Temperature of Love (2017) s01e03 Episode Script
Episode 3
I'll head in.
Stop crying already.
It'd be great if I could stop crying
just because you tell me to.
-Hey, why is she crying?
Her ex-boyfriend is getting married.
Don't tell her that.
She's going to make fun of me.
Gosh, your hands are dirty.
How did you even find out about it?
She's asking me how I found out about it.
Prior to taking action, you must
fact-check and gauge the situation first.
Good for you. Not everyone can
go cold turkey like you do.
How is she even going to
become a screenwriter?
She can't write romance.
At least she's going for other genres.
You two are a great match.
Why don't you date each other?
-No way!
-No way!
We're practically brothers.
We're sisters, not brothers.
Sisters, my foot.
You two fight and make up the next second.
By the way, where were you?
Even then, I didn't know
that it was love.
Why is it that love
never tells me
when it's going to come knock on my door?
Are you okay?
I'm going to die.
Stop it already.
I hope you cry your eyes out for a guy
one day
and end up wandering the streets of Seoul,
feeling all distraught.
You wish.
Knowing Hyeon-soo, that will never happen.
To her, love is like
a neatly ironed dress shirt.
Are you here to see my son?
Who's your son?
I'd like to get a cell phone.
Is there a specific model you'd like?
It must be.
You can tell?
How do you and Jeong-seon know each other?
I know all of his friends.
We've only known each other
for a little while.
We met through a running club.
How old are you?
I'm 29.
You're 29?
Then you're older than my son.
I'm suddenly so relieved now.
It was nice meeting you.
I usually keep people in my life
for a long time.
But I don't think it'll be like that
with you, so I'm a little disappointed.
Oh, boy.
This is Park Jeong-u.
Don't you remember me?
You, Jun-ha, and I
all went to the same college.
Oh, right. Hello.
How did you get my number?
I thought you were smart.
I didn't expect
such a lame question from you.
Just so you know,
I'm having a really bad day.
I heard about what happened to you.
From Jun-ha?
I heard you got fired.
Gosh, that jerk
Come to my office by 5 p.m.
I don't want to.
If you don't come, I'll remember you
as someone who's extremely insecure.
You can remember me however you want.
I don't care.
Gosh, Kim Jun-ha. What the hell!
Hey, wait.
What are you doing? I told you
to cook them sous vide when making purée.
These potatoes have a lot of moisture.
We should bake them first to get rid of--
Again! You're being bullheaded
without listening to me at all.
I cooked them sous vide last time.
I see. Is that why you think
you can disrespect me like this?
I'm trying to let you know
that I do respect your advice.
I cooked sous vide last time
because they were not as moist.
So, you're saying
the cooking method
depends on their moisture content,
but I don't know that.
You're right.
What "You're right"?
"You're right"? You prick, how dare you!
What's going on here?
Hey, where are you going?
Go easy on him, please.
If I do, everyone will get lazy
and make a mess.
What are you guys doing?
Customers will start coming soon!
Do you think I'm a joke?
Why change the subject?
How dare you cut me off!
I'm sorry, Chef.
Are you really going to keep this up?
I've told you before.
Getting along with the other guys
makes you more competent.
By "getting along," do you mean
I have to just suck it up?
Regardless of how talented you are,
you're still a rookie in this field.
You cannot get yourself established
without my help.
Starting tomorrow, make sure you arrive
when the sous chef starts.
Assist him.
You know how fond of you I am.
I'm doing this for you.
Even when you said
you want me to assist the sous chef,
I thought I should
just suck it up and do it to repay you
for everything you've done for me.
But what?
I changed my mind when you said,
"I'm doing this for you."
Here's one of the life lessons
I've learned. It's often a scam
when someone forces you to do
something hard, saying it's for your sake.
I'll think about it.
Whether I should stay here
for my own sake or not.
I know what's best for me.
Are you okay, ma'am?
All right, then.
-This way, please.
Jeong-seon is here, right?
Please tell him that his mom is here.
Hyeon-soo, what are you doing up there?
I have a mom too!
Did something happen?
I happened to meet my friend's mom,
which made me miss you so much.
Can I get a hug?
Sure thing!
I'm good now.
-Are you happy now?
I feel completely recharged.
I'm going to head home now.
Aren't you going to tell me what happened?
Do you think I'm talented?
Of course.
You're talented at everything.
You say that because you're my mom.
But that made me feel better.
Your career is obviously important,
but you have to marry a good man.
Your dad and I will
only look at one thing.
The guy's upbringing. It has to be someone
who grew up in a happy family.
Enough. You've already said it
so many times.
It's your dad.
This is what I had for lunch.
What about you, honey?
-Does it make you that happy?
-Of course.
Hyeon-soo is here.
I ate at the cafeteria too.
Have you had lunch yet?
I love how you and Dad
put yourselves before Hyeon-i and me.
I only need to worry about myself.
We're still so in love to make sure
we won't burden you girls.
Did you grill this?
It's cooked to perfection.
Why do you think I came all the way here?
I don't want you to hate me
for what happened this morning.
I always reflect on myself
and apologize, you know.
Enjoy your meal.
Can you stay until I finish?
Your total is 60,000 won.
Start a tab under my son's name, please.
I'm afraid we can't do that, ma'am.
Sure, no problem. Did you enjoy your meal?
Yes, I did.
Thank you.
I can make meringue too.
Who said you can barge into our kitchen?
I have a free pass
that allows me to enter anywhere.
Making cheesy remarks must be your forte.
It suits you.
Should I be offended or flattered?
I'll just take it as a compliment.
Okay, let me get straight to the point.
Have you had a chance to consider
my offer?
What offer?
I said I'll invest
if you want to open your own restaurant.
Oh, I took it as a joke. I didn't know
you were actually serious about it.
I thought you didn't have
a cell phone, but I guess you do.
I bought it today.
Let me see.
Save this number.
-Is it the first number on your phone?
-I'd like to make an official offer.
-And I officially reject it.
Goodness, you should at least think
about it before you reject it.
I've already given it enough thought.
That's why I answered right away.
Thank you for the kind offer though.
When I want something,
I keep on trying until I get it.
And eventually I make it mine.
This is just the beginning.
Rice is the best.
Who's this?
Why does this number look familiar?
It's me, Jeong-seon.
He called me.
Why did he call?
I can't believe I missed it.
He called me at 8:43 a.m.
That's when I was in front of his place.
Why did he call?
I can't even call him back
because it's a pay phone.
Wait, why not? It doesn't hurt to try.
Hello? This is Planet Earth.
Gosh, what's this guy saying?
Could you please tell me
the location of that pay phone?
It's located by the entrance of a park
in Yeonnam-dong.
Okay, thank you.
I bought a cell phone.
I see.
Are you feeling sick?
What happened to your voice?
No, I'm fine.
I'm just happy that you called
I mean, I'm excited No.
Never mind.
I'm glad you're not sick.
I have to get back inside
for the dinner shift.
I have an appointment,
so I should get going too.
I've never felt this way before.
Is it someone's birthday today?
You brought all this food for lunch?
I'm going to share them with the nurses.
What's this?
Deep-fried eel. Ganghwa Island
is famous for eels, you know.
-It's delicious.
-Is it?
Does watching me eat make you that happy?
I'm happiest when I see someone
enjoying the food I made,
even if it's not you.
Do you still want to become a chef?
It'd be such a waste to give up your job
as a doctor just to become a chef.
Why is it a waste?
Do you think
you can persuade your parents?
Only those from poor backgrounds
like Jeong-seon can choose
whatever career paths they want.
Why do you think
he's from a poor background?
His dad is a doctor,
and he has his rich grandpa in Andong.
I think he even inherited
some money from his grandpa.
Then why can't he ask me out?
I thought it was because
he's not confident.
Being delusional
is also an illness, you know.
Not all men are attracted
to women like you.
I think you lacked affection growing up.
I guess I've been too nice to you.
You're the delusional one here.
Shall we see
whether or not Jeong-seon likes me
and if he'll fall for me?
Do you want to bet?
I don't bet on people.
Eat up.
You got me riled up.
How do you expect me to eat?
I don't want to see you ever again.
Have you forgotten who you're talking to?
I'm Ji Hong-a.
Sir, Ms. Lee Hyeon-soo is here.
You're very punctual. Most writers
I've dealt with were usually late.
I'm not a writer yet,
and I like being on time.
Do you need some kind of license
to become a writer?
You write for a living.
Doesn't that mean you're a writer?
In other countries, writing one book
is all you need to do.
A true writer must have a free mind.
I haven't been able to free myself
from the conventional education I got.
I'm very judgmental.
And the older I get, the more I worry
about what others may think.
You're quite chipper
for someone who just got fired.
I'm good at getting back on my feet again.
I pop right back up
even when someone pushes me down.
I need a writer.
I bought publishing rights
for a few web novels and comics.
I'd like you to develop the storyline.
I'll pay you three million won a month.
With weekends off.
Tell me if there's anything else you want.
I have to reject the offer.
Why turn down such a great offer?
It's just too good to be true.
I feel like you're hiring me
because we're alumni.
You're right.
And you said you haven't been able to
free yourself from the education you got.
Then you should accept the offer.
It's true that I haven't been able
to free myself from that system yet,
but I was going to tell you
that I'm really trying to do so.
You cut me off though.
I'm going to do things my way.
We're fellow alumni,
so I'll just talk casually from now on.
Do you have a problem with that?
I'll be off, then.
Okay, fine. You're welcome
to come back anytime.
I'm more intrigued
now that you've rejected it.
It makes you look competent.
I tend to be like that.
I look competent when I'm actually not.
You see, don't let me fool you.
I'll decide whether I'll let you fool me
or not. But you know what?
It won't be easy to fool me.
Try all you want.
Doesn't the sky look
so beautiful right now?
How can the sky in Seoul
be this beautiful?
Your flowers are beautiful too.
Mom, you look most beautiful
when you don't do anything.
Are you telling me to die?
I'll die if you want me to.
I agreed to do as you say.
If you're saying things that
you don't even mean just to torment me,
you can stop.
It doesn't work on me anymore.
I don't want to stay here either.
This house suffocates me.
There's nothing for me to do here.
Pay back the money you spent to find me.
I'll get you a place.
I can't live with you, Mom.
Come on. Let's just go back to Paris.
You can finish your studies there.
A diploma from Le Cordon Bleu
will land you an amazing job.
You're still young.
The present should be spent
to build your dream and future.
It's funny to hear you say that.
Do you know what your dad
regrets the most?
Getting married before 30.
I'm worried you might hit women
like your dad did.
-Sons take after their dads.
Don't assume I'll turn out like Dad.
Listen to me. I'm a mom too.
I want to do something
for your better future.
I promise you that
I won't do stupid things anymore.
People don't change.
I saw that girl.
She came by earlier.
Stay away from her.
-Come true.
Why are you so chipper?
I thought you'd be all depressed.
I'm actually brimming with enthusiasm
for some reason.
I'm weird these days.
Ms. Park is the weird one.
It's my fault for asking for time off.
What made you decide to ask for time off?
Feeling so frustrated.
Is that the title of the drama?
I want to call it Steak.
It's about a guy who eats his steak rare.
A guy who likes his steak rare. Is there
anything special about his personality?
No, it's just a preference.
I interviewed Jeong-seon.
How did you get in touch with him?
Did you send a message?
He has a cell phone now.
Are you two dating?
Gosh, no.
Come on. He's much younger than me.
Right, it's you.
I love how realistic you are.
Even if he has a crush on you,
you shouldn't go out with him.
Why not?
It's obvious.
He's a playboy.
He studied abroad for a long time,
you know.
Well, don't you think you're biased?
It depends on the person.
You can't ignore the environment
one grew up in.
He flirted with me like crazy
when we first met.
I see.
Give me Jeong-seon's number.
Okay, sure.
As for the title,
I think The Man Who Eats Rare Steaks
is better than Steak.
I just sent you his number.
Are you going to work this early?
No, I got fired.
Don't look at me like that.
I deserved it.
Thanks to that, I'm in crisis mode now,
so I'm off to the library.
I'll prepare for another contest.
-Which library?
-The one at my school.
I'll study hard with college seniors.
Hop on.
This is so nice!
You initially said no.
I can be fickle-minded.
What will you do for lunch?
I'll eat whatever. I just want
a lot of food. The cafeteria, probably.
I want to try cafeteria food.
Then join me for lunch. I'll treat you.
Oh, can you come back though?
I get a lunch break.
-It's me, Hong-a.
-Why didn't you tell me you got a phone?
I had to get it from Hyeon-soo.
Was I supposed to tell you?
Don't you know the basic manners
between people?
I didn't know this was considered
one of them.
Then you should learn.
-Why are you angry?
-Because I am.
What are you angry about?
I don't understand.
Well, I don't get it either,
but I am angry.
Why did you call?
Do I need a reason to call you?
If you keep this up, I'll get angry too.
I'm planning to go to your restaurant
this Friday evening.
Make a reservation for me.
Don't ask me to do that for you.
Just call the restaurant.
Why don't you do anything nice for me?
Because you're my friend.
"Why are you so surprised?"
Yun-ha is startled.
-Why are you so surprised?
-"Why are you so surprised?"
"I'm sorry."
I'm sorry.
-Apologizing out of courtesy is worse.
-"Apologizing out of courtesy is worse."
"Let's hear what you think you did wrong."
out of courtesy is
I'm sorry.
Why did you bring your bag with you?
I'm going to go somewhere else.
I tend to say the lines out loud
when I write them.
I keep disturbing people.
Shall we go eat first?
It's cheap if this is 4,000 won.
I splurged today. I was going to get
the one that's only 3,000 won.
Work at my place.
It's empty all day because
I'm usually at the restaurant until late.
Did your mother leave?
I was surprised
by how young and beautiful she is.
She and I could probably pass for sisters.
The front door passcode is--
I don't like being indebted to people.
You can repay me, then.
With what?
You can be my food taster.
What kind of food do you like?
My gosh, this tastes so refreshing.
Clams are good for people
who use their brains a lot.
This is good too.
Although it's not as good as
what my mom used to make.
Well, I'm sure it's because
food that are made by moms tastes better
since they have a story behind it.
Food can taste better
when there's a story associated with it?
Yes. If you ever get to open
your own restaurant in the future,
make sure you include a dish with a story
in your menu.
It'll be a hit.
Did I earn my keep today?
Yes, you did.
Then will this omelet rice
be on your menu
when you open your own restaurant?
Thank you for the food.
Your T-shirt is inside out.
I've been meaning to tell you,
but I didn't want to embarrass you.
I wore it inside out on purpose.
-The seams irritate my skin.
I should have told you earlier.
Jun-ha said
I have a college friend
who's now a producer at SBC.
He told me that I can be too blunt
and that I may get
stoned to death one day.
Did you think I might hurl stones at you
if you pointed it out?
I feel so much better now.
I was really curious.
I thought you could be trying
to make a fashion statement
because your shirts were
always inside out.
You should've asked me sooner.
Why keep it in?
I know, right?
By the way,
why do I keep getting a feeling
that this has
nothing to do with developing new recipes?
I think you made this for me
because I said I like soup.
Are your instincts usually right?
You're wrong again.
I want something spicy.
Gosh, it's hot.
It's so hot.
It's good. It's delicious.
This is so nice.
Is this how you seduce women?
Why? What am I doing?
You're so sweet.
I'm not sweet to women.
Then what is this about?
Am I not a woman or what?
Shall I treat you like a woman?
Right now, work comes before love.
Have you heard from Alain Passard yet?
I sent him another e-mail.
You said it'll take about five years,
How old will I be then?
I'll be 34.
I might be married by then.
I won't go if you don't want me to.
Who am I to stop you?
But we kissed.
It just happened, so don't think
that it has to mean something.
Both of us got swept up in the moment,
that's all.
That's how I decided to see it.
Even if it's just once in your life,
it's okay to take things lightly.
You're so nonchalant about it.
I'm just acting like I am.
Since I'm older than you,
I feel like it's my responsibility
to provide a guideline for us.
You're more attractive
when you're just yourself.
You're less attractive right now.
I can be more attractive again.
You always have a comeback.
Do you like that about me?
I bet you like everything about me.
You're boasting.
-It's Hong-a.
-Yes, I see that.
Are you not going to answer?
Give me another drink.
Hey, she's here again.
Someone has a real talent.
It looks like he just knows
how to make people fall for him.
-She's gorgeous.
-She's not my type.
That makes you sound like a total loser.
She's like a celebrity.
She's drop-dead gorgeous.
You send orders in starting today.
But that's your job.
Chef told you to assist me.
Have you forgotten?
Do you have a problem?
-Guys, tell him what we need.
Cauliflower and sea urchin.
Oh, we're short on salmon. Caviar too.
Tell me the amount we need as well.
-Hey, Gyeong.
Ms. Park
wants you to come back starting tomorrow.
I can't.
You know how I left that place.
-You can talk to her directly.
-No, it's okay.
Hey, Hyeon-soo.
Hello, Ms. Park.
Are you still mad at me?
When people are angry,
they can say anything.
Think about how hard it must've been
for me to call you first.
As you're aware, Gyeong doesn't even know
what an episode is.
You know what she's like.
She practically has no experience.
Are you going to say no
when I'm making this much effort?
You said that you liked and admired me.
Was that all a lie?
What have you been up to?
Preparing for another contest.
Show me what you have.
I'll give you my feedback.
Okay, thank you.
-Do you want some?
-No, it's okay.
You can't even cook
instant noodles properly?
This is like porridge.
I thought it'd be
easier to digest this way.
You've been having
digestive problems lately,
but you wanted instant noodles, so I
Was that the reason?
How thoughtful of you.
What's the point though?
This is disgusting. I can't even eat it.
I'm sorry.
What are we going to do
about your writing?
It's not improving because you waste
your time on useless things.
Thank you.
Don't come in until I call you.
Did you take a new family portrait?
You two must get along very well.
Your family looks happy.
Why are you here?
Why didn't you pick up?
Why do I have to answer your calls?
It's over for us.
How can it be over when we have a son?
Stop using him to cling on to me.
What? Are you going to hit me?
Go ahead.
Let me remind myself
what it was like back then.
I won't leave just because you tell me to.
Do I still look like the same Yoo Yeong-mi
that you used to beat?
Why only me?
Why don't you hit her?
How long will you do this?
Take my calls.
Once a husband, always a husband.
Just give me your bank account number.
Until the day I become happy,
you're not allowed to be happy.
I'm surprised you don't mind
staying at one place for long.
I thought you'd get bored.
I like reading at home.
That's why I want to write.
People think I'm outgoing,
but I'm actually an introvert.
Are you all right?
What was that about?
I wasn't born pretty for your perusal.
What did I do?
You're the one that bumped into me.
You're pretty, but you have a bad temper.
What? I have a bad temper?
This is sexual harassment.
The way you were looking at me.
Do you know how disgusting it was?
Why are you being so rude?
Do you think I can't yell?
What? What are you going to do about it?
I'm sorry. She's a little sensitive today.
Is it wrong to say that she's pretty?
It's not, but it makes her uncomfortable.
She was out of line too,
so both of you should just drop it.
That little
I work at that restaurant.
You should come.
I'll treat you to a nice meal.
Hey, what's wrong with you?
Why are you picking fights?
Do you know how nasty it feels
when a man looks at you up and down?
Just let it go.
Most people let things pass
even when they're upset.
Take me home.
I already called a taxi.
There it is.
Get in.
Gosh, this won't work.
Where are you going?
-Give me a cup of coffee.
Ms. Park, I have something to tell you.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry,
but I don't think I can work for you.
I've already decided to focus
on my writing this year,
so I find it hard
to focus on what you wrote.
Do you call this piece of garbage
You were always dissecting
other people's works,
so I thought you'd be a good writer.
But what is this?
The characters, the structure,
and the lines.
Everything is so immature.
Is it that bad?
These contests aren't a joke.
You know that I was a judge
for SBC's screenwriting contest, right?
This is something I'd cut
right off the bat.
You should know your place
before you act like a know-it-all.
Gosh, this is too sweet and strong.
I put in two packets
since you looked tired.
Why can't you get anything right?
Just do as you're told.
Why make your own decisions?
I'll quit too.
I have a mind of my own too.
I always get yelled at here.
I feel like I might go crazy.
I'm not even helpful to you anyway.
I can't do this anymore.
My goodness.
Hey, do you even have a place to go?
I'll make do.
This is why they say
you should never help anyone out.
I gave you food and a place to sleep!
Look what you've done to her.
I'll make sure neither of you can set foot
in this industry.
I can do that much!
Gosh, seriously
I came because I didn't know
how else to contact you.
Do you want to come in?
Let's just talk here.
Why is your mother back?
Can't she come back?
I was anxious when you came back.
I thought she might follow you.
She came to see me today and made a scene.
Please take your mother
and leave the country.
Let my family live in peace.
-What can I do?
-She listens to you.
Your mother is crazy.
Who made her crazy?
She blames everyone but herself
because she has nothing better to do.
Did I do it for no reason?
She was always on my case.
I was there too.
Please do it for me.
The realtor called.
They'll come take a look tomorrow.
I think we'll find new tenants soon.
What are you talking about?
Your sister told me
that you girls want to move.
She asked for the deposit back.
Are we moving?
Yes. Until when are you going
to leech off me?
What do you mean?
I found a place for myself.
Half of the deposit is mine,
so I'm taking it with me.
You can find your own place.
I have to do this
to give you a wake-up call.
Were you sleeping?
Then what happened to your voice?
Did you cry?
Why did you call? It's really late.
You got picked, Hyeon-soo.
Something really good happened to me,
and you got picked to celebrate with me.
Did Alain Passard get back to you?
My gosh, congratulations.
Do you want to meet right now?
No, I can't.
We live close by.
I'll come to your place.
You can come out for a few minutes.
I told you that I can't.
You're acting like a kid.
Don't pester me like this.
I'm sorry. Go to bed, then.
All right. Congratulations again.
Come over here. You ordered
our supplies this month, right?
Explain what happened here.
This is strange.
I only ordered one each.
Then why does it say
that they sent us two?
Why did that happen?
Why are you asking me?
You're the one who ordered them.
Did you do this because I nagged at you?
Are you saying I stole them?
Everything points to that conclusion.
I chose to work here
solely because I trusted you,
but that trust broke today.
-It wasn't you?
-No, I didn't do it.
Then who did this?
I wanted to leave on a good note.
What are you talking about?
I quit.
How can you do this to me?
I took such good care of you.
I am grateful for that.
Fine, but what will you do about this?
It's my fault
that the orders got messed up,
so I'll pay for it.
I heard your family is rich.
It must be true.
That's why you're so rude.
You probably shouldn't insult me like that
if you want to see me again.
You need to go somewhere with me.
Your ancestors must've made
some significant contributions.
My ancestors? That's funny.
My grandfather and my father
are not that distant from me.
Am I doing this right?
Is this it?
There's no right or wrong way.
How do you do it?
I do it differently
because I learned it differently.
I heard that you're quitting
when I called to make a reservation.
I thought this would be my chance.
Can you provide me with whatever I want?
What do you want?
Corny things are addictive.
I was addicted for a moment.
I see.
This must be how it feels to hear me talk.
I'll reject the offer for now.
Just think of me as your big brother.
I don't suggest this to just anyone.
I don't know when it will be,
but if I open a restaurant
It'll be with you.
Try this and tell me if it's good.
I want Chef On Jeong-seon's feedback.
The noodles are overcooked.
I like them overcooked.
Hello, this is Lee Hyeon-soo.
I called because there is something
I have to tell you.
When are you free?
I'm sorry I made you come
all the way here.
It's all right.
I'm the one who asked to meet anyway.
So, what's on the table?
I'll accept the offer you made.
Three million won a month.
If the offer is still valid, that is.
Can you start tomorrow?
Yes, of course.
Do you want to try?
No, I'm not in the mood.
Even if you're not in the mood,
you should do
what your boss tells you to do.
That's what work is about.
Even if it makes you feel shitty,
you still have to do as you're told.
Okay, I'll do it.
Can I try one more time?
-No, you can't.
-Why not?
Because you want to do it.
Let's go eat something.
Do I have to eat?
I don't feel like eating.
I mean
Aren't you uncomfortable,
knowing that you're forcing me?
No, not at all.
You're going along with it
because you don't want to offend me.
That's only possible when I'm in power.
You must like power.
Yes, I do.
I'll be happy to eat.
You're not forcing me.
Do you want me to send this?
No, can you keep it for me
for the time being?
Sure, no problem.
What did Hyeon-soo say?
Things are not looking good.
She has her life too, you know.
You didn't ask her to wait for you,
did you?
You're clueless when it comes to women.
They always choose love
over anything else.
She's just busy looking for a job now,
you know.
If you ask her to wait for you,
she'll be happy.
You're saying that
because you don't know her well enough.
For her, work comes before love.
-Did you ask her?
-Yes, I did.
It's because you only asked once.
You have to ask her twice.
She's older than you.
She won't make it that easy for you.
Why are you so tactless?
-Do you really think so?
-Yes, I do.
You should call her before you leave.
See if she picks up.
She wouldn't ignore my calls.
She'd pick up and reject me.
I guess you like foods that kids love.
My mother used to make this for me
when I was young.
I eat this when I miss her.
Go see her if you miss her.
I'm sorry.
I'm asking another dumb question,
aren't I?
Did your mother pass away?
How old were you?
I won't answer it.
Do you want to answer it?
Will you wait for me?
Love isn't special to me. I'm sorry.
Did you really like her?
No. I loved her although she rejected me.
I like her. I want to start a family.
I have a man I love.
I only realized it after he left.
We have a table of five reserved for
lunch. Cleanliness, devotion, and focus!
Congratulations. You've become a chef.
Congratulations. You've become a writer.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
I'll head in.
Stop crying already.
It'd be great if I could stop crying
just because you tell me to.
-Hey, why is she crying?
Her ex-boyfriend is getting married.
Don't tell her that.
She's going to make fun of me.
Gosh, your hands are dirty.
How did you even find out about it?
She's asking me how I found out about it.
Prior to taking action, you must
fact-check and gauge the situation first.
Good for you. Not everyone can
go cold turkey like you do.
How is she even going to
become a screenwriter?
She can't write romance.
At least she's going for other genres.
You two are a great match.
Why don't you date each other?
-No way!
-No way!
We're practically brothers.
We're sisters, not brothers.
Sisters, my foot.
You two fight and make up the next second.
By the way, where were you?
Even then, I didn't know
that it was love.
Why is it that love
never tells me
when it's going to come knock on my door?
Are you okay?
I'm going to die.
Stop it already.
I hope you cry your eyes out for a guy
one day
and end up wandering the streets of Seoul,
feeling all distraught.
You wish.
Knowing Hyeon-soo, that will never happen.
To her, love is like
a neatly ironed dress shirt.
Are you here to see my son?
Who's your son?
I'd like to get a cell phone.
Is there a specific model you'd like?
It must be.
You can tell?
How do you and Jeong-seon know each other?
I know all of his friends.
We've only known each other
for a little while.
We met through a running club.
How old are you?
I'm 29.
You're 29?
Then you're older than my son.
I'm suddenly so relieved now.
It was nice meeting you.
I usually keep people in my life
for a long time.
But I don't think it'll be like that
with you, so I'm a little disappointed.
Oh, boy.
This is Park Jeong-u.
Don't you remember me?
You, Jun-ha, and I
all went to the same college.
Oh, right. Hello.
How did you get my number?
I thought you were smart.
I didn't expect
such a lame question from you.
Just so you know,
I'm having a really bad day.
I heard about what happened to you.
From Jun-ha?
I heard you got fired.
Gosh, that jerk
Come to my office by 5 p.m.
I don't want to.
If you don't come, I'll remember you
as someone who's extremely insecure.
You can remember me however you want.
I don't care.
Gosh, Kim Jun-ha. What the hell!
Hey, wait.
What are you doing? I told you
to cook them sous vide when making purée.
These potatoes have a lot of moisture.
We should bake them first to get rid of--
Again! You're being bullheaded
without listening to me at all.
I cooked them sous vide last time.
I see. Is that why you think
you can disrespect me like this?
I'm trying to let you know
that I do respect your advice.
I cooked sous vide last time
because they were not as moist.
So, you're saying
the cooking method
depends on their moisture content,
but I don't know that.
You're right.
What "You're right"?
"You're right"? You prick, how dare you!
What's going on here?
Hey, where are you going?
Go easy on him, please.
If I do, everyone will get lazy
and make a mess.
What are you guys doing?
Customers will start coming soon!
Do you think I'm a joke?
Why change the subject?
How dare you cut me off!
I'm sorry, Chef.
Are you really going to keep this up?
I've told you before.
Getting along with the other guys
makes you more competent.
By "getting along," do you mean
I have to just suck it up?
Regardless of how talented you are,
you're still a rookie in this field.
You cannot get yourself established
without my help.
Starting tomorrow, make sure you arrive
when the sous chef starts.
Assist him.
You know how fond of you I am.
I'm doing this for you.
Even when you said
you want me to assist the sous chef,
I thought I should
just suck it up and do it to repay you
for everything you've done for me.
But what?
I changed my mind when you said,
"I'm doing this for you."
Here's one of the life lessons
I've learned. It's often a scam
when someone forces you to do
something hard, saying it's for your sake.
I'll think about it.
Whether I should stay here
for my own sake or not.
I know what's best for me.
Are you okay, ma'am?
All right, then.
-This way, please.
Jeong-seon is here, right?
Please tell him that his mom is here.
Hyeon-soo, what are you doing up there?
I have a mom too!
Did something happen?
I happened to meet my friend's mom,
which made me miss you so much.
Can I get a hug?
Sure thing!
I'm good now.
-Are you happy now?
I feel completely recharged.
I'm going to head home now.
Aren't you going to tell me what happened?
Do you think I'm talented?
Of course.
You're talented at everything.
You say that because you're my mom.
But that made me feel better.
Your career is obviously important,
but you have to marry a good man.
Your dad and I will
only look at one thing.
The guy's upbringing. It has to be someone
who grew up in a happy family.
Enough. You've already said it
so many times.
It's your dad.
This is what I had for lunch.
What about you, honey?
-Does it make you that happy?
-Of course.
Hyeon-soo is here.
I ate at the cafeteria too.
Have you had lunch yet?
I love how you and Dad
put yourselves before Hyeon-i and me.
I only need to worry about myself.
We're still so in love to make sure
we won't burden you girls.
Did you grill this?
It's cooked to perfection.
Why do you think I came all the way here?
I don't want you to hate me
for what happened this morning.
I always reflect on myself
and apologize, you know.
Enjoy your meal.
Can you stay until I finish?
Your total is 60,000 won.
Start a tab under my son's name, please.
I'm afraid we can't do that, ma'am.
Sure, no problem. Did you enjoy your meal?
Yes, I did.
Thank you.
I can make meringue too.
Who said you can barge into our kitchen?
I have a free pass
that allows me to enter anywhere.
Making cheesy remarks must be your forte.
It suits you.
Should I be offended or flattered?
I'll just take it as a compliment.
Okay, let me get straight to the point.
Have you had a chance to consider
my offer?
What offer?
I said I'll invest
if you want to open your own restaurant.
Oh, I took it as a joke. I didn't know
you were actually serious about it.
I thought you didn't have
a cell phone, but I guess you do.
I bought it today.
Let me see.
Save this number.
-Is it the first number on your phone?
-I'd like to make an official offer.
-And I officially reject it.
Goodness, you should at least think
about it before you reject it.
I've already given it enough thought.
That's why I answered right away.
Thank you for the kind offer though.
When I want something,
I keep on trying until I get it.
And eventually I make it mine.
This is just the beginning.
Rice is the best.
Who's this?
Why does this number look familiar?
It's me, Jeong-seon.
He called me.
Why did he call?
I can't believe I missed it.
He called me at 8:43 a.m.
That's when I was in front of his place.
Why did he call?
I can't even call him back
because it's a pay phone.
Wait, why not? It doesn't hurt to try.
Hello? This is Planet Earth.
Gosh, what's this guy saying?
Could you please tell me
the location of that pay phone?
It's located by the entrance of a park
in Yeonnam-dong.
Okay, thank you.
I bought a cell phone.
I see.
Are you feeling sick?
What happened to your voice?
No, I'm fine.
I'm just happy that you called
I mean, I'm excited No.
Never mind.
I'm glad you're not sick.
I have to get back inside
for the dinner shift.
I have an appointment,
so I should get going too.
I've never felt this way before.
Is it someone's birthday today?
You brought all this food for lunch?
I'm going to share them with the nurses.
What's this?
Deep-fried eel. Ganghwa Island
is famous for eels, you know.
-It's delicious.
-Is it?
Does watching me eat make you that happy?
I'm happiest when I see someone
enjoying the food I made,
even if it's not you.
Do you still want to become a chef?
It'd be such a waste to give up your job
as a doctor just to become a chef.
Why is it a waste?
Do you think
you can persuade your parents?
Only those from poor backgrounds
like Jeong-seon can choose
whatever career paths they want.
Why do you think
he's from a poor background?
His dad is a doctor,
and he has his rich grandpa in Andong.
I think he even inherited
some money from his grandpa.
Then why can't he ask me out?
I thought it was because
he's not confident.
Being delusional
is also an illness, you know.
Not all men are attracted
to women like you.
I think you lacked affection growing up.
I guess I've been too nice to you.
You're the delusional one here.
Shall we see
whether or not Jeong-seon likes me
and if he'll fall for me?
Do you want to bet?
I don't bet on people.
Eat up.
You got me riled up.
How do you expect me to eat?
I don't want to see you ever again.
Have you forgotten who you're talking to?
I'm Ji Hong-a.
Sir, Ms. Lee Hyeon-soo is here.
You're very punctual. Most writers
I've dealt with were usually late.
I'm not a writer yet,
and I like being on time.
Do you need some kind of license
to become a writer?
You write for a living.
Doesn't that mean you're a writer?
In other countries, writing one book
is all you need to do.
A true writer must have a free mind.
I haven't been able to free myself
from the conventional education I got.
I'm very judgmental.
And the older I get, the more I worry
about what others may think.
You're quite chipper
for someone who just got fired.
I'm good at getting back on my feet again.
I pop right back up
even when someone pushes me down.
I need a writer.
I bought publishing rights
for a few web novels and comics.
I'd like you to develop the storyline.
I'll pay you three million won a month.
With weekends off.
Tell me if there's anything else you want.
I have to reject the offer.
Why turn down such a great offer?
It's just too good to be true.
I feel like you're hiring me
because we're alumni.
You're right.
And you said you haven't been able to
free yourself from the education you got.
Then you should accept the offer.
It's true that I haven't been able
to free myself from that system yet,
but I was going to tell you
that I'm really trying to do so.
You cut me off though.
I'm going to do things my way.
We're fellow alumni,
so I'll just talk casually from now on.
Do you have a problem with that?
I'll be off, then.
Okay, fine. You're welcome
to come back anytime.
I'm more intrigued
now that you've rejected it.
It makes you look competent.
I tend to be like that.
I look competent when I'm actually not.
You see, don't let me fool you.
I'll decide whether I'll let you fool me
or not. But you know what?
It won't be easy to fool me.
Try all you want.
Doesn't the sky look
so beautiful right now?
How can the sky in Seoul
be this beautiful?
Your flowers are beautiful too.
Mom, you look most beautiful
when you don't do anything.
Are you telling me to die?
I'll die if you want me to.
I agreed to do as you say.
If you're saying things that
you don't even mean just to torment me,
you can stop.
It doesn't work on me anymore.
I don't want to stay here either.
This house suffocates me.
There's nothing for me to do here.
Pay back the money you spent to find me.
I'll get you a place.
I can't live with you, Mom.
Come on. Let's just go back to Paris.
You can finish your studies there.
A diploma from Le Cordon Bleu
will land you an amazing job.
You're still young.
The present should be spent
to build your dream and future.
It's funny to hear you say that.
Do you know what your dad
regrets the most?
Getting married before 30.
I'm worried you might hit women
like your dad did.
-Sons take after their dads.
Don't assume I'll turn out like Dad.
Listen to me. I'm a mom too.
I want to do something
for your better future.
I promise you that
I won't do stupid things anymore.
People don't change.
I saw that girl.
She came by earlier.
Stay away from her.
-Come true.
Why are you so chipper?
I thought you'd be all depressed.
I'm actually brimming with enthusiasm
for some reason.
I'm weird these days.
Ms. Park is the weird one.
It's my fault for asking for time off.
What made you decide to ask for time off?
Feeling so frustrated.
Is that the title of the drama?
I want to call it Steak.
It's about a guy who eats his steak rare.
A guy who likes his steak rare. Is there
anything special about his personality?
No, it's just a preference.
I interviewed Jeong-seon.
How did you get in touch with him?
Did you send a message?
He has a cell phone now.
Are you two dating?
Gosh, no.
Come on. He's much younger than me.
Right, it's you.
I love how realistic you are.
Even if he has a crush on you,
you shouldn't go out with him.
Why not?
It's obvious.
He's a playboy.
He studied abroad for a long time,
you know.
Well, don't you think you're biased?
It depends on the person.
You can't ignore the environment
one grew up in.
He flirted with me like crazy
when we first met.
I see.
Give me Jeong-seon's number.
Okay, sure.
As for the title,
I think The Man Who Eats Rare Steaks
is better than Steak.
I just sent you his number.
Are you going to work this early?
No, I got fired.
Don't look at me like that.
I deserved it.
Thanks to that, I'm in crisis mode now,
so I'm off to the library.
I'll prepare for another contest.
-Which library?
-The one at my school.
I'll study hard with college seniors.
Hop on.
This is so nice!
You initially said no.
I can be fickle-minded.
What will you do for lunch?
I'll eat whatever. I just want
a lot of food. The cafeteria, probably.
I want to try cafeteria food.
Then join me for lunch. I'll treat you.
Oh, can you come back though?
I get a lunch break.
-It's me, Hong-a.
-Why didn't you tell me you got a phone?
I had to get it from Hyeon-soo.
Was I supposed to tell you?
Don't you know the basic manners
between people?
I didn't know this was considered
one of them.
Then you should learn.
-Why are you angry?
-Because I am.
What are you angry about?
I don't understand.
Well, I don't get it either,
but I am angry.
Why did you call?
Do I need a reason to call you?
If you keep this up, I'll get angry too.
I'm planning to go to your restaurant
this Friday evening.
Make a reservation for me.
Don't ask me to do that for you.
Just call the restaurant.
Why don't you do anything nice for me?
Because you're my friend.
"Why are you so surprised?"
Yun-ha is startled.
-Why are you so surprised?
-"Why are you so surprised?"
"I'm sorry."
I'm sorry.
-Apologizing out of courtesy is worse.
-"Apologizing out of courtesy is worse."
"Let's hear what you think you did wrong."
out of courtesy is
I'm sorry.
Why did you bring your bag with you?
I'm going to go somewhere else.
I tend to say the lines out loud
when I write them.
I keep disturbing people.
Shall we go eat first?
It's cheap if this is 4,000 won.
I splurged today. I was going to get
the one that's only 3,000 won.
Work at my place.
It's empty all day because
I'm usually at the restaurant until late.
Did your mother leave?
I was surprised
by how young and beautiful she is.
She and I could probably pass for sisters.
The front door passcode is--
I don't like being indebted to people.
You can repay me, then.
With what?
You can be my food taster.
What kind of food do you like?
My gosh, this tastes so refreshing.
Clams are good for people
who use their brains a lot.
This is good too.
Although it's not as good as
what my mom used to make.
Well, I'm sure it's because
food that are made by moms tastes better
since they have a story behind it.
Food can taste better
when there's a story associated with it?
Yes. If you ever get to open
your own restaurant in the future,
make sure you include a dish with a story
in your menu.
It'll be a hit.
Did I earn my keep today?
Yes, you did.
Then will this omelet rice
be on your menu
when you open your own restaurant?
Thank you for the food.
Your T-shirt is inside out.
I've been meaning to tell you,
but I didn't want to embarrass you.
I wore it inside out on purpose.
-The seams irritate my skin.
I should have told you earlier.
Jun-ha said
I have a college friend
who's now a producer at SBC.
He told me that I can be too blunt
and that I may get
stoned to death one day.
Did you think I might hurl stones at you
if you pointed it out?
I feel so much better now.
I was really curious.
I thought you could be trying
to make a fashion statement
because your shirts were
always inside out.
You should've asked me sooner.
Why keep it in?
I know, right?
By the way,
why do I keep getting a feeling
that this has
nothing to do with developing new recipes?
I think you made this for me
because I said I like soup.
Are your instincts usually right?
You're wrong again.
I want something spicy.
Gosh, it's hot.
It's so hot.
It's good. It's delicious.
This is so nice.
Is this how you seduce women?
Why? What am I doing?
You're so sweet.
I'm not sweet to women.
Then what is this about?
Am I not a woman or what?
Shall I treat you like a woman?
Right now, work comes before love.
Have you heard from Alain Passard yet?
I sent him another e-mail.
You said it'll take about five years,
How old will I be then?
I'll be 34.
I might be married by then.
I won't go if you don't want me to.
Who am I to stop you?
But we kissed.
It just happened, so don't think
that it has to mean something.
Both of us got swept up in the moment,
that's all.
That's how I decided to see it.
Even if it's just once in your life,
it's okay to take things lightly.
You're so nonchalant about it.
I'm just acting like I am.
Since I'm older than you,
I feel like it's my responsibility
to provide a guideline for us.
You're more attractive
when you're just yourself.
You're less attractive right now.
I can be more attractive again.
You always have a comeback.
Do you like that about me?
I bet you like everything about me.
You're boasting.
-It's Hong-a.
-Yes, I see that.
Are you not going to answer?
Give me another drink.
Hey, she's here again.
Someone has a real talent.
It looks like he just knows
how to make people fall for him.
-She's gorgeous.
-She's not my type.
That makes you sound like a total loser.
She's like a celebrity.
She's drop-dead gorgeous.
You send orders in starting today.
But that's your job.
Chef told you to assist me.
Have you forgotten?
Do you have a problem?
-Guys, tell him what we need.
Cauliflower and sea urchin.
Oh, we're short on salmon. Caviar too.
Tell me the amount we need as well.
-Hey, Gyeong.
Ms. Park
wants you to come back starting tomorrow.
I can't.
You know how I left that place.
-You can talk to her directly.
-No, it's okay.
Hey, Hyeon-soo.
Hello, Ms. Park.
Are you still mad at me?
When people are angry,
they can say anything.
Think about how hard it must've been
for me to call you first.
As you're aware, Gyeong doesn't even know
what an episode is.
You know what she's like.
She practically has no experience.
Are you going to say no
when I'm making this much effort?
You said that you liked and admired me.
Was that all a lie?
What have you been up to?
Preparing for another contest.
Show me what you have.
I'll give you my feedback.
Okay, thank you.
-Do you want some?
-No, it's okay.
You can't even cook
instant noodles properly?
This is like porridge.
I thought it'd be
easier to digest this way.
You've been having
digestive problems lately,
but you wanted instant noodles, so I
Was that the reason?
How thoughtful of you.
What's the point though?
This is disgusting. I can't even eat it.
I'm sorry.
What are we going to do
about your writing?
It's not improving because you waste
your time on useless things.
Thank you.
Don't come in until I call you.
Did you take a new family portrait?
You two must get along very well.
Your family looks happy.
Why are you here?
Why didn't you pick up?
Why do I have to answer your calls?
It's over for us.
How can it be over when we have a son?
Stop using him to cling on to me.
What? Are you going to hit me?
Go ahead.
Let me remind myself
what it was like back then.
I won't leave just because you tell me to.
Do I still look like the same Yoo Yeong-mi
that you used to beat?
Why only me?
Why don't you hit her?
How long will you do this?
Take my calls.
Once a husband, always a husband.
Just give me your bank account number.
Until the day I become happy,
you're not allowed to be happy.
I'm surprised you don't mind
staying at one place for long.
I thought you'd get bored.
I like reading at home.
That's why I want to write.
People think I'm outgoing,
but I'm actually an introvert.
Are you all right?
What was that about?
I wasn't born pretty for your perusal.
What did I do?
You're the one that bumped into me.
You're pretty, but you have a bad temper.
What? I have a bad temper?
This is sexual harassment.
The way you were looking at me.
Do you know how disgusting it was?
Why are you being so rude?
Do you think I can't yell?
What? What are you going to do about it?
I'm sorry. She's a little sensitive today.
Is it wrong to say that she's pretty?
It's not, but it makes her uncomfortable.
She was out of line too,
so both of you should just drop it.
That little
I work at that restaurant.
You should come.
I'll treat you to a nice meal.
Hey, what's wrong with you?
Why are you picking fights?
Do you know how nasty it feels
when a man looks at you up and down?
Just let it go.
Most people let things pass
even when they're upset.
Take me home.
I already called a taxi.
There it is.
Get in.
Gosh, this won't work.
Where are you going?
-Give me a cup of coffee.
Ms. Park, I have something to tell you.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry,
but I don't think I can work for you.
I've already decided to focus
on my writing this year,
so I find it hard
to focus on what you wrote.
Do you call this piece of garbage
You were always dissecting
other people's works,
so I thought you'd be a good writer.
But what is this?
The characters, the structure,
and the lines.
Everything is so immature.
Is it that bad?
These contests aren't a joke.
You know that I was a judge
for SBC's screenwriting contest, right?
This is something I'd cut
right off the bat.
You should know your place
before you act like a know-it-all.
Gosh, this is too sweet and strong.
I put in two packets
since you looked tired.
Why can't you get anything right?
Just do as you're told.
Why make your own decisions?
I'll quit too.
I have a mind of my own too.
I always get yelled at here.
I feel like I might go crazy.
I'm not even helpful to you anyway.
I can't do this anymore.
My goodness.
Hey, do you even have a place to go?
I'll make do.
This is why they say
you should never help anyone out.
I gave you food and a place to sleep!
Look what you've done to her.
I'll make sure neither of you can set foot
in this industry.
I can do that much!
Gosh, seriously
I came because I didn't know
how else to contact you.
Do you want to come in?
Let's just talk here.
Why is your mother back?
Can't she come back?
I was anxious when you came back.
I thought she might follow you.
She came to see me today and made a scene.
Please take your mother
and leave the country.
Let my family live in peace.
-What can I do?
-She listens to you.
Your mother is crazy.
Who made her crazy?
She blames everyone but herself
because she has nothing better to do.
Did I do it for no reason?
She was always on my case.
I was there too.
Please do it for me.
The realtor called.
They'll come take a look tomorrow.
I think we'll find new tenants soon.
What are you talking about?
Your sister told me
that you girls want to move.
She asked for the deposit back.
Are we moving?
Yes. Until when are you going
to leech off me?
What do you mean?
I found a place for myself.
Half of the deposit is mine,
so I'm taking it with me.
You can find your own place.
I have to do this
to give you a wake-up call.
Were you sleeping?
Then what happened to your voice?
Did you cry?
Why did you call? It's really late.
You got picked, Hyeon-soo.
Something really good happened to me,
and you got picked to celebrate with me.
Did Alain Passard get back to you?
My gosh, congratulations.
Do you want to meet right now?
No, I can't.
We live close by.
I'll come to your place.
You can come out for a few minutes.
I told you that I can't.
You're acting like a kid.
Don't pester me like this.
I'm sorry. Go to bed, then.
All right. Congratulations again.
Come over here. You ordered
our supplies this month, right?
Explain what happened here.
This is strange.
I only ordered one each.
Then why does it say
that they sent us two?
Why did that happen?
Why are you asking me?
You're the one who ordered them.
Did you do this because I nagged at you?
Are you saying I stole them?
Everything points to that conclusion.
I chose to work here
solely because I trusted you,
but that trust broke today.
-It wasn't you?
-No, I didn't do it.
Then who did this?
I wanted to leave on a good note.
What are you talking about?
I quit.
How can you do this to me?
I took such good care of you.
I am grateful for that.
Fine, but what will you do about this?
It's my fault
that the orders got messed up,
so I'll pay for it.
I heard your family is rich.
It must be true.
That's why you're so rude.
You probably shouldn't insult me like that
if you want to see me again.
You need to go somewhere with me.
Your ancestors must've made
some significant contributions.
My ancestors? That's funny.
My grandfather and my father
are not that distant from me.
Am I doing this right?
Is this it?
There's no right or wrong way.
How do you do it?
I do it differently
because I learned it differently.
I heard that you're quitting
when I called to make a reservation.
I thought this would be my chance.
Can you provide me with whatever I want?
What do you want?
Corny things are addictive.
I was addicted for a moment.
I see.
This must be how it feels to hear me talk.
I'll reject the offer for now.
Just think of me as your big brother.
I don't suggest this to just anyone.
I don't know when it will be,
but if I open a restaurant
It'll be with you.
Try this and tell me if it's good.
I want Chef On Jeong-seon's feedback.
The noodles are overcooked.
I like them overcooked.
Hello, this is Lee Hyeon-soo.
I called because there is something
I have to tell you.
When are you free?
I'm sorry I made you come
all the way here.
It's all right.
I'm the one who asked to meet anyway.
So, what's on the table?
I'll accept the offer you made.
Three million won a month.
If the offer is still valid, that is.
Can you start tomorrow?
Yes, of course.
Do you want to try?
No, I'm not in the mood.
Even if you're not in the mood,
you should do
what your boss tells you to do.
That's what work is about.
Even if it makes you feel shitty,
you still have to do as you're told.
Okay, I'll do it.
Can I try one more time?
-No, you can't.
-Why not?
Because you want to do it.
Let's go eat something.
Do I have to eat?
I don't feel like eating.
I mean
Aren't you uncomfortable,
knowing that you're forcing me?
No, not at all.
You're going along with it
because you don't want to offend me.
That's only possible when I'm in power.
You must like power.
Yes, I do.
I'll be happy to eat.
You're not forcing me.
Do you want me to send this?
No, can you keep it for me
for the time being?
Sure, no problem.
What did Hyeon-soo say?
Things are not looking good.
She has her life too, you know.
You didn't ask her to wait for you,
did you?
You're clueless when it comes to women.
They always choose love
over anything else.
She's just busy looking for a job now,
you know.
If you ask her to wait for you,
she'll be happy.
You're saying that
because you don't know her well enough.
For her, work comes before love.
-Did you ask her?
-Yes, I did.
It's because you only asked once.
You have to ask her twice.
She's older than you.
She won't make it that easy for you.
Why are you so tactless?
-Do you really think so?
-Yes, I do.
You should call her before you leave.
See if she picks up.
She wouldn't ignore my calls.
She'd pick up and reject me.
I guess you like foods that kids love.
My mother used to make this for me
when I was young.
I eat this when I miss her.
Go see her if you miss her.
I'm sorry.
I'm asking another dumb question,
aren't I?
Did your mother pass away?
How old were you?
I won't answer it.
Do you want to answer it?
Will you wait for me?
Love isn't special to me. I'm sorry.
Did you really like her?
No. I loved her although she rejected me.
I like her. I want to start a family.
I have a man I love.
I only realized it after he left.
We have a table of five reserved for
lunch. Cleanliness, devotion, and focus!
Congratulations. You've become a chef.
Congratulations. You've become a writer.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee