Thao Kradangnga (2024) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

Just keep an eye on Mr. Mek.
Don't let him know I'm coming. Stay alert.
Mek got close to you
just to win a bet
with his friends. That's all.
Do you also think I'm just a fool,
getting tricked by a guy?
What's happening?
The preliminary autopsy
reveals Mr. Mek died from an overdose.
Mr. Thee… is dead.
Everyone who came into Rin's life
is being eliminated, one by one.
From now on,
please don't push me away anymore.
-I told you…
Did you see the news?
What news?
Why are you so worked up?
"Mek Phakin, the famous rock star,
was found dead at his home.
Police suspect drug use.
His record label's staying quiet.
We're waiting for an official statement."
Wait. Mr. Mek's really dead?
Yeah, it's true. They say
it happened at his vacation house.
The rumor mill's going crazy,
saying it was a drug overdose.
Hello, Gigi?
So, Mr. Mek's really dead?
Yeah, I heard from Ek.
It's probably drug-related,
but the bigger news is,
Sirin was there too.
They were together.
Please come in.
This is your room for tonight.
-Wait, why?
-I'll take the couch.
I don't want to take advantage of you.
And I want this place
to feel as safe as possible for you.
Thank you.
You're too good to me.
What's with the smile?
It's just…
I've never seen you
dress like this before.
Hello, Da.
Want me to come in with you?
No, it's fine. I can handle it.
See you.
What are you doing here?
You were with me last night, right?
Yeah. I'm just tired.
We'll talk about that later.
Your mom's been yelling at me all morning,
asking me to bring you home.
Araya's there too.
I can't believe this.
What's happening here?
For God's sake!
How did Rin get mixed up
with a guy like that?
I don't think she meant
for it to happen, Mother.
She probably didn't see it coming either.
This is stressing me out.
I'm going to faint!
How are you holding up?
I've been worried.
-I'm fine now.
-How embarrassing!
Every guy you date brings trouble.
When will you stop bringing
bad men into your life?
Don't you know that singer was an addict,
trying to get into your pants?
Can you at least show him some respect?
He just passed away.
Why bother?
Do you even know what he did?
For all we know,
Susie's baby could be his.
Do you even realize what you're saying?
Charan told me
Mek and Susie
had an intimate relationship.
There's proof,
and Mr. Mek admitted it himself.
Did he really?
So, are you finally waking up?
Yeah, Paron.
Got it. Talk later.
What is it, Da?
Social media's digging up
your connection to Mr. Mek,
and now,
they're linking you to his death.
See what I'm saying?
Look at the kind of men
you brought into your life.
They brought nothing
but scandal and disgrace.
Yes, my life is full of mistakes.
I've never done anything right,
never succeeded, never made you proud.
Did I say something wrong?
You're always saying,
"I know what I'm doing."
"I've thought it through."
Well, this is what people call
"not thinking at all".
Mother, please.
Don't blame Rin.
It's not her fault.
How can it not be?
If she knew how to pick decent men,
we wouldn't be closing the hotel
and hiding out in shame right now.
We barely dealt with one disaster,
and now, here comes another!
All you care about is the hotel.
Have you ever cared about me?
Or did it end the moment
you gave birth to me?
Watch your mouth!
Dad, I want to see Mom.
It's okay, sweetie. It's okay.
-I'll check on Rin myself.
-It's alright, sweetie.
-Where's Mom going?
-It's alright. Come here.
It's okay, darling.
Rin, don't do anything crazy, okay?
The autopsy shows
he died from suffocation and drowning.
His body was found
in a pond outside the city.
There's also a fracture
at the back of his skull,
likely from a hard blow.
And what does the police say?
The police haven't found
anyone responsible yet.
No leads at all.
Let his family know
that I'll take care of the funeral.
I also want to know who he met
while he was missing.
Understood, sir.
Excuse me, sir.
Here it is.
The autopsy report
confirms that Mr. Mek
died from an overdose.
They found a hard drug in his system
that caused acute heart failure.
The bruises on his face
were from a fight with Araya,
but that wasn't the cause of death.
Mr. Araya's statement is confirmed.
This means
he had no involvement in Mr. Mek's death.
The record label also confirmed
Mr. Mek's drug use.
go check on the fingerprints at the scene.
We need to be certain that
Mr. Mek's death
was solely from the overdose.
Nothing more.
Understood, sir.
I miss you so much.
I wish I could hug you.
What should I do now, Dad?
What should I do?
Miss Da.
How's Miss Rin?
-Isn't she with you?
-No, she's not.
I dropped her off
at her place earlier today.
What's going on, Miss Da?
There's some trouble at home.
Rin left.
And I can't reach her.
I came to the hotel,
but she's not here either.
If you hear from her,
or if she contacts you,
please let me know.
-Miss Sirin!
Mek really is dead.
-That's rough.
I heard it on the news.
And is it true that he was dating
Miss Sirin, the hotel owner?
The hotel where someone died?
I think it's true.
They say they were there together.
Excuse me.
Do you know Miss Sirin personally?
Then why are you
talking about her like that?
What you're saying might not even be true.
Miss Rin!
Miss Rin!
Are you okay?
What's up?
Why did you want to meet me now?
I hope
you haven't forgotten
the promise you made to me.
I never break my word.
The hotel furniture job
is yours, as promised.
Well, I've got something extra for you,
since you're such a good business partner.
What's that?
I know who spread the scandal
about Miss Sirin and Mek.
Serves her right.
Let's see if she can still act
all high and mighty now.
I think this time,
her hotel's really going to go down.
Thanks for sharing the news.
What's this about? Tell me.
Nothing much.
Just turning someone else's crisis
into an opportunity.
I didn't even have to spend much,
but now Sirin's scandal
is all over social media.
Are you saying that the bad press
about Miss Sirin was your doing?
I couldn't help it. When someone falls,
you step on them
to make sure they stay down.
She wanted to mess with Araya,
so now, I'm making sure
she has nowhere to stand.
Chanya, Mr. Araya is here.
He's here to pick up his wife,
or is there a surprise in store?
Now that his ex-wife's life
is falling apart,
I bet he's finally over her now.
-Let's go.
Let's go.
Watch your step.
Oh my. No way.
Is he going to propose to you?
This is my stuff, isn't it?
What are you doing?
I packed everything up for you.
What do you mean, Araya?
I mean, you don't need
to go back to the condo.
We're done.
can we talk about this at home?
People are watching. I'm embarrassed.
Why should you be?
With Rin,
you didn't seem embarrassed
about what you did to her.
Chanya, you spread the rumors
about Rin and Mr. Mek.
So what? I can't touch her, huh?
Why don't you just put her on a pedestal
and worship her every day?
Your ex-wife
keeps on trying to get a new guy.
Why wait around for her like a fool?
I told you before.
I can deal with anything,
but don't mess with Rin.
You did this to yourself.
We're done!
No, please, I'm sorry.
Give me another chance, please.
Araya! Araya!
Don't cry, okay?
Hold it together.
Don't cry. Hold it back.
Don't cry. There are people around.
I'm not giving up.
You'll see.
Yes, Mr. Jin?
You found Rin? How is she?
Alright. Please take care of her then.
-What's up?
-Have you eaten?
Come in.
This is your dinner?
I figured you hadn't eaten yet.
Go ahead. Sit down.
Stop pulling that face.
I need your help with something.
Finally, getting to the point.
You're not worried about me.
You just wanted me to work for you, right?
-What is it?
Check out this video.
This is Susie?
It's from the hotel's security cameras
the day Miss Susie died.
Does it look like she's running
from someone or something?
Besides Mr. Krit,
did Miss Susie meet anyone else that day?
I'm not sure.
It was a busy day.
But looking at this angle,
it seems like
it's the second floor of the hotel.
Hard to make much out
with the way the space is laid out.
But I'm sure
whoever Miss Susie was running from
knew the security camera angles
like the back of their hand.
Thank you, Mr. Krit,
for recommending the new company.
The old one had so many problems,
from the camera system setup
to the product quality.
It's nothing.
My company works with them all the time.
We use them for all our showrooms.
I'm a regular customer.
How nice of you.
You're very detailed.
I know exactly how many cameras there are
and where they're all located.
But sometimes it's a bit much.
That can't be…
What's on your mind, Da?
Mr. Krit knows so much about the cameras
because he recommended the supplier.
He's also very observant.
But… Why would he kill her?
Looking at the timing,
when Mr. Krit went to the parking lot
after talking to Miss Susie,
it matches what he said earlier.
Or could it be Mr. Mek?
He was there too.
Maybe there was an issue
between him and Susie about the pregnancy.
Could be some disagreements.
But Mr. Mek's dead now.
So, we'll never know
who really killed Susie, right?
-We still can.
If someone else dies,
that would mean
the killer might not be Mr. Mek.
Aren't you going to ask me
what happened today?
I think you've explained
and answered
enough for today.
So, with me,
you don't need to explain anything.
Miss Rin, wait a second.
I want you to keep this.
Whenever you need a break,
you can come back here anytime.
Think of it as your second home.
You'll be safe here.
You don't have to be
the Sirin everyone knows.
I just want you to be happy
whenever you're here.
You remind me of my father.
Whenever I was sad,
he'd be the one to comfort me.
He'd hug me
and cheer me up.
But he's gone now.
I promise.
I'll do everything I can
to make you happy.
I'm so angry at myself.
About what, Miss Rin?
I've never really been able
to leave you. Not once.
I love you,
Miss Rin.
Thanks a lot, Da, for the update.
Please take care of Rin for me.
Hello, Mr. Chatchai.
I need you to do something important,
but keep it between us for now.
Have any guests made reservations yet?
Not yet, Miss Da.
The sales team just told me this morning
that there haven't been any confirmed
bookings until the end of the month.
The news about Sirin and Mek
really hit the hotel hard.
Why don't you eat something?
I can't.
Accounts just handed me
the quarterly report.
It's a disaster.
I thought the hotel renovation
would turn things around,
but then Mr. Mek's scandal came up.
I must look like such a fool, huh?
Everyone's been playing me.
Mr. Krit, Mr. Mek,
and there was this thing with Susie.
No, that's not it.
Don't blame yourself.
Those people had their own agendas.
But if I'd seen through them,
if I hadn't let them get so close,
I wouldn't be in this mess.
Does that include Mr. Jin, too?
Why do you have
such an issue with Mr. Jin?
If it weren't for him,
I'd be in a much worse situation.
I'm not against Mr. Jin.
I just can't see
how you two could be together.
You should nip it in the bud, Rin.
Please come in.
Well, I'll head out now.
Is something wrong?
I was passing by your favorite shop
and picked up some treats for you.
Thank you.
You haven't eaten yet?
Come on. Eat something,
so you have the energy for work.
Thanks so much.
Miss Rin,
if you're free tomorrow,
would you like to have a meal with me?
It's been quite a year for Rin.
Scandals left and right.
I pity my foolish son,
blindly in love with her.
What are you going to do about Miss Sirin?
I'll wait for her hotel to sink,
then I'll buy it
with my pocket change.
Someone's here to see you, sir.
Good afternoon, Father.
Good afternoon, President.
Sit down.
I should've come
to pay my respects much earlier, but--
Araya doesn't want you here.
Is that right, Chanya?
You know me?
Aren't you the one
who stole Araya from his wife?
Now, what do you want?
I want to…
marry Araya.
The only person he listens to is you.
But you're already
living with him, aren't you?
You didn't even ask for my permission.
I want to marry him properly.
Be his wife out in the open.
But now, he's furious with me.
He broke up with me
because of how
I went after that bitch Rin…
Sirin, I mean.
That news…
That's your doing, right?
But not good enough.
What do you mean?
You need to crush your enemy totally.
If you manage to get Sirin
out of Araya's life,
I'll arrange the wedding for you.
You promise?
Of course.
I'm a man of my word.
I want him
to marry a decent woman.
Tell the catering team
to prepare the cake like last time.
have the chef prepare the food
for the birthday.
-Got it, Miss Rin.
It's Mr. Jin's birthday too?
Yeah, there are three birthdays
this month.
Any theme for the event?
It's still a secret.
Thank you so much.
-Make sure everything's set.
-Don't worry, I got it.
If you're free tomorrow,
would you like to have a meal with me?
So, it's his birthday.
And the prince
fell in love with the princess.
They got married
and lived happily ever after.
That's so much fun!
I've told you this story so many times.
Are you happy like the princess, Mom?
You want Mom to be happy?
Yes, I do.
I want Mom to be as happy as the princess.
I promise
I'll do everything I can
to make you happy.
Thank you, my dear.
Mom promises to live happily,
just like the princess.
But now, the princess's daughter
has to go to sleep.
It's bedtime, darling.
Let's cuddle with Panda tonight.
Stubborn as always.
Come on, Rin.
You're not listening to me.
Hello, Mr. Krit.
I really appreciate you
coming to meet me, Miss Da.
I've tried calling Miss Rin many times,
but she's not picking up.
What's going on, Mr. Krit?
Why did you want to meet me?
Do you remember Thee?
Yes, your boyfriend.
Thee is dead.
He was murdered.
If someone else dies,
that would mean
the killer might not be Mr. Mek.
Miss Da.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Just a little shocked.
The reason I asked you to meet me today
is that I want to know what happened
with the person who exposed my secrets.
I spoke with Miss Susie about it,
but she is gone now.
Why are you interested
in this photo, Mr. Krit?
To be honest, I'm suspicious
about Thee's death.
It might be connected
to the person who exposed me.
Good afternoon, Mr. Araya.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chatchai.
As you requested,
I've taken care of everything.
Well done.
To be honest, I'm suspicious
about Thee's death.
It might be connected
to the person who exposed me.
We suspect he was struck
in the back of the head
with a blunt object at close range
before being dragged into the water.
I will have full control
over the management decisions.
You might have to sell
the hotel to pay off the debts.
Let's discuss this as business people,
not as ex-husband and wife.
No matter where you place me,
I'll be there.
Subtitle translation by: Praeploy Mahawan
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