The Boys (2019) s04e04 Episode Script

Wisdom of the Ages

Who wants their balls crushed?
This isn't what it looks like.
You're done. Grab your
shit and get the fuck out.
The Boys is mine.
[MOTHER'S MILK] Says a dying
man with one last bluff.
The Seven is getting even stronger.
Put your hands together for Firecracker.
What have I done to
make you hate me so much?
You really don't remember me, do you?
And Sister Sage!
[A-TRAIN] She's the
world's smartest person.
- Uh-huh.
[FRENCHIE] You remember Colin Hauser?
So, what happens when he finds
out you murdered his family?
My dad, he had a stroke.
- I'm really sorry. Really.
- Mom?
I want to flip A-Train.
He's right there, he's ready.
[HOMELANDER] You're never
gonna be your true self
until you transcend your humanity.
You need to go back to the start.
You need to go home.
[GUARD] Hey, Marty.
The security cameras
upstairs just went black.
Hey, Phil, you copy?
Phil? Anyone up there?
Call Vought, tell them we have a breach.
[GUARD] The line's dead.
Hello, everyone.
- [MARTY] John.
- Homelander.
Just Homelander.
Hey, Marty. Good to see you.
You, too, uh, Homelander.
Oh, my God, this is just so surreal.
I never thought I'd be back here.
So many memories.
Oh, I, uh, I brought a Fudgie the Whale.
Do me a favor, could you
get a plate and some forks?
Thank you so much.
I see some new faces.
But a lot that I recognize. Frank.
And-and Assistant Director now, Marty.
I still remember when they had you
wiping out the stool sample containers.
- You remember?
Yeah. [SIGHS]
Where's Barbara?
Last I checked, she's still Director?
She's off-site today.
Oh, bring her in, would
you? I'd love to catch up.
Tell her Tell her it's
a little reunion. [CHUCKLES]
Terrific. All right, everyone, dig in.
Come on, don't be shy. Before it melts.
Please. Come on in. There you go.
[BECCA] What are you doing?
Come on, get up. Butcher,
the world doesn't end
just because your shitty life does.
[MUFFLED] Get up.
Get up.
[HUGHIE] Are you fucking kidding me?!
I'm sorry, your father's condition
meets the criteria for brain death.
It might not seem like it, but
it is the most humane thing.
Humane? You're pulling his feeding
tubes so he starves to death, right?
Hughie, it's what he wanted.
How long before, um
A couple of days at most.
Mom. Don't.
I'm sorry.
Come meet The Seven in person,
and get an exclusive sneak
peek of Training A-Tr
[TV ANNOUNCER 2] Tonight, 8:00/7:00
Central on The Whole Truth
After their bloody campus
rampage, Marie Moreau
and the other Godolkin
Four have seemingly vanished
into a dark, gaping hole.
With his newly announced
anti-Superhero legislation,
Bob Singer has just
shown the American people
who he really is.
A deranged fascist hellbent
on ruling the country
[ANNIE] You should hear
what they say about me.
Give us the room.
Miss January, the only thing
I really want to hear is
"We found a way to kill
the head-popping bitch."
Then this will be a quick meeting.
You need my help, sir.
I read the draft of
your Supe-control bill.
Let me guess, it's perfect,
but you know just how to fix it.
If you get it passed, that's
a stake through Vought's heart.
Gets 'em out of the military, policing,
tanks their stock,
buries 'em in lawsuits.
See, it sure sounds like
I don't need your help.
But that's if you get it passed.
You need what? 50
million constituents
demanding Congress get off its ass?
No offense, but your PR department
is kind of shitting the bed.
I just okayed a huge marketing spend.
Yeah, your ad-buys during CSI: Las
Vegas are definitely winning over
the "left the TV on
'cause they're dead" demo.
So, what is your suggestion?
I can get people into the
streets all over the country,
and they'll demand that
the bill gets passed.
- You'll do it as Starlight?
- Yes.
I'll even make another
fucking Supersuit if I have to.
And what do you get for this?
Just a promise.
Promise me you'll
finish what you started.
Once and for all we
put Vought into the ground.
Oh, it's crying time again ♪
You're gonna leave me ♪
I can see that faraway
look in your eyes ♪
Colin, what is this?
Oh, who's uncultured now?
Ray Charles, his country western phase.
My dad used to play this
all the time in the car,
and I'd fall asleep
to it in the backseat.
You never told me about them.
Your family.
It's, uh
not exactly my favorite story to tell.
No. Désolé.
No, it's fine.
When my mom wasn't on
my ass for my grades,
she was a federal judge.
She dealt with really violent cases,
like, the worst of the worst.
And there was this Russian
mafia thing in Brighton Beach.
Their boss was this woman.
My mom was gonna make
an example out of her.
So they made an example out of my mom.
Some guy broke in, and
they found my parents first.
Then my little sister.
You were there?
The gunshots woke me up.
I heard 'em coming down the hallway,
so I just hid under my bed.
All I saw was his ankle.
He had these scars,
or these burns maybe.
Ugh, a lot of nightmares about those.
I'm sorry.
And as sure as the
sun comes up tomorrow ♪
Tomorrow ♪
- Crying time will start ♪
- Breakfast?
When you walk out the door ♪
And it won't be long before it's ♪
Crying time ♪
- Hey, how are you? Hey, Janet.
Hey, guys, let's call
in Stacey and Mark.
We need to get an announcement ready.
What are they doing?
That bitch.
VNN is handling the launch
of Firecracker's show,
simulcast across all Vought networks.
The troll farms are already digging
up fringe anti-Starlight content
and injecting it into the mainstream.
So far, "Starlight's Progressive Jihad"
and "#ArrogantWhiteFeminism"
are showing promise.
We need the algorithm to
find the most receptive users,
then blast the articles to
the top of their social feeds
until 100 million people
are outraged by Starlight
for reasons they can't even explain.
Heroes, you have your talking points,
so, everyone, get to it.
- Hey, can we talk?
- No.
Hey. So, I was thinking over
lunch we could order some of those
fried pickles from Flavortown,
or just skip straight to
the flounder pounder special.
I find you repulsive in a way
that's difficult to quantify.
And I'm fucking amazing
at quantifying, so
So, big day. You ready?
You have no idea.
I've been waiting for
this my whole life.
One last piece of the puzzle.
Figured this could be your big finish.
You know, when I first met you,
I thought you were kind of uppity,
but you're one of the good ones.
Well, we are the new kids in The Seven.
Gotta look out for each other.
Hello, Patriots!
Now, I know a lot of you
probably know me from my podcast,
but VNN gave me the next six hours
to bring you the truth about Starlight
and her house of horrors.
- Where dozens of trafficked children
- Here, grab your bags and come with me.
- Sweetheart, don't forget this. Here you go.
- Okay.
- We'll sneak the kids out through the back.
- Okay.
- Are you sure about this?
- [ANNIE] Yeah.
Just please tell Sasha to have them
go easy on the room service, okay?
That card is almost maxed out.
- You got it.
- Thank you.
Firecracker's celebrity
friends are arriving.
- I saw Jon Voight.
What the fuck is he doing here?
Bringing him back in.
No. No, no, no, no,
no. I don't trust him.
I don't. And you're
insane if you do, okay?
And you can drink yourself to death
in whatever dark hole
you crawled out of.
That's a good idea.
I might just do that.
- Good.
- Okay, wait a minute.
Hold on a second, Butcher.
Look, Lord knows I got
problems with the guy, too
We both do, but this is bigger than us.
That shit Homelander and
Sage are talking about,
that's some end-of-time shit.
Team is shy one total asshole.
Now, we need this motherfucker.
- I mean, I'm
- Annie, this is my call. It's done.
Well, all right then.
Happy we got that sorted, eh?
Now, can someone please explain to me
what makes you Firecracker's Moby Cunt?
- I have no idea.
- Bollocks.
I don't.
Now, what's our next move?
You get me 50K from the
Company, and in three hours
I'll have all the dirt we need
on Little Miss Guns and Ammo.
Butcher, there's no way I'm
letting you out of my sight
- with 50 grand.
- All right.
But I'm warning you,
you ain't gonna like it.
And Kanye West!
But first, a sermon by Ezekiel,
Starlight's childhood pastor
before she fell from God's grace.
We'll be right back with
that, y'all. You stick around.
[MAN] U.S.A.!
Hey, Frank, come on over.
How about a game of
wastepaper basketball?
I'm sorry?
Uh, first of three, and tell you what,
make it interesting,
you win, I'll let you knock
off early, go see the fam.
- Um, okay.
- Excellent.
I'll start.
You know, I learned this
game from you, Frank.
[FRANK] I don't understand.
I once saw you take a shot at a
waste basket, and you nailed it,
and and you don't remember.
Yeah, well, I sure do.
Yeah, you were sitting there,
and, well, I was in this oven here.
And you made the shot.
You did a little fist pump to celebrate,
and then you turned up the temperature
to see if you could burn my skin.
- You remember that, right?
[CHUCKLES] Your turn.
Fun fact. Um, even though
my skin didn't char,
it still really hurt.
I mean a lot.
Yeah, I was in there,
screaming in agony,
and my tears just sizzled away.
I remember there was,
uh, people standing here
taking notes, but behind them
I saw you make that shot.
It really was a great shot, Frank.
I was just doing my job.
You know, I had nightmares
about that exact moment,
and you can't even remember it.
It's funny, isn't it, how people
can have such a different memory
of the exact same thing.
It's all a matter of
perspective, I guess.
Hey, Frank?
This is my last shot.
Why don't you go watch from in there?
- John, why don't we
- "Homelander."
- Get in the oven, Frank.
- [CHUCKLES] Please.
Get in the oven or your
family goes in with you.
Please, Homelander,
- you don't have to do this.
- Marty.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.
You're sorry?
But why?
You were just doing your job, right?
[FRANK] Homelander
Don't do this! No.

And I bet you would've won.
[WOMAN] Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.
- I forgive you.

Uh, I don't know, he
should be here any minute.
Thanks, by the way, for being my muscle.
What the shit is this?
Where's the talking goatee
with the gold chains?
It's okay.
I'm the one that called you.
[A-TRAIN] Are you crazy?
Sage is on my ass, stares at
me like I'm fucking dinner.
[DISTANT] But you thought this was
a good time to be seen together?
I need a dose of Compound
V, and I need it today.
Is that all? For what?
- What do you care?
- Homelander has every vial of V
locked up in his apartment.
- Hundreds of them. Nobody gets it.
- [HUGHIE] Okay.
Well, he's not gonna
miss one vial, then.
- You got to find a way.
- No.
It's too dangerous.
No, hey. Fuck that!
You owe me.
I owe you?
- I just saved your fucking life.
- Every single fucked up,
horrible thing that's ever
happened to me, to all of us,
it all started with you, 'cause
you took away someone I loved.
And now you're gonna
give someone I love back.
My dad's about to die.
V is the only thing that can save him.
This is your chance
[DISTANT] to finally
make things right.
What makes you think I give a shit?
You tell me.
If I do this
we're good?
Ow! What?
Kimiko, I'm sorry, but it's my dad.
What else was I supposed to do?
[SHOUTS] Fuck!
Who the fuck are those guys?
No, I can't. I can't. My ankle.
No, no, no. Oh, Jesus.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Who the fuck are those guys?
Light. Shining Light? Like
Shining Light. Shining Light?
Why are they after us?
Okay, what do we do?
No, I-I can't run anywhere. I can't.
No, no, no.
Easy. All right.
I got it.

Love lift us up where we belong ♪
Where the eagles cry ♪
On a mountain ♪
Not a word about that 50 grand
and what happened to it
to Mallory, motherfucker.
Straight up Webweaver's stinky spider?
Heroin enemas don't come cheap, my son.
I'll never unsee that nasty shit.
Well, I fucking warned you, didn't I?
Anyway, don't matter.
- Got what we needed. Job done.
- Uh-huh.
You ever gonna tell me what
happened with that gash on your face?
M, I got a favor to ask.
Think you're in a position
to ask for a favor?
If I can't get the job
done before I, uh
I need you to get Ryan
away from Homelander.
Oh, Butcher.
I got to be realistic.
Some days I can barely
even fucking stand.
- Get him out of there. Raise him.
- Raise him?
You're the best dad I know, M.
The best fucking anyone.
That might be one of the nicest
things you've ever said to me, but
what if Ryan doesn't want to go?
Then you've got to make him.
White trash walking.
- [BUTCHER] Top-notch show, love.
Just weren't sure whether
you wanted us to kneel
before your cross or burn it.
Oh, you're those motherfuckers
that killed my friend.
Yeah, crying shame, that.
But if it's any consolation,
he's up there with God,
noshing on his holiest
of holies as we speak.
- I'm gonna shut your fucking face
- All right, all right.
Keep your hair on, love.
We just want a little chin wag's all.
- Talk American.
- Right.
You remember that magical
summer when you was 28,
working as a counselor at the Capes
for Christ Bible Camp in Davie, Florida,
and you met that lovely 15-year-old boy
who tickled your fancy, and,
well, then, tickled more
than that, didn't he?
Hmm? Ring any bells?
Here's a little keepsake snapped
by the Broward County
Sheriff's Department
that you can stash in your wank bank.
You and your little Bieber
edging in the back of your RAV4
in the car park of Buca di Beppo.
[MOTHER'S MILK] Whatever
voodoo Vought's lawyers pulled
to get your statutory charges dropped,
I don't think they're
gonna matter too much
to your evangelical audience back there.
[BUTCHER] You're gonna
tell us everything you know
about Sage and her grand plan,
or I hit this little tweet button here.
How about I just send it myself?
Fuck around and find out.
[EZEKIEL] "Starlight."
That's nine letters,
or is that six upside down?
"Annie January," 12 letters,
that's two more sixes.
6-6-6. What more proof
- could you possibly need?
I'm sorry, I got to interrupt.
I'm so sorry.
I need, I need to make a confession.
[EZEKIEL] A confession?
I need to confess my sins.
way to sugarcoat this.
I had
inappropriate relations
with a sweet young man.
[EXHALES] Damn, that smile.
But that young man, he was 15 years old.
- Oh
- But the moment of my greatest weakness
was also the moment
that pushed me to my eternal salvation.
I was born again,
and my sins were washed away
by the tears of His love.
Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
Now, I-I believe that our Lord
Jesus Christ put that young man
in my life to lead me to
the path of righteousness.
- Oh, my God.
You got to choose to turn
in to the light of His love.
And that's what Starlight,
she just didn't do.
Y'all ever hear that story
about her very first save?
She was only 13 years old,
and, well, a gunman came into
Walmart and took hostages.
Well, Starlight, she came in a'blasting.
But what they don't tell you
is that she blinded one
of those hostages that day.
A mother of three, just trying to
buy Crunch Berries for her kids.
But Starlight, she just went on,
smiling for those cameras
like none of it ever happened.
Starlight's no hero.
She never was.
I was still learning how
to control my powers, I
Mademoiselle Annie.
Well, whatever you attempted,
it seems you have failed.
Not so fast, Frenchie.
Keys to her trailer.
Go give it a toss, will you?
[ASHLEY] A-Train.
What the fuck are you doing here?
Taking V, huh?
What the hell are you doing in here?
[CHUCKLES] You left a
floater in his toilet?
That was there when I got here.
That is the most pathetic
clapback that I have ever seen.
And you know, if Homelander knew,
- that'll be the last shit you ever take.
- Oh, yeah?
If Homelander knew you took
that V, he would flay you alive.
Looks like we both have a problem.
Looks like we do.
So, what do we do about it?
- Yeah?
- Come here for a sec.
I'd like to apologize.
For Frank.
[EXHALES] Look, I guess
I-I got a little grumpy,
and I-I'm sorry.
Can you forgive me?
Of course.
These things, these things happen.
Thank you. [SNIFFLES]
You were always one of the kinder ones.
That's right, John.
- "Homelander."
- Homelander. We were friends.
I was always nice to you.
[LAUGHS] Yeah, that's right.
You were. Mostly.
Well, you remember the
nickname you had for me, right?
- Mm-mm.
- Really?
[CHUCKLES] Yeah, you
called me Squirt, silly.
You remember why?
Oh, f Marty, okay.
But you do remember, though,
that I used to be left in there
for hours, days on end.
Completely alone. Right?
Only I was never really alone, was I?
- Big Brother was always watching.
[LAUGHS] You were always
watching, weren't you, Marty?
But growing boys have
certain needs, shall we say?
So I figured out that when
you did your rounds at night,
I had about a couple of
minutes to myself to, uh
well, to, uh, to do what boys do.
And-and that would be
the only time of day
that I would feel anything good.
So this one night, uh, I
couldn't get finished in time.
And you caught me with my pants down.
You had a really,
really good laugh at me.
That's when you nicknamed me Squirt.
I got to be honest with you, Marty
you really hurt my feelings.
I am very sorry.
What's done is done.
Water under the bridge.
[CHUCKLING] But stay there a sec.
I do want you to jerk off
in front of us right now.
Hey, uh, guys, come on over here.
Come on. Yeah.
We're all gonna laugh at you. Okay?
That way, you will know how it feels,
and I think I'm gonna feel better.
I am really very sorry.
[HOMELANDER] I know, I know.
Thank you.
Now, don't be shy.
Take your pants down.
That's the spirit.
Marty, it looks like you're
shucking a little mushroom.
- Oh, that poor little thing.
Cheer for him. Come on.
Squirt. Squirt. Squirt.
Not off to a great start, huh?
Tell you what, I'll give
you a little motivation.
You get hard right now,
or I'm gonna laser your dick off.
Something to play for now. Mm?
Use it or lose it, Marty.
Your life is literally in your hands.
Come on, Squirt.
More spit, Marty, more
spit. That'll work.
Come on!
Put your fucking back into it. Attaboy.
I can't.
- Come on, Marty!
- I'm sorry.
Oh, oh, okay, okay, okay.
It's okay. Honestly, it-it
happens to a-a lot of guys.
Truly. Not me, of course.
That's a fucking squirt, Marty.
Whoa, whoa! You're getting
dick blood on my boots, Marty.
[WOMAN] Stop it, John.
Um, the cake's melted, I'm afraid.
[SIGHS] Please put
him out of his misery.
I forgive you, Marty.
Can we talk in private?
[HOMELANDER] That's a great idea.
I know just the place.
Um, it's more comfortable in my office.
think in here is better.
Holy shit!
Oh, shit.
[SPEAKING JAPANESE] Do you remember?
After you offered me ice cream,
then threw me into that trunk?
You took me to the camp,
dragged me into the fighting pit.
I could either fight
or die.
Then you left me with these.
I hate you.
y'all heard a lot tonight
about who Starlight really is.
But you still haven't seen the
true monster behind the mask.
And the truth
oh, it is so much worse
than you could ever imagine.
Oh, no.
Six months ago,
Starlight visited a clinic.
She wasn't going for a checkup.
What the fuck?
[FIRECRACKER] She found out
that she was pregnant,
and she had an abortion.
Are those my fucking medical records?
raised a Christian.
She knew the difference
between right and wrong.
She knew exactly what she was doing.
So you won't tell me that
those teens over there,
that they're safe with her.
With that baby killer?
Annie, wait.
What do you think you're doing?
I'm sorry. I must've gotten lost.
- Fucking hell. Frenchie.
- [EZEKIEL] Who are you?
It is so embarrassing.
I am Firecracker's biggest fan.
I was just looking for a souvenir
[FIRECRACKER] She could have
given it up for adoption.
But no. She murdered it.
So you finally came to deb
How's that for "uppity," cracker?
First pebble down the mountain.
- Let's get out of here.
[MOTHER'S MILK] Come on.
[BECCA] Get up.
Billy, come on, get up.
Come on. Billy.
You don't get to quit.
Get up!
Fucking hell.
- [ANNIE] What the fuck?
- [MOTHER'S MILK] Oh, shit.
[GASPS] Frenchie!
Oh, shit. Oh, my God. Frenchie.
What the fuck happened?
Come on, let's get the fuck out of here.
- What the fuck?
It's funny.
I-I remember it being so much bigger.
You know why I used to
call this The Bad Room?
It was just a room, John.
It's neither good nor bad.
That's easy to say from
the other side of the door.
- Now
- Did you come back here just to torment those people?
Doesn't that feel a
little a little small?
They were just following
orders. Dr. Vogelbaum's,
Stan Edgar's and mine.
Yeah. But they followed them.
Not one of them had the backbone to
stand up and say, "This is wrong."
'Cause they were scared.
- I was a child.
- They were scared.
You know
I was there the day that you were born.
They paid some poor runaway two
grand to carry the embryo to term.
But you lasered her guts
open from the inside.
You rose in the air with your
umbilical cord still attached,
like some creature out of myth
or nightmare.
You killed three doctors and
a nurse while you were at it.
And then, just trust me,
it was downhill from there.
So, yeah, yeah, everybody was terrified
of you, from your first breath.
But you weren't?
We have no physical power
over you. We never did.
You could've broken out
of here anytime you wanted.
We couldn't have stopped
you. But you didn't.
Because you couldn't stand the idea
that we would be disappointed in you.
Your need for approval and for love.
Vought brought in the best
psychologists in the world.
Developed the protocol to
carefully engineer that need
so that you would be obedient.
In many ways, that was
our greatest success.
I don't need any of it anymore.
Doesn't matter what you do to
me or the rest of the staff here.
Your need for love is
so deep, it's so human,
you'll never be able to overcome that.
That's where you're wrong.
I'm not human. And neither is my son.
And I'm going to raise
him so that he knows it.
You know, I really do
want to share with you
why I called this The Bad Room.
[COLIN] Hey. Hey.
Welcome back. You okay?
I feel like I've been
fixing you up so much lately
I should bill your HMO.
- Colin, please.
- All right, I got to get you up.
Colin, don't, please. Stop!
Stop being so fucking nice to me!
It was me.
W-What was you?
It was you?
I'm sorry.
You're a fucking psychopath.
Come on.
Do it.
If you come near me again
I'll fucking kill you.
Yeah, so, you wanted to see me?
Got you some of those fried
pickles and ranch from Flavortown.
- This your way of apologizing?
- I need a favor.
I don't get you, dude. Like, at all.
You start off, you're a total bitch,
and then you tell me I'm,
like, a superior being
which of course I like and
that you're down to pound,
which obviously I will
I know.
Most people,
their brains grow till they're
about 25, then stop forever.
Mine doesn't. It
regenerates, constantly.
Stab me in the heart, I die.
But stab me in the brain and the
little fucking bitch grows back.
I want you to put this inside me.
That's the worst dildo
- I've ever seen, but
- No.
In my eye. Here.
I am down for, like, a lot, but
It's temporary.
You give me a frontal lobotomy
and I don't have to fucking
be me for a couple hours.
Uh, that's just fucking gross.
I'll let you ass-fuck me while
we watch the Kim and Ray J video.
Okay, so where do you want me to
put it? Just right there? Sit down.
Now, avoid the eye itself.
I don't want to go blind.
Now, use the hammer.
- The hammer? Fuck.
- Mm-hmm.
Tap, tap.
- Okay.
- Oh, sorry.
Hammer down.
- Scrape.
- Scrape it?
Scrape my fucking brains out.
- Oh
- That's weird.
Okay, okay, okay.
You can take it out.
- Oh, God
Hey, are you okay?
So Hey.
I have another Flavortown for you.
- My pussy.
- Yes.
Face down, ass up, that's
the way we like to fuck ♪
Face down, ass up, that's
the way we like to fuck ♪
Today's events have sadly
confirmed my suspicions.
While I respect President Elect Singer,
it's disheartening to see him
align himself with Starlight,
someone so clearly out of control.
What's even more troubling is that
I considered Starlight a friend.
But her violent, out-of-control
attack on Firecracker was
someone I simply don't
recognize. I won't speculate on
[NEUMAN] And President Elect
Singer needs to wholeheartedly
- Hey.
- [ANNIE] Oh, Jesus.
- What happened to your leg?
- It's okay. I'm fine.
But, look, I saw the Firecracker
thing. That fucking asshole.
- No, no, I shouldn't have lost it.
- How could you not lose it?
That was, like, the most
private thing between you and me.
And to fucking broadcast it like that,
- that's a fucking violation.
- Hughie.
It's not helping, okay?
Right, sorry, you're
right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I agonized over that decision.
Agonized. And you know I did.
I just wasn't ready.
I know. I mean, neither was I.
And now when people look
at me, whether they're
supportive or judging or-or angry,
I have to relive it. Over
and over and over again.
And my mom
Have you talked to her?
She won't return my calls.
Okay. Come here.
It's none of her business. Okay?
- It is nobody's business but yours.
Oh, shit.
- I'm sorry, I have to take this.
- It's okay. Um
I, um, I have to pick
up something for my dad.
- We'll talk later, okay?
- Okay.
- I love you.
- Love you, too.
You know, friends tell
friends the truth, and
The Supe Control bill would've
passed with flying colors.
But after what you pulled today
might as well call it the Psycho
Starlight Baby-Killer bill.
Are you still there?
I'm sorry.
Sorry doesn't bring back all the
Republican votes you just torched.
I can't be affiliated with you anymore.
It's bullshit, right?
You're not gonna forgive me.
Yeah. Thought so.
You're right, I
I was gonna tell you
to go fuck yourself.
But I changed my mind.
We're good.
[BUTCHER] You fucking dog-wanker.
Jesus. How long have
you been standing there?
Long enough.
How could you?
I-I didn't, I didn't do it for him.
I don't want to spend the
rest of my life hating anybody.
What you gonna do with that, then?
I mean, you're probably the
only guy that would understand,
but I was going to give it to my dad.
- Oh, Hughie.
- Look, I know.
I know it's insane and terrible,
but what other choice do I have?
Any other fucking choice, you twat.
You're really telling me
that you wouldn't take some
if you were in his shoes?
'Cause you kind of are.
There's enough here.
It'd save you, too.
It's got to beat dying
of brain cancer, right?
I already took some.
Nicked it out of Frenchie's
desk four months ago.
- Thought it might cure me.
- Jesus.
Do you have powers?
All it did was bring up the big day.
I'm telling you, quit
while you're behind.
You'll only make matters worse.
What happened to me back there?
[MAN] [OVER P.A.] Radiology,
please call extension 1401.
Radiology, please call extension 1401.
Tech Services, call extension 6334.
- Tech Services, extension 6334.
- [DAPHNE] Oh, hey.
- [GASPS] Hey.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I just tripped.
How is he?
Well [SIGHS]
The doctor said any time now.
[HUGHIE] No, no.
I just need some air.
What the fuck?
Love lift us up where we belong ♪
Where the eagles cry,
on a mountain high ♪
Love lift us up where we belong ♪
Far from the world below ♪
[DEEP] Up where the clear winds blow ♪
Some hang on to "used to be" ♪
Live their lives looking behind ♪
All we have is here and now ♪
All our lives, out there to find ♪
[DEEP] The road is long ♪
There are mountains in our way ♪
But we climb a step every day ♪
Love lift us up where we belong ♪
Where the eagles cry,
on a mountain high ♪
Love lift us up where we belong ♪
Far from the world we know ♪
[DEEP] Where the clear winds blow ♪
Time goes by ♪
No time to cry ♪
Life's you and I ♪
Alive today ♪
Love lift us up where we belong ♪
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