The Bad Guy (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Nature can't be stopped

Someone warned him.
Every time we're about to arrest
Mariano Suro, he gets away.
I'm fucking sick of
him fucking around!
Come with us.
You're under arrest.
They say you barely
diverted the raid.
I swear I'm going to
get you acquitted.
My brother hated funerals. He
didn't come to his, either.
I've decided to go back to work.
My first grandson was born.
Let's go to the baptism.
You still want to
arrest Mariano Suro?
I want to kill him.
And you want to go back to Sicily?
How do you intend to face it?
Balduccio Remora
a cousin from South America.
- Who the fuck remembers his face?
- Exactly.
Welcome to Wowter World.
Cousin Balduccio.
My wife, Teresa
You waged a war that
was already lost.
I want to know your plan.
Where's Mariano?
Swear you'll bring my son back.
Some want to get the son back, the
others want to war against Suro.
Is it absurd if I ask you to
come and work for With me?
My father for my son.
Where and when?
Forgive me, Dad.
Throw your rifle on the ground!
The loggerhead sea
turtle is free again!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
We have to stop Wowter
World's massacre
and the other lager sea parks!
Rossella will now be able
to go back to her habitat,
reproduce and spawn!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Nature doesn't stop!
Nature doesn't stop!
Thanks to this
special GPS system,
we will be able to follow
Rossella wherever she goes!
- Rossella! Rossella!
- Rossella! Rossella!
- Come on!
- Go, Rossella!
The sea is yours, Rossella!
- Go, Rossella!
- Rossella! Rossella!
Rossella! Rossella!
- Go, Rossella!
- Rossella! Rossella!
- The sea is just a couple of steps away!
- Go, go!
Go, Rossella.
Go, Rossella.
Go, Rossella.
Go, Rossella!
Go! Go, Rossella!
No, no Whatever, come on.
Come on, guys,
we're almost there!
- Nature can't be stopped.
- Bye!
Wowter World, the
fun is guaranteed!
Come with Mom and Dad, and if
you bring a brother or sister
under the age of five, you are
entitled to a 50% discount.
Mr. Salvatore, I was thinking
What will I leave
behind, in this world?
- What do you mean?
- I don't have an heir anymore.
Nothing I can hand down.
No, it's not that you
no longer have an heir.
It's that you killed your only
son that Suro had left alive.
A son who betrays his father.
Where will this lead us?
It's the new generations.
This is the future.
But it's my fault.
I didn't teach the right values.
Family, honor
- I was an absent father. Too
- Too fugitive, so to say.
Yes, fugitive.
Well, it isn't all gone.
You still have the baby.
- Mariano.
- Mariano?
Once we get him back,
we'll go to the Registry
Office and change his name.
We'll give him a different name.
I don't know, maybe Salvatore.
Another Salvatore
Tracina on the loose.
The Tracina of the future.
The one who will re-establish
a name and a dynasty.
A new progenitor.
How can we possibly do that?
We'll kill Suro
and get the baby.
Still thinking about Suro?
Where can we find him?
This is exactly what I had in mind.
You don't need to do anything.
You just need to get me in touch
with someone close to Suro.
I'll do the rest.
So now you just come
here and give me orders?
"Let's do this, let's do
that, and I'll do the rest"?
God forbid, Mr. Salvatore.
I just had an idea.
But I wanted to find out if it
was feasible before bothering you.
How do you know whether
it's feasible or not?
I'll tell you whether it's
feasible! I'll tell you!
Come on.
Let's hear your "great idea."
Salvatore Tracina's son,
an arms dealer and a
waiter with Down syndrome.
Is this a riddle?
Nico, there's no
room for guessing.
It's an attack by Suro on what
remains of the Tracina family.
Anyway, we'll ask Palàmita
what the fuck happened.
He'll tell us a lot
of other things.
Sure. What's the saying?
- A speaking mobster
- Is either crazy or dead. I know.
Or maybe he ended up talking
to Leonarda Scotellaro.
Great work, Scotellaro.
- Congratulations!
- Well done.
- Very good.
- Congratulations.
Well done, Scotellaro.
- Commander
- Finish your food.
Such an arrest
isn't very common.
- Congratulations. You did a great job.
- Thank you.
The real job starts now.
Palàmita, you have two options.
You get a life sentence,
or you talk about Mariano Suro.
You're guilty of three murders.
I'm not sure that's clear to you.
Very clear.
Like a spring
morning in Mondello.
You'll end up in the
Ucciardone prison.
Do you know how many of
Suro's enemies are in there?
Is this a rhetorical question
or is it a question that
requires a specific answer?
Like, I don't know, 726?
You'd better hope that at
trial you get Article 41-bis.
At least you'd be
protected there.
Do you know how long it could
take to get to the Supreme Court?
Months. Years.
Eventually some old enemy of Suro
could want to cut your throat.
Just like that, in memory
of the good old days.
- They won't touch me.
- No?
Because Suro offers
lifelong protection?
Maybe he'd rather kill you
than trust you for 30 years.
Do you know what can
happen in 30 years?
Another rhetorical question?
Marshal Scotellaro
You've already
decided my sentence.
Nothing is more surprising
than Italian justice.
Didn't you learn anything from
what happened to your brother?
I swear I'll take you to the
Ucciardone prison personally.
Open this fucking door!
Have they left you in here?
- Sorry.
- No, come in.
Come in.
If I don't pump it
out, I'll get engorged.
- Do you mind?
- No, go ahead.
Were you there when
they killed Enzuccio?
Yes, of course.
What happened?
A gunfight with the police.
What a shame.
What a strange word.
Enzuccio would have known where
it comes from, what it means.
He knew all these
useless things.
I brought you something.
For you.
That's so kind of you, Baldu.
A little present.
I don't have a son
and a husband anymore.
But now I have a lousy
turtle-shaped pendant.
Never take it off, the
turtle brings good luck.
You'll need it when
you'll get out of here.
It makes no sense staying
after Enzuccio's death.
Go back home, to your
family, to Marianuccio.
Yeah, sure.
Tracina will never let me go.
I talked to him. He agrees.
I swear to God, that crazy
woman isn't going anywhere!
The reason Suro hasn't dropped an
atomic bomb on this fucking place
is because we have his
daughter as our human shield!
For real?
Of course.
She's not going anywhere!
Even he understands that it's too cruel
to separate a mother from her child.
- So?
- So you can pack your bags.
You're free.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Yes, Rossella. Yes.
Now you are free! Rossella!
Nature doesn't stop, Rossella!
Palàmita, everything okay?
How can it be okay?
What you told me
- What?
- That if
If I tell you something
about Mariano Suro
Will I be free?
Of course.
You have my word. I'll
stop this van immediately.
We'll put you into
witness protection.
You and your family.
We'll find a safe place where
you can start a new life.
That would be really nice.
I swear.
All right.
Stop! Stop immediately!
Come here.
Something about Mariano Suro.
- Get out of the way!
- Fucking drive!
Move it, asshole!
Well? Why did I
have to rush here?
- He's finally here. Understand?
- Who?
Who? A client worthy of our
law firm! It's a turning point!
- Yes?
- Yes.
How did he find us?
He called us. He wanted to
He found us on the
Internet. Come on, Matteo
No, I mean He
Your sister-in-law arrested him.
What for?
Multiple homicides. In one of
them, he was caught red-handed.
- What's his name?
- Cataldo Silvio Maria Palàmita.
- Palàmita?
- Yes.
So It's all bullshit.
I got involved in things
completely unrelated to me.
Good morning.
Attorney Matteo Boccanera,
at your service. Please.
I'm sure you'll
prove it in court.
- But we can't accept your defense.
- What?
Luvi, wait. Let's talk it over.
May I ask why?
I suppose I don't need to
tell you who my father was.
- I don't handle Mafia cases.
- Mafia?
Ma'am, you surprise me.
That accusation has
yet to be shown.
Of course. But it's still a no.
- Besides, address me as attorney.
- Right.
You're an incorruptible
attorney. And I'm a good person.
- That's why I need you.
- Really?
It has nothing to
do with the fact
that I'm the sister-in-law of
the marshal who arrested you?
- Were you expecting special treatment?
- Really? It's a small world.
Goodbye. Matteo?
Look I
I hope you won't regret it.
Like your father did.
Come on, let's go.
- What is it?
- Come on! Quickly!
Without even saying goodbye?
Who do you want to say
goodbye to? Everyone's asleep.
- Not even Mario?
- Mario hates goodbyes.
He gets emotional.
He's sentimental.
What's in the cooler bag?
The milk for the baby, why?
I messaged one of your
guys, Peppe 'U Cidduzzu.
I said they'll find you on the
Palermo to Mazara del Vallo highway.
At the first gas station.
Apparently, you can't ring
your father's doorbell.
No one knows where
he's hiding right now.
No one knows, right?
You don't know either.
- Where he is.
- What do you want to know, Balduccio?
Nothing. I don't want
to know anything.
No one knows where my father is.
They're certainly not going to tell me.
Shall we eat something
in the meantime?
To be deprived.
To become empty.
That's what "widow" means.
You like showing you attended
classical high school.
I'm a widower, too. Sort of.
Shall we?
That piece of shit!
He put on that act!
He made me stop the van! He
made a fucking ass of me and
Hey, are you listening to me?
I'm pregnant.
Are you serious?
I would like to rule
out that it's mine
- Luigi
- What?
Isn't the dick overrated?
Apparently, it
still has some use.
You betrayed me.
No, it happened before.
- When?
- Before!
- How long haven't you had your period?
- Three months.
What the fuck, Katerina! Don't
you know how children are made?
I'm on the pill! I
thought I was late.
- Then how the fuck is that possible?
- Maybe it's a miracle!
A miracle
The Holy Virgin Mary.
Or maybe I got
the days mixed up.
That's more likely.
How do you feel?
I threw up three times.
But I'm fine.
I want to keep it.
- You?
- Why not? It could be our child.
Come on. Let's keep it.
I don't know.
Do you want to have an abortion
or get back with Luigi?
I don't know. Get that cigarette
out of my face! It makes me sick!
How is your family usually?
I mean, on time or
Don't worry. They'll come.
Let's hope so.
- Hello.
- Good choice. Yes, it's 19.99.
Look what I got
for Marianuccio
Wake up.
- What time is it?
- They're not coming anymore.
What shall we do?
Priscilla, why didn't you come?
Didn't Peppe 'U Cidduzzu
tell you anything?
What are you doing here? Aren't
you part of the Tracina family now?
No, they let me go.
Mr. Salvatore Tracina
was very magnanimous
and decided to give
her back to her family.
And who asked
Mr. Tracina to do that?
It was a generous
and free gesture.
- Why?
- Because
Teresa wanted to go
back to her family.
And you? Who the fuck are you?
We met
We met at the baptism
We even took a picture together.
I'm Balduccio. Cousin
Balduccio Remora.
From South America.
Listen, cousin Balduccio
Remora from South America
She always looked down on us, just
like she always did with her son.
I had postpartum
depression. It's documented.
Definitely postpartum. You've
been depressed since your birth.
I understand there's a
certain friction between you.
But doesn't your father
want his daughter back?
Peppe 'U Cidduzzu brought
my father the message,
and you know how he responded?
"You can keep this runaway girl.
We're better off without her."
Holy Mary, with all
of this noise
Sweetheart, come here.
Did these useless
beings wake you up?
No, no, they're leaving
now. They're leaving now.
All right, I'll do as you say.
I'll leave and won't come back.
But my son is coming with me.
The baby is staying here. He's
better off without you too.
Mrs. Priscilla, you may give
the baby everything you want,
the education and the
stability he needs.
But only a mother can give
her child certain things.
Such as?
Such as
- Milk.
- Milk.
Mother's milk.
Do you know what the WHO says?
You're a pharmacist. You
should know these things.
That in a baby's first two
years, mother's milk
Balduccio, go tell the WHO
that I still breast feed my
five-year-old daughter Mariagrazia.
We don't need any milk.
We're fine. Thanks
for your concern.
You're a damn
Suck, little one.
You're so hungry.
You can't take my
son away from me.
Teresa, we already have.
You'll thank me one day.
Now, goodbye. Take care.
Let's go.
Didn't I tell you that
she had to stay here?
- In fact, she's here.
- Are you bragging now?
Mr. Salvatore, I had
a plan. I told you.
If it had worked, it would
have brought me to Suro.
And did it work?
Who do you think you are?
I tell you to do something
and you do the opposite?
Do you know that I've killed
for much less? Do you know that?
I know. I know.
Of course.
The files are in your head.
Then, tell me, Balduccio.
How did the cops get to the
restaurant? Do you know?
- Someone probably warned them.
- Of course.
Nice catch.
You should have
become a magistrate.
"Someone" who?
It's not like a police
car arrived. No.
A marshal of the Special
Operations Group showed up
with the last name Scotellaro.
Doesn't this name ring a bell?
Cleaning service
urgently required
And you, Mario
You were at the restaurant.
You know anything?
No, Mr. Salvatore.
No, right.
What about you, Domé?
You were there, too.
You don't know anything either?
- I don't know, Mr. Salvato.
- Of course.
No one knows shit here.
The most credible hypothesis
is that Special Ops
were already monitoring
the restaurant.
For arms trafficking.
"The most credible hypothesis."
Suck my dick, will you?
"It's the most
credible hypothesis!"
From this moment on, no one leaves
or enters this fucking place
without my permission!
No one! Clear?
Did he get nervous?
Did you throw your mother
under the truck? Yes or no?
Yes, but I didn't kill her!
I don't understand
She was already dead.
She had a heart attack in
her sleep, two hours earlier.
Beautiful death, they say
Perhaps for those like you
But I'm without a pension now. How
shall I get by with five children?
So you simply
took your mother's
dead body, dressed it,
pretended to take
it out for a walk,
and then threw it under
the first truck passing by?
At the crosswalk, so I could at least get
some money from the insurance company.
But instead, you've been
accused of intentional homicide.
The truck driver
said he saw you
What a fucking bastard!
She was already dead!
Attorney, I swear
on my four children.
- Weren't they five?
- Yes, but one is my wife's child.
Well, I'm not so sure about it.
Well, thank you for choosing us.
But unfortunately, at
the moment we are
We will take your case.
Thank you, attorney.
As to the payment
As I imagined.
We'll catch up
this week. Goodbye.
- Thank you, attorney. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
A beer?
No, thanks. Maybe tomorrow.
Have a nice evening.
I'm sorry.
For what?
I didn't know Palàmita
and Suro were
Well, I
I feel really shitty for
letting you meet him.
That you had to talk to him.
You should have made
inquiries beforehand.
- Can I make it up to you?
- Put your glasses on, Matteo.
Go home. Bye.
- Good night.
- Good night.
I hope you won't regret it.
Like your father did.
Are you sure?
Of course.
Palàmita went
target-shooting that morning.
So the gunshot residue
analysis is fucking useless.
Nico, that guy is
fucking with us,
and we're letting him.
Listen, Nico, I'll
call you later.
Suck it.
All right, see ya.
Hey, you got something for me?
- What do you want?
- Two pieces.
Two pieces of what?
Two pieces.
Get lost, come on.
Please go away, officer.
I'm gifted, you know?
Because I immediately recognize
people like you. Sorry.
You don't get it.
I said two pieces.
Come on. My girl is expecting
a child from another man.
Is that a good enough reason?
Well, I hardly believe she's
expecting a child from you. Get lost.
Listen, here's the money.
I'll get it myself.
- Where is it? In here?
- Hey, stop it! Stop!
- Where the fuck is it?
- All right, all right!
All right.
Wait here, okay?
Couldn't she just go and
bust someone else's balls?
What the fuck!
My arm!
You're gifted, you're
right. I'm a cop.
Now, listen to me.
I'm taking you to Ucciardone now
and it's up to you to decide if you want
to stay there for six to eight years.
- Or
- Or what?
Or you do something for
me and you're out of this.
It's up to you.
Let's go.
You look too old
to be working here.
Don't fuck with me.
Oh, well. You're right.
Who brought this?
Attorney, don't tell me
you're a vegetarian, are you?
You scared me to
death. What is this?
Don't you see? It's a gift.
To thank you for
everything you did for me.
- You shouldn't have.
- You're joking?
Put it in the oven with
rosemary and potatoes,
and it's delicious!
Then come and tell
me if you liked it.
By the way, come here.
I mean, you have such a nice car,
and you just leave it parked there?
It's an environmental choice.
- No!
- Dad!
Mr. Bray!
- Mr. Bray!
- Dad!
Mr. Bray!
What's that look on
your face, Mario?
What are we doing here?
We're not earning any
money and we can't leave.
I have always been
faithful to Mr. Salvatore.
But ever since his return
Of course, something went
wrong. I'll give you that.
He doesn't trust us anymore.
He's crazy, insane. He
talks to dead relatives.
What do you think we should do?
I don't know who you are.
Cousin Balduccio
from South America.
I mind my own business
and don't ask questions.
But what?
We have to stop him.
'U Siccu and the Zerro
twins agree with me.
And who's going
to stop him? You?
'U Siccu?
The Zerro twins?
Do you want to do it yourself?
Or do you want to
sell him to Suro?
I'll talk to him tonight.
I'll try to talk sense into him.
Earn your salary.
Don Salvatore, many of us
are wondering what's going on.
What's going on?
Do you remember Bernardo?
Bernardo was so handsome.
He was 21 years old
when he was killed.
And Salvatore Junior
My firstborn.
Your bastard father,
that piece of shit.
He took everything away from me.
We have weapons now.
But we don't have soldiers.
It's not just
soldiers that we lack.
It's time.
So what should we do?
Shall we wait and die like rats?
Locked up in a waterpark?
Is this your plan?
You tell me what the plan is.
You have all these great ideas in your
head, so tell me what the plan is.
You want to give in
and let them win?
You want Mariano Suro to win?
We can expand.
Become powerful.
And get the other
families on our side.
We need to breathe
down Suro's neck.
Someone is bound to
talk, eventually.
You don't need to
tell us how we think.
Do you know what's necessary
to become a man of honor?
You need to kill at
least one person.
Have you ever killed someone?
Then why the fuck
are you talking?
Come on, we'll talk it over
when our minds are clearer.
Don't touch it, you piece
of shit. Don't touch it.
Don't touch it.
Ever since I met you
My life has become
a bunch of shit.
Listening to you
Has only turned my
life into a disaster.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go.
Go away.
Go away, leave me alone
Go away, leave me alone
Go away, leave me alone
What happened?
I have a great idea.
- What idea?
- You want a son.
And so do I.
- Let's do it.
- What?
Nothing could be easier.
Nature can't be stopped.
Nature can't be stopped.
Nature can't be stopped!
Hold still!
- Balduccio!
- Shut up!
Ever since I listened to you,
everything has been a disaster,
Mr. Scotellaro.
I'm going to kill you!
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
Merry Christmas.
Balduccio Remora.
Who the fuck is he?
I say let's keep fighting
Suro and get my son back.
Remember the protection money?
People buy everything
on the Internet.
Why not ask the Internet
for protection money?
He wants to summon
the commission.
He wants all the families
to go against Suro.
Wipe that smile off your face.
- Why defend a mobster?
- It's my job.
We need to invest this
money and make a profit.
Nino Scotellaro was innocent.
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