Temperature of Love (2017) s01e10 Episode Script
Episode 10
I want to kiss you.
You can dodge me if you don't want to.
Come on!
Did you think I wouldn't dodge you?
You can't laugh after crying.
You're so mean.
We can start kissing now.
I can't let you have it easy.
Fine. You can choose.
The teenage version,
the 20s version, or the 30s version?
All of the above,
plus a kiss in the refrigerator.
The person you have dialed
cannot be reached
Love is so interesting.
Remember when I met your mother?
I was curious of how it went,
but I didn't ask.
In case it would make you
feel uncomfortable.
You're bad at lying.
My mom's a very difficult person.
She has a very complicated family history.
If I had met her before
I fell in love with you,
I would've run away.
What about now?
But now that I've met her
after having fallen for you,
it made me love you even more.
I felt sympathetic.
Do you dislike the fact
that I feel sympathy?
No, I like it.
It's love plus sympathy.
It makes the love more precious.
I love you.
I'm in love with you.
I know.
You can pick it up.
No. I'm not going to let anyone
ruin our moment.
I can go by myself.
What time are you going to come tomorrow?
I'll be here in the morning with Gyeong.
Be careful not to catch a cold.
Look at you nagging. You're such a nagger.
You'll fall.
I'm not going to fall. Oh, my gosh.
What did I tell you?
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Do you want me to help you up?
Hyeon-soo, should I get off?
-No, I can do it.
-It'd be faster to just run.
We're almost here.
Hyeon-soo, let me get off.
My gosh.
When I sat in the back,
it wasn't that much of a struggle,
but it's sure hard to pedal this thing.
It wasn't easy riding in the back either.
My bottom is so sore.
You're right, it wasn't that comfortable
to sit in the back.
It'd be better to ride a tandem bicycle.
This is a bad idea.
It's uncomfortable for both people.
But back then, I didn't really
find it that uncomfortable.
When was that?
You don't need to know.
You can take your time.
I'll go inside first.
Okay. By the way, did you choose
who you're going to interview first?
Yes. It's Ms. Im Su-jeong, the sommelier.
-See you.
I'm going to interview
the youngest chef in the kitchen.
The youngest chef!
When I first started doing this job,
I made very little money.
Was the pay very low?
No. I spent most of my earnings on wine.
Aren't there a lot of customers
who don't finish their wine?
Yes, there are.
I guess it could feel unhygienic
to drink what's left over.
I have a strong stomach.
I drank whatever was left and
took notes of what I thought of them.
That helped me learn a lot about wine.
You're incredible.
It's not incredible.
It's what everyone does
to achieve their dream.
Then what was the hardest thing for you?
The hardest thing?
The fact that I couldn't eat Korean food
whenever I wanted to.
My foreign friends, whom I lived with,
didn't like the smell of
garlic, kimchi, and soybean paste.
I even made
kimchi stew in the middle of the night
and ate it under the covers.
My gosh, he's so talkative.
I should just listen to the recording.
Do you know how hard it is
to peel 1,000 shrimps?
But your hands look so soft.
That's because I take great care of them.
Back when I used to work at a buffet,
I applied ointment
and wore gloves to sleep every night
because I had eczema.
Why are you working at
a fine dining restaurant now?
It's quite different from
what you used to do.
I figured it'd be helpful if I later
decided to open up my own restaurant.
I personally think any menu is fine
as long as it tastes good.
Who do you like the best among
all of your current colleagues?
I like everyone
except for Ha-seong.
He kind of looks down on me.
He's enemies with Ha-seong.
What are you doing?
I'm thinking about developing a new dish.
Did you finish your interview?
We still have to interview Min-ho.
It seemed like he'd have a lot to say,
so we saved him for last.
In every organization,
the newest employees
always have the most to say.
They give the most
important piece of information.
Hey, Mr. Park.
What are you doing?
I'm doing interviews.
I need to see you.
I have something to tell you.
Okay. Where should I meet you?
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm surprised that you asked me
to meet you at a place like this.
You normally like to go to fancy places.
You really don't know much about me.
I like places like this too.
I'm sorry.
What is it that you wanted to tell me?
I should just get straight to the point.
You know the celebrity,
Yoo Hye-jeong, right?
Of course, I do. I'm a fan of hers.
I sent her the synopsis and the script.
She won't star in my drama
because I'm a nobody.
She wants to see you in person.
She can't star in the drama
due to schedule issues,
but she likes the story so much
that she wants to see you.
-You don't have to.
-I want to.
Thank you so much.
Let's go out for a walk.
Do you know Hye-jeong personally?
Or was it your first time meeting her?
I met her a few times before.
-She appeared in one of our movies.
-I see. Isn't she so pretty?
Do you like her that much? She's not even
going to star in your drama.
But she likes my story.
I might have a chance next time.
We need to change our relationship a bit.
Back to how it was like in the beginning.
From now on, you must come
to see me whenever I need you.
I won't accept any excuses.
All right.
I don't think I'll have excuses
because I spend most of my time working.
What are you doing?
You came at a perfect timing.
What is it?
It's a new dish to add to our menu.
Try it.
It tastes like something's missing.
What could it be?
What brings you here? I didn't see you
in the lunch reservations list.
I met someone around here,
so I decided to stop by.
I want to know
more about you these days.
Don't like me too much.
I have a girlfriend now.
Remember when I told you that
I was dumped by a girl
before I came to Paris?
I met her again.
Didn't you say she was engaged?
There was a misunderstanding.
I was told the wrong information.
I'd like to introduce her to you.
You'll be surprised.
All right.
Then tell her to join us this weekend,
on the day of my proposal.
Let's meet together.
That'll be perfect.
I should try adding
some popping sugar to it.
Hello, this is Good Soup.
What time would you like to
make a reservation?
Is it true that one of
your customers almost died
due to an allergic reaction?
It's been settled well. We'll make sure
not to let that happen again.
So, it's true?
I don't think I'll go there again.
Is it because of the allergy incident?
I think someone posted it on the Internet.
The full story of
the allergy incident at Good Soup.
The food isn't worth the price.
My review of Good Soup.
"They served tiny portions,
and the price was expensive.
I had high expectations after seeing it
on TV, but it was disappointing."
Click on that one.
"I knew it was all a hype.
Their service was poor
and the price was ridiculous."
"I heard they didn't even check on
their customer's allergy
and almost killed her."
"The young chef is nothing
but just a pretty face."
This is going to affect our reservations
for the time being.
That's not the problem.
We might go back to how things were
before the broadcast.
Don't worry.
We have regulars
who've been coming to our restaurant,
so I'm sure some of them
will visit us again.
I thought I came to the wrong office.
I love this place.
What brings you here?
I don't want to work
at Hyeon-soo's old studio.
It's where she had her taste of failure.
I don't want to be jinxed.
How is the casting going?
We're drawing up a list.
What about the air time?
It's your debut drama,
so it'll be important who stars in it.
I believe you'll play an important role
in casting the right actors.
The quality of the script
is what's most important.
That's what people say,
but that's not always the case.
Actors will star in the drama
if their interests are satisfied.
And it's your job
to satisfy their interests.
Let's focus on the script first.
The airtime comes after.
We have an interview with Min-ho tomorrow,
and as for Jeong-seon,
I'll do the follow-up.
Then I'll go interview Min-ho.
Enjoy your time with Chef On.
-That must be Hong-a.
-She said she was coming today?
Ta-da. Look what I bought for you.
What is it?
Guess what? I'm making my debut.
I just gave Mr. Park my revised script.
Now that you won the competition,
everything's going so well for you.
How is it going for you?
I have to prepare for my drama too.
It's impressive how you keep
working instead of taking a break.
What is all of this?
That's not all.
Ta-da. This is the real thing.
-Is this for me?
Don't cute outfits help cheer us up?
Gosh, it's so pretty.
You're the best!
Enjoy your time.
Are you still mad at me?
I thought about it.
But I think it was you who first told me
that you didn't like Jeong-seon.
So, concerning your relationship with him,
I don't think it's fair to say that
I did you wrong.
What's the point in bringing that up now?
You said your feelings were hurt
after what happened,
so it made me think about it again.
I really thought you were
going to get married to Mr. Park.
Let's not talk about it.
It's all in the past.
You say it's in the past,
but why are you so cold to me?
I need time to clear up my feelings.
I'm not going to work in your studio.
Plus, I decided not to join
Unruly Detectives.
I'm trying my best
not to make you feel uncomfortable.
You were close with me before
you became close with Gyeong.
Think of the time we spent together.
You shouldn't forget that.
I thought you'd go out with Hyeon-soo
and eventually marry her.
What did you do for the past five years?
Remember when I told you that
I was dumped by a girl
before I came to Paris? I met her again.
Didn't you say she was engaged?
There was a misunderstanding.
I was told the wrong information.
I'd like to introduce her to you.
You'll be surprised.
The first log line.
Temperature is important in cooking.
A soup dish is most delicious
when it's at 60 to 70°C for hot soups.
What are you doing?
I miss you.
I miss you.
You want to meet up?
I'll go to where you are.
I'll go.
You worked all day long today.
I know you're tired.
Aren't you tired?
Should I be?
I'm just worried you might be.
Being a chef is tough.
You have to work from dawn to night.
Thanks for caring.
This neighborhood is a great place
to ride a bike.
For two people, especially at night.
Two people?
Whom did you ride a bike with?
I'm just about to. With Hyeon-soo.
Didn't the bike ride make you
a bit hungry?
-Come here.
-What is it?
-Wait here.
It's a new dish that I developed.
-Please be my food tester.
-It looks amazing.
It's called,
"Oyster Pop Champagne Granita."
Granita is Italian
and it's similar to sherbet.
It tastes like champagne
that's bubbling in my mouth.
They usually have oysters with champagne,
but I combined the two into one dish.
It's delicious. Brilliant.
What is?
How did you think of such an idea?
It goes the same for writers.
I have something to brag about too.
Do you know who Yoo Hye-Jeong is?
She's the most famous Korean actress.
I'm not sure.
Shall I look her up on the internet?
It's her.
Mr. Park sent her my piece,
and she loved it so much
that she wanted to see me.
See? I told you that your writing is good.
The Man Who Eats Rare Steaks was fun too.
Did you watch it?
Yes, I watched it.
Hong-a told me
that you won the competition.
I'm so happy to hear that.
I'm regaining my confidence.
Why don't we do a congratulatory toast?
It's good.
What was that?
Do I still have it on my lips?
Kind Soup
Good Soup
What are you doing?
I'm at home.
Come to my office.
At this hour?
You agreed to come to me
whenever I call for you.
I need to talk to you.
How did you get here?
I drove here.
Did something happen at work?
You look worried.
Am I right?
Yes, a little.
You seem different lately.
I guess you're not
completely indifferent to me.
I'm grateful to you.
How is your writing going?
I'm working hard.
What about the interviews?
We're doing it at Good Soup.
Does Chef On help you a lot?
Yes, he does.
I'm drunk, so I can't take you home.
Tell me if you're going through anything.
I'll help if I can.
Not today.
I don't think I can control
my emotions today.
Aren't you going home?
I won't. I'm going to sleep here tonight.
Thanks for today.
Don't try too hard to bear everything
on your own.
I can be someone you can talk to.
Get in. I'll walk you to the parking lot.
When I proposed to you a long time ago,
did you think it was weird?
We weren't even seeing each other,
but I proposed to you.
I don't think
there's a right answer to that.
When I was young,
I thought love was based on trust,
but I don't think that anymore.
Love and trust are two different words.
You can love someone
even if you don't trust them.
Marriage is all about trust.
Love alone is never enough.
I hope you meet someone nice.
Because you're a good man.
I'll go alone from here.
You should sleep at home
and not in that cold office of yours.
Why do I always find you plucking grass
every time I come up here?
It's like you're an old man.
You've been coming here
too often these days.
Is it because Professor Min
started the new semester?
Daniel doesn't have any lecture today.
I came with him to Seoul because
we had some business here.
I'm here for my breakfast.
Good Soup isn't open for breakfast.
Go buy it yourself.
I know you have many ingredients
in the kitchen.
I'll go fix myself something.
What's the password?
I know you won't tell me,
but I thought I'd give it a shot.
I'll ask Daniel to buy breakfast
on his way here. Happy now?
The third log line.
The professional world of culinary
is dominated by men.
There's a strict hierarchy in the kitchen.
The sous-chef and chefs fulfill
their respective duties in the kitchen.
Yes, Mother. Please go ahead.
So, your phone is working.
I thought your phone broke
because you didn't call me.
I see.
I'm having brunch at Good Soup now.
Actually, I'll be heading there
soon myself.
I've been doing interviews there
for my new drama.
Oh, really? Then that's great.
I'll see you later.
Okay, then I'll see you there.
I couldn't find a doughnut shop nearby.
So I had to walk a long way from here.
Thank you.
I also told your son to come.
He's here.
Sit down.
Daniel cares
I mean, Professor Min really cares
a lot about you.
I have to get back to work,
so I can't stay for long.
I added two espresso shots.
I called Hyeon-soo. I did well, right?
When are you both planning to get married?
She's not that young, so you should hurry.
What does age have to do with marriage?
You should either get married late
or not get married at all.
Weren't you 25 when you first married?
Then you got remarried when you were 41.
Why are you forcing your opinion
on marriage on him?
I never forced anything.
I was just telling him
my personal thoughts.
You sounded a bit too firm. That's
the same thing as forcing it on him.
She might not be able to say it,
but I'm sure she wants to get married.
You're the younger one,
so you should be more considerate.
I'll go downstairs now.
What you said was directed at me,
wasn't it?
We may not have had a wedding
or registered our marriage,
but we still love each other.
That's all that matters.
To me, why did it sound like
you wanted a marriage registration?
You're really quick-witted
when it comes to things like this.
I was just about to leave the house.
Did my mom call you?
Yes, I'm on my way out because
she asked me to come.
You don't need to come.
I'll make up an excuse.
I'm not a kid.
I can talk to her myself.
Am I not allowed to do that?
Of course, you can.
I feel like getting to know your mother
will help me get to know you
and love you even more.
Is Chef On's mother here today?
I think she's at the terrace
on the second floor.
There seem to be fewer customers
than usual today.
Is it because of
the allergy incident by any chance?
How did you know?
I found out while doing
my research for the drama.
Since Good Soup is the background
of my drama.
When incidents as such happen,
do they affect your business?
Rumors spread quickly
in the restaurant industry.
And fine dining restaurants like us
usually have fixed customers.
When can we interview Min-ho,
the youngest chef here?
The work isn't tough.
Sometimes I tell myself that
it isn't hard.
Are there any couples here?
I'm pretty good at noticing
those kinds of stuff.
I think Su-jeong likes someone.
And who is that?
I can't believe I actually made a cake
for you to take to the interview.
I need to win his favor.
If he doesn't cooperate,
I'll have a hard time writing my drama.
I'll put your name on the list
if it gets aired.
"Cooking advisor, Choi Won-jun."
I just hope you'll earn more recognition.
Then that'll help you feel at more ease.
Please go back to how you were in college.
I still won't be going out with you.
Did I ask you to go out with me?
You think you have the lead
in our relationship? You're wrong.
It's going to be you who
will feel bad if we don't date each other.
Fix that short temper of yours.
Look who's talking.
I can't help but laugh out of astonishment
when I talk to you at times.
Go ahead.
Even if I throw a fit,
just keep on laughing.
I'll be going now.
Excuse me.
What do you do during your break time?
We're free to do what we want before
we start preparing for dinner hours.
What are you doing here?
I'm covering this restaurant.
-Is her story about cooking?
I guess it'll get filmed around next year
since you're covering it now.
Gyeong, my drama
is getting filmed this year.
Her drama might as well
get filmed this year.
She has the synopsis and scripts
for the first two episodes.
When did she write all those?
I heard she wrote it a few years ago.
I should go.
She's so diligent.
No wonder she's doing so well
in her career.
It's fine for her to be doing well,
but I don't want her
to be so rude to Sous-chef.
-Hi. Have a seat.
-Did you see this?
-No, I haven't.
Gosh, he looks so handsome.
I gave birth to him,
and I must say it's the best thing
I've done in my entire life.
The second best thing was the divorce.
I was able to finally live like a human
after I got divorced.
I don't know why I resisted so much
not to divorce him then.
Jeong-seon suffered the most from it.
I heard it was when he was 15.
And he protected me at that age.
I feel bad that he matured so early,
but what can we do about it?
Everyone is born with their own fate.
He grew up so well.
I have so many things to learn from him.
Do you want to go shopping with me?
Since Professor Min went for his special
lecture and Jeong-seon has work.
Do you always need someone to
accompany you when you go shopping?
Not always.
It's easier to get closer to someone
by doing activities together.
Can I ask you something by the way?
Sure. Ask away.
Why do you want to get closer to me?
You and I are both dating
a man who's younger than us.
After all, you're dating my son.
It'd be great if we go on a double date.
It might help my relationship
with Professor Min.
You see, Professor Min makes me happy.
As for Jeong-seon,
he is always so busy with work.
Whenever I think about him, I feel bad
that I wasn't able to do much for him.
That's why I hoped that there would be
someone who'd make my son happy.
That became my wish.
His face lights up
whenever he talks about you.
You're obviously elated
to hear that, aren't you?
I like that.
I hate pretentious people.
I can't go shopping with you
because I have to work.
I'm working on my drama at the moment.
Now, you're being way too honest.
I was a little intimidated by you
when I first met you.
But now that I see you again,
you're like a woman in her 20s.
I hear that often.
-It's done.
-Thank you.
Please move to the chest X-ray room.
-Thank you.
Please move to the endoscopy room.
We have an endoscopy next.
-Lee Min-jae and Park Mi-na.
Please wait here.
You've been having headaches
quite often these days.
We should have registered for
a brain CT as well.
There's no need.
Who doesn't have a headache
once in a while?
Still, it's good to get it checked
while you're at it.
All right, I'll listen to you.
That makes me happy.
What can I help you with, Mr. Park?
I don't need anything fancy.
I'd like to see simple bands.
Are you developing a cake?
It looks like a path in a forest.
I'm sketching the cake
Jeong-u will use for his proposal.
Is Mr. Park getting married?
Yes. I think there is someone
he had on his mind for a while.
It's a forest path concept.
I want him and the person he loves
to forever walk the path of happiness.
My cake is wishing him just that.
I'm so curious who it is.
Don't worry, you'll see her on Saturday.
It'll be here at Good Soup.
-Hey, you're here.
-What are you doing?
I'm doing a sketch of a cake
that will be used for a proposal.
Do you normally draw it first
before making it?
Yes. The visuals are a part of the dish.
What does it look like?
It looks like a forest.
I'll leave.
-Bye, Hyeon-soo.
You should put in more flowers
since it's a forest.
I can make that happen.
Can I try it too?
I secretly made Kimchi stew
in the middle of the night and ate it,
and they somehow knew.
They told me it smelled.
They knocked on my door
Are you serious?
Why is he back?
Gosh, I'm so tired.
What is it again?
I'll leave after napping for an hour.
You can continue doing your work.
This isn't your home.
Why do you always come here?
Is Hyeon-soo dating Chef On?
Why do you care about
someone else's personal life?
Hyeon-soo and I go way back.
What will happen to Jeong-u, then?
Does Mr. Park like Hyeon-soo?
It's been years.
I can't sleep because of you.
Can you make me instant noodles?
Make it yourself.
All right.
Are you kidding me?
Are you a child?
Go away!
My hands slipped.
Go over there. Just sit down
and I'll make it for you.
Ms. Gyeong-a, you're so kind.
It's Gyeong, not Gyeong-a.
I hate it when people say that I'm kind.
I also hate people
who always say the things I hate.
You're so mean. You're cruel.
Do you like me now?
Just don't talk to me.
Don't I have pretty eyes?
I'll tell you who has pretty eyes.
If you go to Good Soup,
there is a chef named On Jeong-seon.
I don't like him.
He's my enemy as well as Jeong-u's.
Gosh. What an embarrassment.
You're embarrassing.
You're friends with Ji Hong-a, right?
She's going to debut.
Don't compare me to her!
She stole my pride.
Hello. It's been a while.
I went on a business trip.
Do you plan on going on TV again?
No, I don't.
How is it?
It's delicious.
It's a little different from when I had
oysters and champagne separately
in the Mediterranean.
It tastes completely different.
You came alone?
It's rare for you not to have a meeting.
I'm trying not to take meetings.
By the way, this tastes so much better
than the one you made me try last time.
It's all thanks to you.
Let's have tea when you're done.
Your restaurant is getting empty.
I think I'll try changing
the main dish next month.
I don't think
it's because of your cooking.
Are you turning a blind eye to reality?
I'm skeptical about solving problems
in a realistic way.
I have a feeling
that's not where the essence is.
Even after all that,
I feel like I'm back where I began.
About the restaurant
Why did you call it Good Soup?
There's On Jeong-seon.
Sincerity and Love Line.
You have so many options.
My online nickname is Kind Soup.
I got it from that.
How can soup be kind?
In Korean food, we have soup
just like other countries do, right?
I liked that just a bowl of soup
can be consumed as a meal.
Plus, it's good to be kind.
I wanted to cook like that.
So I combined the word "kind"
and "soup" to create my nickname.
The two words match perfectly.
You went through such
a complicated process for just a name.
Hey, I took great care to
think of that name.
This is the engagement ring.
Keep it with you,
then serve it with the food.
It's simple and nice.
It's not superfluous.
I wanted to choose a ring like this
for my proposal too.
I guess you beat me to it.
Do you know that I like you?
Do you know that I like you?
I do.
Me too.
we all have
different priorities in our lives.
I've seen many relationships break
in my time.
Same with me.
How will it be for us?
If things break between us--
Why would you think about that?
Things are good right now.
Don't worry about it
unless it actually happens.
Jeong-u. I don't think
it'll ever change between us.
Why not?
Because it's you.
You're touched, aren't you?
I still can't stop myself.
I must go until the end to be really sure.
What do you mean?
Hello, Honey.
I woke up early to work.
Good luck!
We still have a lot of puree left, right?
-Yes, Chef.
-Keep checking on it.
Ha-seong, check on the seafood.
Throw them out if they don't look fresh.
I'm here, Mr. Park.
You look well.
That's because I'm doing what I love.
I did some research yesterday.
I plan on writing all day today.
Why did you want to see me?
I read your script.
It was good.
I told you.
I'll contact the actors.
It's your debut drama, so I'm aware that
we'll need to cast popular actors.
I'll make sure of it.
Thank you.
What about the director?
The director?
Direction is very important.
The actors don't choose to sign
solely by looking at the writer.
Not unless you're famous.
So who will it be?
I found someone fitting for you.
I can't tell you right now.
I'll tell you later.
Is Hyeon-soo's drama starting soon?
She's editing right now.
We'll have to talk after that.
I trust you.
Don't break the rules.
If you neglect my drama
because of Hyeon-soo's,
I won't sit still.
You don't have to tell me.
Hyeon-soo and Jeong-seon
are in love.
There won't be any room
in her heart for you.
Why are you telling me that?
Because I like you.
Even if you get hurt,
it'd be good to know in advance.
What are you doing here?
Aren't you almost finished with shooting?
Yes. See you.
It must be tough.
Sure, I guess.
What would you like to drink?
I don't need anything.
Let's hear why you wanted to see me.
I heard you're leaving the company.
You're in talks of signing
with another company, correct?
-I want to scout you.
I thought you didn't like me.
That aside, I can't deny the fact
that you're talented.
I think we could be good partners
if we have the same goals.
I'd like some tea.
Do you also work on Saturdays?
I have to do something
very important today.
It's so pretty.
Mr. Park's proposal will be a success
thanks to this cake.
What are you doing?
I'm in a meeting.
The synopsis is finished,
so I was talking to Jun-ha and Gyeong.
Are you busy tonight?
No, I'll be home all day.
Then do you want to have dinner tonight?
Are you free?
I'll definitely have to make time for it,
since it's you asking.
See you later.
Are you asking Hyeon-soo to come too?
I want to officially introduce her to him.
He'll be so surprised.
Yes, Mr. Park.
Come out right now.
Pardon? Right now?
Come out. Let's have dinner.
Does it have to be tonight?
I have plans.
It has to be tonight.
Let me add on that.
You don't have a choice.
I know.
All right.
Do whatever you want
until the final episode of
Unruly Detectives airs.
Why are you calling me?
I don't think I can go tonight.
Something came up. I'm sorry.
It's okay.
You and I can see each other any day.
Thank you.
Jeong-seon, you're so warm like the sun.
Don't make fun of me because you're sorry.
Is it Good Soup
where we'll be having dinner?
Are you happy?
I told you I have something
to tell you, right?
Something personal.
Let's talk inside.
Hello, Mr. Park and Ms. Lee.
Chef On was expecting you.
I'll take you to your seats.
We'll seat ourselves. You can go.
-We're not actual customers anyway.
-Okay, sir.
Why is it so pretty?
Is it a special day?
-Min-ho, bring that over.
-Ha-seong, taste the puree.
-Yes, Chef.
There are two dinner courses
for table three.
Medium rare for the steaks.
-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.
Chef, Mr. Park is here.
Let's just say that the woman you like
likes another man.
Would you give her up?
I might give up,
but not before I give it my all.
What if that man was me?
Would you still go all the way?
Of course.
Wouldn't you do the same?
Let me introduce you two properly.
He's the man I like the most.
This is the woman I like the most.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
I want to kiss you.
You can dodge me if you don't want to.
Come on!
Did you think I wouldn't dodge you?
You can't laugh after crying.
You're so mean.
We can start kissing now.
I can't let you have it easy.
Fine. You can choose.
The teenage version,
the 20s version, or the 30s version?
All of the above,
plus a kiss in the refrigerator.
The person you have dialed
cannot be reached
Love is so interesting.
Remember when I met your mother?
I was curious of how it went,
but I didn't ask.
In case it would make you
feel uncomfortable.
You're bad at lying.
My mom's a very difficult person.
She has a very complicated family history.
If I had met her before
I fell in love with you,
I would've run away.
What about now?
But now that I've met her
after having fallen for you,
it made me love you even more.
I felt sympathetic.
Do you dislike the fact
that I feel sympathy?
No, I like it.
It's love plus sympathy.
It makes the love more precious.
I love you.
I'm in love with you.
I know.
You can pick it up.
No. I'm not going to let anyone
ruin our moment.
I can go by myself.
What time are you going to come tomorrow?
I'll be here in the morning with Gyeong.
Be careful not to catch a cold.
Look at you nagging. You're such a nagger.
You'll fall.
I'm not going to fall. Oh, my gosh.
What did I tell you?
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Do you want me to help you up?
Hyeon-soo, should I get off?
-No, I can do it.
-It'd be faster to just run.
We're almost here.
Hyeon-soo, let me get off.
My gosh.
When I sat in the back,
it wasn't that much of a struggle,
but it's sure hard to pedal this thing.
It wasn't easy riding in the back either.
My bottom is so sore.
You're right, it wasn't that comfortable
to sit in the back.
It'd be better to ride a tandem bicycle.
This is a bad idea.
It's uncomfortable for both people.
But back then, I didn't really
find it that uncomfortable.
When was that?
You don't need to know.
You can take your time.
I'll go inside first.
Okay. By the way, did you choose
who you're going to interview first?
Yes. It's Ms. Im Su-jeong, the sommelier.
-See you.
I'm going to interview
the youngest chef in the kitchen.
The youngest chef!
When I first started doing this job,
I made very little money.
Was the pay very low?
No. I spent most of my earnings on wine.
Aren't there a lot of customers
who don't finish their wine?
Yes, there are.
I guess it could feel unhygienic
to drink what's left over.
I have a strong stomach.
I drank whatever was left and
took notes of what I thought of them.
That helped me learn a lot about wine.
You're incredible.
It's not incredible.
It's what everyone does
to achieve their dream.
Then what was the hardest thing for you?
The hardest thing?
The fact that I couldn't eat Korean food
whenever I wanted to.
My foreign friends, whom I lived with,
didn't like the smell of
garlic, kimchi, and soybean paste.
I even made
kimchi stew in the middle of the night
and ate it under the covers.
My gosh, he's so talkative.
I should just listen to the recording.
Do you know how hard it is
to peel 1,000 shrimps?
But your hands look so soft.
That's because I take great care of them.
Back when I used to work at a buffet,
I applied ointment
and wore gloves to sleep every night
because I had eczema.
Why are you working at
a fine dining restaurant now?
It's quite different from
what you used to do.
I figured it'd be helpful if I later
decided to open up my own restaurant.
I personally think any menu is fine
as long as it tastes good.
Who do you like the best among
all of your current colleagues?
I like everyone
except for Ha-seong.
He kind of looks down on me.
He's enemies with Ha-seong.
What are you doing?
I'm thinking about developing a new dish.
Did you finish your interview?
We still have to interview Min-ho.
It seemed like he'd have a lot to say,
so we saved him for last.
In every organization,
the newest employees
always have the most to say.
They give the most
important piece of information.
Hey, Mr. Park.
What are you doing?
I'm doing interviews.
I need to see you.
I have something to tell you.
Okay. Where should I meet you?
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm surprised that you asked me
to meet you at a place like this.
You normally like to go to fancy places.
You really don't know much about me.
I like places like this too.
I'm sorry.
What is it that you wanted to tell me?
I should just get straight to the point.
You know the celebrity,
Yoo Hye-jeong, right?
Of course, I do. I'm a fan of hers.
I sent her the synopsis and the script.
She won't star in my drama
because I'm a nobody.
She wants to see you in person.
She can't star in the drama
due to schedule issues,
but she likes the story so much
that she wants to see you.
-You don't have to.
-I want to.
Thank you so much.
Let's go out for a walk.
Do you know Hye-jeong personally?
Or was it your first time meeting her?
I met her a few times before.
-She appeared in one of our movies.
-I see. Isn't she so pretty?
Do you like her that much? She's not even
going to star in your drama.
But she likes my story.
I might have a chance next time.
We need to change our relationship a bit.
Back to how it was like in the beginning.
From now on, you must come
to see me whenever I need you.
I won't accept any excuses.
All right.
I don't think I'll have excuses
because I spend most of my time working.
What are you doing?
You came at a perfect timing.
What is it?
It's a new dish to add to our menu.
Try it.
It tastes like something's missing.
What could it be?
What brings you here? I didn't see you
in the lunch reservations list.
I met someone around here,
so I decided to stop by.
I want to know
more about you these days.
Don't like me too much.
I have a girlfriend now.
Remember when I told you that
I was dumped by a girl
before I came to Paris?
I met her again.
Didn't you say she was engaged?
There was a misunderstanding.
I was told the wrong information.
I'd like to introduce her to you.
You'll be surprised.
All right.
Then tell her to join us this weekend,
on the day of my proposal.
Let's meet together.
That'll be perfect.
I should try adding
some popping sugar to it.
Hello, this is Good Soup.
What time would you like to
make a reservation?
Is it true that one of
your customers almost died
due to an allergic reaction?
It's been settled well. We'll make sure
not to let that happen again.
So, it's true?
I don't think I'll go there again.
Is it because of the allergy incident?
I think someone posted it on the Internet.
The full story of
the allergy incident at Good Soup.
The food isn't worth the price.
My review of Good Soup.
"They served tiny portions,
and the price was expensive.
I had high expectations after seeing it
on TV, but it was disappointing."
Click on that one.
"I knew it was all a hype.
Their service was poor
and the price was ridiculous."
"I heard they didn't even check on
their customer's allergy
and almost killed her."
"The young chef is nothing
but just a pretty face."
This is going to affect our reservations
for the time being.
That's not the problem.
We might go back to how things were
before the broadcast.
Don't worry.
We have regulars
who've been coming to our restaurant,
so I'm sure some of them
will visit us again.
I thought I came to the wrong office.
I love this place.
What brings you here?
I don't want to work
at Hyeon-soo's old studio.
It's where she had her taste of failure.
I don't want to be jinxed.
How is the casting going?
We're drawing up a list.
What about the air time?
It's your debut drama,
so it'll be important who stars in it.
I believe you'll play an important role
in casting the right actors.
The quality of the script
is what's most important.
That's what people say,
but that's not always the case.
Actors will star in the drama
if their interests are satisfied.
And it's your job
to satisfy their interests.
Let's focus on the script first.
The airtime comes after.
We have an interview with Min-ho tomorrow,
and as for Jeong-seon,
I'll do the follow-up.
Then I'll go interview Min-ho.
Enjoy your time with Chef On.
-That must be Hong-a.
-She said she was coming today?
Ta-da. Look what I bought for you.
What is it?
Guess what? I'm making my debut.
I just gave Mr. Park my revised script.
Now that you won the competition,
everything's going so well for you.
How is it going for you?
I have to prepare for my drama too.
It's impressive how you keep
working instead of taking a break.
What is all of this?
That's not all.
Ta-da. This is the real thing.
-Is this for me?
Don't cute outfits help cheer us up?
Gosh, it's so pretty.
You're the best!
Enjoy your time.
Are you still mad at me?
I thought about it.
But I think it was you who first told me
that you didn't like Jeong-seon.
So, concerning your relationship with him,
I don't think it's fair to say that
I did you wrong.
What's the point in bringing that up now?
You said your feelings were hurt
after what happened,
so it made me think about it again.
I really thought you were
going to get married to Mr. Park.
Let's not talk about it.
It's all in the past.
You say it's in the past,
but why are you so cold to me?
I need time to clear up my feelings.
I'm not going to work in your studio.
Plus, I decided not to join
Unruly Detectives.
I'm trying my best
not to make you feel uncomfortable.
You were close with me before
you became close with Gyeong.
Think of the time we spent together.
You shouldn't forget that.
I thought you'd go out with Hyeon-soo
and eventually marry her.
What did you do for the past five years?
Remember when I told you that
I was dumped by a girl
before I came to Paris? I met her again.
Didn't you say she was engaged?
There was a misunderstanding.
I was told the wrong information.
I'd like to introduce her to you.
You'll be surprised.
The first log line.
Temperature is important in cooking.
A soup dish is most delicious
when it's at 60 to 70°C for hot soups.
What are you doing?
I miss you.
I miss you.
You want to meet up?
I'll go to where you are.
I'll go.
You worked all day long today.
I know you're tired.
Aren't you tired?
Should I be?
I'm just worried you might be.
Being a chef is tough.
You have to work from dawn to night.
Thanks for caring.
This neighborhood is a great place
to ride a bike.
For two people, especially at night.
Two people?
Whom did you ride a bike with?
I'm just about to. With Hyeon-soo.
Didn't the bike ride make you
a bit hungry?
-Come here.
-What is it?
-Wait here.
It's a new dish that I developed.
-Please be my food tester.
-It looks amazing.
It's called,
"Oyster Pop Champagne Granita."
Granita is Italian
and it's similar to sherbet.
It tastes like champagne
that's bubbling in my mouth.
They usually have oysters with champagne,
but I combined the two into one dish.
It's delicious. Brilliant.
What is?
How did you think of such an idea?
It goes the same for writers.
I have something to brag about too.
Do you know who Yoo Hye-Jeong is?
She's the most famous Korean actress.
I'm not sure.
Shall I look her up on the internet?
It's her.
Mr. Park sent her my piece,
and she loved it so much
that she wanted to see me.
See? I told you that your writing is good.
The Man Who Eats Rare Steaks was fun too.
Did you watch it?
Yes, I watched it.
Hong-a told me
that you won the competition.
I'm so happy to hear that.
I'm regaining my confidence.
Why don't we do a congratulatory toast?
It's good.
What was that?
Do I still have it on my lips?
Kind Soup
Good Soup
What are you doing?
I'm at home.
Come to my office.
At this hour?
You agreed to come to me
whenever I call for you.
I need to talk to you.
How did you get here?
I drove here.
Did something happen at work?
You look worried.
Am I right?
Yes, a little.
You seem different lately.
I guess you're not
completely indifferent to me.
I'm grateful to you.
How is your writing going?
I'm working hard.
What about the interviews?
We're doing it at Good Soup.
Does Chef On help you a lot?
Yes, he does.
I'm drunk, so I can't take you home.
Tell me if you're going through anything.
I'll help if I can.
Not today.
I don't think I can control
my emotions today.
Aren't you going home?
I won't. I'm going to sleep here tonight.
Thanks for today.
Don't try too hard to bear everything
on your own.
I can be someone you can talk to.
Get in. I'll walk you to the parking lot.
When I proposed to you a long time ago,
did you think it was weird?
We weren't even seeing each other,
but I proposed to you.
I don't think
there's a right answer to that.
When I was young,
I thought love was based on trust,
but I don't think that anymore.
Love and trust are two different words.
You can love someone
even if you don't trust them.
Marriage is all about trust.
Love alone is never enough.
I hope you meet someone nice.
Because you're a good man.
I'll go alone from here.
You should sleep at home
and not in that cold office of yours.
Why do I always find you plucking grass
every time I come up here?
It's like you're an old man.
You've been coming here
too often these days.
Is it because Professor Min
started the new semester?
Daniel doesn't have any lecture today.
I came with him to Seoul because
we had some business here.
I'm here for my breakfast.
Good Soup isn't open for breakfast.
Go buy it yourself.
I know you have many ingredients
in the kitchen.
I'll go fix myself something.
What's the password?
I know you won't tell me,
but I thought I'd give it a shot.
I'll ask Daniel to buy breakfast
on his way here. Happy now?
The third log line.
The professional world of culinary
is dominated by men.
There's a strict hierarchy in the kitchen.
The sous-chef and chefs fulfill
their respective duties in the kitchen.
Yes, Mother. Please go ahead.
So, your phone is working.
I thought your phone broke
because you didn't call me.
I see.
I'm having brunch at Good Soup now.
Actually, I'll be heading there
soon myself.
I've been doing interviews there
for my new drama.
Oh, really? Then that's great.
I'll see you later.
Okay, then I'll see you there.
I couldn't find a doughnut shop nearby.
So I had to walk a long way from here.
Thank you.
I also told your son to come.
He's here.
Sit down.
Daniel cares
I mean, Professor Min really cares
a lot about you.
I have to get back to work,
so I can't stay for long.
I added two espresso shots.
I called Hyeon-soo. I did well, right?
When are you both planning to get married?
She's not that young, so you should hurry.
What does age have to do with marriage?
You should either get married late
or not get married at all.
Weren't you 25 when you first married?
Then you got remarried when you were 41.
Why are you forcing your opinion
on marriage on him?
I never forced anything.
I was just telling him
my personal thoughts.
You sounded a bit too firm. That's
the same thing as forcing it on him.
She might not be able to say it,
but I'm sure she wants to get married.
You're the younger one,
so you should be more considerate.
I'll go downstairs now.
What you said was directed at me,
wasn't it?
We may not have had a wedding
or registered our marriage,
but we still love each other.
That's all that matters.
To me, why did it sound like
you wanted a marriage registration?
You're really quick-witted
when it comes to things like this.
I was just about to leave the house.
Did my mom call you?
Yes, I'm on my way out because
she asked me to come.
You don't need to come.
I'll make up an excuse.
I'm not a kid.
I can talk to her myself.
Am I not allowed to do that?
Of course, you can.
I feel like getting to know your mother
will help me get to know you
and love you even more.
Is Chef On's mother here today?
I think she's at the terrace
on the second floor.
There seem to be fewer customers
than usual today.
Is it because of
the allergy incident by any chance?
How did you know?
I found out while doing
my research for the drama.
Since Good Soup is the background
of my drama.
When incidents as such happen,
do they affect your business?
Rumors spread quickly
in the restaurant industry.
And fine dining restaurants like us
usually have fixed customers.
When can we interview Min-ho,
the youngest chef here?
The work isn't tough.
Sometimes I tell myself that
it isn't hard.
Are there any couples here?
I'm pretty good at noticing
those kinds of stuff.
I think Su-jeong likes someone.
And who is that?
I can't believe I actually made a cake
for you to take to the interview.
I need to win his favor.
If he doesn't cooperate,
I'll have a hard time writing my drama.
I'll put your name on the list
if it gets aired.
"Cooking advisor, Choi Won-jun."
I just hope you'll earn more recognition.
Then that'll help you feel at more ease.
Please go back to how you were in college.
I still won't be going out with you.
Did I ask you to go out with me?
You think you have the lead
in our relationship? You're wrong.
It's going to be you who
will feel bad if we don't date each other.
Fix that short temper of yours.
Look who's talking.
I can't help but laugh out of astonishment
when I talk to you at times.
Go ahead.
Even if I throw a fit,
just keep on laughing.
I'll be going now.
Excuse me.
What do you do during your break time?
We're free to do what we want before
we start preparing for dinner hours.
What are you doing here?
I'm covering this restaurant.
-Is her story about cooking?
I guess it'll get filmed around next year
since you're covering it now.
Gyeong, my drama
is getting filmed this year.
Her drama might as well
get filmed this year.
She has the synopsis and scripts
for the first two episodes.
When did she write all those?
I heard she wrote it a few years ago.
I should go.
She's so diligent.
No wonder she's doing so well
in her career.
It's fine for her to be doing well,
but I don't want her
to be so rude to Sous-chef.
-Hi. Have a seat.
-Did you see this?
-No, I haven't.
Gosh, he looks so handsome.
I gave birth to him,
and I must say it's the best thing
I've done in my entire life.
The second best thing was the divorce.
I was able to finally live like a human
after I got divorced.
I don't know why I resisted so much
not to divorce him then.
Jeong-seon suffered the most from it.
I heard it was when he was 15.
And he protected me at that age.
I feel bad that he matured so early,
but what can we do about it?
Everyone is born with their own fate.
He grew up so well.
I have so many things to learn from him.
Do you want to go shopping with me?
Since Professor Min went for his special
lecture and Jeong-seon has work.
Do you always need someone to
accompany you when you go shopping?
Not always.
It's easier to get closer to someone
by doing activities together.
Can I ask you something by the way?
Sure. Ask away.
Why do you want to get closer to me?
You and I are both dating
a man who's younger than us.
After all, you're dating my son.
It'd be great if we go on a double date.
It might help my relationship
with Professor Min.
You see, Professor Min makes me happy.
As for Jeong-seon,
he is always so busy with work.
Whenever I think about him, I feel bad
that I wasn't able to do much for him.
That's why I hoped that there would be
someone who'd make my son happy.
That became my wish.
His face lights up
whenever he talks about you.
You're obviously elated
to hear that, aren't you?
I like that.
I hate pretentious people.
I can't go shopping with you
because I have to work.
I'm working on my drama at the moment.
Now, you're being way too honest.
I was a little intimidated by you
when I first met you.
But now that I see you again,
you're like a woman in her 20s.
I hear that often.
-It's done.
-Thank you.
Please move to the chest X-ray room.
-Thank you.
Please move to the endoscopy room.
We have an endoscopy next.
-Lee Min-jae and Park Mi-na.
Please wait here.
You've been having headaches
quite often these days.
We should have registered for
a brain CT as well.
There's no need.
Who doesn't have a headache
once in a while?
Still, it's good to get it checked
while you're at it.
All right, I'll listen to you.
That makes me happy.
What can I help you with, Mr. Park?
I don't need anything fancy.
I'd like to see simple bands.
Are you developing a cake?
It looks like a path in a forest.
I'm sketching the cake
Jeong-u will use for his proposal.
Is Mr. Park getting married?
Yes. I think there is someone
he had on his mind for a while.
It's a forest path concept.
I want him and the person he loves
to forever walk the path of happiness.
My cake is wishing him just that.
I'm so curious who it is.
Don't worry, you'll see her on Saturday.
It'll be here at Good Soup.
-Hey, you're here.
-What are you doing?
I'm doing a sketch of a cake
that will be used for a proposal.
Do you normally draw it first
before making it?
Yes. The visuals are a part of the dish.
What does it look like?
It looks like a forest.
I'll leave.
-Bye, Hyeon-soo.
You should put in more flowers
since it's a forest.
I can make that happen.
Can I try it too?
I secretly made Kimchi stew
in the middle of the night and ate it,
and they somehow knew.
They told me it smelled.
They knocked on my door
Are you serious?
Why is he back?
Gosh, I'm so tired.
What is it again?
I'll leave after napping for an hour.
You can continue doing your work.
This isn't your home.
Why do you always come here?
Is Hyeon-soo dating Chef On?
Why do you care about
someone else's personal life?
Hyeon-soo and I go way back.
What will happen to Jeong-u, then?
Does Mr. Park like Hyeon-soo?
It's been years.
I can't sleep because of you.
Can you make me instant noodles?
Make it yourself.
All right.
Are you kidding me?
Are you a child?
Go away!
My hands slipped.
Go over there. Just sit down
and I'll make it for you.
Ms. Gyeong-a, you're so kind.
It's Gyeong, not Gyeong-a.
I hate it when people say that I'm kind.
I also hate people
who always say the things I hate.
You're so mean. You're cruel.
Do you like me now?
Just don't talk to me.
Don't I have pretty eyes?
I'll tell you who has pretty eyes.
If you go to Good Soup,
there is a chef named On Jeong-seon.
I don't like him.
He's my enemy as well as Jeong-u's.
Gosh. What an embarrassment.
You're embarrassing.
You're friends with Ji Hong-a, right?
She's going to debut.
Don't compare me to her!
She stole my pride.
Hello. It's been a while.
I went on a business trip.
Do you plan on going on TV again?
No, I don't.
How is it?
It's delicious.
It's a little different from when I had
oysters and champagne separately
in the Mediterranean.
It tastes completely different.
You came alone?
It's rare for you not to have a meeting.
I'm trying not to take meetings.
By the way, this tastes so much better
than the one you made me try last time.
It's all thanks to you.
Let's have tea when you're done.
Your restaurant is getting empty.
I think I'll try changing
the main dish next month.
I don't think
it's because of your cooking.
Are you turning a blind eye to reality?
I'm skeptical about solving problems
in a realistic way.
I have a feeling
that's not where the essence is.
Even after all that,
I feel like I'm back where I began.
About the restaurant
Why did you call it Good Soup?
There's On Jeong-seon.
Sincerity and Love Line.
You have so many options.
My online nickname is Kind Soup.
I got it from that.
How can soup be kind?
In Korean food, we have soup
just like other countries do, right?
I liked that just a bowl of soup
can be consumed as a meal.
Plus, it's good to be kind.
I wanted to cook like that.
So I combined the word "kind"
and "soup" to create my nickname.
The two words match perfectly.
You went through such
a complicated process for just a name.
Hey, I took great care to
think of that name.
This is the engagement ring.
Keep it with you,
then serve it with the food.
It's simple and nice.
It's not superfluous.
I wanted to choose a ring like this
for my proposal too.
I guess you beat me to it.
Do you know that I like you?
Do you know that I like you?
I do.
Me too.
we all have
different priorities in our lives.
I've seen many relationships break
in my time.
Same with me.
How will it be for us?
If things break between us--
Why would you think about that?
Things are good right now.
Don't worry about it
unless it actually happens.
Jeong-u. I don't think
it'll ever change between us.
Why not?
Because it's you.
You're touched, aren't you?
I still can't stop myself.
I must go until the end to be really sure.
What do you mean?
Hello, Honey.
I woke up early to work.
Good luck!
We still have a lot of puree left, right?
-Yes, Chef.
-Keep checking on it.
Ha-seong, check on the seafood.
Throw them out if they don't look fresh.
I'm here, Mr. Park.
You look well.
That's because I'm doing what I love.
I did some research yesterday.
I plan on writing all day today.
Why did you want to see me?
I read your script.
It was good.
I told you.
I'll contact the actors.
It's your debut drama, so I'm aware that
we'll need to cast popular actors.
I'll make sure of it.
Thank you.
What about the director?
The director?
Direction is very important.
The actors don't choose to sign
solely by looking at the writer.
Not unless you're famous.
So who will it be?
I found someone fitting for you.
I can't tell you right now.
I'll tell you later.
Is Hyeon-soo's drama starting soon?
She's editing right now.
We'll have to talk after that.
I trust you.
Don't break the rules.
If you neglect my drama
because of Hyeon-soo's,
I won't sit still.
You don't have to tell me.
Hyeon-soo and Jeong-seon
are in love.
There won't be any room
in her heart for you.
Why are you telling me that?
Because I like you.
Even if you get hurt,
it'd be good to know in advance.
What are you doing here?
Aren't you almost finished with shooting?
Yes. See you.
It must be tough.
Sure, I guess.
What would you like to drink?
I don't need anything.
Let's hear why you wanted to see me.
I heard you're leaving the company.
You're in talks of signing
with another company, correct?
-I want to scout you.
I thought you didn't like me.
That aside, I can't deny the fact
that you're talented.
I think we could be good partners
if we have the same goals.
I'd like some tea.
Do you also work on Saturdays?
I have to do something
very important today.
It's so pretty.
Mr. Park's proposal will be a success
thanks to this cake.
What are you doing?
I'm in a meeting.
The synopsis is finished,
so I was talking to Jun-ha and Gyeong.
Are you busy tonight?
No, I'll be home all day.
Then do you want to have dinner tonight?
Are you free?
I'll definitely have to make time for it,
since it's you asking.
See you later.
Are you asking Hyeon-soo to come too?
I want to officially introduce her to him.
He'll be so surprised.
Yes, Mr. Park.
Come out right now.
Pardon? Right now?
Come out. Let's have dinner.
Does it have to be tonight?
I have plans.
It has to be tonight.
Let me add on that.
You don't have a choice.
I know.
All right.
Do whatever you want
until the final episode of
Unruly Detectives airs.
Why are you calling me?
I don't think I can go tonight.
Something came up. I'm sorry.
It's okay.
You and I can see each other any day.
Thank you.
Jeong-seon, you're so warm like the sun.
Don't make fun of me because you're sorry.
Is it Good Soup
where we'll be having dinner?
Are you happy?
I told you I have something
to tell you, right?
Something personal.
Let's talk inside.
Hello, Mr. Park and Ms. Lee.
Chef On was expecting you.
I'll take you to your seats.
We'll seat ourselves. You can go.
-We're not actual customers anyway.
-Okay, sir.
Why is it so pretty?
Is it a special day?
-Min-ho, bring that over.
-Ha-seong, taste the puree.
-Yes, Chef.
There are two dinner courses
for table three.
Medium rare for the steaks.
-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.
Chef, Mr. Park is here.
Let's just say that the woman you like
likes another man.
Would you give her up?
I might give up,
but not before I give it my all.
What if that man was me?
Would you still go all the way?
Of course.
Wouldn't you do the same?
Let me introduce you two properly.
He's the man I like the most.
This is the woman I like the most.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee