The Bad Guy (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Tu quoque...

Hey, it's so hot
Splash, let's dive in
Yeah, swimming is great
With seals and turtles
With Mom and Dad
For adults and kids
Come join us
With orcas and penguins
It'll be so much fun!
Your little brother
Will pay half the price
Come to Wowter World
We're at the junction of Lentini,
at the intersection
with the motorway 514.
We're open on Christmas, too!
It'll be so much fun!
How many men and weapons do we have?
How many?
We don't need men nor weapons.
Do you know why?
Because we are at peace, right?
How much does this peace cost each month?
No looking down.
I know that you give half of what we earn
to that guy.
Who told you that?
It costs what it costs.
It wasn't me who lost the war.
He killed your mother.
Your brother, two aunts.
How many cousins? 12?
Without counting the second cousins.
And you pay him!
This is what you turned the Tracinas into.
Men of honor paying protection money.
This is what we've become!
He let us live.
People who are afraid to die,
die many times.
You know who said that?
-Your father.
Julius Caesar said that
and it didn't end well.
Yes, but you don't have Brutus' balls.
You came here
You came here,
you're responsible for a huge massacre,
you started a war that was already lost,
and I don't have my son anymore.
I'd like to know what your plan is.
What is it?
Cousin Balduccio.
What's the plan?
The plan
Let's say
I think that
We lost the war.
But Suro lost the peace.
All the families are under Suro,
this is a fact.
But nobody really wants that.
Nobody wants to be against him, either.
We'll have to persuade them.
A rebellion.
Starting from the families
that are under Suro.
We'll be like Spartacus.
Crucified on the Appian Way?
Why did I send you
to classical high school?
We need men and weapons.
At least so that
we don't get killed in here.
Hey, you!
Where is my son?
Didn't you hate your son?
Don't you dare again.
I'm going to kill you!
So, she is the mad woman.
So, this is the traitor.
Dad, she's my wife, Teresa.
Honey, he's my father, Salvatore.
A desperate man is capable of killing.
Of blowing himself up.
I promised you I'd avenge your father.
Here I am.
-Bye, Luvi.
Are you getting melancholic?
See you in another li
Do you have one for me?
I don't know what the fuck to do.
What you came back for.
On the first try, instead of killing him,
I saved his life.
Are you afraid of dying now?
Dying is one thing, I'm okay with it.
But I can't live without my wife.
Do you want to go back to her?
I can go there and hide in the basement.
At least she'd be there.
A second life, like a ghost,
-like the movie.
Yes, the movie.
Only difference is
that we could fuck sometimes.
you'd be a fugitive.
Sort of.
Stop the bullshit. Close your eyes.
I said, close your eyes.
Now, imagine
a whole day, locked in a room.
Waiting for the only person who knows
you're alive to come and see you.
It's far from a ghost,
you'd feel worse than a dog.
Except that dogs are beautiful
when they're puppies.
As soon as they grow up,
they become a burden,
because you need to feed them.
They shit, and you have to pick it up.
You feed them, they shit,
and you pick it up.
You feed them, they shit,
and you pick it up.
One day, two days, three days,
four days, five days, six days.
It's endless, sir. Endless.
Your wife would be happy
the first day. Maybe.
But then,
day after day,
it feels like a knife in the chest.
Just consider that Mariano Suro
killed your marriage as well.
Tracina left
the witness protection program?
Since when?
Since the baby's baptism.
Damn. He was like Scarface.
So, what now?
It's a big mess.
Some want to take their baby back,
others want a war against Suro,
and we hope we don't get killed.
That's the truth.
Listen, when you arrest Tracina,
wouldn't be better if I was there,
it'd be less suspicious.
Is it possible?
I'm asking respectfully.
-Keep me posted.
-Why, aren't you going to arrest him?
We already had Tracina,
let's see what happens with this mess.
Wait till the end of the movie to leave.
I want to see how it ends.
Go home, Mario.
I'm going to get my son back.
You miss him, too, don't you?
Let me go, then.
If you're a man,
put your mad wife in her place.
If you're a man, get your son back.
Good night.
I don't understand.
Explain it again, please.
you need to know
that love is like a cucumber,
sweet at the beginning
and bitter at the end.
I was going home
to tell my wife I was alive.
"Let's run away, we're rich."
And the bitch was fucking!
She was fucking my cousin!
Slap me, good!
Him and his family are bastards!
You too, then?
I'm the best of all of them.
Slap me, come on.
I'll sum it up
and you'll say if I got it right?
You had a difficult financial situation,
you owed money to people
who don't are not official lenders.
Loan sharks.
Once you realize that
you'll never be able to pay the debts,
you take out a life insurance and die.
You fake your own death
in a way that I won't talk about,
but it's so convincing,
that after several appraisals,
the insurance company
pays a hefty sum of money
to your wife, Silvia.
The love of my life.
Do you like it?
-Your wife
-Bitch and slut!
Did she know it was a fake death?
You wanted to leave that money
to you wife as a farewell gift.
-The love of my life.
I'll cut your face off with my toe nails!
-Don't you dare!
-Look at me.
-This guy!
You changed your mind.
Yes, I changed my mind
because I couldn't live without her.
You go back home
and what was your intention?
Flee with the insurance money?
Flee? Insurance? The money was gone!
She spent all of it, with my cousin Sasà.
While my corpse was still warm!
It's not a crime to get over
grieving the death of a husband.
She took the insurance money.
Isn't that a crime?
Isn't it a crime? A fraud?
Sure, it's a fraud you committed.
You're the one who'd go to jail.
Is it clear?
If we can sum it up,
you're angry and will inform
the insurance company
that she shouldn't have got the money,
since the deceased wasn't deceased.
And they're going to sue you.
You risk five years in jail.
Well, Mr. Cavalcanti, I don't think we
Shortened proceedings,
no compensation,
and six months of community service.
Anyone who can pay
the preliminary expenses?
My cousin Sasà.
Oh, yes.
He knows he was wrong.
When you're in need, in jail or ill.
That's when you know
if relatives care about you.
Isn't that normal?
Hey it's so hot
Let's dive in
Go for it!
Yeah, swimming is great
With seals and turtles
With Mom and Dad
Come on!
Damn it, Giusy, your cigarette!
Arturo, tell her it's bad for her.
I always tell her.
Giusy, don't smoke. It's bad for you.
Come on, guys!
Free the animals!
Stop Wowter World!
Stop Wowter World!
Here they come!
The accomplices are coming!
You are all accomplices!
You're all accomplices!
Shame on you!
Shame on you!
Please, don't get lost.
Did you know that penguins
can only taste acid and salt?
You may wonder why.
Because they swallow fish
without chewing it,
so they lost the other three basic tastes.
Which are the three basic tastes?
-Bitter, umami
-Come on, Giusy.
and sweet.
In short, the conditions led them
to consider taste as a useless thing.
What you hear now is the sea lion's cry.
They are louder, while seals are quieter.
They live a solitary life.
Come on, let's go.
They don't have calamari here.
-Who is it?
-Cousin Balduccio.
Do you remember Biagio Sigano?
-Who? Gaza?
-Yes, Gaza.
He sold weapons,
both to Israel and Palestine.
I arrested him some time ago.
He spent three years in jail.
When he got out,
he opened a nice restaurant.
Now everyone calls him "Gambero Rosso."
A what?
He had an estate with a farm,
but it was just a front
for arms trafficking, his business.
Now it's not a front.
It's a legit farming business
with a restaurant
and the employees are boys
with Down syndrome.
Nice, inclusive. In theory, at least.
So, you think
he didn't get out of the arms business?
Does anyone get out?
Let's see this "Gambero Rosso"
and let's hope he still has weapons,
because he's always been a shitty cook.
Damn, counselor, it's a very nice car.
Very chic!
It starts in two minutes.
Fine. Then we'll wait two minutes.
One must arrive just on time.
Not late, or the judge gets annoyed.
They think that you have 200 hearings,
that you've just managed
to acquit Göring at Nuremberg.
A word that we misuse.
That has lost its truth by being repeated.
Has lost its importance, its consistency.
Think for a moment
about the people you loved.
Feel what happens in your stomach.
There. There it is.
It doesn't take much,
there's nothing more natural.
"Love is simple," said the poet.
All the great things are simple.
Homer was simple.
Jesus Christ was simple.
Is there anything greater and simpler
than a sacrifice made for love?
Are you married, Your Honor?
"What God has joined together,
let not man put asunder!"
Here, it was a man
who divided a great love.
Actually, we could say society.
Or maybe, something even more depressing.
Debts have separated a great love.
Santino wasn't able to give Silvia
the life she dreamed of,
and that he dreamed of for her even more.
-So, what did he do?
-Insurance fraud.
He made a sacrifice.
In the very meaning of the word.
He gave his life,
his life for his great love.
My client literally did it.
He died for the civil society
that had banished him.
He experienced inhuman, beastly months,
but almost divine at the same time.
All for love.
And then he came back.
He had managed to give his wife
a life without debts,
in fact, a decent life.
It was for love, again.
Once I heard
a wrong, yet poetic, etymology
for the word 'love'.
Without death.
My client returned from death.
He returned to his marital nest,
and returned to civil society.
And then what? He turned himself in.
If he didn't,
this trial wouldn't have happened.
The insurance company
wouldn't have received a single euro back.
In this room,
we're experiencing something
that often occurs
when we talk about justice.
Morality overcoming
the law, once again.
We are here, once again, at fault.
Judging it. I rest my case.
No, no.
I don't even know how
I really don't need it.
Hey, give me this knife, it's not for you.
What did you do?
Enzuccio, quickly, go get mine.
This is not working. I just put it.
Have you got it?
Weapons and everything?
Swear you won't jump
into the killer whale pool again?
Tonight or in general?
Poor dear.
I've eaten something, you think?
I didn't have dinner, I feel like crap.
I need to pump.
Balduccio! Hurry up!
Swear to bring my son back to me?
Tonight or in general?
Are you stuck?
Let's go take those fucking weapons.
Let's go.
I'm really curious to know
if Gambero Rosso got out of business.
Was this necessary?
It doesn't take a genius to figure out
where we are.
This isn't Los Angeles.
There's one bowling alley
in a 124-mile range.
I know well that you and my father-in-law
don't like to chit-chat,
so, I'll be quick.
My father for my son.
I give you my father,
and you give me back Marianuccio.
And we'll make peace.
Where and when?
At the restaurant, La Fattoria.
Guys, say hi to the gentlemen.
When I get up to go to the toilet,
that's the moment.
You come in
and do what you have to do.
What a triumph!
I would have done anything
to get him two years in jail.
Unbelievable. I don't know how you did it.
Love, always love. You're right.
Vincit omnia, right?
When I was a child, I had a cat,
once he ran away, he was on heat.
He came back after two days,
full of scratches, his fur was torn,
the head swollen, the mouth crooked,
one eye full of pus,
the other was missing.
Love is the worst curse on Earth.
This is what you think?
I think everyone should think like me.
I'm a very logical and truthful person.
What's the problem?
The best lawyer I've ever known?
It's just money. Come on.
Dick is overrated.
Homemade linguine with type 1 flour,
semi-wheat, organic, stone-ground.
With diced sausage from our pigs,
that we massage every day.
An emulsion of burnt spring onion
from our garden.
Finishing with a coffee sauce,
100% arabica,
from the Tuca-Tuca reserve in Colombia
from territories seized
from drug trafficking,
cultivated by laborers
disabled by organized crime,
and licorice.
Just licorice? What is it, chopped liver?
I like buying licorice
from a discount store.
The cheap one in wheels, chemical,
to show how an industrial product
when wisely processed
can go back to its origin
and convey the magic of everyday life.
I see Don Salvatore appreciates it.
Enjoy your meal.
Where are you going?
Sit here with us.
Aren't you wondering why I came back?
I hope you returned to die in your house.
But I fear the contrary.
And you can help me.
How long will it take to find
those weapons and bring them to me?
We don't understand each other.
Gaza, let's not waste time.
Gentlemen, you can only come here to eat.
And you're welcome to do so.
Just out of curiosity
Tell me.
How much does it cost?
How much does this place cost you
every year?
Like 600,000?
A bit less?
Last year, you had an average
of nine people a day.
This means that a person
should spend 185 euros.
This is just to cover the expenses.
Then you have the estate, the garden,
all the elegant furnishings of the venue.
They don't belong to someone who earns
just enough to cover the expenses.
Who the fuck is this?
My cousin, Balduccio.
-From the tax office?
-From America.
South America.
Salvatore, even a leopard
can change its spots.
You cleaned yourself up,
but you haven't changed.
When you change your clothes,
you eventually change, too.
Well, if that's the case, we can leave.
Is that what you think?
That we came to eat?
You're still a shitty cook.
Goodbye. Guys, let's go.
No, why are we leaving?
Balduccio, you tell him.
Let's finish our dinner first, calmly.
Like the gentlemen we are.
I have to go to the toilet
before we leave.
Where is it?
Federico, accompany the gentleman
to the toilet.
Please. I'll show you.
Damn, you can't even make
a cool exit anymore.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
From Suro
You have to earn peace.
Suro's men are outside the restaurant.
You have to kill your father.
Or they're going to kill you all.
Everything all right?
-Let's go.
-Let's have a drink.
Do you have anything strong?
Whatever you prefer.
Fennel liqueur?
Damn, I knew it.
I said let's go.
I said, fennel liqueur!
Thank you.
Listen, Luvi
I have something to tell you.
Remember when you asked me that question,
"Do you want to fuck'?"
Well, yes.
I want to fuck. A lot.
Forever, actually,
that I've been wanting to do it with you.
I want to fuck too, a lot.
Wanted to for five years.
I'm sorry. Excuse me.
Are you hurt?
I'm sorry, really sorry.
Just not with you.
I am sorry.
Thanks, anyway.
-Don't mention it.
Gambero, bring another one.
-Let's go.
-No way.
Cheers, guys.
-I said let's go.
I want to get drunk, come on.
Another one, come on.
Enough, Enzuccio.
I want more. Don't make me ask again.
-I said let's go.
-Don't make me ask again!
-I need to!
-I said let's go, faggot!
What did you say? What?
What did you say?
I'm sorry, Dad. I'm sorry.
I don't have Brutus' balls.
What the fuck are you saying?
I swear, I don't know anything.
I don't know anything, I swear.
What the fuck
I'm there, I'm there. No
Help, Marshall! They're shooting at us!
-Help, please!
-No, come on
People like us don't die
because of cancer.
Not like mice.
Let's go, follow me!
Where the fuck was it?
Calm down, we're screwed anyway.
No, there's a way out, I'm sure.
There was a passage
from the cellars leading outside.
Gaza used it when he had to flee,
so he wouldn't have to use the main door.
I'm sure, I searched this place myself.
What are you talking about, Balduccio?
Let's not get caught.
Let's kill each other.
Hey! Son of a bitch!
Move your hand, what are you doing?
Sir, don't think about it.
Just a clean shot and it's done.
Why "sir"?
Do you want me to do it?
It's faster this way.
Come on.
Here, let's go.
There must be something here
I remember a door.
Here it is, here.
We have to break through here.
We need something heavy.
Find something.
Find something.
Dad, forgive me.
Forgive me, Dad.
This is glass.
I did it for my son.
Now you forgive yours.
I'm sorry, Dad.
-Look for something. Let's go.
I'm sorry.
This is it.
Domenico, what the fuck
are you waiting for?
-Where is Enzuccio?
-Don't worry, go!
-What is she doing?
-Take a guess.
What about that?
I got it this morning.
To exercise while watching TV.
Ten days, and it'll be in the basement.
They didn't blow it up on purpose.
They had TNT,
but they wanted the car to stop there.
The shots on the face had to be seen.
They wanted to send us a message.
I'm not sure we need to catch Liberti now.
Look, Giusy, here comes
the scene you like. Look.
Are we doing the best thing?
For us or for this country?
I saw Nino.
I know you did. He's there.
No, I saw him this morning.
I'm in danger.
He was breathing fine now.
He doesn't have rhinitis anymore.
Write, write, write.
You have to write everything down.
If he doesn't have rhinitis,
it isn't Nino.
Here, none can peek.
Good girl.
Throw the rifle on the ground!
Turn around
with your hands in plain sight.
Don Salvatore, I just had an idea.
Do you know what's necessary
to become a man of honor?
I got involved in things
completely unrelated to me.
I'm pregnant.
I'd like to rule out that it's mine
What will I leave behind, in this world?
He's crazy, insane.
What should we do?
We have to stop him.
Who brought this?
-I have a great idea.
Nothing is more surprising
than Italian justice.
I tell you to do something
and you do the opposite?
Do you know
that I've killed for much less?
-Congratulations. Great job.
The real job starts now.
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