the military and--
Enough, stop.
You're young, so you may think
that looks are everything
when it comes to dating, but--
You are pretty,
but I don't ask every pretty girl out.
I can understand you're caught off guard
by this sudden proposal,
but I'm not taking this lightly.
What time is it now?
It's 12:37 a.m.
I arrived at Gyeongbok Palace
at around 7:40 p.m.,
and that's when we first met.
It's 12:37 a.m. now,
so it hasn't even been five hours yet.
Out of those five hours, we only chatted
face to face for about half an hour.
And you're saying you're serious?
It only took me a minute
to choose cooking as my vocation.
Love at first sight is all about
physical attraction. It's dangerous.
The fact that it's dangerous
makes it hard.
And because it's hard,
I can't take it lightly.
I don't agree
that it's all about physical attraction.
I guess I just don't know much.
You really have a way with words.
And I thought I was pretty good.
Had I been a bit younger,
I would've fallen for it.
Then just fall for it.
Why do you want to date me?
You said you don't date
just about any pretty girl.
My heart is drawn to you.
Why are you talking so casually?
You started it.
You're right. I did.
I didn't even realize.
Are you mad that I asked you out?
I feel like I was looked down upon.
A younger guy asked me out.
Does everyone think I'm that easy?
I guess I've hit rock bottom.
Is being older that great?
I never said that.
We can't control getting older.
I never said it could be controlled.
My gosh!
You really don't feel anything?
How can you ask someone out
when you don't even know her name?
-Jeong-seon, you found her.
-Are you okay, Hyeon-soo?
My name is On Jeong-seon.
What is your name?
I'm going to reject
your proposal.
You're soaked. My gosh.
I should be confident.
No one in this world
has the right to criticize me.
I'm so excited to be back in Korea
after such a long time.
Don't you have a family here?
I have a son.
He's the only person
who's always on my side.
Hey! The halibut is very fresh today.
What do you think?
They look good. I'll take five.
-You always get just enough for one meal.
-I'll use them for our lunch menu.
All right. Just a moment.
I'm going with your idea.
Thank you.
I love the part where he gets smacked
with the crampons and dies.
I think it'll look great.
This is only a draft.
I'll tweak it
before sending it to the director.
I don't think it needs much tweaking.
It's captivating.
It's so gratifying.
I like how cruel the revenge is.
-It's very cathartic.
But it's about the main character,
you know.
I think it's a bit too cruel.
The scene itself is entertaining,
but I think it ruins the character.
The logic of having to become
a monster to defeat a monster
is used in many movies
and dramas these days.
It'll look like
we're simply following the trend.
-You're really good at--
-This is why
you can't make it.
We're not following the trend.
We're just depicting human nature.
And that's what our drama is all about.
But up until now, the storyline
was based on the premise
that human nature is fundamentally good,
which means the main theme
has changed now.
Why is that important?
The main character is more important
than the theme.
Do I really have to spell out
every single thing
just to teach a total amateur like you?
Do I?
I'm sorry.
Is there anything new?
There's a new daily special.
Would you like to try it?
Let me taste it.
It needs a bit more seasoning.
I made it a bit bland on purpose
to bring out the taste of halibut.
It's for our VVIP customer.
He almost always eats by himself.
He doesn't want to be disturbed
while eating.
How strange. Food always tastes better
when it's shared.
Don't experiment with this dish.
Just follow the recipe.
Please respect my way of cooking.
I do respect you, but I'm saying this
because it's business.
To me, this isn't about business.
Oh, you don't need to pay today.
Why not?
You didn't even finish the food.
I guess you didn't like it.
Actually, I didn't make it myself.
I know that the new chef made it.
You knew?
It was very delicious.
He did a good job of bringing out
the original taste of halibut.
I enjoyed it.
Then why did you
Because it hurt my pride.
I found myself devouring it like a pig,
and I didn't like it.
I'll tell him that.
There's no need. I'll tell him myself.
Compliments should be delivered directly,
you know.
Gosh, how could you eat like that
after getting scolded?
Getting scolded and eating
are two separate things.
You're so approachable when you eat.
I'm always approachable.
You ladies just don't like me that much.
You don't look like a writer, Hyeon-soo.
You're pretty.
-Yes, this is she.
-Bullies beat up pretty girls.
We don't beat you up at least.
What? Really?
My gosh, thank you.
Okay, I'll be waiting for your call.
What's going on?
Hey, I'm one of the runners-up.
My gosh, I can't believe this.
-My, this is amazing.
What's going on? Did something happen?
Gi-da is one of the runners-up.
My goodness.
Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.
Thank you. I owe it all to you, Ms. Park.
No, it was all you.
I knew you'd make it this time.
Hyeon-soo, have you gotten a call?
Whose phone is it?
Another good news, maybe?
-Hyeon-soo, it's your phone.
-Hurry up. Answer it.
Why aren't you answering?
It's my sister.
She loves to bother me like this.
I'm so happy for you.
I told you not to call me out like this.
I have a favor to ask you.
I told Hyeon-soo to come here.
So what?
The results from SBC Drama
Screenwriting Contest came out today,
and she didn't get nominated,
so I want to cheer her up.
Make something spicy for her.
I saw nothing spicy on your menu.
She likes spicy food.
I think you're misunderstanding something.
I'm an employee who works here.
I can't do whatever I want to do
in the kitchen.
You can't just come in here like this.
Who gave you the passcode?
Gyeong gave it to me.
Hey, Gi-da's submission got nominated.
-Did you know?
-Move your feet.
They all went to eat. I'm going to
join them as soon as I'm done.
Hey, I saw that
you made it to the semi-finals.
Show me your script.
I'll tell you what you did wrong.
Then you'll do better on the next contest.
Please just worry about
your own career, will you?
Gosh, you're all feisty.
You must be really upset
about not getting nominated.
Don't worry.
Let me see. Abracadabra.
I foresee someone special.
What are you talking about?
Thank you.
You're so polite.
I've learned that I have to be polite
to succeed in life.
You'll make your debut as a director soon.
You should also practice being polite.
It'll really help you.
Worry about your own debut as a writer.
Just making your debut
will guarantee enough income
even if you write half-heartedly.
Thanks for such valuable information.
It's true. Writers these days
earn money so easily.
They'll write lowly dramas for money--
Writers don't make dramas alone.
Writers and directors work together
to produce whatever drama they make.
Are certain genres considered better?
Does it have to deal with
social corruption to be taken seriously?
I don't think you really deserve
to say that.
You can't write melodramas.
That's why I'm struggling
to make my debut.
I've failed to read the trend
that has been passed down for centuries.
I've never felt this ignored in my life.
I'm sorry, Jeong-u.
We get like this whenever we meet.
You're making it sound
as if we're super close.
You must like to be precise.
Then you must like accuracy too.
You should work with us. No, actually
Work with me.
But why?
What do you mean?
You should accept it right away.
You're just a writer's assistant.
You should be grateful.
Just because I'm a mere assistant
doesn't mean I should accept
any offer that comes my way.
I have an appointment.
It was nice meeting you.
Sorry, I don't feel comfortable enough
to shake your hand.
Hey, wait.
I'm sorry, Jeong-u.
She'll become a writer.
She's rude enough to be one.
Hyeon-soo, you made it!
It's nice here.
This is the most popular restaurant
in Hongdae.
What would you like?
29,000 WON
STEAK 55,000 WON
It's too expensive.
They're French dishes.
You're a writer.
You should try food like this.
You ate something already, right?
Yes, I had a salad.
Then let's leave now. I'll bring you here
when I win the contest.
Hyeon-soo, have you forgotten
that my parents are rich?
How could I ever forget that?
Anyway, I want to eat here
when I can afford to treat you.
Where are we going?
I'll tell Jeong-seon to join us.
Don't forget your purse.
Years go by
Come out already,
or I'm going to leave.
I feel much better
now that I've had some spicy food.
My head feels clear.
Why isn't Jeong-seon coming?
Let's go now.
Some guy has been waiting for you.
I'm sorry, Hyeon-soo.
My plan was to drink with you
all night long.
What's our total?
-No way. I'll pay.
-It's 30,000 won.
Here you go. Keep the change.
-Are you going home?
-Oh, you're here.
Hyeon-soo, where are you going?
You should go this way.
Isn't it that way?
No, it's this way.
She's terrible with directions.
All right, guys. I'll be off, then.
-Bye, Hyeon-soo.
Bye, Jeong-seon. See you.
Where do you live?
Why do you ask?
Don't be scared.
I won't ask you out again.
Who's scared?
How do you get home from here?
Let me see. I'm in Yeouido now,
and I live in Yeonnam-dong.
I have to take the bus over there.
You have to go to the other side
to take the bus to Yeonnam-dong.
You're wrong. It's over there.
I may be bad with directions,
but I've been coming here for years.
I certainly know my way home from here.
I also live in Yeonnam-dong.
I'm sorry.
I don't give up until I'm proven wrong.
I'm the same way.
My name is Lee Hyeon-soo.
It sounds like a boy's name, right?
I'm On Jeong-seon.
It sounds like a girl's name, right?
You told me your name the other day.
I know.
But this is a new start.
I guess you can get over someone
quite easily.
If I don't, I can't move on.
When I quit my job,
I thought I'd be able to make my debut
as a writer quickly.
I totally underestimated life.
I had never failed any tests.
I love Yeouido.
I said that I'll dance in Yeouido Park
when I win the screenwriting contest,
but I don't think
I'll have a chance to do that.
I feel as if I'm a moth
flying into fire,
fully knowing it could die.
But you know what?
Even if I'll die,
I still want to go into the fire.
What are you doing?
What do you think I'll do?
I didn't hear from you,
so I assumed you couldn't find him.
So, you found his bank details.
That's a progress.
Please speed things up.
I miss my son.
Why did you bring me here?
You should practice the dance you'll do
when you win the contest.
You're really crazy.
Let's eat together.
We're going all the way to Beolgyo
to have cockles?
How can you take a day off
when the drama is in season?
I've never seen anyone so evil
in my ten years of writing.
Hand Hyeon-soo her belongings.
As much as I would like to accept this,
it's too much.
And my appreciation is much bigger.
-Give me money.
-Get out of my house.
Who is she? Who's turned you like this?
I want to kiss you.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee