Thao Kradangnga (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Hello, everyone.
We’re live at the grand opening
of the Sirin Bangkok Hotel,
which has made
an incredible comeback
thanks to
the talented businesswoman,
Sirin Punnawat.
Stepping out of his car just now
is Krit from Prince Jewelry,
and, as expected,
he’s probably
the most important guest tonight,
being very close to Sirin,
according to the latest news.
Make sure to take good care
of the VIP guests.
Miss Lada.
Have the celebrities
and other guests arrived yet?
And how did Mr. Mek get here?
-Excuse me.
-Can I get a picture with you?
Make sure Mr. Mek’s fans
stay in the designated area outside,
and keep an eye on them.
-Miss Lada.
-What’s up?
Our photographers got sick unexpectedly.
-Which one?
-Both of them. They got food poisoning.
Ask Ms. Bus if there’s anyone left
within the organizing team
who can help with photos for now.
Got it.
What a mess!
Have we found a replacement?
Where are they?
Here I am.
You’re not from Ms. Bus's team.
You’re the new interior designer, right?
Yes, I’m Jin.
-Where’s the organizing team?
-One of them is standing by up front.
I noticed Mr. Jin could film,
so I asked him to help out.
I’m counting on you now.
Everyone, stand by.
Please give a round of applause
for Miss Sirin Punnawat!
-Jin, keep filming.
-Got it.
My father loved this place.
He built this hotel with his own hands
and always wanted to see it thrive again.
Last year, Sirin Bangkok
won the Traveler’s Vote Award,
which is a great source of pride,
and motivation
for me and the whole team.
It’s what keeps us going.
I want Sirin Bangkok
to become
a favorite destination for travelers,
both locals and foreigners,
a place where everyone
feels welcome and at home.
I officially welcome you all
to the grand opening
of Sirin Bangkok.
Thank you.
I'm truly honored
to be invited to this event.
Huh? Really?
I’ve been waiting
to see a Thai-owned hotel
become a global destination.
Let’s give a big round of applause
for the incredibly beautiful
and talented woman standing beside me.
-Did you plan that with Mr. Mek?
I was totally caught off guard
when he kissed my hand.
I don’t like surprises like that.
So, he wanted everyone
to know he’s into you.
The way he looked at you so sweetly…
No wonder girls are crazy about him.
Next time you negotiate with an artist,
please tell them to stick to the script.
I hate it when things don’t go as planned.
I’ll make it a rule.
Miss Sirin!
-Miss Sirin, can we get a quick interview?
-Just a few questions, please?
Sure. How about we head to the backdrop?
-Sounds good.
-Thank you.
-This way, please.
-Miss Lada!
-Miss Lada. Miss Lada!
What now?
He is here.
I told you to keep him out.
I did my best, but it didn’t work.
It’s fine. I’ll handle it.
Where is he now?
Congratulations on your success.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
I have to say I admire
what she's accomplished.
I have to give it to her.
Sirin is such a brilliant woman,
a fast learner.
And during our marriage,
I must admit, she was incredible.
I never held anything back from her
in terms of management skills.
So, Sirin was basically
your star student?
I’m very proud of her. Even though we’re,
well, divorced now,
I’ve always supported her.
I’m sure Sirin is going to achieve
even greater things in the future.
Miss Sirin’s success
has nothing to do with Mr. Araya.
Sirin Bangkok turned things around
and made this comeback
thanks to Miss Sirin’s talent alone.
But didn’t Mr. Araya’s father, Mr. Pithan,
also lend a hand?
Regarding that,
I’m deeply grateful to Mr. Pithan
for his help over the years,
but as of today, I’ve repaid him
once and for all.
All on her own.
All of Miss Sirin’s success today
is her own.
No one else should take credit so easily.
Mr. Krit, you rarely come to events
like this. Is there something special?
Yes, tell us.
Anything we should know about?
Well, I have been seeing Sirin.
Is that a big announcement?
Mr. Krit was referring to our discussions
about setting up
a private jewelry showroom
here at Sirin Bangkok.
It’s actually a bit of a secret,
but since he mentioned it, I think
I can share it with you exclusively.
Apart from business, do you have
any other future plans together?
I’m focusing on work for now.
I understand that Miss Sirin
needs time to focus on her career,
but no matter how long, I’ll wait.
‎So sweet.
Well, thank you to all the reporters
for being here today.
I must take Sirin inside now.
-Of course.
-Thank you.
Thank you for coming, everyone.
Please keep an eye on all the events
and activities of Sirin Bangkok.
We have something planned every month.
-Of course.
-Thank you. Thank you.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you all so much.
-Thank you, Mr. Araya.
If there are any updates, I’ll make sure
to announce them right away,
whether it’s about the showroom project
or my relationship with Miss Sirin.
The grand opening almost
turned into a showdown over the lady.
Mr. Krit was no joke, huh?
I’ve been wondering.
Is this the new interior designer
for the hotel?
Yeah. We hired Mr. Jin to replace
the previous designer who resigned.
Then why has he been
following us this whole time?
Is something wrong?
No, nothing’s wrong.
-But Lada--
-I had him help out
as a photographer
to cover for the team we hired.
Thank you so much.
-Get security to Sirin's room right now.
You can't do this to me.
Today is a good day.
Can’t you just let me have
some peace for one day?
Peace? You’re seeing Krit?
Mr. Krit rented space at Sirin Bangkok.
That makes him my client.
Do you get it?
Now, if you understand, please leave.
I’m tired, and I need to rest.
You’ve been leading him on, haven’t you?
Don’t go just yet.
I’m not done talking.
My staff are here in the room.
Do we really need to discuss this now?
Let your staff hear it!
Let them see how good their boss is
at charming men.
Fine. If you won’t leave, I will.
Stop it! Let go of me!
Get out now, before I call the police.
-I'll see him out.
Miss Sirin.
Are you alright?
Here, please have a seat.
May I?
Thank you.
What are you doing?
If you don’t ice it soon,
it’ll swell up even more.
I had the same thing happen
when I was playing soccer.
Your ankle’s swollen.
It must really hurt, right?
Now what?
If you think you can win Sirin over
by forcing her
to stay under your control like this,
I can’t guarantee
what she’ll do next.
You’ve already seen it.
When she reaches her limit,
she’s willing to go as far
as filing for divorce.
I don’t want things between you two
to get any worse.
I’m worried about your child.
But if you keep pushing Sirin
without considering her feelings,
you might never see her
or your child again.
I’m sorry
you had to witness all of that.
Don’t worry about it.
None of this is your fault.
When you get home,
try to keep your ankle
raised above your heart.
It should help ease the pain.
I completely disagree
with what Mr. Araya said earlier.
About what?
you charming men.
I think it’s the men
who fall for your charm.
Is something wrong?
You have an eyelash on your face.
An eyelash?
Let me help you with that.
Thank you.
Is it bad?
I iced it, so it should feel better soon.
It's already better.
Go ahead and download the photos,
so he can take a rest.
Oh, okay.
My name is Jin.
So Mr. Jin can get some rest.
Excuse me.
-You alright?
-It’s all over the news.
-What now?
People are sharing pictures
of Mr. Krit calling out Araya.
That's not all.
Here’s the clip
of you and Mr. Mek on stage.
See? Look at that.
There it is.
The grand opening
has turned into a love drama.
Just make sure
the hotel coverage
isn’t overshadowed by this mess,
and I’ll be okay.
How could you be okay with this?
You let that fancy jeweler
embarrass Araya,
and then you smiled up there
with that thug singer.
How do you think I, as your mother,
and Araya will feel about this?
People are going to say
you’ve been throwing yourself at men.
Come on, Mom.
Araya’s been spinning tales to you
about me flirting with guys,
and you still believe others
over your own daughter?
When are you going to stop this?
Such a fool.
You had a good man like Araya,
but you let him go so easily.
A man who shamelessly cheats on his wife,
how can you call him a good man?
Those women
just wanted to trap him, that’s all.
You really think
you opened this hotel
all on your own?
If you weren’t
Mr. Pithan’s daughter-in-law,
who would have the guts to invest in you?
They invested
because they believed in my abilities.
No, it’s thanks to Araya.
Since your father passed,
if it weren’t for Araya’s help,
you wouldn’t be where you are today.
So, go apologize to him.
No way.
I didn’t do anything wrong.
I won't apologize.
Hey. Hey!
I’ll put in the hard work,
really work my fingers to the bone,
to make you proud of your mother, Chertam.
‎-This is completely baseless.
‎-But I really heard it!
‎-I really did.
‎-Can we even trust that?
‎-It's just gossip.
‎-I’ve thoroughly checked my sources.
What’s going on here?
There are rumors about Miss Sirin.
What rumors?
It’s about how Miss Sirin
is pretending to be
an iron lady of the hotel industry,
while sucking her ex-husband dry
to build herself up.
That’s just gossip.
But when she got divorced,
she walked away with a hefty alimony.
But suing a cheating husband
and getting alimony
is her legal right, isn't it?
-That’s true.
And as for her image, I just started here,
but Miss Sirin works her tail off.
Don’t you all,
who’ve been here longer,
see things the way I do?
Sure, outsiders gossip for kicks.
That’s because
they’ve never worked with Miss Sirin.
But we employees who work with her
shouldn't join in on it.
If Miss Sirin hears about this,
it’ll really hurt her to know
even her own team doesn’t have her back.
Mr. Jin is right.
So, let’s stop the chatter
and keep this from spreading
to protect Miss Sirin’s feelings, okay?
The rumors about Sirin draining
my money are coming from you, right?
Well, it’s the truth.
I have to respond
since that woman
and her lover
embarrassed you in front of the press.
But that was all Krit's doing.
Sirin had nothing to do with it.
More importantly,
they’re not even a thing yet.
Not yet, but who knows
what tomorrow holds?
Your wife is quite a seasoned woman.
How much can you really trust her?
And Krit,
he comes from a noble family
with strong connections.
We need to show him
just how much trouble his arrogance
can stir up for Sirin.
But you told me to make amends with Sirin.
If you keep this up,
she’ll despise me.
I never said to make amends.
I said to keep her in line,
so she knows
that even though she’s divorced,
she’s still under our shadow.
What's your plan?
Your reputation is in shambles right now.
it's true that the money from
the divorce settlement got us this far,
but everything we have now
is because of my hard work
and dedication, not anyone else's.
But the rumors are running rampant,
claiming you married Araya
just for his money
and then tossed him aside.
People will think
I raised you to be a gold digger.
But you're not like that, are you?
I don't care. You need to talk to Araya
and get him to publicly deny it.
You really think Mr. Pithan
will let his son step up to help us?
It’s your stubbornness
in suing him that caused this!
You need to do whatever it takes
to have Araya clear our names.
No way, Mom. I will never do that.
I won't humiliate myself by asking
for help from that family. Not happening.
Sirin, don’t walk away from me. Sirin!
But didn’t Mr. Araya’s father,
Mr. Pithan, also lend a hand?
If you weren’t
Mr. Pithan's daughter-in-law,
who would have the guts to invest in you?
They invested
because they believed in my abilities.
No, it’s because of Araya.
I’m here to check
on the final renovations,
but I didn’t know you were around.
No worries. Just keep doing your thing.
I completely disagree
with what Mr. Araya said earlier.
About what?
About you charming men.
I think it’s the men
who fall for your charm.
But we employees who work with her
shouldn't join in on it.
If Miss Sirin hears about this,
it’ll really hurt her to know
even her own team doesn’t have her back.
How do you know I work hard?
I see a woman all by herself,
building a hotel in the heart of the city,
while looking after her staff and family.
Isn’t that hard work?
It’s my duty and responsibility
as the leader to take care of this.
That's why
you have to stay strong all the time?
I’m so glad to fulfill my father's dream.
He wanted to see Sirin Bangkok
stand tall again.
Last year,
Sirin Bangkok
won the Traveler’s Vote Award.
Despite the pain,
you’ve never shown it to anyone.
I can't let a little pain…
distract me
from the big opportunity
I've been waiting for my whole life.
Compared to the long journey
to finally get here,
this pain
is nothing.
I’m really proud of you.
I’ve never heard anyone
say that to me before.
Everyone just sees me…
as Sirin…
the woman who relies on her husband.
It's getting late. Are you going home?
I can call a car for you.
I’ve already sent the driver home.
I’m fine.
-Watch out!
I think you should go rest
in your room first.
Let me grab your bag.
Come on.
Walk carefully.
Where are you going?
You think the same
as everyone else, right?
You also pity me…
for being
a woman who does everything
to reclaim my rights…
even though no one has ever seen it.
No one.
Everyone just sees me…
as a single mother…
waiting to snatch up
any man that comes into my life.
You think that too,
just like everyone else, don’t you?
Not at all.
Not even a bit.
Listen to me.
You’re a good person…
a great boss,
and the best mother.
Don’t let the thoughts
and words of others
destroy the goodness in you.
Is that really true?
Am I really good enough?
Am I good enough?
Enough that you won't leave me?
I won't leave you anywhere.
Chertam, where are you now?
Why did you post on Instagram?
So others know we’re still in love.
Araya is one thing,
but the problems you created
are much bigger.
Tell me, what happened?
-Why are you grabbing me?
What are you doing here?
I came to check on my dear friend.
What is going on here?
Subtitle translation by: Praeploy Mahawan
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