Thao Kradangnga (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

After everything you’ve done,
the least you could do is apologize.
Look, I didn’t tell Chanya
to post anything about Sirin.
As for Ms. Metta's deal,
I’m just following my father’s orders.
I think I have a way to help Ms. Sirin.
I’m worried about you.
I already told you about us--
As an employee.
That's Araya.
This can’t be good.
How many fingers?
How about this?
Ya, Mek, stop it!
-Both of you, stop.
Don’t fight here.
If you both truly care about Rin.
Are you okay, Rin?
I came to see you
to apologize for what Chanya did.
I promise I’ll make sure
she stays out of your life.
I’m interested in your project, Mr. Mek.
Da, please take Mr. Mek
to the meeting room. I’ll join shortly.
I have something to discuss with you.
This way, please.
Why did you do it?
-I don’t trust him.
He’s getting close to you on purpose.
He’s trying to mess with me.
And so what?
We’re divorced now.
Rin, Mek
is a notorious playboy. Don’t you know?
His personal life doesn’t concern me.
My focus is only on our child and work.
Give me another chance
to make it right.
From now on, don’t interfere with my work.
Let’s keep our lives separate, alright?
-But I don’t want you to be--
-About Mr. Mek too.
-Don’t make me hate you.
Are you done talking with Ya?
I’ve been
waiting in the meeting room with Mr. Mek.
I thought you had already left.
I was about to,
but I wanted to see you first.
What's the matter?
I’m ready.
Thank you so much for catching the culprit
and for stopping the fight earlier.
It’s my duty.
Even so, I still want to thank you.
How about
a free stay at my hotel?
You can choose any room type,
enjoy free breakfast, and stay
as many nights as you like, no limits.
You won't charge me 100,000 baht
upon checkout, will you?
Come on.
I’m offering this out of friendship.
This is not a scam.
I just had to make sure.
Thanks a lot.
Sure, Officer.
Talk to Da about the details, okay?
-I’ll wait inside.
What is it?
I noticed you barely ate anything.
I was worried you’d faint
and die at the meeting table.
Based on my research,
the strategy of the hotel
is to position Ms. Sirin
as the brand for the hotel, correct?
but when there’s an issue involving me,
it affects the hotel too.
Chanya has already apologized,
so people should understand better now.
With such a half-hearted apology,
I think it might backfire
and not solve the issue.
Most people might
still believe what Chanya said.
What do you think
would be the right solution?
I will show everyone
what Ms. Sirin has been through
to reach this point.
Let the audience decide for themselves.
Let me show you a sample of my work.
Ms. Sirin.
Excuse me.
-What’s going on?
-You need to see this.
This is Mr. Krit’s brand.
Why is Chanya modeling for it?
Now I understand why Chanya apologized.
Hello, Princess.
How can I be of service?
I just wanted to thank you about Chanya.
You had her model the new collection
in exchange for her apology, didn’t you?
Won’t this affect your brand?
Nothing is worth more to me
than seeing you smile right now.
I told you,
we're going to win this game.
Is that Ms. Metta’s necklace design?
Yes. I’m going to design
and make this necklace for Ms. Metta.
Even if we don’t get the deal today,
next time, or next events,
it’ll be ours.
You’ve been so good to me.
I don’t know how to repay you.
How about dinner?
Or better yet,
how about a lifetime of dinners?
I’m serious.
I want the chance
to look after you forever.
I’d better not bother you.
I’ll get back to work now.
In "What Do You Think?" this week,
I’ll be exploring the mindset
and work of a resilient female executive
who has overcome countless obstacles
to revive her hotel.
I heard Sirin Bangkok
was inspired by your father, right?
For me and my father, Sirin Bangkok
is more than just a brand.
It’s a dream that my father dedicated
his life to achieve.
And most importantly,
this place is like it unites a family.
Ms. Rin always listens to all the staff.
She never overlooks even a small issue.
It feels like home here.
I've worked here since Ms. Rin took over.
She has always been nice.
I have to be honest with the viewers.
Knowing Ms. Sirin,
she’s always shown respect to everyone,
no matter who they are.
Our show aims to present
everything honestly,
so I’d like to ask about the recent
incident involving you and Ms. Chanya,
which is currently making headlines.
The news circulating on social media
about my argument with Chanya
is true.
At that time, I wasn’t sure
if I did something to upset her,
which was why it escalated.
Are you saying Ms. Chanya initiated it?
I’d rather not get into that.
Chanya has already apologized to me,
so I’d like to use this platform
to apologize to her as well.
Let’s leave it at that.
Alright. I think our viewers
now have a clearer understanding.
Let’s continue talking
about brand-building.
Is something interesting going on?
Ms. Rin.
You haven’t left yet?
Are you buying something online?
Ms. Sirin, that was amazing.
You didn’t say
a single word against anyone,
yet everyone understood the truth clearly.
Thank you.
Why are you smiling so much?
I’m just happy.
Finally, everyone understands you.
Right now,
everyone is praising you online,
and I’m one of them.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for always standing by me.
I… I’ll be heading home now.
How are you getting home?
Do you want to go with me?
It's alright.
That might not be appropriate.
And I wouldn’t want anyone
to look at you negatively.
Alright, I’ll head out then.
I did it, Tam!
So many people liked Mommy's post.
You have to keep
cheering me on, sweetheart.
Good night.
Why are you smiling so much?
I’m just happy.
Everyone is praising you online,
and I’m one of them.
Thank you for the support.
Whoa, Jin, you shouldn’t have.
Hello, Ms. Sirin.
Sorry, I don't look proper right now.
It’s fine.
Ms. Sirin,
have you eaten yet?
At this hour?
What could I possibly eat now?
That's true.
Well, did you call me
because you need something?
Who called whom?
Shouldn’t I be the one asking
why you called me?
That's right.
I just… wanted to hear your voice,
If I said anything wrong, I apologize.
I didn’t mean to--
I also need someone to talk to.
Well… When I’m tired,
I just want someone to listen.
Of course.
I'd be happy to.
Thank you.
What are you doing right now?
So many things happened today,
and it was all a bit overwhelming.
Good night,
Ms. Sirin.
The public opinion shifted, Mr. Jin.
Now, customers
will start returning to our hotel.
Ms. Sirin is amazing.
but she’s lucky too,
to have so much support.
What are you two talking about?
You scared me.
Are you flirting with Mr. Jin?
I’m not flirting with him!
We were just talking about Ms. Sirin.
-I see.
-Have you seen Mr. Mek’s program yet?
Yes, I have.
-What do you think?
-He really helped Ms. Sirin.
I’d give him
a big boost in points for that.
What points?
Points in Ms. Sirin’s heart!
Ten out of ten. Ten out of ten!
Do you think Mr. Mek
might beat Mr. Krit in this?
Well, Mr. Krit was here first,
and he made the first move.
Mr. Mek just recently got involved.
What is that? Traditional Thai dancing?
Starting a big bike.
That video alone
isn’t enough to score points.
That's true.
I thought you were about to dance.
-Dance what? Dance what?
-You looked like you were.
So, you worked with Krit
in exchange for an apology to Rin?
Is this it?
Ya, what are you doing?
Why? I have the right
to do whatever I want.
It’s better than just apologizing without
gaining anything, like you told me to.
What do you really want?
Since it is hard for you
to separate from Sirin,
I decided to help Mr. Krit
score some points,
so Rin can see his worth.
And I got a job out of it too.
Judging by the way things look, Rin seems
quite impressed with Mr. Krit right now.
Aunt Da is here!
Good morning, girls.
My little girl!
If you finish all your food today,
Aunt Da will buy you a cat.
Spoiling her?
-Don’t get too excited.
-A stuffed cat, dear.
Just a stuffed one for now.
My dear friend.
Mr. Krit is treating you really well,
isn’t he?
He even got Chanya to apologize to you
by giving her a modeling gig
for the new jewelry collection.
Amazing! Mr. Krit is so amazing and nice.
You need someone like him.
So what?
If you’re thinking
about starting over, Mr. Krit
shouldn’t be overlooked.
Mr. Krit?
My girl, drink lots of milk.
Hello, Mr. Mek.
Hello, little Chertam.
Say hello to Uncle Mek, dear.
Mr. Mek,
for the second episode,
I’d like to know a bit more.
Could you tell me about the concept?
Of course.
But this time, I’d love for Chertam
to join the shoot as well.
Sure, I’ll bring the documents
for signing right away.
Yes, yes.
Ms. Sirin isn’t in the office today.
She has a live shoot with Mr. Mek.
Where is it?
Where is she?
At her house.
Uncle Mek, did you really sing to a panda?
I sang until the panda
fell asleep because of my song.
I even sang for a bunny.
A bunny?
I’ll bring a bunny
to play with you next time, okay?
Tam, are you bothering Uncle Mek?
No, not at all. She is adorable.
Uncle Mek said he’d bring
a bunny for me to play with.
If you help me finish
the video shoot today,
Uncle Mek will bring the bunny tomorrow.
How about that?
I’ll do my best!
Alright then, let’s go.
Despite his serious look,
he’s so good with kids.
-Add some ham too.
-I heard that no matter how busy you are,
you always make sure to cook
at least one meal for Chertam, right?
Well, yes.
I want our time together to be more
than just hugs and kisses
without really caring about her.
I want us
to talk and do things together,
to make it quality time.
give me five!
Alright, come on.
Ya, do you want Rin to hate you even more?
Don’t you get it, Da?
I told you this guy is a player.
People who don’t know him think he’s good,
but trust me, he’s deceiving Rin.
Ya, they’re live streaming right now.
If you interrupt,
Rin will be furious.
-And Chertam is there too.
-Salad dressing!
-Mayonnaise. I mean salad dressing!
-Salad dressing.
-What a joke!
-It's a joke, right?
Good job!
-Good job.
-Hello there, Mr. Mek.
Did you miss me?
I missed you!
I missed you so much.
I happened to be free today, so I thought
I’d take Rin and Tam out for lunch.
It’s an honor
to have you join us today, Mr. Araya.
Pleasure’s all mine.
Even though Rin and I are both very busy,
we make it a priority
to spend time together as a family.
My true happiness comes from spending time
with Rin
and our daughter.
That’s really impressive.
Ms. Sirin and Mr. Araya have faced
so many challenges in their marriage,
from divorce to accusations about
riding on her husband’s family’s success
and being accused of mistreating
a friend who became her husband’s lover.
Trying to provoke me, huh?
Chertam, go with Aunt Da.
Come on. Let’s go.
I want everyone to see
how strong Ms. Sirin is,
having faced all of this,
and to understand
what led her to forgive you.
By bringing up
these issues like this, huh?
-Enough, Ya.
-Even if these issues weren’t brought up,
a search for your name
with Ms. Sirin or Chanya’s
would bring up all the news anyway.
Wouldn’t it be better
to have this interview
to clarify things for Ms. Sirin
about all the misunderstandings?
Ms. Sirin might be
in the spotlight for a while,
but it may not be as much as she was
before the divorce.
It’s strange.
Everyone is trying to help Ms. Sirin
in every way possible,
in any way we can,
except for you.
-I’ll catch up with you.
How’s Chertam doing?
She must have been scared.
A bit,
but I explained
the situation to her. She’s asleep now.
I am sorry
that little Chertam
had to see such violence.
It wasn’t your fault at all, Mr. Mek.
It was her father’s.
I'm sorry about that.
Thank you so much
for helping Rin to explain herself
and let everyone understand her.
I have to thank you too, Mr. Rin.
You helped increase our subscriber count,
and the views are the highest
for any show on my channel.
I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you.
I have another job to do,
so I’ll take my leave now.
Thank you.
The feedback from this episode
will definitely top the first.
It was fantastic.
Thank you so much.
It’s my pleasure.
can’t you see that what you’re doing
is turning me into…
a loser?
Have you ever won anything?
I saw that ridiculous program.
It got even more ridiculous
when you joined.
And you allowed yourself
to be humiliated like that.
Are you crying?
Why did you even do it?
I wanted to help Rin.
It’s so unfair.
Her reputation is being ruined
over lies like that.
So, you willingly became a fool,
allowing her lead you around by the nose.
Is that
the way
that you
help your wife?
Get up.
Rin was arrogant
and dared to look down on me,
despite the money
I gave to help her father.
A dumb person like her father
was incompetent
and lacked connections.
It's just a hotel,
but he failed to manage it.
Without my money,
would she have lasted until now?
Rin has already paid you back.
Do you think that by defending her,
she’ll come back to you?
Do you know
you’re as much of a fool as her father?
She's just using you.
I love Rin, Dad.
No matter what you say,
I’ll get her
and our daughter back together
as a family.
Even if
it’s with my stupid ways.
-Are you challenging me, Araya?
-Are you challenging me?
-No, Dad!
-Are you challenging me?
-Dad, please.
Is this because
you went on that show?
Why did you have to help Rin that much?
You know your dad doesn’t like it,
so why put yourself in harm’s way?
That’s my business, okay?
You still think Rin will come back to you?
She has men lined up waiting for her.
She doesn’t care about you.
Why chase after someone
who doesn’t love you?
The one who truly loves you is right here.
I’ve waited for you since
before you were divorced,
and even now that you are,
you still won’t commit to me.
how long will you make me wait?
I think…
you shouldn't wait.
I think a person like you
deserves someone better,
who can truly love you.
I don’t want to hold you back.
If you find someone,
I’ll be happy for you.
Don’t pretend to be noble.
You just want me out of your way
so you can go back to her.
She doesn’t love you anymore.
It's because of her! I hate her!
I hate you, Rin!
Rin has men lined up waiting for her.
She doesn’t care about you.
She's just using you,
and in the end, she’ll cast you aside
like she used to do.
Dad, how are you doing?
Have you cleared things up with Uncle Mek?
Please don’t fight anymore.
Tam, I’m sorry
you had to see
such a terrible side of me.
It’s okay, Dad.
I forgive you.
I was more worried about you.
And I miss you so much.
Do you miss me too?
Of course, sweetheart.
I miss you so much.
And how's your mom doing?
She’s sitting right next to me.
Can I talk to Dad, please?
How are you?
Did your father hurt you?
I’m sorry for causing you trouble.
It’s nothing
compared to the pain I’ve caused you.
let's say goodnight to Dad.
He needs to rest now.
I’m going to bed now.
Goodnight, Dad.
Don’t forget to dream about me and Mom.
If I could,
I would love to sleep
while holding you and Mom.
I want to hold you, too, Dad.
My bed is very big.
There’s plenty of space
for all three of us
to cuddle.
I’ll come cuddle with you soon, okay?
Goodnight, sweetheart.
Goodnight, Rin.
Goodnight, Dad.
I’ll do whatever it takes
to bring us back together.
I promise.
-Good morning, Ms. Nid, Ms. Kate.
-Good morning.
-Good morning!
-Good morning!
Mom is dropping you off today.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
I saw your interview clip, Ms. Sirin.
You did great.
We’re all cheering for you.
Thank you so much.
Alright, let’s head to class.
-Bye, sweetie.
-Bye, Mom.
-Bye. See you later.
-Thank you.
-My pleasure.
A million views!
Hello, Mr. Mek.
I was just about to call you.
I’d like to sponsor
one episode of your show.
No, I should be the one thanking you.
Please email me the details.
Actually, that sounds good.
Meeting in person would be easier.
Thank you. Alright.
Da, what’s with you?
Hey, I'm not with Mr. Jin.
I was just talking to Mr. Mek
about buying an ad for his show.
Stop being so suspicious!
I told you I’m not with Jin.
Enough with the accusations already!
I have nothing going on with him
and never will.
He’s just an employee. Is that clear?
Rin is about to have a bright future.
Please stay in your lane quietly
and don’t cause her any trouble.
Otherwise, I won’t tolerate you.
do you have a thing for Mr. Jin?
I want us to close that door
before it goes too far
and we can’t find a way out.
Marry me.
You’re the only woman
I want to come home to.
Subtitle translation by: Panuwat Baikeawon
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