The Bad Guy (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

I saw a light

I'm sorry.
Because you'd never
killed anyone before.
I couldn't live anymore.
Knowing I'd killed someone.
Or that's what I thought.
Everyone thinks that.
But instead
It's like when
- It's like the first time
- Like the first time you fuck.
Once you're there
somehow, you do it.
So what now?
Are you going back
to South America?
I made a promise.
More than six months
after the tragic collapse
of the bridge on the
Strait of Messina,
the special commissioner
for its reconstruction
has finally been appointed.
It's the engineer, Ercole Pagro.
"The efforts of the
commission I'm in charge of,"
stated Pagro in a press conference
immediately after his selection,
"are intended to avoid
any Mafia infiltration."
- Let's go, Stacchio.
- Wait.
Counselor, I don't know why,
but I knew we'd meet again.
Wipe that smile off your face.
Not much to laugh about
in your situation.
Once again.
on the evening of November 15,
I was having dinner at a
restaurant, La Fattoria.
Which is two and a half hours
away by car from your town.
Quite far away, isn't it?
No, because that afternoon, I
was away from home for work.
- What's your job?
- I'm a breeder.
I was in the Cesarò area to buy
a herd of Madonie black pigs.
Can anyone confirm that?
Yes. The owner of the
farm, Limanda Tommasino.
Good. Limanda will confirm.
On the way back home, I saw
the sign of the restaurant.
I parked and smoked
a cigarette outside.
At around 9:30 p.m. or
9:35 p.m., I went inside.
Shooting left and right.
It was complete chaos.
There were even grenades.
Witnesses state they saw you
with a weapon as well,
a 12-gauge shotgun.
I picked it up off the floor.
- Do you handle weapons often?
- Yes, I'm a member of the shooting range.
I went shooting that morning.
We can't do the residue
test. That night
I didn't fire a single shot.
I thought I could use the
weapon for self-defense.
The shotgun's magazine
was half empty
and the gauge matches the bullet
found in Biagio Sigano's skull,
the owner of La Fattoria.
I told you. It was on the floor.
Maybe someone used it before me.
The gun had only
your fingerprints.
Maybe someone wore gloves?
What did I tell you?
"You mustn't answer a question
with another question."
I'm tired.
In my opinion, this "someone"
wore gloves. Full stop. Statement.
Good. The same witnesses declared
they saw you fire some shots.
"The defense intends to contest
the testimonies of the staff
"as it is scientifically
proven that 60%
"of individuals with Down syndrome
are affected by refractive problems,
"such as hypermetropia,
myopia, astigmatism.
"We request, before they
are placed on record,
"an ophthalmological
evaluation," and so on.
In the middle of that mess, I found
a poor man with his face smashed.
No, wait, wait.
The name of the other victim, Vincenzuccio
Tracina, is mentioned before you add
That I found him
like that, poor guy.
The only true thing I have to say,
and I can't seem to remember it.
Then what happened?
I turned around and saw
the hole in the wall.
That was lucky, because
I went through it,
and on the other side of this
sort of tunnel, there was
Marshal Scotellaro.
It's a private conversation.
You can't come in.
Can I talk to you in private?
What the fuck are you doing?
What can I tell you?
What? Why are you
defending a mobster?
Because it's my job.
For real?
To defend those who
blew up your father?
Yes, like you
arresting your brother.
We all have a cross to bear.
My brother's a
different mobster.
Sure. Just pray you
don't discover the truth.
In the end, Don
Salvatore made it.
He managed to not
die from cancer.
It must be said that
it had to be done.
I'm sure that, among you,
someone else had
thought about it.
Let's say that this
was the people's will.
Don Salvatore made us fall much
lower than we already were.
If it wasn't for me,
he would have dishonored
his grandson's mother.
Without honor, one goes nowhere.
When we die,
bad things survive us.
Nice things, instead,
are buried with
us, in the coffin.
With the bones of our skeleton.
So be it for Don Salvatore
Tracina, may he rest in peace.
it is true that we have been reduced
to being the last wheel of Cosa Nostra.
Rather, the spare wheel.
But it's time to show everyone
that we don't lack honor.
If we work together, united,
the Tracina family will be strong
and free, like it used to be.
Nice words, right words.
What about the money?
How can we become strong and free
again if our pockets are empty?
Feed for animals, the tanker
trucks for the pools, electricity.
Are you kidding?
Guys, one at the time.
I can't understand.
Excuse me.
Now that there isn't
a Tracina left,
what's the point of calling
it "the Tracina family"?
Right, exactly.
It should be "Perchia family."
Why Perchia and not Zerro?
- It's a matter of seniority.
- Who said that?
There is still a Tracina left.
His name is Mariano.
Is the baby going to lead?
The majority rules.
One is worth one.
Like the Corinthian
democracy. You know it, right?
Listen, Balduccio, I say
that we should all get down
on our knees in front of Suro.
Beg for mercy.
Do you think Suro is merciful?
After we killed half of
his family at the baptism?
Don Salvatore did that.
I say let's keep fighting
Suro and get my son back.
Show of hands to vote. One's worth
one, Corinthian democracy and all that.
What are you doing?
No. I mean, I want
to abstain if I can.
If I can
The majority wins.
Cousin Balduccio,
what's your plan now?
We have weapons.
But Tracina against
Suro is a lost war.
We need the support
of other families.
We have to summon
all the Mafia bosses.
Wait a minute.
Do you want to summon the
provincial commission again?
Of course.
The provincial commission
hasn't met for 20 years.
In fact, Suro has treated us like
slaves in chains for 20 years.
To summon all the families,
you need a valid reason.
We'll give them the
most valid of reasons.
Money, money
We don't even have
money for our bills.
- Do you really know how to do it?
- No.
Damn, it's a real mess.
"A bird that complains
will never build his nest."
African saying.
I was thinking about the money.
- Light.
- Sorry.
Damn, it's a real mess.
"A bird that complains
will never build his nest."
Sicilian saying.
I've never heard it.
About the money,
we are men of honor, so
we have to behave as such.
Let's start with the basics.
What is the revenue from
our extortion business?
The protection money.
Do you remember it?
Protection money?
There are no shops now.
People buy everything
on the Internet.
Why not ask the Internet
for protection money?
Great! Light! Well done, Mario!
Damn, I was getting worried.
You didn't come for
the last three shows.
I've been busy. What happened?
I didn't quite
understand the plot,
but I'm not sure, this one
What happened with your people?
They essentially kill
a man every week.
Don Salvatore.
Who did it? Suro?
It is a family thing, now.
Balduccio Remora.
The cousin from South America.
It seems he's the leader.
Democracy rules, but things
are still bad like before.
So? What's the news?
The guy is up to something big.
He wants to summon
the commission.
The commission?
He wants all the families
to go against Suro.
I want to respectfully point out
that I've helped you a lot so far.
I can't bear it anymore.
We were delivery boys
for Suro and it was fine,
now this blood is getting me
nervous and I can't sleep.
Feel my heart. It's not good.
I don't get what you want.
If I take you to the commission,
can I consider myself free?
How do you say?
Relieved of duty.
We'll see.
What's the name of the
cousin from South America?
Balduccio Remora.
Who the fuck is he?
Everything I know is there.
It's just a name and that he
emigrated to Peru. Where precisely?
It's your job to find out.
If I knew, I wouldn't ask
you to do this research.
Peru is large.
Were you leaving?
I finished half an hour ago. I
wanted to buy some Christmas gifts.
Instead, I'll do this research.
Hey, let me know as soon
as you know something.
Only me. Understood?
Yes, sir.
They're blocking us.
They're going to shut us down.
Calm down, let me work.
You'll see. It's
a matter of time.
I gave you the Montessori house
for your birthday, Sofi, remember?
I want a second house, like you.
You also have a bicycle already.
Only Santa Claus
can read my letter.
Honey, ask for something
you don't have.
This Christmas, ask
for Little Dafne.
That! I want that!
Honey, this commercial conveys a
stereotyped idea of the female concept,
slave to patriarchy,
where women exhaust their social
role in caregiving activities.
I want a daughter!
I want a daughter!
I want a daughter!
- What's wrong?
- She wants a daughter.
Give her whatever she
wants, let me work!
No, I'm not buying that.
No way. It's morally wrong.
All right, honey. Write down the name
and Daddy will buy it online, okay?
What about Santa Claus?
He isn't real. Mom is going
to have a gin and tonic.
Little Dafne, the doll you want.
What is this? It's empty.
It might be empty, but it's the
solution to all our problems.
For e-commerce, there are 175
distribution centers worldwide.
One is in Italy.
It's as big as a
city. It's huge.
In these centers,
the online orders
are picked up and packed.
Boxes are loaded on vans and
distributed around the whole country.
A perfect mechanism.
What is Italy?
A country where
everything goes to shit.
You know what we'll do?
We'll assault them
and take the boxes.
No. I was thinking about
something easier and cleaner.
What is that?
Two words. "Undeclared work."
During the Christmas holidays, the
demand curve increases exponentially.
The orders pile up,
and it becomes necessary
to increase the workforce,
spending as little as possible.
That is where we come in,
exactly when the boxes are
picked up, labelled and packed.
Our goal is to
jam the mechanism.
- Good evening.
- Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
The box is a bit oversized.
I don't know why.
Hey, boys, toys
are for everyone.
I'll help.
- Merry Christmas, honey.
- Merry Christmas.
Both of us can use it.
So, you bought a gift
for me that's for you.
That's not exactly
what I gifted you
Thank you. I've
always wanted one.
I knew it.
- Is that what you wanted?
- No, I don't want this.
What's that?
Nice, Nico. I didn't know
you were so open-minded.
No, we don't
Boys, don't look!
Where is my doll?
Where is my doll? Where is it?
That fat guy with the beard!
I want my doll!
Where is it? Where?
I want my doll!
I want my doll!
Where is it? I want my doll!
Customer service,
how can I help you?
It's just a temporary
bug. Yes, we're fixing it.
Give me a number.
We have about 2,134
misdelivered goods.
In the province of Palermo.
I wouldn't want to be you
at the next board meeting.
- What is it?
- On line one.
I'm not in the mood
for more bad news.
You'd better answer.
I have good news, Director.
Who is speaking?
Someone who can
solve your problems.
All 2,134.
What do you know
about my problems?
Wrong question, Director.
Is this a sort of blackmail?
No, a sort of income tax.
I understand you're not familiar
with this since your company
barely pays 2.4% taxes to
the Italian government.
This is slander!
You're not considering the
investments of our company
Calm down, I'm not the
Italian Revenue Agency.
You're free to decide.
Either you accept
our cooperation,
or your problems will go from 2,134
to 4,000, then 8,000, then 16,000.
And you'll have to solve
them by yourself. Good luck.
How much?
Correct question, Director!
I'll keep in touch for the
details. Merry Christmas!
Hamlet, you're dead.
No medicine can help you.
You don't have half
an hour to live.
You hold the weapon of betrayal.
The poisoned sword.
The filthy deception
has backfired on me.
I am here on the ground.
I will never get up again.
Your mother
has been poisoned.
The king.
It was the king.
Even the tip is poisoned.
So, poison, finish the work.
- No!
- Betrayal! Betrayal!
Defend me!
I'm only wounded.
Here, incestuous
king, murderer, demon,
finish this wine.
Is your pearl here?
Follow my mother!
Okay, that was good.
We'll pick up tomorrow
from Polonius' monologue.
Hamlet, remember you're crazy,
but you're pretending
to be, okay?
Laertes, try to believe in what
you're doing a little more.
Got it? Just a little more.
The new one, the king
Well done. I liked it.
Very good.
Really good.
Hey, king.
- King.
- Are you okay?
Hey, king!
Damn you.
I was in character.
Okay. All right,
see you tomorrow.
Don Cataldo, may I?
Do I know you? Who are you?
I wanted to congratulate you.
- Damn, you died really well.
- Thanks.
When you were young,
did you do any theater?
Movies? Extras,
things like that?
- No, not at all.
- You're so convincing.
Do you know what
the director says?
That the hard thing is to repeat
a scene two, 10, 100 times!
That's the way this job is.
For example, if I say
"So, poison, finish the work"
Damn, you're a natural.
I forgot the last line. "Best
regards from Mariano Suro."
Can you hear me?
Hey, Palàmita?
Are you all right?
I don't want to go to hell.
I don't want to go
I don't want to go to hell.
- Luvi.
- Matteo, I can't talk. Be quick.
- Are you on your way?
- Where to?
Why are you whispering?
What happened?
We have our first hearing.
What hearing?
What do you mean?
The case you took.
The woman who died in her
sleep, hit by the truck.
Shit, it was today.
I can't make it now.
You can't make it?
Matteo, it's your big moment.
It's your chance. It'll be fine.
Good luck. Come on!
Wait, Luvi!
Counselor, are you done?
Yes, excuse me, Your Honor.
Don't worry. I'll take
care of everything.
Sure, I don't need to
worry. It's easy for you.
Too bad you can't ask your brother
what happens if you go against Suro.
My brother was an accomplice.
It's different.
Nino Scotellaro was the
one and only magistrate
who busted Suro's balls.
Except Paolo Bray.
And in fact
But TNT is a nuisance.
It's not the time
to kill magistrates,
because then they become heroes.
The country gets angry,
and what do we get?
Nothing. Discredit them instead.
Discrediting them is
easier and cheaper.
Do you get it?
Nino Scotellaro was innocent.
We made people believe
he was an accomplice.
What are you saying?
What about the informers
who said his name?
We told them to.
What about the
conversation I tapped?
It was always us.
The burner found in his house used
to inform Suro about the raid?
No, we had nothing
to do with that.
Who put it there, then?
Marshal, I wouldn't look too
far from you for the answer.
Are you questioning
my client without me?
No, counselor, no.
I've made a decision.
I hope it has nothing
to do with this ambush.
You're aware the
man who stabbed you
was arrested few days ago
by Marshal Scotellaro?
Of course, I know. The
marshal staged everything.
Well organized, I must say.
If Suro wants to kill you,
he doesn't get it wrong.
What's the point?
The point is that he
wants to cooperate.
I want to repent.
I saw the light.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Excuse me.
Cousin Balduccio, I have
a confession to make.
I used to think you were a real
idiot ever since you were a child.
Thank goodness.
Now it's different.
Everything has changed now.
Because you've changed.
You're a different person.
So I want to make
a toast to him,
because he saved us, all of us.
- Cheers!
- Well done, cousin!
- Cheers!
- Great job!
Actually, it was Teresa's idea.
So, we should congratulate her.
- Bravo, Teresa!
- Well done!
Bravo, Teresa!
Anyway, we must keep in mind,
this is just the beginning.
We need to invest part of
this money and make a profit.
I have an idea.
Hey! We have to
invest all that money?
No, this is our money, 30%.
We have to divide
it in equal parts.
We have to invest
the remaining 70%.
You are a real idiot, then.
- Why?
- What do you mean?
I've just explained it.
All right, I vote against it.
Corinthian democracy.
One is worth one.
Come on, let's see.
Come on, guys, raise
your hands. Come on.
Am I the only one who
thinks this is madness?
Thanks to this operation,
we can persuade the other
families to summon the commission.
This amount, in three months,
will yield four times as much.
You have to trust me.
Cousin Balduccio,
what if Suro finds out
that we're turning the
families against him?
It'd be for the best.
Now, let's sit down,
eat, drink and celebrate.
Actually, for this occasion, I took
the liberty to cook my specialty.
Stuffed calamari.
Don't you like it?
It's Mariano's first
Christmas without me.
Another missing
memory of his mother.
Do you remember your
first Christmas?
When Mariano becomes older,
he won't remember these days.
We have to work on the
future Christmases.
Excuse me a moment.
Come with me outside to smoke.
No, cousin, passive smoking
I'm not asking. Come on.
Where are we going, Balduccio?
Did you want to try the slide?
With me? What an honor!
I didn't know you
liked arthouse movies.
No, cousin, wait.
- I can explain.
- What is there to explain?
Do you need to explain
how you have fun?
Or how you spend your free time?
The problem isn't how,
but with whom you
spend your free time.
Now I understand
who sent the ROS
to Gambero Rosso's restaurant.
Don Salvatore was crazy,
but he was right
about one thing.
There was a traitor among us.
That's why I had you followed.
- You really think
- Man, give me your phone.
Come on.
Give me your phone, now.
Does it need a
code, fingerprint?
Face detection?
What does it need?
- A code.
- Come on.
You have two options.
First one,
you leave me your
phone and get lost.
You go away.
From the family, this town,
Sicily. Never show up again.
If I find out that you
talked to the police again,
I'll come and get you.
Counselor, I understand if
you don't feel like doing it.
Also because this will
affect you as well.
There is another
problem, Palàmita.
You won't be able to
clear your conscience.
As soon as you're in
front of a magistrate,
Suro will know a minute later.
Or a minute before.
We'll keep Palàmita safe
until we arrest Suro.
He knows where he is.
Yes, but I don't have
the exact address.
I'll take you there, but
I have to recover first.
Why do you think nobody
has arrested him?
Because of his database.
As soon as someone
has his hands on him,
Suro will release the recordings that
will slander half of the government.
- Nino didn't believe there was a database.
- That's right.
They'll never let us arrest him.
The only way to get rid of
Suro is to get rid of Suro.
No, excuse me. I
don't understand.
Are we planning a murder?
"Lupara bianca."
Get in, do it, get out.
No one must know.
Do you feel up to it, Palàmita?
If I have to be infamous
to go to Heaven,
I'll act like Judas.
- Judas went to hell, though.
- Really?
I didn't know that. I'm
just recently converted.
You always believed in Nino.
I never did.
Let's do it.
Gentlemen, you have to excuse us
if we bothered you during
the Christmas festivities.
Our goal is to identify,
by the end of the year,
the companies for the
bridge's reconstruction.
My priority
I am extremely pleased
that you all have agreed.
I'll get straight to the point.
What does this mean?
What it says.
Page three.
Very sorry for the delay.
Merry Christmas. Thank you.
The company of Don Cesare
Molva, boss of Villagrazia,
will get the concrete supply.
The company of Don Fanu Lampreda
will get the supply of
coatings and insulation.
Where is my daughter?
The company GPA Multiservice
and Acrobatic Construction
of Don Carmine Rovello, will
get scaffolding and roofing.
Where is my daughter?
Where is my daughter?
I want my daughter!
It'll be a "clean" bridge.
Not a single tension rod, bolt or
screw will belong to organized crime.
Gentlemen, to make it short,
you're going to take part
in the greatest Italian public
work of the last 20 years.
A two-billion-euro deal.
You know our terms.
Who the fuck are you?
I'm Balduccio Remora.
I'm asking you for
Mariano Suro's head.
You and I will make history.
We'll get expelled.
He is the one who
built Suro's bunker.
What the fuck
Cosa Nostra's mason.
Where is Marianuccio?
- Why do you hate my father?
- I'll tell you when I catch him.
Suro is in one of
these six farmhouses.
Leave before they take
you back to prison.
I think we're not
fit for paradise.
We're a real army.
We got him this time.
Who the fuck are you?
No one.
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