Thao Kradangnga (2024) s01e02 Episode Script
Episode 2
Welcome, everyone,
to the official grand opening
of Sirin Bangkok.
I understand
that you need time for work, Rin.
But no matter how long it takes,
I’ll wait for you.
Rin, are you dating Krit?
Hold on!
Let go of me! It’s none of your business.
They invested
because they believed in my abilities.
It’s because of Araya.
Go apologize to him.
I’m sorry.
What have I done?
Put your clothes on. Get dressed now.
Take everything with you,
then leave immediately.
Here, take these clothes, put them on,
and leave. To the left,
there’s an elevator to go downstairs.
I’m begging you, make sure
no one sees you leaving the room.
Got it.
Hurry up.
Who’s calling at this time?
Why are you calling from Dad’s number?
You didn’t come home last night, Mom.
Today’s a holiday,
so Dad came to pick me up.
Pick you up? Where are you going?
Or are you going somewhere together?
You didn’t even invite me!
Dad didn’t invite you.
He said it’d be better
if we went to see you.
See me where, honey? Where are you now?
In that room. That room. Go!
Good morning, sweetie.
I went to see her this morning.
She said you didn’t come home last night.
Did you sleep here?
Yes, I had a bit of an issue
with work last night.
She was just missing her mom,
so I brought her to see you.
I missed you, Mom.
I missed you too.
But Dad said
he wanted to have breakfast together.
How about this?
Go wait for me on the couch.
I need to talk to Dad for a moment.
Good girl.
When are you going to stop using her
as an excuse every time we have a problem?
I just want her to be happy.
I didn’t mean anything else.
Every time we have an issue,
instead of talking it out,
you use her as a bargaining chip
because you know that if she’s here,
I wouldn’t walk away from you, right?
I just wanted…
I just wanted you to know I’m sorry.
Sorry for speaking harshly to you.
But the reason is that I don’t want Tam
to have to hear people
badmouthing her Mom.
I would never do anything to hurt her.
I care deeply about her feelings.
You know that.
I understand now. Will you forgive me?
I’m really sorry, Rin.
Can you stop saying sorry for once?
I’m tired of it.
-Yes, sweetie?
Can I have some snacks?
I’m hungry.
I don't think you should have snacks now.
How about we have breakfast now?
Are you joining us for breakfast?
-Yes, I am.
Alright, then.
-Let's go.
-Go get your things.
Alright, we'll let Mom
dress up nicely,
and she’ll join us downstairs.
-See you soon.
Let’s go.
I’ll change clothes and leave first.
-Then you can follow me out later.
I think…
Use the fire escape
and take the service elevator at the back.
-It should be safer.
I’m sorry to remind you again,
but please make sure
no one sees you leaving my room.
And also, please don’t let anyone know
you stayed at this hotel last night.
I’m sorry again for…
the mistake between us.
Why haven’t you gone down yet?
Well, Tam wanted the three of us
to go together as a family.
Alright, sweetheart,
let’s go have breakfast.
-It’s my phone.
I use that one for work.
Let me go grab it.
-I’ll go get it for you.
-No need.
Why don’t you want me to get it?
Is there… something?
Nothing at all.
Hey, here it is!
I’ve been looking everywhere for it.
-Is it your phone, Da?
-Yes, it is.
Rin said it was her other phone.
Well, Rin’s phone
hasn't been working well.
The technician is checking it.
It’s not ready yet.
-Really? Alright.
So, I gave her mine to use for now.
-Thank you so much, Da.
Is today a special day?
You came to see your mom so early!
Today, Dad brought me
to have breakfast with Mom.
That’s amazing! Can I join you too?
I’m getting hungry. Shall we go now?
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
Aren’t you coming for breakfast?
Tam is waiting for us.
Call your dad over.
-Dad, hurry up!
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
I’m hungry.
-Oh, you're hungry.
Tam, take your Dad
to our usual table first, okay?
Mom, hurry up and join us.
Da, how did you know?
How did I know that this phone
belonged to Mr. Jin?
Once Ya and your daughter head home,
we have a lot to discuss.
-Fried chicken. What else?
-Fried chicken.
Yes, and…
Rice or noodles? What do you like more?
So, you’re a noodle lover! That’s nice.
I’ll tell the staff to prepare breakfast.
-Just wait a moment.
Are you free today?
I canceled everything
to spend time with Chertam.
Is that good?
It’s the best!
I love you more than anything
in the world, Dad!
You’re the sweetest.
Let’s take a selfie together.
-With Mom too!
Mom, let's take a photo.
-Come on.
Alright, come on.
Ms. Lada, I…
No need to explain.
Get ready to receive Ms. Sirin’s briefing.
I don’t know what happened last night
that led you to stay in Ms. Sirin’s room,
but this must stay a secret.
No one else can know about this.
I won’t cause any trouble for Ms. Sirin.
That’s exactly how it has to be.
Do you want people to know
you didn’t go home?
Get some new clothes to change,
and make sure you’re ready
for Ms. Sirin’s briefing in half an hour.
Do you need something, Ms. Lada?
The camera in the hallway
near Ms. Sirin’s office, it seems like
the mounting bracket is loose.
Could you check it? And if
there’s an issue, have it repaired.
Got it.
Not answering calls, not going home…
Is she feeling unwell?
A man’s shirt?
-Why did you post it on Instagram?
-So people will know
that we’re still happy.
Delete it right now.
It’s a way to make people respect us,
so there won’t be any drama.
I’m trying to help you, Rin.
I said delete it!
Rin, it’s time for the meeting.
I have to go to the meeting.
I’ll see you at home, okay?
-See you.
Da, please keep an eye on her.
-Aunt Da.
Why doesn’t Mom like the photo
with me and Dad?
I’m trying to cover up
all that ridiculous news,
so why are you mad at me?
Are you really trying to help me,
or are you just
trying to help your father?
Do you think I don’t know
who’s behind those rumors?
I put all my efforts into this place
and yet your father took the credit
for my success
with those lies.
I wasn't involved
with my father in any of this.
It would be better
if you talked to him yourself.
Your approach just reinforces
the notion that I can
only succeed
under your family’s protection.
Everyone underestimates me
and my hard work. Don’t you understand?
Are you being too pessimistic, Rin?
No one thinks that.
You even said yourself
that I am where I am
because of you and your father.
How will others not think that way?
Or am I wrong?
I didn’t think it through,
but I only wanted to help.
If I made you look bad,
I’m sorry.
I’m so tired of how Ya
never realized
that his "good intentions" caused me
so much trouble.
-Ya is one thing,
but the mess you’ve made
is a much bigger issue.
Tell me, what happened?
I drank too much.
No matter how drunk you get,
you’re not the type to lose control
and sleep with an employee.
Tell me the truth.
Did that new interior guy get you drunk?
You weren’t willing, were you?
Don’t worry.
If he forced you,
I’ll make sure he regrets it.
No one forced me.
It’s just…
I was feeling down about my mom,
and I was angry with Ya.
Then Mr. Jin came in to comfort me,
and I was really drunk.
So, his words, the atmosphere…
It all just…
But he didn’t force me.
If you say so,
let’s just hope
he's a gentleman,
not someone who takes advantage.
But I’m still worried.
I don't know if anyone
saw me and Mr. Jin together last night.
If Ya’s father saw us,
it would be disastrous.
I deleted the security footage
from the hallway and outside the bar.
Everything’s covered.
Thank you so much. You’re so thorough.
I promise I won’t drag you
into this mess again.
There’s no footage,
but if that Jin guy
talks about it, we’re finished.
I think you should just fire him now.
I can’t.
First, he didn’t do anything wrong.
Second, if he feels mistreated,
it could get even worse.
What should I do?
Come in.
Ms. Lada asked me to come for a briefing
on the vacant area near the garden.
Today, we’ll finalize the layout,
and the rest can follow.
Please have a seat.
I’ve reviewed the handover,
so I prepared a summary
for you to look at.
I’ll need to see how much you understand.
If it’s insufficient,
I might need someone
with more experience for this job.
Then, let’s start.
So, the zones I’ve designed includes…
We’ll be renovating
while keeping the hotel in operation,
so I want everyone to be on the same page.
This way, we can plan
for the maintenance team,
renovation team,
and service team to work smoothly
because we'll do everything
at the same time,
without disrupting guest services.
Our interior designer, Mr. Jin,
will now coordinate with the architects,
taking over from the previous designer.
Go ahead, Mr. Jin.
Thank you.
For our renovation plan,
the first thing we need to consider
is the circulation of the construction.
Ms. Chanya, look at the camera, please.
It's alright now.
Let Ms. Chanya take a break.
Let me dab your face, Chanya.
My phone?
Chanya’s boyfriend
went back to his ex-wife again.
She hoped to be the billionaire’s
next wife since they got divorced.
She won’t even do
joint interviews with him.
It’s all just talk.
-Look, all lovey-dovey.
-Family day. So cute, right?
Someone's calling.
Thank you, everyone.
In case any issue arises,
please feel free to inform Lada or Jin.
Thank you very much.
you can go first.
I’d like to have
a quick word with Mr. Jin.
Mr. Jin.
About… About last night…
You don’t need to worry.
I assure you, no one will know about it.
I don’t want to cause you
any more trouble.
I know full well
you already have a lot on your mind.
Thank you very much.
Ms. Sirin!
Ms. Chanya is here,
making a fuss
and insisting on meeting with you.
-Let’s go.
-This way please.
-Move aside!
-Hey, stop!
-I said stop!
-I said move! Why are you holding me back?
I can’t let you roam around
my workplace like this.
Still acting like a guard dog,
wagging your tail and barking
for your master, aren’t you?
No matter how much you try to repay them,
it’ll never be enough.
Are you planning
to live off them your whole life?
Stop it, Chanya.
What are you doing here?
I came to check on you, dear friend.
Let’s talk in a private room.
Leave your bag and phone here.
The phone, too.
The phone is a personal item,
and I won’t give it to you.
Fine, you don’t have to.
But I can’t let you record
our conversation.
Really, Chanya?
Still using the same old tricks?
Do you think we all have your IQ?
You’re recording me without my consent.
If my conversation is leaked,
I’ll sue you both.
You won’t be able to pay off that debt.
Then stop hiding behind your child.
Ya won’t go back to you, no matter what.
I already made you divorce once.
You might want to ask Ya
about hiding behind the child,
as he’s the one who keeps doing it.
And the fact that you managed
to steal him? That was ages ago.
Why haven’t you made him
-marry you by now?
Watch out!
-Susie, Paron.
-Come here now.
Drag Chanya out.
-Get away!
-If you still don’t leave…
-Come out right now!
-Call the police.
-Got it. Let’s go.
-Let go of me!
Let go of me right now!
-Let go of me!
-Let go of me! I can walk!
-Let go of me. Come here.
Let's all go. Hurry up!
-Are you okay?
-Are you alright?
-I'm fine.
-I'm alright.
Let’s get out of here.
The guests are watching.
Hey, Mr. Jin must be hurt.
He just stepped in to protect me.
Don’t worry about him.
Worry about yourself first.
I’m really afraid
that won’t be the end of it.
Don’t get too close to him, Rin.
Honestly, I don’t trust him.
But he just helped me out.
It's not a big deal.
Ms. Rin.
Hello, Mr. Krit.
We didn’t have
an appointment today, did we?
It’s an urgent matter,
so I couldn't notify Ms. Da.
May I have a moment with you?
It’s very important.
What is it?
I’d like you to meet someone
important for dinner. Are you free?
would I have time to change?
I’d like to look nice when going with you.
You’re already beautiful.
Any more, and I’d stop breathing.
I’ll leave Rin in your care, Mr. Krit.
I’ll cancel her other meetings
and give you her full schedule.
Thank you very much.
I’ll take good care of her.
Shall we get ready?
-Take your time.
Let's go.
These guests must be very special.
You came to pick them up yourself.
Whether they’re special or not,
I’d still use them as an excuse
to come see you.
Bring a bottle of champagne.
Mr. Krit?
We're leaving.
Mr. Krit!
I'll go first!
It's a PR job,
not for the coordination team.
Not for either of you.
-You look so beautiful.
-Thank you.
Are they dating now?
I’d say it’s only a matter of time.
They look good together, don’t you think?
Yes, really.
He is the only one
who can stand up to Araya.
-After you.
-Thank you.
Good evening.
This is Ms. Metta,
CEO of Triple Five Entertainment.
She organizes fan-meeting events
for many famous Korean artists
and is quite close to them.
-Please have a seat.
-Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Krit.
Nice to meet you.
on Sirin Bangkok’s grand opening.
Thank you very much.
Next month,
there will be a huge fan meeting
for Korean artists.
Whenever these artists
endorse a product, it becomes a trend.
Ms. Metta would like to choose
Sirin Bangkok as their accommodation.
Are you interested in the offer?
I’m very interested.
It will be my honor.
Thank you for giving
Sirin Bangkok the opportunity.
I should be
the one thanking you
for accepting this deal.
Mr. Krit has told me so much
about Sirin Bangkok’s unique character.
Moreover, without you, Ms. Sirin,
I wouldn’t have found
the perfect diamond necklace.
I had to ask Mr. Krit
to design it for me,
but he kept avoiding it.
The design you gave me was very difficult,
and you didn’t give me much time.
But as soon as you accepted this deal,
Mr. Krit suddenly
found the time to make it happen.
It seems that Ms. Sirin
is more important than your time,
isn’t she, Mr. Krit?
Finding the most important person
in my life
took me quite a lot of time too.
Thank you so much, Ms. Metta.
My pleasure.
Let’s enjoy
my chef’s special dishes, shall we?
They seem to be
getting closer.
I heard she’s getting more support
than you ever gave her.
The pride of Asia,
Sirin must be getting
her fill from Mr. Krit.
-Don’t talk about Sirin like that.
She doesn’t need
to offer herself up like you do.
Stop right there, Ya!
Praise her all you want,
but I’ll be the one to bring her down.
Scream it out! Scream it out!
It's crazy!
What’s all the excitement about?
-Son Ye-jin!
Love you!
With this event,
our rooms will be fully booked,
and the restaurant will be packed.
It's a big event.
So, don’t tarnish our reputation.
Susie, how’s the feedback?
Once we announced
that we’d be hosting the artists,
our room and restaurant bookings
shot up by 10%.
Another key point is that
any news that goes public
must be approved by Metta,
me, and Lada.
Privacy for every guest and artist
using our hotel is essential.
The top priority is security.
And we need to pay close attention
to everything within the hotel
and all the guests.
Guests choose us for our unique character,
-so let’s keep that in mind.
Everyone, please prepare your plans
and bring ideas within three days.
What do you need me to do?
For you, Mr. Jin…
Besides your renovation work,
I’d like you to look after
the design of the artists’ rooms,
making them feel extra special.
Once this meeting is over,
come to my office for a briefing.
Got it.
-Anything else?
Mr. Krit is amazing
for bringing such a huge opportunity
to promote our hotel.
I’ll promote this event heavily,
so that everyone forgets
all the bad news about you.
What's the matter?
What is this?
Regarding the rumors on social media
about Ms. Sirin,
an executive at Sirin Bangkok,
she allegedly engaged in violent behavior
during her school years.
Is the victim in the photo you, Chanya?
That photo is from a very long time ago.
I’m much stronger now.
-So, it’s true.
Do you know
who released this photo?
-Do you?
-I really don't know.
But I would like to ask all reporters,
please don’t bring up this incident again.
I believe she has changed by now.
Excuse me.
Can you tell us more
about what happened that day?
I’m sure it was Chanya who posted it.
Now she’s playing the victim, that snake.
Sue her!
It’s cyber defamation.
The truth is she was upset
when the guy she liked
confessed his love for you.
Right? And she threw the first punch.
You were just defending yourself.
Should we hold a press conference?
Let’s not play Chanya’s game just yet.
Let’s see how things play out.
If we respond now,
she’ll just dig up the divorce
and me taking advantage of them again.
I don’t want to risk the big deal.
The reporters will have something else
to cover. Just leave it for now.
Hello, Mr. Krit.
Ms. Metta asked to see me?
I don’t know if it’s true or not,
but the artists’ agency
takes violence allegations very seriously.
Well, they’re pressuring me
to change the hotel.
But it hasn’t been confirmed
that it’s about Sirin.
Well, it was me,
but it was back in school. It was
a long time ago, and I’ve already--
I can’t risk this event
being compromised by negative press.
This project is very important to me too.
I’m sorry,
but I have to cancel the deal entirely.
I’m so happy my post helped you, Ya.
You don’t need to use our child
to hide your weakness.
This is exactly
why I divorced you.
You always seem to see me
at my lowest moments.
If you’re thinking of taking shortcuts,
I won’t let you get away with it.
Subtitle translation by: Panuwat Baikeawon
to the official grand opening
of Sirin Bangkok.
I understand
that you need time for work, Rin.
But no matter how long it takes,
I’ll wait for you.
Rin, are you dating Krit?
Hold on!
Let go of me! It’s none of your business.
They invested
because they believed in my abilities.
It’s because of Araya.
Go apologize to him.
I’m sorry.
What have I done?
Put your clothes on. Get dressed now.
Take everything with you,
then leave immediately.
Here, take these clothes, put them on,
and leave. To the left,
there’s an elevator to go downstairs.
I’m begging you, make sure
no one sees you leaving the room.
Got it.
Hurry up.
Who’s calling at this time?
Why are you calling from Dad’s number?
You didn’t come home last night, Mom.
Today’s a holiday,
so Dad came to pick me up.
Pick you up? Where are you going?
Or are you going somewhere together?
You didn’t even invite me!
Dad didn’t invite you.
He said it’d be better
if we went to see you.
See me where, honey? Where are you now?
In that room. That room. Go!
Good morning, sweetie.
I went to see her this morning.
She said you didn’t come home last night.
Did you sleep here?
Yes, I had a bit of an issue
with work last night.
She was just missing her mom,
so I brought her to see you.
I missed you, Mom.
I missed you too.
But Dad said
he wanted to have breakfast together.
How about this?
Go wait for me on the couch.
I need to talk to Dad for a moment.
Good girl.
When are you going to stop using her
as an excuse every time we have a problem?
I just want her to be happy.
I didn’t mean anything else.
Every time we have an issue,
instead of talking it out,
you use her as a bargaining chip
because you know that if she’s here,
I wouldn’t walk away from you, right?
I just wanted…
I just wanted you to know I’m sorry.
Sorry for speaking harshly to you.
But the reason is that I don’t want Tam
to have to hear people
badmouthing her Mom.
I would never do anything to hurt her.
I care deeply about her feelings.
You know that.
I understand now. Will you forgive me?
I’m really sorry, Rin.
Can you stop saying sorry for once?
I’m tired of it.
-Yes, sweetie?
Can I have some snacks?
I’m hungry.
I don't think you should have snacks now.
How about we have breakfast now?
Are you joining us for breakfast?
-Yes, I am.
Alright, then.
-Let's go.
-Go get your things.
Alright, we'll let Mom
dress up nicely,
and she’ll join us downstairs.
-See you soon.
Let’s go.
I’ll change clothes and leave first.
-Then you can follow me out later.
I think…
Use the fire escape
and take the service elevator at the back.
-It should be safer.
I’m sorry to remind you again,
but please make sure
no one sees you leaving my room.
And also, please don’t let anyone know
you stayed at this hotel last night.
I’m sorry again for…
the mistake between us.
Why haven’t you gone down yet?
Well, Tam wanted the three of us
to go together as a family.
Alright, sweetheart,
let’s go have breakfast.
-It’s my phone.
I use that one for work.
Let me go grab it.
-I’ll go get it for you.
-No need.
Why don’t you want me to get it?
Is there… something?
Nothing at all.
Hey, here it is!
I’ve been looking everywhere for it.
-Is it your phone, Da?
-Yes, it is.
Rin said it was her other phone.
Well, Rin’s phone
hasn't been working well.
The technician is checking it.
It’s not ready yet.
-Really? Alright.
So, I gave her mine to use for now.
-Thank you so much, Da.
Is today a special day?
You came to see your mom so early!
Today, Dad brought me
to have breakfast with Mom.
That’s amazing! Can I join you too?
I’m getting hungry. Shall we go now?
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
Aren’t you coming for breakfast?
Tam is waiting for us.
Call your dad over.
-Dad, hurry up!
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
I’m hungry.
-Oh, you're hungry.
Tam, take your Dad
to our usual table first, okay?
Mom, hurry up and join us.
Da, how did you know?
How did I know that this phone
belonged to Mr. Jin?
Once Ya and your daughter head home,
we have a lot to discuss.
-Fried chicken. What else?
-Fried chicken.
Yes, and…
Rice or noodles? What do you like more?
So, you’re a noodle lover! That’s nice.
I’ll tell the staff to prepare breakfast.
-Just wait a moment.
Are you free today?
I canceled everything
to spend time with Chertam.
Is that good?
It’s the best!
I love you more than anything
in the world, Dad!
You’re the sweetest.
Let’s take a selfie together.
-With Mom too!
Mom, let's take a photo.
-Come on.
Alright, come on.
Ms. Lada, I…
No need to explain.
Get ready to receive Ms. Sirin’s briefing.
I don’t know what happened last night
that led you to stay in Ms. Sirin’s room,
but this must stay a secret.
No one else can know about this.
I won’t cause any trouble for Ms. Sirin.
That’s exactly how it has to be.
Do you want people to know
you didn’t go home?
Get some new clothes to change,
and make sure you’re ready
for Ms. Sirin’s briefing in half an hour.
Do you need something, Ms. Lada?
The camera in the hallway
near Ms. Sirin’s office, it seems like
the mounting bracket is loose.
Could you check it? And if
there’s an issue, have it repaired.
Got it.
Not answering calls, not going home…
Is she feeling unwell?
A man’s shirt?
-Why did you post it on Instagram?
-So people will know
that we’re still happy.
Delete it right now.
It’s a way to make people respect us,
so there won’t be any drama.
I’m trying to help you, Rin.
I said delete it!
Rin, it’s time for the meeting.
I have to go to the meeting.
I’ll see you at home, okay?
-See you.
Da, please keep an eye on her.
-Aunt Da.
Why doesn’t Mom like the photo
with me and Dad?
I’m trying to cover up
all that ridiculous news,
so why are you mad at me?
Are you really trying to help me,
or are you just
trying to help your father?
Do you think I don’t know
who’s behind those rumors?
I put all my efforts into this place
and yet your father took the credit
for my success
with those lies.
I wasn't involved
with my father in any of this.
It would be better
if you talked to him yourself.
Your approach just reinforces
the notion that I can
only succeed
under your family’s protection.
Everyone underestimates me
and my hard work. Don’t you understand?
Are you being too pessimistic, Rin?
No one thinks that.
You even said yourself
that I am where I am
because of you and your father.
How will others not think that way?
Or am I wrong?
I didn’t think it through,
but I only wanted to help.
If I made you look bad,
I’m sorry.
I’m so tired of how Ya
never realized
that his "good intentions" caused me
so much trouble.
-Ya is one thing,
but the mess you’ve made
is a much bigger issue.
Tell me, what happened?
I drank too much.
No matter how drunk you get,
you’re not the type to lose control
and sleep with an employee.
Tell me the truth.
Did that new interior guy get you drunk?
You weren’t willing, were you?
Don’t worry.
If he forced you,
I’ll make sure he regrets it.
No one forced me.
It’s just…
I was feeling down about my mom,
and I was angry with Ya.
Then Mr. Jin came in to comfort me,
and I was really drunk.
So, his words, the atmosphere…
It all just…
But he didn’t force me.
If you say so,
let’s just hope
he's a gentleman,
not someone who takes advantage.
But I’m still worried.
I don't know if anyone
saw me and Mr. Jin together last night.
If Ya’s father saw us,
it would be disastrous.
I deleted the security footage
from the hallway and outside the bar.
Everything’s covered.
Thank you so much. You’re so thorough.
I promise I won’t drag you
into this mess again.
There’s no footage,
but if that Jin guy
talks about it, we’re finished.
I think you should just fire him now.
I can’t.
First, he didn’t do anything wrong.
Second, if he feels mistreated,
it could get even worse.
What should I do?
Come in.
Ms. Lada asked me to come for a briefing
on the vacant area near the garden.
Today, we’ll finalize the layout,
and the rest can follow.
Please have a seat.
I’ve reviewed the handover,
so I prepared a summary
for you to look at.
I’ll need to see how much you understand.
If it’s insufficient,
I might need someone
with more experience for this job.
Then, let’s start.
So, the zones I’ve designed includes…
We’ll be renovating
while keeping the hotel in operation,
so I want everyone to be on the same page.
This way, we can plan
for the maintenance team,
renovation team,
and service team to work smoothly
because we'll do everything
at the same time,
without disrupting guest services.
Our interior designer, Mr. Jin,
will now coordinate with the architects,
taking over from the previous designer.
Go ahead, Mr. Jin.
Thank you.
For our renovation plan,
the first thing we need to consider
is the circulation of the construction.
Ms. Chanya, look at the camera, please.
It's alright now.
Let Ms. Chanya take a break.
Let me dab your face, Chanya.
My phone?
Chanya’s boyfriend
went back to his ex-wife again.
She hoped to be the billionaire’s
next wife since they got divorced.
She won’t even do
joint interviews with him.
It’s all just talk.
-Look, all lovey-dovey.
-Family day. So cute, right?
Someone's calling.
Thank you, everyone.
In case any issue arises,
please feel free to inform Lada or Jin.
Thank you very much.
you can go first.
I’d like to have
a quick word with Mr. Jin.
Mr. Jin.
About… About last night…
You don’t need to worry.
I assure you, no one will know about it.
I don’t want to cause you
any more trouble.
I know full well
you already have a lot on your mind.
Thank you very much.
Ms. Sirin!
Ms. Chanya is here,
making a fuss
and insisting on meeting with you.
-Let’s go.
-This way please.
-Move aside!
-Hey, stop!
-I said stop!
-I said move! Why are you holding me back?
I can’t let you roam around
my workplace like this.
Still acting like a guard dog,
wagging your tail and barking
for your master, aren’t you?
No matter how much you try to repay them,
it’ll never be enough.
Are you planning
to live off them your whole life?
Stop it, Chanya.
What are you doing here?
I came to check on you, dear friend.
Let’s talk in a private room.
Leave your bag and phone here.
The phone, too.
The phone is a personal item,
and I won’t give it to you.
Fine, you don’t have to.
But I can’t let you record
our conversation.
Really, Chanya?
Still using the same old tricks?
Do you think we all have your IQ?
You’re recording me without my consent.
If my conversation is leaked,
I’ll sue you both.
You won’t be able to pay off that debt.
Then stop hiding behind your child.
Ya won’t go back to you, no matter what.
I already made you divorce once.
You might want to ask Ya
about hiding behind the child,
as he’s the one who keeps doing it.
And the fact that you managed
to steal him? That was ages ago.
Why haven’t you made him
-marry you by now?
Watch out!
-Susie, Paron.
-Come here now.
Drag Chanya out.
-Get away!
-If you still don’t leave…
-Come out right now!
-Call the police.
-Got it. Let’s go.
-Let go of me!
Let go of me right now!
-Let go of me!
-Let go of me! I can walk!
-Let go of me. Come here.
Let's all go. Hurry up!
-Are you okay?
-Are you alright?
-I'm fine.
-I'm alright.
Let’s get out of here.
The guests are watching.
Hey, Mr. Jin must be hurt.
He just stepped in to protect me.
Don’t worry about him.
Worry about yourself first.
I’m really afraid
that won’t be the end of it.
Don’t get too close to him, Rin.
Honestly, I don’t trust him.
But he just helped me out.
It's not a big deal.
Ms. Rin.
Hello, Mr. Krit.
We didn’t have
an appointment today, did we?
It’s an urgent matter,
so I couldn't notify Ms. Da.
May I have a moment with you?
It’s very important.
What is it?
I’d like you to meet someone
important for dinner. Are you free?
would I have time to change?
I’d like to look nice when going with you.
You’re already beautiful.
Any more, and I’d stop breathing.
I’ll leave Rin in your care, Mr. Krit.
I’ll cancel her other meetings
and give you her full schedule.
Thank you very much.
I’ll take good care of her.
Shall we get ready?
-Take your time.
Let's go.
These guests must be very special.
You came to pick them up yourself.
Whether they’re special or not,
I’d still use them as an excuse
to come see you.
Bring a bottle of champagne.
Mr. Krit?
We're leaving.
Mr. Krit!
I'll go first!
It's a PR job,
not for the coordination team.
Not for either of you.
-You look so beautiful.
-Thank you.
Are they dating now?
I’d say it’s only a matter of time.
They look good together, don’t you think?
Yes, really.
He is the only one
who can stand up to Araya.
-After you.
-Thank you.
Good evening.
This is Ms. Metta,
CEO of Triple Five Entertainment.
She organizes fan-meeting events
for many famous Korean artists
and is quite close to them.
-Please have a seat.
-Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Krit.
Nice to meet you.
on Sirin Bangkok’s grand opening.
Thank you very much.
Next month,
there will be a huge fan meeting
for Korean artists.
Whenever these artists
endorse a product, it becomes a trend.
Ms. Metta would like to choose
Sirin Bangkok as their accommodation.
Are you interested in the offer?
I’m very interested.
It will be my honor.
Thank you for giving
Sirin Bangkok the opportunity.
I should be
the one thanking you
for accepting this deal.
Mr. Krit has told me so much
about Sirin Bangkok’s unique character.
Moreover, without you, Ms. Sirin,
I wouldn’t have found
the perfect diamond necklace.
I had to ask Mr. Krit
to design it for me,
but he kept avoiding it.
The design you gave me was very difficult,
and you didn’t give me much time.
But as soon as you accepted this deal,
Mr. Krit suddenly
found the time to make it happen.
It seems that Ms. Sirin
is more important than your time,
isn’t she, Mr. Krit?
Finding the most important person
in my life
took me quite a lot of time too.
Thank you so much, Ms. Metta.
My pleasure.
Let’s enjoy
my chef’s special dishes, shall we?
They seem to be
getting closer.
I heard she’s getting more support
than you ever gave her.
The pride of Asia,
Sirin must be getting
her fill from Mr. Krit.
-Don’t talk about Sirin like that.
She doesn’t need
to offer herself up like you do.
Stop right there, Ya!
Praise her all you want,
but I’ll be the one to bring her down.
Scream it out! Scream it out!
It's crazy!
What’s all the excitement about?
-Son Ye-jin!
Love you!
With this event,
our rooms will be fully booked,
and the restaurant will be packed.
It's a big event.
So, don’t tarnish our reputation.
Susie, how’s the feedback?
Once we announced
that we’d be hosting the artists,
our room and restaurant bookings
shot up by 10%.
Another key point is that
any news that goes public
must be approved by Metta,
me, and Lada.
Privacy for every guest and artist
using our hotel is essential.
The top priority is security.
And we need to pay close attention
to everything within the hotel
and all the guests.
Guests choose us for our unique character,
-so let’s keep that in mind.
Everyone, please prepare your plans
and bring ideas within three days.
What do you need me to do?
For you, Mr. Jin…
Besides your renovation work,
I’d like you to look after
the design of the artists’ rooms,
making them feel extra special.
Once this meeting is over,
come to my office for a briefing.
Got it.
-Anything else?
Mr. Krit is amazing
for bringing such a huge opportunity
to promote our hotel.
I’ll promote this event heavily,
so that everyone forgets
all the bad news about you.
What's the matter?
What is this?
Regarding the rumors on social media
about Ms. Sirin,
an executive at Sirin Bangkok,
she allegedly engaged in violent behavior
during her school years.
Is the victim in the photo you, Chanya?
That photo is from a very long time ago.
I’m much stronger now.
-So, it’s true.
Do you know
who released this photo?
-Do you?
-I really don't know.
But I would like to ask all reporters,
please don’t bring up this incident again.
I believe she has changed by now.
Excuse me.
Can you tell us more
about what happened that day?
I’m sure it was Chanya who posted it.
Now she’s playing the victim, that snake.
Sue her!
It’s cyber defamation.
The truth is she was upset
when the guy she liked
confessed his love for you.
Right? And she threw the first punch.
You were just defending yourself.
Should we hold a press conference?
Let’s not play Chanya’s game just yet.
Let’s see how things play out.
If we respond now,
she’ll just dig up the divorce
and me taking advantage of them again.
I don’t want to risk the big deal.
The reporters will have something else
to cover. Just leave it for now.
Hello, Mr. Krit.
Ms. Metta asked to see me?
I don’t know if it’s true or not,
but the artists’ agency
takes violence allegations very seriously.
Well, they’re pressuring me
to change the hotel.
But it hasn’t been confirmed
that it’s about Sirin.
Well, it was me,
but it was back in school. It was
a long time ago, and I’ve already--
I can’t risk this event
being compromised by negative press.
This project is very important to me too.
I’m sorry,
but I have to cancel the deal entirely.
I’m so happy my post helped you, Ya.
You don’t need to use our child
to hide your weakness.
This is exactly
why I divorced you.
You always seem to see me
at my lowest moments.
If you’re thinking of taking shortcuts,
I won’t let you get away with it.
Subtitle translation by: Panuwat Baikeawon