The Chelsea Detective (2021) s03e01 Episode Script
Everyone Loves Chloe
Merry Christmas ♪
Hey, it's finally here ♪
Merry Christmas ♪
I hope it brings you cheer ♪
Food is on the table ♪
Everyone's feeling fine ♪
I hope you're happy in your house ♪
'Cause I'm having a ball in mine ♪
Merry Christmas ♪
The tree is shining bright ♪
Merry Christmas ♪
Old Santa came ♪
- Evening, Astrid.
- How are you?
Yeah, I'm well, actually,
I've got a bit of a funny tooth.
Why don't you go and see the dentist?
Well, I'm too busy.
Right now
I'm busy decorating
the boat for Christmas.
Oh, that's pathetic.
It's made from recycled cans.
One less fir tree
unnecessarily cut down.
Well, it looks like, um, a toilet brush.
Don't forget we're meeting
on Wednesday morning, yes?
Yeah, it's in the diary.
Will you please look into the camera?
When you're wandering around like this,
it makes me feel like I don't exist.
- Sorry.
- Hello. [SIGHS] Thank you.
That's better.
Shall we shall we meet there?
This could be the beginning
of a new chapter for us.
Yeah, well, I-I'm
really excited about it.
- I'll see you there.
- Okay.
Every wall ♪
- Ow.
- In mine ♪
Ha ha ♪
Chloe, are you in there?
Quick picture, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Have you seen what's going on out there?
Well, It didn't take long.
There's a second bedroom.
Looks like there's a flatmate.
Someone's been partying hard.
What do we got, Ashley?
A woman, 40-ish.
Cause of death appears to be drowning.
We'll get a toxicology
report from the lab,
but looks like drugs were involved.
And two of her fingernails are broken.
These could be signs of a struggle.
- Oh, God.
- Hmm.
That's a lot more people than
there were half an hour ago.
Yes, this is just the beginning.
Excuse me, please. Excuse me, please.
- Thank you.
Can't believe this.
Was a big fan, you know.
Had a poster of her on my bedroom wall.
Didn't she have that hit single?
Nobody wants to be
alone at Christmas ♪
Yeah, those were the words.
How did the tune go?
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Late night?
- That was a long one.
Oh, God.
Here's what we know at this stage.
Chloe Carmichael, age 41, her
body was found in her bath.
Signs of a struggle and
evidence of drug use in the flat.
Provisional assumption
is that this was murder,
but we're waiting on Ashley's report.
So Chloe was huge in the
2000s, had lots of hit records.
She was more than your
average pop star, though.
That Christmas song that we all know?
She gave the royalties to charity.
And then at the height of her fame,
she just walked away from it all.
She had addiction
issues and she struggled
with the pressures of fame.
She was talking about mental health
long before most celebrities.
What else?
Uh, early days, but this
could be a promising lead.
Luke Beckett, her former manager.
Earlier in the year, Chloe posted
this on her social media
message to at Luke Beckett.
Let me live my life and
I'll let you live yours.
Max, there's a DS I know who
works in the cybercrime unit
here in Chelsea Shawn Kildare.
I know Shawn.
He told me he'd been advising
Chloe on internet threats
a few months ago.
Let's talk to him.
We're also keen to talk to this woman
Zadie Evans.
She's a fashion model.
There's been press
speculation that she was
in a relationship with Chloe.
She's got a string of
drug-related convictions.
Appears to have been
staying in Chloe's flat.
- Where is she now?
- We don't know.
Phone disconnected. No
recent posts on socials.
- That's odd. Connor, find out where she is.
- Sure.
If only you had a house like this.
All your troubles would be washed away.
Now, the rich have just as many
problems as the rest of us.
Well, a gravel drive. It's got to help.
Thank you.
Mrs. Carmichael, I'm very sorry,
but we have reason to
believe that Chloe may have
been deliberately attacked.
Is there anyone you can think of who
may have wanted to harm her?
I have no idea.
Did you ever meet a friend
of hers called Zadie Evans?
We understand she was living with Chloe.
I only met her once.
Chloe brought her down on a Sunday.
We had lunch.
You don't know where we might find her?
Not a clue.
Mrs. Carmichael, there
was evidence of drug use in
Chloe's flat.
What was her relationship with drugs?
I'm not naive.
Goodness knows what
she'd done over the years.
But she'd been making an effort lately,
as far as I could tell.
Things got more difficult
when we lost Richard.
Chloe's father.
He died in the spring.
When did you last speak to Chloe?
A week ago.
We didn't talk all the time.
She had her life in
Chelsea. We had ours.
It happened so suddenly.
One minute, I was dropping
her off at boarding school.
The next, she was on
the cover of magazines.
Public property.
Nobody explains what that's like.
It must have been hard for Chloe.
It was hard for me.
Okay. I take it back.
The gravel drive doesn't
help in the least.
Yes, I'm sure we'd like to talk.
Yeah, I've got your number.
That was Sylvie Wix.
- The journalist?
- Mm.
Says she's got information
we'll want to hear.
I've been talking to the modeling agency
that represents Zadie Evans.
She was in Ibiza three
days ago on a fashion shoot.
She flew straight back
afterwards and hasn't
- been heard from since.
- Thanks.
[CHUCKLING] Hey, Shawn.
- How are you?
- Good.
- Good to see you.
- You too.
Well, well, well, Jess Lombard.
And how did you land this
plum job on the murder squad?
Uh, talent and ability.
- Good to see you, Shawn.
- Good to see you.
Max and Layla will be back soon.
- You look busy.
- Yeah.
Not like cybercrime here.
No lunch breaks for us.
Yeah, I was her case
officer for a while.
She was being trolled on social media,
so it was referred to us at cybercrime.
What sort of threats was she getting?
Well, there were two phases.
Um, firstly, it was her
ex-manager, Luke Beckett.
They had a long-running
financial dispute.
He was sending her threatening messages,
stuff like, um, I know where you live.
I could ruin you. Don't go out alone.
Hmm. Real nasty piece of work.
So he could be our man.
Yeah, I'd certainly take a look at him.
You said that there were
two phases to the threats.
Well, initially, we shut down Beckett,
but then it started up again
under a different handle.
Um, True Mirage.
We thought it was Beckett
using a fake account,
but he denied it.
I've got the transcripts
of the messages.
- I can send them over.
- How long ago was this?
Uh, initially with
Beckett, around May, June,
and then True Mirage
was July and August.
But I only saw Chloe a handful of times,
then we closed the case.
Beginning of September.
It was a money thing.
We don't have the resources of you guys.
So what happened with
the internet threats?
We hit a brick wall.
They hid their IP address with a VPN.
- No digital footprint?
- Nope.
Whoever was doing it knew
exactly what they were doing.
Our victim had ingested a
lot of drugs, high levels
of cocaine and ketamine.
What they call CK, I believe.
But that's not what killed her.
If she had died of a drug overdose
and then sank under the water, her lungs
would likely have filled with water,
but there was very little in them.
There's also signs of frothy
liquid in the airway, edema,
and a heaviness to
the lungs, all of which
suggest that she drowned.
Do you think she was held under?
Yes, I do.
There's also marks on her back,
consistent with being hauled
over the side of the bath.
I drew up a floor plan for the flat.
Scuff marks from her
trainers here and here.
Her trainers were found
in this doorway, so whoever
attacked her dragged her
through to the bathroom
and into the bath.
- And left the tap running.
- Hmm.
Do you think the person who
did this was probably a man?
Mm. Not necessarily.
Chloe only weighed 56 kilos,
and with the amount of drugs
in her system, she may
have been semi-conscious
when she went in the water.
- Oh, and
We found this in her pocket.
Tuesday, AM.
Look at this.
Early present from Santa Claus.
The latest forensics UV light readers.
Upgraded from the previous model.
- Oh, can
- Mm.
I found Luke Beckett.
- Okay.
- He's at a recording studio.
- Want the number?
- No.
Text me the address.
Got you all to myself ♪
And I couldn't be happier ♪
I know it don't make sense ♪
But I think I need you ♪
All this time I smile ♪
I'm not that guy, I just will try ♪
Stop, stop, stop. Just stop. Stop.
Look, I'm not wasting any more studio
time recording until you
know how to play this.
Keep rehearsing.
taking a break, okay?
- Luke Beckett?
- Yeah.
DI Arnold and DS Walsh. Chelsea CID.
We'd like to ask you some questions
about Chloe Carmichael.
How far back did you and Chloe go?
Oh, to the beginning.
I used to manage her in the early 2000s
when the world fell for her charms.
The glory years, yeah.
So what happened?
About, um, a year ago, I suppose
she hadn't recorded anything in ages.
She wasn't touring.
Said she didn't need a manager anymore.
Said she could handle
things herself, so
I haven't seen her in months.
And you wouldn't have, would you?
With the restraining order against you.
I was owed money, and
she didn't want anything
to do with it, so I
tried to persuade her
to take some responsibility.
That seemed very reasonable to me.
Although the magistrate
didn't see it that way.
Why did you feel that
you were owed money?
That Christmas song was her pension,
or should have been,
if she hadn't given all
the royalties away to charity.
She had persuaded me to defer
my commission, not to waive it.
Right, when she terminated
our relationship, I said, look,
I don't care about the charity.
I want what's owed to me.
And she wouldn't support me.
So you started threatening
her on social media.
Oh, is that what you call it?
I was telling her some home truths.
You know, Chloe, she had
lived a pretty pampered life.
It didn't hurt for
someone to stand up to her.
Been looking at these
transcripts Shawn sent over.
They're pretty menacing.
"The truth will out.
You've been quiet for so long, Chloe.
You're skating on thin ice."
I think Shawn's a bit
bored at cybercrime.
Wasn't Max talking
about expanding the team?
He'd be a good addition.
- If you can get the funding.
- Hmm.
I imagine that won't be easy.
True Mirage.
What could that mean?
Could be a business, I suppose.
Sounds like the favorite
in the Grand National.
Thanks, Connor. That's helpful.
DC Pollock advanced the
theory that Chloe Carmichael
was threatened by a horse.
Does the name True Mirage
mean anything to you?
Wasn't you under another name?
No. I've been asked this already.
No, it wasn't.
What were you doing yesterday
evening, Mr. Beckett?
I was at Charlie's of Chelsea.
Do you know it?
It's closing down, isn't it?
Yeah, it did last night.
End of an era.
Last supper at Charlie's.
What time did you leave?
I went straight home.
You can ask my wife.
- Sylvie Witt?
- That's me.
I'm DC Connor Pollock.
- This is DC Jess Lombard.
- Hi.
You said you had some information
about Chloe Carmichael?
I saw her yesterday evening.
I'd rather you hear that
from me than someone else.
Go on.
I was ghostwriting her autobiography.
I'd been working on it for months.
What time were you there?
Ah, got there about 8:00.
It wasn't a very long
session. I'd left by 9:00.
How did she seem?
Bit distracted.
Is it possible she'd been taking drugs?
Well, I wouldn't know about that.
Did she die of an overdose?
That's not something we can talk about.
Of course.
You wrote an article
a couple of months ago
linking Chloe to Zadie Evans?
Yeah, that's right.
Sexy Zadie, Chloe's special friend.
- Do you know Zadie?
- No. Never met her.
Chloe was very good at
keeping the different
parts of her life separate.
I assume you've spoken to Zadie.
We can't reveal details
of our investigation.
So you haven't.
You didn't hear this from me, but
it might be worth your while
to speak to Andrew Mansfield.
The MP?
Like I said, you didn't hear it from me.
Andrew Mansfield, the
MP for Chelsea Central?
That's what she said.
The Post-It note that Ashley found,
it said Tuesday, AM, which we
assumed meant Tuesday morning,
but it could equally
mean Andrew Mansfield.
But what's his connection to Chloe?
We pushed her on it, but she clammed up.
How are the tech team
getting on with Chloe's phone?
They haven't been able
to retrieve anything yet,
but they're working on it.
Any luck finding Zadie Evans?
She's still AWOL, Max.
No sign of her since her fashion shoot.
What if they had a drug -fueled night,
and Zadie put Chloe in the
bath to try to bring her round?
What, and then there was a struggle?
Yeah, maybe.
Okay. Check with Charlie's Restaurant,
that Luke Beckett's
timings are right, and set
- up a meeting with Mansfield.
- Will do.
You caught my eye ♪
When we met at the party ♪
You flashed that smile ♪
When we finally asked my name ♪
It was like Tarzan meeting Jane ♪
And we knew we'd meet again ♪
Because nobody wants
to be alone at Christmas ♪
Nobody wants to be
alone at Christmas ♪
I come from the East bearing gifts.
Oh, that is so kind of you.
Well, what else are aunts for.
How's the tooth?
- Well
- Ooh.
Take two of these, and
they'll deal with the pain,
but they might make you a bit woozy.
These are for my arthritis,
only available on prescription.
But I don't think
they'll do you any harm.
And these are my favorite.
There's something in them
that gives you a little boost.
I often take them before a date.
No wonder your strike rate is so high.
Think of them like a
Christmas chocolate box
and take a selection.
I'll stick to the
painkillers, if you don't mind.
You are just like your father.
He was a dreadful hypochondriac.
A hypochondriac is someone who thinks
they're ill when they're not.
I'm the opposite.
I've got a bad tooth,
and I'm soldiering on.
As I said, just like him.
Aren't you going to
put any decorations up?
I mean, at least an attempt
to make it look seasonal?
I have.
What, that? I thought
it was a toilet brush.
That's just what Astrid said.
Aha. Now talking of Astrid,
is there any chance of you
- two getting back together?
- Oh.
She's persuaded me to go to
this place that specializes
in reviving relationships.
So there is a possibility
of a reconciliation.
It's not so long ago she was trying
to get me internet dating.
Come to think of it, so were you.
Well, why not do both?
You know, have your cake and eat it.
What's the phrase they use these days?
In my day, we just called it having fun.
Everywhere I go, I hear that song.
Well, people love it.
Too poppy for my taste.
You know me, I'm a hip-hop girl.
- I'll come up when I'm done.
Don't hurry. I've got lots to do.
Mr. Sharma, thanks for agreeing to meet.
I'm here to take your statement.
Oh, do come in.
That's an early example
of Jaipur blue pottery.
- Please sit.
- Thank you.
Because the blue pottery is
fired at very low temperatures,
it makes it exceptionally fragile.
So restoring it is a
very delicate process.
Must take ages.
It's fine, as long as
you can concentrate.
- Oh, don't worry about that.
My colleague's doing tests.
Who's there?
I think she liked having someone
like me downstairs to look out for her.
I know the layout of her
flat, so I could usually
tell what room she was in.
These old buildings, they're
not very well soundproofed.
And did you hear noises last night?
Well, I was busy with my work,
but I'm fairly sure there
were two people in the flat.
You don't know who the other person was?
No, there was music playing,
but that's fairly normal.
There was nothing unusual until
water came from the ceiling.
You mentioned a colleague of yours.
Well, there's two people up there now.
Are you sure?
[WHISPERING] I think there's
someone in the bedroom.
We've been looking for you, Zadie.
I lost my phone.
So, earlier today, you broke
into Chloe Carmichael's flat.
I didn't break in.
I've been staying there.
Right, so you snuck into the
flat you've been staying in,
and then you hide in the bedroom.
I didn't want to alert the
creep that lives downstairs.
Which creep?
He had a thing about Chloe.
You know, she once found
him wandering around
the flat when she came home.
He said he heard some strange noises
and wanted to check
if everything was okay.
- Did she report that?
- No.
So we're investigating the circumstances
surrounding Chloe's
death, and you disappear.
I lost my phone.
What were you looking for in the flat?
If I say, will it get me into trouble?
That depends what you tell us.
There was some coke in
there and a bit of ketamine.
Not for Chloe. She
didn't touch the stuff.
But I-I knew it would look
bad for her, so I thought
I should get rid of it.
- But I didn't find anything.
- Flat's a crime scene.
Anything relevant
will have been removed.
Zadie, you had a
necklace in your pocket.
Yeah, it was mine.
Chloe was always giving me things.
Do you have proof of ownership?
If not, we'll be keeping it safe.
Chloe wouldn't want that.
When you say that
Chloe didn't take drugs,
was that a recent thing?
She always said drugs would
get you nowhere, that you
should try to live clean.
When you got back from
Ibiza, where did you go?
I went to my parents.
Just rang and said, can I come and stay?
I thought you lost your phone.
That was before.
So, if we speak to your parents,
- they'll confirm this story?
- Of course.
Write down their details.
I loved Chloe.
Everybody loved her.
I can't believe what's happened.
Jess, can you speak to Zadie's parents,
- see if her alibi stands up?
- Will do.
Max, you think she was involved?
She was looking for cocaine
and ketamine in the flat,
the very same drugs that
we found in Chloe's system.
But we need to follow up those claims
- she made about Virat Sharma.
- Mm.
Oh, Max, before you go, I've
been looking at Chloe's emails.
She'd been receiving a regular invoice
from a fertility clinic
on the Chelsea Beach Road
- for the past five months.
- Okay.
But here's the odd thing,
each notification thanks her
for paying the previous month's bill,
but when we cross-checked
her bank statements,
there's no record of
the money going out.
So someone else is paying for it.
It seems like it.
- Let's find out who.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, anything on Luke Beckett?
I've tried to get a
response back from Charlie's,
but it's a bit tricky
as they've closed down.
I'm trying to find a person to talk to.
So where are we heading,
House of Commons?
No, actually, we're meeting him
at his club, The New Imperial.
BOTH: Ooh, fancy.
What is this place?
It's where British men sketched
out their ambition for an empire
that straddled half the world.
- What a great plan that was.
- Mm.
I did know Chloe, not well.
We had met in relation to a
charity that we both supported,
mental health, homelessness,
that sort of thing.
When was this, Mr. Mansfield?
Earlier in the year,
I think it was April.
We found a note in her flat.
It said "Tuesday, AM."
Do those initials refer to you?
We were due to have dinner
the night after she died.
For any particular reason?
We met from time to time,
no particular reason.
Did Chloe ever speak to you
about any threats she'd had?
I think she'd come to realize
that life in the public eye
comes with its challenges.
I can empathize with that.
Is that a yes or a no?
I can't remember her mentioning threats.
She'd done a deal with
a journalist to tell
her life story,
one of those awful
let-it-all-hang-out books.
I cautioned her against
it, for her sake.
Did you ever visit Chloe at
her flat in Lyndale Street?
I did not.
Do we have any more questions?
Thank you.
I'd be grateful if you'd
respect the confidentiality
of this discussion.
Of course, though it
will be on the record
that we've spoken to you.
And that's a confidential record.
- Hello, Jeffrey.
- Andrew.
Well, he won't be getting my vote.
- Glad to hear it.
- Hmm.
I think we might need to talk again.
If anyone contacts you, don't
say a word, really important.
Sorry. Sorry.
- Are we late?
- Don't worry.
- How's the tooth?
- Oh, God, it's bad.
Frantic at work, I haven't
had time to go to the dentist.
- Hoo.
Today what, what?
There's no time like the present, Max.
Oh, yeah.
Welcome to Recapture.
Let's start by holding hands and hoping
for a positive outcome.
That was lovely.
So why are we here?
Let's think of a relationship
as being like your skin.
It might get bruised or scratched.
It might get pulled out of shape.
It might develop a few
wrinkles over the years.
But we believe that, like your skin,
if you can look after your relationship,
it will last forever.
Now, is there anything you
want to say as we get underway?
Max, maybe you would like to go first.
Um, I
We've been married for almost 20 years.
- Yeah. [CHUCKLES]
- Yeah.
But then we separated a few years ago.
But now we we want to
explore the possibility of making
another go of things.
[WHISTLING] Take a look at these prices.
- What's that?
- The Brownfield Fertility Clinic,
not for the likes of us,
unless we remortgaged the house.
You're not thinking of
Me and Helen have been
trying for a while now.
Sorry, I didn't know.
We've been keeping it to ourselves.
So, yeah, I spoke to the clinic.
Chloe had been having a
course of IVF treatment.
There was no partner, though.
She was doing it alone, apparently.
So who was paying for it?
They wouldn't say, privacy policy.
You told them this was
a murder investigation?
I threatened them with a magistrate.
How are you getting on with True Mirage?
There are no businesses with that name.
We've done some legal
searches, nothing relevant.
I thought it could be an anagram.
The only 10-letter solution
for True Mirage is Marguerite.
I'm looking through Chloe's contacts
to see if she's got any links
to anyone called Marguerite,
but nothing so far.
Okay. That's a good place to pause.
I'm going to leave
you with some homework
before our next session.
Imagine you're going right
back and meeting each other
for the very first time.
What would your initial
impressions of each other be?
It's what we call
a blank-sheet-of-paper approach.
How well did you know Chloe
Carmichael, Mr. Sharma?
Not well at all.
We were just neighbors. I
mean, she wouldn't have
But you had a key to her flat.
Did you ever go in
when she wasn't there?
Only if I heard something suspicious.
Did she know you were doing that?
Well, I didn't want to worry her.
Well, if you didn't have permission,
Mr. Sharma, then what you're
describing is trespassing.
Oh, no.
Is it true she once came home
and found you in the flat?
Well, that was a misunderstanding.
I thought I heard footsteps.
It was a mistake.
You see, I'm wondering whether you
were in Chloe's flat earlier
on the night she died.
No, of course not.
You had a key. You were in the building.
Maybe it was who ran
that bath for Chloe.
I was in my flat working.
I didn't go upstairs until
I saw the water dripping.
And then I had to go in.
It was awful.
- What did you think?
- It's hard to imagine.
But, you know, it's
often the quiet ones.
And he had a key to the flat.
I've got to dash.
I've got an emergency
appointment at the dentist.
So wish me luck.
Well, it might be painful,
but not as painful as listening
to you go on about it.
Thanks for the sympathy.
Oh, no.
Here we go, essential supplies.
Oh, thanks, Jess. Thanks.
We now know there's a
connection between Mansfield
and Luke Beckett.
But what is it? What
are they talking about?
Max, you need to see this.
- Just been posted.
- Show me.
That doesn't look like a friendly chat.
So why would her MP, who claimed
he knew nothing about threats, now
be meeting the man who made them?
Okay, the police are believed to have
spoken to Andrew Mansfield,
MP for Chelsea Central.
It is understood that
Mansfield had been comforting
Chloe Carmichael in recent times.
How would Sylvie Wilkes
have known about that?
She suggested we speak to Mansfield.
She probably just waited a
while and assumed we'd done so.
Christ, as if it isn't hard
enough investigating a murder
in a blaze of publicity.
We've now got the worst
sort of tabloid journalists
- stirring the pot.
- Should we bring her in?
What and give her more material?
Let's bring Mansfield in.
Won't do him any harm to see
the inside of a police station.
But where are we with Zadie's alibi?
- Did it hold up?
- We don't know.
I spoke to her parents' neighbors.
Zadie's mom and dad have just gone
on a caravan holiday in Wales
and don't take a mobile phone.
The neighbors think
they're somewhere near Rhyl.
There are approximately
132 caravan parks
in the North Wales area.
We've got the local police
trying to track them down.
We know that Zadie was a drug user,
but she said that Chloe
never touched the stuff.
Well, that's not true
of the night she died.
Chloe was a recovering addict.
She may have veered from
one extreme to another.
Let's talk to Shawn.
Maybe he noticed some unusual behavior.
I'll give him a call.
Okay, and I'll talk to her mom again.
- Is that DI Arnold?
- Speaking.
I thought I made it clear
that our conversation
was completely confidential, and now
it's all over the media.
It wasn't us, Mr. Mansfield.
You expect me to believe
that I'm not a fool.
This is exactly the sort of behavior
that will lead to stricter
oversight of the police
from the home office.
I hope I've made myself clear.
Mrs. Carmichael, I wanted to
ask you about Chloe and IVF.
Were you aware that she'd recently
undergone a course of treatment
at the Bramfield Clinic?
When was this?
It started in July.
I wasn't aware, but I'm not surprised.
How do you mean?
Chloe seemed to be leading
a healthier lifestyle.
Grandchildren would have been nice.
That's why I kept this
place on, I suppose.
We're trying to establish
who paid for the treatment.
Would you have any idea?
If I didn't know about the IVF,
I'm hardly likely to
know who paid for it.
Chloe never wanted any
help from us financially.
It was a point of principle to her.
So you're no closer to charging
someone with Chloe's murder.
Is there anything more you
can tell us about Zadie Evans?
I hardly know her.
- Is she a suspect?
- She's a person of interest.
So your impression was she was clean?
Yeah, I think so, sir. I
didn't see anything obvious.
I mean, I was only there
for the online stuff.
I'm saying she would have
been careful about how she came
across I'm a police officer.
How did she seem?
A bit distant, to be honest,
oddly detached, considering she
was the one that reported the
trolling in the first place.
Now, could have been drugs,
hard to say, medication.
She didn't look after herself.
The place was a right
sty, plates piled high,
didn't turn the heat
on, that sort of thing.
- Oh, um, shall I?
- I think we're done.
Okay, well, let me
know if there's anything
- more I can help with, sir.
- Thanks, Shawn. I will.
- Go for a drink?
- Yeah.
I've just spoken to
the North Wales police.
Zadie didn't go to stay with her parents
when she got back from Ibiza.
They haven't seen her in weeks.
- Oh, come on.
- messaging service.
At the tone, please record your message.
Hello, the police have been here again.
Can you call me?
I am very much on my own here.
This is a surprise.
It's colder in here than it is outside.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me, uh
There, that should warm us up.
Would you like a drink?
I've got a bottle of wine on the go.
- How are you getting on?
- Oh, uh, um
it's a complex case, as usual.
I wasn't asking about your job.
How are you getting on with
the blank sheet of paper?
Oh, that.
Yeah, oh, well, made a start.
Oh, no, that's a month old. Sorry.
Let me, um
The thing is, Astrid
It's not so long ago that
you were threatening to serve
me with divorce papers.
And then you started
seeing that photographer.
I can't help feeling
that if we were going
to get back together, we need to think
this through ourselves.
We can't subcontract the job to someone
who compares a long-term
relationship to skin.
So you don't want to go ahead?
Now, that's not what I'm saying.
You can pay the cancelation fee.
It's more complicated than that.
Which is why we need help.
But you don't want that.
Astrid, wait.
- Connor?
- You all right, Max?
Hard at it.
I'm sending an email
from Bramfield Clinic.
Got it.
So the person who's been
paying for Chloe's IVF
treatment is none other than
Well, well, Andrew Mansfield.
So it makes you wonder, Andrew Mansfield
and Chloe Carmichael?
Stranger things have happened.
Let's dig deeper into Mansfield.
Thanks, Connor.
It might be worth
remembering that I'm not only
the member of Parliament
for Chelsea Central
but also chair of the
Home Affairs Committee
with oversight of the
greater London Police.
We won't keep you any longer
than we need to, Mr. Mansfield.
Yesterday morning at
10:10, you were observed
talking to Luke Beckett.
Am I under surveillance?
I assume you've got
the authority for that.
If your involvement with Chloe
was limited to her charity work,
why were you talking
to her former manager?
Beckett thought that he was owed money.
And now that Chloe is no longer with us,
I thought it important to put
it to bed once and for all.
So you're a busy MP,
but you can find time
to out the financial affairs of someone
you met only a few months ago?
I am there to serve my constituents.
You mentioned before that
you were concerned about
the autobiography that Chloe
was working on with Sylvie Wix,
one of those, let-it-all-hang-out books,
- I think you described it as.
- That's right.
I thought she might come to regret it.
Maybe you'd have come to regret it, too.
What do you mean?
What DI Arnold is saying is that you
might have featured in the book in a way
you wouldn't have liked.
We've been looking at
your parliamentary career.
You joined the House of
Commons at the beginning
of Margaret Thatcher's
second term, correct,
in 1983?
I know when Mrs. Thatcher's
second term began.
- That's when you became an MP.
- Yes.
I wonder if you remember a
young secretary who started
at the same time as you.
She was on your team for a couple
of months around the
time of the election.
And then in December,
she gave birth at Chelsea Hospital.
You're joining a lot of dots here.
The baby's name was Chloe,
and the mother's name
was Hilary Jensen.
She married a man called
Richard Carmichael,
but he wasn't the biological father.
Because that was you, wasn't it?
It was one of those things.
It wasn't planned.
One moves on.
Then when Hillary's husband
died earlier in the year,
I asked her permission to contact Chloe.
It wasn't straightforward,
but Chloe and I, we
we built a relationship.
So when Chloe wanted a baby,
you paid for her treatment
at the Bramfield Clinic.
- How do you know that?
- We're detectives.
My wife and I, we were
never able to have children.
I would have had a grandchild.
Who you'd never have
been able to acknowledge.
Better than no grandchild at all.
But then Chloe told me she was working
on this book with that
ghastly journalist and
That she was planning
to tell the whole story.
Imagine the consequences?
My wife doesn't even know.
Where were you on Monday
evening between 9:00 and 11:00?
You can't seriously be suggesting
- I mean, for God's sake.
- Where were you?
There was a late-night sitting
at the House of Commons.
The Division Bell would
have rung at about 10:00.
Afterwards, I went to the
terrace bar for a drink.
There were plenty of witnesses.
- What are you doing here?
- The back door wasn't locked.
I didn't mean to startle you.
- How did you get here?
- I got the train.
I just wanted to say
I'm so sad about Chloe.
That was such a lovely day
we had when we came for lunch.
Do you know whether the police
you know, have they got any idea?
That's not a discussion
we should be having, Zadie.
This is an ongoing investigation.
Yeah, but
Oh, I see.
I know it's a lot to ask, but I'm
Is there any way that you could help me?
Can I stay here, just for a while?
I hope it's okay if I wear this.
I know it's Chloe's. She wouldn't mind.
Zadie, you told us you'd
gone to stay with your parents
when you got back from Ibiza.
Why did you lie to us?
I don't know. I panicked.
If you've got nothing
to do with Chloe's death,
what are you worried about?
- I was there.
- You were there?
When I got back from the airport,
there were all these people
outside the flat and police
cars, and I didn't know what to do.
And then someone said
that Chloe had died,
and I was so upset.
And I wasn't thinking straight.
So what did you do?
I just stayed out.
I slept rough. I didn't
have anywhere to go.
You told us that Chloe
never touched drugs.
Are you sure about that?
I knew she had done things in her past,
but she'd put that behind her.
And she used to say she
she didn't want me to make
the same mistakes she had made
when she was young.
She was like a big sister to me.
Yes. We weren't in a relationship.
That was just that
journalist making things up.
- Sylvie Wix?
- Yeah, she was so pushy.
Chloe used to say
Sylvie Wix would rather I was dead.
Then the book would really sell.
I've just had an email.
Chloe's phone, they've
made a partial recovery.
It looks like her last phone
call was from Luke Beckett.
It was at 9:59 and lasted 4 minutes.
Max, I finally got a response
from Charlie's of Chelsea.
Beckett's account of his timings
doesn't match with hers.
Turns out he left a lot earlier.
All right, try his house.
Try the recording studio.
Talk to him.
What was the call about?
He's lied to us about so many things.
Is he our online troll?
True Mirage
[SIGHS] Anybody, anything?
We thought it might be an anagram
and that it could mean Marguerite.
But we haven't been able to link anyone
called Marguerite with Chloe.
Marguerite, I know that name.
There's that place, a cafe.
I've seen that somewhere.
that's where Sylvia
Wix writes her articles.
- You don't get it, do you?
- Get what?
Celebrity, it's a game.
Chloe knew the rules.
She'd been playing it long enough.
And what's your point?
When she agreed to the
book, it was obvious
what the publishers wanted
gossip, dirt, show business.
All she wanted to do was
talk about her charity work.
And then she said that she
wanted to pull out of the deal.
I needed the money.
I'm not a posh girl like her.
So I thought if I dropped a
few messages on social media,
she might realize how
much it meant to me.
Why did you use the name Marguerite?
I didn't.
True Mirage is an anagram of Marguerite.
We used to meet in that cafe.
Just a little secret message to her.
I wanted to see if she had
the wit to figure it out.
Guess what. She didn't.
What happened that night,
Sylvie, the night Chloe died?
A colleague of mine had seen
her with Andrew Mansfield.
I thought, this could be interesting.
This could be a big scoop.
The Tory MP and the pop star.
So I went over there
to ask her about it.
She went all quiet on
me. Wouldn't say a word.
So I left.
- Simple as that?
- Yeah.
I didn't kill Chloe.
If I'd killed her,
why would I have turned
up here the next morning
to tell you that I'd been in her flat?
Murderers have devious
minds, not unlike journalists.
Oh, go on, arrest me.
That would make a great story.
I'd love to see what evidence you have.
It's not us that doesn't get it, Sylvie.
It's you.
We're not trading tittle-tattle
for the newspapers.
This is not a game.
We're trying to solve a murder,
and all you've done is
make it harder for us.
Okay. Yeah, thanks, Jess.
So they're on their way to the recording
studio now to find out exactly
where Luke Beckett went.
We need to search his house for DNA that
links him to the crime scene.
I'll apply for a warrant.
- I'm sorry.
- Olivia.
- Where are you?
You should be here.
Your appointment's in 10 minutes.
Oh, Christ.
Have you any idea how difficult
it is to get another appointment
two days before Christmas?
You really don't have to come with me.
Oh, I think I do.
You didn't even turn up the last time.
You know, when you were a boy, you
used to hide behind the piano when
it was time for the dentist.
I rightly prioritized
my musical studies.
I am going to tap a
couple of your teeth, Max,
just so we can work out
where this is coming from.
Okay, open wide for me.
Ah, marvelous.
That one is going to have to come out.
Yeah, we don't want this when you're
sitting down to your
Christmas lunch, do we?
Let's start with the
evening Chloe was murdered.
You told us at 10:45, you left
Charlie's of Chelsea and went
- straight home to your wife.
- Yeah.
But you settled your bill at 9:57.
Do you normally pay for
your meal halfway through?
I went I went for a walk.
A few days before Christmas
at 10 o'clock at night?
I must have got home a
bit earlier than I thought.
Not according to your wife. We checked.
At 9:59, you made a phone call,
which lasted just over 4
minutes, to Chloe Carmichael.
In contravention of
the restraining order
which forbade you from
approaching her in any way.
She owed me money, okay?
And what did she say?
She told me to piss off, as usual.
So what did you do
between 9:59 and 11:05 PM
when you arrived home?
As I said, I went for a walk, okay?
Why were you talking to
Andrew Mansfield yesterday?
He he made contact with me.
He said that he could
speak on Chloe's behalf.
And then he told me that any
ideas that I had about getting
money from the Christmas single, well,
I could just forget about that.
If you have a legitimate claim,
you'll be able to recover what you feel
- you're owed from Chloe's estate.
- Oh, yeah.
And Pete Best was a
better drummer than Ringo?
Well, why do you think I'm scrambling
around representing shit bands who can't
even play their instruments?
Because I'm nearly broke.
And it's all because of
Chloe bloody Carmichael.
Did you kill her?
I should be on a yacht, okay?
Who is the bloke that
used to manage Wham!?
Last I heard, he was sailing
around in the Maldives.
It should be me.
Yeah, we're just waiting for a minute,
just to make sure that you're
not resistant to the injection.
Might I be?
Well, let's see, eh?
Open wide for me.
Nah, no, you're fine. You're fine.
But there was a woman who
came in last week, right?
I gave her a healthy dose of lidocaine.
Five minutes later, no effect at all.
Completely resistant.
So I said to her, I
think you've been spending
too much time with lidocaine's
naughty cousin, haven't you,
my dear? [CHUCKLES]
That's Chelsea for you, isn't it.
Max, I wasn't expecting to see you.
Well, it was either here or the boat.
And here's warmer.
Get some proper heating
or a proper home.
You're beginning to sound like Astrid.
She's a very sensible woman.
I've been thinking about Luke Beckett.
Is it possible that he was the
one supplying drugs to Chloe?
I'm going to stop you right there.
Jess has been looking at the CCTV.
When Beckett left
Charlie's, he went south.
You can see him here
on Oakley Street, 22:05.
He heads up to Bremerton street and then
down to Embankment at 22:34.
Problem is, here's Chloe's
flat, Lingdale Street.
- Right.
- It's much too far.
He couldn't have got to
Chloe's flat in that time.
- It's not Luke Beckett.
- Mm-mm.
Okay, let's take a fresh look at this,
go back to the start.
Maybe see something
that we haven't seen.
What you might call the
blank-sheet-of-paper approach.
So Chloe had a complicated
history with drugs.
- Yes.
- We keep hearing different accounts.
Zadie was staying at the flat
and said that Chloe was clean.
But was she?
She took a lot of drugs that night.
Well, maybe someone had plied her
with them trying to kill her,
but she had become resistant.
Nobody knew she had developed
a high level of tolerance
for drugs, so
- She was using them in secret.
- Yes.
But who with?
Chloe was doing well in the summer.
Hillary said that she
turned over a new leaf.
She'd connected with Andrew Mansfield.
She was starting her IVF.
Then she started to get
threats, first from Luke,
then from Sylvie.
But that was in the summer,
when we think she was clean.
What was happening in the autumn,
that's what we don't know.
Hang on.
When did Shawn Kildare
say that he saw Chloe?
May to August.
That's right, the summer.
Christmas ♪
- There you go.
- Nice. Cheers.
So how you been?
- Pretty good. Busy.
- Yeah. I bet.
You're still working that
Chloe Carmichael case?
Yeah, yeah, I know about that.
It was crazy.
She was capable of anything.
Taking a load of drugs,
drowning in your bath.
It's easy done.
He said she forgot to
turn the heating on.
No one turns their heating
on between May and August.
He must have seen her more recently.
Connor's meeting him tonight.
- Another one?
- Hannah's expecting me.
- Oh, my God.
- You are so under the thumb.
Enjoy yourself. It's Christmas.
- Are you with Shawn?
- Yeah.
I want you to ask him
when he last saw Chloe.
Don't get his suspicions up.
We think there's an
inconsistency in the timeline.
Find out when he last went to her flat.
Here you go, mate.
You're probably right.
- About what?
- Mm.
Max thinks it's a murder.
But, you know, Max is
head of the murder squad.
He's probably drumming up business,
- if you think about it.
- Right.
Who'd want to kill her, though?
- That's the question.
- Don't know.
You knew her well.
When did you say you saw her last?
[SIGHING] Ages ago.
Not more recently?
No. Why would you ask that?
Just wondering what
her state of mind was
over the last couple of months.
What's up, Connor?
It sounds like someone's
been feeding you a script.
Do you know what, mate?
I've suddenly remembered
I need to be somewhere.
See you later.
Max, Shawn's done a runner.
We're at the Riverside
Arms. Send all units.
Riverside Arms.
Suspect heading towards Albert Bridge.
- Stop.
Get out the car. Police,
get out of your car.
Get out. Get out of the car.
Hands on your head.
She was trying to get clean.
But she was always prey to temptation.
If I had something on me,
cocaine, MDMA, whatever
we'd end up doing it.
Cybercrime, special delivery.
That's what we called it. [CHUCKLES]
She used to tease me.
I was supplying her with
drugs. It wasn't appropriate.
And then that night,
it all got serious
She decided that the relationship
had been coercive,
that I'd taken advantage
of her vulnerabilities.
I'd forced the drugs on her.
And she was going to
expose me to my bosses.
I couldn't let that stand, could I?
She'd already taken
a lot of stuff, so
I thought, let's get going.
Test the limits.
But, uh
she didn't die.
So I started thinking
what if?
You know?
Little accident.
I cleaned up afterwards.
I left the tap running
that's a nice touch.
Celebrity takes drugs
and drowns in the bath.
You're a serving police officer
assigned to protect Chloe Carmichael.
And instead, you took advantage of her
and cold-bloodedly killed
her to save your own skin.
I'm not looking forward to prison.
Not much fun for a copper.
Thank you for coming, Zadie.
I am so sorry I doubted you.
I'm sorry I scared you.
Things were complicated with Chloe.
I shared a secret.
I know.
She told you?
Chole told me everything.
She loved her dad, Richard.
But she liked Andrew.
And I think she
understood that it was
difficult for you.
Did she?
I felt she blamed me.
Andrew put politics
first, so I lost him.
Then I lost Richard.
And now Chloe's gone.
we can be friends.
Yes. [SIGHS]
I'd like that.
Good work, everyone.
It's very difficult to take
on board it was one of our own.
Keep thinking we should
have spotted something.
We've all been thinking that.
Kildare was never a suspect.
He wasn't a suspect because it didn't
occur to us to see him as one.
Were we blinded by the badge?
Come on. You've all got homes to get to.
Go and enjoy Christmas.
- Is John coming up?
- No, he's with his daughters.
I'm getting the first flight to Dublin.
Helen's family are with us
until the day after Boxing Day,
I think.
- What about you, Jess?
- I'm with my parents.
I'm the reigning champion at Scrabble,
third successive year.
I can't afford to let that slip.
Merry Christmas, Max.
- Merry Christmas, Max.
Merry Christmas.
What is going on here?
This is a mutiny.
The captain of the ship has
been relieved of his command.
And I just popped over to
pick up my medical supplies.
Astrid has been telling me
all about the
blank-sheet-of-paper approach
and well worth 180 pounds per hour,
I'm sure.
- What's this?
- Peace offering.
Don't look so miserable.
We can still be friends.
I'm not miserable.
I've just come straight
from something
Never mind.
I'm very glad you've both
made yourselves at home.
I didn't think you were
staying for Christmas.
You know, that's not such a bad idea.
What do you think, Astrid?
I haven't got any plans.
And me neither.
Spare me.
You caught my eye ♪
When we met at the party ♪
You flashed that smile ♪
And when you finally asked my name ♪
It was like Tarzan meeting Jane ♪
And we knew we'd meet again ♪
Because nobody wants to be alone ♪
At Christmas ♪
Merry Christmas ♪
Hey, it's finally here ♪
Merry Christmas ♪
I hope it brings you cheer ♪
Food is on the table ♪
Everyone's feeling fine ♪
I hope you're happy in your house ♪
'Cause I'm having a ball in mine ♪
Merry Christmas ♪
The tree is shining bright ♪
Merry Christmas ♪
Old Santa came ♪
- Evening, Astrid.
- How are you?
Yeah, I'm well, actually,
I've got a bit of a funny tooth.
Why don't you go and see the dentist?
Well, I'm too busy.
Right now
I'm busy decorating
the boat for Christmas.
Oh, that's pathetic.
It's made from recycled cans.
One less fir tree
unnecessarily cut down.
Well, it looks like, um, a toilet brush.
Don't forget we're meeting
on Wednesday morning, yes?
Yeah, it's in the diary.
Will you please look into the camera?
When you're wandering around like this,
it makes me feel like I don't exist.
- Sorry.
- Hello. [SIGHS] Thank you.
That's better.
Shall we shall we meet there?
This could be the beginning
of a new chapter for us.
Yeah, well, I-I'm
really excited about it.
- I'll see you there.
- Okay.
Every wall ♪
- Ow.
- In mine ♪
Ha ha ♪
Chloe, are you in there?
Quick picture, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Have you seen what's going on out there?
Well, It didn't take long.
There's a second bedroom.
Looks like there's a flatmate.
Someone's been partying hard.
What do we got, Ashley?
A woman, 40-ish.
Cause of death appears to be drowning.
We'll get a toxicology
report from the lab,
but looks like drugs were involved.
And two of her fingernails are broken.
These could be signs of a struggle.
- Oh, God.
- Hmm.
That's a lot more people than
there were half an hour ago.
Yes, this is just the beginning.
Excuse me, please. Excuse me, please.
- Thank you.
Can't believe this.
Was a big fan, you know.
Had a poster of her on my bedroom wall.
Didn't she have that hit single?
Nobody wants to be
alone at Christmas ♪
Yeah, those were the words.
How did the tune go?
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Late night?
- That was a long one.
Oh, God.
Here's what we know at this stage.
Chloe Carmichael, age 41, her
body was found in her bath.
Signs of a struggle and
evidence of drug use in the flat.
Provisional assumption
is that this was murder,
but we're waiting on Ashley's report.
So Chloe was huge in the
2000s, had lots of hit records.
She was more than your
average pop star, though.
That Christmas song that we all know?
She gave the royalties to charity.
And then at the height of her fame,
she just walked away from it all.
She had addiction
issues and she struggled
with the pressures of fame.
She was talking about mental health
long before most celebrities.
What else?
Uh, early days, but this
could be a promising lead.
Luke Beckett, her former manager.
Earlier in the year, Chloe posted
this on her social media
message to at Luke Beckett.
Let me live my life and
I'll let you live yours.
Max, there's a DS I know who
works in the cybercrime unit
here in Chelsea Shawn Kildare.
I know Shawn.
He told me he'd been advising
Chloe on internet threats
a few months ago.
Let's talk to him.
We're also keen to talk to this woman
Zadie Evans.
She's a fashion model.
There's been press
speculation that she was
in a relationship with Chloe.
She's got a string of
drug-related convictions.
Appears to have been
staying in Chloe's flat.
- Where is she now?
- We don't know.
Phone disconnected. No
recent posts on socials.
- That's odd. Connor, find out where she is.
- Sure.
If only you had a house like this.
All your troubles would be washed away.
Now, the rich have just as many
problems as the rest of us.
Well, a gravel drive. It's got to help.
Thank you.
Mrs. Carmichael, I'm very sorry,
but we have reason to
believe that Chloe may have
been deliberately attacked.
Is there anyone you can think of who
may have wanted to harm her?
I have no idea.
Did you ever meet a friend
of hers called Zadie Evans?
We understand she was living with Chloe.
I only met her once.
Chloe brought her down on a Sunday.
We had lunch.
You don't know where we might find her?
Not a clue.
Mrs. Carmichael, there
was evidence of drug use in
Chloe's flat.
What was her relationship with drugs?
I'm not naive.
Goodness knows what
she'd done over the years.
But she'd been making an effort lately,
as far as I could tell.
Things got more difficult
when we lost Richard.
Chloe's father.
He died in the spring.
When did you last speak to Chloe?
A week ago.
We didn't talk all the time.
She had her life in
Chelsea. We had ours.
It happened so suddenly.
One minute, I was dropping
her off at boarding school.
The next, she was on
the cover of magazines.
Public property.
Nobody explains what that's like.
It must have been hard for Chloe.
It was hard for me.
Okay. I take it back.
The gravel drive doesn't
help in the least.
Yes, I'm sure we'd like to talk.
Yeah, I've got your number.
That was Sylvie Wix.
- The journalist?
- Mm.
Says she's got information
we'll want to hear.
I've been talking to the modeling agency
that represents Zadie Evans.
She was in Ibiza three
days ago on a fashion shoot.
She flew straight back
afterwards and hasn't
- been heard from since.
- Thanks.
[CHUCKLING] Hey, Shawn.
- How are you?
- Good.
- Good to see you.
- You too.
Well, well, well, Jess Lombard.
And how did you land this
plum job on the murder squad?
Uh, talent and ability.
- Good to see you, Shawn.
- Good to see you.
Max and Layla will be back soon.
- You look busy.
- Yeah.
Not like cybercrime here.
No lunch breaks for us.
Yeah, I was her case
officer for a while.
She was being trolled on social media,
so it was referred to us at cybercrime.
What sort of threats was she getting?
Well, there were two phases.
Um, firstly, it was her
ex-manager, Luke Beckett.
They had a long-running
financial dispute.
He was sending her threatening messages,
stuff like, um, I know where you live.
I could ruin you. Don't go out alone.
Hmm. Real nasty piece of work.
So he could be our man.
Yeah, I'd certainly take a look at him.
You said that there were
two phases to the threats.
Well, initially, we shut down Beckett,
but then it started up again
under a different handle.
Um, True Mirage.
We thought it was Beckett
using a fake account,
but he denied it.
I've got the transcripts
of the messages.
- I can send them over.
- How long ago was this?
Uh, initially with
Beckett, around May, June,
and then True Mirage
was July and August.
But I only saw Chloe a handful of times,
then we closed the case.
Beginning of September.
It was a money thing.
We don't have the resources of you guys.
So what happened with
the internet threats?
We hit a brick wall.
They hid their IP address with a VPN.
- No digital footprint?
- Nope.
Whoever was doing it knew
exactly what they were doing.
Our victim had ingested a
lot of drugs, high levels
of cocaine and ketamine.
What they call CK, I believe.
But that's not what killed her.
If she had died of a drug overdose
and then sank under the water, her lungs
would likely have filled with water,
but there was very little in them.
There's also signs of frothy
liquid in the airway, edema,
and a heaviness to
the lungs, all of which
suggest that she drowned.
Do you think she was held under?
Yes, I do.
There's also marks on her back,
consistent with being hauled
over the side of the bath.
I drew up a floor plan for the flat.
Scuff marks from her
trainers here and here.
Her trainers were found
in this doorway, so whoever
attacked her dragged her
through to the bathroom
and into the bath.
- And left the tap running.
- Hmm.
Do you think the person who
did this was probably a man?
Mm. Not necessarily.
Chloe only weighed 56 kilos,
and with the amount of drugs
in her system, she may
have been semi-conscious
when she went in the water.
- Oh, and
We found this in her pocket.
Tuesday, AM.
Look at this.
Early present from Santa Claus.
The latest forensics UV light readers.
Upgraded from the previous model.
- Oh, can
- Mm.
I found Luke Beckett.
- Okay.
- He's at a recording studio.
- Want the number?
- No.
Text me the address.
Got you all to myself ♪
And I couldn't be happier ♪
I know it don't make sense ♪
But I think I need you ♪
All this time I smile ♪
I'm not that guy, I just will try ♪
Stop, stop, stop. Just stop. Stop.
Look, I'm not wasting any more studio
time recording until you
know how to play this.
Keep rehearsing.
taking a break, okay?
- Luke Beckett?
- Yeah.
DI Arnold and DS Walsh. Chelsea CID.
We'd like to ask you some questions
about Chloe Carmichael.
How far back did you and Chloe go?
Oh, to the beginning.
I used to manage her in the early 2000s
when the world fell for her charms.
The glory years, yeah.
So what happened?
About, um, a year ago, I suppose
she hadn't recorded anything in ages.
She wasn't touring.
Said she didn't need a manager anymore.
Said she could handle
things herself, so
I haven't seen her in months.
And you wouldn't have, would you?
With the restraining order against you.
I was owed money, and
she didn't want anything
to do with it, so I
tried to persuade her
to take some responsibility.
That seemed very reasonable to me.
Although the magistrate
didn't see it that way.
Why did you feel that
you were owed money?
That Christmas song was her pension,
or should have been,
if she hadn't given all
the royalties away to charity.
She had persuaded me to defer
my commission, not to waive it.
Right, when she terminated
our relationship, I said, look,
I don't care about the charity.
I want what's owed to me.
And she wouldn't support me.
So you started threatening
her on social media.
Oh, is that what you call it?
I was telling her some home truths.
You know, Chloe, she had
lived a pretty pampered life.
It didn't hurt for
someone to stand up to her.
Been looking at these
transcripts Shawn sent over.
They're pretty menacing.
"The truth will out.
You've been quiet for so long, Chloe.
You're skating on thin ice."
I think Shawn's a bit
bored at cybercrime.
Wasn't Max talking
about expanding the team?
He'd be a good addition.
- If you can get the funding.
- Hmm.
I imagine that won't be easy.
True Mirage.
What could that mean?
Could be a business, I suppose.
Sounds like the favorite
in the Grand National.
Thanks, Connor. That's helpful.
DC Pollock advanced the
theory that Chloe Carmichael
was threatened by a horse.
Does the name True Mirage
mean anything to you?
Wasn't you under another name?
No. I've been asked this already.
No, it wasn't.
What were you doing yesterday
evening, Mr. Beckett?
I was at Charlie's of Chelsea.
Do you know it?
It's closing down, isn't it?
Yeah, it did last night.
End of an era.
Last supper at Charlie's.
What time did you leave?
I went straight home.
You can ask my wife.
- Sylvie Witt?
- That's me.
I'm DC Connor Pollock.
- This is DC Jess Lombard.
- Hi.
You said you had some information
about Chloe Carmichael?
I saw her yesterday evening.
I'd rather you hear that
from me than someone else.
Go on.
I was ghostwriting her autobiography.
I'd been working on it for months.
What time were you there?
Ah, got there about 8:00.
It wasn't a very long
session. I'd left by 9:00.
How did she seem?
Bit distracted.
Is it possible she'd been taking drugs?
Well, I wouldn't know about that.
Did she die of an overdose?
That's not something we can talk about.
Of course.
You wrote an article
a couple of months ago
linking Chloe to Zadie Evans?
Yeah, that's right.
Sexy Zadie, Chloe's special friend.
- Do you know Zadie?
- No. Never met her.
Chloe was very good at
keeping the different
parts of her life separate.
I assume you've spoken to Zadie.
We can't reveal details
of our investigation.
So you haven't.
You didn't hear this from me, but
it might be worth your while
to speak to Andrew Mansfield.
The MP?
Like I said, you didn't hear it from me.
Andrew Mansfield, the
MP for Chelsea Central?
That's what she said.
The Post-It note that Ashley found,
it said Tuesday, AM, which we
assumed meant Tuesday morning,
but it could equally
mean Andrew Mansfield.
But what's his connection to Chloe?
We pushed her on it, but she clammed up.
How are the tech team
getting on with Chloe's phone?
They haven't been able
to retrieve anything yet,
but they're working on it.
Any luck finding Zadie Evans?
She's still AWOL, Max.
No sign of her since her fashion shoot.
What if they had a drug -fueled night,
and Zadie put Chloe in the
bath to try to bring her round?
What, and then there was a struggle?
Yeah, maybe.
Okay. Check with Charlie's Restaurant,
that Luke Beckett's
timings are right, and set
- up a meeting with Mansfield.
- Will do.
You caught my eye ♪
When we met at the party ♪
You flashed that smile ♪
When we finally asked my name ♪
It was like Tarzan meeting Jane ♪
And we knew we'd meet again ♪
Because nobody wants
to be alone at Christmas ♪
Nobody wants to be
alone at Christmas ♪
I come from the East bearing gifts.
Oh, that is so kind of you.
Well, what else are aunts for.
How's the tooth?
- Well
- Ooh.
Take two of these, and
they'll deal with the pain,
but they might make you a bit woozy.
These are for my arthritis,
only available on prescription.
But I don't think
they'll do you any harm.
And these are my favorite.
There's something in them
that gives you a little boost.
I often take them before a date.
No wonder your strike rate is so high.
Think of them like a
Christmas chocolate box
and take a selection.
I'll stick to the
painkillers, if you don't mind.
You are just like your father.
He was a dreadful hypochondriac.
A hypochondriac is someone who thinks
they're ill when they're not.
I'm the opposite.
I've got a bad tooth,
and I'm soldiering on.
As I said, just like him.
Aren't you going to
put any decorations up?
I mean, at least an attempt
to make it look seasonal?
I have.
What, that? I thought
it was a toilet brush.
That's just what Astrid said.
Aha. Now talking of Astrid,
is there any chance of you
- two getting back together?
- Oh.
She's persuaded me to go to
this place that specializes
in reviving relationships.
So there is a possibility
of a reconciliation.
It's not so long ago she was trying
to get me internet dating.
Come to think of it, so were you.
Well, why not do both?
You know, have your cake and eat it.
What's the phrase they use these days?
In my day, we just called it having fun.
Everywhere I go, I hear that song.
Well, people love it.
Too poppy for my taste.
You know me, I'm a hip-hop girl.
- I'll come up when I'm done.
Don't hurry. I've got lots to do.
Mr. Sharma, thanks for agreeing to meet.
I'm here to take your statement.
Oh, do come in.
That's an early example
of Jaipur blue pottery.
- Please sit.
- Thank you.
Because the blue pottery is
fired at very low temperatures,
it makes it exceptionally fragile.
So restoring it is a
very delicate process.
Must take ages.
It's fine, as long as
you can concentrate.
- Oh, don't worry about that.
My colleague's doing tests.
Who's there?
I think she liked having someone
like me downstairs to look out for her.
I know the layout of her
flat, so I could usually
tell what room she was in.
These old buildings, they're
not very well soundproofed.
And did you hear noises last night?
Well, I was busy with my work,
but I'm fairly sure there
were two people in the flat.
You don't know who the other person was?
No, there was music playing,
but that's fairly normal.
There was nothing unusual until
water came from the ceiling.
You mentioned a colleague of yours.
Well, there's two people up there now.
Are you sure?
[WHISPERING] I think there's
someone in the bedroom.
We've been looking for you, Zadie.
I lost my phone.
So, earlier today, you broke
into Chloe Carmichael's flat.
I didn't break in.
I've been staying there.
Right, so you snuck into the
flat you've been staying in,
and then you hide in the bedroom.
I didn't want to alert the
creep that lives downstairs.
Which creep?
He had a thing about Chloe.
You know, she once found
him wandering around
the flat when she came home.
He said he heard some strange noises
and wanted to check
if everything was okay.
- Did she report that?
- No.
So we're investigating the circumstances
surrounding Chloe's
death, and you disappear.
I lost my phone.
What were you looking for in the flat?
If I say, will it get me into trouble?
That depends what you tell us.
There was some coke in
there and a bit of ketamine.
Not for Chloe. She
didn't touch the stuff.
But I-I knew it would look
bad for her, so I thought
I should get rid of it.
- But I didn't find anything.
- Flat's a crime scene.
Anything relevant
will have been removed.
Zadie, you had a
necklace in your pocket.
Yeah, it was mine.
Chloe was always giving me things.
Do you have proof of ownership?
If not, we'll be keeping it safe.
Chloe wouldn't want that.
When you say that
Chloe didn't take drugs,
was that a recent thing?
She always said drugs would
get you nowhere, that you
should try to live clean.
When you got back from
Ibiza, where did you go?
I went to my parents.
Just rang and said, can I come and stay?
I thought you lost your phone.
That was before.
So, if we speak to your parents,
- they'll confirm this story?
- Of course.
Write down their details.
I loved Chloe.
Everybody loved her.
I can't believe what's happened.
Jess, can you speak to Zadie's parents,
- see if her alibi stands up?
- Will do.
Max, you think she was involved?
She was looking for cocaine
and ketamine in the flat,
the very same drugs that
we found in Chloe's system.
But we need to follow up those claims
- she made about Virat Sharma.
- Mm.
Oh, Max, before you go, I've
been looking at Chloe's emails.
She'd been receiving a regular invoice
from a fertility clinic
on the Chelsea Beach Road
- for the past five months.
- Okay.
But here's the odd thing,
each notification thanks her
for paying the previous month's bill,
but when we cross-checked
her bank statements,
there's no record of
the money going out.
So someone else is paying for it.
It seems like it.
- Let's find out who.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, anything on Luke Beckett?
I've tried to get a
response back from Charlie's,
but it's a bit tricky
as they've closed down.
I'm trying to find a person to talk to.
So where are we heading,
House of Commons?
No, actually, we're meeting him
at his club, The New Imperial.
BOTH: Ooh, fancy.
What is this place?
It's where British men sketched
out their ambition for an empire
that straddled half the world.
- What a great plan that was.
- Mm.
I did know Chloe, not well.
We had met in relation to a
charity that we both supported,
mental health, homelessness,
that sort of thing.
When was this, Mr. Mansfield?
Earlier in the year,
I think it was April.
We found a note in her flat.
It said "Tuesday, AM."
Do those initials refer to you?
We were due to have dinner
the night after she died.
For any particular reason?
We met from time to time,
no particular reason.
Did Chloe ever speak to you
about any threats she'd had?
I think she'd come to realize
that life in the public eye
comes with its challenges.
I can empathize with that.
Is that a yes or a no?
I can't remember her mentioning threats.
She'd done a deal with
a journalist to tell
her life story,
one of those awful
let-it-all-hang-out books.
I cautioned her against
it, for her sake.
Did you ever visit Chloe at
her flat in Lyndale Street?
I did not.
Do we have any more questions?
Thank you.
I'd be grateful if you'd
respect the confidentiality
of this discussion.
Of course, though it
will be on the record
that we've spoken to you.
And that's a confidential record.
- Hello, Jeffrey.
- Andrew.
Well, he won't be getting my vote.
- Glad to hear it.
- Hmm.
I think we might need to talk again.
If anyone contacts you, don't
say a word, really important.
Sorry. Sorry.
- Are we late?
- Don't worry.
- How's the tooth?
- Oh, God, it's bad.
Frantic at work, I haven't
had time to go to the dentist.
- Hoo.
Today what, what?
There's no time like the present, Max.
Oh, yeah.
Welcome to Recapture.
Let's start by holding hands and hoping
for a positive outcome.
That was lovely.
So why are we here?
Let's think of a relationship
as being like your skin.
It might get bruised or scratched.
It might get pulled out of shape.
It might develop a few
wrinkles over the years.
But we believe that, like your skin,
if you can look after your relationship,
it will last forever.
Now, is there anything you
want to say as we get underway?
Max, maybe you would like to go first.
Um, I
We've been married for almost 20 years.
- Yeah. [CHUCKLES]
- Yeah.
But then we separated a few years ago.
But now we we want to
explore the possibility of making
another go of things.
[WHISTLING] Take a look at these prices.
- What's that?
- The Brownfield Fertility Clinic,
not for the likes of us,
unless we remortgaged the house.
You're not thinking of
Me and Helen have been
trying for a while now.
Sorry, I didn't know.
We've been keeping it to ourselves.
So, yeah, I spoke to the clinic.
Chloe had been having a
course of IVF treatment.
There was no partner, though.
She was doing it alone, apparently.
So who was paying for it?
They wouldn't say, privacy policy.
You told them this was
a murder investigation?
I threatened them with a magistrate.
How are you getting on with True Mirage?
There are no businesses with that name.
We've done some legal
searches, nothing relevant.
I thought it could be an anagram.
The only 10-letter solution
for True Mirage is Marguerite.
I'm looking through Chloe's contacts
to see if she's got any links
to anyone called Marguerite,
but nothing so far.
Okay. That's a good place to pause.
I'm going to leave
you with some homework
before our next session.
Imagine you're going right
back and meeting each other
for the very first time.
What would your initial
impressions of each other be?
It's what we call
a blank-sheet-of-paper approach.
How well did you know Chloe
Carmichael, Mr. Sharma?
Not well at all.
We were just neighbors. I
mean, she wouldn't have
But you had a key to her flat.
Did you ever go in
when she wasn't there?
Only if I heard something suspicious.
Did she know you were doing that?
Well, I didn't want to worry her.
Well, if you didn't have permission,
Mr. Sharma, then what you're
describing is trespassing.
Oh, no.
Is it true she once came home
and found you in the flat?
Well, that was a misunderstanding.
I thought I heard footsteps.
It was a mistake.
You see, I'm wondering whether you
were in Chloe's flat earlier
on the night she died.
No, of course not.
You had a key. You were in the building.
Maybe it was who ran
that bath for Chloe.
I was in my flat working.
I didn't go upstairs until
I saw the water dripping.
And then I had to go in.
It was awful.
- What did you think?
- It's hard to imagine.
But, you know, it's
often the quiet ones.
And he had a key to the flat.
I've got to dash.
I've got an emergency
appointment at the dentist.
So wish me luck.
Well, it might be painful,
but not as painful as listening
to you go on about it.
Thanks for the sympathy.
Oh, no.
Here we go, essential supplies.
Oh, thanks, Jess. Thanks.
We now know there's a
connection between Mansfield
and Luke Beckett.
But what is it? What
are they talking about?
Max, you need to see this.
- Just been posted.
- Show me.
That doesn't look like a friendly chat.
So why would her MP, who claimed
he knew nothing about threats, now
be meeting the man who made them?
Okay, the police are believed to have
spoken to Andrew Mansfield,
MP for Chelsea Central.
It is understood that
Mansfield had been comforting
Chloe Carmichael in recent times.
How would Sylvie Wilkes
have known about that?
She suggested we speak to Mansfield.
She probably just waited a
while and assumed we'd done so.
Christ, as if it isn't hard
enough investigating a murder
in a blaze of publicity.
We've now got the worst
sort of tabloid journalists
- stirring the pot.
- Should we bring her in?
What and give her more material?
Let's bring Mansfield in.
Won't do him any harm to see
the inside of a police station.
But where are we with Zadie's alibi?
- Did it hold up?
- We don't know.
I spoke to her parents' neighbors.
Zadie's mom and dad have just gone
on a caravan holiday in Wales
and don't take a mobile phone.
The neighbors think
they're somewhere near Rhyl.
There are approximately
132 caravan parks
in the North Wales area.
We've got the local police
trying to track them down.
We know that Zadie was a drug user,
but she said that Chloe
never touched the stuff.
Well, that's not true
of the night she died.
Chloe was a recovering addict.
She may have veered from
one extreme to another.
Let's talk to Shawn.
Maybe he noticed some unusual behavior.
I'll give him a call.
Okay, and I'll talk to her mom again.
- Is that DI Arnold?
- Speaking.
I thought I made it clear
that our conversation
was completely confidential, and now
it's all over the media.
It wasn't us, Mr. Mansfield.
You expect me to believe
that I'm not a fool.
This is exactly the sort of behavior
that will lead to stricter
oversight of the police
from the home office.
I hope I've made myself clear.
Mrs. Carmichael, I wanted to
ask you about Chloe and IVF.
Were you aware that she'd recently
undergone a course of treatment
at the Bramfield Clinic?
When was this?
It started in July.
I wasn't aware, but I'm not surprised.
How do you mean?
Chloe seemed to be leading
a healthier lifestyle.
Grandchildren would have been nice.
That's why I kept this
place on, I suppose.
We're trying to establish
who paid for the treatment.
Would you have any idea?
If I didn't know about the IVF,
I'm hardly likely to
know who paid for it.
Chloe never wanted any
help from us financially.
It was a point of principle to her.
So you're no closer to charging
someone with Chloe's murder.
Is there anything more you
can tell us about Zadie Evans?
I hardly know her.
- Is she a suspect?
- She's a person of interest.
So your impression was she was clean?
Yeah, I think so, sir. I
didn't see anything obvious.
I mean, I was only there
for the online stuff.
I'm saying she would have
been careful about how she came
across I'm a police officer.
How did she seem?
A bit distant, to be honest,
oddly detached, considering she
was the one that reported the
trolling in the first place.
Now, could have been drugs,
hard to say, medication.
She didn't look after herself.
The place was a right
sty, plates piled high,
didn't turn the heat
on, that sort of thing.
- Oh, um, shall I?
- I think we're done.
Okay, well, let me
know if there's anything
- more I can help with, sir.
- Thanks, Shawn. I will.
- Go for a drink?
- Yeah.
I've just spoken to
the North Wales police.
Zadie didn't go to stay with her parents
when she got back from Ibiza.
They haven't seen her in weeks.
- Oh, come on.
- messaging service.
At the tone, please record your message.
Hello, the police have been here again.
Can you call me?
I am very much on my own here.
This is a surprise.
It's colder in here than it is outside.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me, uh
There, that should warm us up.
Would you like a drink?
I've got a bottle of wine on the go.
- How are you getting on?
- Oh, uh, um
it's a complex case, as usual.
I wasn't asking about your job.
How are you getting on with
the blank sheet of paper?
Oh, that.
Yeah, oh, well, made a start.
Oh, no, that's a month old. Sorry.
Let me, um
The thing is, Astrid
It's not so long ago that
you were threatening to serve
me with divorce papers.
And then you started
seeing that photographer.
I can't help feeling
that if we were going
to get back together, we need to think
this through ourselves.
We can't subcontract the job to someone
who compares a long-term
relationship to skin.
So you don't want to go ahead?
Now, that's not what I'm saying.
You can pay the cancelation fee.
It's more complicated than that.
Which is why we need help.
But you don't want that.
Astrid, wait.
- Connor?
- You all right, Max?
Hard at it.
I'm sending an email
from Bramfield Clinic.
Got it.
So the person who's been
paying for Chloe's IVF
treatment is none other than
Well, well, Andrew Mansfield.
So it makes you wonder, Andrew Mansfield
and Chloe Carmichael?
Stranger things have happened.
Let's dig deeper into Mansfield.
Thanks, Connor.
It might be worth
remembering that I'm not only
the member of Parliament
for Chelsea Central
but also chair of the
Home Affairs Committee
with oversight of the
greater London Police.
We won't keep you any longer
than we need to, Mr. Mansfield.
Yesterday morning at
10:10, you were observed
talking to Luke Beckett.
Am I under surveillance?
I assume you've got
the authority for that.
If your involvement with Chloe
was limited to her charity work,
why were you talking
to her former manager?
Beckett thought that he was owed money.
And now that Chloe is no longer with us,
I thought it important to put
it to bed once and for all.
So you're a busy MP,
but you can find time
to out the financial affairs of someone
you met only a few months ago?
I am there to serve my constituents.
You mentioned before that
you were concerned about
the autobiography that Chloe
was working on with Sylvie Wix,
one of those, let-it-all-hang-out books,
- I think you described it as.
- That's right.
I thought she might come to regret it.
Maybe you'd have come to regret it, too.
What do you mean?
What DI Arnold is saying is that you
might have featured in the book in a way
you wouldn't have liked.
We've been looking at
your parliamentary career.
You joined the House of
Commons at the beginning
of Margaret Thatcher's
second term, correct,
in 1983?
I know when Mrs. Thatcher's
second term began.
- That's when you became an MP.
- Yes.
I wonder if you remember a
young secretary who started
at the same time as you.
She was on your team for a couple
of months around the
time of the election.
And then in December,
she gave birth at Chelsea Hospital.
You're joining a lot of dots here.
The baby's name was Chloe,
and the mother's name
was Hilary Jensen.
She married a man called
Richard Carmichael,
but he wasn't the biological father.
Because that was you, wasn't it?
It was one of those things.
It wasn't planned.
One moves on.
Then when Hillary's husband
died earlier in the year,
I asked her permission to contact Chloe.
It wasn't straightforward,
but Chloe and I, we
we built a relationship.
So when Chloe wanted a baby,
you paid for her treatment
at the Bramfield Clinic.
- How do you know that?
- We're detectives.
My wife and I, we were
never able to have children.
I would have had a grandchild.
Who you'd never have
been able to acknowledge.
Better than no grandchild at all.
But then Chloe told me she was working
on this book with that
ghastly journalist and
That she was planning
to tell the whole story.
Imagine the consequences?
My wife doesn't even know.
Where were you on Monday
evening between 9:00 and 11:00?
You can't seriously be suggesting
- I mean, for God's sake.
- Where were you?
There was a late-night sitting
at the House of Commons.
The Division Bell would
have rung at about 10:00.
Afterwards, I went to the
terrace bar for a drink.
There were plenty of witnesses.
- What are you doing here?
- The back door wasn't locked.
I didn't mean to startle you.
- How did you get here?
- I got the train.
I just wanted to say
I'm so sad about Chloe.
That was such a lovely day
we had when we came for lunch.
Do you know whether the police
you know, have they got any idea?
That's not a discussion
we should be having, Zadie.
This is an ongoing investigation.
Yeah, but
Oh, I see.
I know it's a lot to ask, but I'm
Is there any way that you could help me?
Can I stay here, just for a while?
I hope it's okay if I wear this.
I know it's Chloe's. She wouldn't mind.
Zadie, you told us you'd
gone to stay with your parents
when you got back from Ibiza.
Why did you lie to us?
I don't know. I panicked.
If you've got nothing
to do with Chloe's death,
what are you worried about?
- I was there.
- You were there?
When I got back from the airport,
there were all these people
outside the flat and police
cars, and I didn't know what to do.
And then someone said
that Chloe had died,
and I was so upset.
And I wasn't thinking straight.
So what did you do?
I just stayed out.
I slept rough. I didn't
have anywhere to go.
You told us that Chloe
never touched drugs.
Are you sure about that?
I knew she had done things in her past,
but she'd put that behind her.
And she used to say she
she didn't want me to make
the same mistakes she had made
when she was young.
She was like a big sister to me.
Yes. We weren't in a relationship.
That was just that
journalist making things up.
- Sylvie Wix?
- Yeah, she was so pushy.
Chloe used to say
Sylvie Wix would rather I was dead.
Then the book would really sell.
I've just had an email.
Chloe's phone, they've
made a partial recovery.
It looks like her last phone
call was from Luke Beckett.
It was at 9:59 and lasted 4 minutes.
Max, I finally got a response
from Charlie's of Chelsea.
Beckett's account of his timings
doesn't match with hers.
Turns out he left a lot earlier.
All right, try his house.
Try the recording studio.
Talk to him.
What was the call about?
He's lied to us about so many things.
Is he our online troll?
True Mirage
[SIGHS] Anybody, anything?
We thought it might be an anagram
and that it could mean Marguerite.
But we haven't been able to link anyone
called Marguerite with Chloe.
Marguerite, I know that name.
There's that place, a cafe.
I've seen that somewhere.
that's where Sylvia
Wix writes her articles.
- You don't get it, do you?
- Get what?
Celebrity, it's a game.
Chloe knew the rules.
She'd been playing it long enough.
And what's your point?
When she agreed to the
book, it was obvious
what the publishers wanted
gossip, dirt, show business.
All she wanted to do was
talk about her charity work.
And then she said that she
wanted to pull out of the deal.
I needed the money.
I'm not a posh girl like her.
So I thought if I dropped a
few messages on social media,
she might realize how
much it meant to me.
Why did you use the name Marguerite?
I didn't.
True Mirage is an anagram of Marguerite.
We used to meet in that cafe.
Just a little secret message to her.
I wanted to see if she had
the wit to figure it out.
Guess what. She didn't.
What happened that night,
Sylvie, the night Chloe died?
A colleague of mine had seen
her with Andrew Mansfield.
I thought, this could be interesting.
This could be a big scoop.
The Tory MP and the pop star.
So I went over there
to ask her about it.
She went all quiet on
me. Wouldn't say a word.
So I left.
- Simple as that?
- Yeah.
I didn't kill Chloe.
If I'd killed her,
why would I have turned
up here the next morning
to tell you that I'd been in her flat?
Murderers have devious
minds, not unlike journalists.
Oh, go on, arrest me.
That would make a great story.
I'd love to see what evidence you have.
It's not us that doesn't get it, Sylvie.
It's you.
We're not trading tittle-tattle
for the newspapers.
This is not a game.
We're trying to solve a murder,
and all you've done is
make it harder for us.
Okay. Yeah, thanks, Jess.
So they're on their way to the recording
studio now to find out exactly
where Luke Beckett went.
We need to search his house for DNA that
links him to the crime scene.
I'll apply for a warrant.
- I'm sorry.
- Olivia.
- Where are you?
You should be here.
Your appointment's in 10 minutes.
Oh, Christ.
Have you any idea how difficult
it is to get another appointment
two days before Christmas?
You really don't have to come with me.
Oh, I think I do.
You didn't even turn up the last time.
You know, when you were a boy, you
used to hide behind the piano when
it was time for the dentist.
I rightly prioritized
my musical studies.
I am going to tap a
couple of your teeth, Max,
just so we can work out
where this is coming from.
Okay, open wide for me.
Ah, marvelous.
That one is going to have to come out.
Yeah, we don't want this when you're
sitting down to your
Christmas lunch, do we?
Let's start with the
evening Chloe was murdered.
You told us at 10:45, you left
Charlie's of Chelsea and went
- straight home to your wife.
- Yeah.
But you settled your bill at 9:57.
Do you normally pay for
your meal halfway through?
I went I went for a walk.
A few days before Christmas
at 10 o'clock at night?
I must have got home a
bit earlier than I thought.
Not according to your wife. We checked.
At 9:59, you made a phone call,
which lasted just over 4
minutes, to Chloe Carmichael.
In contravention of
the restraining order
which forbade you from
approaching her in any way.
She owed me money, okay?
And what did she say?
She told me to piss off, as usual.
So what did you do
between 9:59 and 11:05 PM
when you arrived home?
As I said, I went for a walk, okay?
Why were you talking to
Andrew Mansfield yesterday?
He he made contact with me.
He said that he could
speak on Chloe's behalf.
And then he told me that any
ideas that I had about getting
money from the Christmas single, well,
I could just forget about that.
If you have a legitimate claim,
you'll be able to recover what you feel
- you're owed from Chloe's estate.
- Oh, yeah.
And Pete Best was a
better drummer than Ringo?
Well, why do you think I'm scrambling
around representing shit bands who can't
even play their instruments?
Because I'm nearly broke.
And it's all because of
Chloe bloody Carmichael.
Did you kill her?
I should be on a yacht, okay?
Who is the bloke that
used to manage Wham!?
Last I heard, he was sailing
around in the Maldives.
It should be me.
Yeah, we're just waiting for a minute,
just to make sure that you're
not resistant to the injection.
Might I be?
Well, let's see, eh?
Open wide for me.
Nah, no, you're fine. You're fine.
But there was a woman who
came in last week, right?
I gave her a healthy dose of lidocaine.
Five minutes later, no effect at all.
Completely resistant.
So I said to her, I
think you've been spending
too much time with lidocaine's
naughty cousin, haven't you,
my dear? [CHUCKLES]
That's Chelsea for you, isn't it.
Max, I wasn't expecting to see you.
Well, it was either here or the boat.
And here's warmer.
Get some proper heating
or a proper home.
You're beginning to sound like Astrid.
She's a very sensible woman.
I've been thinking about Luke Beckett.
Is it possible that he was the
one supplying drugs to Chloe?
I'm going to stop you right there.
Jess has been looking at the CCTV.
When Beckett left
Charlie's, he went south.
You can see him here
on Oakley Street, 22:05.
He heads up to Bremerton street and then
down to Embankment at 22:34.
Problem is, here's Chloe's
flat, Lingdale Street.
- Right.
- It's much too far.
He couldn't have got to
Chloe's flat in that time.
- It's not Luke Beckett.
- Mm-mm.
Okay, let's take a fresh look at this,
go back to the start.
Maybe see something
that we haven't seen.
What you might call the
blank-sheet-of-paper approach.
So Chloe had a complicated
history with drugs.
- Yes.
- We keep hearing different accounts.
Zadie was staying at the flat
and said that Chloe was clean.
But was she?
She took a lot of drugs that night.
Well, maybe someone had plied her
with them trying to kill her,
but she had become resistant.
Nobody knew she had developed
a high level of tolerance
for drugs, so
- She was using them in secret.
- Yes.
But who with?
Chloe was doing well in the summer.
Hillary said that she
turned over a new leaf.
She'd connected with Andrew Mansfield.
She was starting her IVF.
Then she started to get
threats, first from Luke,
then from Sylvie.
But that was in the summer,
when we think she was clean.
What was happening in the autumn,
that's what we don't know.
Hang on.
When did Shawn Kildare
say that he saw Chloe?
May to August.
That's right, the summer.
Christmas ♪
- There you go.
- Nice. Cheers.
So how you been?
- Pretty good. Busy.
- Yeah. I bet.
You're still working that
Chloe Carmichael case?
Yeah, yeah, I know about that.
It was crazy.
She was capable of anything.
Taking a load of drugs,
drowning in your bath.
It's easy done.
He said she forgot to
turn the heating on.
No one turns their heating
on between May and August.
He must have seen her more recently.
Connor's meeting him tonight.
- Another one?
- Hannah's expecting me.
- Oh, my God.
- You are so under the thumb.
Enjoy yourself. It's Christmas.
- Are you with Shawn?
- Yeah.
I want you to ask him
when he last saw Chloe.
Don't get his suspicions up.
We think there's an
inconsistency in the timeline.
Find out when he last went to her flat.
Here you go, mate.
You're probably right.
- About what?
- Mm.
Max thinks it's a murder.
But, you know, Max is
head of the murder squad.
He's probably drumming up business,
- if you think about it.
- Right.
Who'd want to kill her, though?
- That's the question.
- Don't know.
You knew her well.
When did you say you saw her last?
[SIGHING] Ages ago.
Not more recently?
No. Why would you ask that?
Just wondering what
her state of mind was
over the last couple of months.
What's up, Connor?
It sounds like someone's
been feeding you a script.
Do you know what, mate?
I've suddenly remembered
I need to be somewhere.
See you later.
Max, Shawn's done a runner.
We're at the Riverside
Arms. Send all units.
Riverside Arms.
Suspect heading towards Albert Bridge.
- Stop.
Get out the car. Police,
get out of your car.
Get out. Get out of the car.
Hands on your head.
She was trying to get clean.
But she was always prey to temptation.
If I had something on me,
cocaine, MDMA, whatever
we'd end up doing it.
Cybercrime, special delivery.
That's what we called it. [CHUCKLES]
She used to tease me.
I was supplying her with
drugs. It wasn't appropriate.
And then that night,
it all got serious
She decided that the relationship
had been coercive,
that I'd taken advantage
of her vulnerabilities.
I'd forced the drugs on her.
And she was going to
expose me to my bosses.
I couldn't let that stand, could I?
She'd already taken
a lot of stuff, so
I thought, let's get going.
Test the limits.
But, uh
she didn't die.
So I started thinking
what if?
You know?
Little accident.
I cleaned up afterwards.
I left the tap running
that's a nice touch.
Celebrity takes drugs
and drowns in the bath.
You're a serving police officer
assigned to protect Chloe Carmichael.
And instead, you took advantage of her
and cold-bloodedly killed
her to save your own skin.
I'm not looking forward to prison.
Not much fun for a copper.
Thank you for coming, Zadie.
I am so sorry I doubted you.
I'm sorry I scared you.
Things were complicated with Chloe.
I shared a secret.
I know.
She told you?
Chole told me everything.
She loved her dad, Richard.
But she liked Andrew.
And I think she
understood that it was
difficult for you.
Did she?
I felt she blamed me.
Andrew put politics
first, so I lost him.
Then I lost Richard.
And now Chloe's gone.
we can be friends.
Yes. [SIGHS]
I'd like that.
Good work, everyone.
It's very difficult to take
on board it was one of our own.
Keep thinking we should
have spotted something.
We've all been thinking that.
Kildare was never a suspect.
He wasn't a suspect because it didn't
occur to us to see him as one.
Were we blinded by the badge?
Come on. You've all got homes to get to.
Go and enjoy Christmas.
- Is John coming up?
- No, he's with his daughters.
I'm getting the first flight to Dublin.
Helen's family are with us
until the day after Boxing Day,
I think.
- What about you, Jess?
- I'm with my parents.
I'm the reigning champion at Scrabble,
third successive year.
I can't afford to let that slip.
Merry Christmas, Max.
- Merry Christmas, Max.
Merry Christmas.
What is going on here?
This is a mutiny.
The captain of the ship has
been relieved of his command.
And I just popped over to
pick up my medical supplies.
Astrid has been telling me
all about the
blank-sheet-of-paper approach
and well worth 180 pounds per hour,
I'm sure.
- What's this?
- Peace offering.
Don't look so miserable.
We can still be friends.
I'm not miserable.
I've just come straight
from something
Never mind.
I'm very glad you've both
made yourselves at home.
I didn't think you were
staying for Christmas.
You know, that's not such a bad idea.
What do you think, Astrid?
I haven't got any plans.
And me neither.
Spare me.
You caught my eye ♪
When we met at the party ♪
You flashed that smile ♪
And when you finally asked my name ♪
It was like Tarzan meeting Jane ♪
And we knew we'd meet again ♪
Because nobody wants to be alone ♪
At Christmas ♪