Temperature of Love (2017) s01e09 Episode Script
Episode 9
What's wrong?
What about it?
What about it?
It's an occupational disease.
Someone is watching us.
I'm trying to leave evidence.
-Don't you date?
-That's something for me to say.
Aren't you popular with the ladies?
I was rejected recently.
I was rejected as well before
I left for Paris.
She said work is more important than love.
I want to start a family.
I think I'll be able to live
happily with you.
I have a man that I love.
He called me.
Do you want to answer it?
It was his last call.
Your problem is that
you think way too much.
How long are you going to be on your own
with shapeless emotions?
I'm your reality now.
Do you want to sleep together?
-Five, four, three,
-Four, three,
-two, one.
-two, one.
Hyeon-soo, what are you doing?
Are you sleeping already?
I have to sleep.
You didn't even spend time with me.
I need to sleep.
We agreed to sleep together.
Help me understand what you're saying.
Gyeong, please let me be just for today.
Today was the best day of my life.
"It sometimes helps to cry, Joy."
You sound exactly the same.
We should eat now. Should I cook?
No, let's just order in.
Come outside.
My gosh, he's outside.
I'm a mess, aren't I?
I didn't even wash my hair.
I'll keep him occupied.
Hurry up, and put some makeup on.
Okay, I'll be right out.
-Okay. Hurry up.
Let me see.
He just left after leaving this
in front of our house.
What is it?
Hyeon-soo, I know you like spicy food.
Eat this while you're working.
The caramel is for when
you're running low on sugar.
Gosh, it's so cute.
That's so cute.
Can I have a bite?
What are you doing here?
I took a cab here.
Why did you disappear after leaving
the tteokbokki at the door?
Were you expecting something from me?
Well, not really
Should I give you a ride back?
No, it's okay. You must be
really tired from cooking.
Okay. Bye, then.
My gosh, seriously.
When did you learn how to
play hard to get?
That's why you should
choose your answers wisely.
Let's go.
Are you staying home today?
No, Mr. Park said he wants to see me.
What about you?
I will be working.
My gosh.
It's been a while since you last came.
I'll guide you through
our new seasonal menu.
The lunch course comprises of
two snacks, four main dishes,
and dessert.
-Min-ho, come over here.
Ms. Lee Ga-yeong. When you made
a reservation, you said that
-you're allergic to nuts, right?
-Yes, I did.
Ha-seong, there's a batch of puree
made for people who are allergic.
Bring me that. Also, bring me some
macadamia puree.
-Yes, Chef.
make four servings of
Root Vegetable Salad.
Yes, Chef.
This is for the customer with nut
allergies. Use this to plate her puree.
What are you doing, Ha-seong?
Yes, Chef.
Ha-seong, check the lobster!
Okay, Sous-chef!
I told you to keep the plate separate.
Which one is it?
It's on the far right side.
Are you sure this is it?
-This is for the allergic customer.
-You're right.
-Here's your meal.
It looks delicious.
Hello, Mr. Park.
Hey, it's been a while.
Have a seat.
Your outfit goes well with the fall.
Let's produce this.
It's the first melodrama script
you ever brought to me.
It was not until recently that
I stopped writing for Unruly Detectives.
You wrote this way before that.
I liked reading this script
because it felt really unique.
I'd be honored if you decide to
produce this.
Then let's do it. You can continue
writing the next script for this.
Hong-a is going to be using
the studio you used to use.
I'll just work at home
until the show gets scheduled.
One more thing.
Hong-a will be joining
the writing team for Unruly Detectives.
I'm sure Hong-a
will be of great help to the writing team.
Unruly Detectives is
everyone's project now.
We can't just let it fail.
I don't want her to change the
original storyline of my script.
I can't promise you that.
That's up to Hong-a.
I'll try talking to her myself.
What are you doing today?
I should work.
You've been working really hard while
I was busy trying to pick myself up.
I'll repay you by writing a great script.
I wanted to see you,
but didn't expect to run into you here.
I wanted to see you too.
We must have a connection.
Aren't you here to see Mr. Park?
Yes. I came to sign the contract.
It won't take long to sign.
Can you wait for me?
I look forward to working with you.
Me too.
-This is really nutty and good.
It's fresh too.
I think this is the best
fine dining restaurant.
This is so good.
What's wrong?
I feel strange.
It's itchy.
You're having an allergic reaction.
Excuse me!
What's going on here?
Didn't you take out the nuts?
Call an ambulance! Hurry!
I'm sorry.
-Call an ambulance now.
Chef, you have to come out.
Did you take out the macadamia nuts
for table five?
What have you done to her?
How can you call yourself a chef?
-I'm sorry.
-Did you call an ambulance?
Yes, we did.
This won't do.
She can't wait for the ambulance.
Let's take her to the hospital.
Bring my car keys.
Let's go.
-Won-jun, you take over for me.
Did you order for me?
I did.
Thank you.
You're so strange.
Life seems so easy for you.
You seem to only remember the things
you want to remember.
I think the situation you're currently in
has made you a bit sensitive.
I can understand that.
My perspective isn't skewed.
I'm more peaceful than ever.
I sent you
all my finished scripts
for Unruly Detectives, right?
Don't borrow anything from my story.
But Hyeon-soo,
if the characters are the same,
the story may end up being similar.
They aren't things only you can think of.
Still, don't do it.
You're smart,
so you can think of something.
Besides, it's all copyrighted,
so the law is on my side.
I have evidence that I sent you
all the scripts.
You're being too fussy.
If this show doesn't do well,
On Entertainment will see damages too.
Mr. Park did so much for you.
You're good at rubbing it in.
I feel like giving in
when I think of Mr. Park.
But I become more resolute
when I think of you.
Did you forget what you did to me
just a while ago?
How could you treat me
as if nothing happened?
I resolve everything face to face.
I don't hold grudges.
It was all resolved that day.
Then let me fuss about it now,
although it's uncomfortable saying it.
Regarding Jeong-seon, I've been wanting
to ask, but I held it in.
It's about the bad things you said
about Jeong-seon.
When did I say bad things about him?
"He's a playboy.
He studied abroad since he was little.
You know how France is a much more
liberal place than here.
You can't ignore a person's environment.
Do you have any idea how much
he flirted with me at first?
Even if he likes you,
you shouldn't say yes to him."
What are you talking about?
It's what you said about Jeong-seon.
Don't you remember?
No, I don't.
As you know, I have a great memory.
You do.
I really liked you and valued you.
I accepted your words about Jeong-seon.
And I stopped myself
from falling any deeper.
I loved him,
but I took it lightly.
And I paid a huge price for it.
I still wanted to understand you,
since you were in a bad situation.
You kept losing competitions,
and people had high expectations of you.
I thought you'd change once things
got better for you.
You and I had good times together.
I still like you, but
I became jealous.
I hated that I was jealous of you.
I hated myself,
so I hated you more for making me
hate myself.
I still liked spending time with you,
so I tried to be nicer to you.
But whenever things went your way,
it made me feel small
and led to self-hate.
I couldn't control myself from hating you.
You could have just avoided me.
I tried,
but I wanted to know what you were up to.
The hatred would subside
and intensify repeatedly.
But now that things are better for me,
I won't have any more of those
internal conflicts.
I am appalled.
Gosh. Why isn't Hyeon-soo coming?
But don't you work?
I'm on standby.
I get the feeling that
you're less nice these days.
What do you mean by that?
You're saying strange things.
Before, I never had to say
-that I'm hungry for you to fix me--
-Oh, come on!
Why are you so pitiful, Director Kim?
I like instant noodles and dumplings.
Oh, my gosh.
A boiled egg would be nice too.
You just love your boiled eggs, don't you?
You're so countrified.
Aren't you from Seoul?
Before my mom ran away,
she boiled a dozen eggs for me.
When I was little, I used to hate eggs.
But I love them now.
Why are you telling me that?
It's too personal.
It just came out.
I bet you seduced a lot of
women with that.
They always fall for it.
Pity is the best pickup line.
You sell off your family story
to pick up women?
Hyeon-soo is here.
We almost died waiting for you.
Why would you wait?
I want to direct your piece.
You already have something
that's waiting to be produced?
It's a script I had written a while back.
Mr. Park wants to produce it.
Do it with me, Hyeon-soo.
I read over the script again.
The story is fantastic.
That's why I came here.
-Hyeon-soo, we need to talk.
What's wrong? What's with this hesitancy?
I'm good at shooting romance.
There's no better director for it.
You have to work with directors
who like your work.
I love it.
-Hyeon-soo, you can't have him direct it.
-I said I love it!
He gets weirdly artsy.
He'll turn the romance script
into a thriller.
And what about the lighting?
Everyone's faces will be lit in green!
Ms. Hwangbo,
you almost made me tear up.
-Director Kim.
-That's not it.
If you want it that badly, I'll do it.
Don't worry.
Thank you for your constructive criticism
on my directing.
Now, could you make me some boiled eggs?
This is really good, but it's not enough.
You can always make more for yourself,
can't you, Ms. Hwangbo?
This was given to us.
We're sharing what little we have.
Oh, is that the case?
You gave up what little you had
because I'm worth it?
You should have said so sooner.
What's wrong with you?
It's because it's fun to tease you.
Why do you want to work on this piece?
It's a little unique.
The emotions between the couple is alive,
and it's exciting.
I like that it's a sad ending.
I'm going to fix it into a happy ending.
No, you have to stick with the sad ending.
But how did you come up with the
nickname "Kind Soup"?
Oh gosh, wait.
There was something that I had to do.
Hey, Hyeon-soo.
What are you doing?
She had trouble breathing
because of an airway obstruction
due to the allergic reactions.
The shot I gave her
is helping her stabilize,
so you won't need to worry anymore.
Thank you.
When can she get discharged?
We'll know after monitoring her progress.
I'm really sorry.
I can't help but think that your
appearance on TV is partially to blame
for what happened today.
We liked it better when
there were fewer customers.
You're not full of vanity, are you?
I'll pay for the entire hospital fee.
As well as any additional treatments
received after her discharge.
Let's clean up, and take a break
before dinner shift begins.
I did as I was told
and left the plate at the far right side.
So it wasn't my fault.
Then are you saying it was
Chef On's fault?
I never said that.
I'm just saying that it wasn't my fault.
I'm responsible for everything
that happens in the kitchen.
Our customer's okay now.
It was an allergic reaction.
Thank you for taking care of it.
I need to be clear about
what happened today,
so that we can prevent this
from happening again.
Ha-seong said he left the plate
on the far right side.
Who moved it?
I think I moved it
when I was placing the desserts.
I'm really sorry.
I blindly took Ha-seong's words
and served the dish
without checking it myself.
There was a problem
with our communication.
Even if we're busy, we should make
eye contact when communicating.
-Okay, Chef.
-Okay, Chef.
What are you doing?
I was eating tteokbokki.
Hello, this is Chef On Jeong-seon.
You don't have a fixed schedule
for the next shoot, do you?
No, not yet. You'll be competing
against the chef that wins
the upcoming episode.
I'd like to get off the show.
I called to let you know in advance,
so you wouldn't have issues later on
in your scheduling.
It'll be good for you to appear on TV.
Didn't the sales for
your restaurant increase?
It increased a lot.
But it's because of something else.
Okay. I'll call you back after
I discuss it with the director.
What are you doing?
I'm drinking water.
I wrote this three years ago,
so we need to do new research.
We can collect information from Chef On.
I noticed that his restaurant is
full of good-looking chefs.
I'm so excited.
I'm drinking water.
He's drinking water.
Who is?
How are you supposed to respond to that?
What's the big deal about drinking water?
I have something to tell you.
I saw you this morning,
but I still came anyway.
Welcome. And I'm sorry that
I don't have much time because
I need to get ready for the dinner shift.
It's okay.
Please have a seat.
I'm talking as if this is my place.
I hope you like it.
They say that if you buy someone
a pair of shoes, they'll run from you.
But I bought them so that
you'd come running to me.
Aren't you going to try them on?
You're supposed to try on presents
the moment you unwrap them.
How did you know my size?
Here's a hint. You need to be wary of
your close friends.
-Won-jun told you?
How does it look?
I like it.
I should be the one to like it.
Why are you liking it for me?
I need to like it first because
I'm the one who gave it to you.
You win.
Thank you for this and everything else.
I was caught in a complicated situation,
but you just made me feel better.
I'm glad to hear that
I made you feel better.
What happened?
Things are still quite complicated,
so I can't tell you anything yet.
Okay, Mr. Cold-hearted.
Then I'll tell you something first.
I'm going to be writing for a drama again.
There's a script that
I had written a long time ago.
You could say that
I wrote this script based on
my experience.
"Kind Soup Never Answers His Phone."
Is Kind Soup supposed to be me?
That's right.
When did I not pick up?
You're the one who didn't pick up.
Who said you could write
whatever you wanted?
I said so. It's exactly why I write.
I used my imagination as a writer.
But I don't really like the title.
Why not?
It feels like it'll have a sad ending.
Are you expecting someone?
It's my mom.
What should I do?
Do you feel pressured?
Well, not exactly.
But I'm scared.
Because I want her to like me.
You don't need to act a certain way
to make someone like you.
Even if that's my mom.
What were you doing?
What took you so long to open the door?
They told me you're here,
so I got worried when you didn't--
Why are you wearing different shoes
on each foot?
Did you get a present from her?
I'll be off now. You two can talk.
-I'll walk you out.
-No, it's okay.
Aren't you going to introduce her to me?
Forget it if she's not anyone special.
She's my girlfriend.
Her name's Lee Hyeon-soo.
Hyeon-soo, she's my mom.
You already said hello to me earlier.
You must enjoy greeting people.
I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous.
Yes, my son?
You won't push my buttons, right?
Of course, I won't.
Let's have tea together.
Since Jeong-seon will be busy
in the kitchen.
Yes, Producer Kim.
Mr. Park,
apparently Chef On told us
he won't be on the show anymore.
Aren't you changing your attitude
too quickly?
It wasn't long ago you asked me
desperately to let him on the show.
I'll look into it.
Make sure he's on the upcoming episode.
You have a 6 p.m. dinner appointment
with Mr. Yoo at Good Soup.
Call Writer Ji Hong-a to come
if she's available.
And Director Min too.
Have we met before?
I think I've seen you before.
Yes, we met five years ago
in Yeonnam-dong.
You had Kenya Double A then.
You have a good memory.
Can I talk to you comfortably?
You seem much older than my son.
How much older are you?
I wouldn't say I'm that old.
I'm six years older.
Only six years?
Six years is nothing.
After I ended things with
Jeong-seon's dad, I only met younger men.
You can't go back to older guys
after seeing younger men.
Whether they are older or younger,
men are like children.
It's better to humor younger men.
I see.
What do you do?
I'm a scriptwriter for dramas.
I'm preparing for a new project right now.
When my drama is not airing, you could say
that I'm basically unemployed.
I like that you don't show off.
Were you in touch with Chef On
when he was in France?
No, we reconnected when he came back.
Right? There's no way I wouldn't
have known if you were in touch.
What do your parents do?
They're both elementary school teachers.
That's nice.
I feel like they'll be young at heart
like elementary school kids.
Yes, they are innocent.
Let's share phone numbers and be friends.
I have to get going.
I'll get going too then.
There's someone you should meet
before you leave.
It's my fiancé.
-can I get another glass?
Professor Min.
This is Chef On's girlfriend.
Oh, are you?
When did he get a girlfriend?
He was single until recently.
They've had a platonic relationship
for a while now.
She writes dramas.
Oh, you're a writer?
I'm a writer too.
I'm basically unemployed now.
She's so humble.
It's not good to be so humble.
She's older than Chef On.
It's less than our age gap though.
I like that she's older than my son.
Chef On and I are indeed similar.
Right, have a seat. Let's eat together.
No, it's okay. I have some work to do.
I'll get going then, Mother.
Oh my, it feels so strange to hear that.
Should I not call you that?
No, it's not that I don't like it.
Then see you later.
Mr. Park.
Where are you headed?
Let's walk together.
Does she actually exist?
I've never seen you with a woman.
Just get ready to meet her.
I look forward to meeting her.
Go in.
Mr. Park.
I have something to tell you.
Number one, it's personal.
Number two, it's work-related.
Number one.
Don't say it.
I'm taking off.
Ten years before I set up this company,
it was my dream to name it "On."
But the moment I heard your name,
On Jeong-seon,
it felt like I had lost to you.
What are you thinking about?
Goodness, stop that.
I heard that you said you won't be
on the show.
The producer called me.
Are you in trouble?
A little bit.
I asked for you to be on the show.
So, someone had an allergic reaction
at Good Soup?
Wow, you know everything.
I know things like the back of my hand.
Go on the show.
On my way back to the restaurant
after the allergy incident,
I thought to myself,
"This isn't right.
This isn't the way to go."
-You still have to go on once more.
-No, I won't do it.
You shouldn't rest on your laurels.
Your customers aren't coming
to the restaurant for your cooking.
That's why I won't do it.
I don't want to rush my way to success.
As long as I don't lose
the customers I have now, that's fine.
In the end, you'll do what you want
regardless of what I say.
Then why do you need me?
You may be the owner of Good Soup,
but don't forget I'm the person who
can take you down from that place.
I haven't forgotten.
That's why I'm making changes
and compromises.
But I feel like they aren't enough.
Can't you just trust me
until the very end?
The feeling of trust you had in me
in the beginning.
Feeling of trust?
Feeling of trust
What are you doing?
Are you going to start working on
your new drama from today?
-Seeing how early you're up.
Do you want some tea?
No, I want food.
How can you be hungry
when you just woke up?
What are you doing?
She woke up early.
Why are you eating that?
You hate boiled eggs.
You're right.
I got changed.
Get changed from where? And why?
Last time he sent a text saying
he was drinking water.
What is he trying to do?
He should become a writer.
He has a knack of piquing my curiosity.
-Do you like him that much?
-Is it obvious?
-It's very obvious.
I want to date too.
-You should.
-With who?
Where can I find a man like Chef On?
You should find a man that suits you.
Why are you coveting my man?
What's wrong with me?
Did I really just say that?
I'm sorry.
Do you like him that much?
I do.
I should get a bicycle.
Why all of a sudden?
We'll have to go to Good Soup often
to do our research.
But it's too close
to drive and too far to walk.
A bicycle would be perfect.
Could it be Chef On? Like last time?
-Oh, my.
-No way.
Does he not have a home?
No one's home anyway.
What brings you here?
Make me some breakfast.
You didn't have to make soup.
I like making soup.
I'm good at it because I often made it
for someone who loves soup.
Does it not taste good?
No, it's delicious.
It's ready.
Clams are good for people
who need to use their brains a lot.
Do you know what it feels like when
different events that
didn't connect previously
come together like a puzzle,
and become one big picture?
Because of one incident,
everything lines up,
and you come to a point of realization.
You're good.
Let's just say that the woman you like
likes another man.
Would you give her up?
I might give up,
but not before I give it my all.
I'd do the same.
What if that man was me?
Would you still go all the way?
Of course.
Wouldn't you do the same?
I would.
I'm going to propose next week.
I'll make sure to prepare it well.
Even if she likes someone else,
I'll make sure that
you are the star of that night.
Eat this too.
What are you doing?
Can I come over to do the interview?
Let's go, Hyeon-soo.
He didn't reply yet.
How frustrating. Why are you texting him?
Just call him.
He's busy.
I might disturb him at work.
What if he finds me annoying?
He loves you.
Why would he think you're annoying?
Here it is.
What are you doing?
I'll be conducting an interview.
She's working.
At least she's not seeing her boyfriend.
It's for real this time.
Gyeong, we should go now. Let's go.
It's so strange to see you like this.
I'm sorry, Gyeong.
Don't be sorry.
I'm just saying I'm jealous.
Why are you here at this hour?
I don't want to be
a part of Unruly Detectives.
You didn't say anything yesterday.
What happened?
I read what Director Min's team wrote,
and it's not going anywhere.
I'm sure it will fail.
It'll just be hard work for nothing.
I need you to take care of it.
All right. Let's do that.
I like that it's simple.
I'm glad I decided to work with you.
I wish I could think the same
about you too.
You will.
You and I are both
achievement-oriented people.
there is one thing I'm worried about.
You and I are really different
when it comes to love.
It was unexpected and disappointing.
I know you like Hyeon-soo.
I'm very sharp
when it comes to things like this.
I knew it when I first met you.
Why haven't you made a move?
You have all the qualifications of
a perfect man.
I thought you would date Hyeon-soo
and marry her.
What have you been doing
for the past five years?
Why are you letting him get ahead of you?
Do you even know who your rival is?
That's enough.
Ms. Ji.
You have a tendency
to push people to the edge.
You aroused me enough.
I hope you can put that energy
into your work.
It's so nice to eat while working.
Isn't it good?
How did he think of making
a sandwich with sea urchin?
Hyeon-soo, do you think
there is a reason why
the course meals are set this way?
Maybe they have a theme.
I'm sure.
Would you like some more wine?
Yes, please.
Is it okay?
It's delicious.
Okay. I'll see you later.
"I'll see you later."
Gosh. I need to lie down.
Gyeong, please be understanding.
It's because I've been holding it in
for so long.
Sure. I understand.
Why haven't you made a move?
What have you been doing
for the past five years?
What are you doing?
What else would I do
than come and see you after work?
Does it bother you that I text you often?
Do I make you anxious
because I'm slow with my replies?
How did you know?
Because everyone is like that.
It's the same with me.
When I say, "What are you doing,"
do you know what it also means?
What does it mean?
"I miss you."
Why don't you ever ask me what I'm doing?
I'm always curious about
what you're doing,
that whenever I open my eyes
in the morning, I wonder
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Then I would have asked you.
Can I touch it?
Go ahead.
Did it hurt?
Yes. It hurt a lot.
How did it happen?
-Were you beaten up?
It happens to all chefs.
I got it when I was still in training.
I'm still learning, though.
Good to know.
It reads "Salt." Does it have any meaning?
Is it because
you can't season without salt?
Did you know that it's your brain
that recognizes taste?
-I do.
-The salty taste
helps the brain to sense
other tastes as well.
I guess salt is really useful.
Along with itself,
it brings other tastes to life.
Yes, it's really useful.
After my parents got divorced,
I moved to France with Mom,
and it was really tough.
I was 16 years old then.
I was really lonely.
But I couldn't let myself break down.
That's why
Why are you crying?
I'm not crying.
I want to kiss you.
You can dodge me if you don't want to.
Come on!
Did you think I wouldn't dodge you?
You can't laugh after crying.
You're so mean.
Back then,
I was really nervous
that you might dodge me.
I was so happy you didn't.
Then why did you dodge me just now?
To make you laugh.
We can start kissing now.
I can't let you have it easy.
You can choose.
The teenage version,
the 20s version, or the 30s version?
All of the above,
plus a kiss in the refrigerator.
Is Mr. Park getting married?
I think there is someone
he had on his mind for a while.
There won't be any room
in her heart for you.
Did my mom call you?
When are you both planning to get married?
You should hurry.
When I proposed to you a long time ago,
did you think it was weird?
I don't think
there's a right answer to that.
We need to change our relationship a bit.
Mr. Park's proposal will be a success
thanks to this cake.
I have a girlfriend now.
I'd like to introduce her to you.
Then tell her to join us
on the day of my proposal.
Let's meet together.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
What's wrong?
What about it?
What about it?
It's an occupational disease.
Someone is watching us.
I'm trying to leave evidence.
-Don't you date?
-That's something for me to say.
Aren't you popular with the ladies?
I was rejected recently.
I was rejected as well before
I left for Paris.
She said work is more important than love.
I want to start a family.
I think I'll be able to live
happily with you.
I have a man that I love.
He called me.
Do you want to answer it?
It was his last call.
Your problem is that
you think way too much.
How long are you going to be on your own
with shapeless emotions?
I'm your reality now.
Do you want to sleep together?
-Five, four, three,
-Four, three,
-two, one.
-two, one.
Hyeon-soo, what are you doing?
Are you sleeping already?
I have to sleep.
You didn't even spend time with me.
I need to sleep.
We agreed to sleep together.
Help me understand what you're saying.
Gyeong, please let me be just for today.
Today was the best day of my life.
"It sometimes helps to cry, Joy."
You sound exactly the same.
We should eat now. Should I cook?
No, let's just order in.
Come outside.
My gosh, he's outside.
I'm a mess, aren't I?
I didn't even wash my hair.
I'll keep him occupied.
Hurry up, and put some makeup on.
Okay, I'll be right out.
-Okay. Hurry up.
Let me see.
He just left after leaving this
in front of our house.
What is it?
Hyeon-soo, I know you like spicy food.
Eat this while you're working.
The caramel is for when
you're running low on sugar.
Gosh, it's so cute.
That's so cute.
Can I have a bite?
What are you doing here?
I took a cab here.
Why did you disappear after leaving
the tteokbokki at the door?
Were you expecting something from me?
Well, not really
Should I give you a ride back?
No, it's okay. You must be
really tired from cooking.
Okay. Bye, then.
My gosh, seriously.
When did you learn how to
play hard to get?
That's why you should
choose your answers wisely.
Let's go.
Are you staying home today?
No, Mr. Park said he wants to see me.
What about you?
I will be working.
My gosh.
It's been a while since you last came.
I'll guide you through
our new seasonal menu.
The lunch course comprises of
two snacks, four main dishes,
and dessert.
-Min-ho, come over here.
Ms. Lee Ga-yeong. When you made
a reservation, you said that
-you're allergic to nuts, right?
-Yes, I did.
Ha-seong, there's a batch of puree
made for people who are allergic.
Bring me that. Also, bring me some
macadamia puree.
-Yes, Chef.
make four servings of
Root Vegetable Salad.
Yes, Chef.
This is for the customer with nut
allergies. Use this to plate her puree.
What are you doing, Ha-seong?
Yes, Chef.
Ha-seong, check the lobster!
Okay, Sous-chef!
I told you to keep the plate separate.
Which one is it?
It's on the far right side.
Are you sure this is it?
-This is for the allergic customer.
-You're right.
-Here's your meal.
It looks delicious.
Hello, Mr. Park.
Hey, it's been a while.
Have a seat.
Your outfit goes well with the fall.
Let's produce this.
It's the first melodrama script
you ever brought to me.
It was not until recently that
I stopped writing for Unruly Detectives.
You wrote this way before that.
I liked reading this script
because it felt really unique.
I'd be honored if you decide to
produce this.
Then let's do it. You can continue
writing the next script for this.
Hong-a is going to be using
the studio you used to use.
I'll just work at home
until the show gets scheduled.
One more thing.
Hong-a will be joining
the writing team for Unruly Detectives.
I'm sure Hong-a
will be of great help to the writing team.
Unruly Detectives is
everyone's project now.
We can't just let it fail.
I don't want her to change the
original storyline of my script.
I can't promise you that.
That's up to Hong-a.
I'll try talking to her myself.
What are you doing today?
I should work.
You've been working really hard while
I was busy trying to pick myself up.
I'll repay you by writing a great script.
I wanted to see you,
but didn't expect to run into you here.
I wanted to see you too.
We must have a connection.
Aren't you here to see Mr. Park?
Yes. I came to sign the contract.
It won't take long to sign.
Can you wait for me?
I look forward to working with you.
Me too.
-This is really nutty and good.
It's fresh too.
I think this is the best
fine dining restaurant.
This is so good.
What's wrong?
I feel strange.
It's itchy.
You're having an allergic reaction.
Excuse me!
What's going on here?
Didn't you take out the nuts?
Call an ambulance! Hurry!
I'm sorry.
-Call an ambulance now.
Chef, you have to come out.
Did you take out the macadamia nuts
for table five?
What have you done to her?
How can you call yourself a chef?
-I'm sorry.
-Did you call an ambulance?
Yes, we did.
This won't do.
She can't wait for the ambulance.
Let's take her to the hospital.
Bring my car keys.
Let's go.
-Won-jun, you take over for me.
Did you order for me?
I did.
Thank you.
You're so strange.
Life seems so easy for you.
You seem to only remember the things
you want to remember.
I think the situation you're currently in
has made you a bit sensitive.
I can understand that.
My perspective isn't skewed.
I'm more peaceful than ever.
I sent you
all my finished scripts
for Unruly Detectives, right?
Don't borrow anything from my story.
But Hyeon-soo,
if the characters are the same,
the story may end up being similar.
They aren't things only you can think of.
Still, don't do it.
You're smart,
so you can think of something.
Besides, it's all copyrighted,
so the law is on my side.
I have evidence that I sent you
all the scripts.
You're being too fussy.
If this show doesn't do well,
On Entertainment will see damages too.
Mr. Park did so much for you.
You're good at rubbing it in.
I feel like giving in
when I think of Mr. Park.
But I become more resolute
when I think of you.
Did you forget what you did to me
just a while ago?
How could you treat me
as if nothing happened?
I resolve everything face to face.
I don't hold grudges.
It was all resolved that day.
Then let me fuss about it now,
although it's uncomfortable saying it.
Regarding Jeong-seon, I've been wanting
to ask, but I held it in.
It's about the bad things you said
about Jeong-seon.
When did I say bad things about him?
"He's a playboy.
He studied abroad since he was little.
You know how France is a much more
liberal place than here.
You can't ignore a person's environment.
Do you have any idea how much
he flirted with me at first?
Even if he likes you,
you shouldn't say yes to him."
What are you talking about?
It's what you said about Jeong-seon.
Don't you remember?
No, I don't.
As you know, I have a great memory.
You do.
I really liked you and valued you.
I accepted your words about Jeong-seon.
And I stopped myself
from falling any deeper.
I loved him,
but I took it lightly.
And I paid a huge price for it.
I still wanted to understand you,
since you were in a bad situation.
You kept losing competitions,
and people had high expectations of you.
I thought you'd change once things
got better for you.
You and I had good times together.
I still like you, but
I became jealous.
I hated that I was jealous of you.
I hated myself,
so I hated you more for making me
hate myself.
I still liked spending time with you,
so I tried to be nicer to you.
But whenever things went your way,
it made me feel small
and led to self-hate.
I couldn't control myself from hating you.
You could have just avoided me.
I tried,
but I wanted to know what you were up to.
The hatred would subside
and intensify repeatedly.
But now that things are better for me,
I won't have any more of those
internal conflicts.
I am appalled.
Gosh. Why isn't Hyeon-soo coming?
But don't you work?
I'm on standby.
I get the feeling that
you're less nice these days.
What do you mean by that?
You're saying strange things.
Before, I never had to say
-that I'm hungry for you to fix me--
-Oh, come on!
Why are you so pitiful, Director Kim?
I like instant noodles and dumplings.
Oh, my gosh.
A boiled egg would be nice too.
You just love your boiled eggs, don't you?
You're so countrified.
Aren't you from Seoul?
Before my mom ran away,
she boiled a dozen eggs for me.
When I was little, I used to hate eggs.
But I love them now.
Why are you telling me that?
It's too personal.
It just came out.
I bet you seduced a lot of
women with that.
They always fall for it.
Pity is the best pickup line.
You sell off your family story
to pick up women?
Hyeon-soo is here.
We almost died waiting for you.
Why would you wait?
I want to direct your piece.
You already have something
that's waiting to be produced?
It's a script I had written a while back.
Mr. Park wants to produce it.
Do it with me, Hyeon-soo.
I read over the script again.
The story is fantastic.
That's why I came here.
-Hyeon-soo, we need to talk.
What's wrong? What's with this hesitancy?
I'm good at shooting romance.
There's no better director for it.
You have to work with directors
who like your work.
I love it.
-Hyeon-soo, you can't have him direct it.
-I said I love it!
He gets weirdly artsy.
He'll turn the romance script
into a thriller.
And what about the lighting?
Everyone's faces will be lit in green!
Ms. Hwangbo,
you almost made me tear up.
-Director Kim.
-That's not it.
If you want it that badly, I'll do it.
Don't worry.
Thank you for your constructive criticism
on my directing.
Now, could you make me some boiled eggs?
This is really good, but it's not enough.
You can always make more for yourself,
can't you, Ms. Hwangbo?
This was given to us.
We're sharing what little we have.
Oh, is that the case?
You gave up what little you had
because I'm worth it?
You should have said so sooner.
What's wrong with you?
It's because it's fun to tease you.
Why do you want to work on this piece?
It's a little unique.
The emotions between the couple is alive,
and it's exciting.
I like that it's a sad ending.
I'm going to fix it into a happy ending.
No, you have to stick with the sad ending.
But how did you come up with the
nickname "Kind Soup"?
Oh gosh, wait.
There was something that I had to do.
Hey, Hyeon-soo.
What are you doing?
She had trouble breathing
because of an airway obstruction
due to the allergic reactions.
The shot I gave her
is helping her stabilize,
so you won't need to worry anymore.
Thank you.
When can she get discharged?
We'll know after monitoring her progress.
I'm really sorry.
I can't help but think that your
appearance on TV is partially to blame
for what happened today.
We liked it better when
there were fewer customers.
You're not full of vanity, are you?
I'll pay for the entire hospital fee.
As well as any additional treatments
received after her discharge.
Let's clean up, and take a break
before dinner shift begins.
I did as I was told
and left the plate at the far right side.
So it wasn't my fault.
Then are you saying it was
Chef On's fault?
I never said that.
I'm just saying that it wasn't my fault.
I'm responsible for everything
that happens in the kitchen.
Our customer's okay now.
It was an allergic reaction.
Thank you for taking care of it.
I need to be clear about
what happened today,
so that we can prevent this
from happening again.
Ha-seong said he left the plate
on the far right side.
Who moved it?
I think I moved it
when I was placing the desserts.
I'm really sorry.
I blindly took Ha-seong's words
and served the dish
without checking it myself.
There was a problem
with our communication.
Even if we're busy, we should make
eye contact when communicating.
-Okay, Chef.
-Okay, Chef.
What are you doing?
I was eating tteokbokki.
Hello, this is Chef On Jeong-seon.
You don't have a fixed schedule
for the next shoot, do you?
No, not yet. You'll be competing
against the chef that wins
the upcoming episode.
I'd like to get off the show.
I called to let you know in advance,
so you wouldn't have issues later on
in your scheduling.
It'll be good for you to appear on TV.
Didn't the sales for
your restaurant increase?
It increased a lot.
But it's because of something else.
Okay. I'll call you back after
I discuss it with the director.
What are you doing?
I'm drinking water.
I wrote this three years ago,
so we need to do new research.
We can collect information from Chef On.
I noticed that his restaurant is
full of good-looking chefs.
I'm so excited.
I'm drinking water.
He's drinking water.
Who is?
How are you supposed to respond to that?
What's the big deal about drinking water?
I have something to tell you.
I saw you this morning,
but I still came anyway.
Welcome. And I'm sorry that
I don't have much time because
I need to get ready for the dinner shift.
It's okay.
Please have a seat.
I'm talking as if this is my place.
I hope you like it.
They say that if you buy someone
a pair of shoes, they'll run from you.
But I bought them so that
you'd come running to me.
Aren't you going to try them on?
You're supposed to try on presents
the moment you unwrap them.
How did you know my size?
Here's a hint. You need to be wary of
your close friends.
-Won-jun told you?
How does it look?
I like it.
I should be the one to like it.
Why are you liking it for me?
I need to like it first because
I'm the one who gave it to you.
You win.
Thank you for this and everything else.
I was caught in a complicated situation,
but you just made me feel better.
I'm glad to hear that
I made you feel better.
What happened?
Things are still quite complicated,
so I can't tell you anything yet.
Okay, Mr. Cold-hearted.
Then I'll tell you something first.
I'm going to be writing for a drama again.
There's a script that
I had written a long time ago.
You could say that
I wrote this script based on
my experience.
"Kind Soup Never Answers His Phone."
Is Kind Soup supposed to be me?
That's right.
When did I not pick up?
You're the one who didn't pick up.
Who said you could write
whatever you wanted?
I said so. It's exactly why I write.
I used my imagination as a writer.
But I don't really like the title.
Why not?
It feels like it'll have a sad ending.
Are you expecting someone?
It's my mom.
What should I do?
Do you feel pressured?
Well, not exactly.
But I'm scared.
Because I want her to like me.
You don't need to act a certain way
to make someone like you.
Even if that's my mom.
What were you doing?
What took you so long to open the door?
They told me you're here,
so I got worried when you didn't--
Why are you wearing different shoes
on each foot?
Did you get a present from her?
I'll be off now. You two can talk.
-I'll walk you out.
-No, it's okay.
Aren't you going to introduce her to me?
Forget it if she's not anyone special.
She's my girlfriend.
Her name's Lee Hyeon-soo.
Hyeon-soo, she's my mom.
You already said hello to me earlier.
You must enjoy greeting people.
I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous.
Yes, my son?
You won't push my buttons, right?
Of course, I won't.
Let's have tea together.
Since Jeong-seon will be busy
in the kitchen.
Yes, Producer Kim.
Mr. Park,
apparently Chef On told us
he won't be on the show anymore.
Aren't you changing your attitude
too quickly?
It wasn't long ago you asked me
desperately to let him on the show.
I'll look into it.
Make sure he's on the upcoming episode.
You have a 6 p.m. dinner appointment
with Mr. Yoo at Good Soup.
Call Writer Ji Hong-a to come
if she's available.
And Director Min too.
Have we met before?
I think I've seen you before.
Yes, we met five years ago
in Yeonnam-dong.
You had Kenya Double A then.
You have a good memory.
Can I talk to you comfortably?
You seem much older than my son.
How much older are you?
I wouldn't say I'm that old.
I'm six years older.
Only six years?
Six years is nothing.
After I ended things with
Jeong-seon's dad, I only met younger men.
You can't go back to older guys
after seeing younger men.
Whether they are older or younger,
men are like children.
It's better to humor younger men.
I see.
What do you do?
I'm a scriptwriter for dramas.
I'm preparing for a new project right now.
When my drama is not airing, you could say
that I'm basically unemployed.
I like that you don't show off.
Were you in touch with Chef On
when he was in France?
No, we reconnected when he came back.
Right? There's no way I wouldn't
have known if you were in touch.
What do your parents do?
They're both elementary school teachers.
That's nice.
I feel like they'll be young at heart
like elementary school kids.
Yes, they are innocent.
Let's share phone numbers and be friends.
I have to get going.
I'll get going too then.
There's someone you should meet
before you leave.
It's my fiancé.
-can I get another glass?
Professor Min.
This is Chef On's girlfriend.
Oh, are you?
When did he get a girlfriend?
He was single until recently.
They've had a platonic relationship
for a while now.
She writes dramas.
Oh, you're a writer?
I'm a writer too.
I'm basically unemployed now.
She's so humble.
It's not good to be so humble.
She's older than Chef On.
It's less than our age gap though.
I like that she's older than my son.
Chef On and I are indeed similar.
Right, have a seat. Let's eat together.
No, it's okay. I have some work to do.
I'll get going then, Mother.
Oh my, it feels so strange to hear that.
Should I not call you that?
No, it's not that I don't like it.
Then see you later.
Mr. Park.
Where are you headed?
Let's walk together.
Does she actually exist?
I've never seen you with a woman.
Just get ready to meet her.
I look forward to meeting her.
Go in.
Mr. Park.
I have something to tell you.
Number one, it's personal.
Number two, it's work-related.
Number one.
Don't say it.
I'm taking off.
Ten years before I set up this company,
it was my dream to name it "On."
But the moment I heard your name,
On Jeong-seon,
it felt like I had lost to you.
What are you thinking about?
Goodness, stop that.
I heard that you said you won't be
on the show.
The producer called me.
Are you in trouble?
A little bit.
I asked for you to be on the show.
So, someone had an allergic reaction
at Good Soup?
Wow, you know everything.
I know things like the back of my hand.
Go on the show.
On my way back to the restaurant
after the allergy incident,
I thought to myself,
"This isn't right.
This isn't the way to go."
-You still have to go on once more.
-No, I won't do it.
You shouldn't rest on your laurels.
Your customers aren't coming
to the restaurant for your cooking.
That's why I won't do it.
I don't want to rush my way to success.
As long as I don't lose
the customers I have now, that's fine.
In the end, you'll do what you want
regardless of what I say.
Then why do you need me?
You may be the owner of Good Soup,
but don't forget I'm the person who
can take you down from that place.
I haven't forgotten.
That's why I'm making changes
and compromises.
But I feel like they aren't enough.
Can't you just trust me
until the very end?
The feeling of trust you had in me
in the beginning.
Feeling of trust?
Feeling of trust
What are you doing?
Are you going to start working on
your new drama from today?
-Seeing how early you're up.
Do you want some tea?
No, I want food.
How can you be hungry
when you just woke up?
What are you doing?
She woke up early.
Why are you eating that?
You hate boiled eggs.
You're right.
I got changed.
Get changed from where? And why?
Last time he sent a text saying
he was drinking water.
What is he trying to do?
He should become a writer.
He has a knack of piquing my curiosity.
-Do you like him that much?
-Is it obvious?
-It's very obvious.
I want to date too.
-You should.
-With who?
Where can I find a man like Chef On?
You should find a man that suits you.
Why are you coveting my man?
What's wrong with me?
Did I really just say that?
I'm sorry.
Do you like him that much?
I do.
I should get a bicycle.
Why all of a sudden?
We'll have to go to Good Soup often
to do our research.
But it's too close
to drive and too far to walk.
A bicycle would be perfect.
Could it be Chef On? Like last time?
-Oh, my.
-No way.
Does he not have a home?
No one's home anyway.
What brings you here?
Make me some breakfast.
You didn't have to make soup.
I like making soup.
I'm good at it because I often made it
for someone who loves soup.
Does it not taste good?
No, it's delicious.
It's ready.
Clams are good for people
who need to use their brains a lot.
Do you know what it feels like when
different events that
didn't connect previously
come together like a puzzle,
and become one big picture?
Because of one incident,
everything lines up,
and you come to a point of realization.
You're good.
Let's just say that the woman you like
likes another man.
Would you give her up?
I might give up,
but not before I give it my all.
I'd do the same.
What if that man was me?
Would you still go all the way?
Of course.
Wouldn't you do the same?
I would.
I'm going to propose next week.
I'll make sure to prepare it well.
Even if she likes someone else,
I'll make sure that
you are the star of that night.
Eat this too.
What are you doing?
Can I come over to do the interview?
Let's go, Hyeon-soo.
He didn't reply yet.
How frustrating. Why are you texting him?
Just call him.
He's busy.
I might disturb him at work.
What if he finds me annoying?
He loves you.
Why would he think you're annoying?
Here it is.
What are you doing?
I'll be conducting an interview.
She's working.
At least she's not seeing her boyfriend.
It's for real this time.
Gyeong, we should go now. Let's go.
It's so strange to see you like this.
I'm sorry, Gyeong.
Don't be sorry.
I'm just saying I'm jealous.
Why are you here at this hour?
I don't want to be
a part of Unruly Detectives.
You didn't say anything yesterday.
What happened?
I read what Director Min's team wrote,
and it's not going anywhere.
I'm sure it will fail.
It'll just be hard work for nothing.
I need you to take care of it.
All right. Let's do that.
I like that it's simple.
I'm glad I decided to work with you.
I wish I could think the same
about you too.
You will.
You and I are both
achievement-oriented people.
there is one thing I'm worried about.
You and I are really different
when it comes to love.
It was unexpected and disappointing.
I know you like Hyeon-soo.
I'm very sharp
when it comes to things like this.
I knew it when I first met you.
Why haven't you made a move?
You have all the qualifications of
a perfect man.
I thought you would date Hyeon-soo
and marry her.
What have you been doing
for the past five years?
Why are you letting him get ahead of you?
Do you even know who your rival is?
That's enough.
Ms. Ji.
You have a tendency
to push people to the edge.
You aroused me enough.
I hope you can put that energy
into your work.
It's so nice to eat while working.
Isn't it good?
How did he think of making
a sandwich with sea urchin?
Hyeon-soo, do you think
there is a reason why
the course meals are set this way?
Maybe they have a theme.
I'm sure.
Would you like some more wine?
Yes, please.
Is it okay?
It's delicious.
Okay. I'll see you later.
"I'll see you later."
Gosh. I need to lie down.
Gyeong, please be understanding.
It's because I've been holding it in
for so long.
Sure. I understand.
Why haven't you made a move?
What have you been doing
for the past five years?
What are you doing?
What else would I do
than come and see you after work?
Does it bother you that I text you often?
Do I make you anxious
because I'm slow with my replies?
How did you know?
Because everyone is like that.
It's the same with me.
When I say, "What are you doing,"
do you know what it also means?
What does it mean?
"I miss you."
Why don't you ever ask me what I'm doing?
I'm always curious about
what you're doing,
that whenever I open my eyes
in the morning, I wonder
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Then I would have asked you.
Can I touch it?
Go ahead.
Did it hurt?
Yes. It hurt a lot.
How did it happen?
-Were you beaten up?
It happens to all chefs.
I got it when I was still in training.
I'm still learning, though.
Good to know.
It reads "Salt." Does it have any meaning?
Is it because
you can't season without salt?
Did you know that it's your brain
that recognizes taste?
-I do.
-The salty taste
helps the brain to sense
other tastes as well.
I guess salt is really useful.
Along with itself,
it brings other tastes to life.
Yes, it's really useful.
After my parents got divorced,
I moved to France with Mom,
and it was really tough.
I was 16 years old then.
I was really lonely.
But I couldn't let myself break down.
That's why
Why are you crying?
I'm not crying.
I want to kiss you.
You can dodge me if you don't want to.
Come on!
Did you think I wouldn't dodge you?
You can't laugh after crying.
You're so mean.
Back then,
I was really nervous
that you might dodge me.
I was so happy you didn't.
Then why did you dodge me just now?
To make you laugh.
We can start kissing now.
I can't let you have it easy.
You can choose.
The teenage version,
the 20s version, or the 30s version?
All of the above,
plus a kiss in the refrigerator.
Is Mr. Park getting married?
I think there is someone
he had on his mind for a while.
There won't be any room
in her heart for you.
Did my mom call you?
When are you both planning to get married?
You should hurry.
When I proposed to you a long time ago,
did you think it was weird?
I don't think
there's a right answer to that.
We need to change our relationship a bit.
Mr. Park's proposal will be a success
thanks to this cake.
I have a girlfriend now.
I'd like to introduce her to you.
Then tell her to join us
on the day of my proposal.
Let's meet together.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee