The A-Team (1983) s01e04 Episode Script

Pros and Cons

Ten years ago, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn"t commit.
These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground.
Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them maybe you can hire the A-Team.
[Men Shouting.]
Get him! Get him! Get him! Okay, get him! Maim him! Just-Just maim him! He's goin' down, Warden.
This time old Jase is gonna stop that boy for good.
Keep that tape rollin'.
Three grand a copy.
Okay! Okay! How do you award it? - Kill him! - Kill him, Jase! Finish him off, son.
Finish him off, boy.
I don't want to do it, Mr Beale.
And I don't care if you shoot me.
I won't do it.
Jase, Lieutenant Trask here's gonna give you regulation clothes, okay? And you got an hour start.
Then I gotta announce a prison break.
That's our bargain.
I'm holding up my end.
Better get goin'.
Hold it! This here's my watch.
You got exactly one-hour head start.
Go! Seem like about an hour? Let's call it in, Red.
[On Radio.]
Sneed, this is Leo.
We got us a prison break.
The boy"s headin"up Carver"s Road.
- You wanna see if you can scare up a posse? - Hey, we're mounted and ready.
All right, he's on Carver Canyon Road.
Now he'll be up in Box Canyon in about five minutes.
Now y'all are legalized deputies of this county, so good huntin', huh? - Okay.
- Let's get him! Let's go! - I'll make it.
I'll make it.
- [Boy.]
I won"t make it.
I ain't got no time to make no ashtrays.
Neither do I.
But since I've been put in charge of arts and crafts, I'll make time.
I gotta go.
Hey, Joey, what'd you and your mother hear from Jase? Nothin'.
There he is now.
- Where you been, Joey? - I had to go down to the centre and check in with B.
Baracus in a day care centre? - That big, tough dude, what's he doin' down there? - He's making ashtrays.
It beats making trouble, don"t it, Jase? B.
, you son of a gun.
Come on in.
- How are you? - Good, good, good, good, good, good.
He tells me you busted up a bar in Florida.
Got 30 days in Strikersville.
You don't know the half of it, B.
You see, that warden, he had a whole different plan for me.
My 30 days turned into five years.
- I mean, they turned my whole life upside down.
- You busted out? Don't mess in my mud, B.
I'm poison.
You been throwin' your life away, that's your business.
But you"re gonna get your little brother here in trouble trying to help you.
Well, he is my brother.
And I don't have anyplace else to go.
[Man On P.
Jase Tataro! We got you surrounded! They followed you, Joey.
Damn it, I told you to be careful.
, you got to get him out of here now.
We can blow you away right here and now if you want, Jase.
Save us a lot of trouble if we did blow him away.
Warden wants him in one piece you know that.
Now you can come on out of there.
No! No! They'll kill him! - They'll kill him! - They're killing him, Andre.
They're killing a perfectly wonderful career.
I got a big-time feature to produce.
I've got agents like you hawking me all day long.
Now your client is a big riskola.
Okay, the whole Aquamaniac disaster, we'll own that.
But we all know that John was having emotional problems.
Your script Sinbad Goes To Mars is absolutely beautiful and John is perfect casting as the Martian.
Uh hmm.
- Let's go.
I need you.
- This, uh One of my Another one of my clients.
l"ll take care of the check.
l"ll phone you, Andre.
That guy produces most of the monster pictures in Hollywood.
I was being my own agent.
It was beautiful.
- We're on a case.
- What case? Who's the client? Oh, I see.
He"s got a lot of money, has he? He's got nothin'.
His brother's about to be murdered at a Florida prison, and we're gonna get him out.
You gotta hear this kid's story, Hannibal.
He says the warden of that prison in Florida is forcing the prisoners to fight to the death.
We're gonna get him out, Hannibal.
You got a problem with that? I didn't say I had a problem, B.
I'm just saying if we want to stay out of the federal slammer, we gotta screen our clients.
- I'm calling for a vote.
I say we take a vote on this case.
- How can we vote on it? - We don't even know what it is.
- We vote because I say we vote.
- Could we make that a secret ballot? - No! I say we get Jase out of prison forJoey.
All in favour? I said, all in favour.
Well, I, uh, uh You know, l Well, sure, I'd favour that.
Well, they don't let crazy people vote.
They take that right away from you when you're committed.
We are also immune to fear.
We can't hook up emotionally to the concept of cerebral damage.
- I'm gettin' tired of this rap, Murdock.
- You're tired of it? How do you think I feel? I have to listen to it all day.
I think it's a hell of a story.
And if we can prove it, I get front page.
You see, I got this real shot at playing the Martian in Sinbad Goes To Mars.
Don't matter.
You're out-voted anyway.
Come on, let's go.
We gotta get out of here.
Well, kid, it looks like you just hired the A-Team.
That script stunk anyway.
I have to have some creative standard.
We gotta get you a cover, Face, to get into that slammer.
Get a book on prison reform.
- Any book? - No.
It has to be a recent one and by an author who's never been published before.
- We'll get copies at the book store.
- I know the routine.
Let's go.
Go on, son.
Well, Jase said this Warden Beale picks prisoners that are tough.
Tries him out by having one of the guys in the yard pick a fight with him.
If they do well, he separates them from the other prisoners and trains them.
Then he makes them fight to the death.
Like them gladiators in Rome, man.
How did Jase get away? Well, if they win, they let you go free, and then they hunt you.
They try to kill you.
Jase was the first one to get away.
Jase is real tough, Hannibal.
He grew up in my neighbourhood.
- He was the baddest cat around until I showed up.
- Still is.
He's my brother.
Everyone says, "Yeah.
Jase, he's-he's real tough and mean.
" But he's not.
He's That's okay, Joey.
That's okay.
I'm gonna help you, me and my friends here.
It's okay.
It's okay.
But what if they kill him before you can get to him? All we can do is our best.
But we'll give it a 100% try, son.
We found a book called The Reformed Convict by Dwight Pepper.
Dr Pepper? Are you kidding? It's his first book.
He's a doctor of psychology from LSU.
Face, you're the good doctor.
Let"s go.
We"ll drop Joey at home and get on down there.
A new record coast to coast in 38 hours.
The town's kinda small.
Somehow I expected a house or two.
That's the city limits sign.
The town is up the road.
Lay it out for me, Face.
Now, uh, Murdock, B.
, Hannibal, you rent the car and get arrested.
Now Amy and I, we"ll scan the stuff we need and get to you guys with the stuff you need for the escape.
We gotta break out of jail with Jase before the fight.
If we don't, then, uh, B.
could be in big trouble.
Yeah, he"s also in big trouble if you and B.
get separated.
If that happens, you aren't gonna win the fight or see what's going on.
Don't worry.
I got a plan that will keep us together.
Let's go.
Jase could be dead already.
Let her rip, B.
Gettin' arrested in this burg is the easy part.
[Horn Honking.]
[Siren Blaring.]
Well, now, where you boys from? [Slurred Speech.]
Drop dead, sir.
- [Glass Shatters.]
- I want these guys, Billy.
Now you call Judge Bell and you tell him that I got me some Yankees - ploughin"through town doin" 80.
- I thought we were doin' 85.
He ain't gonna like it, Norm.
You know what he said about bustin' Yankees.
Nobody talks to us like that when we been drinkin' especially no dust-covered country cop.
All right, get 'em out there! You're under arrest! Drunk and disorderly! - You're resisting arrest - Calm Calm down, Norm! Calm down.
We got big trouble, man.
They been screamin' all up the state.
Now you heard thejudge.
He"s gonna send a senate investigator down here and we are gonna get fired, man.
Just get in the car and calm down.
[Tyres Screeching, Engine Racing.]
- What's goin' on, Hannibal? - I don't know.
But I'll bet I can change his mind.
Jase could be gettin' murdered while we stand around here trying to get arrested.
Give me the keys.
You're under arrest.
You're under arrest! You guys are all goin" to jail! Thank you.
All right, everybody out.
Hey, you, boy, I said get out.
If you're talking to him, you're wasting your time.
He's deaf.
He's also a mute.
Oh, yeah.
I remember getting a note on that from the courthouse.
So which one of you two is the interpreter, huh? Sadly, that duty falls on me.
Well, tell him to stop leaving his butt prints in my van.
Sign language requires the entire body.
If you want him out of there, you're going to have to uncuff me.
[Clears Throat.]
- Hey.
Say, what's he run, about, uh, 220? - I haven't the faintest idea.
Well, tell him to get in line and follow us into the yard, 'cause we're gonna check in.
That boy looks like a candidate for the fight programme.
Got his file? Deaf and mute? Yep.
That other guy, uh, John Smith, can talk to him.
He knows that sign language.
You mean to tell me that animal is travelling around with a hairdresser? I wonder if that mute's as tough as he looks? I'll tell you what, you have Jackhammer Jackson try him out.
If he looks like he can handle himself, l"m gonna file assault charges against him upgrade his sentence two years for fighting.
Soon as they get through with the psychiatric check-in, I'll get it done.
- [Murdock.]
- You don't really see a tractor, do you, Murdock? - You're right.
I was just guessing.
- Well, don"t guess.
What does it look like? Ink.
It looks like ink.
See, I've been doin' these most of my life off and on and I don't see nothin', so I just guess.
It looks like a butterfly, don't it? See, there's the wings and there's the head.
Yeah, I see that.
- Yeah, it's a butterfly! - Good.
Now what do you see? Garbage bag.
Empty garbage bag.
I'd like a trash bag, please, if you have one.
I really could use a trash bag.
All the way from Los Angeles, California, to Strikersville, Florida.
I'm doing a story on prison reform.
Actually, I was supposed to meet Dwight Pepper here.
The story relates to his concepts on prison reform.
- Unfortunately, I guess he got hung up at the airport.
- Have a seat.
Thank you.
Dwight Pepper? Isn't he that dude that wrote that cream-cheese book about coddling prisoners? Teach them how to do needlepoint, bake biscuits? I have his book right here.
I already read it.
Couldn't get past the second chapter.
You, uh, don't mind if I confirm your credentials, do you, Miss Allen? Please do.
You one of the new fish, huh? - That's right.
- Turn out your pockets, boy.
What you got is mine.
- What's your name, friend? - Deke, and I ain't your friend.
I'm your boss, boy.
I'll tell you what you are, Deke.
- You're a guy travelling Mach one to a pine box.
- Tough guy, huh? He's a tough guy.
Got a cigarette, Deke? I'll just take the pack.
What have you seen of Jase Tataro, Deke? It don't pay to ask questions on this cell block.
See ya, Deke.
- Turn out our pockets, man.
- What is this, an opening ritual? I wasn't talkin' to you, punk.
I was talkin' to him.
Turn out your pockets, man.
Oh, he doesn't have anything in his pockets you want.
I wasn't talkin to you.
I was talkin' to him.
If you're talking to him, you are talking to me, because he's deaf.
He"s also a mute.
He can"t even read lips.
But if you'd like me to translate for you, I'll be happy to.
You want him to turn out his pockets? - What did he say? - You don't want to hear it.
It wasn't very nice.
Okay, okay.
He said, "Your mother works street corners and you're so ugly, flies wouldn't land on you.
" I told you it wasn"t very nice.
He also said that you're a chicken-hearted lowlife who sleeps in pig slop, and your sister Okay, okay.
I get the point.
- Three-minute rounds? - No.
Damn! I never saw such quick combinations in my life.
That boy may be better than Jase.
The only trouble is you can't talk to him without the other guy, Smith.
Tell you what you, uh, keep 'em together.
Put 'em in the fight programme.
Get on the phone, spread the word.
Saturday night, we're gonna have a fight to the death.
Tell 'em a thousand dollars buys one seat.
Mr Pepper, I don't have no time for you today.
That's Dr Pepper, like in the "sody" pop.
Hey, look, Warden, I done a little research on Strikersville Prison and, uh, quite frankly the incidence of violent deaths that abound here about suggest to me that you have severe shortcomings in your rehabilitation programme.
I ain't about to discuss my prison with some, uh, university, uh, "peniologist" who don't know anything about problems we face here.
Warden Beale, I'm gonna lay this out for you once and only once.
I've been commissioned by the Senate of these here United States to write a thesis on several prisons Strikersville bein"one of them, and, uh, I must tell you, sir that I am, uh, mighty appalled by what l"ve discovered is goin"on down here.
In the past 18 months, there have been seven prisoners who have died from what we might euphemistically call "mysterious causes" - beatings and the like.
- Not to mention the number of prison breaks that have resulted in the deaths of the escaping prisoners.
Miss Allen, if y'all don't mind.
I would like to handle this in my own way.
I appreciate that you're down here to chronicle my efforts in the national press.
I appreciate that your findings will be published in 70 syndicated papers including the Washington Post, and I am not unmindful of the public attention y"all can put on my study.
But as an academician, I'm not here for personal glory but to try and effect meaningful prison reform.
Seventy papers? Look, uh, I don't wanna make enemies of you people but, uh, you gotta understand I got my problems here.
Warden Beale, I'm not down here to try and make trouble for you.
As a matter of fact, I'd be willing to take a look at your operation in a very favourable light if I was to become convinced your rehab programmes were movin' in the right direction.
We have rehab programmes here in Strikersville.
What you got, Warden, is a laundry and y'all punch out license plates for the state of Florida.
What do ya want from me? Well, I'd I'd like to suggest the implementation of what we call "sensitivity rehabilitation.
" It's all in my book.
You mean, uh, cooking, junk like that? Cooking is excellent.
It's a creative endeavour.
Now at Leavenworth, they've had tremendous success with the hair-styling concept.
Absolutely incredible.
It"s in my book under"Decreased Inmate Violence Through Personal Grooming.
" [Chuckling.]
You You gotta be putting me on.
You mean to tell me you want me to start a hairdressing "saloon" here in prison? How about ballet class? You want one of those? As a matter of fact, dance class and painting class have been quite effective I have heard enough.
That tears it.
I ain't gonna listen to no more of this.
All right.
All right.
You, uh, you do what you like and I'll do what I have to.
Miss Allen? I can't believe you are willing to jeopardize your entire career because you are unwilling to experiment with new prison techniques.
- That's simply fascinating.
- [Clicks Button.]
Hold it.
That thing been on all the time? Dr Pepper? Uh, come on in here a minute, will you? You know, I was just thinking.
We had a prisoner check in today that had hair-styling experience.
Thought maybe we'd give it a shot.
You come on over here, and you tell me what y'all need.
Trash bags! I want trash bags! I want 'em! I want 'em! - I want trash bags! - The guy hasn't shut up! I want trash bags! Don't you have any trash bags? Maybe he'll put his head inside and suffocate.
Trash bags! Oh.
Trash bags? Gimme a trash bag.
- I want a trash bag.
- Where do these morons come from? Hannibal, that's Jase Tataro.
He's alive.
But this shampoo has no protein base.
We'll have more split ends than a football team.
Ha, ha.
Oh, no! Did you buy all Harrisons? Can't do a decent blow-dry with a Harrison Hair Pro.
There's no temperature control.
Mr Smith, the warden is doing the best he can.
I think Warden Beale is being extremely cooperative.
I need reclining salon chairs.
Where are my reclining salon chairs? Strikersville, Florida don't have no Montgomery Wards.
We did the best we could.
Okay, okay.
Then I'll take, uh, pool chairs or lawn chairs.
The attitude of the head is the essence of a good cut.
Sneed, uh, go over and pick up three or four of my pool chairs.
Thank you, Warden.
Warden Beale, I'm most surely impressed with the way you've gone and embraced these new concepts in penology.
I don't think there's gonna be one con comin' here and gettin' no haircut.
- Uh, you people got me over a barrel, but, uh, I think you're nuts.
- That's what they said in Leavenworth.
Now, Warden, everybody wants to look nice.
It strikes to the central core of the human condition.
When, uh, people, uh, look nice, they act nice.
And prisoner violence will be reduced.
Now if it's all right, I'd like to see the hospital facilities.
How'd you like a little Mohawk trim, B.
, just to keep me in practice? How'd you like a little right hook, Hannibal, just to sorta keep me in practice? [Murdock.]
Some more! I want some more! I want trash bags! - What on earth is that? - We have a new prisoner.
He wants trash bags.
- Trash bags? Why? - I don't know.
I never saw anything like it before.
You give him a trash bag, and he's quiet for a couple of hours, and then it starts all over again.
Aberrant behaviour is fascinating, medically and clinically, isn't it? How would you know? I just found out you're not really Dr Pepper.
Not Dr Pepper? Are you kidding? Of course he's Dr Pepper.
Except I just got his book from the warden's office not more than an hour ago.
I was just getting set to read it, and I noticed this.
So the next question is, if you're not Dr Pepper, who the hell are you, honey? That's the last time I'll be humiliated by that damn publisher! Five years of research, five years of writing and Dunn and Mitchell put the wrong picture on the dust jacket! I thought they recalled all the wrong dust covers, Dr Pepper.
They were supposed to have been recalled.
- Of course, with a New York publisher, they'll tell you anything.
- Wrong dust cover? Yes.
Of course.
Clean out your ears.
Here, show her the right one.
- [Sighs.]
- Oh, well, this one has your picture on it.
So who's this other guy? That other guy, as you so quaintly put it, is Dr Lloyd Leedoms.
He's a marine biologist or some damn thing.
Published a minor little work entitled, Love Calls of the Pacific Grey Whales.
About six people ever read it.
My book, on the other hand, is the current bible of penologists and the publishers mixed his photo with mine distributed the first printing with the wrong picture on it! - Your question is, "How could this happen?" - Well, no.
l My question exactly.
I screamed bloody murder, and they told me they promised that all the books had been recalled! Oh, it's just devastating.
Writers get almost no respect.
Almost none.
Would you mind if I-I took if I took this jacket? - No.
- I'm gonna shove it down my editor's throat.
He promised me.
- Oh, well, what's a Yankee's promise worth anyway? - Nothin'.
Let's take a look at that trash bag fixation, shall we? Trash bag! New trash bag! - Trash bag! Trash bag! - Sneed, trash bag.
Trash bag? Tra What do you make of that, Doctor? Well, I'd like to spend about an hour with him later on.
I, uh, I got my doctorate at LSU in neurotic fixations.
I think in about, oh, whether this boy is really fixated or just trying to, uh, Section Eight into the soft walls of a hospital facility.
I sure would like to have you try, Doctor.
He's been keeping everybody on this wing up all night.
Well, I'll take a shot at it before I leave this evening.
[Snapping Fingers.]
Tell him to take his gloves off and hold out his wrist.
He's leaving.
Leaving? Why are we leaving? Not you, just him.
Tonight is fight night.
He"s gonna get his chance to fight Jase Tataro.
Is the van ready, Sneed? Van? Are you kidding? I thought we were gonna fight right here in the prison.
You tell him to hold his hand out and you shut your hole, okay? Or I'll have Sneed deck you with his billy right here, right now.
I think I should go along to tell him what's happening.
I think, uh, once he gets hit, he'll know what's happening.
Now you tell him.
Let"s hurry up.
We gotta be there in 20 minutes.
Oh, damn.
What's the matter? Did you lose your playmate? [Sighs.]
No, I-I hate violence.
I just hate it.
What's going on, man? Where we going? Well, one of us is gonna wind up a dead man and then the other one is gonna be sporting game for the crowd.
We gonna bust loose.
You gonna do what I say.
No way out of this.
I got some help.
Joey hired me and some friends to get you out.
We ain't gonna get out of this one, B.
, neither one of us.
What are you doing here? This is a restricted area.
Well, do you think I like it? Doing a cut and blow-dry on a crazy man.
Warden Beale sent me up here.
Well, you'll have to leave.
I have no permission for you to be here.
lt"s all right.
I set it up with the warden this afternoon.
I thought we'd start by getting Mr Murdock here a better self-image.
My self-image is real bad.
A haircut is just what I need in this time of severe emotional crisis.
There, you see how it works? Now y"all wanna open the door and let that fellow come on in? Well, if you're sure, Doctor.
Thank you.
- Hey, what - Bring the trash bags, Murdock.
Hey, what's going on? You feel free to yell and scream, but there's nobody around to hear.
- It's going down.
We made a little error.
- What? They're not gonna fight in the gym.
They just took Jase and B.
outta here in a van.
That is not a little error, Hannibal.
That is a giant screwup.
Well, in either case, we gotta get outta here.
Murdock, you and I are gonna go over the wall.
- Face, you better get outta here.
- Amy is outside in B.
's van.
Hopefully, she had the instinct to follow them.
If she didn't, we're dead.
[Motor Whirring.]
- Hi.
- Hi.
You know, I have to admit y'all run a much better prison here than I expected.
Well, I guess I'll just head on outta here.
Uh, just have to check with the admitting desk.
One moment.
Guard! Get me outta here! Come on! [Indistinct.]
Come on, now.
They"re trying an escape.
Dr Pepper is in on it.
Come on.
- Okay.
- [Door Buzzes.]
- Bye.
- So long.
This is Psychiatric Ward.
We've got a break situation here.
Give us a lockdown and sound the alarms.
Murdock, how did I let you talk me into this? I don't know.
I have intermittent memory loss.
Whoa! Ya-hooo! Hey, great, Murdock, great! Whoa! Ya-hooo! [Laughing.]
Ya-hooo! To all a merry Christmas and to all a good night.
Nothing to it.
This is Smith.
How you doing, kid? I'm in a field north of the prison.
There's about 50 cars in front of a barn.
They just took B.
in a few minutes ago.
Hannibal, it"s starting.
Go right on the dirt road just past Strikersville Junction.
[Tyres Screeching.]
We got ourselves a challenger, name of Baracus.
Just checked in this week.
It's gonna be an interesting fight.
He's got the fastest hands I've seen in 20 years.
Now I don't know how to talk to you, boy.
Lessen you get your hands up, this man is gonna kill you.
Go! [Yelling.]
Do it, man.
My people ain't gonna fail me.
- There's about 50 or 60 of'em in there and some of'em got guns.
- Well, we got a surprise for them.
Get him! I said get him, Jase! Get him! - [Man.]
Kill him! - Live or die? I can't breathe.
Get those legs up, sweetheart.
Put your hands in the air.
You, over here.
Nice little shindig, Warden.
But it's over.
I c-can't breathe.
Uh, uh, uh.
Thanks, fellows.
I knew you wouldn't let us down.
He He ain't a mute any more.
Just like you ain't a warden any more.
That's for a little boy named Joey.
, bring him out.
Murdock, grab that TV camera.
Okay, everybody on their feet.
It's showtime.
Stand up now and toss your weapons out into the centre.
As in nice and easy.
There you go.
All you boys in the front row you wanna sit down, face the camera? That"s right.
Wanna give everybody a chance here.
Murdock, bring that TV tape and collect Sneed.
Come on, Chips, time to go.
Now you all are gonna be on the 10.
00 news.
It's a tough break, but that's showbiz.
- Go! - [Machine Gun Firing.]
All right, I owe you guys my life.
You know, why'd you do it? Why did you take a chance like that for me? You had to be there.
Thank you.
I wanna tell you something.
You see, the state of Florida they dropped the rest of the time I owe 'em 'cause that warden, he faked up those additional charges he had against me.
All we ask is that you don't ever say a word about us.
We're kinda hot ourselves.
There's a guy named Colonel Lynch who's after us - and we don't like to leave a trail.
- That's a promise.
I gotta get down to the paper and proof my story.
I got front page tomorrow.
- Congratulations.
- I gotta get going.
I got things to do myself.
I got bed check at the hospital in an hour.
I'll drop ya.
There's a new night nurse there with definite possibilities.
Night nurses at that joint all have third-degree black belts, Face.
You touch her, she'll break your caps.
So, uh, Hannibal can drop you.
Uh, sorry, Murdock, can't.
If I hurry, I can catch Andre at the bar.
I still want that part in Sinbad.
I'll wait in the car.
Thanks, B.
I owe you.
Anything you want.
Tomorrow, you're gonna learn to make ashtrays, okay? - [Laughing.]
- Okay.
- All right.
All right, man.
- Thanks, man.
- John is a reformed man.
- [Man On TV.]
This news is just in from Strikersville, Florida.
- I mean, when we talk about John Smith - [Man On TVContinues, Indistinct.]
we're talking about a devoted actor - who cares desperately about the animals and the monsters he plays.
- Boy, listen to that.
Warden Beale has confessed to the crimes after being turned over to Florida state officials along with videotapes of the fights he engineered between prisoners.
Already 40 identifications and arrests have been made of the men who watched the contests.
And what of the mystery men who engineered the capture of the warden and the film? No clues exist as to their identity.
I'd love to have the rights to that story.
Oh, what I wouldn't give to be sitting across the table from one of the guys who pulled off that caper.
- Yes, yes? What is it? - Uh, nothing.
Uh, forget it.
Bad idea.

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