The Creature Cases (2022) s01e04 Episode Script
The Hunt for the Hidden Hive/The Trouble of the Toppled Trees
Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Hunt for the Hidden Hive.
[pleasant music plays]
Hey, everybody! I'm home!
[gasps] Mom? Dad?
Where is everyone?
[upbeat music plays]
[cameras click]
Kit! No!
[grunts, exclaims]
What in the woolly world?
Oolong tea tastes best when you soak
the tea bag for exactly five minutes.
It's only been four.
[sighs] Thanks for the tip.
You're welcome. I just helped you
avoid a teatime catastrophe.
How oolong do I have to wait
to drink this tea?
Oo! Oo! Wait!
Try this.
Buckwheat honey goes best
with oolong tea. Trust me.
Sam, you are the pickiest,
finickiest feline I ever…
[slurps] Oo!
That is good.
-[gasps] Kit!
-What now?
The CLADE crest!
Director Scratch has a new case for us!
Sorry to interrupt your teatime, agents…
…but this just came in
from the African Grasslands.
From the looks of it, this honeybee's
family buzzed off in a hurry.
Their whereabouts,
What kind of honey do they make?
Sam. Enough with the honey.
You two need to solve the mystery
of the bee's family's disappearance
and reunite that lost little honeybee
with her family.
It's not gonna be easy.
The grasslands are huge,
and bees are so small.
They could be anywhere.
That's why I'm calling in
a special field agent
who has experience
with this sort of thing.
When you arrive,
just call the agent by making this sound.
[trills, peeps]
Like this?
[trills, peeps]
Perfect. Sam?
[clears throat]
[yodels, peeps]
Uh, Sam, more like…
[both trill, peep]
[babbles, grunts]
Trickier than it sounds.
Well, you can practice on the way.
There's no time to lose.
That bee needs your help.
[upbeat rock music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
African Grasslands.
Thanks, R.O.N.
Time to call that special field agent.
Sam, you better let me handle this.
[yowls, honks]
[birds squawk]
-May I?
[trills, peeps]
[imitates airplane engine]
Ha-ha! Vroom!
Agent Indie reporting for duty.
[Kit] Of course!
You're a honeyguide!
You got it!
Honeyguide birds are experts
at tracking down beehives.
Oo, oo! There's a beehive over there,
and over there, and there, and there!
Whoa, whoa. Slow down, Agent.
Sorry. This is my first real
Creature Case. I'm a little excited.
You're gonna do great, Indie.
But first, we need
to find this honeybee's hive.
That hive is right over… there!
Wow. He's good.
Miss, I'm Agent Snow.
These are agents Casey and Indie.
We're here to help you find your family.
I'm Beetrice.
I don't know what happened.
I came home, and everybody was just gone.
[leaves rustle]
Mom? Dad?
Nope. It's just a honey badger.
Hey, birdie. What do you say
you ditch those two,
and you and me find some honey.
We'll split it, 50-50.
Ha! Are you kidding? I'm a CLADE agent.
And besides, I don't even eat honey.
I much prefer the delicious beeswax.
Beeswax? [retches]
Speaking of beeswax, mind your own.
Yeah. Forget about it.
That guy seemed pretty suspicious.
Think he had something to do
with the bee family's disappearance?
[error bleep]
No signs of a honey badger break-in.
-They use their claws to get to the honey.
And sometimes, they even spray hives
with a stinky smell to scare off bees.
Nothing stinky here.
Just the sweet,
scrumptious smell of honey.
-Uh, may I?
Oo! Delightful.
Do I detect a hint of… acacia flower?
Sir, are you gonna eat that wax?
Oh. Help yourself.
-Don't worry, Beetrice.
I know every hive in the area.
-We'll check them all
until we find your parents.
Lead the way, Indie.
[rhythmic pop music plays]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[all] Buzz off!
-[music continues]
-[all exclaim]
[music fades]
[groans] We've searched every hive
in the neighborhood,
and there's still no sign
of Beetrice's family.
Nobody's seen them either.
They must've gone farther than we thought.
But why?
Well, sometimes bees have
to pack up and move really quickly.
Like when their hives
become overloaded with pests.
No. No pests in our hive.
We cleaned it all the time.
It was spotless.
Or they'll sometimes leave suddenly
if their food supply's running low.
What did your family like to eat?
Mostly pollen from acacia trees.
Just as I thought.
But acacia trees are rare
in this part of the savanna.
Maybe your family moved
to where there's more of them.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I can only find beehives, not trees.
Don't worry. We have other ways.
Clu-Bots, search for acacia trees.
[electronic tone]
They found something. This way.
I was just gonna suggest going that way.
Well, I see lots of acacia trees…
But no beehives.
Are you sure you can't find any?
[groans] I don't know anymore.
Maybe I'm not CLADE material after all.
CLADE agents never give up.
-There's gotta be a-- [gasps]
-Wait! Listen!
-[buzzing continues]
Sounds like buzzing bees to me!
Wait! I don't think--
[sighs] Never mind.
Indie, a good agent
trusts their instincts.
Agent Snow!
I don't think those are bees!
[Sam grunts]
Ah! Flies!
Good instincts, Agent.
Ma'am? Sir?
Have you seen any bees?
-Bees? Where?
-[female elephant] A bee!
A bee!
[indistinct commotion]
-[male elephant] Bees!
Calm down! Please, everybody calm do--
Never knew
elephants were so afraid of bees.
Everybody okay?
I'm fine, but we're still not any closer
to finding my family.
CLADE agents never give up.
Right, Agent Snow?
Huh? Where'd he go?
Sam? Sam?
Better give them a call.
Oh… That's just…
Mm… Mm!
Uh, pardon me, do you know this honeybee?
Oh! That's our Beetrice!
And you're her family!
Do you know where she is?
I do. [grunts]
Or I did.
Um, would you excuse me a moment, please?
Kit! Come in, Kit!
It's all honeyed up.
There's no way to call Kit and Indie now.
Unless I use the honeyguide birdcall!
One moment, folks.
Okay. Here goes.
[rhythmic music plays]
[whimpers, squawks]
Come on, Sam.
You got this!
[whines, squawks]
Sam, a Creature Case
is on the line here. You can do this.
[trills, peeps]
Ha-ha! I did it!
I think I did it.
[trills, peeps]
Did I do it?
[Sam trills, peeps]
That's honeyguide birdcall!
This way!
Mom! Dad!
Oh, honey. We were so worried.
We had to move fast
when we ran out of flowers,
and then we couldn't find you.
Welcome home.
Nice work, Sam.
You found Beetrice's family!
And you finally got that birdcall right.
I'm just glad Indie found me.
Indie, you have the makings
of a top-notch CLADE agent.
Thanks for your help.
My pleasure, agents!
Thank you for helping our Beetrice.
Would you care to stay for a bit of honey?
I thought you'd never ask.
You had your tea set
with you this whole time?
I never leave home without it.
To another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
[both slurp]
[both] Ah!
[both laugh]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Honeyguides.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Honeyguide birds are really good
span style="style2"at finding hidden beehives in the wild.
[Bill] span style="style2"They're also known
span style="style2"as indicator birds.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"If you make a special call…
[Bill] span style="style2"…the honeyguide
span style="style2"might lead you to a beehive.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Honeyguides actually
span style="style2"don't eat honey…
[Bill] span style="style2"…instead, they like
span style="style2"to eat the beeswax. Sounds chewy.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Trouble
span style="style2"of the Toppled Trees.
[light music plays]
Now, this next home is gorgeous.
Great view of the tree line,
all hardwood twigs.
Sounds great.
Where is it?
Right up there.
Um, we're burrowers, and we're hoping
for a home a little closer to the ground.
Is it even safe to live that high up?
Of course it's safe.
-[all yelp]
-[all yelp]
Uh… Oh!
-[boy] The trees are falling!
-[woman] Watch out for that tree!
-[camera clicks]
-[girl] Run!
[energetic music plays]
-[grumbles] Oh! [laughs]
-[video game noises]
Ha! Aw…
[beeping, chiming]
Oh! Come on!
-[electronic moan]
-[Kit sighs]
Oh, man!
Whew! Sam, you've almost got him.
[beeping continues]
So close!
Stay focused, Sam.
[beeping continues]
[Kit gasps]
[Sam] I won!
You won!
See, Kit? All you have to do
is stay focused, and every--
-Are you even paying attention?
I'm paying enough attention to see that.
The CLADE crest. Director Scratch
has a new Creature Case for us.
-[video game beeping]
-[squawks, exclaims]
Who rules the roost now?
Uh, Director?
[clears throat]
Agents, we've got a new Creature Case
in the North American Forest.
The Mice Squad just sent us
this strange footage.
Is it just me or are there a lot
of falling trees in that forest?
That's exactly what's happening.
And it's endangering the local animals.
It's up to you two to figure out
why the trees are falling down.
You can count on us, Director.
Good luck, agents.
Oh, yeah! Peggy's in the zone!
[upbeat music plays]
Now approaching destination biome,
[electronic chime]
North American Forest.
[music continues]
Better bring R.O.N. in for a landing, Sam.
Uh, I don't know if we can land here.
There are a lot of trees
and plants in the way.
Sure we can. Just back up a little.
Okay, a little forward.
A little back…
A little forward…
Uh, Sam, I don't know if we can land here.
There are a lot of plants in the way.
That's what I was saying.
Maybe over there.
So quiet.
Are we in the right spot?
I don't see any falling trees.
Kit! Look out!
-[KIt gasps]
Oh! That was a close one.
[calm music plays]
What is going on here?
I'll tell you what's going on.
These falling trees
are scaring away all my customers!
No one wants to live here
with trees falling all over the place.
-It's not safe. Trees are falling.
-Yeah, they're falling.
-What's to be done?
-What are we gonna do?
Don't worry, everyone.
We're from CLADE,
and we're gonna get to the bottom of this.
Besides the falling trees,
has anyone noticed
anything unusual lately?
I noticed that my second toe
is longer than my big toe.
Okay. Anyone else?
You know, I did see someone
chewing on a tree trunk.
You did? Where?
-[all gasp]
A beaver.
Stop those chompers!
Hold it right there, beaver.
Well, howdy.
Can I help you two with something?
That depends. Are you the one
making trees fall all over the forest?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
All over the forest?
That's against the Beaver Code.
Beaver Code?
"If I do chop down a tree,
by the water it must be."
He's right, Sam.
Beavers don't chew trees willy-nilly.
They only knock down trees near the water
that they can use
to build dams in their homes.
And look.
This beaver's chewing on the tree's trunk,
but so far, all the other trees
have fallen from their roots.
Like that.
There aren't any bite marks on this trunk,
but there are bite marks on the roots.
So, whoever is making the trees fall
is chewing them
from somewhere underground.
Underground like a burrow.
I think this case goes deeper
than we thought.
Deeper! [laughs]
That's a good one.
-Looks like nobody's home.
This is an expertly-dug burrow.
Whoever dug this
had sharp claws and teeth,
and they like to collect food
and store it for later.
Food like tree roots.
Could be a lot of different animals,
but whatever it is,
it's definitely traveling underground.
And chewing on the tree roots as it goes.
Which kills the trees,
which makes them fall over.
That is some mighty fine detective work.
To catch that root nibbler,
I bet you're gonna…
Eh… What are you gonna do?
Whiskers, that's it!
We can follow the falling trees
to nab the root nibbler!
Clu-Bot, scan for falling trees.
This is a map of all the trees
that have fallen in the forest.
And there are even more falling now…
-…in that direction.
So the root nibbler
must be tunneling that way.
And fast. We better get moving.
Thanks for your help.
Good luck, agents.
[grunts, sighs]
Well, back to chewing that tree.
[mysterious music plays]
We're almost there.
The last few trees fell right around…
[Sam] Oh!
Phew! You okay?
Kit, look!
Another burrow!
Looks like a fresh one too.
Same teeth and claw marks as before.
Look at this mound. It's all lumpy,
and the entrance is off to the side.
There's only one animal
who burrows like that.
A pocket gopher!
Stop right there!
-[gopher] Huh!
-[both gasp]
Gotcha! Or not.
-[gopher] Ha!
-Over there! [grunts]
-Hm? Hm.
[both] Ouch!
We'll never catch her this way.
But maybe we can beat her at her own game.
If we sent Clu-Bots down
into the gopher's tunnels,
we can chase her out and catch her.
[electronic tones]
Ready when you are.
[upbeat dance music plays]
Keep it up, Sam! You're gaining on her!
I can't catch her. She's too fast.
Sam, you can do this.
Remember what you said.
You just have to stay focused.
[music continues]
Stay focused.
[electronic beeps]
[music continues]
[Sam] Get ready, Kit!
Clu-Bots, double-team!
[electronic beeping]
[Kit] Gotcha!
Yeah! I won! Woo!
-[Kit] Sam.
-Woo! Woo! Woo!
[Kit] Sam!
[record scratch]
Oh. [clears throat]
Okay, pocket gopher, start talking.
Why have you been knocking down
all those trees?
What trees?
What was that?
Sorry. I had some food
in my cheek pockets.
I said, what trees?
The trees whose roots you've been eating.
It's killing them
and making them fall over.
Sorry, but I'm a gopher.
That's just what we do.
But it's really dangerous.
For the creatures
that live in the trees and on the ground.
Look, I just moved in to the neighborhood,
and these roots
were the only food I could find.
There aren't really
any good snacks around here,
and I'm kind of a picky eater.
You know what?
I think we saw a place with lots
of different plants that you can try.
Of course! The overgrown area
where we tried to land R.O.N.!
[gasps, exclaims]
All my favorites! There's peas!
And onion grass.
Oh, this place is great!
[chuckles, sighs] I think
she's gonna like it here.
Oh, thank you
for solving our little tree problem.
Now everyone feels safe again.
Plus, it turns out
gophers aren't the only ones
who like living in burrows.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Time to head home.
[video game beeping]
Ha ha! I can get
some more game time in on the way! Ha-ha!
Stay focused.
Uh, Sam? You might wanna stay focused
on where you're going.
[grunts] Oh!
[electronic moan]
-Good idea.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Pocket gophers!
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Pocket gophers are experts
span style="style2"at digging burrows.
[Bill] span style="style2"They have sharp claws and teeth
span style="style2"that are great for shoveling dirt.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They like to nibble at tree roots…
[Bill] span style="style2"…which can cause trees
span style="style2"to fall down.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Pocket gophers use pouches
span style="style2"in their cheeks to carry food.
[Bill] span style="style2"That's why
span style="style2"they're called pocket gophers.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Hunt for the Hidden Hive.
[pleasant music plays]
Hey, everybody! I'm home!
[gasps] Mom? Dad?
Where is everyone?
[upbeat music plays]
[cameras click]
Kit! No!
[grunts, exclaims]
What in the woolly world?
Oolong tea tastes best when you soak
the tea bag for exactly five minutes.
It's only been four.
[sighs] Thanks for the tip.
You're welcome. I just helped you
avoid a teatime catastrophe.
How oolong do I have to wait
to drink this tea?
Oo! Oo! Wait!
Try this.
Buckwheat honey goes best
with oolong tea. Trust me.
Sam, you are the pickiest,
finickiest feline I ever…
[slurps] Oo!
That is good.
-[gasps] Kit!
-What now?
The CLADE crest!
Director Scratch has a new case for us!
Sorry to interrupt your teatime, agents…
…but this just came in
from the African Grasslands.
From the looks of it, this honeybee's
family buzzed off in a hurry.
Their whereabouts,
What kind of honey do they make?
Sam. Enough with the honey.
You two need to solve the mystery
of the bee's family's disappearance
and reunite that lost little honeybee
with her family.
It's not gonna be easy.
The grasslands are huge,
and bees are so small.
They could be anywhere.
That's why I'm calling in
a special field agent
who has experience
with this sort of thing.
When you arrive,
just call the agent by making this sound.
[trills, peeps]
Like this?
[trills, peeps]
Perfect. Sam?
[clears throat]
[yodels, peeps]
Uh, Sam, more like…
[both trill, peep]
[babbles, grunts]
Trickier than it sounds.
Well, you can practice on the way.
There's no time to lose.
That bee needs your help.
[upbeat rock music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
African Grasslands.
Thanks, R.O.N.
Time to call that special field agent.
Sam, you better let me handle this.
[yowls, honks]
[birds squawk]
-May I?
[trills, peeps]
[imitates airplane engine]
Ha-ha! Vroom!
Agent Indie reporting for duty.
[Kit] Of course!
You're a honeyguide!
You got it!
Honeyguide birds are experts
at tracking down beehives.
Oo, oo! There's a beehive over there,
and over there, and there, and there!
Whoa, whoa. Slow down, Agent.
Sorry. This is my first real
Creature Case. I'm a little excited.
You're gonna do great, Indie.
But first, we need
to find this honeybee's hive.
That hive is right over… there!
Wow. He's good.
Miss, I'm Agent Snow.
These are agents Casey and Indie.
We're here to help you find your family.
I'm Beetrice.
I don't know what happened.
I came home, and everybody was just gone.
[leaves rustle]
Mom? Dad?
Nope. It's just a honey badger.
Hey, birdie. What do you say
you ditch those two,
and you and me find some honey.
We'll split it, 50-50.
Ha! Are you kidding? I'm a CLADE agent.
And besides, I don't even eat honey.
I much prefer the delicious beeswax.
Beeswax? [retches]
Speaking of beeswax, mind your own.
Yeah. Forget about it.
That guy seemed pretty suspicious.
Think he had something to do
with the bee family's disappearance?
[error bleep]
No signs of a honey badger break-in.
-They use their claws to get to the honey.
And sometimes, they even spray hives
with a stinky smell to scare off bees.
Nothing stinky here.
Just the sweet,
scrumptious smell of honey.
-Uh, may I?
Oo! Delightful.
Do I detect a hint of… acacia flower?
Sir, are you gonna eat that wax?
Oh. Help yourself.
-Don't worry, Beetrice.
I know every hive in the area.
-We'll check them all
until we find your parents.
Lead the way, Indie.
[rhythmic pop music plays]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[all] Buzz off!
-[music continues]
-[all exclaim]
[music fades]
[groans] We've searched every hive
in the neighborhood,
and there's still no sign
of Beetrice's family.
Nobody's seen them either.
They must've gone farther than we thought.
But why?
Well, sometimes bees have
to pack up and move really quickly.
Like when their hives
become overloaded with pests.
No. No pests in our hive.
We cleaned it all the time.
It was spotless.
Or they'll sometimes leave suddenly
if their food supply's running low.
What did your family like to eat?
Mostly pollen from acacia trees.
Just as I thought.
But acacia trees are rare
in this part of the savanna.
Maybe your family moved
to where there's more of them.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I can only find beehives, not trees.
Don't worry. We have other ways.
Clu-Bots, search for acacia trees.
[electronic tone]
They found something. This way.
I was just gonna suggest going that way.
Well, I see lots of acacia trees…
But no beehives.
Are you sure you can't find any?
[groans] I don't know anymore.
Maybe I'm not CLADE material after all.
CLADE agents never give up.
-There's gotta be a-- [gasps]
-Wait! Listen!
-[buzzing continues]
Sounds like buzzing bees to me!
Wait! I don't think--
[sighs] Never mind.
Indie, a good agent
trusts their instincts.
Agent Snow!
I don't think those are bees!
[Sam grunts]
Ah! Flies!
Good instincts, Agent.
Ma'am? Sir?
Have you seen any bees?
-Bees? Where?
-[female elephant] A bee!
A bee!
[indistinct commotion]
-[male elephant] Bees!
Calm down! Please, everybody calm do--
Never knew
elephants were so afraid of bees.
Everybody okay?
I'm fine, but we're still not any closer
to finding my family.
CLADE agents never give up.
Right, Agent Snow?
Huh? Where'd he go?
Sam? Sam?
Better give them a call.
Oh… That's just…
Mm… Mm!
Uh, pardon me, do you know this honeybee?
Oh! That's our Beetrice!
And you're her family!
Do you know where she is?
I do. [grunts]
Or I did.
Um, would you excuse me a moment, please?
Kit! Come in, Kit!
It's all honeyed up.
There's no way to call Kit and Indie now.
Unless I use the honeyguide birdcall!
One moment, folks.
Okay. Here goes.
[rhythmic music plays]
[whimpers, squawks]
Come on, Sam.
You got this!
[whines, squawks]
Sam, a Creature Case
is on the line here. You can do this.
[trills, peeps]
Ha-ha! I did it!
I think I did it.
[trills, peeps]
Did I do it?
[Sam trills, peeps]
That's honeyguide birdcall!
This way!
Mom! Dad!
Oh, honey. We were so worried.
We had to move fast
when we ran out of flowers,
and then we couldn't find you.
Welcome home.
Nice work, Sam.
You found Beetrice's family!
And you finally got that birdcall right.
I'm just glad Indie found me.
Indie, you have the makings
of a top-notch CLADE agent.
Thanks for your help.
My pleasure, agents!
Thank you for helping our Beetrice.
Would you care to stay for a bit of honey?
I thought you'd never ask.
You had your tea set
with you this whole time?
I never leave home without it.
To another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
[both slurp]
[both] Ah!
[both laugh]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Honeyguides.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Honeyguide birds are really good
span style="style2"at finding hidden beehives in the wild.
[Bill] span style="style2"They're also known
span style="style2"as indicator birds.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"If you make a special call…
[Bill] span style="style2"…the honeyguide
span style="style2"might lead you to a beehive.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Honeyguides actually
span style="style2"don't eat honey…
[Bill] span style="style2"…instead, they like
span style="style2"to eat the beeswax. Sounds chewy.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Trouble
span style="style2"of the Toppled Trees.
[light music plays]
Now, this next home is gorgeous.
Great view of the tree line,
all hardwood twigs.
Sounds great.
Where is it?
Right up there.
Um, we're burrowers, and we're hoping
for a home a little closer to the ground.
Is it even safe to live that high up?
Of course it's safe.
-[all yelp]
-[all yelp]
Uh… Oh!
-[boy] The trees are falling!
-[woman] Watch out for that tree!
-[camera clicks]
-[girl] Run!
[energetic music plays]
-[grumbles] Oh! [laughs]
-[video game noises]
Ha! Aw…
[beeping, chiming]
Oh! Come on!
-[electronic moan]
-[Kit sighs]
Oh, man!
Whew! Sam, you've almost got him.
[beeping continues]
So close!
Stay focused, Sam.
[beeping continues]
[Kit gasps]
[Sam] I won!
You won!
See, Kit? All you have to do
is stay focused, and every--
-Are you even paying attention?
I'm paying enough attention to see that.
The CLADE crest. Director Scratch
has a new Creature Case for us.
-[video game beeping]
-[squawks, exclaims]
Who rules the roost now?
Uh, Director?
[clears throat]
Agents, we've got a new Creature Case
in the North American Forest.
The Mice Squad just sent us
this strange footage.
Is it just me or are there a lot
of falling trees in that forest?
That's exactly what's happening.
And it's endangering the local animals.
It's up to you two to figure out
why the trees are falling down.
You can count on us, Director.
Good luck, agents.
Oh, yeah! Peggy's in the zone!
[upbeat music plays]
Now approaching destination biome,
[electronic chime]
North American Forest.
[music continues]
Better bring R.O.N. in for a landing, Sam.
Uh, I don't know if we can land here.
There are a lot of trees
and plants in the way.
Sure we can. Just back up a little.
Okay, a little forward.
A little back…
A little forward…
Uh, Sam, I don't know if we can land here.
There are a lot of plants in the way.
That's what I was saying.
Maybe over there.
So quiet.
Are we in the right spot?
I don't see any falling trees.
Kit! Look out!
-[KIt gasps]
Oh! That was a close one.
[calm music plays]
What is going on here?
I'll tell you what's going on.
These falling trees
are scaring away all my customers!
No one wants to live here
with trees falling all over the place.
-It's not safe. Trees are falling.
-Yeah, they're falling.
-What's to be done?
-What are we gonna do?
Don't worry, everyone.
We're from CLADE,
and we're gonna get to the bottom of this.
Besides the falling trees,
has anyone noticed
anything unusual lately?
I noticed that my second toe
is longer than my big toe.
Okay. Anyone else?
You know, I did see someone
chewing on a tree trunk.
You did? Where?
-[all gasp]
A beaver.
Stop those chompers!
Hold it right there, beaver.
Well, howdy.
Can I help you two with something?
That depends. Are you the one
making trees fall all over the forest?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
All over the forest?
That's against the Beaver Code.
Beaver Code?
"If I do chop down a tree,
by the water it must be."
He's right, Sam.
Beavers don't chew trees willy-nilly.
They only knock down trees near the water
that they can use
to build dams in their homes.
And look.
This beaver's chewing on the tree's trunk,
but so far, all the other trees
have fallen from their roots.
Like that.
There aren't any bite marks on this trunk,
but there are bite marks on the roots.
So, whoever is making the trees fall
is chewing them
from somewhere underground.
Underground like a burrow.
I think this case goes deeper
than we thought.
Deeper! [laughs]
That's a good one.
-Looks like nobody's home.
This is an expertly-dug burrow.
Whoever dug this
had sharp claws and teeth,
and they like to collect food
and store it for later.
Food like tree roots.
Could be a lot of different animals,
but whatever it is,
it's definitely traveling underground.
And chewing on the tree roots as it goes.
Which kills the trees,
which makes them fall over.
That is some mighty fine detective work.
To catch that root nibbler,
I bet you're gonna…
Eh… What are you gonna do?
Whiskers, that's it!
We can follow the falling trees
to nab the root nibbler!
Clu-Bot, scan for falling trees.
This is a map of all the trees
that have fallen in the forest.
And there are even more falling now…
-…in that direction.
So the root nibbler
must be tunneling that way.
And fast. We better get moving.
Thanks for your help.
Good luck, agents.
[grunts, sighs]
Well, back to chewing that tree.
[mysterious music plays]
We're almost there.
The last few trees fell right around…
[Sam] Oh!
Phew! You okay?
Kit, look!
Another burrow!
Looks like a fresh one too.
Same teeth and claw marks as before.
Look at this mound. It's all lumpy,
and the entrance is off to the side.
There's only one animal
who burrows like that.
A pocket gopher!
Stop right there!
-[gopher] Huh!
-[both gasp]
Gotcha! Or not.
-[gopher] Ha!
-Over there! [grunts]
-Hm? Hm.
[both] Ouch!
We'll never catch her this way.
But maybe we can beat her at her own game.
If we sent Clu-Bots down
into the gopher's tunnels,
we can chase her out and catch her.
[electronic tones]
Ready when you are.
[upbeat dance music plays]
Keep it up, Sam! You're gaining on her!
I can't catch her. She's too fast.
Sam, you can do this.
Remember what you said.
You just have to stay focused.
[music continues]
Stay focused.
[electronic beeps]
[music continues]
[Sam] Get ready, Kit!
Clu-Bots, double-team!
[electronic beeping]
[Kit] Gotcha!
Yeah! I won! Woo!
-[Kit] Sam.
-Woo! Woo! Woo!
[Kit] Sam!
[record scratch]
Oh. [clears throat]
Okay, pocket gopher, start talking.
Why have you been knocking down
all those trees?
What trees?
What was that?
Sorry. I had some food
in my cheek pockets.
I said, what trees?
The trees whose roots you've been eating.
It's killing them
and making them fall over.
Sorry, but I'm a gopher.
That's just what we do.
But it's really dangerous.
For the creatures
that live in the trees and on the ground.
Look, I just moved in to the neighborhood,
and these roots
were the only food I could find.
There aren't really
any good snacks around here,
and I'm kind of a picky eater.
You know what?
I think we saw a place with lots
of different plants that you can try.
Of course! The overgrown area
where we tried to land R.O.N.!
[gasps, exclaims]
All my favorites! There's peas!
And onion grass.
Oh, this place is great!
[chuckles, sighs] I think
she's gonna like it here.
Oh, thank you
for solving our little tree problem.
Now everyone feels safe again.
Plus, it turns out
gophers aren't the only ones
who like living in burrows.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Time to head home.
[video game beeping]
Ha ha! I can get
some more game time in on the way! Ha-ha!
Stay focused.
Uh, Sam? You might wanna stay focused
on where you're going.
[grunts] Oh!
[electronic moan]
-Good idea.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Pocket gophers!
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Pocket gophers are experts
span style="style2"at digging burrows.
[Bill] span style="style2"They have sharp claws and teeth
span style="style2"that are great for shoveling dirt.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They like to nibble at tree roots…
[Bill] span style="style2"…which can cause trees
span style="style2"to fall down.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Pocket gophers use pouches
span style="style2"in their cheeks to carry food.
[Bill] span style="style2"That's why
span style="style2"they're called pocket gophers.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]