Temperature of Love (2017) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Did Alain Passard get back to you?
My gosh, congratulations.
Do you want to meet right now?
No, I can't.
I'll come to your place.
You can come out for a few minutes.
I told you that I can't.
You're acting like a kid.
Don't pester me like this.
I'm sorry.
Go to bed, then.
You thought I wouldn't come
if you called me childish?
Why did you cry?
You knew?
Yes. I've also cried like that before.
They say men are only allowed to cry
three times in life.
First, when their parents pass away--
Anyone can cry if they're sad
regardless of their gender.
Why are you discriminating?
That's such an outdated thought.
I know.
I already know
because my dad cries easily.
I just wanted to be cranky.
I don't know.
Should I tell you what I did
when I felt sad?
You need to stretch.
Otherwise, you'll suffer from muscle pain.
You nag so much.
But you're listening to me.
I know.
Will you wait for me?
You're the first person
that came to mind
when I got the email from Alain Passard.
I wondered what I should do.
I'm into this song these days.
Want to listen?
Will you go out with me?
My scriptwriting teacher
once told me this.
That real drama begins
between a man and a woman
when they break up.
The lyrics
Do you know what it means?
My English is not good enough
to translate it right away.
"We only said goodbye with words."
How could people say goodbye
only with words?
All my previous relationships ended
when I wanted them to end.
Love isn't special to me.
My parents
love each other even
after 30 years of marriage.
But I don't find it particularly special.
Love is so meaningless.
I can't waste my youth
on something like that.
So, love
is petty for you.
Like you said, I cried today.
My dream has collided with reality again.
It was harder today than usual.
You're difficult to understand.
That's right.
But you aren't easy either.
I'm difficult in another way.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
You gave me a clear answer
to my request to wait for me.
I'll be right behind after parking my car.
Thanks. You really didn't have to do this.
Then I'll do another favor for you.
Give me your phone.
I'll cancel it for you.
Let me make a call first.
Do you want to answer it?
I won't answer it.
The number you have dialed is not
available at this moment.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Visit me on your break.
Jeong-seon, it's time to go.
I want to look around
the duty-free stores.
I won't buy anything.
We'll go now.
Okay, I'll call you later.
The phone is turned off.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Hello, sir.
Go through the books over there.
We need to decide on
which ones to buy the rights to.
Think carefully.
Yes, sir.
Please show Ms. Lee her desk.
Yes, sir.
Also, look through the ones
we have the rights to,
and write synopses for them.
Yes, sir.
Do you really think
I would ask you take all these at once?
Go to your desk. I'll get someone
to bring them to you.
I can carry them if you give me
a paper bag or something.
I can carry them myself.
Suit yourself.
You didn't have to come. I know
you are busy preparing for the contest.
I'm done writing because I changed it
to a short one-act drama.
I already submitted it
since it's due tomorrow.
Good for you.
Have this.
I bought it for you since you said
you have no time to go outside.
Why do they give you so much work
that you don't have time to eat?
-Why do you stop me from talking?
I have the freedom to form
a publication protest association.
He's my boss.
She's my friend whom I met
while I studied scriptwriting.
You're a CEO,
yet you're so young and handsome.
I'll excuse myself.
Can you treat me to lunch?
My gosh, stop.
I have a previous engagement.
Maybe next time if we run into each other.
Hey, why did you do that?
I wanted to test him to see what he's like
because it seemed like he likes you.
I want you to meet a nice guy.
You're completely wrong.
He's not interested in me.
You should make him yours.
He's the type who doesn't care about
anything else other than his goal.
If not, he would've fallen for me
when I started flirting with him.
I'm in no place to be
interested in men right now.
I'm already struggling with
trying to make a proper living.
You and I are in different situations.
Thank you for this.
It's more of a preference issue
rather than a personality thing.
They must prefer rare meat
because it's juicy and tender.
They must also like the taste of raw meat.
Mission clear.
The number you have dialed does not exist.
Please check the number and dial again.
That's weird.
Why doesn't his number exist?
What a workaholic.
Did he hear me?
Yes, Mr. Park.
Why haven't you gone home yet?
I was just about to.
Why is he being so polite all of a sudden?
I'm only doing this because I don't like
being indebted to people.
Since you came over to my place often,
I, too, should visit you at least once.
May I help you?
Is Jeong-seon home?
If you're looking for the previous tenant,
you should ask the landlord.
We're moving out tomorrow.
Why aren't you packing?
You must be happy that you got a job.
But I wonder how long
your contract's going to last.
How can he do this to me?
How can he just disappear like this?
You must have gone crazy.
That might actually be for the better.
If that's going to help you
-pull through your struggles.
-You're the first person
that came to mind
when I got the email from Alain Passard.
Will you wait for me?
My gosh!
What's wrong with you?
All my previous relationships ended
when I wanted them to end.
Love isn't special to me.
My gosh.
An ordinary story about ordinary people.
It's very touching
since people can relate to their story.
It's not a story about people
falling in love at a company.
It's a realistic drama that portrays
the emotional roller coaster
office workers go through at work.
You must buy the publication rights
no matter what.
I'm done reading this.
You wrote it well.
I'm still working on Misaeng.
I'll try to finish it quickly.
You don't need to work on that anymore.
Another company bought
the publication rights for that.
Oh, I see.
Stop working at the company until late.
-You don't pay for the electricity bills.
-You're here until late as well.
Don't I pay for what I use?
Okay, fine.
Do you want to eat?
No, wait.
I'd love to eat.
Okay, let's go then.
I said I'd love to eat.
And I'm saying we should go eat.
Don't try to play tricks on me.
Did you say that because I like forcing
you to do the opposite of what you want?
Option one. You're simply not hungry.
Option two. You don't want to eat with me.
Which one is it?
The first one.
Wrap up, and go home.
I suddenly feel like eating.
I can be a bit fickle.
This looks good.
Thank you for the meal.
Does it not taste good?
No, it's delicious.
Why do I keep getting a feeling
that this has
nothing to do with developing new recipes?
I think you made this for me
because I said I like soup.
What's wrong?
Are your instincts usually right?
You're wrong again.
Never mind.
I don't think I can eat this.
I change my mind really often.
You can keep eating.
Jeong-u, I'm here.
I just finished shooting nearby.
I'm going to sleep here today.
Go get me a can of beer
from the refrigerator.
I just got back from working
my ass off for the director.
Do you really have to ask me to do it?
Do you not want to?
No, I'd love to.
It's an honor
to be able to take orders from you.
Let's see. A can of beer.
You have this charisma.
You're attractive in a very dark way.
You're crazy.
I don't mind hearing you call me crazy.
Is Hyeon-soo doing well?
Yes, of course.
She's nice, isn't she?
She's incredible.
What do you mean?
I like her.
Does Hyeon-soo know that?
She'll find out soon.
I'm going to ask her out.
Jeong-u, if this is just a fling,
just forget it.
She's a very serious person.
She's not your type.
Do you think I ask women out
just so I can have flings?
You're a cold-hearted businessman,
so you're very careful.
I've had my eyes on her for a while now.
I'm done observing her.
She's mine.
Yes, this is she.
Did you say SBC?
You have been selected
as the winner of the contest.
Is that right?
The award ceremony
will be held on December 15.
I'll call you if there are any changes.
Thank you.
Hyeon-soo, did you hear?
I heard they called
the contest winners today.
I know.
What should we do?
Well, I'm all right, but what about you?
I still have much time left to try out,
since I'm young.
I got a call.
You got a call?
So, you were selected?
Why are you telling me this now?
I feel embarrassed.
You should've told me earlier.
I was going to, but I wasn't sure
whether you were selected as well.
You should treat me to a meal.
Where are you?
I'm on my way to see my boss.
You're so popular.
I'm at home now.
Call me if you finish early today.
I'm not late.
It's you who came here early.
What is it that you want to say
that you called me in here?
I love skyscrapers.
I like to look down from high places.
My dad was a failed businessman.
His failure led to my mom leaving him.
He later became ill.
He was afraid my life would be like his.
He gave me all his fortunes
to go to the States.
He thought a great world
would make a great person.
I succeeded and earned a lot of money.
But my dad isn't here.
He passed away
before he could witness my success.
Like General Yi Sun-sin did,
he told others not to inform me
about his death.
I want to start a family.
Starting a family has become
a choice for me.
I think
I'll be able to live happily with you.
What's wrong?
Was my story that sad?
You're great at empathizing, aren't you?
I won the contest.
I got a call earlier today.
Congratulations. That's great.
I'm not pleased.
It's what I really wanted.
I've been running towards
this goal my entire life.
But I'm not happy.
I have a man I love.
But I realized it too late.
I realized what love is
only after he disappeared from my sight.
He's my life's--
Are you aware of
what you're doing to me right now?
He asked me to wait for him.
He called me.
But I couldn't take his call
because I was with you.
It was his last call.
I should've taken it.
I should have.
Where must I go to see him now?
Do you even respect me as the writer?
How could you do this to me?
I was so driven to make my debut
that I ignored all the rumors about you.
I knew you usually change scripts,
but I didn't think you'd do it to me.
-No one?
-Look around you.
There's one person.
I agree with her.
What are you doing? You're not our staff.
Today, I am.
I ran into him again.
It had to be at a time
when I'm behaving disgracefully like this.
I never forgot about him
even for a second.
I desperately
wanted to see him again
even if it was just by chance.
My first love
that disappeared when I was 29,
the end of my youth.
I won't follow you, so don't run.
You're going to trip.
I know you trip easily.
I was told that the writer
wouldn't be present on the set.
Ms. Lee Hyeon-soo,
who has a boyfriend and is now a writer,
showed up unexpectedly.
We couldn't wait longer and came up.
Did you really go to the set?
Did you cause a scene?
No, that's not the problem.
Then what is?
Why are you here?
They're going to start shooting soon.
-I won't do it.
The writer didn't agree to this scene.
I won't do it.
You can't do this.
The CEO will be mad.
I just got here. I'll be there soon.
you can't wrap up like this.
Do you think I want to do this?
Shin Ha-rim left saying
he can't shoot in these conditions.
I'll bring him back.
How can a writer come to a set
and make a mess like this?
Then you shouldn't change her script.
Are you taking her side?
You should've let her know
if you were going to change it.
It's like this every time. What's so hard
about telling her in advance?
Who are you?
Are you really the CEO
of the production company?
Do you want this drama to happen or not?
Let's not cross the line.
I couldn't understand at first.
But now I see that she must have acted out
because she knew you had her back.
-I don't care!
I'm not going to shoot this.
Hurry and wrap up.
Well, you look peaceful.
Yes. I'm just preparing ingredients
for tomorrow.
The shoot was canceled.
Do you know how much I lost?
It costs ten million won just for staff,
and an additional million won
for each martial artist.
The location fee cost me three million--
You've been talking about
money a lot these days.
-Are you running low?
-Are you feeling guilty
that Good Soup
is continuing to lose money?
You anticipated that the first year
would be an investment.
Leave Good Soup to me.
I won't let you see any loss,
even if it's a loss to me.
I'm moved.
Is that why you agreed to film today?
You can show off, you know.
Drama production must be hard stuff.
Why won't the director
shoot what the writer wrote?
He's not just any director.
He only works with new writers,
so he can change things however he wants.
Unfortunately, this time
he was partnered with the unexpected.
I like Lee Hyeon-soo's style of writing.
The Man Who Eats Rare Steaks.
You've watched it?
Yes, when I was in France.
Hong-a had told me about it.
Right, you're close with Hong-a.
Then you must know Hyeon-soo too.
I do.
I also know that she has a boyfriend.
Who said she has a boyfriend?
This is exactly the kind of Espresso
I'm talking about.
You're so embarrassing to be around.
Don't act like
it's your first time in Paris.
It's my first time here with you
and Jeong-seon.
I can't meet tomorrow. I have to
go to the restaurant after school.
I'll see you at the restaurant then.
Where are you going?
It's too stuffy in here.
I'm going to walk around
and find some peace.
You're at it again, aren't you?
Are you thinking about becoming
a chef instead of a doctor?
Save me a spot. I might come
running to you after I finish studying.
You've changed a lot in a year.
Maybe it's because you lived abroad.
What do you do these days?
I'm still entering contests,
even though I don't get chosen.
Hyeon-soo made it, though.
Did she?
That's good.
You look so happy.
I helped her too.
I helped her change the title.
Isn't it "The Man Who Eats Rare Steaks"?
How did you know?
She asked me about the title back then.
What did you help with?
When was that?
Why must you know that?
Did you really like her?
I loved her, although she rejected me.
Of course, she'd reject you.
It doesn't make sense
for you two to be together.
She's dating a big shot right now.
He's handsome, rich, and older than her.
And he's crazy about her.
He's the perfect guy
any woman would want to be with.
Should we circle around one more time?
Let's go back to the studio.
I have to work.
It's already up.
-I told you someone would post it.
We'd get ten percent
even if you left it the way it was!
You're impossible to talk to.
That's crazy.
Focus on the road.
I told you not to do it, Hyeon-soo.
How can she keep working
in that situation?
She didn't become a writer
to be disrespected.
Just drive, okay? Don't egg her on.
I'm not egging her on.
I'm only speaking for her.
Hey, who scouted the chef
that was on set today?
Is that important to you right now?
Who was the chef?
Who is Jeong-seon?
I guess you didn't know.
You would have told me if you knew.
This is so embarrassing.
Why do hardships come at the same time?
-What is that?
My gosh.
Why are you here? It's your day off.
What's the point of staying home?
I was bored.
What are you doing?
I'm going to grind some herbs
that I dried.
You're so extra.
You could've just used a dryer.
It's all about devotion.
The process determines the final product.
Are you making a foam sauce with cilantro?
I'm going to add cilantro
to my recipe someday.
Sous-chef, are you developing
your very own recipe already?
Yes, Chef. I'm an impatient man.
Did you contact Hyeon-soo?
She'll be surprised to find out
that you're in her drama.
I met her today.
You did? What did she say?
-She ran away.
-She did? Why?
I don't know.
Was I that big of a trauma to her
in her memory?
I've thought about it many times,
but I can't figure out
what it is that I did so wrong.
Ask her in person.
You're in the same agency,
so ask Mr. Park to set it up.
If I want to see her, I'll ask her myself.
I refuse to get someone else involved.
Do you want her number?
Give me your phone number.
I'll call you, so don't be on your guard.
I'm not on my guard anymore.
But I don't have a pen.
No, that feels wrong.
I don't want to force it.
Chef On Jeong-seon's agent
is On Entertainment.
Do you know Good Soup?
That's where
Mr. Park wanted to eat last time.
Yes, Mr. Park.
How does it feel to have made a mess?
I'm sorry.
I met with the chief producer,
and I tried to stop the articles
from getting out,
but it won't be easy to stop it from
spreading through social media.
You should brace yourself.
You're looking good.
Wash the kelp first.
Is he asking for it or what?
I'll do it for you. He's busy now.
He thinks he's full of himself
and doesn't bother listening to me
because you keep helping him.
He just started a week ago.
If you keep that up, he's going to quit.
If he's going to quit,
he might as well be quick about it.
You're so annoying.
Min-ho, you're awesome.
He and I are on the same page.
I didn't say it to make you happy.
-How cute.
-"I didn't say it to make you happy."
Do you people really want to call
a grown man cute?
Guys, enough.
You should stop if he doesn't like it.
He's a cute one, though.
We have a table of five
reserved for lunch.
Let's not get tied up with numbers
and keep to our principles.
Cleanliness, devotion, and focus!
Help Gyeong-su prepare the vegetables.
I'll do it all, Chef.
He can't do it.
What did he learn
while he was in the States?
Why are you bringing that up?
This is why I hate working with
people with inferiority complexes.
That won't do. Sous-chef, can you do it?
-Ha-seong, hand him the knife.
The kitchen isn't a place where you train.
It's a workplace for professionals.
Your mother is here, Chef.
Isn't it so pretty? It's globe amaranth.
Its meaning fits perfectly.
Captivating and unchanging love.
What brings you here?
Can't you be nicer to your mom?
It's been a while.
Can I get some herbal tea?
I was about to bring it.
Peppermint, right?
She's good.
Did you come alone?
Daniel is holding an exhibit
at the Seowon Gallery in October.
He dropped me off here
and went to meet the curator.
Is he coming here?
Of course.
Can you book us a table for four?
Daniel will bring two more people.
All the people he knows are classy.
Enough about Daniel.
Since you're living with him,
I hope you guys last.
Thank you for your blessings.
I'm busy, so don't call me.
When Daniel's here,
come out and say hello at least.
You're my only family.
I don't want him to look down on me.
Can you be a sponsor
for Daniel's exhibition?
Don't overdo it.
It makes you look pathetic.
Hyeon-soo, I bought some sandwiches.
Come out
By the time I'm done with the drama,
I'll have lost all my hair.
Give it to me. I'll throw it out.
It's okay, I'll do it.
No wonder the story is all over the place.
Does she have the time
to make a scene on set?
Cheer up.
My goodness.
-Quit being sappy
and come back to reality.
The article about you
is trending right now.
I told you not to show it to her.
Can't you let her eat first?
What's wrong with you?
It's not something to ignore.
Don't treat her like a child.
Do you expect her
not to feel anything right now?
Think about how stressed she must be.
That's enough. Why are you guys
always fighting?
It's like she's trying to prove
she's the more loyal friend or something.
Why are you even an assistant writer?
Why don't you just quit?
You have a rich family to go to.
What do you care
what I decide to do with my life?
Of course I care.
I don't want to be compared with you.
Why would you be compared with me?
All that we have in common is our age.
Hey, what is that supposed to mean?
Are you implying that
I'm not comparable with you?
"The writer of the SBC drama,
Unruly Detectives, caused a ruckus on set,
which caused the shooting to halt."
I'm in for hell.
Did you get some sleep?
I was reading an article.
Did I interrupt your breakfast?
Would you like some?
No, I'm okay.
Did you talk to I-bok
after yesterday's incident?
-Gosh, that fool.
You two should talk.
Do you think I haven't tried that?
These are the previous scripts.
It's not perfect, but I edited them
as much as I could.
You're the one that liked it
and wanted to produce it.
I like it. It's a great story.
However, I'm not the one making it.
It's I-bok that's directing.
You should have persuaded him.
Director Min should have never
agreed to do my drama.
The theme has completely changed.
I've lost direction.
The writer has lost direction.
This is the problem with new writers.
They have no sense of flexibility.
Also, they think
their writing is the best there is.
They complain if their script gets edited.
Who are they to make a fuss about it?
If the story is good,
that is all that matters.
I must say Hyeon-soo isn't flexible.
Ms. Park.
Won't you help me this once?
Gosh. But still,
I can't steal a project
from someone who used to be my assistant.
Su-yeong worked under me for five years.
She didn't win contests,
but she's a great writer.
It's a headache to work with new writers.
I'll give her guidance.
If Su-yeong is on it,
of course, I'll give her guidance.
Thank you, Ms. Park.
You said you have
the scripts for all episodes?
Why would she write all of them already?
Drama is like a living thing.
So many things can change in the process.
Send all of the scripts to Su-yeong.
We'll take a look
and fix it the way you want.
Bravo. You're a professional.
I'll make sure to work with
quality writers next time.
Quality writers wouldn't work with you.
I'm just saying.
Su-yeong, let's have some coffee.
Serve it carefully. It's for table five.
Yes, sir.
Ask Chef On to come out.
Yes, ma'am.
He should say hello.
Why bother?
I know he doesn't like me.
That's not true, Daniel.
My son thinks that my happiness
is his happiness.
Don't call him your son.
It makes you sound old.
No matter how old your child is,
he's still a baby to his mom.
You wouldn't know
since you don't have a child.
The best thing I've done in my life
is not having any kids.
Exactly. It's hard not to have kids
when you were married twice.
It's not like you have a problem.
You think the reason I don't have kids
is because I have some problem?
Should I go make one right now?
Of course not.
I know very well you don't have a problem.
I was actually complimenting you.
You must have a strong will
to not have any children,
even though you were married twice.
You're a man of your word.
And I admire you for that.
That's what I was trying to say.
Do you know why I'm living with you?
Because you recognize my true value.
A man can give his all to the woman
that acknowledges him.
You're younger than I am but unlike me,
you were married twice.
I have a lot to learn from you.
Chef On.
How was the food?
It was good.
Please enjoy your time.
Did you tell him about my exhibition?
-Of course.
-Then why didn't he say anything?
He takes after me, so he's a bit reserved.
You're not reserved.
He and I talked.
He talked about sponsoring,
but I told him not to do it
because you might feel uncomfortable.
It is uncomfortable,
but I should accept his kindness.
He's your son after all.
Get in. We'll go to the station together.
I still have about an hour.
Then let's talk over some tea.
It's like you're the parent,
and I'm the student
being called to the principal's office.
I told you, I'll resolve it.
It's something I have to do.
The director and the writer
will always have disagreements.
It's my job to find an agreement.
Is it wrong of me to want
to help you find that agreement?
I didn't say you were wrong.
You'll only make me lazy.
You've come a long way. You won't let me
have the last word, will you?
It's only natural,
considering the number of years.
You're still unpredictable.
I'm going back in.
I should watch the clip again,
so I can fully internalize
what results when an actor, director
and writer fail to communicate properly.
You jerk! How can you do this to me?
You must be punished for your crime.
I'm a prosecutor.
I won't forgive you
just because you're my brother.
You still don't trust me?
-Slow down, we'll get hurt.
-Are you afraid of getting hurt?
I'll kill you instead.
He changed the lines again.
He thinks my lines are too feminine.
What's too feminine?
The changed lines are exaggerated.
-At least the acting is good.
Do I hear someone
being protective of her work?
Ms. Lee?
I read the seventh episode.
Do you remember the part
where Jun-gi gets hurt
and whines about his pain?
He's not whining, he's actually hurt.
How can a man make a fuss
about a little injury?
There are a lot of men
who feel pain from a small splinter.
Ms. Lee,
don't be like this.
I've worked as an actor for 20 years.
I've been in this business
much longer than you.
Listen to me, okay?
My gosh.
Seeing you makes me think
that debuting isn't all that great.
There are so many annoying people
around you.
Play the next one.
That's enough.
Move it. Are you kidding me?
Let sleeping dogs lie.
You're not sleeping right now.
Why are you two always bickering?
What did you say? Watch your manners.
I'm growing a lot of patience.
We should have met a long time ago
back when I had little tolerance.
You must be punished for your crime.
He's so cute.
Is Unruly Detectives good?
Yes. I watch it because of Shin Ha-rim.
You still don't trust me?
"You still don't trust me?"
What was that?
The writer is actually a friend of mine.
You should give her a call
and cheer her up.
A lot of people are bashing her
on the Internet.
Lee Hyeon-soo,
I support you.
Lee Hyeon-soo, I support you.
Take off your sunglasses.
What is it you want to say?
I have to go to the set.
I have to work even when the writer
makes a scene. Do you know why?
Because I care about the viewers
and I feel responsible.
We all care about the viewers
and feel responsible too.
Ms. Lee, what's your thought on this?
I'll accept the changes to the script.
tell us about the changes beforehand.
Ms. Lee, just throw in the towel
if you can't handle it.
I've worked with a lot of writers,
and guess what? All of them
were eventually able to deliver.
I won't throw in the towel.
Even if I get fired,
I would never do such a thing.
No one's getting fired.
I like the way you unravel your stories.
And I-bok, you shouldn't just cancel
the shoot. It's costing us a fortune.
My goodness.
This is why you're sitting behind a desk
instead of directing.
You jerk.
Did the production company take a bribe?
Why else would you coddle the writer?
Are you out of your mind?
You're darn right.
Darn it.
I didn't come here as your parent.
You must have a lot of spare time.
I still have to eat even when I'm busy.
You're right.
I asked you so many times to come here,
but you were always too busy.
I won't go in.
Why not?
I'm tired.
No matter how tired you are,
you should still eat.
Where are you coming from?
We ran out of an ingredient,
so I went to go get more.
I'll come in after this call.
Go inside first.
Yes, hello.
Who is this?
Why aren't you running away?
-Should I be running away?
-You did before.
Did I do something wrong to you?
I never said that you did.
Then why did you avoid me?
It was a very awkward situation to be in.
Would you have said hello
if you were in my position?
You talk as if we're pretty close.
I didn't mean it like that.
Then how did you mean it?
The "you" I used is a pronoun.
I didn't mean it in a way
You've become a chef.
Congratulations. You've become a writer.
I'm too lousy to accept congratulations.
It's too early for me
to accept congratulations too.
It's one hurdle after another.
You sound like an adult now.
That must mean you're getting old.
That just hit me hard.
You're still bound by your age,
aren't you?
You've grown to become
more annoying, haven't you?
Growing is a good thing.
Why are you doing this to me?
You disappeared without a word.
Then you show up out of the blue
and act all cynical.
Did you forget
that you didn't pick up my call?
How can I forget that?
Do you know how much I regretted it
and how much it broke my heart?
Why did you regret it?
And why were you heartbroken?
Forget it. It's in the past.
You're now dating a big shot,
and your dream of becoming
a writer came true.
Why did you regret it,
and why were you heartbroken?
Why are you still outside?
People will think
that you two are a couple
who just had a fight.
Do any of you have plans after work?
Then let's go for a run.
It'll be good for building our teamwork.
Are you two not close anymore?
Hyeon-soo won the contest.
That bothers me more than
the fact that I didn't make it.
"It's the evil ones that succeed
in this industry."
-Do you want to go out with me?
-I'm not the one for you.
Is it because of Hyeon-soo?
If you want to date Hyeon-soo,
it's important that you win her trust.
-Get going.
-After you.
I told you that she has a boyfriend.
I was prepared for this.
I have a favor to ask of you.
Let's meet.
I'll wait for you at Good Soup.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
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