Temperature of Love (2017) s01e02 Episode Script
Episode 2
Let's not hold hands.
Did it bother you? I thought
you didn't even think of me as a man.
Did you get upset that I rejected you?
Of course. Who wouldn't be upset
after getting rejected?
You were actually serious about it.
And you took me very lightly.
You really talk back to every word I say.
You really never let me
have the last word.
Let me make this clear.
I'm not the type who clings onto
a woman who already rejected me.
I like that about you.
Follow me.
Why did you bring me here?
Give me your cell phone.
You need to unlock it for me.
Do you even know how to use a cell phone?
I'm hinting a tone of condescension there.
What do you think?
What do you mean?
Is this suitable for you
to dance along to?
What is this about dancing
all of a sudden?
You should practice the dance you'll do
when you win the contest.
-You're really crazy.
-Haven't you lost your mind yet?
How will you succeed with
such a sane mind?
Who said I'm sane? I've lost my mind too.
But I'm still not going to dance.
This is where I live.
I have to go that way.
Bye. Thank you for today.
What are you thankful for?
Well, I don't know.
What am I thankful for?
I should go now.
You helped cheer me up.
You should get home now.
I'm not going to.
Where are you going? Make me
breakfast before I head off to work.
Don't you even feel sorry
about living off of the money
that your younger sister makes?
Even a worm will turn.
I want breakfast!
My gosh, we're out of rice again.
My goodness.
Be careful.
You'll get trash on my clothes.
-Why is the dumpster
in front of our place?
Because it's the most comfortable spot
for our neighbors and garbage collectors.
If our house belonged to a congressman,
no one would even dare to put trash here.
That's what you call the NIMBY syndrome.
You should be considerate
of your neighbors
even if that means you have to
go through inconvenience.
"That's what you call the NIMBY syndrome."
Don't try to lecture me.
This is exactly why you're never
able to win a writing contest.
How will you write when you can't
understand other people's feelings?
You need a beating.
I've been putting up with you until now.
I let you humiliate me because
I can't pay for our living expenses.
But that's not going to happen anymore.
What are you going to do then?
I know you very well.
I know what you fear the most.
You care so much about keeping face,
let me teach you a lesson today.
My gosh, stop it. Let go of me.
Hey, stop it. Gosh, okay. Stop it.
People are watching.
They should.
I'm doing this so people would watch us.
Hello. This is my sister,
and she's a school teacher.
You little brat!
Hey, let go of me.
-You let go first.
-I said, let go.
Let go of my hair.
If you're an older sister,
you should act like one.
How could you do this to me?
That's why you shouldn't
have messed with me.
I have nothing to lose.
I don't care about what other people
She's my sister.
-I see.
I guess this is how
you show your affection for your sister.
I love her so much. I love her more.
Bye, then.
Okay, everyone.
Let's clean up, and eat lunch.
-Yes, chef.
-Yes, chef.
Did you check the ingredients?
Of course. We need
three more servings of potato puree.
Seong-won, please get ready
to make puree after lunch.
What's gotten you so excited?
Is it because the new halibut dish
is selling so well?
You're short of halibut, right?
We've used some
that we had saved up for dinnertime.
I'll stop taking orders
if the ingredients run out.
I brought all the good ones
from the fish market today.
That dish is so bland.
It doesn't taste good at all.
I really can't understand
people's appetite.
-My gosh.
A VVIP customer just sent you a gift.
Hurry up, and open it.
-Who's the VVIP?
-He's a really rich businessman.
It's not your place to butt in.
What? Are those truffles?
-They cost over a million won.
I bet they're worth more than
two million won.
He's gay. He's definitely gay.
Why else would he give something
so expensive to a guy?
Because his cooking is delicious.
That's nonsense.
Are you going to eat these by yourself?
Where is he?
Excuse me.
As much as I would like to accept this,
it's too much.
A gift is a token of one's appreciation.
And my appreciation is much bigger
than that gift.
I'm a fan.
I'm going to leave this here.
Are you afraid to be loved?
Are you making fun of me?
I was being sincere.
Did it sound like I was making fun of you?
My gosh, you're so corny.
Why are you doing this?
I have to admit
that it did sound a bit corny.
If I think I own something
that suits someone else better,
I don't hold on to it
because it keeps reminding me
of that person.
That also sounded weird and corny.
Why do I keep saying things that
sound like a pick-up line?
I'm Park Jeong-u. What's your name?
Do you give out expensive gifts
without even knowing people's names?
I just wanted to.
I thought chefs like receiving
food ingredients as gifts. Was I wrong?
I said it was too much.
I never said I didn't like it.
If a person reacts aggressively
to someone who's being nice,
it's either one of the two.
Either you really like me
or really hate me.
I'm On Jeong-seon.
"On"? I didn't know
there was a last name like that.
There's that famous general named On Dal.
Oh, then is he your ancestor?
My ancestors are from Gyeongju,
and our progenitor is On Gun-hae.
It was when Silla
was under Queen Jindeok's rule
that he got murdered by Goguryeo soldiers.
He was on his way back
from the Tang Dynasty with Kim Chun-chu.
Only people who have lived with their
grandfathers would know this.
Did you live with him?
I didn't live with him,
but he did care for me a lot.
I'm the only son of his eldest son.
Then he must've disagreed
with your dream of becoming a chef.
My dad was against it.
My grandfather was always on my side.
Although, he was very strict with my dad.
Do you like me?
Why are you telling me about yourself?
Do you normally talk about yourself
like this to strangers?
I don't like easy people.
Out of genuine curiosity,
do you know that you're weird?
Yes, I do.
Take a look at the name card
I just gave you.
"On Entertainment."
Ten years before I set up this company,
it was my dream to name it "On."
The meaning of the name is
to always be awake and alert.
But the moment I heard your name,
On Jeong-seon,
it felt like I had lost to you.
As if I'd never be able to beat you.
Why? Because my last name is "On"?
Let's get along.
Don't you want to open your own restaurant
by any chance?
I'm willing to invest.
You're going ahead of yourself.
Thank you for being fond of my cooking.
Okay, I'll stop here for today.
Can you
please accept this?
What are you doing here?
The director is here, too.
He must be in a bad mood.
Why didn't you go to the shoot?
He refused to film it
with the script we have.
What do we do then? Does Ms. Park know?
You think you have time
to fool around right now?
-Come quick.
-Yes, sir.
Make the potato puree.
The youngest one is supposed to do it.
Do it yourself.
Since when did you stick to the rules?
It's part of his training though.
Just do as you're told.
You're not in a place to train others.
Hi, Jeong-seon.
Hello, I'm Jeong-seon's friend,
Choi Won-jun.
Why do you have so many people visit you?
Do you drink a lot by any chance?
-Why do you ask?
-You look a bit yellow.
Hold on.
Don't worry. I'm a doctor.
Do you get dark circles easily
and have a hard time overcoming fatigue?
Well, yes. Is it something bad?
I think you may have a bad liver.
My liver?
It might be temporary,
but I recommend you get a checkup.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
-Well, then.
Is it really bad?
Did you really believe that?
I just figured he'd be the sort to drink.
Are you worried about him?
But he was being an ass to you.
That's that. Being sick is another matter.
-Do you want me to beat him up?
-I would've done it if necessary.
-How can you cut it so nicely like this?
-This is a piece of cake.
Are you okay?
This happens whenever I show off.
My life is full of retributive justice.
There's no retributive justice?
Didn't you say
that you'd show
how a good man takes his revenge?
Which is what you just read.
It won't be different
from other revenge dramas
if he claws at people's faces
with a crampon.
I didn't think of you that way,
but there's a cruel side to you.
It's not me who's cruel.
Cruelty is part of human nature,
which is what I'm depicting in my drama.
So? Are you going to
just stick to this script?
-Tell me what you said to me earlier.
About what?
That I said it wasn't interesting?
-What was that for?
-I didn't do anything.
Ms. Park.
We made an agreement
when we first started this.
That human nature isn't dominated by evil.
You promised you'd talk about
how goodness prevails.
But you're deviating from the plot
you promised to tell.
It isn't much different
from the story I'm trying to portray.
Fine, I'll revise the script
so there won't be any violent scenes.
You're good.
I told you my original dream
was to be a chef.
And why did you change your mind?
My family didn't let me.
My father's dream is to have
his three sons work in the same hospital.
So, your dream is to make
your father's dream come true?
Come to think of it, you're right.
That's nice too.
Making it come true is what matters.
You can't really say that as a person
who's already living his own dream.
Then don't do it.
You're right.
But it's easier said than done.
I'm the only son
in the On family of Andong.
Did you think it was easy for me?
It's difficult because you don't act
on your thoughts.
good for you!
Stop it.
-Are you okay?
Are you coming to Seoul this weekend?
No. I came to Seoul
because it's my day off today.
It's Hong-a. I like her,
but to her, I'm just
a nameless, wild plant.
A nameless, wild plant?
Not a flower, but a plant.
What do you think a nameless,
wild plant would taste like?
Would it be edible?
I'm talking about my love life.
Don't change subjects.
I'm on my way out from the court.
Gyeong-su goes outside.
What happens after he goes outside?
I didn't order this.
Are you a writer?
No, not yet.
Are you going to submit it to SBC?
My uncle is a producer there.
I see.
I can introduce you to him if you want.
What are you doing?
I said, what are you doing?
Don't you have eyes?
Why are you packing your stuff
when you were having fun just until now?
Look. When did I have fun with you?
You made a move on me
by buying me this petty beverage.
Petty? Hey!
You flirted with me first.
You were typing "Gyeong-su goes outside"
for the past two hours.
Gosh, this is annoying.
Drink this all you want.
Ms. Park.
Did you see the director off just now?
Why are you outside?
Just because.
What the director said is basically
what I want to say as well.
It's the same as
what I told you last time.
I just expressed it differently.
-I see.
-Hello, ma'am.
What brings you here, Hong-a?
She's always busy and out of reach,
so I came to see her.
Are you sure
you aren't giving her a hard time?
Is that what you tell others about me?
-Of course not.
-It's not true.
I was just joking.
She's working very hard,
so I came to give her my support.
That's what you should have said earlier.
After all, I hired Hyeon-soo because I
trusted you when you introduced her to me.
My uncle has been praising you a lot.
He thinks you're the most talented writer
in non-romantic genres.
Compliments are exactly what I needed.
Hong-a's here to see you,
so you may go now.
It's okay. I'll help you revise--
You don't need to be here.
I've got others.
It was nice to see you.
Go have fun with Hyeon-soo.
-Thank you. Goodbye.
Did something happen?
Her eyes were so scary.
Even if it's difficult,
you need to endure this.
It'll only be embarrassing
if you get fired.
There's really no place to go
if you get fired from being an assistant.
I should go to her.
No, not now.
You told me to endure it.
You shouldn't be around her
when she's annoyed.
What you need now is a break.
Aren't you the wise one?
You know you can't do without me,
don't you?
I know that.
Do you know what I need right now?
This is great.
-Are you having fun?
Gosh, I feel much better thanks to you.
Me too. I feel much better now.
-Were you stressed out?
Why? Are things not going so well
with that lawyer?
He's just a smart aleck.
I find him pretentious.
Is it him?
Why did you save him
as his job title, not his name?
He isn't the only lawyer you know.
That one lawyer who proves to be special
will be given the honor of having
his number saved by his name.
But why do I sense
a feeling of melancholy?
You know me so well.
I love you.
That was out of nowhere.
All my friends tell me that
I'm complaining out of arrogance.
They say my concern is luxury.
They treat me like I'm thoughtless.
Your problem is that you think too much.
You're right.
That's why I will make sure
to become a writer.
I'll become a writer
and show them what I can do.
Being a writer is nothing to be proud of.
It is in my family.
My family loves writers.
My family hates writers.
How did I end up
liking a career that rich people like?
Ma'am, I'll make sure you get
all the fun you need tonight.
I'm stoked for it.
Why are you getting off?
You should go home.
I don't want to say goodbye.
My goodness.
My gosh.
Hey, Hyeon-i.
Gosh, what an eyesore.
I'm sorry. Bye.
I thought you were on a diet.
Are you allowed to eat that?
I'm craving sugar because
I just saw something I shouldn't have.
Are you two dating?
Why were you hugging each other?
Do you like her more than your own sister?
There you go again.
Hyeon-i, I had a really tough day today.
Why did you leave a parcel here?
It came to the wrong address.
There must be another fool
in this neighborhood other than you.
Don't touch someone else's stuff.
Call the delivery company tomorrow,
and tell them to take it back.
The owner of this package
will have to wait
another week to get this.
You're so nosy.
What does that have to do with you?
You're right.
It has nothing to do with me.
Alain Passard,
when are you going to reply to me?
What's your address?
That's 489-47, 489-48,
and 489-49.
I think I'm almost there.
What are you doing outside?
Did you know I was going to come?
I had a feeling you'd come today.
You're not very patient.
You're right. I was planning to
quietly leave it at your door.
I got the address wrong.
I'm sorry for the hassle.
You confused 53 with 35.
It's completely understandable.
Bye, then.
I'd like to serve you something to eat.
There's no need.
Well, I guess you'd feel pressured.
That's if you think of me as a man.
I can't believe you just said that.
You know how to hold a grudge
and make fun of me, too.
Do you think that's going to
make me go in with you?
This place feels like
a completely different world.
You have such a nice view.
The view was what I looked for
the most in a house.
Do you own this place?
No, I leased it.
Wait here.
I'll bring you something to drink.
By the way, what's in that box?
I noticed it's from France.
I forgot that you're
a very curious person.
It's saffron and cardamom.
My friend sent it to me.
Do you cook when you're home?
Most people don't like doing what they do
for a living at home.
Don't chefs refrain from cooking
when they're home?
I cook at home.
You answer that so flatly.
You always do that.
Do you have sweet pumpkins?
I'm suddenly craving some.
No, I don't.
But I have something else that's great.
You won't be disappointed.
He's good-looking, but he has no charm.
He's not fit for our group.
Okay. I'll keep searching for
other candidates.
I appreciate your effort.
This is a new beginning for me.
I'm going to win.
I always have.
What's this?
They're truffles.
They don't grow in our country.
Even in France,
they're deeply buried beneath oak trees,
so they're really hard to dig out.
They must be really expensive.
Are you a conglomerate's son?
No. I got it from someone as a gift.
You got something really expensive
for a gift. I'm jealous.
By the way,
can I ask you something?
You can ask me a lot of things.
It's a sensitive subject.
How much do you earn a month?
For your information, I make 800,000 won.
I make 1.5 million won.
I'm older than you,
but you earn more than I do.
But how do you manage to pay for
a place like this?
I use everything I earn.
A spendthrift, aren't you?
Actually, it's the opposite.
It's just that I came to the conclusion
that now is the time to spend than save.
When did you become so independent?
When I was 15.
That's when my parents got divorced.
Now, let's begin tasting
these expensive truffles.
Thanks to whoever gave you this gift.
I've never tasted anything
like this before.
Eating them on its own
won't taste that special.
I overreacted just now because I thought
it was supposed to taste special
and it was just me who couldn't tell that.
But this will taste different.
It's delicious.
This reminds me of the past
when we used to date.
Is this how we were back then?
Yes, we were.
No, you're wrong.
Do you want me to remind you
how we really used to be back then?
Honey, wait.
What are you doing?
Stop it. People will see us.
Now, do you see that
you're misremembering it?
This really reminds me of the past.
It feels dreamy.
You get so chatty whenever
you're in the heat of the moment.
My gosh, that's cold. What was that?
What are you doing?
How dare you have the guts
to hit on someone else's husband?
Does your husband know
that you're cheating on him?
This man is my husband.
My goodness,
you cheaters are such good liars.
Honey, let's go.
If we just leave, she'll really
think we're having an affair.
My goodness.
Did you just call him "honey"?
My gosh, you filthy little rats.
-Let's go.
-Come on.
Are you drunk?
No, I fall over often.
Then stand back up.
I don't want to.
They say to take a rest while you're down.
Maybe I should just lie down here.
Are you flirting with me?
No way.
I've never done such a thing before.
I'm not that type of person.
All my acquaintances say I'm like a man.
They could've been mistaken or
it may have been hidden away.
You only know as much as you can see.
Do you know that you talk like an old man?
It's not wrong to behave
according to your age.
Okay, ma'am.
Don't call me ma'am. That feels terrible.
I feel like an old lady.
It sounds like I'm an adult
and your superior. Don't do that.
Do you know that
your logic is inconsistent?
I know. Humans are full of contradictions.
Okay, Ms. Lee.
That's not right.
Call me by my name.
Give me your phone number.
I'll call you, so don't be on your guard.
I'm not on my guard anymore.
But I don't have a pen.
Then tell me. I'll memorize it.
That's it!
Are you going to sleep over tonight?
Why did you take a shower?
She won't.
She was forced to take a shower.
You seem happy
that we got splashed in water.
It's not that much,
but I do feel bad that I missed it.
Can't you be more careful about
what you say?
Maybe I will have to go fetch you
from the police station next time.
Did you get splashed
after showing too much affection?
Hyeon-soo, you're smart.
How did you figure it out?
It's because you keep encouraging her,
that she's so messed up.
Don't be so rude. She's your older sister.
It's all right.
She'll fix it when she gets married.
Their relationship will only get worse
if you force her to fix it.
You're right.
Honey, come sit here. Scoot over.
I'm the only one
who can sit next to my man.
Of course.
You should be thanking us.
There's no greater gift parents
can give than showing their kids
how much they love each other.
Yes, ma'am.
I think you look so much prettier
without any makeup.
You're naturally beautiful.
The number you've dialed is not
available at the moment.
Please leave a message after the beep.
They say to take a rest while you're down.
Maybe I should just lie down here.
Let's start the day again.
This is it.
Turn it off!
You're at home right now.
Don't drive me any crazier than now.
Crazy, indeed.
It's On Jeong-seon.
I was actually thinking of visiting you.
I have to interview you.
When do you have time?
Let's eat together.
Say it if you have something to say.
May I take the day off today?
You want the day off?
Go ahead.
Thank you.
I'll work harder after I come back.
Come back? Are you going somewhere?
Oh my goodness.
We're going all the way to Beolgyo
to have cockles?
I'm sure there's
a nice cockle place in Seoul too.
I want to have them
from their place of origin.
Food is just food for me,
but food is another kind
of learning for you, isn't it?
Yes. And what did you want
to interview me by the way?
You'll see.
I don't like snacks.
It's delicious though.
Are you really not going to try this?
Do you want one more?
I'm okay.
This is great.
I'm happy.
Throughout my year as an assistant writer,
I never had a peaceful day of rest.
Being an assistant writer must be tough.
But is it okay to take the day off?
It's not like she didn't allow me to rest.
I just couldn't ask for it,
seeing how busy she was.
That's another way of saying
she didn't let you take a break.
How is "The Man Who Eats Rare Steaks"?
It'll be the title of a drama.
I don't know.
Is there anything special about men
who eat their steaks rare?
I've never thought about it.
Then think about it from now on.
Are you that happy?
Yes, I am.
It's beautiful.
It's nice.
It's nice.
It's really nice.
Oh, my goodness.
Be careful.
I'm hungry now.
Let's go eat.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I was wondering why you smelled it,
but I just realized that
it makes the food taste better.
You're a fast learner.
I used to get good grades.
You're also good at boasting.
It's because I have
very low self-esteem these days.
No one compliments me.
I don't really like sashimi.
You said you don't like sashimi.
I already told you,
humans are full of contradictions.
It's delicious.
Where are we going to go after we eat?
After our meal,
we'll go explore some literary culture.
That sounds great.
I'm so disappointed.
The galleries are all closed
because we came too late.
I've always wanted to visit
Taebaek Mountain Range Literature Museum.
Have you read "The Taebaek Mountains"?
I didn't even know that it was a book.
This shows our age difference.
It's more like a difference in knowledge.
Then let's just say
we're interested in different things.
So, do you think
men who eat their steaks rare
have something special about them?
It's more of a preference issue
rather than a personality thing.
They must prefer rare meat
because it's juicy and tender.
They must also like the taste of raw meat.
That won't do. There needs to be
something special about their personality.
A lot of western people
like their meat rare.
You're so stubborn.
You could at least try to play along.
Try to use your imagination.
Don't try to change the facts.
You're really good at attacking
someone with facts.
We need to go catch the last bus.
Stop being so greedy,
and be considerate of our situation!
-Be considerate!
-Be considerate!
-Be considerate!
-Be considerate!
Shouldn't you at least give us time
to eat and go to the bathroom?
-We need to eat too!
-We need to eat too!
-We need to eat too!
-We need to eat too!
I don't think we'll be able to take a bus.
What should we do?
-We need to eat too!
-We need to eat too!
Don't we still have time
until the last KTX train?
We need to go to Suncheon
to take the KTX or Mugunghwa-ho.
I'll try calling.
It's the weekday, so I'm sure
they have seats. We can reserve them.
You can't reserve seats via phone call.
Then what should we do?
Do we need to sleep here?
Be considerate!
I need to go to work tomorrow.
I have to go back.
-Follow me.
-To where?
Do you have a plan?
Hey, what exactly are you looking for?
I found it.
It's all done now.
You did it. Let's go now.
Wait. Let me check my email.
Are you waiting for an email?
Alain Passard is the chef
I respect the most,
and I applied as an intern
at his restaurant.
If you get the job, will you go to France?
Even if I don't get the job,
I still have to go.
I haven't graduated university yet.
You didn't get an email.
Let's go. You can run, right?
Don't underestimate me.
I'm a member of a running club.
Oh, I see.
You can walk now.
We still have some time left.
No, thank you.
I got worried because you didn't
come back from the bathroom.
I'm not a kid. Why would you get worried?
Today was incredible.
I'm so happy.
This is your second time today
saying that you're happy.
I think it's easy to make you happy.
You didn't make me happy.
I became happy on my own.
It always depends on
how I perceive a certain situation.
I'm going to accept your advice.
I'll try living according to my age.
I'm always serious, sincere,
and pressured with responsibilities.
But today, I just want to live
like a 23-year-old.
Go ahead.
I want to kiss you.
Do I need to
take responsibility for that?
I don't know if this is love or not.
I can't really tell what this is.
You won't be able to get a woman's kiss
by being so honest like that.
Women tend to fantasize
that guys kiss them
because they're in love.
You can avoid it
if you don't want to kiss me.
I just got here.
I didn't wait that long,
so you don't have to feel bad.
Is this where you have been living
ever since you came to Korea?
I missed you.
You always protected me,
and I'll never forget that.
I know how you protected me.
Who said you could put tofu in my soup?
You know I can't eat my meals
without soup.
Did you do this on purpose to make me mad?
It's not like that.
What's not
like that? Well?
Let go.
Let's get a divorce.
I'll let you go.
Are you telling me to sleep here?
Don't you know I can't sleep
without a bed?
You're mad, aren't you?
Fine, I'll be understanding
since I'm your mother.
I understand.
Good morning.
What brings you here?
Didn't you quit?
The main writer said that you did.
Why are you here?
Ma'am, I never said I was quitting.
I thought you were quitting
when you said you wanted the day off.
You told me it'd be okay to take a break.
Yes, I told you that.
I told you to take a break forever
since you lack sincerity.
I sincerely respect you
and hope to become helpful--
Help me with what?
You were paid.
It's not like you volunteered.
Your approach to this job is wrong.
how can you take a day off
when the drama is in season?
Do you think I'm a joke because
the director had the same review as you?
Am I a joke to you?
No, ma'am.
You act kind, sincere, and hard-working.
It makes my blood boil
thinking about how I was fooled
by your acts and treated you nicely!
I've never seen anyone so evil
in my ten years of writing.
You want to become a writer?
I bet you'll become one.
Evil people like you
tend to survive in this industry!
It would be strange for you to fail
when you're so evil!
wasn't thinking straight.
Coincidentally, the director's review
and my review happened to be the same.
I thought I might have hurt your feelings.
So, I thought
you might not want to see me.
You sure talk a lot.
Liars tend to talk a lot.
Hand Hyeon-soo her belongings.
I won't spread any bad rumors
since you worked for a year under me.
Did you go out for a run?
I made breakfast.
I rolled up my sleeves for once.
I can't guarantee it'll be good
since it's been so long.
It's okay.
Actually, there was only one thing
that came to mind in that moment.
I had to see Jeong-seon.
I only realized after
a long time had passed.
He was the person I thought of
in my moment of desperation.
It was love.
Give me money.
You have to pay me for the money
I spent looking for you.
It was hard to find you by myself
since you got rid of your phone.
I never asked you to find me.
I wanted to disappear,
which was why I got rid of my phone.
Why did you look for me?
How can I not search for my own child?
You know what kind of son you are to me.
Stop that. Don't talk as if
you've been a good mom.
I'm sick of cleaning up after your mess.
Please, let's live
our own lives separately.
We're family. We'd be punished
if we were to disown each other.
I don't want you to be punished.
I'd rather be punished.
Being with you is like
being punished anyway.
My goodness. I'm sorry.
I've gone crazy. Are you all right?
Forget it.
Get out of my house.
You'd better not be here when I come back.
Who is she?
Who's turned you like this?
Stop it. Just stop it!
Why? Do you feel guilty?
I saw your face last night.
You looked so happy.
Do you love her that much?
Why are you bringing her
into our problems?
Then you looked at me
like I was disgusting.
You looked down on me
and trampled all over me.
How can a child do that to his mom?
This is so hard.
I'm so tired. I can't live anymore.
I know I did wrong.
But you shouldn't do this to me.
You know how my life was like.
I'd rather die if I can't live with you.
I want to die.
Will you kill me?
I have to see Hyeon-soo. Hyeon-soo.
I know why
I want to see Hyeon-soo so much right now.
I bought a cell phone.
Why didn't you tell me you got a phone?
I had to get it from Hyeon-soo.
Work at my place.
-Are you two dating?
-I'm more intrigued
now that you've rejected it.
Shall we see
whether or not Jeong-seon likes me
and if he'll fall for me?
Do you want to bet?
You're 29? Then you're older than my son.
I thought this would be my chance.
Stay away from her.
When I want something,
I keep on trying until I get it.
And eventually I make it mine.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
Let's not hold hands.
Did it bother you? I thought
you didn't even think of me as a man.
Did you get upset that I rejected you?
Of course. Who wouldn't be upset
after getting rejected?
You were actually serious about it.
And you took me very lightly.
You really talk back to every word I say.
You really never let me
have the last word.
Let me make this clear.
I'm not the type who clings onto
a woman who already rejected me.
I like that about you.
Follow me.
Why did you bring me here?
Give me your cell phone.
You need to unlock it for me.
Do you even know how to use a cell phone?
I'm hinting a tone of condescension there.
What do you think?
What do you mean?
Is this suitable for you
to dance along to?
What is this about dancing
all of a sudden?
You should practice the dance you'll do
when you win the contest.
-You're really crazy.
-Haven't you lost your mind yet?
How will you succeed with
such a sane mind?
Who said I'm sane? I've lost my mind too.
But I'm still not going to dance.
This is where I live.
I have to go that way.
Bye. Thank you for today.
What are you thankful for?
Well, I don't know.
What am I thankful for?
I should go now.
You helped cheer me up.
You should get home now.
I'm not going to.
Where are you going? Make me
breakfast before I head off to work.
Don't you even feel sorry
about living off of the money
that your younger sister makes?
Even a worm will turn.
I want breakfast!
My gosh, we're out of rice again.
My goodness.
Be careful.
You'll get trash on my clothes.
-Why is the dumpster
in front of our place?
Because it's the most comfortable spot
for our neighbors and garbage collectors.
If our house belonged to a congressman,
no one would even dare to put trash here.
That's what you call the NIMBY syndrome.
You should be considerate
of your neighbors
even if that means you have to
go through inconvenience.
"That's what you call the NIMBY syndrome."
Don't try to lecture me.
This is exactly why you're never
able to win a writing contest.
How will you write when you can't
understand other people's feelings?
You need a beating.
I've been putting up with you until now.
I let you humiliate me because
I can't pay for our living expenses.
But that's not going to happen anymore.
What are you going to do then?
I know you very well.
I know what you fear the most.
You care so much about keeping face,
let me teach you a lesson today.
My gosh, stop it. Let go of me.
Hey, stop it. Gosh, okay. Stop it.
People are watching.
They should.
I'm doing this so people would watch us.
Hello. This is my sister,
and she's a school teacher.
You little brat!
Hey, let go of me.
-You let go first.
-I said, let go.
Let go of my hair.
If you're an older sister,
you should act like one.
How could you do this to me?
That's why you shouldn't
have messed with me.
I have nothing to lose.
I don't care about what other people
She's my sister.
-I see.
I guess this is how
you show your affection for your sister.
I love her so much. I love her more.
Bye, then.
Okay, everyone.
Let's clean up, and eat lunch.
-Yes, chef.
-Yes, chef.
Did you check the ingredients?
Of course. We need
three more servings of potato puree.
Seong-won, please get ready
to make puree after lunch.
What's gotten you so excited?
Is it because the new halibut dish
is selling so well?
You're short of halibut, right?
We've used some
that we had saved up for dinnertime.
I'll stop taking orders
if the ingredients run out.
I brought all the good ones
from the fish market today.
That dish is so bland.
It doesn't taste good at all.
I really can't understand
people's appetite.
-My gosh.
A VVIP customer just sent you a gift.
Hurry up, and open it.
-Who's the VVIP?
-He's a really rich businessman.
It's not your place to butt in.
What? Are those truffles?
-They cost over a million won.
I bet they're worth more than
two million won.
He's gay. He's definitely gay.
Why else would he give something
so expensive to a guy?
Because his cooking is delicious.
That's nonsense.
Are you going to eat these by yourself?
Where is he?
Excuse me.
As much as I would like to accept this,
it's too much.
A gift is a token of one's appreciation.
And my appreciation is much bigger
than that gift.
I'm a fan.
I'm going to leave this here.
Are you afraid to be loved?
Are you making fun of me?
I was being sincere.
Did it sound like I was making fun of you?
My gosh, you're so corny.
Why are you doing this?
I have to admit
that it did sound a bit corny.
If I think I own something
that suits someone else better,
I don't hold on to it
because it keeps reminding me
of that person.
That also sounded weird and corny.
Why do I keep saying things that
sound like a pick-up line?
I'm Park Jeong-u. What's your name?
Do you give out expensive gifts
without even knowing people's names?
I just wanted to.
I thought chefs like receiving
food ingredients as gifts. Was I wrong?
I said it was too much.
I never said I didn't like it.
If a person reacts aggressively
to someone who's being nice,
it's either one of the two.
Either you really like me
or really hate me.
I'm On Jeong-seon.
"On"? I didn't know
there was a last name like that.
There's that famous general named On Dal.
Oh, then is he your ancestor?
My ancestors are from Gyeongju,
and our progenitor is On Gun-hae.
It was when Silla
was under Queen Jindeok's rule
that he got murdered by Goguryeo soldiers.
He was on his way back
from the Tang Dynasty with Kim Chun-chu.
Only people who have lived with their
grandfathers would know this.
Did you live with him?
I didn't live with him,
but he did care for me a lot.
I'm the only son of his eldest son.
Then he must've disagreed
with your dream of becoming a chef.
My dad was against it.
My grandfather was always on my side.
Although, he was very strict with my dad.
Do you like me?
Why are you telling me about yourself?
Do you normally talk about yourself
like this to strangers?
I don't like easy people.
Out of genuine curiosity,
do you know that you're weird?
Yes, I do.
Take a look at the name card
I just gave you.
"On Entertainment."
Ten years before I set up this company,
it was my dream to name it "On."
The meaning of the name is
to always be awake and alert.
But the moment I heard your name,
On Jeong-seon,
it felt like I had lost to you.
As if I'd never be able to beat you.
Why? Because my last name is "On"?
Let's get along.
Don't you want to open your own restaurant
by any chance?
I'm willing to invest.
You're going ahead of yourself.
Thank you for being fond of my cooking.
Okay, I'll stop here for today.
Can you
please accept this?
What are you doing here?
The director is here, too.
He must be in a bad mood.
Why didn't you go to the shoot?
He refused to film it
with the script we have.
What do we do then? Does Ms. Park know?
You think you have time
to fool around right now?
-Come quick.
-Yes, sir.
Make the potato puree.
The youngest one is supposed to do it.
Do it yourself.
Since when did you stick to the rules?
It's part of his training though.
Just do as you're told.
You're not in a place to train others.
Hi, Jeong-seon.
Hello, I'm Jeong-seon's friend,
Choi Won-jun.
Why do you have so many people visit you?
Do you drink a lot by any chance?
-Why do you ask?
-You look a bit yellow.
Hold on.
Don't worry. I'm a doctor.
Do you get dark circles easily
and have a hard time overcoming fatigue?
Well, yes. Is it something bad?
I think you may have a bad liver.
My liver?
It might be temporary,
but I recommend you get a checkup.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
-Well, then.
Is it really bad?
Did you really believe that?
I just figured he'd be the sort to drink.
Are you worried about him?
But he was being an ass to you.
That's that. Being sick is another matter.
-Do you want me to beat him up?
-I would've done it if necessary.
-How can you cut it so nicely like this?
-This is a piece of cake.
Are you okay?
This happens whenever I show off.
My life is full of retributive justice.
There's no retributive justice?
Didn't you say
that you'd show
how a good man takes his revenge?
Which is what you just read.
It won't be different
from other revenge dramas
if he claws at people's faces
with a crampon.
I didn't think of you that way,
but there's a cruel side to you.
It's not me who's cruel.
Cruelty is part of human nature,
which is what I'm depicting in my drama.
So? Are you going to
just stick to this script?
-Tell me what you said to me earlier.
About what?
That I said it wasn't interesting?
-What was that for?
-I didn't do anything.
Ms. Park.
We made an agreement
when we first started this.
That human nature isn't dominated by evil.
You promised you'd talk about
how goodness prevails.
But you're deviating from the plot
you promised to tell.
It isn't much different
from the story I'm trying to portray.
Fine, I'll revise the script
so there won't be any violent scenes.
You're good.
I told you my original dream
was to be a chef.
And why did you change your mind?
My family didn't let me.
My father's dream is to have
his three sons work in the same hospital.
So, your dream is to make
your father's dream come true?
Come to think of it, you're right.
That's nice too.
Making it come true is what matters.
You can't really say that as a person
who's already living his own dream.
Then don't do it.
You're right.
But it's easier said than done.
I'm the only son
in the On family of Andong.
Did you think it was easy for me?
It's difficult because you don't act
on your thoughts.
good for you!
Stop it.
-Are you okay?
Are you coming to Seoul this weekend?
No. I came to Seoul
because it's my day off today.
It's Hong-a. I like her,
but to her, I'm just
a nameless, wild plant.
A nameless, wild plant?
Not a flower, but a plant.
What do you think a nameless,
wild plant would taste like?
Would it be edible?
I'm talking about my love life.
Don't change subjects.
I'm on my way out from the court.
Gyeong-su goes outside.
What happens after he goes outside?
I didn't order this.
Are you a writer?
No, not yet.
Are you going to submit it to SBC?
My uncle is a producer there.
I see.
I can introduce you to him if you want.
What are you doing?
I said, what are you doing?
Don't you have eyes?
Why are you packing your stuff
when you were having fun just until now?
Look. When did I have fun with you?
You made a move on me
by buying me this petty beverage.
Petty? Hey!
You flirted with me first.
You were typing "Gyeong-su goes outside"
for the past two hours.
Gosh, this is annoying.
Drink this all you want.
Ms. Park.
Did you see the director off just now?
Why are you outside?
Just because.
What the director said is basically
what I want to say as well.
It's the same as
what I told you last time.
I just expressed it differently.
-I see.
-Hello, ma'am.
What brings you here, Hong-a?
She's always busy and out of reach,
so I came to see her.
Are you sure
you aren't giving her a hard time?
Is that what you tell others about me?
-Of course not.
-It's not true.
I was just joking.
She's working very hard,
so I came to give her my support.
That's what you should have said earlier.
After all, I hired Hyeon-soo because I
trusted you when you introduced her to me.
My uncle has been praising you a lot.
He thinks you're the most talented writer
in non-romantic genres.
Compliments are exactly what I needed.
Hong-a's here to see you,
so you may go now.
It's okay. I'll help you revise--
You don't need to be here.
I've got others.
It was nice to see you.
Go have fun with Hyeon-soo.
-Thank you. Goodbye.
Did something happen?
Her eyes were so scary.
Even if it's difficult,
you need to endure this.
It'll only be embarrassing
if you get fired.
There's really no place to go
if you get fired from being an assistant.
I should go to her.
No, not now.
You told me to endure it.
You shouldn't be around her
when she's annoyed.
What you need now is a break.
Aren't you the wise one?
You know you can't do without me,
don't you?
I know that.
Do you know what I need right now?
This is great.
-Are you having fun?
Gosh, I feel much better thanks to you.
Me too. I feel much better now.
-Were you stressed out?
Why? Are things not going so well
with that lawyer?
He's just a smart aleck.
I find him pretentious.
Is it him?
Why did you save him
as his job title, not his name?
He isn't the only lawyer you know.
That one lawyer who proves to be special
will be given the honor of having
his number saved by his name.
But why do I sense
a feeling of melancholy?
You know me so well.
I love you.
That was out of nowhere.
All my friends tell me that
I'm complaining out of arrogance.
They say my concern is luxury.
They treat me like I'm thoughtless.
Your problem is that you think too much.
You're right.
That's why I will make sure
to become a writer.
I'll become a writer
and show them what I can do.
Being a writer is nothing to be proud of.
It is in my family.
My family loves writers.
My family hates writers.
How did I end up
liking a career that rich people like?
Ma'am, I'll make sure you get
all the fun you need tonight.
I'm stoked for it.
Why are you getting off?
You should go home.
I don't want to say goodbye.
My goodness.
My gosh.
Hey, Hyeon-i.
Gosh, what an eyesore.
I'm sorry. Bye.
I thought you were on a diet.
Are you allowed to eat that?
I'm craving sugar because
I just saw something I shouldn't have.
Are you two dating?
Why were you hugging each other?
Do you like her more than your own sister?
There you go again.
Hyeon-i, I had a really tough day today.
Why did you leave a parcel here?
It came to the wrong address.
There must be another fool
in this neighborhood other than you.
Don't touch someone else's stuff.
Call the delivery company tomorrow,
and tell them to take it back.
The owner of this package
will have to wait
another week to get this.
You're so nosy.
What does that have to do with you?
You're right.
It has nothing to do with me.
Alain Passard,
when are you going to reply to me?
What's your address?
That's 489-47, 489-48,
and 489-49.
I think I'm almost there.
What are you doing outside?
Did you know I was going to come?
I had a feeling you'd come today.
You're not very patient.
You're right. I was planning to
quietly leave it at your door.
I got the address wrong.
I'm sorry for the hassle.
You confused 53 with 35.
It's completely understandable.
Bye, then.
I'd like to serve you something to eat.
There's no need.
Well, I guess you'd feel pressured.
That's if you think of me as a man.
I can't believe you just said that.
You know how to hold a grudge
and make fun of me, too.
Do you think that's going to
make me go in with you?
This place feels like
a completely different world.
You have such a nice view.
The view was what I looked for
the most in a house.
Do you own this place?
No, I leased it.
Wait here.
I'll bring you something to drink.
By the way, what's in that box?
I noticed it's from France.
I forgot that you're
a very curious person.
It's saffron and cardamom.
My friend sent it to me.
Do you cook when you're home?
Most people don't like doing what they do
for a living at home.
Don't chefs refrain from cooking
when they're home?
I cook at home.
You answer that so flatly.
You always do that.
Do you have sweet pumpkins?
I'm suddenly craving some.
No, I don't.
But I have something else that's great.
You won't be disappointed.
He's good-looking, but he has no charm.
He's not fit for our group.
Okay. I'll keep searching for
other candidates.
I appreciate your effort.
This is a new beginning for me.
I'm going to win.
I always have.
What's this?
They're truffles.
They don't grow in our country.
Even in France,
they're deeply buried beneath oak trees,
so they're really hard to dig out.
They must be really expensive.
Are you a conglomerate's son?
No. I got it from someone as a gift.
You got something really expensive
for a gift. I'm jealous.
By the way,
can I ask you something?
You can ask me a lot of things.
It's a sensitive subject.
How much do you earn a month?
For your information, I make 800,000 won.
I make 1.5 million won.
I'm older than you,
but you earn more than I do.
But how do you manage to pay for
a place like this?
I use everything I earn.
A spendthrift, aren't you?
Actually, it's the opposite.
It's just that I came to the conclusion
that now is the time to spend than save.
When did you become so independent?
When I was 15.
That's when my parents got divorced.
Now, let's begin tasting
these expensive truffles.
Thanks to whoever gave you this gift.
I've never tasted anything
like this before.
Eating them on its own
won't taste that special.
I overreacted just now because I thought
it was supposed to taste special
and it was just me who couldn't tell that.
But this will taste different.
It's delicious.
This reminds me of the past
when we used to date.
Is this how we were back then?
Yes, we were.
No, you're wrong.
Do you want me to remind you
how we really used to be back then?
Honey, wait.
What are you doing?
Stop it. People will see us.
Now, do you see that
you're misremembering it?
This really reminds me of the past.
It feels dreamy.
You get so chatty whenever
you're in the heat of the moment.
My gosh, that's cold. What was that?
What are you doing?
How dare you have the guts
to hit on someone else's husband?
Does your husband know
that you're cheating on him?
This man is my husband.
My goodness,
you cheaters are such good liars.
Honey, let's go.
If we just leave, she'll really
think we're having an affair.
My goodness.
Did you just call him "honey"?
My gosh, you filthy little rats.
-Let's go.
-Come on.
Are you drunk?
No, I fall over often.
Then stand back up.
I don't want to.
They say to take a rest while you're down.
Maybe I should just lie down here.
Are you flirting with me?
No way.
I've never done such a thing before.
I'm not that type of person.
All my acquaintances say I'm like a man.
They could've been mistaken or
it may have been hidden away.
You only know as much as you can see.
Do you know that you talk like an old man?
It's not wrong to behave
according to your age.
Okay, ma'am.
Don't call me ma'am. That feels terrible.
I feel like an old lady.
It sounds like I'm an adult
and your superior. Don't do that.
Do you know that
your logic is inconsistent?
I know. Humans are full of contradictions.
Okay, Ms. Lee.
That's not right.
Call me by my name.
Give me your phone number.
I'll call you, so don't be on your guard.
I'm not on my guard anymore.
But I don't have a pen.
Then tell me. I'll memorize it.
That's it!
Are you going to sleep over tonight?
Why did you take a shower?
She won't.
She was forced to take a shower.
You seem happy
that we got splashed in water.
It's not that much,
but I do feel bad that I missed it.
Can't you be more careful about
what you say?
Maybe I will have to go fetch you
from the police station next time.
Did you get splashed
after showing too much affection?
Hyeon-soo, you're smart.
How did you figure it out?
It's because you keep encouraging her,
that she's so messed up.
Don't be so rude. She's your older sister.
It's all right.
She'll fix it when she gets married.
Their relationship will only get worse
if you force her to fix it.
You're right.
Honey, come sit here. Scoot over.
I'm the only one
who can sit next to my man.
Of course.
You should be thanking us.
There's no greater gift parents
can give than showing their kids
how much they love each other.
Yes, ma'am.
I think you look so much prettier
without any makeup.
You're naturally beautiful.
The number you've dialed is not
available at the moment.
Please leave a message after the beep.
They say to take a rest while you're down.
Maybe I should just lie down here.
Let's start the day again.
This is it.
Turn it off!
You're at home right now.
Don't drive me any crazier than now.
Crazy, indeed.
It's On Jeong-seon.
I was actually thinking of visiting you.
I have to interview you.
When do you have time?
Let's eat together.
Say it if you have something to say.
May I take the day off today?
You want the day off?
Go ahead.
Thank you.
I'll work harder after I come back.
Come back? Are you going somewhere?
Oh my goodness.
We're going all the way to Beolgyo
to have cockles?
I'm sure there's
a nice cockle place in Seoul too.
I want to have them
from their place of origin.
Food is just food for me,
but food is another kind
of learning for you, isn't it?
Yes. And what did you want
to interview me by the way?
You'll see.
I don't like snacks.
It's delicious though.
Are you really not going to try this?
Do you want one more?
I'm okay.
This is great.
I'm happy.
Throughout my year as an assistant writer,
I never had a peaceful day of rest.
Being an assistant writer must be tough.
But is it okay to take the day off?
It's not like she didn't allow me to rest.
I just couldn't ask for it,
seeing how busy she was.
That's another way of saying
she didn't let you take a break.
How is "The Man Who Eats Rare Steaks"?
It'll be the title of a drama.
I don't know.
Is there anything special about men
who eat their steaks rare?
I've never thought about it.
Then think about it from now on.
Are you that happy?
Yes, I am.
It's beautiful.
It's nice.
It's nice.
It's really nice.
Oh, my goodness.
Be careful.
I'm hungry now.
Let's go eat.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I was wondering why you smelled it,
but I just realized that
it makes the food taste better.
You're a fast learner.
I used to get good grades.
You're also good at boasting.
It's because I have
very low self-esteem these days.
No one compliments me.
I don't really like sashimi.
You said you don't like sashimi.
I already told you,
humans are full of contradictions.
It's delicious.
Where are we going to go after we eat?
After our meal,
we'll go explore some literary culture.
That sounds great.
I'm so disappointed.
The galleries are all closed
because we came too late.
I've always wanted to visit
Taebaek Mountain Range Literature Museum.
Have you read "The Taebaek Mountains"?
I didn't even know that it was a book.
This shows our age difference.
It's more like a difference in knowledge.
Then let's just say
we're interested in different things.
So, do you think
men who eat their steaks rare
have something special about them?
It's more of a preference issue
rather than a personality thing.
They must prefer rare meat
because it's juicy and tender.
They must also like the taste of raw meat.
That won't do. There needs to be
something special about their personality.
A lot of western people
like their meat rare.
You're so stubborn.
You could at least try to play along.
Try to use your imagination.
Don't try to change the facts.
You're really good at attacking
someone with facts.
We need to go catch the last bus.
Stop being so greedy,
and be considerate of our situation!
-Be considerate!
-Be considerate!
-Be considerate!
-Be considerate!
Shouldn't you at least give us time
to eat and go to the bathroom?
-We need to eat too!
-We need to eat too!
-We need to eat too!
-We need to eat too!
I don't think we'll be able to take a bus.
What should we do?
-We need to eat too!
-We need to eat too!
Don't we still have time
until the last KTX train?
We need to go to Suncheon
to take the KTX or Mugunghwa-ho.
I'll try calling.
It's the weekday, so I'm sure
they have seats. We can reserve them.
You can't reserve seats via phone call.
Then what should we do?
Do we need to sleep here?
Be considerate!
I need to go to work tomorrow.
I have to go back.
-Follow me.
-To where?
Do you have a plan?
Hey, what exactly are you looking for?
I found it.
It's all done now.
You did it. Let's go now.
Wait. Let me check my email.
Are you waiting for an email?
Alain Passard is the chef
I respect the most,
and I applied as an intern
at his restaurant.
If you get the job, will you go to France?
Even if I don't get the job,
I still have to go.
I haven't graduated university yet.
You didn't get an email.
Let's go. You can run, right?
Don't underestimate me.
I'm a member of a running club.
Oh, I see.
You can walk now.
We still have some time left.
No, thank you.
I got worried because you didn't
come back from the bathroom.
I'm not a kid. Why would you get worried?
Today was incredible.
I'm so happy.
This is your second time today
saying that you're happy.
I think it's easy to make you happy.
You didn't make me happy.
I became happy on my own.
It always depends on
how I perceive a certain situation.
I'm going to accept your advice.
I'll try living according to my age.
I'm always serious, sincere,
and pressured with responsibilities.
But today, I just want to live
like a 23-year-old.
Go ahead.
I want to kiss you.
Do I need to
take responsibility for that?
I don't know if this is love or not.
I can't really tell what this is.
You won't be able to get a woman's kiss
by being so honest like that.
Women tend to fantasize
that guys kiss them
because they're in love.
You can avoid it
if you don't want to kiss me.
I just got here.
I didn't wait that long,
so you don't have to feel bad.
Is this where you have been living
ever since you came to Korea?
I missed you.
You always protected me,
and I'll never forget that.
I know how you protected me.
Who said you could put tofu in my soup?
You know I can't eat my meals
without soup.
Did you do this on purpose to make me mad?
It's not like that.
What's not
like that? Well?
Let go.
Let's get a divorce.
I'll let you go.
Are you telling me to sleep here?
Don't you know I can't sleep
without a bed?
You're mad, aren't you?
Fine, I'll be understanding
since I'm your mother.
I understand.
Good morning.
What brings you here?
Didn't you quit?
The main writer said that you did.
Why are you here?
Ma'am, I never said I was quitting.
I thought you were quitting
when you said you wanted the day off.
You told me it'd be okay to take a break.
Yes, I told you that.
I told you to take a break forever
since you lack sincerity.
I sincerely respect you
and hope to become helpful--
Help me with what?
You were paid.
It's not like you volunteered.
Your approach to this job is wrong.
how can you take a day off
when the drama is in season?
Do you think I'm a joke because
the director had the same review as you?
Am I a joke to you?
No, ma'am.
You act kind, sincere, and hard-working.
It makes my blood boil
thinking about how I was fooled
by your acts and treated you nicely!
I've never seen anyone so evil
in my ten years of writing.
You want to become a writer?
I bet you'll become one.
Evil people like you
tend to survive in this industry!
It would be strange for you to fail
when you're so evil!
wasn't thinking straight.
Coincidentally, the director's review
and my review happened to be the same.
I thought I might have hurt your feelings.
So, I thought
you might not want to see me.
You sure talk a lot.
Liars tend to talk a lot.
Hand Hyeon-soo her belongings.
I won't spread any bad rumors
since you worked for a year under me.
Did you go out for a run?
I made breakfast.
I rolled up my sleeves for once.
I can't guarantee it'll be good
since it's been so long.
It's okay.
Actually, there was only one thing
that came to mind in that moment.
I had to see Jeong-seon.
I only realized after
a long time had passed.
He was the person I thought of
in my moment of desperation.
It was love.
Give me money.
You have to pay me for the money
I spent looking for you.
It was hard to find you by myself
since you got rid of your phone.
I never asked you to find me.
I wanted to disappear,
which was why I got rid of my phone.
Why did you look for me?
How can I not search for my own child?
You know what kind of son you are to me.
Stop that. Don't talk as if
you've been a good mom.
I'm sick of cleaning up after your mess.
Please, let's live
our own lives separately.
We're family. We'd be punished
if we were to disown each other.
I don't want you to be punished.
I'd rather be punished.
Being with you is like
being punished anyway.
My goodness. I'm sorry.
I've gone crazy. Are you all right?
Forget it.
Get out of my house.
You'd better not be here when I come back.
Who is she?
Who's turned you like this?
Stop it. Just stop it!
Why? Do you feel guilty?
I saw your face last night.
You looked so happy.
Do you love her that much?
Why are you bringing her
into our problems?
Then you looked at me
like I was disgusting.
You looked down on me
and trampled all over me.
How can a child do that to his mom?
This is so hard.
I'm so tired. I can't live anymore.
I know I did wrong.
But you shouldn't do this to me.
You know how my life was like.
I'd rather die if I can't live with you.
I want to die.
Will you kill me?
I have to see Hyeon-soo. Hyeon-soo.
I know why
I want to see Hyeon-soo so much right now.
I bought a cell phone.
Why didn't you tell me you got a phone?
I had to get it from Hyeon-soo.
Work at my place.
-Are you two dating?
-I'm more intrigued
now that you've rejected it.
Shall we see
whether or not Jeong-seon likes me
and if he'll fall for me?
Do you want to bet?
You're 29? Then you're older than my son.
I thought this would be my chance.
Stay away from her.
When I want something,
I keep on trying until I get it.
And eventually I make it mine.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee