Thao Kradangnga (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Have you ever cared about me?
Was giving birth to me
the end of your concern?
Watch your mouth!
With just a little money,
I can make Sirin’s scandal
spread all over social media.
I’ve packed up all your belongings.
You don’t need
to go back to the condo anymore.
We’re done.
Think of this place as your second home.
If someone else ends up dead,
it means Mr. Mek might not be the killer.
Thee is dead. He was murdered.
What’s going on here?
This auntie
almost hit me with her car.
I knocked on her window,
but she refused to get out.
Are you alright?
He said you almost hit him with your car.
I'm sorry. I…
I wasn’t careful.
What’s wrong? Why do you look like that?
I didn’t sleep well.
Do you remember Mr. Krit’s partner?
The one who made a fuss here.
If I remember it correctly, he is…
Thee, right?
-He’s dead.
Yesterday, I met Mr. Krit.
He told me Mr. Thee was murdered,
and now, the police
are looking for the killer.
I think things are getting strange.
Why have we been hearing
so much about death lately?
That’s shocking.
Why did you meet Mr. Krit?
He called me
to ask about when Susie
looked for the one who exposed him.
He thinks
it might be connected to Mr. Thee’s death.
He seemed really remorseful toward you.
Do you want to talk to him?
He wants to apologize.
I have plans this evening.
A watch?
Who gave you that watch?
bought it as a birthday gift for Mr. Jin.
Well, listen to me first.
It's to thank him
for always helping me.
That’s all.
You’re not listening to me.
I don’t want you to have
this kind of trouble again.
Like Mom, you think
I bring all this trouble
on myself, don’t you?
It’s not that.
I warn you because I care about you.
One moment.
Is my daughter okay?
Alright, I’ll be right there.
What happened?
Tam had an accident at school.
I need to go.
Wait. I’m coming with you.
-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
The pain's gone, huh?
How is she?
I rushed here after Da told me.
Dad, it hurts so much.
-Does it hurt?
-I don't need to ask how you are, right?
She fell,
but the teacher already treated her wound
and put on a dressing.
Let me see.
You're alright now, my brave girl.
Don't be sad.
How about we go get some ice cream?
Will you really take me
and Mom to get ice cream?
Of course.
Are you ready?
I am.
If you're ready,
let's go now.
Okay? One, two, alright.
It doesn't hurt anymore.
Who's that?
Alright, you can walk.
-How are you doing?
-Hello, Aunt Da.
Hello. Are you better now, my sweetheart?
She’s fine now.
Dad’s taking me for ice cream.
That fixes everything.
Go with her then.
I’ll drive myself back.
Mom, come eat ice cream with us, please.
If you're not busy tomorrow,
how about we go for dinner?
Alright, sweetheart.
Let's go now.
-Alright, let's go.
-Take care of things for me.
-Sure, just go.
See you.
Let's go.
Why are you so into this case?
Is there something?
I suspect that
Thee’s murder might be connected
to a case I’m working on.
I found out you're in charge.
That's why I'm here.
It must be important
if you came all the way here.
The forensic evidence
shows the killer left no traces.
This was planned
and executed by someone skilled.
The autopsy shows that
suffocation caused the victim’s death.
It's likely that he was
struck on the back of the head
before being thrown
into the river to cover up.
But no suspicious items
were found at the scene.
I believe the killer
took all the evidence.
And the victim probably knew the killer.
The victim’s car was at the scene.
Nothing was stolen,
except for his phone,
which wasn’t found there.
I need all the victim’s details
and the car registration.
You’re relentless as always.
Do you think Thee's killer
is the same person you’re looking for?
-Thank you.
That looks so tasty.
Today is the best day ever.
Can Dad and Mom
come eat with me again next time?
Of course, sweetie.
How about
I take you and Mommy
to eat together every day?
That's great.
Is it?
-Let's eat.
Let's eat.
I'll get it for you.
Ice cream or fruit first?
-Ice cream, please.
I’m sorry. I won’t be able
to make it tonight.
Don’t wait for me.
I'm sorry. I won't be able
to make it tonight. Don't wait for me.
Follow Ms. Sirin's car.
When will you stop being
so work-obsessed, Rin?
Today is the best day ever.
Can Dad and Mom
come eat with me again next time?
I don’t want you to have
this kind of trouble again.
Ms. Rin.
I had some problems yesterday.
So, I couldn't make it.
Happy Birthday.
Ms. Rin.
Did I do something to upset you?
Here you are.
Yesterday, everyone was asking about you
during the group birthday party.
Did you have plans?
You missed out on the fun.
Is there something wrong?
Fon wants to talk to you
about the account.
Let's go then.
If there’s nothing else,
I’ll excuse myself.
Can we request another loan?
The bank’s criteria
have become much stricter.
On top of that, we just got a loan
for renovations.
Currently, banks are highly concerned
about the brand’s credibility.
How do we prepare
to handle this situation?
If our quarterly performance
doesn’t meet expectations,
we may need to cut costs across the board.
If things still don’t improve,
we might have to consider layoffs
in certain departments.
Do we really have to lay off employees?
It’s just one option.
But if the situation
worsens significantly,
you might have to…
Might have to what?
Sell the hotel to pay the debt.
Or let the bank seize the hotel
and declare bankruptcy.
The bank is going to seize our hotel.
We’re on the verge of bankruptcy.
Mr. Pawin!
Are you okay?
I’m fine.
I’ll find a solution as soon as I can,
but I’ll never let anyone else
take over our hotel.
Where are you going?
Don’t worry.
I’ll keep my promise to you.
I have to.
I knew I’d find you here.
It’s my fault.
I forgot that I was the brand.
Anything that affects me
directly impacts the hotel.
And with how quickly
information spreads these days,
people don’t even care
whether it’s true or not.
Calm down, Rin.
Maybe it’s not as bad as it seems.
I will never destroy
what my dad loved with my own hands.
There’s someone who can help us, Rin.
He’s interested in our hotel.
But no suspicious items
were found at the scene.
I believe the killer
took all the evidence.
And the victim probably knew the killer.
Could it be just a drug deal
that went wrong?
It might not be related
to Ms. Susie’s case.
Or perhaps the killer planned
to kill and silence the victim.
Based on the autopsy
and the meeting location,
it looks like a plan
to kill and conceal the body
while erasing evidence.
The killer
seems very familiar with the area.
Check the CCTV cameras nearby
to see if there are any leads.
Yes, Inspector.
Are you not going to tell me
who’s interested in our hotel?
Relax. You’ll meet him soon.
Is this a joke?
It's not funny.
Come on.
Don’t blame Da.
I asked her to bring you here.
I want to help you.
Really, Ya?
Yes. I’d already decided this
even before you approached me.
I owe her a lot.
I want to make amends.
Don’t worry about the hotel.
I have a plan.
What about your family?
I still love Rin.
But as for how she feels,
I’m not so sure.
If you want Rin back,
you’ll need to change.
Let me help you.
Are you saying you pity me
because the hotel is struggling?
Let’s talk as businesspeople,
not as ex-spouses. How about that?
Mr. Araya ordered us to transfer 150 rooms
from the new booking group
to Ms. Sirin’s hotel.
He dared to defy me?
Bring him here immediately.
Yes, sir.
You're buying Sirin Bangkok's shares?
We need someone to help with money.
Reducing your ownership stake slightly
will help you to save the hotel
and avoid layoffs.
I think
this is our only option now, Rin.
I understand we need money,
and I’m working on it.
But this is not the way.
I already told you
I’ll take responsibility for everything.
How will you save the hotel?
Borrow more money
and increase the interest burden
while the hotel’s performance
is still uncertain?
Expenses are rising,
and there’s no income.
Do you really want to do that?
I think I can handle this on my own.
I don’t need your help.
I can handle it. Excuse me.
I’m currently expanding Ara Group.
Instead of being enemies,
why don’t we become allies?
Put your pride down a bit,
will you?
I think it's interesting, Rin.
Maybe try considering Ya’s offer.
But what you said is impossible.
Your father would never agree,
and you know that
as well as I do.
That’s my responsibility.
I’m not the same Araya you once knew.
They look so serious.
Is something wrong?
Ms. Sirin
seems really stressed lately.
It’s probably because the hotel’s revenue
has plummeted.
With all the bad news about Mr. Mek,
it’s only getting worse.
I heard she’s working hard
to save the hotel.
You should start looking.
Looking for what?
A new job.
We don't know if she'll make it.
There you are. You disgraceful son.
Are you trying to destroy
the hotel I built with my own hands
for your wife?
Are you?
I assume
someone has already told you everything.
Reverse your order.
I’ll consider it a careless mistake.
I can’t.
All the partners
already agreed.
What did you say?
I think we should work together.
My father has done so much,
and it’s time I stepped in
to take over the management fully.
For the returns,
I'll send the detailed documents to you.
We’re glad
to see you stepping up for Ara Group.
some of our hotel’s management practices
are a bit outdated.
Having a new generation
of executives like you
would be a great advantage.
Exactly. After all,
everything will belong to you.
Let’s toast to the future greatness
of Ara Group
under Mr. Araya's leadership.
You went behind my back?
You secretly held a meeting with them?
Have you forgotten
what it feels like
when I hurt you?
Come here.
I said come here.
Why are you doing this?
Don’t you realize
that after all,
the one who’s hurt me the most
is you?
The person who turned me into a failure,
both professionally and personally,
is you.
What are you talking about?
I built you up,
and I can tear you down too,
you ungrateful child.
-So, you're rebelling?
Are you being ungrateful?
I won’t let you
destroy my family
or my life anymore.
You can stay on the throne,
but the decision-making power
will all be mine.
And acquiring Sirin Bangkok
will be my first move.
Stop it, Araya!
You… You disgraceful son!
Come back here.
Sir, be careful.
Please sit here.
Please sit here.
I’ll get your medicine. Please wait here.
Why did Ara Group decide
to partner with Sirin Bangkok?
we’re turning a crisis
into an opportunity.
Right now,
the hotel industry is highly competitive,
and we believe that
turning former adversaries
into business allies
can strengthen our presence
in this field.
Does this mean there’s a chance for you
and Ms. Sirin to get back together?
we’ve partnered as business allies.
we remain co-parents to our child.
Please spread the word.
Ara Group and Sirin Bangkok
will be hosting many events together.
-Of course.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Can we have a photo of you both?
-Please move closer for the photo.
-One moment.
One more here.
-Here too.
-Here too.
Back here too.
A little closer, please.
Ya is openly supporting her now?
I’ll report this to Mr. Pithan.
This time,
you’ll have to be on your own.
I heard Mr. Pithan was unwell.
Probably because of this news.
I think
you should apologize to Mr. Araya
before things get even worse for us.
I’ll never give Ya to you, Rin.
Today, we’re delighted to announce
that Mr. Araya
will help manage our Sirin Bangkok
to guide us through this economic crisis.
Starting with
welcoming a new group of guests
that'll be occupying 150 rooms.
Do you have anything to say to everyone?
Thank you for the warm welcome.
I promise to work with Rin… I mean…
Ms. Sirin…
to make Sirin Bangkok
one of the top five
most successful hotels.
I’ll need everyone’s cooperation
to work
and overcome obstacles together.
I never give up.
If I step into the game,
I must win.
What’s the matter?
If it’s not urgent,
we can talk tomorrow.
I was about to leave.
I just want to know
if there’s anything I can do to help.
I know you’ve been stressed lately.
Take it.
It’s yours.
I meant to give you this birthday gift
in person,
but so many things
held me back.
I couldn't do everything I wished.
Don’t waste your time on me.
I don’t want to become selfish.
never thought that you were selfish.
You’ve sacrificed your own happiness
for duty.
It’s not your fault.
I’m here willingly.
Wherever you place me,
I’ll remain there,
as long as you don’t push me away.
That's all I want.
Alright, that should be…
okay, right?
We're on the same page now.
Let’s all stay focused
and keep up the good work as usual.
Thank you, everyone.
That should be all for today.
Let’s get back to work.
But I want to get to know everyone.
Nice to meet you
Pleasure to meet you as well.
I’d like you and your team to take care
of Mr. Araya's office.
-What’s going on, Da?
-Ms. Chanya announced she's pregnant.
What are you doing?
Help me!
I’d like to question Ms. Chanya
about the attack on Ms. Sirin.
I have no issues with anyone except…
Ms. Chanya, right?
Subtitle translation by: Panuwat Baikeawon
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