The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 (1990) s01e09 Episode Script


It is a legend no
one will forget.
Everyone thought King Koopa
had left the mushroom kingdom.
and then
His Doom Ship attacked!
King Koopa was back!
With the greatest
danger ever known:
His Koopa Kids!
With their new super powers,
The Super Mario Bros. rescued
Princess Toadstool and beat
back the evil Koopa Family.
King Koopa:
I'll get those plumbers!
Are we there yet?
How many times are you going to
ask that, Missy?
Are we there? Are we at wild
Ylaldo's "one-of-a-kind"
amusement park?
Yes, Missy! We're there! This is
the amusement park!
You wanna get out!
Oh, Dad! Cut it out!
We lost Dad?
No, we're not lost, Bud!!
It's just another hour,
sit back and enjoy the scenery!
What scenery, Mom?
That scenery!
Oh my word! Where are we?! !
We're sure not in Kansas any
more --Maybe we're in Iowa!
This is cool!
This is freaky!
Don't be frightened, sweetie.
Daddy is going to find a gas
station and ask directions.
Right, Norman?!!!
Sure! Sure! Right!
Watch out, Dad!
Nice going, Dad.
What was that??
A monster!
Wow! I think they're aliens from
another planet!
Who's there?
Help! The aliens are coming!
The aliens are coming!
This mirror will make it look
like there's no wall here.
But is anybody dumb enough
to fall for for a prank like
Awww riiiight!
It worked!
Run! Run for your lives! It
breathed fire It had like four
What are you talking about?
They're coming! They're coming!
Ohh Umph!
Who's coming?
Aliens! !
ALIENS!! There were dozens of
them, Kooky!
ALIENS! ! MILLIONS of them!! Big
Kootie Pie!
ALIENS, Daddykins!! ZILLIONS and
ZILLIONS of them!
Twenty feet tall, armed and
spewing smoke and fire -and
coming this way -
in their heavily-armed
We're DOOMED! And I don't have a
single thing to wear! !
An invasion! Well! We'll just
have to get them before they get
Aliens! Aliens!
The aliens are coming!
Help! The aliens are after us! !
The aliens are coming!
Has anyone here seen any of
these terrible aliens?
Well, er, no.
But they're mean, monstrous, and
hideous looking!
If you haven't seen them, how do
you know what they look like?
HE told me!
And someone else told him.
Sounds like you Mushroomers are
spreading Mush-Rumors!
But I saw them! They had a
bizzare vehicle!
And they wore strange outfits!!
They had four eyes! They even
had hair on their heads --yuk!
Oh, sorry, Mario.
Bet you a jar of marinara sauce
these "aliens" are Real-Worlders
like Luigi and me!
They were alien monsters,
I tell you!
Luigi, we better check this out!
When those aliens are in range -
Koopa them with everything
we've got!
No way those aliens are gonna
take over our Kingdom,
right, King-Dad?
Forget the Kingdom!
I just want to save my own scaly
Did you figure out where we are
yet, Dad?
Well I'm pretty sure it's not
Iowa, maybe it's Nebraska
Maybe we're in wild Waldo's
"one-of-a-kind" amusement park!
I was right, Luigi.
They are humans!
And here comes inhuman trouble!
The Doom Ship!!
It's blasting that
Real World family!
Those poor people are goners!
wait! You can't do this! I
belong to the Auto Club!
Hang on!
We'll get you out of here!
Boy, Dad, I'm sure glad you
brought us here!
Yeah, this is the best Amusement
Park we've ever been to!
Dad, look!
Don't those marble-brain Mario
Brothers know they're helping
Yeah! Serves 'em right if those
twenty-foot tall aliens
ate 'em up with their sword-like
It's funny but those yukky
aliens look a lot like, well,
Of course, ditzhead, that's the
first trick a sneaky alien
I bet the aliens took on human
form to trick the Mario Brothers
into helping them.
But I'll out-trick them all!
Chain-Chomps away!
Ooh! Ahh!
That repulsive reptile captured
the Real Worlders!
I'll bet you three spaghettis to
one lasagna he's taking them to
Kastle Koopa!
Okay, aliens! You can't fool us!
Yeah! Turn back into your
twenty-feet tall, snake-spewing,
four-eyed, monstrous real
Dad, what's going on? This green
geezer is really bizotic!
I think I'd rather be back home!
Are you wild Waldo? Because if
you are,
this is no way to run an
amusement park!!
I don't know what you are, or
where we are,
but I'm reporting you to my
Travel Agent!
Daddykins! The aliens are still
trying to trick us by staying in
human form.
Do something!
Don't worry, sis.
We'll trick them,
Right, Kootie Pie.
We'll trick them!
How're we gonna
trick 'em, Kooky?
I'll run 'em through my new
Transmutational Brain Wave
and we'll learn all their secret
plans to conquer the Mushroom
When we know all their plans,
we'll use them ourselves!
A brilliantly treacherous son!
What more could
a villian ask for?
It figures Dad would take us
someplace that turned out to be
Next year, can we go some place
that's popular?!
I've had just about enough of
This is not fun any more!
Quick, Luigi! Make sure
Kooky's invention can't hurt
Follow me and I'll get you to a
Warp Zone so you can go home.
Warp Zone? What are you talking
about? Who are you?
Are you Uncle Waldo?
This is all highly irregular.
I demand an explanation.
Later, Norman. Let's just get
out of here!
I'll explain on the way.
Hurry! We left the engine
running in your station wagon.
Just drive in and it'll take you
back to the Real World.
Have a safe trip, everybody!
Thanks for all your help!
Look us up if you ever come to
The aliens are gone!
Who cares if the aliens are
Kooky got all their secret plans
right out of their brains!
Uh,..sorry, King-Dad. My
Analyzer says they really were
Real World People!
Yeah. They were planning to go
to wild Waldo's amusement Park.
Then who started the rumor they
were aliens?
He did!
Are we there yet?
This is Kooparific!
I can do even more bad in my
Doom Sub than in my Doom Ship!
Soon, the underwater world of
Mertropolis will be
Kooptropolis! Ha ha!
Just one problem, King Pop,
those pesky Mario brothers
are right on our tail.
Rocky Wrenches to your battle
Enemy plumbers 'sighted!
What do you say we throw a
wrench or two in Koopa's works!
Hey Koopa! We're taking you
No problem!
I got everything under control!
I'm the Captain of this Sub!
Look out, Princess!
My frog-suit's been covered by a
block of cement!
What's a cement suit to a guy
who swims better than most fish?
I can't breath!
I can't swim! I can't breath!
I can't hang on Save me!
Sheesh, Holy Mackerel!
The name's Holly Mackerel, not
Holy Mackeral!
I'm the Mermaid Princess of
Follow me!
Oh that's better! I'm not like
you frogs.
I can't breathe the air!
The only problem is everything
looks so fuzzy!
Mario, Mario! Speak to me!
Hop to it everyone! Come on!
Hurry! We've got to get the
water out of his lungs!
Out with the bad air, in with
the good!
Out with the bad air in with
the good.
Poor Sweet Frog!
Someone turn off the water!
Oh boy, what a nightmare.
I dreamed I was drowning!
It was horrible!
I was saved by the most hideous,
disgusting creature
You're safe now, my dream boat!
Nooo! Somebody wake me up,
Holy Mackerel!
That's Holly Mackerel!
And my royal fortune teller told
me a handsome frog Prince would
be hopping into my life.
And here you are!
Maam! Lady! Fish! Whatever you
are, you're great for saving me,
but I'm no Frog Prince! What I
am is leaving!
Playing hard to get, Huh?
Come out, come out, where ever
you are!
I'd rather face a thousand
Koopas than one mermaid mackarel
with marriage on her mind!
But ya can't run from your
problems forever.
Oh, I found you at last!
Oh, dear! You're not my Frog.
It's so hard to see through this
Pst! Over here, Mackerel!
Yes, my gorgeous green hunk?
I'm sorry! I'm sure you're a
swell fish, but you,
and I, we're just not each
other's type!
But froggy!
No but's, I gotta go!
C'mon. Let's get out of here.
Oh, no! No! No!
Mario, what's the matter?
That's the way home!
I I I can't go back out
there into the water!
I I I'm afraid!
Hey Mario, use your noodle!
If you stay here, that mermaid
will never stop chasing you!
She wants to marry you!
I'd rather marry a fish than
swim with one, Luigi!
King Mackerel! People of
You have twenty minutes to
surrender or I will destroy
your city!
Now he's gonna fix us!
We gotta stop that Krazy Koopa!
Sizzling sea serpents, Princess!
Oh I am glad to see you and the
Mario Brothers!
You gotta save us!
IIII'd really like to help you,
King Mackerel, bbbbut
What'sa matter? You aren't
afraid of King Koopa are you?
Of course I'm not afraid of
I'm afraid of the water!
Don't worry, King Mackerel,
we'll save Mertropolis somehow!
You do that and your every
fish-wish is my command!
Yipes! Water!
Come on, Mario!
Time to get your sea-legs back!
We'll be right here with you!
You can do it!
All right! I'm corning in!
One for the money. Two for the
show. Three to get ready!
And no way I can go!
I'm just too chicken
to be a frog!
You can't let your fears stop
you, Mario.
The Boomerang Brothers!
Koopa's invading Mertropolis!
Quite a feat, eh Princess?
Marvelous feat, Luigi!
But we've got more Koopas to
koop up!
How about a game of leap
frog, Mario?!
You're history, Koopa-breath!
You may have stooped my troopas,
but you won't stop me!
That was just the first wave
of my attack!
Wave?!! Did he say wave?!
Where?! Where?!
Calm down! Calm down! Don't
worry, Mario.
You stay here, we'll stop the
Doom Sub!
Oh sure, don't worry.
I'll just stay here and be a
lily-livered frog forever!
Oh, I knew it! You cared so much
for me, you couldn't leave.
Oh have you been working out?
Your frog belly's as solid as
Mario! Did you hear that?!
Koopa's preparing to attack!
Don't worry, King Mackerel, my
brother and the Princess will
take care of him.
Oh Daddy, this is the Frog
Prince I told you about!
Prepare the royal wedding.
Look, Pop. it's that meddelsome
Luigi, the Princess, and Toad!
Those lunk-heads will never
learn! Fire the Nasty Nets!
Look out for Koopa's Nasty Nets!
Whoah oh no!
Our clams are really fried now!
Mario, I'm going to invite all
of Mertropolis to our wedding!
Now that's something
to be scared of!
Can't you just see it
We'll make such a lovely couple!
Hmmm I wondered where that
meathead Mario was!
Now hear this, Mario!
You have my congratulations on
getting married!
And to show you what a nice guy
I am, I'm gonna throw you"a
wedding shower!
I can't just hide under the
table! I gotta' do something!
Come on, Mario!
That creep Koopa's got the
Princess, Toad and Luigi.
Scared or not, I've gotta do
Brave men die a single death.
Cowards marry fishhead mermaids!
I'll get you for this,
I bestow on you the Medal of
Mertropolis for your bravery!
Mario, my love!
Time to put on your wetting day
I can't marry him, Daddy! He's,
he's the ugliest looking frog
I've ever seen!
I told you all aiong we were
wrong for each other!
Phew! For a while there I
thought I was sunk!
Come on, let's get out of here
before Holly gets over her fear!
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