Temperature of Love (2017) s01e12 Episode Script
Episode 12
Hello, Mother. Hello, Professor Min.
Chef On, come over here.
They're Hyeon-soo's parents.
Who are they?
They're my parents.
They're treating me today,
to wish me well in my new drama.
Hello. I'm On Jeong-seon,
Hyeon-soo's boyfriend.
Oh, I see. Hello.
Just a moment.
I'm a bit flustered here.
Mom, this is my boyfriend.
His name is On Jeong-seon.
He already introduced himself.
My gosh.
The lady over there is Jeong-seon's mom.
You should say hello.
Do we have to go over there?
-I'll bring her here.
I'm not sure how it's supposed to be done.
What should I do?
Honey, we should go over there
and greet them.
Hello, I'm Hyeon-soo's dad.
Hello, I'm Hyeon-soo's mom.
Hello, I'm Jeong-seon's mom.
And this is my fiancé.
He's a professor at Seomyun University,
and he's also an artist.
Oh, yes. Hello.
You've practically devoted
your life to this office.
Why are you at work on a holiday?
Your employees won't like it.
You're so talkative.
You're talkative,
but you rarely say anything useful.
I heard you're going to sign
with Director Min.
Is that true?
Director Min is still above average.
The only reason
he ruined Unruly Detectives is because
he tried too hard to get a raise.
I'll be able to sign him
at a cheap price because he failed.
How can you say that
as if it has nothing to do with you?
You're the one who failed.
The drama will end earlier than planned.
At least we didn't lose any money.
My gosh, you're incredible.
You didn't lose money even when
the drama ended earlier than planned?
You've got everything in your life
except for love.
How's the drama going?
Hyeon-soo sent me the synopsis and script,
but I haven't read it yet.
Now that the ending's changed,
the way that the story unfolds
has changed too.
It's become a lot brighter. I like it.
I should ask the Planning
to look over it
and talk to Hyeon-soo afterward.
Don't you like the fact that
the ending's changed?
I should read it to be sure,
but I don't like it.
Why is Hyeon-soo eating with her parents
instead of eating with us?
She came to eat with her family.
It's natural for her to be there.
But I've been so nice to her
all this time.
She should do better
to her future mother-in-law.
Do you want to become a mother-in-law?
No, you're right.
I suddenly got reminded of
my mother-in-law. I was so sick of her.
Overall, the food here is very refreshing.
Chef On's dishes are the best.
They taste so good
that you can't get them off your mind.
-I agree with you.
But the portions are too small.
I enjoyed his dishes.
I knew it. You and I have similar tastes.
We should go now.
You said you need to get back to work.
Did you enjoy your meal?
Yes, it was nice.
You should visit again.
The menu's going to change next month.
Okay, we will.
We'll leave after we say goodbye
to your mother and her fiancé.
Let's go, Honey.
It was nice meeting you.
It was nice
You don't need to pay.
They already paid.
We paid in advance
because we knew you'd tell us not to.
Today was an official family gathering.
Please invite us next time.
Of course.
Honey, let's go.
Call me.
Here's the business consulting report
of Good Soup.
It's time for you to get involved.
Chef On won't be able to
bring out good results
within the year
if he keeps doing it his way.
Please schedule a meeting with Chef On.
Yes, sir.
It's a report on how to overcome
the deficit of Good Soup.
They think the quality of your food
and meal courses are great.
I also agree with that point.
That's why I invested in you.
I want you to give me a report
on sales and purchase orders.
This isn't what you promised.
It hasn't been a year yet.
I can't just let you go bankrupt
during the remaining time.
You're the one who told me that
you won't make me lose money.
You should still keep your promise.
I don't want any money that comes
from anything other than Good Soup.
Fine, I'll do as you want.
But keep in mind that
I'm only doing this because it's you.
I've been nothing
but sincere towards you until now.
I'll give you a report
on recent sales and purchase orders.
You're right. He tends to be like that.
-I don't know why--
-Get back to work.
Hello, Mr. Park.
Keep up the good work.
-Yes, Mr. Park.
-Yes, Mr. Park.
Gosh, that was scary.
Chef On seems very decent.
Yes. He thinks decently too.
I have a lot to learn from him.
He's more mature than I am.
He's competent too.
It's not easy to own
such a fine restaurant at his age.
His mom must be really rich.
I don't know about that.
Someone invested in his restaurant.
What does his father do?
I don't know.
How can you not know about that
when you're dating him?
They'll slowly get to know
about those things.
She's only getting to know him right now.
You're right, Dad.
Does she live with that man?
Isn't she going to get married
to that professor?
I don't think so.
She's really free-spirited.
When did she get divorced?
He must've got hurt if they got divorced
when he was a teenager.
Mom, what is it that you want to say?
I have a lot of things I want to say,
but I'm not going to.
It's not like
you introduced him to us as your fiancé.
You're just dating him.
Honey, we should go now.
What? Okay.
-We'll go now.
I was going to go, but I came back.
Why did you come back?
Are you going to
get married to Hyeon-soo soon?
Why do you ask?
You can't get married to her.
Give me your word on that.
You have so much to do in the future.
You're not supposed to get
involved in our relationship.
It's just like
how I respect your private life.
Even if I don't get involved,
Hyeon-soo's parents will.
I may be immature at times,
but I've lived longer than you.
I can already tell
how things are going to unfold.
Her parents aren't going to
like you that much.
Do you know how
Hyeon-soo's mom looked at me?
Mom, please stop viewing the world
only in your perspective.
You should try thinking
in other people's shoes.
How do you think I'd feel if you say that?
Can't I even say what I felt?
What you feel isn't always right.
Hyeon-soo and I are adults,
and that means we can get married
without having to ask
for our parents' permission.
If we ever break up,
that's going to be on us, not our parents.
So you'll never be able to influence
what happens to our relationship.
You're so resolute.
Have you been doing well?
I met with Jeong-u.
He hasn't read your script yet.
He wants you to come to his office.
He could've called her himself.
Why did he tell you to tell her?
Would you want to call her
if you were him?
He has a really strong pride.
He's only seeing her because of work.
How did you think of the script?
I like the edited version.
If Jeong-u approves of it,
I'll have it pitched.
Do you think your company
will air my drama?
I dropped out of my last drama.
It may have been for the best.
Unruly Detectives is going to end
earlier than planned.
Did On Entertainment suffer a huge loss?
He apparently didn't lose any money.
Isn't he incredible?
You should get married to
a guy like Jeong-u.
Love is useless.
You only end up getting hurt.
Life is already full of
scars and hardships.
The happiness we get from love
can't be exchanged with anything.
-What are you looking at?
-Can't I look at whatever I want?
Do I need permission to do that?
Yes, you do because you're looking at me.
Gyeong, now that Hong-a's not here,
you're fighting with Jun-ha.
Since we're talking about Ms. Ji,
Jeong-u said he's going to make her
work with Director Min.
Do you think Hong-a's crazy enough
to work with Director Min?
There's no way she will.
When does Mr. Park want to see me?
Call him.
This is Park Jeong-u.
Mr. Park, did you read the script?
Yes. I'm reading it for the second time.
Do you have time in the evening?
Have dinner beforehand.
I have a dinner appointment,
so I can't eat with you.
Why aren't you saying anything
about my script?
It was an easy read.
It was very provocative.
It's based on a true story.
Real life is crazier than
what you see on TV.
I'm not saying it was bad.
Can you schedule for it to be aired?
I can't make that decision alone.
It has to go through a meeting.
There's a high chance it'll be approved
if it's backed by a director.
-A director?
-The company
wants to give it to Director Kim Jun-ha.
He's about to be assigned to
his next project. You know him, don't you?
I know him well
because he's a close friend of Hyeon-soo.
I think he's preparing something
with Hyeon-soo.
It's not for sure though.
Have a seat.
I don't like it.
-It was better before the revision.
Why did you change it to a happy ending?
Because I was following the character--
Did you project yourself into it?
You have a tendency to write
your personal story.
I got the motif, but I don't write stories
by projecting myself.
I showed all my cards to you two.
It's why I'm not saying anything
about that day.
Because I don't want to hurt you.
Did I look pitiful?
The reason why I stayed quiet
all these years
is because I was certain that
you'd end up with me.
But you've changed.
I have.
I was in pain for five years
because I wasn't with him.
-My feelings won't change.
-I was in pain, too.
I can't change either.
Let's go our own ways.
Then we'll meet at some point.
Are you sure you can leave
your personal feelings out of it?
I can.
I wanted to produce this drama
for its sad ending.
A romance drama with a sad ending
can easily have low ratings.
I'm not trying to make money
with your work.
I like a unique drama
that is loved by a minor audience.
I want to write a popular drama.
A drama with a happy ending
that makes people happy.
If that's what you continue to insist,
then I'll have to go with your opinion.
But this should have a sad ending.
Mr. Yoo.
What brings you here, Hyeon-soo?
Are you here to do an interview
for your drama?
Did you have dinner here?
I'll get going now.
-Bye, Hong-a.
-Bye, Hyeon-soo.
Are you cold?
No. I'm fine.
I said we could talk on the phone.
No, we should talk face-to-face.
You met my parents for the first time.
How were they?
Your dad was really nice.
My dad really likes you.
My mom does, too.
They'd be satisfied with anyone
I introduced to them.
That's how much they trust me.
You have a sister, right? The one
you aggressively showed your affection to.
Yes. She's married.
Her kid is four years old.
She can speak really well.
My brother-in-law is gentle and tenacious,
so he has the upper hand.
But she's still happy.
When you saw her before,
she was having a hard time
because of a breakup.
So she was taking it out on me.
My parents
are so in love that they don't care
about their children.
They're retiring soon,
so they're excited about traveling.
What's your father like?
He's a dentist in Bundang.
I asked him what he's like,
but he tells me his occupation.
Does he not want to talk about it?
Or has it not been resolved yet?
How's work? Did you finish your script?
I submitted the summary and the revision.
But Mr. Park doesn't like
the revised version.
What happens if he doesn't like it?
Either I revise it again or persuade him.
What will you do?
I'll have to think about it
and talk to Jun-ha.
Because he's the director.
How's your restaurant?
Once the consultation result is out,
it'll be run differently.
I can't avoid Mr. Park
because of my work.
Are you upset?
I'm not happy about it,
but there's nothing I can do.
Thanks for understanding.
We can do it.
We'll do great.
I'm back.
You're welcome anytime.
Su-jeong. Aren't you being
too pretentious?
Think whatever you like.
You do whatever you like anyway.
Can you give me the wine list
for the Christmas promotion?
Aren't you going to say hi to me?
You'll say it anyway, even if I don't.
Are you mad at me?
Why would I be mad?
You always do whatever you like.
So, you don't like me anymore?
Liking you is my problem, not yours.
It's not like I liked you because
you were nice to me.
Are you dating Su-jeong?
Dating a girl
while liking someone else is wrong.
Maybe it's become a habit.
It's possible since I've liked you
for a long time now.
These days, I think
a habit can be fixed.
Don't think like that.
I'm bored without you.
If you say that, that'll only make me
rethink my decision.
What's there to decide?
Just do as you please.
I'm sick of this unrequited love.
Before Su-jeong confessed
her feelings for me,
I didn't know how pathetic
people thought of me.
Chef, here you go.
Thank you.
I have something to tell you
with Hong-a here.
Thank you for telling me
about your feelings in front of Hong-a.
But I overreacted
because I was upset with Hong-a.
I told her to get your permission
because I am yours, right?
I'm sorry I said that.
It's okay.
I'm sorry
that I meddled in your personal life.
I'll excuse myself.
There are so many good women out there.
I'm trying to figure out
how I can love a good woman.
I brought my car. I can go by myself.
I'll walk you to your car.
I thought you left earlier.
Are you going home?
Yes, I am.
I want to go with you.
I'm having a hard time.
I need to talk to you.
What's wrong?
Won-jun has changed.
He's become defiant.
My work is going well.
I don't know why he's doing that.
Won-jun has been the same all along.
It's about time he's tired of it.
You're saying exactly what Won-jun said.
Liking a person isn't easy,
though it looks easy.
Be nice to him.
Don't regret it after he leaves you.
I think you're lucky in many ways.
Your work was suffering a setback,
but now it's going back on track.
Plus, your love life is going well.
Why do you compare yourself to others
when you have everything
others could only wish for?
I don't enjoy comparing myself to others.
I just can't help it.
I'm going to go inside now. It's cold.
When's the second report
going to come out?
It'll be ready soon.
He gets things done very quickly.
But why is he doing this
when it hasn't even been a year yet?
I wonder if it's because of Hyeon-soo.
Do you think he lost his judgment
because of the shock?
He's not the type to lose his judgment.
You're right.
But I'm surprised that
Hyeon-soo never fell for him
when he made it obvious that he likes her.
Hong-a would've fallen for him
a long time ago.
Will you really be able to
stop liking Hong-a?
I might not be able to,
but I'm still going to try.
I've always supported your love.
Hong-a reminds me of my mom.
I kind of feel sorry for her.
I understand why Su-jeong confessed
her feelings for you.
You're a very attractive guy.
You're the best, Chef On.
I'm truly touched.
Anyway, what are you going to do?
Don't you think Hyeon-soo would
want to get a proposal from you?
What does that matter?
I'm sure she knows how much I love her.
You're right.
A happy ending doesn't end in a break up.
A sad ending ends in a break up.
Which one is the more realistic ending?
Which ending will the audience love more?
I have the second consultation
report for Good Soup.
I'm quite busy today.
So I want you to come by my office
during the break time.
Chef On is here to see you.
Sit down.
You should read it.
Do you want me to start
by changing the interior?
That's going to be inefficient
since it'll cost a lot of money.
I want you to change the menu.
You want me to change the menu?
The menu itself is great.
But it doesn't go well with our culture.
The food's too light,
and the portions are too small.
The ingredients are too pricey too.
That's why you can't make any profits.
So you want me to earn money
by using cheaper ingredients
while we leave it at the same price?
It's a temporary measure.
You can go back to how things were
once things become stable.
Do you think
the customers will wait until then?
I can't lie to people
who come to my restaurant
because they trust me and like my food.
You can't expect quality
when you're using cheap ingredients.
Then you need to fire a few employees.
You have too many workers
compared to the number of customers.
You can fire two waiters
and the youngest chef in the kitchen.
Good Soup is a fine dining restaurant.
The workers I have are
the minimum number of employees I need
in order to provide customers
with a fine dining service.
How can I fire them when they're finally
showing great teamwork?
Is the allergy incident
the result of great teamwork?
You need to make alterations
in either the ingredients or employees.
What if I don't?
I might have to retrieve
the investment I made.
That's a breach of contract.
Then I'll leave that to our friendship.
Let me ask you one thing.
Is this what you meant when you said
fighting over a woman is childish?
Are you going to use work to sway us?
Are you already giving up?
This is only the beginning.
You can give up right now if you want to.
Then I'll stop swaying you
to get Hyeon-soo.
Do you have no affection for me?
I do.
I like you. But if I have to choose
between the two of you,
it's Hyeon-soo.
-Did he leave?
What is he doing here?
He scared me to death.
Hello. Is Mr. Park in his office?
Could you please wait a minute?
I'm on time for my appointment.
I'm a close friend of Mr. Park,
and I came without an appointment.
I just need to give him these.
Please wait just a second.
Your feelings are showing on your face.
You're like me.
Still, I'm older than you.
I told you that I'm friends with Mr. Park.
Even so, I don't think it's right
to waste someone else's time like this.
That's why I asked for your understanding.
How do you know Mr. Park?
She's a contract writer.
Are you a writer?
Yes, I am.
My son's girlfriend is a writer too.
She wrote a mini-series.
See you later.
Who is she?
She's Chef On's mother.
Chef On Jeong-seon?
I brought these for you
because you're nice to Jeong-seon and me.
Thank you.
Since I didn't make an appointment,
I'll leave right away.
I know you're busy.
Take care.
Saying that you're okay
doesn't always mean you're okay.
A happy ending doesn't mean
that everyone is happy.
Jeong-u and I wanted to work on this
because it was a sad ending.
You're so out of touch with reality.
Do you know how people my age love?
It's through dramas.
It's hard to make a living.
Relationships are tiring.
They don't want to have serious
relationships because it's full of pain.
So, think about
how discouraging it would be
for people to get into a relationship
because of the drama's sad ending.
Aren't you in a relationship?
That's none of your business.
go with a happy ending.
Just like that?
Like she just said,
a drama should encourage
people to love. Right?
Your reasoning is too emotional.
How will you be able to persuade Mr. Park?
What choice does he have
when the director and writer insist on it?
By the way,
why do you want to work on this?
I like coming here.
You want to direct it
because you like coming here?
Gosh, am I really supposed to work with
a guy like him?
I think
he likes coming here
because he can talk about
Kind Soup Never Answers His Phone.
Isn't it because of Gyeong's ramyeon?
You guys are acting a bit weird.
-What's weird?
-What's weird?
I met with Mr. Yoo.
He says he'll be giving a slot
to Director Kim Jun-ha.
Please help me work with Director Kim.
Jun-ha is working with Hyeon-soo.
Teams go bust all the time.
They're still working together.
I can't snatch him for you.
Then how will you produce my drama?
My plan is to have you work with
Director Min I-bok.
Are you trying to ruin my career?
He not only rewrites scripts
but also changes things
on the day of the shoot all the time.
You expect me to work with him?
He won't do that this time.
Because he failed last time.
Besides, you're no pushover.
I think you two will make a good team.
A good team?
Both of you are unpredictable and fast.
Those are your strengths.
Your stories unfold at a fast pace, so the
viewers are kept distracted well enough.
It's like reading a comic book.
I hate that his previous work failed.
He wouldn't have been available
if he hadn't failed.
What are you doing?
I miss you.
You look like a boy,
sitting there like that.
Come and sit here quickly like a girl.
Long time no see.
Long time no see.
It feels like it's been a week,
but it's only been three days.
How was your day?
Was it hard?
It was hard.
Mine was too.
I'm glad we have that in common.
What was so hard about it?
No big troubles. Just little ones.
We decided on how the drama will end.
What did you decide on?
A happy ending.
What was hard about your day?
There was an incident.
What incident?
I don't want to talk about it.
I don't have to tell you, right?
Now push me.
I can do that.
All right.
-That's too high.
Here we go.
-Oh, my.
Wait. Push gently.
-Are you pushing gently?
-But it's swinging so much.
-I'm not pushing.
-Really? I think you are.
I can't do it.
I can't do it.
Gyeong, don't stop.
You have to keep moving.
Like this. Do this.
Hyeon-soo, I can't.
You have to get in shape
before we start working.
We have an interview today.
Okay? You can do it.
If you can do it, I can do it too!
-Let's go.
-One, two.
-Let's go.
-You aren't walking, right?
-You aren't running properly.
-You can do it.
-Is this the new dish?
-Yes. Try it.
I guess the meeting went well.
No. But I should concentrate
on my work more
when there are troubles.
Right. Cooking is what's important.
What did Mr. Park say?
He talked about restructuring.
-What's this?
It's a new dish for our menu.
Try it.
Give me a bite.
-Thank you.
-Try it.
What's this?
-It's really good.
-Is it?
-No, it's bass.
He can't tell them apart
because all he does is wash dishes.
-It's bass.
Are they different from mackerels?
Where do bass live?
Jeong-u, won't you take a break?
All you seem to do is work.
Do you have lunch plans?
I haven't had a proper meal lately.
Is today your birthday?
Not today, it's tomorrow.
Okay. I'll celebrate it with you.
With you? No, thanks.
That's disturbing.
Then what are you planning to do?
What's there to do? I'll just
stay at the safe house by myself.
Come on, you'd be too lonely.
You're a rich and successful man. Is that
how you want to spend your birthday?
I don't think you're in a place
to pity anyone.
Why did you want to see me?
Because of the drama.
I had a meeting with Hyeon-soo.
We decided to go with a happy ending.
Arrange another meeting.
I have a right to produce
what I want to watch.
It's Ms. Ji.
Why is she calling me?
She sure is persistent. I like that.
She'll want to meet with you.
I hear you're preparing for a new drama.
It hasn't been decided yet.
Who are you working with?
Don't you know?
I'm working with Hyeon-soo.
Will you be able to get it aired
working with Hyeon-soo?
It didn't go well last time.
If I want to work with her,
I'll work with her.
Your previous drama didn't do well though.
Shouldn't you be making it
a hit this time?
Still, I gained a lot of fans last time.
They even made a cute nickname for me.
How about working with me?
This is so delicious.
Thanks for buying lunch
at such an expensive place.
I thought about the consultation.
I've made my decision.
I'll go to your office after work.
What brings you here?
I came here for lunch.
Now I'm just having a bad day.
Won-jun is busy in the kitchen,
so I came to you since you seem to
have more free time as the owner.
You have a good personality in a way.
I see people when I want to.
And if I don't want to, I don't.
We've been friends for years.
I can't stop seeing you just like that.
I'm sorry, but I have to go downstairs.
I saw your mom.
She isn't like you at all. I was shocked.
Where did you see her?
At Mr. Park's office.
It must be hard for Hyeon-soo.
For the first time,
I felt happy that
I wasn't your love interest.
Hi, Jeong-seon.
Did you see Jeong-u the other day?
How did you know?
Why would you go all the way to his office
when you can just
meet him at the restaurant?
I just dropped by to give him flowers
because he's been
so nice to you.
You aren't doing anything weird, right?
Anything weird?
Why don't you trust me?
How long are you going to hold the mistake
I made over your head?
Don't ever bother Jeong-u.
What did I do?
What does a sous-chef do?
A sous-chef oversees
all works in the kitchen
and assists the chef.
Are you skilled enough
to take over the chef's job
when he isn't present?
I still have a long way to go.
Because Jeong-seon is amazing.
He's almost perfect.
Why are you coming down from there?
I had a talk with Jeong-seon.
I just thought I'd say hi to a friend
since I'm here anyway.
Since you don't seem to like seeing me.
Since when did you respect my opinion?
You're acting cold these days.
It's why I'm walking on eggshells.
I don't just act blindly.
Are you doing an interview here?
Yes. Who did you have lunch with?
With Director Kim Jun-ha.
I heard you're working with him.
That doesn't mean it'll be produced.
The station has to approve it.
It doesn't change the fact that
you're working with him now.
If you had told me you were
working with him,
-I wouldn't have met with him today.
-Were you planning on working with him?
You badmouthed him
for being a bad director.
You badmouthed him too.
But now he's working with you.
Because it has to air.
Would you like more tea?
No, it's okay.
Thank you for being so accommodating.
I don't like her.
Why is that?
I thought you had to work.
Are you finished?
Not yet.
I came to interview Chef On now.
About what?
What are you doing?
What do chefs do during downtime?
I was going through some books.
I have to make new menus.
After all, everything comes down to
the food that I make.
I think you have
a really gentle personality.
When I first met you,
I thought you were a troublemaker
because of your tattoo and scars.
I wouldn't fight anyone.
That's one of the reasons
why my parents divorced.
I see.
That's why I hate violence.
This too?
-I'm sorry.
-It doesn't hurt.
You're so good at acting. You scared me.
I'd better go downstairs.
I have to prepare for the dinner shift.
Okay. Keep up the good work.
-Let's go.
Hey, Director Kim called
saying we should meet for another meeting.
It seems like
things didn't go well with Mr. Park.
Is he coming tomorrow?
No, he wants to go somewhere else.
You're drinking.
Have a drink.
I'll tell you why I'm here.
I can't lower the unit cost
or cut down on my staff.
Instead, I'll give up on my pay.
How is it that you always act
according to my prediction?
If you know me so well,
why did you make such a suggestion?
To shake you up.
I told you.
It won't go as you planned.
I'll go now.
How long do you think you can last
without getting paid?
Even if I can't last, I will manage.
Just think of me as your big brother.
I don't suggest this to just anyone.
I don't know when it will be,
but if I open a restaurant
It'll be with you.
If things break between us--
Why would you think about that?
Things are good right now.
Jeong-u. I don't think
it'll ever change between us.
This is how fighting over a woman goes.
Can you handle this?
But love has to be mutual.
You can't do it alone.
No matter how much we fight,
the outcome isn't about winning.
So why do we even have to fight?
Are you already giving up?
This is only the beginning.
You can give up right now if you want to.
Then I'll stop swaying you
to get Hyeon-soo.
Jeong-u, we're here to have a meeting.
It's so beautiful.
Where are we?
Isn't it nice?
-It's really nice.
-What a view.
What's going on here?
This is Jeong-u's safe house.
He purchased his childhood home
after becoming successful.
They must have been rich.
Why did we come here anyway?
It'd be good to have him join the meeting.
Then why didn't you say so?
How can you just bring us here like this?
If I'd told you, you wouldn't have come.
You knew I wouldn't come,
but you still brought me here anyway?
-Seriously, Director Kim.
You're really clueless.
Can't you leave the kitchen
on your day off?
Why are you here?
I've been thinking,
and something seemed a bit strange.
Is there a problem
between you and Mr. Park?
It's none of your business.
It is my business.
He's the only one that's helpful
out of all of your acquaintances.
Tell me what happened,
and I'll help you.
It's difficult as it is
without you getting involved.
-What's so difficult?
-I'll take care of it.
Of course, you will.
I was never a helpful mother to you,
I know. But
I can't watch you suffer.
I can't do much about
the trouble I've caused you,
but I don't want to see others
give you any kind of trouble.
It's nothing, so go on and live your life.
Isn't this awesome, Jeong-u?
This is how one should live their life.
Don't I deserve a compliment?
I thought you wanted
to have a meeting. Was it a lie?
Yes, and no.
We don't need any meeting.
Let's just socialize
and settle on a happy ending.
You're a really careless person.
What's wrong with her?
Gyeong hates liars.
Why did you follow me out?
-Don't you know why?
I thought you hated liars.
Yet you're the one lying.
What did I lie about?
You know that I like you.
Why do you act like you don't know?
How can I not pretend?
Why can't you?
If I do, then we'd have to date.
Can't we date?
I won't date anyone
until I become a writer.
In my opinion, you'll never
get to date for the rest of your life.
Director Kim!
I'm sorry, Ms. Hwangbo.
Wait. Gyeong!
Wine isn't doing it for me today.
What are you doing?
I'm at a meeting.
Should we meet later?
I don't know when this will be over.
I'll call you later.
Hyeon-soo, let's go home.
Mr. Park, we won't have
a meeting today, right?
Not you too. Do you know what day it is?
Forget it.
Drive Ms. Hwangbo home.
I'll go with them.
I'll take you home, Hyeon-soo.
I have to talk to you.
What about Hyeon-soo?
It was Jeong-seon I was texting just now.
No wonder you agreed to stay behind.
If that's your opening line
to reject me, forget it.
I've been rejected enough.
If you keep this up, it's obsession.
Another word for obsession is passion.
If you say passion,
it sounds so much more positive.
What do you like about a woman who's
already given her heart to another man?
I love even that heart of hers.
"Out of sight, out of mind."
That's what I felt about most people.
But to me, you were different.
I want you to come to me.
I can't change my feelings.
You've turned him down before
because of work.
But you changed.
I want you to be happy.
Going after a woman who's in love with
someone else
This is just wrong.
It has always been about the three of us.
Right from the beginning.
It's nothing new.
If I give up on you,
that can't be a reason for me.
I'm not sure if it's right
to keep working with you.
Get up. I'll drive you home.
Are you just going to go in?
I want to get some air.
When did you get here?
A while ago.
You must be cold.
Should we go inside?
No, you go ahead first.
I have to talk to Jeong-u.
You must be upset.
Well, I'm not happy.
Okay. I'll wait inside.
Yes, go in.
Mr. Park.
I'll be going in now.
I have to talk to you.
Do you want to talk here?
What is it? Go ahead.
Stop it.
Stop pushing yourself on a woman
that doesn't want you.
She hasn't told me she didn't want me yet.
Although she did say that it wasn't love.
But, as you already know,
love can change.
-Not us.
-You're wrong.
You'll be the one to change.
The first time I saw you two together
in front of Good Soup,
do you know why
I wasn't threatened by you?
Come on, how can it be you?
You haven't settled down yet.
And you're still young.
What can you do for Hyeon-soo?
I can give her everything she wants.
You only care about your feelings,
so you don't care about her future.
You have no ambition.
You should let it out when you're mad.
I'm telling you
that I'll steal your woman.
I lived my life to prove that
I'm different from my father.
If you're clenching your hand into a fist,
-you should hit me. What's wrong?
I became free that day.
You should work with Ms. Ji this time.
You got stabbed in the back.
Director Kim Jun-ha
will be working with me.
Shouldn't we just quit
if the restaurant is doing this bad?
Our friendship is being tested now.
Mr. Park seemed like a nice guy.
Tell me the truth.
Did you borrow money from Jeong-u?
Are you close with Mr. Park?
Is it because of you that Jeong-seon
and Mr. Park have grown apart?
Chef Song will develop
a few recipes for you.
What gives you the right
to meddle with my dishes?
Learn to compromise.
I'll just give you back your shares.
Take your hands off my business.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee
Hello, Mother. Hello, Professor Min.
Chef On, come over here.
They're Hyeon-soo's parents.
Who are they?
They're my parents.
They're treating me today,
to wish me well in my new drama.
Hello. I'm On Jeong-seon,
Hyeon-soo's boyfriend.
Oh, I see. Hello.
Just a moment.
I'm a bit flustered here.
Mom, this is my boyfriend.
His name is On Jeong-seon.
He already introduced himself.
My gosh.
The lady over there is Jeong-seon's mom.
You should say hello.
Do we have to go over there?
-I'll bring her here.
I'm not sure how it's supposed to be done.
What should I do?
Honey, we should go over there
and greet them.
Hello, I'm Hyeon-soo's dad.
Hello, I'm Hyeon-soo's mom.
Hello, I'm Jeong-seon's mom.
And this is my fiancé.
He's a professor at Seomyun University,
and he's also an artist.
Oh, yes. Hello.
You've practically devoted
your life to this office.
Why are you at work on a holiday?
Your employees won't like it.
You're so talkative.
You're talkative,
but you rarely say anything useful.
I heard you're going to sign
with Director Min.
Is that true?
Director Min is still above average.
The only reason
he ruined Unruly Detectives is because
he tried too hard to get a raise.
I'll be able to sign him
at a cheap price because he failed.
How can you say that
as if it has nothing to do with you?
You're the one who failed.
The drama will end earlier than planned.
At least we didn't lose any money.
My gosh, you're incredible.
You didn't lose money even when
the drama ended earlier than planned?
You've got everything in your life
except for love.
How's the drama going?
Hyeon-soo sent me the synopsis and script,
but I haven't read it yet.
Now that the ending's changed,
the way that the story unfolds
has changed too.
It's become a lot brighter. I like it.
I should ask the Planning
to look over it
and talk to Hyeon-soo afterward.
Don't you like the fact that
the ending's changed?
I should read it to be sure,
but I don't like it.
Why is Hyeon-soo eating with her parents
instead of eating with us?
She came to eat with her family.
It's natural for her to be there.
But I've been so nice to her
all this time.
She should do better
to her future mother-in-law.
Do you want to become a mother-in-law?
No, you're right.
I suddenly got reminded of
my mother-in-law. I was so sick of her.
Overall, the food here is very refreshing.
Chef On's dishes are the best.
They taste so good
that you can't get them off your mind.
-I agree with you.
But the portions are too small.
I enjoyed his dishes.
I knew it. You and I have similar tastes.
We should go now.
You said you need to get back to work.
Did you enjoy your meal?
Yes, it was nice.
You should visit again.
The menu's going to change next month.
Okay, we will.
We'll leave after we say goodbye
to your mother and her fiancé.
Let's go, Honey.
It was nice meeting you.
It was nice
You don't need to pay.
They already paid.
We paid in advance
because we knew you'd tell us not to.
Today was an official family gathering.
Please invite us next time.
Of course.
Honey, let's go.
Call me.
Here's the business consulting report
of Good Soup.
It's time for you to get involved.
Chef On won't be able to
bring out good results
within the year
if he keeps doing it his way.
Please schedule a meeting with Chef On.
Yes, sir.
It's a report on how to overcome
the deficit of Good Soup.
They think the quality of your food
and meal courses are great.
I also agree with that point.
That's why I invested in you.
I want you to give me a report
on sales and purchase orders.
This isn't what you promised.
It hasn't been a year yet.
I can't just let you go bankrupt
during the remaining time.
You're the one who told me that
you won't make me lose money.
You should still keep your promise.
I don't want any money that comes
from anything other than Good Soup.
Fine, I'll do as you want.
But keep in mind that
I'm only doing this because it's you.
I've been nothing
but sincere towards you until now.
I'll give you a report
on recent sales and purchase orders.
You're right. He tends to be like that.
-I don't know why--
-Get back to work.
Hello, Mr. Park.
Keep up the good work.
-Yes, Mr. Park.
-Yes, Mr. Park.
Gosh, that was scary.
Chef On seems very decent.
Yes. He thinks decently too.
I have a lot to learn from him.
He's more mature than I am.
He's competent too.
It's not easy to own
such a fine restaurant at his age.
His mom must be really rich.
I don't know about that.
Someone invested in his restaurant.
What does his father do?
I don't know.
How can you not know about that
when you're dating him?
They'll slowly get to know
about those things.
She's only getting to know him right now.
You're right, Dad.
Does she live with that man?
Isn't she going to get married
to that professor?
I don't think so.
She's really free-spirited.
When did she get divorced?
He must've got hurt if they got divorced
when he was a teenager.
Mom, what is it that you want to say?
I have a lot of things I want to say,
but I'm not going to.
It's not like
you introduced him to us as your fiancé.
You're just dating him.
Honey, we should go now.
What? Okay.
-We'll go now.
I was going to go, but I came back.
Why did you come back?
Are you going to
get married to Hyeon-soo soon?
Why do you ask?
You can't get married to her.
Give me your word on that.
You have so much to do in the future.
You're not supposed to get
involved in our relationship.
It's just like
how I respect your private life.
Even if I don't get involved,
Hyeon-soo's parents will.
I may be immature at times,
but I've lived longer than you.
I can already tell
how things are going to unfold.
Her parents aren't going to
like you that much.
Do you know how
Hyeon-soo's mom looked at me?
Mom, please stop viewing the world
only in your perspective.
You should try thinking
in other people's shoes.
How do you think I'd feel if you say that?
Can't I even say what I felt?
What you feel isn't always right.
Hyeon-soo and I are adults,
and that means we can get married
without having to ask
for our parents' permission.
If we ever break up,
that's going to be on us, not our parents.
So you'll never be able to influence
what happens to our relationship.
You're so resolute.
Have you been doing well?
I met with Jeong-u.
He hasn't read your script yet.
He wants you to come to his office.
He could've called her himself.
Why did he tell you to tell her?
Would you want to call her
if you were him?
He has a really strong pride.
He's only seeing her because of work.
How did you think of the script?
I like the edited version.
If Jeong-u approves of it,
I'll have it pitched.
Do you think your company
will air my drama?
I dropped out of my last drama.
It may have been for the best.
Unruly Detectives is going to end
earlier than planned.
Did On Entertainment suffer a huge loss?
He apparently didn't lose any money.
Isn't he incredible?
You should get married to
a guy like Jeong-u.
Love is useless.
You only end up getting hurt.
Life is already full of
scars and hardships.
The happiness we get from love
can't be exchanged with anything.
-What are you looking at?
-Can't I look at whatever I want?
Do I need permission to do that?
Yes, you do because you're looking at me.
Gyeong, now that Hong-a's not here,
you're fighting with Jun-ha.
Since we're talking about Ms. Ji,
Jeong-u said he's going to make her
work with Director Min.
Do you think Hong-a's crazy enough
to work with Director Min?
There's no way she will.
When does Mr. Park want to see me?
Call him.
This is Park Jeong-u.
Mr. Park, did you read the script?
Yes. I'm reading it for the second time.
Do you have time in the evening?
Have dinner beforehand.
I have a dinner appointment,
so I can't eat with you.
Why aren't you saying anything
about my script?
It was an easy read.
It was very provocative.
It's based on a true story.
Real life is crazier than
what you see on TV.
I'm not saying it was bad.
Can you schedule for it to be aired?
I can't make that decision alone.
It has to go through a meeting.
There's a high chance it'll be approved
if it's backed by a director.
-A director?
-The company
wants to give it to Director Kim Jun-ha.
He's about to be assigned to
his next project. You know him, don't you?
I know him well
because he's a close friend of Hyeon-soo.
I think he's preparing something
with Hyeon-soo.
It's not for sure though.
Have a seat.
I don't like it.
-It was better before the revision.
Why did you change it to a happy ending?
Because I was following the character--
Did you project yourself into it?
You have a tendency to write
your personal story.
I got the motif, but I don't write stories
by projecting myself.
I showed all my cards to you two.
It's why I'm not saying anything
about that day.
Because I don't want to hurt you.
Did I look pitiful?
The reason why I stayed quiet
all these years
is because I was certain that
you'd end up with me.
But you've changed.
I have.
I was in pain for five years
because I wasn't with him.
-My feelings won't change.
-I was in pain, too.
I can't change either.
Let's go our own ways.
Then we'll meet at some point.
Are you sure you can leave
your personal feelings out of it?
I can.
I wanted to produce this drama
for its sad ending.
A romance drama with a sad ending
can easily have low ratings.
I'm not trying to make money
with your work.
I like a unique drama
that is loved by a minor audience.
I want to write a popular drama.
A drama with a happy ending
that makes people happy.
If that's what you continue to insist,
then I'll have to go with your opinion.
But this should have a sad ending.
Mr. Yoo.
What brings you here, Hyeon-soo?
Are you here to do an interview
for your drama?
Did you have dinner here?
I'll get going now.
-Bye, Hong-a.
-Bye, Hyeon-soo.
Are you cold?
No. I'm fine.
I said we could talk on the phone.
No, we should talk face-to-face.
You met my parents for the first time.
How were they?
Your dad was really nice.
My dad really likes you.
My mom does, too.
They'd be satisfied with anyone
I introduced to them.
That's how much they trust me.
You have a sister, right? The one
you aggressively showed your affection to.
Yes. She's married.
Her kid is four years old.
She can speak really well.
My brother-in-law is gentle and tenacious,
so he has the upper hand.
But she's still happy.
When you saw her before,
she was having a hard time
because of a breakup.
So she was taking it out on me.
My parents
are so in love that they don't care
about their children.
They're retiring soon,
so they're excited about traveling.
What's your father like?
He's a dentist in Bundang.
I asked him what he's like,
but he tells me his occupation.
Does he not want to talk about it?
Or has it not been resolved yet?
How's work? Did you finish your script?
I submitted the summary and the revision.
But Mr. Park doesn't like
the revised version.
What happens if he doesn't like it?
Either I revise it again or persuade him.
What will you do?
I'll have to think about it
and talk to Jun-ha.
Because he's the director.
How's your restaurant?
Once the consultation result is out,
it'll be run differently.
I can't avoid Mr. Park
because of my work.
Are you upset?
I'm not happy about it,
but there's nothing I can do.
Thanks for understanding.
We can do it.
We'll do great.
I'm back.
You're welcome anytime.
Su-jeong. Aren't you being
too pretentious?
Think whatever you like.
You do whatever you like anyway.
Can you give me the wine list
for the Christmas promotion?
Aren't you going to say hi to me?
You'll say it anyway, even if I don't.
Are you mad at me?
Why would I be mad?
You always do whatever you like.
So, you don't like me anymore?
Liking you is my problem, not yours.
It's not like I liked you because
you were nice to me.
Are you dating Su-jeong?
Dating a girl
while liking someone else is wrong.
Maybe it's become a habit.
It's possible since I've liked you
for a long time now.
These days, I think
a habit can be fixed.
Don't think like that.
I'm bored without you.
If you say that, that'll only make me
rethink my decision.
What's there to decide?
Just do as you please.
I'm sick of this unrequited love.
Before Su-jeong confessed
her feelings for me,
I didn't know how pathetic
people thought of me.
Chef, here you go.
Thank you.
I have something to tell you
with Hong-a here.
Thank you for telling me
about your feelings in front of Hong-a.
But I overreacted
because I was upset with Hong-a.
I told her to get your permission
because I am yours, right?
I'm sorry I said that.
It's okay.
I'm sorry
that I meddled in your personal life.
I'll excuse myself.
There are so many good women out there.
I'm trying to figure out
how I can love a good woman.
I brought my car. I can go by myself.
I'll walk you to your car.
I thought you left earlier.
Are you going home?
Yes, I am.
I want to go with you.
I'm having a hard time.
I need to talk to you.
What's wrong?
Won-jun has changed.
He's become defiant.
My work is going well.
I don't know why he's doing that.
Won-jun has been the same all along.
It's about time he's tired of it.
You're saying exactly what Won-jun said.
Liking a person isn't easy,
though it looks easy.
Be nice to him.
Don't regret it after he leaves you.
I think you're lucky in many ways.
Your work was suffering a setback,
but now it's going back on track.
Plus, your love life is going well.
Why do you compare yourself to others
when you have everything
others could only wish for?
I don't enjoy comparing myself to others.
I just can't help it.
I'm going to go inside now. It's cold.
When's the second report
going to come out?
It'll be ready soon.
He gets things done very quickly.
But why is he doing this
when it hasn't even been a year yet?
I wonder if it's because of Hyeon-soo.
Do you think he lost his judgment
because of the shock?
He's not the type to lose his judgment.
You're right.
But I'm surprised that
Hyeon-soo never fell for him
when he made it obvious that he likes her.
Hong-a would've fallen for him
a long time ago.
Will you really be able to
stop liking Hong-a?
I might not be able to,
but I'm still going to try.
I've always supported your love.
Hong-a reminds me of my mom.
I kind of feel sorry for her.
I understand why Su-jeong confessed
her feelings for you.
You're a very attractive guy.
You're the best, Chef On.
I'm truly touched.
Anyway, what are you going to do?
Don't you think Hyeon-soo would
want to get a proposal from you?
What does that matter?
I'm sure she knows how much I love her.
You're right.
A happy ending doesn't end in a break up.
A sad ending ends in a break up.
Which one is the more realistic ending?
Which ending will the audience love more?
I have the second consultation
report for Good Soup.
I'm quite busy today.
So I want you to come by my office
during the break time.
Chef On is here to see you.
Sit down.
You should read it.
Do you want me to start
by changing the interior?
That's going to be inefficient
since it'll cost a lot of money.
I want you to change the menu.
You want me to change the menu?
The menu itself is great.
But it doesn't go well with our culture.
The food's too light,
and the portions are too small.
The ingredients are too pricey too.
That's why you can't make any profits.
So you want me to earn money
by using cheaper ingredients
while we leave it at the same price?
It's a temporary measure.
You can go back to how things were
once things become stable.
Do you think
the customers will wait until then?
I can't lie to people
who come to my restaurant
because they trust me and like my food.
You can't expect quality
when you're using cheap ingredients.
Then you need to fire a few employees.
You have too many workers
compared to the number of customers.
You can fire two waiters
and the youngest chef in the kitchen.
Good Soup is a fine dining restaurant.
The workers I have are
the minimum number of employees I need
in order to provide customers
with a fine dining service.
How can I fire them when they're finally
showing great teamwork?
Is the allergy incident
the result of great teamwork?
You need to make alterations
in either the ingredients or employees.
What if I don't?
I might have to retrieve
the investment I made.
That's a breach of contract.
Then I'll leave that to our friendship.
Let me ask you one thing.
Is this what you meant when you said
fighting over a woman is childish?
Are you going to use work to sway us?
Are you already giving up?
This is only the beginning.
You can give up right now if you want to.
Then I'll stop swaying you
to get Hyeon-soo.
Do you have no affection for me?
I do.
I like you. But if I have to choose
between the two of you,
it's Hyeon-soo.
-Did he leave?
What is he doing here?
He scared me to death.
Hello. Is Mr. Park in his office?
Could you please wait a minute?
I'm on time for my appointment.
I'm a close friend of Mr. Park,
and I came without an appointment.
I just need to give him these.
Please wait just a second.
Your feelings are showing on your face.
You're like me.
Still, I'm older than you.
I told you that I'm friends with Mr. Park.
Even so, I don't think it's right
to waste someone else's time like this.
That's why I asked for your understanding.
How do you know Mr. Park?
She's a contract writer.
Are you a writer?
Yes, I am.
My son's girlfriend is a writer too.
She wrote a mini-series.
See you later.
Who is she?
She's Chef On's mother.
Chef On Jeong-seon?
I brought these for you
because you're nice to Jeong-seon and me.
Thank you.
Since I didn't make an appointment,
I'll leave right away.
I know you're busy.
Take care.
Saying that you're okay
doesn't always mean you're okay.
A happy ending doesn't mean
that everyone is happy.
Jeong-u and I wanted to work on this
because it was a sad ending.
You're so out of touch with reality.
Do you know how people my age love?
It's through dramas.
It's hard to make a living.
Relationships are tiring.
They don't want to have serious
relationships because it's full of pain.
So, think about
how discouraging it would be
for people to get into a relationship
because of the drama's sad ending.
Aren't you in a relationship?
That's none of your business.
go with a happy ending.
Just like that?
Like she just said,
a drama should encourage
people to love. Right?
Your reasoning is too emotional.
How will you be able to persuade Mr. Park?
What choice does he have
when the director and writer insist on it?
By the way,
why do you want to work on this?
I like coming here.
You want to direct it
because you like coming here?
Gosh, am I really supposed to work with
a guy like him?
I think
he likes coming here
because he can talk about
Kind Soup Never Answers His Phone.
Isn't it because of Gyeong's ramyeon?
You guys are acting a bit weird.
-What's weird?
-What's weird?
I met with Mr. Yoo.
He says he'll be giving a slot
to Director Kim Jun-ha.
Please help me work with Director Kim.
Jun-ha is working with Hyeon-soo.
Teams go bust all the time.
They're still working together.
I can't snatch him for you.
Then how will you produce my drama?
My plan is to have you work with
Director Min I-bok.
Are you trying to ruin my career?
He not only rewrites scripts
but also changes things
on the day of the shoot all the time.
You expect me to work with him?
He won't do that this time.
Because he failed last time.
Besides, you're no pushover.
I think you two will make a good team.
A good team?
Both of you are unpredictable and fast.
Those are your strengths.
Your stories unfold at a fast pace, so the
viewers are kept distracted well enough.
It's like reading a comic book.
I hate that his previous work failed.
He wouldn't have been available
if he hadn't failed.
What are you doing?
I miss you.
You look like a boy,
sitting there like that.
Come and sit here quickly like a girl.
Long time no see.
Long time no see.
It feels like it's been a week,
but it's only been three days.
How was your day?
Was it hard?
It was hard.
Mine was too.
I'm glad we have that in common.
What was so hard about it?
No big troubles. Just little ones.
We decided on how the drama will end.
What did you decide on?
A happy ending.
What was hard about your day?
There was an incident.
What incident?
I don't want to talk about it.
I don't have to tell you, right?
Now push me.
I can do that.
All right.
-That's too high.
Here we go.
-Oh, my.
Wait. Push gently.
-Are you pushing gently?
-But it's swinging so much.
-I'm not pushing.
-Really? I think you are.
I can't do it.
I can't do it.
Gyeong, don't stop.
You have to keep moving.
Like this. Do this.
Hyeon-soo, I can't.
You have to get in shape
before we start working.
We have an interview today.
Okay? You can do it.
If you can do it, I can do it too!
-Let's go.
-One, two.
-Let's go.
-You aren't walking, right?
-You aren't running properly.
-You can do it.
-Is this the new dish?
-Yes. Try it.
I guess the meeting went well.
No. But I should concentrate
on my work more
when there are troubles.
Right. Cooking is what's important.
What did Mr. Park say?
He talked about restructuring.
-What's this?
It's a new dish for our menu.
Try it.
Give me a bite.
-Thank you.
-Try it.
What's this?
-It's really good.
-Is it?
-No, it's bass.
He can't tell them apart
because all he does is wash dishes.
-It's bass.
Are they different from mackerels?
Where do bass live?
Jeong-u, won't you take a break?
All you seem to do is work.
Do you have lunch plans?
I haven't had a proper meal lately.
Is today your birthday?
Not today, it's tomorrow.
Okay. I'll celebrate it with you.
With you? No, thanks.
That's disturbing.
Then what are you planning to do?
What's there to do? I'll just
stay at the safe house by myself.
Come on, you'd be too lonely.
You're a rich and successful man. Is that
how you want to spend your birthday?
I don't think you're in a place
to pity anyone.
Why did you want to see me?
Because of the drama.
I had a meeting with Hyeon-soo.
We decided to go with a happy ending.
Arrange another meeting.
I have a right to produce
what I want to watch.
It's Ms. Ji.
Why is she calling me?
She sure is persistent. I like that.
She'll want to meet with you.
I hear you're preparing for a new drama.
It hasn't been decided yet.
Who are you working with?
Don't you know?
I'm working with Hyeon-soo.
Will you be able to get it aired
working with Hyeon-soo?
It didn't go well last time.
If I want to work with her,
I'll work with her.
Your previous drama didn't do well though.
Shouldn't you be making it
a hit this time?
Still, I gained a lot of fans last time.
They even made a cute nickname for me.
How about working with me?
This is so delicious.
Thanks for buying lunch
at such an expensive place.
I thought about the consultation.
I've made my decision.
I'll go to your office after work.
What brings you here?
I came here for lunch.
Now I'm just having a bad day.
Won-jun is busy in the kitchen,
so I came to you since you seem to
have more free time as the owner.
You have a good personality in a way.
I see people when I want to.
And if I don't want to, I don't.
We've been friends for years.
I can't stop seeing you just like that.
I'm sorry, but I have to go downstairs.
I saw your mom.
She isn't like you at all. I was shocked.
Where did you see her?
At Mr. Park's office.
It must be hard for Hyeon-soo.
For the first time,
I felt happy that
I wasn't your love interest.
Hi, Jeong-seon.
Did you see Jeong-u the other day?
How did you know?
Why would you go all the way to his office
when you can just
meet him at the restaurant?
I just dropped by to give him flowers
because he's been
so nice to you.
You aren't doing anything weird, right?
Anything weird?
Why don't you trust me?
How long are you going to hold the mistake
I made over your head?
Don't ever bother Jeong-u.
What did I do?
What does a sous-chef do?
A sous-chef oversees
all works in the kitchen
and assists the chef.
Are you skilled enough
to take over the chef's job
when he isn't present?
I still have a long way to go.
Because Jeong-seon is amazing.
He's almost perfect.
Why are you coming down from there?
I had a talk with Jeong-seon.
I just thought I'd say hi to a friend
since I'm here anyway.
Since you don't seem to like seeing me.
Since when did you respect my opinion?
You're acting cold these days.
It's why I'm walking on eggshells.
I don't just act blindly.
Are you doing an interview here?
Yes. Who did you have lunch with?
With Director Kim Jun-ha.
I heard you're working with him.
That doesn't mean it'll be produced.
The station has to approve it.
It doesn't change the fact that
you're working with him now.
If you had told me you were
working with him,
-I wouldn't have met with him today.
-Were you planning on working with him?
You badmouthed him
for being a bad director.
You badmouthed him too.
But now he's working with you.
Because it has to air.
Would you like more tea?
No, it's okay.
Thank you for being so accommodating.
I don't like her.
Why is that?
I thought you had to work.
Are you finished?
Not yet.
I came to interview Chef On now.
About what?
What are you doing?
What do chefs do during downtime?
I was going through some books.
I have to make new menus.
After all, everything comes down to
the food that I make.
I think you have
a really gentle personality.
When I first met you,
I thought you were a troublemaker
because of your tattoo and scars.
I wouldn't fight anyone.
That's one of the reasons
why my parents divorced.
I see.
That's why I hate violence.
This too?
-I'm sorry.
-It doesn't hurt.
You're so good at acting. You scared me.
I'd better go downstairs.
I have to prepare for the dinner shift.
Okay. Keep up the good work.
-Let's go.
Hey, Director Kim called
saying we should meet for another meeting.
It seems like
things didn't go well with Mr. Park.
Is he coming tomorrow?
No, he wants to go somewhere else.
You're drinking.
Have a drink.
I'll tell you why I'm here.
I can't lower the unit cost
or cut down on my staff.
Instead, I'll give up on my pay.
How is it that you always act
according to my prediction?
If you know me so well,
why did you make such a suggestion?
To shake you up.
I told you.
It won't go as you planned.
I'll go now.
How long do you think you can last
without getting paid?
Even if I can't last, I will manage.
Just think of me as your big brother.
I don't suggest this to just anyone.
I don't know when it will be,
but if I open a restaurant
It'll be with you.
If things break between us--
Why would you think about that?
Things are good right now.
Jeong-u. I don't think
it'll ever change between us.
This is how fighting over a woman goes.
Can you handle this?
But love has to be mutual.
You can't do it alone.
No matter how much we fight,
the outcome isn't about winning.
So why do we even have to fight?
Are you already giving up?
This is only the beginning.
You can give up right now if you want to.
Then I'll stop swaying you
to get Hyeon-soo.
Jeong-u, we're here to have a meeting.
It's so beautiful.
Where are we?
Isn't it nice?
-It's really nice.
-What a view.
What's going on here?
This is Jeong-u's safe house.
He purchased his childhood home
after becoming successful.
They must have been rich.
Why did we come here anyway?
It'd be good to have him join the meeting.
Then why didn't you say so?
How can you just bring us here like this?
If I'd told you, you wouldn't have come.
You knew I wouldn't come,
but you still brought me here anyway?
-Seriously, Director Kim.
You're really clueless.
Can't you leave the kitchen
on your day off?
Why are you here?
I've been thinking,
and something seemed a bit strange.
Is there a problem
between you and Mr. Park?
It's none of your business.
It is my business.
He's the only one that's helpful
out of all of your acquaintances.
Tell me what happened,
and I'll help you.
It's difficult as it is
without you getting involved.
-What's so difficult?
-I'll take care of it.
Of course, you will.
I was never a helpful mother to you,
I know. But
I can't watch you suffer.
I can't do much about
the trouble I've caused you,
but I don't want to see others
give you any kind of trouble.
It's nothing, so go on and live your life.
Isn't this awesome, Jeong-u?
This is how one should live their life.
Don't I deserve a compliment?
I thought you wanted
to have a meeting. Was it a lie?
Yes, and no.
We don't need any meeting.
Let's just socialize
and settle on a happy ending.
You're a really careless person.
What's wrong with her?
Gyeong hates liars.
Why did you follow me out?
-Don't you know why?
I thought you hated liars.
Yet you're the one lying.
What did I lie about?
You know that I like you.
Why do you act like you don't know?
How can I not pretend?
Why can't you?
If I do, then we'd have to date.
Can't we date?
I won't date anyone
until I become a writer.
In my opinion, you'll never
get to date for the rest of your life.
Director Kim!
I'm sorry, Ms. Hwangbo.
Wait. Gyeong!
Wine isn't doing it for me today.
What are you doing?
I'm at a meeting.
Should we meet later?
I don't know when this will be over.
I'll call you later.
Hyeon-soo, let's go home.
Mr. Park, we won't have
a meeting today, right?
Not you too. Do you know what day it is?
Forget it.
Drive Ms. Hwangbo home.
I'll go with them.
I'll take you home, Hyeon-soo.
I have to talk to you.
What about Hyeon-soo?
It was Jeong-seon I was texting just now.
No wonder you agreed to stay behind.
If that's your opening line
to reject me, forget it.
I've been rejected enough.
If you keep this up, it's obsession.
Another word for obsession is passion.
If you say passion,
it sounds so much more positive.
What do you like about a woman who's
already given her heart to another man?
I love even that heart of hers.
"Out of sight, out of mind."
That's what I felt about most people.
But to me, you were different.
I want you to come to me.
I can't change my feelings.
You've turned him down before
because of work.
But you changed.
I want you to be happy.
Going after a woman who's in love with
someone else
This is just wrong.
It has always been about the three of us.
Right from the beginning.
It's nothing new.
If I give up on you,
that can't be a reason for me.
I'm not sure if it's right
to keep working with you.
Get up. I'll drive you home.
Are you just going to go in?
I want to get some air.
When did you get here?
A while ago.
You must be cold.
Should we go inside?
No, you go ahead first.
I have to talk to Jeong-u.
You must be upset.
Well, I'm not happy.
Okay. I'll wait inside.
Yes, go in.
Mr. Park.
I'll be going in now.
I have to talk to you.
Do you want to talk here?
What is it? Go ahead.
Stop it.
Stop pushing yourself on a woman
that doesn't want you.
She hasn't told me she didn't want me yet.
Although she did say that it wasn't love.
But, as you already know,
love can change.
-Not us.
-You're wrong.
You'll be the one to change.
The first time I saw you two together
in front of Good Soup,
do you know why
I wasn't threatened by you?
Come on, how can it be you?
You haven't settled down yet.
And you're still young.
What can you do for Hyeon-soo?
I can give her everything she wants.
You only care about your feelings,
so you don't care about her future.
You have no ambition.
You should let it out when you're mad.
I'm telling you
that I'll steal your woman.
I lived my life to prove that
I'm different from my father.
If you're clenching your hand into a fist,
-you should hit me. What's wrong?
I became free that day.
You should work with Ms. Ji this time.
You got stabbed in the back.
Director Kim Jun-ha
will be working with me.
Shouldn't we just quit
if the restaurant is doing this bad?
Our friendship is being tested now.
Mr. Park seemed like a nice guy.
Tell me the truth.
Did you borrow money from Jeong-u?
Are you close with Mr. Park?
Is it because of you that Jeong-seon
and Mr. Park have grown apart?
Chef Song will develop
a few recipes for you.
What gives you the right
to meddle with my dishes?
Learn to compromise.
I'll just give you back your shares.
Take your hands off my business.
Subtitle translation by Blake Lee