Temperature of Love (2017) s01e13 Episode Script
Episode 13
Do you know why
I wasn't threatened by you?
Come on, how can it be you?
You haven't settled down yet.
And you're still young.
What can you do for Hyeon-soo?
I can give her everything she wants.
You only care about your feelings,
so you don't care about her future.
You should let it out when you're mad.
I'm telling you
that I'll steal your woman.
If you're clenching your hand into a fist,
you should hit me. What's wrong?
You finally seem human.
You've been acting too gracious until now.
You go ahead first.
I have to talk to Jeong-u.
You finally seem human.
Why isn't he picking up?
Hello? Where are you?
You're not still outside, are you?
I'm at home.
I'm relieved.
I want to talk to you face-to-face.
Can we meet now?
Okay, I'll come over.
-You've been waiting out here?
-You're so impatient.
You hung up before I could even answer.
I hung up quickly because I was worried
that you might say no.
Why did you think that I might say no?
Because I thought you'd be in a bad mood.
It's cold. Do you want to come inside
for some tea?
Can you make me some food?
Are you going to cook rice?
You don't need to. Don't you have ramyeon?
I don't have any.
I have regular noodles though.
Then let's have that.
Rice will be too much.
Should I cook the noodles?
No, I'll cook everything for you.
I was on my way back
from a meeting with Mr. Park.
But I caught a whiff of alcohol.
Do you drink while you work?
Oh, that.
Jun-ha took us to the planning meeting
We didn't know that he'd take us there.
Jun-ha took us without telling us where
I don't know
why I'm trying to explain myself.
You went there with Gyeong.
Why did you come back with Jeong-u?
Are you jealous right now?
This feels nice.
I shouldn't have told you
when there's nothing much to it.
What did you and Mr. Park talk about?
Nothing much.
My gosh!
It's okay. It happens all the time
in my line of work.
This is why I told you
to just make something simple.
Do you want some bread, then?
I just have to toast it.
That would be the best.
Don't you have any affection for me?
Jeong-u. I don't think
it'll ever change between us.
Why not?
Because it's you.
She still cherished her feelings,
and I liked that.
It means she'd treat me the same way
if she actually started to like me.
I'm not sure if it's right
to keep working with you.
What did you and Mr. Park talk about?
Nothing much.
My gosh!
This is why I told you
to just make something simple.
A board meeting at 9 a.m.
Then you're having lunch
with the director of HNC at noon.
Then teatime with Netflix at 2:30 p.m.
And Director Min will be here at 3:30 p.m.
for his contract.
Then you have a dinner meeting at 7 p.m.
with the director of SBC.
I know you normally come to work
around this time, so I came to see you.
Please bring us some tea.
Yes, sir.
So what is it? Why run here
in the middle of your jog?
That night
What did you say to Jeong-seon?
I thought you were smart.
Have you lost your wits
because you're so blinded by love now?
You have a way of making yourself
look charming
by putting up a tough front.
It's attractive. Just not to me.
You must be anxious.
You two are already wavering.
How easy.
You both talked as if you two had
a really strong relationship.
You can shake me up
because I always manage
to find my way back.
I know what it feels like to be shaken up.
But Jeong-seon is not like me.
Aren't women normally
attracted to strong men?
Do you like him even if he's weak?
Even if he doesn't have his life
figured out yet?
Yes, I like him.
Not just his appearance.
He's beautiful inside and out.
He's 28.
It'd be odd for him
to have already succeeded.
You're being really mean to me.
It'll be harder for all of us if I try
to be on good terms with both of you.
If I try to make things work
with just one of you,
then only one person has to suffer.
You're talking as if you have control
over this relationship.
I don't?
That'd only be possible if
Jeong-seon and I didn't know each other.
This is a different situation.
Stop acting like you're his mother.
Now, go home and get some work done.
Why aren't you trying to make money
through my script?
I don't think it's right for you to say
that you chose
to work with me
because of our relationship.
Other production companies
don't think of my work that way.
Do you want to work
with a different company?
I keep my promises too.
Even if I do leave one day,
it won't be before I bring money
into the company.
it has to have a happy ending.
Look who's here! It's the handsome chef.
Do you have sea bass?
I came to check the quality
and buy them myself.
You're so picky and thorough
when it comes to your ingredients.
Let's see here.
What do you think?
Ms. Lee,
Mr. Park told me to drive you home.
No, it's okay.
I'll be waiting outside.
Hello, Mother.
Isn't he Mr. Park's personal driver?
Yes, I came by to speak with Mr. Park
about something.
I see. I guess you're one of his writers.
Yes, I am.
By the way, what brings you here?
I'm here to talk to Mr. Park
about something.
I'll see you next time.
Okay. Get home safely.
Is Mr. Park inside?
I know he still has some time
before the meeting.
He's in the meeting now.
Really? I guess it started early.
When did it start?
Just over half an hour ago.
Really? Okay.
I told you he's not in his office.
Do you have something against Jeong-seon?
I'm a bit too straightforward, aren't I?
That's your charm.
What is this about?
I heard Good Soup isn't doing well
Can't you help him out a little?
I don't know how you came across
that information,
but it won't look good
if you get involved in his business.
I'm sorry.
I have to step out for a meeting now.
Have some tea before you leave.
Is Hyeon-soo one of your writers?
I met her in the lobby.
Yes, she is.
And there's nothing going on
between you two?
Please bring out a cup of tea for Ms. Yoo.
Hello, Chef.
You still haven't given me your answer
in regard to my offer.
I heard Good Soup is going to
shut down soon.
Come work for me before that happens.
I already gave you my answer.
But things have gotten even worse now.
If you quit, it may actually help them.
They'll be able to cut down on wages.
Shouldn't we just quit
if the restaurant is doing this bad?
Then who's going to cook?
Su-jeong might quit.
I think she got a job offer.
I like Chef On.
Why is he refusing to go on TV shows?
What were you guys talking about?
We were wondering if we should quit.
Quitting is better than getting fired.
Su-jeong got an offer
from another restaurant.
-Why did you tell him that?
I need to talk to you.
Is something wrong?
Why don't you hire a server
rather than keeping a sommelier like me?
Why did you come up with that idea?
I can make a wine list for you
even if I'm working somewhere else.
If you got a better offer,
you should accept it.
I'm not doing this
to go work at a better restaurant.
I'll go prepare for lunch hours.
I think she's trying to help us
cut down on wages.
Su-jeong leaving us would hit us harder.
Good job. You can go have your lunch.
It's good to see you.
What brings you all the way here?
Nothing special.
About Jeong-seon
He loves me.
Yes, I know.
I could tell when I saw you two
the other day.
Happy dating.
We can't just date though.
You shouldn't decide to get married
just because of your age.
I'm okay with you not getting married.
I never said we'll get married now.
I want to give him assurance
that my family
approves of our relationship.
Is he that insecure? To the point
that such assurance is necessary?
Is it because his mother is
too overbearing?
She seemed like a handful.
Jeong-seon's mom is nice.
She's different every time.
That means she's not stable.
By the way, about Mr. Park
Why are you bringing him up suddenly?
He likes you.
You don't even have to tell me.
I just know.
I like him.
He's dependable.
You're in your 30s now.
Why are you still
so out of touch with reality?
Yes, Mother.
We parted too abruptly earlier.
Let's have a cup of tea together.
Sure, let's do that. Where should we meet?
Right, okay. Bye.
I really don't like her.
You two aren't even married yet.
Why is she calling you?
This is her charm. The fact that
she's unpredictable like this.
Hello, again.
You got changed.
You were in your workout clothes earlier.
Yes, I saw you right after my jog.
Are you close with Mr. Park?
How long have you known him?
-Thank you.
I ordered it for you.
You seemed to like Kenya Double A too.
I've known Mr. Park for about five years,
and we're quite close.
We also went to the same college.
Jeong-seon and Mr. Park
are like brothers. Did you know?
I only found out recently.
Then do you know that
they aren't getting along these days?
Is it because of you?
It must be.
I liked that
we're both dating younger men.
But now, I feel like
I've been backstabbed.
-There has been a misunderstanding.
-You should just listen.
Jeong-seong's dad was 25
when I married him.
I'm two years older than him.
His family was against us getting married
because I had nothing to offer
except for my looks and modesty.
I loved him very much.
I thought I'd die without him.
things changed when we got married.
He was abusive.
And I was lonely.
I made friends because I was lonely,
and that got me in trouble.
One of them ran off with my money.
And my husband lost his trust in me.
Up until that point, he hadn't left us
even though he had another woman.
Jeong-seon is like a flower
that bloomed in a pile of trash.
My heart aches for him.
I can't control myself.
I'm scared of living alone.
I hate being alone.
Can you handle all of that?
Yes, I can.
You can?
I'll try, Mother.
Please support me.
You're really absurd.
I love Jeong-seon.
Love like this comes to you
only once in your life.
I realized it during the five years
that he was gone.
Chef, I'll do it. It's my turn.
I'll do it. Just get ready to eat
after you clean things up.
-I think he's going overboard.
-Mind your own business.
Thank you.
Are you all worried
that the restaurant might close?
Worrying is my job.
Don't overstep your bounds.
Why aren't you guys answering?
Will you quit because you're worried?
-No, Chef.
-No, Chef.
Eat up.
You like being high up.
That's why I asked you to meet me here.
I have 30 minutes.
I'm sorry I punched you.
You don't need to apologize.
I'm apologizing to you
and to myself as well.
My goal in life was
not to live like my dad.
I've been suppressing
my aggressive nature inside me.
But you disturbed it.
Thanks to you, it got all shaken up.
I respect you.
Your resentment for me ultimately
stems from your anger toward yourself.
It also means
that you cared for me very much.
Our friendship is being tested now.
I, too, want to take this to the end.
I want to know the true colors
of the ones I loved.
Oh, boy.
Welcome home.
What? I thought I walked into your place.
I also feel like I live here.
Gyeong isn't home?
She's sleeping.
I think she's a bit lazy.
She sleeps a lot too.
But you like her, right?
Oh, I submitted our script to the network.
But On Entertainment submitted
Ms. Ji Hong-a's script as well.
They obviously can't pick both.
I don't know what Jeong-u is thinking.
I'm sure he'll make a wise decision.
By the way, why can't you accept reality?
If you choose Jeong-u,
you'll be able to live a comfortable life.
I know because I've been there.
That kind of love never lasts long.
Let me give it a try.
I want to decide
after I give it my best shot.
Did you have a good sleep?
Hey, Hyeon-soo.
Do you want some noodles?
No, thanks. I have to go to Good Soup
for an interview.
Whenever I go there, good-looking chefs
give me delicious food.
All right, fine.
I'll do my best.
I look forward to working with you.
Me too.
Have you had a chance to read
Ji Hong-a's script?
Yes, the story line is
very straightforward.
I think you two will get along very well.
I warned you that you wouldn't get along
so well with Ms. Lee,
but you insisted on working with her.
But Ms. Ji needs to make some changes
in her script.
Please discuss it with the writer
before you make any changes.
I told Ms. Ji to meet us here.
Hello, Ms. Ji.
We meet again.
The process of deciding
whether I should work with you or not
was very painful.
Oh my. She's not giving me an easy start.
If you make any changes to my script,
I might kill you.
My gosh,
this is getting really interesting.
I wonder who will win.
Hey, you're here.
I just met with the director.
I guess things went well.
Yes, it went well.
Well, then. I'll see you next time.
I get that you have a girlfriend now,
but you and I have been friends for years.
How can you suddenly
treat me so differently?
I'm sorry. The restaurant is not
doing so well these days,
and I have a lot on my mind.
The only friends
that I have in my life are
Hyeon-soo, you, Jeong-seon, and Gyeong.
It's just the four of you.
But none of you are supportive of me
right now.
-Hello, Ms. Yoo.
Is Jeong-seon at home now?
No, he's not.
He went to meet with Mr. Park.
You look familiar.
How do you know her?
I've seen her at Mr. Park's office.
But I wonder why it feels as though
there's something very complicated
going on now that we met again like this.
Anyway, I need to talk to my son today.
And I've already spent too much energy,
so I'll see you some other time.
Bye, Ms. Yoo.
Oh, I don't see as many supplies here
as there used to be.
Did you come here before?
I did. A little while ago.
We don't have a lot of customers
these days,
so we've been ordering less supplies.
Are things that bad?
Mr. Park has been
pressuring us a lot lately.
Chef On is upstairs, right?
I've been waiting for you
for over an hour.
How did things go with Mr. Park?
Why aren't you answering me?
It's because of Hyeon-soo, right?
That's why you're not saying anything.
Why are you bringing her up
out of the blue?
I saw her
when I went to Mr. Park's office earlier.
They seemed pretty close.
They're close because she's one of
his writers. Don't get any wrong ideas.
Wrong ideas, my foot.
Is there a problem
between you and Professor Min?
What are you talking about?
Since when were you this interested in me?
What mother doesn't love her own child?
I'm a mother too.
My goodness.
You should go now.
You're a busy lady.
Are you following me around or what?
Mom, aren't you going to leave?
Why are you being so disrespectful?
You can be like that
when it's just the two of us.
But how dare you do this in front of her?
All right, I heard you.
You heard what? It is all her fault.
Why are you taking it out on me?
I liked you earlier, but not anymore.
I'll do my best so that
you can continue to be fond of me.
Are you going to keep doing this?
No. Because I know you'll hate me
if I keep this up.
You at least have good manners.
Yes, I hear that a lot.
What a great personality.
I came for an interview and heard
you'd be here, so I came up.
You have to get ready
for dinner hours soon, right?
I'm sorry about my mom.
It's okay.
She's not that hard to deal with.
She's cute.
Her mood changes really quickly.
I like that she's honest.
That's why I like Hong-a.
I like your positive attitude.
Jeong-seon is like a flower
that bloomed in a pile of trash.
Jeong-seon and Mr. Park
are like brothers.
Do you know
that they aren't getting along?
I want to give him assurance
that my family
approves of our relationship.
Here's the third consultation report
on Good Soup.
This is Good Soup.
Chef On,
I'm calling from Mr. Park's office.
Yes, hello.
I'd like to make
a dinner reservation for two.
Mr. Park is going to have dinner there
with Eric Song,
a Michelin three-star chef from Hong Kong.
Sure, no problem.
It feels so weird
not to have Su-jeong around.
Do you know who's coming here today?
Eric Song is coming.
He'll be here with Jeong-u.
Eric Song?
He's the chef who got
three Michelin stars.
Mr. Park must be trying to support us now.
I'm pretty sure that's not it.
No, my gut's telling me that it is.
How nice would it be if Eric Song
complimented us on our food?
I should go inside and get ready.
The overall balance is good.
Most importantly, it's delicious.
I also think the food is exceptional.
But I'd like it to taste
a bit more familiar.
If it's okay with Chef On,
it'll be good to develop a dish together.
We'll have to make some adjustments,
but I'd love to know how
a Michelin three-star dish really tastes.
Chef Eric Song, clear!
Mr. Park would like to see you.
How was the food?
It was delicious.
But I'm not sure if the menu I'll create
will melt into a course like this.
Chef Song will develop
a few recipes for you.
This is too much.
A full course meal has a story.
There has to be consistency.
What gives you the right
to meddle with my dishes?
It's a suggestion
from the third consultation.
I can put up with anything
but meddling with my menu.
Your restaurant is losing money
because you're too emotional.
Eric is a Michelin three-star chef.
He's offering to develop recipes
because he liked your food.
Don't be arrogant.
Launch the new menu he comes up with.
Promoting that will definitely
help with the sales.
I opened a restaurant
to do my own cooking.
I'm not trying to make money
by copying others.
Learn to compromise
when the reality isn't on your side.
I'll just give you back your shares.
Take your hands off my business.
Won't you regret this?
Managing a business isn't easy.
You've been able to keep it afloat
because of my help.
You can't say you helped me
if you only did it halfway.
I wanted to cook like that.
So I combined the word "kind"
and "soup" to create my nickname.
The two words match perfectly.
Don't sell the land
your grandfather gave you.
I'd like to take out a loan.
Are you interested in a secured loan?
Yes, with land as collateral.
First, you need to submit an application.
A limit for the loan will be set
after an evaluation.
Please fill out this application
and leave it with me.
I'll contact you
when the result comes out.
-Hey, did you want to see me?
You should work with Ms. Ji this time.
On Entertainment is pitching to us
about Ms. Ji working with I-bok,
but it hasn't even been that long
since he quit.
No way. You should work with her instead.
I told you that I'm preparing a drama
with Hyeon-soo.
Let's hold off on Ms. Lee's drama for now.
Come on.
Hong-jin wants me to work with Ji Hong-a.
Does it make sense to you?
Why doesn't it make sense?
what about Hyeon-soo's drama?
What's up?
Why did you want to see me?
Don't we need to talk
if we're going to work together?
Talk about what?
Excuse me for a second.
Hello, Ji Hong-a speaking.
Hi. I thought things over,
and I think it's a good idea
for you to work with Jun-ha.
Let's meet tomorrow.
Sure, thank you.
There's nothing to talk about.
I just wanted to get to know you
over a cup of tea.
Sure, if we're going to work together.
Ms. Ji and Jun-ha won't make a good team.
You don't know if Jun-ha
and Ms. Lee will make a good team.
Jun-ha is just insisting on it.
-They're working things out--
-Are you dating Ms. Lee?
Well, there's a rumor going around.
Is it true?
No, it's not true.
I knew it.
I know you don't mix
personal feelings with business.
"Let me have him."
Where can I use this line?
Let me
have him.
You won't keep him anyway,
so let me have him.
Stop changing your mind.
Don't snoop around.
Ultimately, we're all alone.
I am happy alone.
It's so warm.
Do whatever you want.
When you like someone,
you can't control it.
Why do I keep talking to myself?
Nobody is here.
Where did everyone go?
They must be on their break.
By the way,
I haven't seen Su-jeong lately.
Hi, Hyeon-soo.
Hey, where's Su-jeong?
She'll be here. She left this.
She quit.
-Hi, Su-jeong.
I always saw you in your uniform.
You look so pretty dressed like this
and with your hair down.
Did you find a better place to work?
No, I like Good Soup the best.
Is that mine?
I'll be off, then.
Take care.
Bye. The two of us should meet up
another time.
Sure, sounds good.
I thought you found another job.
No, I'm just going to take a break.
Then why are you leaving?
I'm sure Good Soup
will get back on its feet.
You know that Chef On isn't the type
to give up easily. And I'm here too.
Are you asking me to stay?
I am.
Usually, people offer raises
when they recruit employees.
I can't give you a raise.
Tell me if you know anything.
You heard something, didn't you?
I think the restaurant is
in a really bad financial situation.
I heard that's why Su-jeong quit.
It'll go bankrupt if Mr. Park
withdraws his investment.
Don't they have a contract?
How can he withdraw it now?
They have to listen to Mr. Park
in order to keep the investment,
but Chef On won't listen to him.
Where is Jeong-seon?
Let me think about it first.
You can't tell me where he is?
He went to the bank
to inquire about a loan.
You're here.
Did you have to go somewhere?
Yes, I did.
But I can't chat right now.
I have to prep for dinner.
I know. It'll be just a minute.
Is Mr. Park being harsh on you?
From his perspective,
I must be being harsh on him.
In regard to the business,
he's doing what's right.
-Are you worried?
Jeong-u and I
have our own relationship
aside from you. We'll sort things out.
How strange.
Everything sounds true when you say it.
That's because it's true.
Please set a meeting with Lee Hyeon-soo
and Kim Jun-ha.
Yes, sir.
I asked you to come to get your opinion.
Like I told you numerous times,
I don't want to work on Ms. Ji's drama.
I'll decide
according to what's given to me.
How can you give up on me so easily?
I'm offended.
We have to listen to our bosses, you know.
I'm letting you go
so that you don't have to feel guilty.
According to what's given to you?
We don't know when yours will air.
I know. I've been through that before.
I'll have Jun-ha work with Ms. Ji, then.
Goodness, I can't believe this.
I'll get going too.
Mr. Park.
Good Soup
Never mind.
-What are you doing?
Don't you have to interview me?
Why haven't you done it yet?
Is there something
I should be researching?
I have to buy groceries.
I've never seen a grocery store
open this late.
It's open 24 hours a day.
Chefs love this place.
I think this drama will turn out great
thanks to you.
Did something happen today?
No, I just missed you.
You did? That's nice.
What are we buying?
Get everything you want to eat.
I'll buy it for you.
Are you rich?
I can afford to buy you
what you want to eat.
Wow, I'm so excited now.
Then this one.
-Get more.
Of course. Three of this.
You said I could get more.
No more instant noodles.
Is it good?
What is this?
-It's this. Pork belly.
-This one?
-It's so sour.
-It is sour.
I'm so happy.
We're sharing our daily lives.
I feel so close to you now.
Are you happy too?
I am.
I want to carry this.
It's okay. Let me carry it.
No, I got all these things,
so let me do it.
-No, I'll carry it.
I told you not to do that.
I'm sorry. We can just pick them up.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. I'm sorry too.
Let's go.
"On Jeong-seon."
Are the land appraisal results out?
Yes, I have the report here.
Jeong-u invested 350 million won
in the restaurant, right?
Are you really going to end things
with Mr. Park?
The contract's not over yet.
It's for three years,
and it hasn't been a year yet.
Business-wise, I'll end things with him.
We'll buy his shares.
What if he declines?
He knows that
we can't keep doing this together.
He's objective when it comes to business,
so he must know
that it's best to get out now.
Why would he want to hold on to this risk?
Because of Hyeon-soo.
If he lets you go, he can't control you.
What if he holds on to it?
I'm sure he's not like that.
If he was, it'd be much easier for me.
It's an agreement to buy out
your investment shares.
Do you really want us
to split up like this?
We're going in different directions,
so it makes sense that we split up here.
When I was your age,
I never even thought about things
like directions or dreams.
I only thought about making money.
I did anything to do just that.
But I guess you're not the same.
We have different values.
Even if that was the case,
you'd do it if you were desperate.
You're just not desperate.
How long do you think you can last
with the money you have?
I'll try to last.
I won't join hands with you again
because of money.
Yes, I hope we never have to.
It'll crush your pride.
I also didn't want to live like my father.
However, I loved him.
You don't love your father.
You don't understand
the difference, right?
It's what determines success and failure.
But instead,
I have the woman that you can't have.
You're pretty good with comebacks.
You'll be back anyway. Dragging this on
will only embarrass you more later on.
I'm relieved that you're back.
Things are back to normal.
Thank you. Let me show you in.
Hyeon-soo, did something good happen?
If people see you now,
they'll assume that your drama got a slot.
Well, I just get excited
when I feel good about doing something.
Right, we get excited when we feel good.
That's all that matters.
Let's clean up and then work.
Won't that feel good?
Super, super, great!
Your mother is here.
Did you have to go somewhere?
Are you
I think he looks down on me.
Why would he?
He never talks to me.
I told you that he's not
the talkative type.
And he's never invited me to his place
even though he lives here.
I never wanted to see it anyway.
That's easy.
Let's ask him for a cup of coffee, then.
The coffee smells so good.
Give us some too.
My, this is what your place looks like.
-It's perfect for a bachelor.
-Sit down.
Are things
tough these days?
The restaurant looks empty.
No, things are fine.
you're not running it all by yourself.
Things won't get that bad
since Mr. Park got your back.
He has nothing to do with Good Soup now.
Did you two decide to split up?
My gosh, that's why
the business is struggling so much.
What will you do?
Mr. Park seemed like a nice guy.
He's been helping me out
with my exhibitions every year.
-Hey, let's go.
Things aren't looking good.
We'll make him uncomfortable.
What exactly did he help with?
It's nothing.
Yes, it's nothing.
He also helped me out when I was in Paris.
It's nothing compared to that.
-Gosh, you startled me.
Hey, let's go. Come on.
Tell me the truth.
Did you borrow money from Jeong-u?
This is turning into a family meeting,
so I'll wait outside.
Hey, that hurts!
I clearly told you
that the worst would be borrowing money
from people I'm close to.
Who would lend me money
if I couldn't ask someone close?
This is why you should have
just given me some.
Do you think it was easy for me
to ask him for money?
As a mother, how could you ruin
your son's life like this?
I'm sorry,
but what can I do?
This is just what I'm like.
Calm down. Calm down first.
Get out.
Get out!
Yes, I hope we never have to.
You'll be back anyway. Dragging this on
will only embarrass you more later on.
What's wrong?
Did you cry?
Did something happen?
Do you want some tea?
Let's live together.
Let's stay together.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
Do you know why
I wasn't threatened by you?
Come on, how can it be you?
You haven't settled down yet.
And you're still young.
What can you do for Hyeon-soo?
I can give her everything she wants.
You only care about your feelings,
so you don't care about her future.
You should let it out when you're mad.
I'm telling you
that I'll steal your woman.
If you're clenching your hand into a fist,
you should hit me. What's wrong?
You finally seem human.
You've been acting too gracious until now.
You go ahead first.
I have to talk to Jeong-u.
You finally seem human.
Why isn't he picking up?
Hello? Where are you?
You're not still outside, are you?
I'm at home.
I'm relieved.
I want to talk to you face-to-face.
Can we meet now?
Okay, I'll come over.
-You've been waiting out here?
-You're so impatient.
You hung up before I could even answer.
I hung up quickly because I was worried
that you might say no.
Why did you think that I might say no?
Because I thought you'd be in a bad mood.
It's cold. Do you want to come inside
for some tea?
Can you make me some food?
Are you going to cook rice?
You don't need to. Don't you have ramyeon?
I don't have any.
I have regular noodles though.
Then let's have that.
Rice will be too much.
Should I cook the noodles?
No, I'll cook everything for you.
I was on my way back
from a meeting with Mr. Park.
But I caught a whiff of alcohol.
Do you drink while you work?
Oh, that.
Jun-ha took us to the planning meeting
We didn't know that he'd take us there.
Jun-ha took us without telling us where
I don't know
why I'm trying to explain myself.
You went there with Gyeong.
Why did you come back with Jeong-u?
Are you jealous right now?
This feels nice.
I shouldn't have told you
when there's nothing much to it.
What did you and Mr. Park talk about?
Nothing much.
My gosh!
It's okay. It happens all the time
in my line of work.
This is why I told you
to just make something simple.
Do you want some bread, then?
I just have to toast it.
That would be the best.
Don't you have any affection for me?
Jeong-u. I don't think
it'll ever change between us.
Why not?
Because it's you.
She still cherished her feelings,
and I liked that.
It means she'd treat me the same way
if she actually started to like me.
I'm not sure if it's right
to keep working with you.
What did you and Mr. Park talk about?
Nothing much.
My gosh!
This is why I told you
to just make something simple.
A board meeting at 9 a.m.
Then you're having lunch
with the director of HNC at noon.
Then teatime with Netflix at 2:30 p.m.
And Director Min will be here at 3:30 p.m.
for his contract.
Then you have a dinner meeting at 7 p.m.
with the director of SBC.
I know you normally come to work
around this time, so I came to see you.
Please bring us some tea.
Yes, sir.
So what is it? Why run here
in the middle of your jog?
That night
What did you say to Jeong-seon?
I thought you were smart.
Have you lost your wits
because you're so blinded by love now?
You have a way of making yourself
look charming
by putting up a tough front.
It's attractive. Just not to me.
You must be anxious.
You two are already wavering.
How easy.
You both talked as if you two had
a really strong relationship.
You can shake me up
because I always manage
to find my way back.
I know what it feels like to be shaken up.
But Jeong-seon is not like me.
Aren't women normally
attracted to strong men?
Do you like him even if he's weak?
Even if he doesn't have his life
figured out yet?
Yes, I like him.
Not just his appearance.
He's beautiful inside and out.
He's 28.
It'd be odd for him
to have already succeeded.
You're being really mean to me.
It'll be harder for all of us if I try
to be on good terms with both of you.
If I try to make things work
with just one of you,
then only one person has to suffer.
You're talking as if you have control
over this relationship.
I don't?
That'd only be possible if
Jeong-seon and I didn't know each other.
This is a different situation.
Stop acting like you're his mother.
Now, go home and get some work done.
Why aren't you trying to make money
through my script?
I don't think it's right for you to say
that you chose
to work with me
because of our relationship.
Other production companies
don't think of my work that way.
Do you want to work
with a different company?
I keep my promises too.
Even if I do leave one day,
it won't be before I bring money
into the company.
it has to have a happy ending.
Look who's here! It's the handsome chef.
Do you have sea bass?
I came to check the quality
and buy them myself.
You're so picky and thorough
when it comes to your ingredients.
Let's see here.
What do you think?
Ms. Lee,
Mr. Park told me to drive you home.
No, it's okay.
I'll be waiting outside.
Hello, Mother.
Isn't he Mr. Park's personal driver?
Yes, I came by to speak with Mr. Park
about something.
I see. I guess you're one of his writers.
Yes, I am.
By the way, what brings you here?
I'm here to talk to Mr. Park
about something.
I'll see you next time.
Okay. Get home safely.
Is Mr. Park inside?
I know he still has some time
before the meeting.
He's in the meeting now.
Really? I guess it started early.
When did it start?
Just over half an hour ago.
Really? Okay.
I told you he's not in his office.
Do you have something against Jeong-seon?
I'm a bit too straightforward, aren't I?
That's your charm.
What is this about?
I heard Good Soup isn't doing well
Can't you help him out a little?
I don't know how you came across
that information,
but it won't look good
if you get involved in his business.
I'm sorry.
I have to step out for a meeting now.
Have some tea before you leave.
Is Hyeon-soo one of your writers?
I met her in the lobby.
Yes, she is.
And there's nothing going on
between you two?
Please bring out a cup of tea for Ms. Yoo.
Hello, Chef.
You still haven't given me your answer
in regard to my offer.
I heard Good Soup is going to
shut down soon.
Come work for me before that happens.
I already gave you my answer.
But things have gotten even worse now.
If you quit, it may actually help them.
They'll be able to cut down on wages.
Shouldn't we just quit
if the restaurant is doing this bad?
Then who's going to cook?
Su-jeong might quit.
I think she got a job offer.
I like Chef On.
Why is he refusing to go on TV shows?
What were you guys talking about?
We were wondering if we should quit.
Quitting is better than getting fired.
Su-jeong got an offer
from another restaurant.
-Why did you tell him that?
I need to talk to you.
Is something wrong?
Why don't you hire a server
rather than keeping a sommelier like me?
Why did you come up with that idea?
I can make a wine list for you
even if I'm working somewhere else.
If you got a better offer,
you should accept it.
I'm not doing this
to go work at a better restaurant.
I'll go prepare for lunch hours.
I think she's trying to help us
cut down on wages.
Su-jeong leaving us would hit us harder.
Good job. You can go have your lunch.
It's good to see you.
What brings you all the way here?
Nothing special.
About Jeong-seon
He loves me.
Yes, I know.
I could tell when I saw you two
the other day.
Happy dating.
We can't just date though.
You shouldn't decide to get married
just because of your age.
I'm okay with you not getting married.
I never said we'll get married now.
I want to give him assurance
that my family
approves of our relationship.
Is he that insecure? To the point
that such assurance is necessary?
Is it because his mother is
too overbearing?
She seemed like a handful.
Jeong-seon's mom is nice.
She's different every time.
That means she's not stable.
By the way, about Mr. Park
Why are you bringing him up suddenly?
He likes you.
You don't even have to tell me.
I just know.
I like him.
He's dependable.
You're in your 30s now.
Why are you still
so out of touch with reality?
Yes, Mother.
We parted too abruptly earlier.
Let's have a cup of tea together.
Sure, let's do that. Where should we meet?
Right, okay. Bye.
I really don't like her.
You two aren't even married yet.
Why is she calling you?
This is her charm. The fact that
she's unpredictable like this.
Hello, again.
You got changed.
You were in your workout clothes earlier.
Yes, I saw you right after my jog.
Are you close with Mr. Park?
How long have you known him?
-Thank you.
I ordered it for you.
You seemed to like Kenya Double A too.
I've known Mr. Park for about five years,
and we're quite close.
We also went to the same college.
Jeong-seon and Mr. Park
are like brothers. Did you know?
I only found out recently.
Then do you know that
they aren't getting along these days?
Is it because of you?
It must be.
I liked that
we're both dating younger men.
But now, I feel like
I've been backstabbed.
-There has been a misunderstanding.
-You should just listen.
Jeong-seong's dad was 25
when I married him.
I'm two years older than him.
His family was against us getting married
because I had nothing to offer
except for my looks and modesty.
I loved him very much.
I thought I'd die without him.
things changed when we got married.
He was abusive.
And I was lonely.
I made friends because I was lonely,
and that got me in trouble.
One of them ran off with my money.
And my husband lost his trust in me.
Up until that point, he hadn't left us
even though he had another woman.
Jeong-seon is like a flower
that bloomed in a pile of trash.
My heart aches for him.
I can't control myself.
I'm scared of living alone.
I hate being alone.
Can you handle all of that?
Yes, I can.
You can?
I'll try, Mother.
Please support me.
You're really absurd.
I love Jeong-seon.
Love like this comes to you
only once in your life.
I realized it during the five years
that he was gone.
Chef, I'll do it. It's my turn.
I'll do it. Just get ready to eat
after you clean things up.
-I think he's going overboard.
-Mind your own business.
Thank you.
Are you all worried
that the restaurant might close?
Worrying is my job.
Don't overstep your bounds.
Why aren't you guys answering?
Will you quit because you're worried?
-No, Chef.
-No, Chef.
Eat up.
You like being high up.
That's why I asked you to meet me here.
I have 30 minutes.
I'm sorry I punched you.
You don't need to apologize.
I'm apologizing to you
and to myself as well.
My goal in life was
not to live like my dad.
I've been suppressing
my aggressive nature inside me.
But you disturbed it.
Thanks to you, it got all shaken up.
I respect you.
Your resentment for me ultimately
stems from your anger toward yourself.
It also means
that you cared for me very much.
Our friendship is being tested now.
I, too, want to take this to the end.
I want to know the true colors
of the ones I loved.
Oh, boy.
Welcome home.
What? I thought I walked into your place.
I also feel like I live here.
Gyeong isn't home?
She's sleeping.
I think she's a bit lazy.
She sleeps a lot too.
But you like her, right?
Oh, I submitted our script to the network.
But On Entertainment submitted
Ms. Ji Hong-a's script as well.
They obviously can't pick both.
I don't know what Jeong-u is thinking.
I'm sure he'll make a wise decision.
By the way, why can't you accept reality?
If you choose Jeong-u,
you'll be able to live a comfortable life.
I know because I've been there.
That kind of love never lasts long.
Let me give it a try.
I want to decide
after I give it my best shot.
Did you have a good sleep?
Hey, Hyeon-soo.
Do you want some noodles?
No, thanks. I have to go to Good Soup
for an interview.
Whenever I go there, good-looking chefs
give me delicious food.
All right, fine.
I'll do my best.
I look forward to working with you.
Me too.
Have you had a chance to read
Ji Hong-a's script?
Yes, the story line is
very straightforward.
I think you two will get along very well.
I warned you that you wouldn't get along
so well with Ms. Lee,
but you insisted on working with her.
But Ms. Ji needs to make some changes
in her script.
Please discuss it with the writer
before you make any changes.
I told Ms. Ji to meet us here.
Hello, Ms. Ji.
We meet again.
The process of deciding
whether I should work with you or not
was very painful.
Oh my. She's not giving me an easy start.
If you make any changes to my script,
I might kill you.
My gosh,
this is getting really interesting.
I wonder who will win.
Hey, you're here.
I just met with the director.
I guess things went well.
Yes, it went well.
Well, then. I'll see you next time.
I get that you have a girlfriend now,
but you and I have been friends for years.
How can you suddenly
treat me so differently?
I'm sorry. The restaurant is not
doing so well these days,
and I have a lot on my mind.
The only friends
that I have in my life are
Hyeon-soo, you, Jeong-seon, and Gyeong.
It's just the four of you.
But none of you are supportive of me
right now.
-Hello, Ms. Yoo.
Is Jeong-seon at home now?
No, he's not.
He went to meet with Mr. Park.
You look familiar.
How do you know her?
I've seen her at Mr. Park's office.
But I wonder why it feels as though
there's something very complicated
going on now that we met again like this.
Anyway, I need to talk to my son today.
And I've already spent too much energy,
so I'll see you some other time.
Bye, Ms. Yoo.
Oh, I don't see as many supplies here
as there used to be.
Did you come here before?
I did. A little while ago.
We don't have a lot of customers
these days,
so we've been ordering less supplies.
Are things that bad?
Mr. Park has been
pressuring us a lot lately.
Chef On is upstairs, right?
I've been waiting for you
for over an hour.
How did things go with Mr. Park?
Why aren't you answering me?
It's because of Hyeon-soo, right?
That's why you're not saying anything.
Why are you bringing her up
out of the blue?
I saw her
when I went to Mr. Park's office earlier.
They seemed pretty close.
They're close because she's one of
his writers. Don't get any wrong ideas.
Wrong ideas, my foot.
Is there a problem
between you and Professor Min?
What are you talking about?
Since when were you this interested in me?
What mother doesn't love her own child?
I'm a mother too.
My goodness.
You should go now.
You're a busy lady.
Are you following me around or what?
Mom, aren't you going to leave?
Why are you being so disrespectful?
You can be like that
when it's just the two of us.
But how dare you do this in front of her?
All right, I heard you.
You heard what? It is all her fault.
Why are you taking it out on me?
I liked you earlier, but not anymore.
I'll do my best so that
you can continue to be fond of me.
Are you going to keep doing this?
No. Because I know you'll hate me
if I keep this up.
You at least have good manners.
Yes, I hear that a lot.
What a great personality.
I came for an interview and heard
you'd be here, so I came up.
You have to get ready
for dinner hours soon, right?
I'm sorry about my mom.
It's okay.
She's not that hard to deal with.
She's cute.
Her mood changes really quickly.
I like that she's honest.
That's why I like Hong-a.
I like your positive attitude.
Jeong-seon is like a flower
that bloomed in a pile of trash.
Jeong-seon and Mr. Park
are like brothers.
Do you know
that they aren't getting along?
I want to give him assurance
that my family
approves of our relationship.
Here's the third consultation report
on Good Soup.
This is Good Soup.
Chef On,
I'm calling from Mr. Park's office.
Yes, hello.
I'd like to make
a dinner reservation for two.
Mr. Park is going to have dinner there
with Eric Song,
a Michelin three-star chef from Hong Kong.
Sure, no problem.
It feels so weird
not to have Su-jeong around.
Do you know who's coming here today?
Eric Song is coming.
He'll be here with Jeong-u.
Eric Song?
He's the chef who got
three Michelin stars.
Mr. Park must be trying to support us now.
I'm pretty sure that's not it.
No, my gut's telling me that it is.
How nice would it be if Eric Song
complimented us on our food?
I should go inside and get ready.
The overall balance is good.
Most importantly, it's delicious.
I also think the food is exceptional.
But I'd like it to taste
a bit more familiar.
If it's okay with Chef On,
it'll be good to develop a dish together.
We'll have to make some adjustments,
but I'd love to know how
a Michelin three-star dish really tastes.
Chef Eric Song, clear!
Mr. Park would like to see you.
How was the food?
It was delicious.
But I'm not sure if the menu I'll create
will melt into a course like this.
Chef Song will develop
a few recipes for you.
This is too much.
A full course meal has a story.
There has to be consistency.
What gives you the right
to meddle with my dishes?
It's a suggestion
from the third consultation.
I can put up with anything
but meddling with my menu.
Your restaurant is losing money
because you're too emotional.
Eric is a Michelin three-star chef.
He's offering to develop recipes
because he liked your food.
Don't be arrogant.
Launch the new menu he comes up with.
Promoting that will definitely
help with the sales.
I opened a restaurant
to do my own cooking.
I'm not trying to make money
by copying others.
Learn to compromise
when the reality isn't on your side.
I'll just give you back your shares.
Take your hands off my business.
Won't you regret this?
Managing a business isn't easy.
You've been able to keep it afloat
because of my help.
You can't say you helped me
if you only did it halfway.
I wanted to cook like that.
So I combined the word "kind"
and "soup" to create my nickname.
The two words match perfectly.
Don't sell the land
your grandfather gave you.
I'd like to take out a loan.
Are you interested in a secured loan?
Yes, with land as collateral.
First, you need to submit an application.
A limit for the loan will be set
after an evaluation.
Please fill out this application
and leave it with me.
I'll contact you
when the result comes out.
-Hey, did you want to see me?
You should work with Ms. Ji this time.
On Entertainment is pitching to us
about Ms. Ji working with I-bok,
but it hasn't even been that long
since he quit.
No way. You should work with her instead.
I told you that I'm preparing a drama
with Hyeon-soo.
Let's hold off on Ms. Lee's drama for now.
Come on.
Hong-jin wants me to work with Ji Hong-a.
Does it make sense to you?
Why doesn't it make sense?
what about Hyeon-soo's drama?
What's up?
Why did you want to see me?
Don't we need to talk
if we're going to work together?
Talk about what?
Excuse me for a second.
Hello, Ji Hong-a speaking.
Hi. I thought things over,
and I think it's a good idea
for you to work with Jun-ha.
Let's meet tomorrow.
Sure, thank you.
There's nothing to talk about.
I just wanted to get to know you
over a cup of tea.
Sure, if we're going to work together.
Ms. Ji and Jun-ha won't make a good team.
You don't know if Jun-ha
and Ms. Lee will make a good team.
Jun-ha is just insisting on it.
-They're working things out--
-Are you dating Ms. Lee?
Well, there's a rumor going around.
Is it true?
No, it's not true.
I knew it.
I know you don't mix
personal feelings with business.
"Let me have him."
Where can I use this line?
Let me
have him.
You won't keep him anyway,
so let me have him.
Stop changing your mind.
Don't snoop around.
Ultimately, we're all alone.
I am happy alone.
It's so warm.
Do whatever you want.
When you like someone,
you can't control it.
Why do I keep talking to myself?
Nobody is here.
Where did everyone go?
They must be on their break.
By the way,
I haven't seen Su-jeong lately.
Hi, Hyeon-soo.
Hey, where's Su-jeong?
She'll be here. She left this.
She quit.
-Hi, Su-jeong.
I always saw you in your uniform.
You look so pretty dressed like this
and with your hair down.
Did you find a better place to work?
No, I like Good Soup the best.
Is that mine?
I'll be off, then.
Take care.
Bye. The two of us should meet up
another time.
Sure, sounds good.
I thought you found another job.
No, I'm just going to take a break.
Then why are you leaving?
I'm sure Good Soup
will get back on its feet.
You know that Chef On isn't the type
to give up easily. And I'm here too.
Are you asking me to stay?
I am.
Usually, people offer raises
when they recruit employees.
I can't give you a raise.
Tell me if you know anything.
You heard something, didn't you?
I think the restaurant is
in a really bad financial situation.
I heard that's why Su-jeong quit.
It'll go bankrupt if Mr. Park
withdraws his investment.
Don't they have a contract?
How can he withdraw it now?
They have to listen to Mr. Park
in order to keep the investment,
but Chef On won't listen to him.
Where is Jeong-seon?
Let me think about it first.
You can't tell me where he is?
He went to the bank
to inquire about a loan.
You're here.
Did you have to go somewhere?
Yes, I did.
But I can't chat right now.
I have to prep for dinner.
I know. It'll be just a minute.
Is Mr. Park being harsh on you?
From his perspective,
I must be being harsh on him.
In regard to the business,
he's doing what's right.
-Are you worried?
Jeong-u and I
have our own relationship
aside from you. We'll sort things out.
How strange.
Everything sounds true when you say it.
That's because it's true.
Please set a meeting with Lee Hyeon-soo
and Kim Jun-ha.
Yes, sir.
I asked you to come to get your opinion.
Like I told you numerous times,
I don't want to work on Ms. Ji's drama.
I'll decide
according to what's given to me.
How can you give up on me so easily?
I'm offended.
We have to listen to our bosses, you know.
I'm letting you go
so that you don't have to feel guilty.
According to what's given to you?
We don't know when yours will air.
I know. I've been through that before.
I'll have Jun-ha work with Ms. Ji, then.
Goodness, I can't believe this.
I'll get going too.
Mr. Park.
Good Soup
Never mind.
-What are you doing?
Don't you have to interview me?
Why haven't you done it yet?
Is there something
I should be researching?
I have to buy groceries.
I've never seen a grocery store
open this late.
It's open 24 hours a day.
Chefs love this place.
I think this drama will turn out great
thanks to you.
Did something happen today?
No, I just missed you.
You did? That's nice.
What are we buying?
Get everything you want to eat.
I'll buy it for you.
Are you rich?
I can afford to buy you
what you want to eat.
Wow, I'm so excited now.
Then this one.
-Get more.
Of course. Three of this.
You said I could get more.
No more instant noodles.
Is it good?
What is this?
-It's this. Pork belly.
-This one?
-It's so sour.
-It is sour.
I'm so happy.
We're sharing our daily lives.
I feel so close to you now.
Are you happy too?
I am.
I want to carry this.
It's okay. Let me carry it.
No, I got all these things,
so let me do it.
-No, I'll carry it.
I told you not to do that.
I'm sorry. We can just pick them up.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. I'm sorry too.
Let's go.
"On Jeong-seon."
Are the land appraisal results out?
Yes, I have the report here.
Jeong-u invested 350 million won
in the restaurant, right?
Are you really going to end things
with Mr. Park?
The contract's not over yet.
It's for three years,
and it hasn't been a year yet.
Business-wise, I'll end things with him.
We'll buy his shares.
What if he declines?
He knows that
we can't keep doing this together.
He's objective when it comes to business,
so he must know
that it's best to get out now.
Why would he want to hold on to this risk?
Because of Hyeon-soo.
If he lets you go, he can't control you.
What if he holds on to it?
I'm sure he's not like that.
If he was, it'd be much easier for me.
It's an agreement to buy out
your investment shares.
Do you really want us
to split up like this?
We're going in different directions,
so it makes sense that we split up here.
When I was your age,
I never even thought about things
like directions or dreams.
I only thought about making money.
I did anything to do just that.
But I guess you're not the same.
We have different values.
Even if that was the case,
you'd do it if you were desperate.
You're just not desperate.
How long do you think you can last
with the money you have?
I'll try to last.
I won't join hands with you again
because of money.
Yes, I hope we never have to.
It'll crush your pride.
I also didn't want to live like my father.
However, I loved him.
You don't love your father.
You don't understand
the difference, right?
It's what determines success and failure.
But instead,
I have the woman that you can't have.
You're pretty good with comebacks.
You'll be back anyway. Dragging this on
will only embarrass you more later on.
I'm relieved that you're back.
Things are back to normal.
Thank you. Let me show you in.
Hyeon-soo, did something good happen?
If people see you now,
they'll assume that your drama got a slot.
Well, I just get excited
when I feel good about doing something.
Right, we get excited when we feel good.
That's all that matters.
Let's clean up and then work.
Won't that feel good?
Super, super, great!
Your mother is here.
Did you have to go somewhere?
Are you
I think he looks down on me.
Why would he?
He never talks to me.
I told you that he's not
the talkative type.
And he's never invited me to his place
even though he lives here.
I never wanted to see it anyway.
That's easy.
Let's ask him for a cup of coffee, then.
The coffee smells so good.
Give us some too.
My, this is what your place looks like.
-It's perfect for a bachelor.
-Sit down.
Are things
tough these days?
The restaurant looks empty.
No, things are fine.
you're not running it all by yourself.
Things won't get that bad
since Mr. Park got your back.
He has nothing to do with Good Soup now.
Did you two decide to split up?
My gosh, that's why
the business is struggling so much.
What will you do?
Mr. Park seemed like a nice guy.
He's been helping me out
with my exhibitions every year.
-Hey, let's go.
Things aren't looking good.
We'll make him uncomfortable.
What exactly did he help with?
It's nothing.
Yes, it's nothing.
He also helped me out when I was in Paris.
It's nothing compared to that.
-Gosh, you startled me.
Hey, let's go. Come on.
Tell me the truth.
Did you borrow money from Jeong-u?
This is turning into a family meeting,
so I'll wait outside.
Hey, that hurts!
I clearly told you
that the worst would be borrowing money
from people I'm close to.
Who would lend me money
if I couldn't ask someone close?
This is why you should have
just given me some.
Do you think it was easy for me
to ask him for money?
As a mother, how could you ruin
your son's life like this?
I'm sorry,
but what can I do?
This is just what I'm like.
Calm down. Calm down first.
Get out.
Get out!
Yes, I hope we never have to.
You'll be back anyway. Dragging this on
will only embarrass you more later on.
What's wrong?
Did you cry?
Did something happen?
Do you want some tea?
Let's live together.
Let's stay together.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee