The Creature Cases (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

The Mysterious Fruit Thief/The Riddle of the Wrestling Lizards

Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Mysterious Fruit Thief.
[pleasant sitar music plays]
Perfectly ripe.
Oo! I'll use you for my fruit pie tonight.
[menacing music plays]
[music continues]
Is someone there?
[music continues]
-[flipping sounds]
My little fruities!
-[flipping sounds]
-Oh, oh!
-[shutter clicks]
[camera clicks]
[upbeat music plays]
-[spooky theremin music plays]
Too scary for you, Kit?
Want to watch something else?
Uh, no.
Attack of the Cheese Peoplespan style="style1" is just fine.
-[pants] Not scary at all.
-[door pounds on TV]
I agree.
Sam, are span style="style2"you scared of the movie?
[scoffs] No way.
[door creaks on TV]
[both holler]
-Sam, look!
-[beeping continues]
The CLADE crest! Director Scratch
has a new Creature Case for us.
[both grunt]
Agents, there's a strange new
Creature Case in the Asian Jungle.
Stranger than span style="style2"Attack of the Cheese People?
Oo, I love that movie!
Especially the part where--
-[clears throat]
Earlier this evening,
a mysterious creature stole fruit
from an orangutan's island.
Huh. What could it be?
And how'd it get on the island?
That's what you two need to figure out.
We're on it, Director.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
Asian Jungle.
Thanks, R.O.N.
[sitar music plays]
Evening, ma'am. Agent Sam Snow.
And Agent Kit Casey.
[both] Animal Detectives.
Oh, thank goodness you're here.
Look what that… thing did to my fruit!
[both] Hm…
What kind of thing was it?
I don't know. But it came out of nowhere.
If it strikes again, there won't be
any fruit left for me to eat.
[Sam] Don't worry, ma'am.
I'm sure there's a perfectly
reasonable explanation for this.
Now, you're sure you didn't see
anyone follow you onto the island?
I'm sure.
Those vines are the only way on or off.
Well, whatever was here,
it must have left some clue behind.
Check it out, Kit.
[Kit] Hm…
Bite marks.
And look at their shape.
Can't tell who left 'em. But it was
definitely something with two big fangs.
Yep. Like a tiger. Or a bat. Or a--
Yeah. Or a snake.
No! Over there!
Look at those fangs.
Let's go!
-[upbeat rock music plays]
[Sam] I can't believe
we found our suspect so fast!
[laughs] She wasn't even trying to hide.
[Sam] Mud pit!
Ha! Nowhere left to run.
Okay, first of all,
snakes don't run. We slither.
Second of all, what's the big idea here?
Why are you chasing me?
I think you know why.
Steal any fruit this evening?
Fruit? Yuck! I don't eat fruit.
-Come to think of it, that's true, Sam.
Snakes don't eat fruit.
Uh, we're very sorry
to have disturbed you, ma'am. [chuckles]
Everybody always thinks
snakes are the bad guy.
So inconsiderate.
So if the snake
wasn't stealing the fruit, who was?
We must've missed some clues
back on the island. Come on!
[bush rustles]
[whispers] What was that?
[Sam whispers] It's coming from that bush.
[menacing music plays]
[music crescendos]
-[both shout]
Oops. I didn't mean to scare ya.
Oh, uh, I wasn't scared.
Were you scared, Sam?
[scoffs] No. Of course I knew
they'd be a cute little…
I think he's a mouse deer.
Yep. I'm a mouse deer all right.
What you doing here in the jungle?
We're from CLADE,
and we're solving a very important case.
Oo! What's it about?
Oh, nothin'.
Just a mysterious, fanged creature
lurking about, stealing fruit from folks.
Sounds cool! Need any help?
You can help us by staying safe.
It could be dangerous out here
for a little mouse deer like you.
Dangerous. Got it.
Oh! Oh! I'll-- I'll go hide.
I'm good at hiding. [giggles]
Oh! I'll let you know
if I spot that fanged fruit thief.
-See ya!
-[laughs] See ya.
[pleasant music plays]
Find any more clues, agents?
These bites are fresh.
Looks like the fruit thief
struck again while we were gone.
Did you see anything this time?
Anyone coming on or off the island?
Just you two.
But wait!
Come to think of it, I did hear something.
I heard it the first time too.
You did? What'd it sound like?
Almost like galloping.
Like something with…
[galloping sounds]
Check it out, Kit.
Whoever was stealing
the fruit left prints behind,
and they look like hooves.
[electronic tones]
They're pretty smudged,
so I can't tell what made 'em.
But they're fresh, which means
the thief may still be close by.
If we're gonna catch them,
we have to figure out
how they're getting on and off the island.
Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?
Oh yes. It's time
for a good old-fashioned…
-[both] Stakeout!
-Fruit pie!
I mean, stakeout. Sorry.
I just can't stop thinking about fruit.
[funky music plays]
[Sam] We have the island surrounded
with our Clu-Bots.
Everything they see, we can see too.
They're watching the vines,
the surface of the water,
and even the air.
[music continues]
If anything tries to swing,
swim, or fly onto the island,
our Clu-Bots will spot it.
So, what do we do now?
Now, we wait.
[owl hoots]
[menacing theremin music plays]
-I think I hear it coming!
But the Clu-Bots didn't see anything.
What in the woolly world?!
[orangutan] My fruities!
How did it get onto the island
without being seen?
[sighs] This doesn't make any sense.
If it's not coming by land,
or air, or the water's surface,
-it must be coming from…
Under the water!
Clu-Bot, go.
If it's under there, we'll find it.
What was that? It looked like
it was walking along the bottom!
Whatever it is, it's moving fast.
I can't watch.
[Kit] Where'd it go?
[music continues]
What happened?
What was that thing?
Look, Sam.
-[Clu-Bot whimpers]
-Fang marks.
That was definitely the fruit thief.
So that's how it's been getting
onto the island!
Going underwater!
It's back for more!
-Over there!
[music continues]
[bushes rustle]
Wait. Now the noises
are coming from that way.
[crunching sound]
[music continues]
It's always one step ahead of us.
So let's not take any steps.
Stand very still, Kit,
and listen.
[Sam] It's heading into the water!
Gotta borrow this!
-Ha! Got 'em!
-Careful, Kit.
We don't know
what we're dealing with here.
-It could be…
The mouse deer?
Oh, hey, guys.
Did you find that fruit thief yet?
[pleasant sitar music plays]
I think we just did.
That was one fruity burp.
-Burp again, little guy.
[gasps] Well, would you look at that.
I never knew mouse deer had fangs.
Sure do.
[Kit] And look at his feet.
My little hoofies?
What about 'em? [giggles]
Of course!
He eats fruit, has fangs
and hooved feet, and his fur's all wet.
Yeah. 'Cause I've been swimming.
Well, more like walking underwater.
Whiskers, that's it!
It was the mouse deer all along.
Me? [burps]
You're the one stealing my fruit?
Sorry, I didn't realize
this tasty fruit belonged to you. [burps]
It's the best.
Well, I don't approve of the stealing,
but I'm glad
you like my fruits as much as I do.
Like it? I love it!
Did you grow it all by yourself?
Yes, I did.
It's a lot of work.
Come to think of it,
I could use a helper around here.
Oh! Oh! Me.
I can help you. No more stealing.
You could pay me in fruit!
It's a deal.
[dance music plays]
-Another Creature Case…
-[both] Closed.
-[snake] Hello!
-[both shout]
Sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya.
Scared? [scoffs] No way.
I wasn't scared. Were you scared?
Me? [chuckles] I'm never scared.
Sure, Sam. Sure.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Mouse deer.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Mouse deer
span style="style2"aren't really mice or deer.
[Bill] span style="style2"But they are one
span style="style2"of the smallest animals in the world
that has hooves.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Mouse deer are great
span style="style2"at hiding from predators.
[Bill] span style="style2"Sometimes, they even hide in water.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Some kinds
span style="style2"of mouse deer have fangs!
[Bill] span style="style2"Whoa-ho-ho!
span style="style2"Those are big fangs for such a little guy!
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Riddle
span style="style2"of the Wrestling Lizards.
[country music plays]
Yippie-ki-yay! ♪
It was a sleepy afternoon ♪
The town was very quiet ♪
Until that awful moment ♪
We call the Gila Monster Riot ♪
[music continues]
[both shout]
What's happening?
[male voice] Oh no! Take cover!
Look out!
[male voice 2] They're coming!
-Oh! What's happening? Whoa!
-[camera clicks]
[Kit] Wow.
Look at all these.
Every award won
by the greatest CLADE agents of all time.
Awards for everything!
Bravery, heroism…
[Kit] Bowling?
"Southern Region Egg Bowling Champion,
Peggy Scratch."
Director Scratch was a bowler?
Director Scratch was the best bowler!
Look at all the trophies she's won!
I wonder if she's still got the skills.
-We can ask her ourselves.
The CLADE crest!
Agents, a new Creature Case
just came in from the Mice Squad.
A case? Well, that just bowls us over.
I mean, it's right up our alley. [giggles]
What is she talking about?
You're a bowler! We saw your trophies!
Oh yes!
I was quite the egg bowler back in my day.
Once at the regionals,
I bowled two perfect games in row.
[dreamy music plays]
But that was a long time ago.
-[record scratch]
A pair of wrestling Gila monsters
have been terrorizing this desert town.
Did you say "monsters"?
Not actual monsters, Sam.
Gila monsters are a type of lizard,
but they do have venomous bites.
They've been wrestling for hours.
You two need to figure out
why they're fighting
and get them to stop
before they destroy the town.
Don't worry, Director Scratch.
We'll get to the bottom of it.
And when we get back, maybe you can tell
us more about bowling! [shouts]
[upbeat music plays]
[music fades]
[country music plays]
Yippie-ki-yay! ♪
Yippie-ki-yo! ♪
Those lizards keep on fighting ♪
They're scratching
Kicking, and biting ♪
It's a little bit scary ♪
But also kinda exciting! ♪
Yippie-ki-yay! ♪
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
North American Desert.
Thanks, R.O.N.
[indistinct commotion]
This is bad.
Those lizards
are gonna destroy the whole town!
Attention, Gila monsters.
I'm Agent Sam Snow, and this is-- Whoa!
Oh, for Pete's sake. I got this.
Kit, be careful!
Didn't you tell me
they have a venomous bite?
Oh, relax.
Yes, Gila monsters are venomous,
but they're so lazy
that they hardly ever bite. Ow!
Kit! Are you all right?
Um, no?
Hey, let go of her, you two!
-Uh, please?
-Forget it, Sam.
When a Gila monster latches on,
there's only one way to make it let go.
We have to dunk 'em in water.
Water? We're in a desert!
How in the world are we going to find--
Oh. That'll do.
The venom's making me feel kinda funny.
This way, Kit.
-I don't want a bath.
-[Sam grunts]
Boy, this water is wet!
It's working! They're letting go!
Hey! What's the big idea?
Well, at least it's over.
The Gila monsters have stopped fighting.
-You again!
-You again!
[indistinct commotion]
[groans] I really don't feel so good.
Yippie-ki-yay ♪
Yippie-ki-yo! ♪
Easy, Kit. You'll be fine
as soon as the venom wears off.
Bill, Jill, can you keep an eye on her
while I figure out
what's going on with those Gila monsters?
Yeah. Sure thing, Sam.
Thanks. Be back soon.
Sam! You know what?
You're a nice kitty cat.
-[chuckles sarcastically]
-span style="style2"Yippie-ki-yay ♪
[indistinct commotion]
How long has this been going on?
Well, they've been fighting
and rolling around, wrecking stuff, since…
around breakfast time.
Well, that's good.
Maybe they'll get tired soon.
I wouldn't be so sure of that.
Gila monsters have amazing stamina.
They can keep this up all day.
And the next day. And the next.
Kit! You should be resting. But thanks.
-[crashing sounds]
-Gotta go.
[both sigh]
There you go.
Any idea why they're fighting?
No idea.
I just know that soon the whole town's
gonna be nothing but a pile of rubble.
Don't worry. CLADE is on the case.
Oh boy.
Uh, excuse me, ma'am.
-Quick! Get down!
-I'm stuck!
[all grunt]
span style="style2"-Yippie-ki-yay ♪
Yippie-ki-yo ♪
Well, Sam is real confused now ♪
He really misses his partner ♪
Maybe she'd know what to do… ♪
Would you guys cut it out?
Come on, Sam. You can figure this out.
Nobody knows why those Gila monsters
are fighting all over town,
but we do know
where they've been fighting.
Hey, maybe that's a clue!
Clu-Bots, show me all the damage
these Gila monsters have done.
All the fighting
has taken place around this one spot.
Maybe it's important.
Maybe it's…
a pile of rocks?
Oo, a pile of rocks! That's it!
Kit. You really need to rest.
Sam, those rocks are exactly the kind
of place Gila monsters like to live,
and I bet they both wanna live there.
Maybe I'd like to live there too.
Whiskers, that's it! The Gila monsters
are fighting over a home!
Oh no!
That giant boulder is the most
important monument in our town!
So much for their new home.
Well, on the bright side,
now they have nothing to fight over.
You have destroyed my new home!
It was my home, and you destroyed it!
[indistinct commotion]
Oh, great.
Hey, Kit? Are there any other good homes
for Gila monsters around here? I need two.
[Kit] span style="style2"Mm…
Looks like there's one here and here.
[Sam] Perfect! They're far enough away
from each other
that there shouldn't be any more fighting.
[Kit laughs] span style="style2"Look. I drew a flower.
We just have to lure
the Gila monsters apart,
to these new homes.
Maybe with food?
Any idea what they eat?
Oh, they eat all kinds of things,
but they really love eggs.
Really, really, really love 'em.
So what if I lure one lizard
this way with an egg
and the other lizard
that way with a second egg?
But I'd have to do it
at the same time somehow.
Maybe if you rolled them both?
You know, like egg bowling.
I'm afraid I'm not much of a bowler.
But I am.
[Sam] Director Scratch!
Sounds like you need someone
who can bowl some eggs.
Yeah, but how did you know we needed--
I'm the director of CLADE.
It's my job to know about these things.
I brought my best bowling eggs
made especially for accuracy.
Don't worry. There are no chicks inside.
Okay, Director. Aim one egg there
and the other egg there.
Let's bowl.
Now, while they're apart.
A new home!
This is nice.
-span style="style2"You did it, Director!
Now that those Gila monsters
each have a home of their own,
they won't be fighting anymore.
[Sam] Feeling better, Kit?
Sure am, partner.
Thanks for handling this one today.
Well, I had plenty of help.
In honor of this happy occasion,
we have written a new song.
"The Ballad of Peggy Scratch."
Yippie-ki-yay ♪
Yippie-ki-yo ♪
It was a sleepy afternoon ♪
The town was very quiet ♪
Until that awful moment ♪
We call the Gila Monster Riot ♪
But soon the monsters met their match ♪
When eggs were bowled
By Peggy Scratch! ♪
We never get a song.
Well, you gotta admit. It's catchy.
[all] span style="style2"Oo ♪
Oo ♪
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Gila monsters.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Don't worry. Gila monsters
span style="style2"are not really monsters at all.
[Jill] span style="style2"They're actually just
span style="style2"a type of lizard.
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They're pretty relaxed,
span style="style2"but if you bother them…
[Jill] span style="style2"…they'll use their venomous bite.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"When two Gila monsters want
span style="style2"the same home, they'll wrestle for it.
[Jill] span style="style2"For a really long time!
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
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