Temperature of Love (2017) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

I gave up on wanting
to tell my story as I held on.
But if I kept hanging on,
I felt like I'd never be able to come back
to my true self.
Was it that wrong of me to do that?
I was trying not to cry
Mr. Park, I feel most apologetic to you.
Even right now,
you're drawing the line.
I can't keep standing here while you cry.
I need to do some thinking and figure out
what to do about this situation.
But before I do that,
you need to tell me what you want.
Are you sure
you won't regret this decision?
This drama might do better after you quit.
It happens all the time in this industry.
If you just get through this,
things might get easier next time.
I might regret my decision.
I might not be able to write again.
But I refuse to put up with it.
If I stay,
I think it'll take a million years
for me to regain my pride.
And after a million years,
I won't even be here.
I want to start writing again
before I die.
All right, then.
I'll drive you home.
-Good luck to us all!
-Good luck to us all!
I'd like to express my gratitude
for everyone's trust and support.
Things have been so hectic
for the past couple of days.
Let's not get carried away
and keep our cool.
I'll see you again after you guys
get some rest for two days.
Let's call it a night
with this last drink.
-We can do it!
-We can do it!
We interpreted it in our own way.
I think that's why it's a bit spicy.
Everyone has priorities in life.
To me, she has a higher priority than you.
Do I really like him?
Or am I just obsessed with him
because he rejected me?
How many times
have I watched this show already?
I love you with all my heart and soul.
Gosh, what is with you today?
You reek of sweat.
You stink too.
I know. That's why I'm not hugging you.
Oh, it's Hong-a.
I'm finally getting my chance
now that you've rejected her firmly.
You really impress me.
Doesn't it upset you?
My love for her is too strong
for me to get upset.
Is there a woman
who makes you feel this way?
Hey, Hong-a.
I have someone like that too.
She called me.
Okay, I'll be right there.
-The person you're calling
-She's not picking up?
Hong-a wants to meet up. I'm off.
I'm going to go see her too.
I thought she didn't pick up.
I can't just go home
on a happy day like this.
I'll go to her place and stare
at her window before I head home.
How romantic.
But I want to wash up at your place
before I go.
I can't meet her like this.
I'm just going to go like this.
He's one confident fellow.
You didn't have to get out of the car.
Thank you for today.
"I'm sorry. I feel apologetic. Thank you."
Don't say things like that to me
ever again.
That's not what I want to hear.
A different response
to the consideration I've shown you.
That's what I want to hear.
Mr. Park.
Are you trying to approach me as a man?
Yes, I am.
Thank you.
You just gave me a good laugh.
Good night.
Are you sleeping?
Do you want to meet?
I'm scared.
You've pushed me away once.
Who says you can't do it again?
Love requires two people,
but I only thought about myself.
I'll think about it.
Where are you?
I'm in the neighborhood.
You surprised me.
Then I succeeded.
I wanted to surprise you.
Why are you so chipper?
I drank with my co-workers.
The restaurant is packed these days.
My worst day turns out to be his best day.
-I'll be right out.
-No, it's okay.
It's late. It's dangerous to go out now.
Then do you want to come in?
No, I reek of sweat.
I came right after getting some exercise.
Why did you call?
I pressed the wrong button.
You're attractive when you're honest,
but you just lost your charm.
I got to see you, so I'll get going now.
People really don't change.
I think the same goes for me.
I thought I had changed.
But I guess I was wrong.
I don't wear my T-shirts inside out
anymore even at home.
I got rid of that habit.
The wind is cold.
I despise stirring up emotions.
I've never confused you.
Why must I be the only one
that assures you?
Your problem is that
you think way too much,
especially about love.
Just follow your heart.
Why did you make me wait?
I had to take a shower.
Why take a shower right before a run?
How foolish.
You can't call a fool "foolish."
I beat you.
I'm going to win at everything.
Aren't you going to pack your things?
I can pack my own stuff.
Didn't you say we can stay another week?
Then we still have some time.
Where will you go?
I'll move back into my parents' place
and come to Seoul when I need to.
Or I could just go stay
at my cousin's place.
Do you want to live at my place?
You were guaranteed a job
until the end of this year.
Gosh, I don't want to burden you.
You're not a burden.
Stay in Seoul if you want to keep writing.
That way,
you can work as an assistant writer.
Then I'll pay rent.
Don't bother.
Just think of it as your own place.
And work on your own writing.
You can pick up some part-time jobs.
It'd be nice to live together.
What's the point though?
I fail at every writing contest I enter.
I don't think I have the talent.
No one knows whether or not
they're talented.
I always doubted myself as well.
Ms. Park told me that
The Man Who Eats Rare Steaks was terrible,
but it won the competition.
You were there too.
You're right.
Everything has its own time.
Your time will come.
You just need to wait.
Hyeon-soo, you're the best.
What shall we have for lunch?
We can sense the aroma all the way here.
It smells good.
Yes. I'll go up and have a taste.
It's bouillabaisse.
How will it taste?
Why did you turn it off?
You're so handsome.
You're more handsome than most actors.
Don't eat it yet.
You have to eat it with this soup.
I envy your youth.
You have a great future ahead of you.
Do you know how proud I was
in front of Daniel?
You've been coming to Seoul often.
It's because Daniel comes to Seoul often.
You didn't season it right.
I'm sure I did.
Your taste buds become dull with age.
I'm not that old.
But everything else tastes great.
You're such a good boy.
Thank you for being born as my son.
Where are you going?
It's my day off,
so I'm going to laze around.
Can't you spend some time with me?
Shall we go shopping?
You can go with Mr. Min.
Can't you call him Professor Min?
Do I have to do that
when he's not even here?
He makes me happy.
So please be nice to him.
Someone told me
that happiness comes from within.
It doesn't come from someone else.
It's time for you to grow up, Mom.
I don't want to grow up.
I've lived like this all my life.
If I grow up now,
I'll be too embarrassed of the way
I've lived my life so far.
You sure have a way with words.
By the way, you look totally fine.
Making a decision is hard,
but I've already made up my mind.
You're so impressive.
As soon as you make a decision,
you just go for it.
Let's go on a trip.
You've been working so hard.
Can I recommend a place
that's perfect for our current situation?
The place where General Yi Sun-sin
wrote War Diary.
My gosh, jinx!
I'll look for a place to stay.
Gosh, it must be Director Kim.
We shouldn't have given him
the passcode in the first place.
Hi, guys. What's that? Instant noodles?
This is all we have.
Hey, Ms. Hwangbo.
Don't you dare ask her to do
something for you.
Why do you keep asking her for favors?
In my opinion, you need to date.
She's so cranky.
How long have you been single?
What does that have to do with this?
Anyone would wonder that
because of your temper.
What are you talking about?
She's a hundred times nicer than you are.
Go! You're in charge of Team B
for Unruly Detectives.
How dare you set foot here?
You go, girl!
Cut it out.
Jeong-u is having trouble with
the broadcasting station because of you.
You're making this difficult, Mr. Park.
You can't try to renegotiate the budget.
You want me to sign
with the new writers team as well.
The production company should cover that.
Do you know how much we lost
when our writer got fired?
She wasn't fired. Ms. Lee said she'd quit.
Production companies sign with writers
and work with broadcasting companies.
What writer would want to work with us
if they hear that we can't even protect
our writers?
Anyways, this issue is beyond me.
Talk with the chief director.
"Writer for Unruly Detectives
has been replaced."
I knew this would happen.
"Writer Lee Hyeon-soo dropped out
of the drama due to health issues"?
As if.
My skin is dehydrated and dull
because of all the all-nighters.
I have to take it every day.
I have to stay very focused
if I don't want to end up like Hyeon-soo.
-I was right.
I said Hyeon-soo would get fired.
What are you going to do?
She didn't get fired. She quit.
Quitting or getting fired.
It's basically the same thing.
It's not the same thing.
She chose to quit.
She's doing well.
You know how she is. Once she makes
a decision, she goes for it.
So what are you going to do now?
Where are you going to live?
Hyeon-soo said
I could move into her place.
That will be a nuisance to her.
Why would you freeload off someone?
It's none of your business.
Be happy all by yourself.
I'm going to live with Hyeon-soo. Bye.
Surprise. We're here.
I know. I'm making tea for you both.
You're quite chipper today.
I told you she wouldn't be downhearted.
Hyeon-i went to her in-laws.
She's dropping Bo-ra off there.
She should bring Bo-ra.
I don't need Hyeon-i here.
You'll be glad that you have Hyeon-i
when we're no longer around.
That's still far into the future,
so I'll pass for now.
By the way, are you seeing anyone?
You have to date.
You can't just work all the time.
I will date.
Who? The CEO of the company?
Why are you bringing him up?
I can sense that something's up.
Why isn't he married yet?
Hey, Jeong-u.
What are you up to? You're off today.
I'm just lazing around.
Got anything to tell me?
I do have something to report.
Give me a cup of tea. I have half an hour
until my next appointment.
You must really have nothing to do.
I'm leaving now.
Why are you always dying to make me leave
whenever I'm here?
You and I can't be in the same space
together for more than an hour.
You always say the sweetest things.
Mr. Park, it's been a while.
I had lunch with Jeong-seon today.
I see. Are you leaving now?
Yes, I am. I'm meeting Professor Min.
See you.
Your mother is looking younger by the day.
Don't say that in front of her.
She'll believe it.
We've been seeing each other a lot lately
thanks to Hyeon-soo.
I like it.
But it's all been
because of something bad.
You did the right thing.
But I don't like the articles.
"Due to health issues"?
You're perfectly healthy.
They must feel bad to say
that they fired her.
I wasn't fired, Dad.
I quit just before I got fired.
You weren't fired. You chose to give up.
I'm getting hot.
-Should I open the window?
Your menopause began too late.
-Take something for your headache.
I don't like taking pills though.
I'll take one since you're telling me to.
I like that you always listen to me.
Let's have something good for dinner.
Yes, let's go somewhere nice.
There are many good restaurants
in this area.
I know a good place. Let's go there.
We were profitable this month.
So, is Good Soup
on its way to success now?
I won't have to worry about
letting my employees go at least.
I should get going now.
What are you doing tomorrow?
You're off, right?
I don't have any plans yet.
Let's hang out. It's been a while.
Shouldn't you hang out with the lady
you're going to propose to?
She's not in a situation to do that
right now.
Does she actually exist?
I've never seen you with a woman.
I always keep those things discreet.
Just get ready to meet her.
I look forward to meeting her.
Where are you headed now?
Writer Lee Hyeon-soo.
She's dropping out of Unruly Detectives.
I've been very busy
trying to sort it all out.
So, you guys decided to do that after all?
Yes. That's what she decided.
I'm off.
This is where I wanted to take you guys.
"Good Soup"?
What a pretty name.
Why are they closed today of all days?
I know, right?
It doesn't suit us.
That's not true. You have no logic.
What does logic have to do with it?
Why can't I think like that?
You always manage to get me riled up
even when I'm trying to be nice.
You're not exactly trying to be nice to me
right now.
Enough, girls.
Nothing upsets parents more
than seeing their children fight
right before their eyes.
I'm sorry, Dad.
I'm sorry, Dad.
-Let's go somewhere else.
Let's go.
You're such a workaholic.
It's our day off.
-What's that?
Brining normally takes too long.
You're better than me, Sous-chef.
I'm flattered, Chef.
But you can make small cuts on the meat.
Do you need the syringe?
The syringe speeds up the process
and makes it spread evenly.
I guess seasoning will also seep in better
through the holes.
You're smart.
And the fat will also seep out
through the holes.
Who are you making this for?
I asked Hong-a to come.
Don't hate her too much.
I know that she's self-centered
and selfish.
She's inconsiderate because
she's too focused on what she wants.
Why would I hate her?
It's none of my business.
Love takes many forms.
You and Hyeon-soo
aren't exactly normal either.
I want her to be in a normal relationship.
Me too. I want that for Hyeon-soo.
I don't think we need to worry about her.
She's very careful and thorough, you know.
She never makes mistakes.
Yes, you're right.
Gosh, I get to retire next year.
It's coming up so soon.
Let's hang in there
for just a little longer.
We'll get pension,
and we can collect our savings too.
All that's left is to have fun.
If it's with you,
even waiting is fun.
Everyone said it wasn't good,
but I enjoyed Unruly Detectives.
I could relate to it.
Obviously. It's about us.
I knew it. The story is about us, right?
Hey, am I really that mean?
Betraying his own brother for his career--
If you were in that situation,
you'd do more than that.
There's something
the director is terrible at.
He doesn't know how to build up the story.
The theme seems to be fraternal love,
but he shot it as an action series.
All they do is fight and smash things.
I like you.
I can almost forget
all the evil things you've done to me.
"Evil things"?
What a mean word choice.
Hyeon-soo, just know that
your family members are the only ones
who are always there for you.
Jeong-u, I'm here.
You got here quickly.
Was there no shoot today?
We won't shoot tomorrow either.
The script isn't ready yet.
It can't be easy to continue
what someone else had started.
Why did you want to see me?
Have you read this?
Oh, it's written by Hyeon-soo.
I heard about it.
The main character is a chef,
and Kind Soup is his online username.
She wrote this before Unruly Detectives.
I like this one.
I should produce a drama with this.
Isn't this melodrama though?
I told you to never produce drama.
But there's something very unique
about this one.
I think it might be better
for a cable channel.
You're really something.
I'm so moved by your efforts.
You've been there for a woman,
who's not interested in you, for years
and opened up opportunities for her.
Jeong-u, can you do that for me too?
Why are you so chatty?
I want to direct this.
Your work is too difficult to understand.
That's because I never got to choose
what I wanted to direct.
I just did what I was told to do.
I want to direct this. Let me direct this.
I want to work with Hyeon-soo too.
Hello, Director Kim.
How have you been?
Just get to the point.
You don't have to ask me how I'm doing.
Gosh, why are you so cold to me?
You're making my heart ache even more.
Did you just say
I'm making your heart ache even more?
I can't believe you still use
that pickup line.
Why would I even try to pick you up?
I'm not saying you're trying to hit on me.
I'm just saying you must use
pickup lines all the time.
Okay, whatever.
I'm on my way to your office now.
I'm going to barge in,
so don't be surprised.
Do whatever you want.
I'm not there anyway.
Are you with Hyeon-soo right now?
She stepped out for a moment
to clear her head.
Hyeon-soo and I will be away
starting tomorrow.
How is it?
It's delicious.
It's crispy on the outside
and moist on the inside.
The texture is also great.
Chef, I'll always be loyal to you.
Oh, you made it.
What's he doing here?
You said you'd make me something nice,
but I'm about to lose my appetite.
I'll leave
so that you can get your appetite back.
Since when were you so considerate of me?
Mind your own business.
Hong-a, you sure have a knack
for being blunt.
I'm just stating the facts.
Do you know that Hyeon-soo got fired?
It might be the end of her career
as a writer.
Is it that bad?
She's not persistent enough.
She's been through so much
to get to where she is right now.
People might think
that you actually care about her a lot.
You must be upset
now that she's in a bad situation.
I hope you suffer a lot because of her.
Okay. I'll fulfill your wish
and suffer a great deal.
I'll also love her a lot as well.
What is your name?
I'm going to reject your proposal.
Will you wait for me?
Love is so meaningless.
I can't waste my youth
on something like that.
I won't go if you don't want me to.
It just happened, so don't think
that it has to mean something.
You didn't even really beg.
I won't answer it.
I thought you were a thoughtful person.
How was I supposed to ask you?
You didn't even pick up my calls.
When did I not pick up your calls?
You probably didn't think I'd reject you.
Saying that you regretted it
won't fix everything.
Can we turn back time?
Do you think I was happy all those years?
It'll only get harder if you take a break.
You have to keep running.
I obviously know that.
If you know that, then do it.
-Keep running.
If your legs feel too heavy,
consciously try to move your arms instead.
-Like this?
-Yes, that's it.
Now, you have to go forward.
Sorry, but I can't.
Go ahead. I'll take care of myself.
It's a great night to kill someone.
Whom do you want to kill?
It's just homework my boss gave me.
Would you go out with me?
Gosh, you totally scared me!
It's nothing compared to
how much you scared me.
Oh, dear. Why are you all riled up?
You got me all riled up, dear.
Why are you all mad at me?
And why are you making fun of me?
I was so happy to see you
that I almost ran into your arms.
You're quite incredible.
How did you make your way out?
I'll live just like you.
Why aren't you in bed yet?
I don't go to bed this early.
You seem okay.
There's no reason for me not to be.
I read the article.
"Writer Lee Hyeon-soo dropped out
of the drama due to health issues."
You talk as if it has
nothing to do with you.
It no longer has anything to do with me.
Making a decision is the hardest part.
But once I make up my mind,
I never turn back.
You seem to be going through a rough time,
so I'll put up with the boasting.
I'm going on a trip tomorrow.
With With whom?
With Gyeong. You've met her.
She put up with a lot
while working with me.
I want her to have some fun.
Jeong-u, is it okay if I cancel
on our plan for tomorrow?
How can I say no
when you're asking me like that?
I'm sorry.
You're canceling on me when I asked you
to hang out in a really long time.
Don't be like this, Mr. Hot Shot.
I'll pay you back tenfold.
You'd better.
You're still here? I thought you left.
Sit down.
Jeong-u, it's time to take action.
You've been watching her for too long.
Hyeon-soo probably wants you
to make the first move.
I don't think so.
Gosh, just trust me on this.
What are you doing tomorrow?
I had a plan, but it just got canceled.
This is fate.
I'll be the bridge
between you and Hyeon-soo.
Care to elaborate?
I'm not following at all.
Let's meet Hyeon-soo tomorrow.
We'll make it look like a coincidence.
Why are you taking so many things?
I need everything here.
I want to read some books while I'm there.
Then you'll just stay in the hotel room.
You really hate being active.
I'll call for a taxi.
Are you expecting someone?
-My gosh!
Oh, my goodness.
What is happening?
Chef, please come in.
We're going on a trip today.
I know. I came as your chauffeur.
Isn't the restaurant open today?
We're closed until today.
Is this your luggage?
Oh, wait. This one too.
The rush hour will start soon,
so hurry up.
My gosh! What is happening?
What's with you?
I don't know. What's wrong with me?
This doesn't even have anything
to do with me.
Good for you!
She got on the 7:15 a.m. train
at Yongsan Station,
so she'll probably have lunch
at around noon in Yeosu.
You're so excited now.
I haven't been this excited in a while.
Why am I getting excited
over someone else's romance?
It's been forever since I last felt
that crazy thing, love.
Chef, can we play some music?
We can, of course.
Chef, can we turn off the music?
Yes, of course.
What was that about?
What do you think?
I'm playing boyfriend-girlfriend.
It's none of my business,
but I'm so jealous.
Hwangbo Gyeong!
Hyeon-soo doesn't like it
when you say such things.
She's not exactly the romantic type.
What's wrong with you two?
Your common denominator is me.
You guys can't gang up against me
and tease me.
Then whom should we tease?
We can't make fun of someone
we don't know.
You're absolutely right, Chef.
You think I'll let you keep teasing me?
Because I will.
Come on.
Chef, can we play some music?
Stop it already.
Ms. Park.
My gosh, Hong-a!
My goodness.
This is for you.
What is this?
I bought it
because I thought it'd suit you.
Congratulations on getting selected.
It's all because you taught me well.
How have you been?
Not well, of course.
You must've heard about what happened.
Right, yes.
Hyeon-soo has been bad-mouthing me
to everyone.
I'm too humiliated to see
the senior writers.
-She's been doing that?
-She's making it sound like
I'm some incredibly immoral person.
Writers who haven't seen her true colors
believe everything she says
because she looks like a nice person.
Do I look like someone
who'd scheme with a director
to backstab my fellow writers?
Do I really look that evil?
You're not that kind of person.
People will come to realize that
with time.
You should tell people too.
Since you and Hyeon-soo are close,
people will trust me more
if they hear it from you as well.
This is so embarrassing.
Even if Hyeon-soo is bad-mouthing you,
it won't damage your reputation that much.
Those things don't matter
when you're successful.
Don't let it bother you.
It bothers me because I'm not doing well.
It's so difficult to get a show.
They prefer younger writers
for certain genres, you know.
You're so honest.
That's why I like you.
I always mean what I say.
Anyway, thank you for being there for me.
You're a good writer,
and you have a great personality.
I know you'll make it big.
Thank you.
Did you say hello to CP Yoo Hong-jin?
-Go say hello.
Now, your background
will make you shine brighter.
Thank you for your advice.
This is why you need a mentor.
Tell Hyeon-soo to stop bad-mouthing me.
Why does she know so many people?
Is it because she went to a good school?
Oh, my goodness. What is this?
This is our room.
Go in. My room is over there.
See you in the lobby in half an hour,
All right.
Hyeon-soo! Chef On is so great.
He's super great.
-So what?
-You're stupid if you let him go.
Do you think he's that nice?
Did you see his eyes?
He has stars in his eyes.
I've never seen a guy
with stars in the eyes like that.
I'm giving up on him because it's you.
Stars? Come on.
I'm telling you. He has stars in his eyes.
Twinkle, twinkle
This guy can't let me be happy
even for a second.
Must I really transition
from Chef On's face to Director Kim's?
Do it.
You're jealous!
No, I'm not.
Hello, Director Kim.
Where are you? I'm here.
I'll be there in a moment.
Hyeon-soo is busy now.
Where are you?
All right.
Hyeon-soo checked in.
I just checked with Gyeong.
I won't be able to join until dinnertime.
I have some business to attend to.
I see. No wonder
you agreed to come so easily.
You must've brought work to do.
What are you going to do?
I'll be with Gyeong.
You do whatever you want to do.
I'll be sure to set up the mood for you
-Let's go.
You came down already?
Hyeon-soo is on her way.
I'm going out on my own.
A director I know is here,
and I have to keep him company.
He's very weird,
so he'll ruin all the fun if he joins.
I don't mind.
Call me if you can't handle him
on your own.
Okay. Have fun with Hyeon-soo.
He said he's in the lobby. Where's he?
Where do you want to go first?
Have you been here before?
Of course. Yeosu is famous
for marinated crab.
You still remember places through food.
Then let's go treat our eyes
before we grab lunch.
This is nice.
I'm hungry.
You're so consistent.
What do you mean?
Your unpredictability.
I thought you'd comment
on the beautiful scenery.
How did you think to come here?
I was just bored.
You're attractive when you're honest,
but you just lost your charm.
Love for mankind, then?
Let's go eat marinated crab.
Marinated crab tastes the best
when it's mixed with rice.
You know how to eat it.
What other good eats are here in Yeosu?
My, this is so good.
Put your glasses back on.
Don't people usually look better
without glasses?
You look better with them on.
Are you offended?
You must be insecure about your looks.
No, I'm not offended.
I'll take off and put on my glasses
as I please.
Right now, I want to keep them off
because of you.
Just talk in your accent.
You're trying so hard to sound
like a Seoul native. It's sad.
You're right. I admit it.
I'm trying to lose my accent
because everyone can tell where I'm from
as soon as they hear me talking.
I want to be mysterious.
You won't become mysterious
even without the accent.
This lunch is on you, right?
-That's why I'm holding back.
I'd like to focus on the food.
Don't do such a thing.
I don't want to become close with you.
This is the first rock crevice.
If you pass through all seven of them,
your wish will come true.
Don't tell me. Just keep it to yourself.
Have you decided?
Me too. I'll go first.
Be careful. Don't get lost.
It's impossible to get lost here.
I even drive now. I'm no longer
directionally challenged.
I only found out
because Ms. Park called me.
Why didn't you tell me
your father is Yuseong Insurance's CEO?
My cousin works there.
My dad being a CEO has nothing to do
with me being recognized for my work.
You're a person of high integrity.
Please take a look at this.
Have you received any contract offers?
I'm considering an offer
from On Entertainment.
On Entertainment is great.
Mr. Park is smart.
Hey, I-bok!
Hey, Hong-jin.
Go ahead and start preparing.
I'm going insane because of the script.
I told you it wouldn't be any better
with new writers.
You're making it harder for yourself.
It's not too late to call Ms. Lee.
I can't do that.
I'd rather bite my tongue to death.
Hello, sir.
Her writing was selected
for an HNC series.
Oh, really? Congratulations.
You used to assist Ms. Lee, right?
Don't you know a lot about
Unruly Detectives?
Did you help her with the story?
No, but I know it very well.
Then can you give our writing team
some advice?
Are you asking me
to join the writing team?
Gosh, you're quick-witted.
Why would I board a sinking ship?
My gosh, this is what I'm talking about.
She's so witty. Aren't I right, Hong-jin?
Perhaps our ship won't sink
if you join our team.
I don't want to.
If this one doesn't fail,
we should work together next time.
Will you still decline?
Wow, it's so nice here.
I need to use the ladies' room.
Be careful. Don't get lost, okay?
Are you kidding me?
I've been here a few times.
I could only think about one thing
at that point.
"I must see Jeong-seon."
He was the one I thought of
at my desperate moment.
I've never confused you.
Why must I be the only one
that assures you?
You keep pushing away the man
who loves you because of your situation.
What am I supposed to rely on
if I were to start again?
Then give up on me.
If it's something you can give up on,
then do it now.
I have a man I love.
But I realized it too late.
I realized what love is
only after he disappeared from my sight.
Where must I go to see him now?
You said you wouldn't get lost.
I'm sorry.
It's my fault.
I messed it all up.
I was acting nonchalant and conceited.
I ignored all the signs you gave me.
I actually meant to call you "honey."
Is that important right now?
I have to set things right.
No more thinking.
I lost you
because I was thinking too much,
so why do more thinking?
I've done more than enough thinking
in the past five years.
I love you.
I'm in love with you.
I know.
"You've pushed me away once.
Who says you can't do it again?
Reality is always tough."
Those words were so mean.
You remember every single word I said.
How can I say that I love you
when you say such things?
How can I admit
that I've only thought about you?
I told you, didn't I?
I can be difficult in other ways.
You did.
Enough talking.
Then I'll see you next time.
Hello, Mr. Yoo.
Mr. Park, it's regarding our agreement.
There's a new condition.
What is it?
You know Ji Hong-a, right?
She was Ms. Lee's assistant.
I'd like to fire the two writers
currently on the show
and replace them with Ms. Ji.
She knows the story well
because she used to assist Ms. Lee.
At this rate, they'll make us end
Unruly Detectives prematurely.
That will result in great loss
for your company.
No international sales.
Hey, Jeong-u.
Where are you?
Are you all done?
Hang up. I'll text you.
Why isn't Hyeon-soo here yet?
She'll come when the time comes.
Where is she? Tell her to come back.
Is she with someone now?
That's none of your business.
I'll ask her where she is.
Shouldn't you check it?
I won't since I'm with you.
You can do anything you want
since you're with me.
Where are you?
It's Gyeong.
Should I tell her to come meet us here?
Do you want to?
Gyeong and I came here together,
but I'm the only one having fun.
Do as you please.
Forget it. I'll just see her at the hotel.
Hyeon-soo went to Soho Dongdong Bridge.
It'll be like a movie to meet her there.
By the way,
why did she go to the bridge alone?
When did I say that she went alone?
Isn't she alone now?
She's not with a guy, is she?
She is with a guy.
Hey, why didn't you tell me?
You didn't ask me!
What's wrong with him?
Hey, Jun-ha.
Jeong-u, I was misinformed.
Hyeon-soo isn't there.
Come straight to the hotel.
All right.
You'll come here, right?
No. I should check out the bridge
since I'm here anyway.
This is so nice.
Aren't you cold?
No, I'm fine.
I don't think you're fine.
It's okay even if I'm not fine.
I wish
time would stop right now.
I have a man I love.
I realized what love is
only after he disappeared from my sight.
I want to propose to a lady.
When? Who is she?
I usually make decisions on my own
when it's about something very important.
That lady is so lucky
to be such an important person to you.
Do you really think so?
Yes, you're the most wonderful man I know.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
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