Temperature of Love (2017) s01e07 Episode Script
Episode 7
We can't choose our parents.
And we're not responsible
for things that happen
that are irrelevant to our choices.
I knew it would look good here.
Isn't it pretty?
I made a great choice, didn't I?
I thought my mom was
the most beautiful woman in the world.
Why are you staring at me like that?
Is it because I'm still beautiful?
My mom always catered to my dad.
I'm happy
because your dad loves me so much.
Do looks still matter at your age?
Of course, it matters.
Stop it. It's gross.
Why is it gross? You're my son.
I gave birth to you.
Do you think anyone in this world
can love you as much as I do?
Yes, I do.
Hey, you're wrong.
Romantic love doesn't last a long time.
I know that very well.
It all ends when you break up.
If you know that so well,
why are you still living like that?
What's wrong with the way I live?
It's not easy to fully enjoy life
even for a short moment.
Why are you always so negative
about everything I do?
I know that I caused
a lot of trouble in the past,
but I don't cause trouble anymore.
Normally, parents take care of
the mess their child makes.
But we're not "normal."
We're one of a kind, you know.
We're special.
How nice does it feel to be unique?
It's Daniel. He must be here.
Hey, it's me. Okay.
Yes, I'll be right there. All right.
The person she's catering to these days
is the man who just called.
It's no longer my dad.
What brings you here?
Yun-seon showed me this article about you.
Dad is no longer that person
I remember him to be.
Your siblings want to meet you.
Let's have a family dinner here
at the end of the year.
How's your mom doing?
Some people
just don't get along with each other.
Your mom and I were like that.
That's a very poor excuse
for his abuse toward her.
I should get going now.
Don't sell the land
your grandfather gave you.
I feel uneasy whenever I see my parents.
I have too much on my mind,
which isn't easy to deal with.
It makes me fall apart.
I overreact to avoid falling apart.
And to avoid even that, I suppress it all.
That's the kind of person I am.
The director is blaming the script
for the show's bad ratings,
so there's nothing I can do.
To be honest,
I'm scared.
You have to confront it.
That way you can get up
even if you fall again.
You submitted your script
to the competition?
The broadcasting company wants to
onboard a new writer.
Meanwhile, the actor refused to shoot
and just left the scene.
Why do you want to meet Shin Ha-rim
at this late hour?
What do you think?
I should send him back to the shoot.
Do you think it'll be that easy?
No, it'll be hard.
That's why I'm going to see him myself.
Gosh, here we go again.
You sound so full of yourself.
See you.
I'll wait until your car gets here.
There it is.
Where are you headed?
I'm going to decide
after I make a phone call.
Are you seeing someone?
Stop checking up on me
and do something about your love life.
When will you show me your girlfriend?
Wait just a little longer.
It won't take too long.
You're talking as if
you're seeing someone now.
Wait just a bit longer.
Where are you?
I'm home.
Can you text me your home address?
I just met Jeong-u.
We can at least be friends
and root for each other, you know.
I'm not going to cling on to you anymore.
You didn't have to draw the line
like that.
So you won't give me your address?
I never said I wouldn't.
I'm done getting dressed.
But this doesn't look good.
I should put on some makeup.
This is a bit too much.
What's wrong with you?
Have you forgotten
the situation you're in now?
Do you think it's wise for you
to meet a guy right now?
But the guy is not into me anymore.
I'm scared.
My gosh, what are you doing?
Are you scared?
What are you thinking?
I'm not thinking anything.
Have you had dinner yet?
No, not yet.
Get some rest.
I'll make you something delicious.
I'm sorry. Something came up,
so I can't have dinner.
I thought you were going
to congratulate me. I'll wait.
I'm sorry, don't wait for me.
I'll cook you something nice another time.
Are you ready to order?
No, it's okay.
Then would you like something
while you're waiting for your friend?
No, I'm just going to leave.
I've been mostly staying at my office.
I have instant rice too.
Do you have glass noodles?
This is amazing.
You only used things from my fridge?
Just wait.
You can eat after I'm done plating this.
I can't do that.
What are you going to do?
Gosh, it's hot.
I must take a photo
to remember this moment.
One, two, three.
It's nothing special.
It may be nothing special to you.
But to me, this is very special.
You took a photo of this too?
Of course. You made it.
Now, tell me.
I'll listen to your problems
without trying to solve them.
First, let me tell you what I know
since it might be hard for you
to say it yourself.
The broadcasting company
hired a new writer.
-And the actor--
-He refused to shoot and just left.
All the articles and comments
are too aggressive.
They're saying I should stop writing.
I'm just letting it all out
by saying it out loud myself.
I see.
Yes, that's right.
That's why I'm distraught,
and hurt.
You can cry if you want to.
Gosh, if you say that
I'm really going to cry.
Someone's here.
I feel a bit better now.
You're so moody.
What are you doing here?
Come in, Hong-a.
You're really lucky when it comes to food.
Jeong-seon made all of this.
Isn't this so impressive?
He used kimchi, frozen dumplings,
and sausages--
You seem really happy.
For a moment,
I forgot about what's going on.
Let's eat. Take a seat.
Is this your place or what?
Who are you to tell me to sit down?
I know more about this house than you do.
Then do whatever you please.
Where should I sit?
You can sit wherever.
Can we add salt?
This stew tastes better
when it's spicy and salty.
No, it's getting late.
If we add salt,
your face will be puffy tomorrow.
I'm not going anywhere tomorrow anyway.
-Where are you going?
-I'll make it salty and spicy.
No, it's okay.
You don't have to make it again.
I don't mind.
I'm leaving.
You like spicy food too.
Stay and eat it with me.
No, it's okay. I'll get going.
You seem upset. Did something happen?
I know, right?
I feel like our moods should be
reversed right now,
considering our situations.
-Are you going to sleep here?
Why are you answering for him?
You guys look good together.
Goodness, what--
Please excuse us.
I have to talk to Ha-rim in private.
Hey, where are you going? Sit back down.
Who are you to tell them to leave?
You need to go back to the shoot.
You've become a big shot, haven't you?
I told you all to leave, didn't I?
Come here.
Let go.
I'll let the slap slide
out of respect for you.
Sit down, please.
Do you think doing this will
make me go back to the set?
I've gathered some intel on you.
So what?
Do you think that will scare me?
You once caused an accident
while driving under the influence.
You must think that
the past is in the past.
But that's not how the victims feel.
It's like a bomb that is bound to go off.
And I might pull the detonator myself.
Make sure he gets to the set
safe and sound.
Everything was perfect,
including this tea.
Get a good night's sleep.
Try not to think.
Can I ask you something?
It's a sensitive question.
The restaurant is losing money.
That's not what I wanted to ask.
It's not profitable?
What will you do, then?
Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
Then what's your question?
It's about Hong-a.
What's your relationship with her?
What do you mean? We're friends.
Did you guys both agree on being friends?
Did we agree on being friends?
What do you mean by that?
It's "agreed" if both of you
want to stay friends.
We've never come to that agreement.
But why do friends need such an agreement?
It'd be different if we used to date.
I think so too.
Just a second.
Yes, Mr. Park.
What are you up to?
I'm hanging out with a friend.
You're really something.
Is something wrong?
No, have fun.
Shin Ha-rim is back on the set.
Really? That's great.
Then have a good night.
"Have a good night"?
Was it Jeong-u?
Shin Ha-rim must be back on the set.
How did you know?
I should get going too.
Thank you so much.
For what?
I don't want to tell you.
Did you have fun?
You said something came up.
And you went to see Hyeon-soo?
How could you do this to me?
Despite everything I've done for you?
What did you do for me?
Did I ever ask you to do anything for me?
So are you saying
you didn't do anything wrong?
I already apologized for canceling on you.
If you're mad at me
because I canceled on you
and went to see Hyeon-soo, I understand.
You understand?
Then how could you be so shameless?
Everyone has priorities in life.
To me, she has a higher priority than you.
I don't get it.
Why am I less important than Hyeon-soo?
Everyone is less important than she is.
You know how I feel about you.
You know why I roam around you.
And you know how I feel about you too.
I don't think I've ever done anything
to lead you on.
Have I?
I'm not responsible for your feelings.
You have to take care of
your own emotions.
Don't be violent with your emotions again.
I'm being violent?
My love is violence to you?
You jerk, do you have to say it like that?
Can't you try to be nice about it?
I feel sorry for you.
We can be good friends
as long as we don't cross any lines.
Do you know what today meant to me?
I finally got what I wanted the most.
I wanted you to be the first one
to congratulate me.
But you're being this cruel to me.
Can't you lie?
Can't you lie for me?
You said you feel sorry.
This is all your pity can do?
I'll make you regret how you treated me.
You'll realize how foolish you were
for not choosing me.
Hey, Won-jun.
You called, right? I was in the shower.
I have an interview with a reporter today,
so I need you to take care of
our morning prep.
You're a busy man, Chef.
I need to do some business.
The interview will be done
at the restaurant.
I'll make it.
Just have a seat.
You haven't had my coffee in a while.
Hyeon-soo, why did you send
the script for the ninth episode?
Another writer is writing it.
I gave it a good thought.
How can she write it
when she's just been thrown into this?
I don't know who the writer is,
but the job will be easier for her
if she has my script.
What an angel. Hyeon-soo!
Try this coffee. I think I did a good job.
It even smells so good.
It must be Hong-a.
Hong-a, what's happening?
You're so early.
I came to get my things.
Oh, really?
Yes, I can't be your assistant anymore.
We know that your script got selected,
but that job isn't starting right away.
You can't leave all of a sudden like this.
I've never been helpful
to Hyeon-soo anyway.
That is true,
but you can't just leave like this
when she's in need of moral support.
It's okay, Hong-a. Go.
Do whatever you want to do.
That doesn't mean that I can leave.
Do you want me to say that you can leave?
I'll help you.
No, I can do it myself.
I don't want to hear that
I made you do grunt work.
What's wrong with you?
Don't you think you're being too harsh?
No, not at all.
Life is all about following the path
that benefits you the most.
Who's going to make it up for me
if I miss my chance being nice?
At least say that
after you've been nice to someone.
You've never even been on the losing side.
You need to wake up too.
Judging from what's going on now,
I think Hyeon-soo will get fired soon.
Come with me.
I'll pay you more than Hyeon-soo does.
Be my assistant writer.
Just leave.
I tried to understand you
considering the time we spent together,
but I can't understand you at all.
Don't come if you don't want to.
There's no need to get mad.
Hey, you're not taking this?
All addictions are bad.
I get that you like my special tea blend,
but you shouldn't depend on it
to fall asleep.
You and Hyeon-soo can drink it.
You never let us drink it.
Why are you suddenly being so generous?
Who says I'm being generous?
-Bye, Hyeon-soo.
-Let's talk.
Gyeong, give us some privacy.
Okay. I'll step out for a minute, then.
What do you want to talk about?
I'm tired.
I didn't get any sleep last night.
I'm curious about something.
Do you really have to
satisfy your curiosity
when I already told you that I'm tired?
Why are you so irritated?
You've been like this
since I saw you yesterday.
Is Jeong-seon part of the reason
you're being like this?
Why would he have anything
to do with how I feel?
Because if you tell me that you like him,
I'll be able to understand
why you're acting like this right now.
Why would I like a guy like him?
Do you even think we'd make a good couple?
Yes, I think you guys
would make a great couple.
But that's only if he likes you too.
Did he tell you that he rejected me?
Did he tell you not to worry?
You're so mean.
Do you not care about how I feel
just because he likes you?
Are you that crazy about him?
Enough to throw away our friendship?
-Fine, you won.
In fact,
you've beaten me every single time.
But things will be different from now on.
-Please take another one.
Please try to loosen up a bit.
Can you make macadamia puree?
You saw me making it last time.
Yes, I can make it.
Do you really think
he can make that already?
Yes, he can. Min-ho is smart.
"Birds of a feather flock together."
They've become buddies
because they're both dumb.
Gosh, that jerk.
-I bet 10,000 won that Min-ho can do it.
Do you guys think this is a joke?
Are you guys slacking off
because Chef On isn't here?
Didn't I tell you that you must pour
your heart into your cooking?
How do I turn this on?
Nice, I figured it out.
Do a good job, okay?
This is our sommelier, Im Su-jeong.
I recruited her myself.
According to the reviews,
it seems like people
either really like your food or don't.
But personally, it felt really new to me.
Thank you.
I try to bring out the original taste
of the ingredients in my cooking.
It could feel unfamiliar because
it doesn't have stimulating flavors.
But the thing is,
I keep thinking about it when I go home.
Please make sure you stay for lunch.
I'd love to.
You're doing great.
Did you think we'd be lost without you?
Here you go. It's done.
At what temperature did you grind this?
Do we still have leftovers
from what Won-jun made?
Yes, we do.
If you grind this at a high temperature,
it gets sticky.
And if you keep grinding it,
it becomes like this.
Yours is clearly different
from what Won-jun made.
-You should ask if you're not sure.
Asking questions is a good thing.
It shows that you're interested.
Got it.
We all deserve to work happily
in this kitchen.
We should always respect each other.
Now, let's get back to work.
Hyeon-soo, aren't you going to eat?
You're the only one
who read the script I sent.
I saw the shooting locations
on the crew forum,
and they're different from the locations
in your script for the eighth episode.
Those details always changed,
so that's nothing new.
Maybe they're too busy shooting
to think about the ninth episode.
Let's go eat some good food
to make ourselves feel better.
I already made a reservation,
so you can pay for it.
It's a bit expensive.
You're my lifesaver.
Yes, hello.
I'll show you to your table.
You've been here before?
How did you think
to make a reservation here?
I thought you wanted to
check out this restaurant.
You asked me about
Chef On Jeong-seon before.
Gyeong, you're honestly so lovely.
Ha-seong, are the snappers fresh today?
-Yes, chef.
-Gyeong-su, get the temperature right.
Got it, Chef.
Two lunch courses for Table Five.
The snack will be sent out soon,
so start on the raw fish now.
-Got it!
-Got it!
The order that just came through is
for Ms. Lee Hyeon-soo's table.
Isn't it so good?
I'm glad I brought you here.
You've been looking so happy
throughout the whole meal.
I'm obsessing over this moment.
I don't know when I'll be happy again
once this moment passes.
That's so sad.
It makes me feel like
misery is awaiting us.
Did you enjoy the food?
How did you know I was here?
Oh, you two must be close.
You're talking to each other like friends.
Yes. This is my assistant whom I adore.
Why are you getting up?
I'm leaving.
You don't have anything to write today,
so just go home.
You live close by.
I'll go back to the office
and let you know if there are any updates.
What's with her?
I think she wants you to stay here longer.
You've never been to my place, right?
You're too curious to stay seated.
How did you know?
This is nice.
It's Blue Mountain.
It's too expensive for you to buy it.
I got it as a gift.
Okay, I'll be in listening mode today.
Even if you're hesitant,
don't worry and just tell me.
I heard from Hong-a
about you and her.
Tell me exactly what she told you
so that there's no misunderstanding.
How can you be so firm and clear
with everything?
I've never seen you waver.
You have a clear goal,
and you never get distracted.
I envy you.
I don't have anyone to help me get back up
if I waver and fall.
My life doesn't allow wavering.
So you have nothing to be envious of.
I feel like I'm fighting with Hong-a
over you.
It makes me uncomfortable.
Then give up on me.
If it's something you can give up on,
then do it now.
I despise stirring up emotions.
I've never confused you.
You keep going back and forth,
saying that everyone is a hypocrite.
You keep pushing away the man
who loves you because of your situation.
What am I supposed to rely on
if I were to start again?
I'm sorry.
I'm scared.
You've pushed me away once.
Who says you can't do it again?
Reality is always tough.
I was selfish.
Love requires two people,
but I only thought about myself.
I took it too lightly.
I'll think about it.
I said I'd come and meet you.
Why did you insist on coming here?
I don't have even a moment to sit down.
I want to leave as soon as possible.
I want to see my dreams coming true.
Your script was selected by HNC,
which means the rights are tied to them
for five years.
Things will get complicated
if you work with us on that project.
Why do you think I chose you
out of all the production companies?
All right, I'll think about it.
Did you get a chance to read it?
It was an easy read. I liked it.
Cinderella stories with birth secrets
never get old
no matter how common they are.
That's what I was going for.
The upper class in the story
are based on people around me.
It's going to be more real
than other TV dramas.
I'll think about whether or not
I should sign with you.
My condition is that I get paid more
than Hyeon-soo, even by just ten won.
I'm afraid that's not possible.
Because of your personal feelings?
-You like her, so--
-Ji Hong-a.
Writer Ji Hong-a.
There are rules you have to follow
if you want to work with me.
First, you need to trust me.
Ms. Lee started out
by winning a screenwriting contest,
and her miniseries that followed
received good reviews.
Right now, I have no way of measuring
your competency as a writer.
Hyeon-soo won with a miniseries,
but I won with a weekly drama.
Dramas are judged by the actual show
that airs, not by the writing.
Yes, Mr. Park.
What are you up to?
Just doing some thinking.
Stop thinking. Come out.
Thinking only gives you headaches.
It's better to take a walk.
It's gone.
It did its job and went back in.
It's not dead?
Flowers only bloom at certain times.
It's done its job, so it'll come back out
after a little break.
I didn't know you had this side.
What side?
A warm side.
What made you think that?
Did someone throw another bomb at me?
You probably wanted me
to prepare myself before the bomb.
You brought me here to show me
the flower and say,
"So just get through it."
Wasn't that your plan?
Kind of.
came to see me recently with her script.
I met her again today.
What did she say?
She wants to sign with me.
Are you going to do it?
I'm torn.
I may go for it because it's entertaining,
but I'm hesitant
because of her personality.
What does her personality
have to do with it?
It's not like
you're going to live with her.
Are you going to live with her?
Then do what you always do.
The sky looks so beautiful.
This is my first time
looking up at the sky this year.
It is very nice.
I want to ask you something.
May I?
Since when did you ask
for my permission first?
I waver a lot,
and I'm not serious enough, right?
Who said that?
Someone said so.
People say all sorts of things
when things don't go well.
That person is wrong about you.
Your problem is that
you think way too much,
especially about love.
Just follow your heart.
How long are you going to be on your own
with shapeless emotions?
Enough is enough.
Stop thinking about a man
you can't even have.
You're realistic,
but when it comes to love,
you're not.
I'm your reality now.
This view never gets old.
I just hope we can be profitable
this month.
The show, My Soul Food, has to do well.
Attract people with your looks
before your food.
I'm not even that good-looking.
You are handsome.
And you're stingy on top of that.
That makes you even more attractive.
How am I stingy?
You're stingy with your emotions
when it comes to women.
It's because I was raised
by emotionally frivolous people.
Moody people are tough to deal with.
But still, don't you think you're being
too harsh to Hong-a?
I mean, you're a guy too. When a girl
She's not just any girl.
She's drop-dead gorgeous.
When a girl like her shows interest,
you should at least consider it.
Why would I do that
when I can't be responsible for it?
You're really weird.
How can you say things like that
when you like Hong-a?
I don't just like her. I love her.
I'm waiting.
To be honest,
sometimes I want you to be
really cruel to her,
but I feel so bad for her.
This is making me think about my mom.
Men and women are strange creatures.
If Hong-a were a man, it'd be over by now.
I'd have beaten her up.
I hope all goes well for us.
My Soul Food has to be a hit!
It has to be a hit!
It has to be a hit!
Have you made your decision?
I'd like to apologize first.
You'd like to apologize?
-Yes, to Chef On Jeong-seon.
-I see.
-At first,
I thought he was here
because of his looks.
Oh, my goodness.
You're so charming.
Number One, On Jeong-seon.
Number Two, Chef On.
Wow, your name is
the most searched keyword right now.
"How can someone be that handsome?"
"Where's his restaurant?
I want to eat there."
"His muscular arms look so sexy."
So sexy!
"Every family needs Chef On."
Everyone wants to check out
our restaurant.
I hope they really come.
This is awesome.
Everyone is talking about you now.
Let's not get our hopes up too high.
But tomorrow can be different
from yesterday.
Let's do this!
Let's prepare ourselves for the unknown!
I have to watch Unruly Detectives now.
-Get out of the car.
Then how far do you want to go?
Do you want to die together?
It's so boring.
The viewership rating will hit
rock bottom tomorrow.
The whole episode was just filled
with explosions, fires, and fights.
They took out most of the parts I wrote.
They always had writers
work on your writing.
Just hang in there.
It still airs under your name.
No one will know.
I do.
That's all that matters.
Where are you going?
I need to find out what happened.
I can't just make assumptions.
Ms. Lee.
I checked the edits for tomorrow
instead of going home.
It's practically a live show now.
I watched the episode.
I-bok was working with other writers
in addition to Ms. Park.
Why didn't you tell me in advance?
Let's be realistic.
Just suck it up.
It'll still air under your name, you know.
You'll be a writer
who's written a miniseries.
Things will be easier next time
with that title.
When I quit my office job,
I thought I'd become a writer really soon.
I love Yeouido.
I said that I'll dance in Yeouido Park
when I win the screenwriting contest.
I told you to take a break forever
since you lack sincerity.
You act kind, sincere, and hard-working.
I've never seen anyone so evil
in my ten years of writing.
You want to become a writer?
I bet you'll become one.
Evil people like you
tend to survive in this industry!
Also, Ms. Lee can be pretty feisty.
You know how she is.
I thought she'd be nice
because she's so dainty and smiley.
They hired another writer.
They always had writers
work on your writing.
You keep going back and forth,
saying that everyone is a hypocrite.
You keep pushing away the man
who loves you because of your situation.
Mr. Park,
the episode that aired today
wasn't what Hyeon-soo wrote.
The viewership rating
has gone up from last week.
Things will get harder for Ms. Lee.
Do you think she'll be fired?
No, it's her story. How can we fire her?
We'll leave her name on
and have another writer write the scripts.
I'm so relieved.
I thought she might get fired
because so many things have happened.
I came here to ask you to help her
if that ever happens.
Oh, boy.
I'm so tired. My goodness.
Move it.
I hate everyone who works
at broadcasting stations.
Why take your anger out on me?
Mr. Park, I should get going now.
Gyeong, are you ignoring me now? Hey.
Gyeong. Wait, hey
Who's writing the script now?
It's a team of three writers.
We can't fire Hyeon-soo unless she quits,
so tell her to just hang in there.
This insulting situation
will bring her glory later on.
What's the point of attaining glory
after being ripped to pieces?
Are you staying?
Are you going somewhere?
I have to meet someone.
Congratulations. People love you.
You're still
on the trending keyword chart.
As Chef On Jeong-seon.
I'm not sure
if that deserves congratulations.
Of course, it does.
They don't even know you,
and yet they love you.
-Do you think so?
-Yes, I do.
You got people to like you
without any effort.
I owe it all to you.
Strictly speaking,
you have commercial value.
You don't owe me anything.
Did you stop by this late
to congratulate me?
I also need a favor.
What is it?
I want to propose to a lady.
When? Who is she?
I usually make decisions on my own
when it's about something very important.
That lady is so lucky
to be such an important person to you.
Do you really think so?
Yes, you're the most wonderful man I know.
I want to do it at Good Soup.
By all means. I'll make it amazing.
-Are you curious?
Were you sleeping?
Yes. What's going on?
What brings all of you here?
There's an article about you, Auntie.
Don't startle her, Mom.
Bo-ra, you're so well spoken.
She's incredibly well spoken
for a four-year-old, don't you think?
Yes, she's just like her aunt.
Hyeon-soo was like that.
Yes, that's right.
Hyeon-soo was a smart kid.
Had I heard this before I got married,
I would've had a fit.
I'm very fond of my brother-in-law,
but I always wonder
why he married Hyeon-i.
See? Had she not been married,
she would've kicked me.
What's the article about?
It says that you co-wrote the drama
with other writers.
Right, this is what Hyeon-i is good at.
Bringing up sensitive issues.
You didn't know about it?
I knew.
But it still hurts.
you at least got to make your debut.
You're in a much better situation now.
Mom, let's eat this.
We have to feed Hyeon-soo
for her to get better.
Right, Bo-ra?
You're so cute.
Sure, no problem.
A table for two has been reserved
on Saturday, October 14 at 7 p.m.
-Min-ho make the puree!
This is Good Soup.
-It's done.
-Cool it down!
We need more puree. Make some more.
There isn't enough for lunch.
Got it, Chef.
These steaks are for table ten.
Yes, Chef.
My mouth is parched.
You guys look fine.
Is it because you guys are younger?
Why are you dissing yourself?
You always do that.
Why must you kill him twice?
Hey, you're worse!
Are we fully reserved for dinner?
Yes, we're fully reserved
for almost about a week from now.
Chef, can you let
a historic day like this just pass?
Of course not.
Let's celebrate later, okay?
Hang in there.
Yes, hang in there.
Hang in there.
My, you're so cute.
Should Auntie hang in there?
Hang in there!
-You should say something too, honey.
Right. Do what you want, sweetie.
What did you want to talk about?
I'll quit.
I'll quit Unruly Detectives.
Why are you being like this, Ms. Lee?
I told you to be realistic.
You just have to hang in there.
I can't stand it anymore.
I don't know why I should hang on.
I'm sorry.
I know you were considerate of me.
I'm giving up.
You'll regret it.
Just listen to me. I'm older
and a lot more experienced than you are.
Thank you.
I despise stirring up emotions.
Why must I be the only one
that assures you?
I'm scared.
You've pushed me away once.
Who says you can't do it again?
-Hey! Why you
Over here!
Yes, Mr. Park.
You caused trouble again.
The chief producer called me.
Don't be like this.
Come to my office.
Tell me what you have to say.
I want to get my punishment and leave.
Why do you think
that I'll punish you?
Because I couldn't hang in there.
I never told you to.
You declined everything
when I tried to help you.
You said you'd sort it out on your own.
I did, by telling him that I can't do it.
Do you know how hard it is to say
that you can't do it anymore?
Everyone told me to hang on,
but that's not the script I wrote.
It's not the story I wanted to tell.
But everyone is telling me
it'll be okay if I hang on.
How does that make sense?
I tried to hang on
because I wanted to debut.
Director Min
sent me various signals
that we don't see eye to eye.
But I ignored them
because I wanted to make my debut.
"Written by Lee Hyeon-soo."
If my name was on the screen,
my parents would be proud
and my friends would look at me
in a different light.
I gave up on wanting
to tell my story as I held on.
But if I kept hanging on,
I felt like I'd never be able to come back
to my true self.
Was it that wrong of me to do that?
I was trying not to cry
It's regarding our agreement.
There's a new condition.
Don't you know a lot about
Unruly Detectives?
Are you asking me
to join the writing team?
Let's go on a trip.
I came as the chauffeur.
We're closed until today.
You're absolutely right, chef.
Let's meet Hyeon-soo tomorrow.
We'll make it look like a coincidence.
-Where do you want to go first?
-How did you think to come here?
Be careful and don't get lost.
It's impossible to get lost here.
You said you wouldn't get lost.
I love you.
I'm in love with you.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
We can't choose our parents.
And we're not responsible
for things that happen
that are irrelevant to our choices.
I knew it would look good here.
Isn't it pretty?
I made a great choice, didn't I?
I thought my mom was
the most beautiful woman in the world.
Why are you staring at me like that?
Is it because I'm still beautiful?
My mom always catered to my dad.
I'm happy
because your dad loves me so much.
Do looks still matter at your age?
Of course, it matters.
Stop it. It's gross.
Why is it gross? You're my son.
I gave birth to you.
Do you think anyone in this world
can love you as much as I do?
Yes, I do.
Hey, you're wrong.
Romantic love doesn't last a long time.
I know that very well.
It all ends when you break up.
If you know that so well,
why are you still living like that?
What's wrong with the way I live?
It's not easy to fully enjoy life
even for a short moment.
Why are you always so negative
about everything I do?
I know that I caused
a lot of trouble in the past,
but I don't cause trouble anymore.
Normally, parents take care of
the mess their child makes.
But we're not "normal."
We're one of a kind, you know.
We're special.
How nice does it feel to be unique?
It's Daniel. He must be here.
Hey, it's me. Okay.
Yes, I'll be right there. All right.
The person she's catering to these days
is the man who just called.
It's no longer my dad.
What brings you here?
Yun-seon showed me this article about you.
Dad is no longer that person
I remember him to be.
Your siblings want to meet you.
Let's have a family dinner here
at the end of the year.
How's your mom doing?
Some people
just don't get along with each other.
Your mom and I were like that.
That's a very poor excuse
for his abuse toward her.
I should get going now.
Don't sell the land
your grandfather gave you.
I feel uneasy whenever I see my parents.
I have too much on my mind,
which isn't easy to deal with.
It makes me fall apart.
I overreact to avoid falling apart.
And to avoid even that, I suppress it all.
That's the kind of person I am.
The director is blaming the script
for the show's bad ratings,
so there's nothing I can do.
To be honest,
I'm scared.
You have to confront it.
That way you can get up
even if you fall again.
You submitted your script
to the competition?
The broadcasting company wants to
onboard a new writer.
Meanwhile, the actor refused to shoot
and just left the scene.
Why do you want to meet Shin Ha-rim
at this late hour?
What do you think?
I should send him back to the shoot.
Do you think it'll be that easy?
No, it'll be hard.
That's why I'm going to see him myself.
Gosh, here we go again.
You sound so full of yourself.
See you.
I'll wait until your car gets here.
There it is.
Where are you headed?
I'm going to decide
after I make a phone call.
Are you seeing someone?
Stop checking up on me
and do something about your love life.
When will you show me your girlfriend?
Wait just a little longer.
It won't take too long.
You're talking as if
you're seeing someone now.
Wait just a bit longer.
Where are you?
I'm home.
Can you text me your home address?
I just met Jeong-u.
We can at least be friends
and root for each other, you know.
I'm not going to cling on to you anymore.
You didn't have to draw the line
like that.
So you won't give me your address?
I never said I wouldn't.
I'm done getting dressed.
But this doesn't look good.
I should put on some makeup.
This is a bit too much.
What's wrong with you?
Have you forgotten
the situation you're in now?
Do you think it's wise for you
to meet a guy right now?
But the guy is not into me anymore.
I'm scared.
My gosh, what are you doing?
Are you scared?
What are you thinking?
I'm not thinking anything.
Have you had dinner yet?
No, not yet.
Get some rest.
I'll make you something delicious.
I'm sorry. Something came up,
so I can't have dinner.
I thought you were going
to congratulate me. I'll wait.
I'm sorry, don't wait for me.
I'll cook you something nice another time.
Are you ready to order?
No, it's okay.
Then would you like something
while you're waiting for your friend?
No, I'm just going to leave.
I've been mostly staying at my office.
I have instant rice too.
Do you have glass noodles?
This is amazing.
You only used things from my fridge?
Just wait.
You can eat after I'm done plating this.
I can't do that.
What are you going to do?
Gosh, it's hot.
I must take a photo
to remember this moment.
One, two, three.
It's nothing special.
It may be nothing special to you.
But to me, this is very special.
You took a photo of this too?
Of course. You made it.
Now, tell me.
I'll listen to your problems
without trying to solve them.
First, let me tell you what I know
since it might be hard for you
to say it yourself.
The broadcasting company
hired a new writer.
-And the actor--
-He refused to shoot and just left.
All the articles and comments
are too aggressive.
They're saying I should stop writing.
I'm just letting it all out
by saying it out loud myself.
I see.
Yes, that's right.
That's why I'm distraught,
and hurt.
You can cry if you want to.
Gosh, if you say that
I'm really going to cry.
Someone's here.
I feel a bit better now.
You're so moody.
What are you doing here?
Come in, Hong-a.
You're really lucky when it comes to food.
Jeong-seon made all of this.
Isn't this so impressive?
He used kimchi, frozen dumplings,
and sausages--
You seem really happy.
For a moment,
I forgot about what's going on.
Let's eat. Take a seat.
Is this your place or what?
Who are you to tell me to sit down?
I know more about this house than you do.
Then do whatever you please.
Where should I sit?
You can sit wherever.
Can we add salt?
This stew tastes better
when it's spicy and salty.
No, it's getting late.
If we add salt,
your face will be puffy tomorrow.
I'm not going anywhere tomorrow anyway.
-Where are you going?
-I'll make it salty and spicy.
No, it's okay.
You don't have to make it again.
I don't mind.
I'm leaving.
You like spicy food too.
Stay and eat it with me.
No, it's okay. I'll get going.
You seem upset. Did something happen?
I know, right?
I feel like our moods should be
reversed right now,
considering our situations.
-Are you going to sleep here?
Why are you answering for him?
You guys look good together.
Goodness, what--
Please excuse us.
I have to talk to Ha-rim in private.
Hey, where are you going? Sit back down.
Who are you to tell them to leave?
You need to go back to the shoot.
You've become a big shot, haven't you?
I told you all to leave, didn't I?
Come here.
Let go.
I'll let the slap slide
out of respect for you.
Sit down, please.
Do you think doing this will
make me go back to the set?
I've gathered some intel on you.
So what?
Do you think that will scare me?
You once caused an accident
while driving under the influence.
You must think that
the past is in the past.
But that's not how the victims feel.
It's like a bomb that is bound to go off.
And I might pull the detonator myself.
Make sure he gets to the set
safe and sound.
Everything was perfect,
including this tea.
Get a good night's sleep.
Try not to think.
Can I ask you something?
It's a sensitive question.
The restaurant is losing money.
That's not what I wanted to ask.
It's not profitable?
What will you do, then?
Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
Then what's your question?
It's about Hong-a.
What's your relationship with her?
What do you mean? We're friends.
Did you guys both agree on being friends?
Did we agree on being friends?
What do you mean by that?
It's "agreed" if both of you
want to stay friends.
We've never come to that agreement.
But why do friends need such an agreement?
It'd be different if we used to date.
I think so too.
Just a second.
Yes, Mr. Park.
What are you up to?
I'm hanging out with a friend.
You're really something.
Is something wrong?
No, have fun.
Shin Ha-rim is back on the set.
Really? That's great.
Then have a good night.
"Have a good night"?
Was it Jeong-u?
Shin Ha-rim must be back on the set.
How did you know?
I should get going too.
Thank you so much.
For what?
I don't want to tell you.
Did you have fun?
You said something came up.
And you went to see Hyeon-soo?
How could you do this to me?
Despite everything I've done for you?
What did you do for me?
Did I ever ask you to do anything for me?
So are you saying
you didn't do anything wrong?
I already apologized for canceling on you.
If you're mad at me
because I canceled on you
and went to see Hyeon-soo, I understand.
You understand?
Then how could you be so shameless?
Everyone has priorities in life.
To me, she has a higher priority than you.
I don't get it.
Why am I less important than Hyeon-soo?
Everyone is less important than she is.
You know how I feel about you.
You know why I roam around you.
And you know how I feel about you too.
I don't think I've ever done anything
to lead you on.
Have I?
I'm not responsible for your feelings.
You have to take care of
your own emotions.
Don't be violent with your emotions again.
I'm being violent?
My love is violence to you?
You jerk, do you have to say it like that?
Can't you try to be nice about it?
I feel sorry for you.
We can be good friends
as long as we don't cross any lines.
Do you know what today meant to me?
I finally got what I wanted the most.
I wanted you to be the first one
to congratulate me.
But you're being this cruel to me.
Can't you lie?
Can't you lie for me?
You said you feel sorry.
This is all your pity can do?
I'll make you regret how you treated me.
You'll realize how foolish you were
for not choosing me.
Hey, Won-jun.
You called, right? I was in the shower.
I have an interview with a reporter today,
so I need you to take care of
our morning prep.
You're a busy man, Chef.
I need to do some business.
The interview will be done
at the restaurant.
I'll make it.
Just have a seat.
You haven't had my coffee in a while.
Hyeon-soo, why did you send
the script for the ninth episode?
Another writer is writing it.
I gave it a good thought.
How can she write it
when she's just been thrown into this?
I don't know who the writer is,
but the job will be easier for her
if she has my script.
What an angel. Hyeon-soo!
Try this coffee. I think I did a good job.
It even smells so good.
It must be Hong-a.
Hong-a, what's happening?
You're so early.
I came to get my things.
Oh, really?
Yes, I can't be your assistant anymore.
We know that your script got selected,
but that job isn't starting right away.
You can't leave all of a sudden like this.
I've never been helpful
to Hyeon-soo anyway.
That is true,
but you can't just leave like this
when she's in need of moral support.
It's okay, Hong-a. Go.
Do whatever you want to do.
That doesn't mean that I can leave.
Do you want me to say that you can leave?
I'll help you.
No, I can do it myself.
I don't want to hear that
I made you do grunt work.
What's wrong with you?
Don't you think you're being too harsh?
No, not at all.
Life is all about following the path
that benefits you the most.
Who's going to make it up for me
if I miss my chance being nice?
At least say that
after you've been nice to someone.
You've never even been on the losing side.
You need to wake up too.
Judging from what's going on now,
I think Hyeon-soo will get fired soon.
Come with me.
I'll pay you more than Hyeon-soo does.
Be my assistant writer.
Just leave.
I tried to understand you
considering the time we spent together,
but I can't understand you at all.
Don't come if you don't want to.
There's no need to get mad.
Hey, you're not taking this?
All addictions are bad.
I get that you like my special tea blend,
but you shouldn't depend on it
to fall asleep.
You and Hyeon-soo can drink it.
You never let us drink it.
Why are you suddenly being so generous?
Who says I'm being generous?
-Bye, Hyeon-soo.
-Let's talk.
Gyeong, give us some privacy.
Okay. I'll step out for a minute, then.
What do you want to talk about?
I'm tired.
I didn't get any sleep last night.
I'm curious about something.
Do you really have to
satisfy your curiosity
when I already told you that I'm tired?
Why are you so irritated?
You've been like this
since I saw you yesterday.
Is Jeong-seon part of the reason
you're being like this?
Why would he have anything
to do with how I feel?
Because if you tell me that you like him,
I'll be able to understand
why you're acting like this right now.
Why would I like a guy like him?
Do you even think we'd make a good couple?
Yes, I think you guys
would make a great couple.
But that's only if he likes you too.
Did he tell you that he rejected me?
Did he tell you not to worry?
You're so mean.
Do you not care about how I feel
just because he likes you?
Are you that crazy about him?
Enough to throw away our friendship?
-Fine, you won.
In fact,
you've beaten me every single time.
But things will be different from now on.
-Please take another one.
Please try to loosen up a bit.
Can you make macadamia puree?
You saw me making it last time.
Yes, I can make it.
Do you really think
he can make that already?
Yes, he can. Min-ho is smart.
"Birds of a feather flock together."
They've become buddies
because they're both dumb.
Gosh, that jerk.
-I bet 10,000 won that Min-ho can do it.
Do you guys think this is a joke?
Are you guys slacking off
because Chef On isn't here?
Didn't I tell you that you must pour
your heart into your cooking?
How do I turn this on?
Nice, I figured it out.
Do a good job, okay?
This is our sommelier, Im Su-jeong.
I recruited her myself.
According to the reviews,
it seems like people
either really like your food or don't.
But personally, it felt really new to me.
Thank you.
I try to bring out the original taste
of the ingredients in my cooking.
It could feel unfamiliar because
it doesn't have stimulating flavors.
But the thing is,
I keep thinking about it when I go home.
Please make sure you stay for lunch.
I'd love to.
You're doing great.
Did you think we'd be lost without you?
Here you go. It's done.
At what temperature did you grind this?
Do we still have leftovers
from what Won-jun made?
Yes, we do.
If you grind this at a high temperature,
it gets sticky.
And if you keep grinding it,
it becomes like this.
Yours is clearly different
from what Won-jun made.
-You should ask if you're not sure.
Asking questions is a good thing.
It shows that you're interested.
Got it.
We all deserve to work happily
in this kitchen.
We should always respect each other.
Now, let's get back to work.
Hyeon-soo, aren't you going to eat?
You're the only one
who read the script I sent.
I saw the shooting locations
on the crew forum,
and they're different from the locations
in your script for the eighth episode.
Those details always changed,
so that's nothing new.
Maybe they're too busy shooting
to think about the ninth episode.
Let's go eat some good food
to make ourselves feel better.
I already made a reservation,
so you can pay for it.
It's a bit expensive.
You're my lifesaver.
Yes, hello.
I'll show you to your table.
You've been here before?
How did you think
to make a reservation here?
I thought you wanted to
check out this restaurant.
You asked me about
Chef On Jeong-seon before.
Gyeong, you're honestly so lovely.
Ha-seong, are the snappers fresh today?
-Yes, chef.
-Gyeong-su, get the temperature right.
Got it, Chef.
Two lunch courses for Table Five.
The snack will be sent out soon,
so start on the raw fish now.
-Got it!
-Got it!
The order that just came through is
for Ms. Lee Hyeon-soo's table.
Isn't it so good?
I'm glad I brought you here.
You've been looking so happy
throughout the whole meal.
I'm obsessing over this moment.
I don't know when I'll be happy again
once this moment passes.
That's so sad.
It makes me feel like
misery is awaiting us.
Did you enjoy the food?
How did you know I was here?
Oh, you two must be close.
You're talking to each other like friends.
Yes. This is my assistant whom I adore.
Why are you getting up?
I'm leaving.
You don't have anything to write today,
so just go home.
You live close by.
I'll go back to the office
and let you know if there are any updates.
What's with her?
I think she wants you to stay here longer.
You've never been to my place, right?
You're too curious to stay seated.
How did you know?
This is nice.
It's Blue Mountain.
It's too expensive for you to buy it.
I got it as a gift.
Okay, I'll be in listening mode today.
Even if you're hesitant,
don't worry and just tell me.
I heard from Hong-a
about you and her.
Tell me exactly what she told you
so that there's no misunderstanding.
How can you be so firm and clear
with everything?
I've never seen you waver.
You have a clear goal,
and you never get distracted.
I envy you.
I don't have anyone to help me get back up
if I waver and fall.
My life doesn't allow wavering.
So you have nothing to be envious of.
I feel like I'm fighting with Hong-a
over you.
It makes me uncomfortable.
Then give up on me.
If it's something you can give up on,
then do it now.
I despise stirring up emotions.
I've never confused you.
You keep going back and forth,
saying that everyone is a hypocrite.
You keep pushing away the man
who loves you because of your situation.
What am I supposed to rely on
if I were to start again?
I'm sorry.
I'm scared.
You've pushed me away once.
Who says you can't do it again?
Reality is always tough.
I was selfish.
Love requires two people,
but I only thought about myself.
I took it too lightly.
I'll think about it.
I said I'd come and meet you.
Why did you insist on coming here?
I don't have even a moment to sit down.
I want to leave as soon as possible.
I want to see my dreams coming true.
Your script was selected by HNC,
which means the rights are tied to them
for five years.
Things will get complicated
if you work with us on that project.
Why do you think I chose you
out of all the production companies?
All right, I'll think about it.
Did you get a chance to read it?
It was an easy read. I liked it.
Cinderella stories with birth secrets
never get old
no matter how common they are.
That's what I was going for.
The upper class in the story
are based on people around me.
It's going to be more real
than other TV dramas.
I'll think about whether or not
I should sign with you.
My condition is that I get paid more
than Hyeon-soo, even by just ten won.
I'm afraid that's not possible.
Because of your personal feelings?
-You like her, so--
-Ji Hong-a.
Writer Ji Hong-a.
There are rules you have to follow
if you want to work with me.
First, you need to trust me.
Ms. Lee started out
by winning a screenwriting contest,
and her miniseries that followed
received good reviews.
Right now, I have no way of measuring
your competency as a writer.
Hyeon-soo won with a miniseries,
but I won with a weekly drama.
Dramas are judged by the actual show
that airs, not by the writing.
Yes, Mr. Park.
What are you up to?
Just doing some thinking.
Stop thinking. Come out.
Thinking only gives you headaches.
It's better to take a walk.
It's gone.
It did its job and went back in.
It's not dead?
Flowers only bloom at certain times.
It's done its job, so it'll come back out
after a little break.
I didn't know you had this side.
What side?
A warm side.
What made you think that?
Did someone throw another bomb at me?
You probably wanted me
to prepare myself before the bomb.
You brought me here to show me
the flower and say,
"So just get through it."
Wasn't that your plan?
Kind of.
came to see me recently with her script.
I met her again today.
What did she say?
She wants to sign with me.
Are you going to do it?
I'm torn.
I may go for it because it's entertaining,
but I'm hesitant
because of her personality.
What does her personality
have to do with it?
It's not like
you're going to live with her.
Are you going to live with her?
Then do what you always do.
The sky looks so beautiful.
This is my first time
looking up at the sky this year.
It is very nice.
I want to ask you something.
May I?
Since when did you ask
for my permission first?
I waver a lot,
and I'm not serious enough, right?
Who said that?
Someone said so.
People say all sorts of things
when things don't go well.
That person is wrong about you.
Your problem is that
you think way too much,
especially about love.
Just follow your heart.
How long are you going to be on your own
with shapeless emotions?
Enough is enough.
Stop thinking about a man
you can't even have.
You're realistic,
but when it comes to love,
you're not.
I'm your reality now.
This view never gets old.
I just hope we can be profitable
this month.
The show, My Soul Food, has to do well.
Attract people with your looks
before your food.
I'm not even that good-looking.
You are handsome.
And you're stingy on top of that.
That makes you even more attractive.
How am I stingy?
You're stingy with your emotions
when it comes to women.
It's because I was raised
by emotionally frivolous people.
Moody people are tough to deal with.
But still, don't you think you're being
too harsh to Hong-a?
I mean, you're a guy too. When a girl
She's not just any girl.
She's drop-dead gorgeous.
When a girl like her shows interest,
you should at least consider it.
Why would I do that
when I can't be responsible for it?
You're really weird.
How can you say things like that
when you like Hong-a?
I don't just like her. I love her.
I'm waiting.
To be honest,
sometimes I want you to be
really cruel to her,
but I feel so bad for her.
This is making me think about my mom.
Men and women are strange creatures.
If Hong-a were a man, it'd be over by now.
I'd have beaten her up.
I hope all goes well for us.
My Soul Food has to be a hit!
It has to be a hit!
It has to be a hit!
Have you made your decision?
I'd like to apologize first.
You'd like to apologize?
-Yes, to Chef On Jeong-seon.
-I see.
-At first,
I thought he was here
because of his looks.
Oh, my goodness.
You're so charming.
Number One, On Jeong-seon.
Number Two, Chef On.
Wow, your name is
the most searched keyword right now.
"How can someone be that handsome?"
"Where's his restaurant?
I want to eat there."
"His muscular arms look so sexy."
So sexy!
"Every family needs Chef On."
Everyone wants to check out
our restaurant.
I hope they really come.
This is awesome.
Everyone is talking about you now.
Let's not get our hopes up too high.
But tomorrow can be different
from yesterday.
Let's do this!
Let's prepare ourselves for the unknown!
I have to watch Unruly Detectives now.
-Get out of the car.
Then how far do you want to go?
Do you want to die together?
It's so boring.
The viewership rating will hit
rock bottom tomorrow.
The whole episode was just filled
with explosions, fires, and fights.
They took out most of the parts I wrote.
They always had writers
work on your writing.
Just hang in there.
It still airs under your name.
No one will know.
I do.
That's all that matters.
Where are you going?
I need to find out what happened.
I can't just make assumptions.
Ms. Lee.
I checked the edits for tomorrow
instead of going home.
It's practically a live show now.
I watched the episode.
I-bok was working with other writers
in addition to Ms. Park.
Why didn't you tell me in advance?
Let's be realistic.
Just suck it up.
It'll still air under your name, you know.
You'll be a writer
who's written a miniseries.
Things will be easier next time
with that title.
When I quit my office job,
I thought I'd become a writer really soon.
I love Yeouido.
I said that I'll dance in Yeouido Park
when I win the screenwriting contest.
I told you to take a break forever
since you lack sincerity.
You act kind, sincere, and hard-working.
I've never seen anyone so evil
in my ten years of writing.
You want to become a writer?
I bet you'll become one.
Evil people like you
tend to survive in this industry!
Also, Ms. Lee can be pretty feisty.
You know how she is.
I thought she'd be nice
because she's so dainty and smiley.
They hired another writer.
They always had writers
work on your writing.
You keep going back and forth,
saying that everyone is a hypocrite.
You keep pushing away the man
who loves you because of your situation.
Mr. Park,
the episode that aired today
wasn't what Hyeon-soo wrote.
The viewership rating
has gone up from last week.
Things will get harder for Ms. Lee.
Do you think she'll be fired?
No, it's her story. How can we fire her?
We'll leave her name on
and have another writer write the scripts.
I'm so relieved.
I thought she might get fired
because so many things have happened.
I came here to ask you to help her
if that ever happens.
Oh, boy.
I'm so tired. My goodness.
Move it.
I hate everyone who works
at broadcasting stations.
Why take your anger out on me?
Mr. Park, I should get going now.
Gyeong, are you ignoring me now? Hey.
Gyeong. Wait, hey
Who's writing the script now?
It's a team of three writers.
We can't fire Hyeon-soo unless she quits,
so tell her to just hang in there.
This insulting situation
will bring her glory later on.
What's the point of attaining glory
after being ripped to pieces?
Are you staying?
Are you going somewhere?
I have to meet someone.
Congratulations. People love you.
You're still
on the trending keyword chart.
As Chef On Jeong-seon.
I'm not sure
if that deserves congratulations.
Of course, it does.
They don't even know you,
and yet they love you.
-Do you think so?
-Yes, I do.
You got people to like you
without any effort.
I owe it all to you.
Strictly speaking,
you have commercial value.
You don't owe me anything.
Did you stop by this late
to congratulate me?
I also need a favor.
What is it?
I want to propose to a lady.
When? Who is she?
I usually make decisions on my own
when it's about something very important.
That lady is so lucky
to be such an important person to you.
Do you really think so?
Yes, you're the most wonderful man I know.
I want to do it at Good Soup.
By all means. I'll make it amazing.
-Are you curious?
Were you sleeping?
Yes. What's going on?
What brings all of you here?
There's an article about you, Auntie.
Don't startle her, Mom.
Bo-ra, you're so well spoken.
She's incredibly well spoken
for a four-year-old, don't you think?
Yes, she's just like her aunt.
Hyeon-soo was like that.
Yes, that's right.
Hyeon-soo was a smart kid.
Had I heard this before I got married,
I would've had a fit.
I'm very fond of my brother-in-law,
but I always wonder
why he married Hyeon-i.
See? Had she not been married,
she would've kicked me.
What's the article about?
It says that you co-wrote the drama
with other writers.
Right, this is what Hyeon-i is good at.
Bringing up sensitive issues.
You didn't know about it?
I knew.
But it still hurts.
you at least got to make your debut.
You're in a much better situation now.
Mom, let's eat this.
We have to feed Hyeon-soo
for her to get better.
Right, Bo-ra?
You're so cute.
Sure, no problem.
A table for two has been reserved
on Saturday, October 14 at 7 p.m.
-Min-ho make the puree!
This is Good Soup.
-It's done.
-Cool it down!
We need more puree. Make some more.
There isn't enough for lunch.
Got it, Chef.
These steaks are for table ten.
Yes, Chef.
My mouth is parched.
You guys look fine.
Is it because you guys are younger?
Why are you dissing yourself?
You always do that.
Why must you kill him twice?
Hey, you're worse!
Are we fully reserved for dinner?
Yes, we're fully reserved
for almost about a week from now.
Chef, can you let
a historic day like this just pass?
Of course not.
Let's celebrate later, okay?
Hang in there.
Yes, hang in there.
Hang in there.
My, you're so cute.
Should Auntie hang in there?
Hang in there!
-You should say something too, honey.
Right. Do what you want, sweetie.
What did you want to talk about?
I'll quit.
I'll quit Unruly Detectives.
Why are you being like this, Ms. Lee?
I told you to be realistic.
You just have to hang in there.
I can't stand it anymore.
I don't know why I should hang on.
I'm sorry.
I know you were considerate of me.
I'm giving up.
You'll regret it.
Just listen to me. I'm older
and a lot more experienced than you are.
Thank you.
I despise stirring up emotions.
Why must I be the only one
that assures you?
I'm scared.
You've pushed me away once.
Who says you can't do it again?
-Hey! Why you
Over here!
Yes, Mr. Park.
You caused trouble again.
The chief producer called me.
Don't be like this.
Come to my office.
Tell me what you have to say.
I want to get my punishment and leave.
Why do you think
that I'll punish you?
Because I couldn't hang in there.
I never told you to.
You declined everything
when I tried to help you.
You said you'd sort it out on your own.
I did, by telling him that I can't do it.
Do you know how hard it is to say
that you can't do it anymore?
Everyone told me to hang on,
but that's not the script I wrote.
It's not the story I wanted to tell.
But everyone is telling me
it'll be okay if I hang on.
How does that make sense?
I tried to hang on
because I wanted to debut.
Director Min
sent me various signals
that we don't see eye to eye.
But I ignored them
because I wanted to make my debut.
"Written by Lee Hyeon-soo."
If my name was on the screen,
my parents would be proud
and my friends would look at me
in a different light.
I gave up on wanting
to tell my story as I held on.
But if I kept hanging on,
I felt like I'd never be able to come back
to my true self.
Was it that wrong of me to do that?
I was trying not to cry
It's regarding our agreement.
There's a new condition.
Don't you know a lot about
Unruly Detectives?
Are you asking me
to join the writing team?
Let's go on a trip.
I came as the chauffeur.
We're closed until today.
You're absolutely right, chef.
Let's meet Hyeon-soo tomorrow.
We'll make it look like a coincidence.
-Where do you want to go first?
-How did you think to come here?
Be careful and don't get lost.
It's impossible to get lost here.
You said you wouldn't get lost.
I love you.
I'm in love with you.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee