The Creature Cases (2022) s01e06 Episode Script
The Disappearing Dung Ball/The Search for the Spotted Frog
Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Disappearing Dung Ball.
[calm music plays]
[male beetle gasps]
Look at this beautiful dung!
[gasps] Giraffe dung!
Our favorite.
Better hurry before it's all gone.
[buzzing continues]
[male beetle grunting]
There. Now that we have a dung ball,
we can find a nice place
to bury it and start a home.
And a family.
Just like we always dreamed about.
Picture it.
I'm going to build us
the home of our dreams,
and it all starts
with this beautiful ball of--
[gasps] It's gone!
[camera clicks]
[Sam] Okay. I've swept the floors,
vacuumed the rugs, tidied up the books…
How's that laundry coming?
Uh, just about finished! [chuckles]
Huh? [sniffs]
What is that smell?
[gasps, gags] Uh…
Hey, my sandwich!
I was wondering where that went.
You better do something with it, Kit.
I am not touching that!
Don't get your tail in a twist, Sam.
It's just a--
The CLADE crest. Director Scratch
must have a new case for us.
-Come on!
[upbeat music plays]
Agents, thanks for coming.
I'm afraid today's case is a messy one.
Messier than Kit's bedroom?
-[Scratch squawks]
[Scratch] We just received word that some
dung beetles' dung ball has disappeared.
Oh no! That's terrible!
I'm sorry, their "dung ball"?
As in a ball of poop?
Sam, animal dung is extremely important.
It keeps soil healthy, helps plants grow,
and it's where
dung beetles lay their eggs.
That's why it's so important that you two
figure out what happened
to that missing ball.
You can count on us, Director.
Ready to get your hands dirty, Sam?
[groans] I hope you don't mean-- [shouts]
[upbeat rock music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
African Grasslands.
Thanks, R.O.N.
-[pleasant music plays]
[sniffs, groans]
Huh, huh, hoo!
Now there's a smell for ya. [chuckles]
[Hans] We can help with that.
-Hello, Sam.
-Hello, Kit.
Stinkwells. What are you doing here?
The Director sent us here
to help you deal with any "funny smells."
After all, nobody knows more
about "funny smells" than we do.
Here. These Destinkifier Masks will make
everything smell fresh span style="style2"und lovely.
Go on! Give it a sniff!
-[slow electronic music plays]
It works! [sniffs]
I don't smell the dung at all!
Better go find those beetles.
Thanks, Stinkwells.
[both] You're welcome.
Then, when we turned around,
our perfect dung ball was gone!
[sniffs] And now, there's not even
any dung left to make another one!
Don't worry, sweetie.
These nice folks are gonna find our ball.
We sure are, ma'am.
We know how important it was to you.
Can you describe
what your dung ball looked like?
Well, it was round.
And moist too.
If you don't find it before it dries out,
I won't be able to lay my eggs in it.
Oh, I can't bear the thought! [cries]
We're gonna find it. I promise.
Better look for clues.
[intriguing music plays]
No footprints or evidence of foul play.
[music continues]
Check it out, Kit.
Sam, that's just a pebble.
It is just a pebble, but watch.
Uh, how long do I have to keep watching?
This spot that the beetles chose
to start their home is on a hill.
Things roll down it.
So that means
maybe the dung ball just rolled away?
The simplest explanation
is often the best. Come on!
Whoa, whoa! Uh! Ah…
Wait. Why am I running when I can roll?
Looks like all kinds of stuff
has rolled down this hill.
[sniffs] By the smell of things,
there's dung nearby.
Better start searching!
[grunts, groans]
Watch your step, Kit.
If the dung ball's down here,
we don't wanna step on it. Yuck!
[electronic tones]
[whispers] Sam, I saw something.
A rock was moving.
[whispers] I saw it too!
[mysterious music plays]
-[both grunt]
[male beetle 2] Oi!
-What's the big idea here?
That's no rock! It's a dung ball!
Ew! And I almost touched it!
What are you two stomping around here for?
You're gonna squish my dung ball.
I think we may have found a suspect.
Sam Snow and Kit Casey. Agents of CLADE.
-Where'd you get that dung ball?
-None of your business.
-Sam, dung beetles are known
to steal dung balls
from each other. Do you think…
I didn't steal nothing!
Herd of elephants
passed through not long ago,
and I rolled it up meself.
Oo, it was my lucky day.
[gasps] Sam, I don't think
this is the dung ball we're looking for.
The one that went missing
was made of giraffe dung,
and this one's elephant dung.
There's still a little over here.
[groans] Help yourselves.
Uh… No, thanks.
Elephants came this way recently.
Maybe they've seen the missing dung ball.
Better check it out.
Follow those elephant tracks!
Some folks don't know
good dung when they see it.
[male elephant] Come on!
[Kit] There are the elephants!
And there's a dung ball!
[female elephant] Okay already.
[Kit] Huh. Giraffe dung all right.
It's the one we're looking for.
But how did it get here?
-Here we go.
-Come on!
I'm clear!
-[female elephant] I'm open!
-That's how.
It must have rolled down the hill.
Then, these elephants kicked it away.
Well, we better get it
before it gets squished.
Excuse us! That ball you're using is--
[slow-motion grunts]
[male elephant] Look at that!
[excited commotion]
After it!
[male elephant laughs]
Hey, hey!
Better call for backup.
Requesting assistance
-from all nearby CLADE agents.
-[car honks]
Bill! Jill!
-[Bill & Jill] Hey, guys.
-[Hans & Harold] Yoo-hoo!
Okay, everybody.
Get that dung ball!
[Hans & Harold] Okey dokey!
I'm out.
There it is!
The goal!
She shoots… [grunts]
-…she scores!
[elephants cheer]
Come on. Now is our chance.
Oh yeah. That's what
I'm talking about. Oh yeah.
I got it! I got it! I--
-[Hans] Wow! What was that?
[Kit] Over there!
-Split up!
-[Hans] We got it!
-[Harold] We don't got it.
-[Sam] Whoa!
[Hans & Harold] I'm seeing it.
Get this out of here!
[Kit] Here we go again.
[both panting]
[Sam] Hurry! It's heading for that cliff!
Oh no! It'll splat like a pancake!
-Don't worry!
-We will get it!
[Jill] We got this.
[upbeat music plays]
[Bill & Jill] Whoa!
-[Bill] Sorry, guys.
-[Jill] It's up to you now.
Come to Kit, little dung-- Whoa!
Oh no!
My turn!
You gotta grab it!
-Nice one.
-[both] Great catch, Sam!
[sniffs] Ew! Yuck!
[pleasant music plays]
[exclaims] Our dung ball!
And it's still nice and moist.
Now we can finally start our family.
Nice catch back there.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Guess I really did get
my hands dirty this time.
[sniffs] Ew!
Thank you so much for your help, agents.
Why don't you stay for dinner?
You know, all that running around
did make me kinda hungry.
Sam, you do know
what dung beetles eat, don't you?
[whispers] They eat dung.
-[record scratch]
-[gags, clears throat] Uh…
Maybe another time.
[all laugh]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Dung beetles.
span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Dung beetles are famous
for collecting big balls
of animal droppings.
[Jill] span style="style2"Otherwise known as dung.
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Dung is their food
span style="style2"and their home.
[Jill] span style="style2"It's where the females
span style="style2"lay their eggs!
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They compete for dung
span style="style2"and sometimes even steal from each other.
[Jill] span style="style2"Guess they know
span style="style2"good dung when they see it.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Search for the Spotted Frog.
-[jubilant music plays]
-[female voice] There. [laughs]
Okay, Dotty. Fetch!
Oh, good boy, Dotty.
Good boy.
Did you hear that, Dotty?
I hope it's not a predator
trying to steal my eggs.
You stay here, Dotty, and guard the eggs.
I'll go look outside.
-[gasps] Shoo! Shoo! shoo!
-[caws] Hoo-hoo!
Don't worry, Dotty. I scared him off.
Dotty? Where'd you go?
[camera clicks]
[upbeat music plays]
[Sam] Aw…
Who's a good boy?
[Kit] You are. Yes, you are.
Here you go,
little span style="style2"Hypoestes Phyllostachya. Drink up.
[giggles] Sam! We can't call
our new plant that.
Why not? It is its scientific name.
Our plant needs a good name.
Like Spot. Or Speckles.
Or Frank.
-Huh? Kit, look! The CLADE crest.
We'll have to name you later,
little plant.
We've got a Creature Case to solve!
[both grunt]
Ah, agents, you're just in time.
We've got another case on our hands,
and this one's a real doozy.
A tarantula's pet frog
has gone missing somewhere in the jungle.
Whoa. Hold on. Tarantulas have pets?
This kind does. Well, sort of.
It's more of a mutualistic relationship.
A what?
[Kit] The frog protects
the tarantula's eggs,
and the tarantula protects the frog
from predators, like birds.
It's called a mutualistic relationship.
Which is why you've got to find that frog.
You can count on us, Director.
Good luck, agents.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
South American Jungle.
[tarantula] Dotty?
Dotty! Dotty!
[Kit] Ma'am?
We're from CLADE,
and we're here to help you find your frog.
Oh, thank goodness.
It's not safe for Dotty
to be out here all by himself.
Don't worry.
We'll launch a full-scale search for him.
Yeah. And in the meantime,
it was a great idea putting up
all these missing-frog posters.
But… I didn't put these posters up.
You didn't? Then who did?
Make way for Wally!
[Kit] Is that…
[both] Wally Bungler?
-[Wally] Ow!
[Sam] Wally!
[Wally] Good day, citizens.
Little help?
[both grunt]
Thank you.
Wally, did you put up
all the missing-frog posters?
I sure did.
As a nature ranger, it's my duty to help.
Plus, I know what it's like
when a pet goes missing.
You do?
A few weeks ago, my pet slug,
Sluggo, crawled off and never came home.
Oh, Sluggo.
Not a day goes by I don't think
about your squishy little face.
Wouldn't hurt to have
another set of eyes looking for Dotty.
Ma'am, you stay here
in case Dotty comes back.
Kit, Wally, and I
will search the jungle for him.
-As I was saying, my pet Sluggo.
[Wally] Boy, that slug was…
[sighs] That little frog
could be anywhere.
-Whiskers. This jungle's full of frogs!
-Remember, Dotty's a spotted humming frog.
That means he's small
with gray skin and lots of dots.
This frog's too big to be Dotty.
And this one's too small.
This one doesn't have any dots,
and this one's got too many dots.
Keep it up, you two.
I'm just gonna take a rest
right next to this small,
gray, spotted rock. [chuckles]
[both] Oh?
Wally, that small,
gray, spotted rock is a frog.
It is?
It is!
Could be Dotty. Come on.
Let's bring him back to the tarantula.
This frog sure looks like Dotty, but…
Um… What's she doing?
Feeling the frog
with the special hairs on her legs
that tell her exactly what kind it is.
[sighs] Nope. Definitely not Dotty.
It's not even the right kind of frog.
Dotty's a dotted humming frog.
That's the only kind of frog
that will protect my eggs.
Hey, hold on.
I was so worried about Dotty,
I didn't notice
that one of my eggs is missing too!
[all gasp]
There's a missing frog and a missing egg?
Maybe there's a connection
between the missing egg and Dotty.
Better look for clues.
[mysterious music plays]
What is it, Wally? You see a clue?
No, but I smell one!
It smells like…
What? Sluggo and I worked
on an ant farm one summer.
It does smell a little anty.
-Activate Stink-O-Vision.
Look! There's an ant smell trail
leading away from the eggs.
Ants must have snuck
in here and taken one.
[gasps] Oh no!
Come on. If we follow that smell trail,
maybe we can find
the missing egg and Dotty!
This smell trail
will show us where the ants went.
This way!
[whispers] Look.
There are the ants!
[whispers] If we're really quiet,
we could sneak up on them and--
[Mom] span style="style2"Wally, dear.
span style="style2"I spilled jam all over the toaster again.
Mom, not now.
We're sneaking up on some ants.
Huh? What was that? Who's there?
So much for sneaking. Come on.
Hold it right there, ants!
Where's that tarantula egg?
Ah! Okay, okay, we stole an egg.
But we don't have it anymore. Honest.
Yeah. A little gray frog came
outta nowhere and took it away from us.
A frog?
Whiskers, that's it!
When the tarantula came out
to see if there were any predators…
the ants snuck into the tarantula's burrow
and stole one of her eggs!
But it's Dotty's job to protect them.
So he followed the ants
into the jungle and took the egg back.
Huh. But where's Dotty now?
I don't know.
He could have gone anywhere with that egg.
Oh dear, that poor little frog,
lost out there. [groans]
Just like my poor little Sluggo.
[exclaims, grunts]
Huh. Wally, I think
you just found a trail of frog slime.
Dotty may have left it behind.
I did?
I did! [laughs]
It could lead us to Dotty.
Follow that frog slime!
[upbeat music plays]
[Sam] Dotty must have come this way.
-[all grunt]
[all gasp]
[Wally] Crikey!
I've never heard so many frogs.
How are we ever gonna figure out
which one is Dotty?
Remember, Dotty's a spotted humming frog.
He sounds like this.
[humming ribbit]
So we've just gotta zero in on this sound.
[whining ribbit]
[growling ribbit]
Not that one.
[humming ribbit]
Ah! Bingo!
I hear a spotted humming frog right over…
-[Sam] Dotty!
And he's got the egg!
Come on, little froggy.
Time to get you home.
-Where you'll be safe and--
-That owl just took Dotty!
[Wally] Hang on, Dotty! We're coming!
[tense music plays]
Oh no! The owl's flying away!
Not if I can help it.
Don't worry, Dotty!
Wally's got ya!
[angelic singing]
[yelling ribbit]
Oh! Gotcha!
-[Wally hollering]
-[Sam grunts]
It's okay, Dotty. You're safe now.
[sighs] That tarantula was right.
Dotty, you belong back in her burrow
where she can protect you. Come on.
-Oh! [laughs]
Dotty! It's you!
Oh, I was so worried.
-And you kept my egg safe.
Who's a good boy?
Oh, detectives.
I don't know how I can ever thank you.
It's our pleasure, ma'am.
Yeah. We're just happy
you two are back together.
[laughs] What's that, Dotty?
You wanna play fetch?
You know, this reminds me of when me
and Sluggo used to play together.
-[radio beeps]
Wally! It's a miracle!
Sluggo's come home!
Sluggo's home?
Hang on, Mom! I'll be right there!
I'm coming, Sluggo!
[chuckles] See you around, Wally.
Well, Sam, looks like
that's another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
And I think I know
what we should name our little plant.
[both] Dotty!
Who's a good plant?
Yes, you are.
Who's got the spottiest little dots?
You have. Yes, you do.
And you're so cute. Look at you.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Tarantulas.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
span style="style2"Tarantulas don't actually have pets.
[Jill] span style="style2"But some species really do like
span style="style2"to live with dotted humming frogs.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They protect the frog,
span style="style2"and the frog protects their eggs.
[Jill] span style="style2"A mutualistic relationship.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Tarantulas can tell what kind
span style="style2"of frog it is by touching its skin.
[Jill] span style="style2"Wouldn't want one touching me.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Disappearing Dung Ball.
[calm music plays]
[male beetle gasps]
Look at this beautiful dung!
[gasps] Giraffe dung!
Our favorite.
Better hurry before it's all gone.
[buzzing continues]
[male beetle grunting]
There. Now that we have a dung ball,
we can find a nice place
to bury it and start a home.
And a family.
Just like we always dreamed about.
Picture it.
I'm going to build us
the home of our dreams,
and it all starts
with this beautiful ball of--
[gasps] It's gone!
[camera clicks]
[Sam] Okay. I've swept the floors,
vacuumed the rugs, tidied up the books…
How's that laundry coming?
Uh, just about finished! [chuckles]
Huh? [sniffs]
What is that smell?
[gasps, gags] Uh…
Hey, my sandwich!
I was wondering where that went.
You better do something with it, Kit.
I am not touching that!
Don't get your tail in a twist, Sam.
It's just a--
The CLADE crest. Director Scratch
must have a new case for us.
-Come on!
[upbeat music plays]
Agents, thanks for coming.
I'm afraid today's case is a messy one.
Messier than Kit's bedroom?
-[Scratch squawks]
[Scratch] We just received word that some
dung beetles' dung ball has disappeared.
Oh no! That's terrible!
I'm sorry, their "dung ball"?
As in a ball of poop?
Sam, animal dung is extremely important.
It keeps soil healthy, helps plants grow,
and it's where
dung beetles lay their eggs.
That's why it's so important that you two
figure out what happened
to that missing ball.
You can count on us, Director.
Ready to get your hands dirty, Sam?
[groans] I hope you don't mean-- [shouts]
[upbeat rock music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
African Grasslands.
Thanks, R.O.N.
-[pleasant music plays]
[sniffs, groans]
Huh, huh, hoo!
Now there's a smell for ya. [chuckles]
[Hans] We can help with that.
-Hello, Sam.
-Hello, Kit.
Stinkwells. What are you doing here?
The Director sent us here
to help you deal with any "funny smells."
After all, nobody knows more
about "funny smells" than we do.
Here. These Destinkifier Masks will make
everything smell fresh span style="style2"und lovely.
Go on! Give it a sniff!
-[slow electronic music plays]
It works! [sniffs]
I don't smell the dung at all!
Better go find those beetles.
Thanks, Stinkwells.
[both] You're welcome.
Then, when we turned around,
our perfect dung ball was gone!
[sniffs] And now, there's not even
any dung left to make another one!
Don't worry, sweetie.
These nice folks are gonna find our ball.
We sure are, ma'am.
We know how important it was to you.
Can you describe
what your dung ball looked like?
Well, it was round.
And moist too.
If you don't find it before it dries out,
I won't be able to lay my eggs in it.
Oh, I can't bear the thought! [cries]
We're gonna find it. I promise.
Better look for clues.
[intriguing music plays]
No footprints or evidence of foul play.
[music continues]
Check it out, Kit.
Sam, that's just a pebble.
It is just a pebble, but watch.
Uh, how long do I have to keep watching?
This spot that the beetles chose
to start their home is on a hill.
Things roll down it.
So that means
maybe the dung ball just rolled away?
The simplest explanation
is often the best. Come on!
Whoa, whoa! Uh! Ah…
Wait. Why am I running when I can roll?
Looks like all kinds of stuff
has rolled down this hill.
[sniffs] By the smell of things,
there's dung nearby.
Better start searching!
[grunts, groans]
Watch your step, Kit.
If the dung ball's down here,
we don't wanna step on it. Yuck!
[electronic tones]
[whispers] Sam, I saw something.
A rock was moving.
[whispers] I saw it too!
[mysterious music plays]
-[both grunt]
[male beetle 2] Oi!
-What's the big idea here?
That's no rock! It's a dung ball!
Ew! And I almost touched it!
What are you two stomping around here for?
You're gonna squish my dung ball.
I think we may have found a suspect.
Sam Snow and Kit Casey. Agents of CLADE.
-Where'd you get that dung ball?
-None of your business.
-Sam, dung beetles are known
to steal dung balls
from each other. Do you think…
I didn't steal nothing!
Herd of elephants
passed through not long ago,
and I rolled it up meself.
Oo, it was my lucky day.
[gasps] Sam, I don't think
this is the dung ball we're looking for.
The one that went missing
was made of giraffe dung,
and this one's elephant dung.
There's still a little over here.
[groans] Help yourselves.
Uh… No, thanks.
Elephants came this way recently.
Maybe they've seen the missing dung ball.
Better check it out.
Follow those elephant tracks!
Some folks don't know
good dung when they see it.
[male elephant] Come on!
[Kit] There are the elephants!
And there's a dung ball!
[female elephant] Okay already.
[Kit] Huh. Giraffe dung all right.
It's the one we're looking for.
But how did it get here?
-Here we go.
-Come on!
I'm clear!
-[female elephant] I'm open!
-That's how.
It must have rolled down the hill.
Then, these elephants kicked it away.
Well, we better get it
before it gets squished.
Excuse us! That ball you're using is--
[slow-motion grunts]
[male elephant] Look at that!
[excited commotion]
After it!
[male elephant laughs]
Hey, hey!
Better call for backup.
Requesting assistance
-from all nearby CLADE agents.
-[car honks]
Bill! Jill!
-[Bill & Jill] Hey, guys.
-[Hans & Harold] Yoo-hoo!
Okay, everybody.
Get that dung ball!
[Hans & Harold] Okey dokey!
I'm out.
There it is!
The goal!
She shoots… [grunts]
-…she scores!
[elephants cheer]
Come on. Now is our chance.
Oh yeah. That's what
I'm talking about. Oh yeah.
I got it! I got it! I--
-[Hans] Wow! What was that?
[Kit] Over there!
-Split up!
-[Hans] We got it!
-[Harold] We don't got it.
-[Sam] Whoa!
[Hans & Harold] I'm seeing it.
Get this out of here!
[Kit] Here we go again.
[both panting]
[Sam] Hurry! It's heading for that cliff!
Oh no! It'll splat like a pancake!
-Don't worry!
-We will get it!
[Jill] We got this.
[upbeat music plays]
[Bill & Jill] Whoa!
-[Bill] Sorry, guys.
-[Jill] It's up to you now.
Come to Kit, little dung-- Whoa!
Oh no!
My turn!
You gotta grab it!
-Nice one.
-[both] Great catch, Sam!
[sniffs] Ew! Yuck!
[pleasant music plays]
[exclaims] Our dung ball!
And it's still nice and moist.
Now we can finally start our family.
Nice catch back there.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Guess I really did get
my hands dirty this time.
[sniffs] Ew!
Thank you so much for your help, agents.
Why don't you stay for dinner?
You know, all that running around
did make me kinda hungry.
Sam, you do know
what dung beetles eat, don't you?
[whispers] They eat dung.
-[record scratch]
-[gags, clears throat] Uh…
Maybe another time.
[all laugh]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Dung beetles.
span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Dung beetles are famous
for collecting big balls
of animal droppings.
[Jill] span style="style2"Otherwise known as dung.
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Dung is their food
span style="style2"and their home.
[Jill] span style="style2"It's where the females
span style="style2"lay their eggs!
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They compete for dung
span style="style2"and sometimes even steal from each other.
[Jill] span style="style2"Guess they know
span style="style2"good dung when they see it.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Search for the Spotted Frog.
-[jubilant music plays]
-[female voice] There. [laughs]
Okay, Dotty. Fetch!
Oh, good boy, Dotty.
Good boy.
Did you hear that, Dotty?
I hope it's not a predator
trying to steal my eggs.
You stay here, Dotty, and guard the eggs.
I'll go look outside.
-[gasps] Shoo! Shoo! shoo!
-[caws] Hoo-hoo!
Don't worry, Dotty. I scared him off.
Dotty? Where'd you go?
[camera clicks]
[upbeat music plays]
[Sam] Aw…
Who's a good boy?
[Kit] You are. Yes, you are.
Here you go,
little span style="style2"Hypoestes Phyllostachya. Drink up.
[giggles] Sam! We can't call
our new plant that.
Why not? It is its scientific name.
Our plant needs a good name.
Like Spot. Or Speckles.
Or Frank.
-Huh? Kit, look! The CLADE crest.
We'll have to name you later,
little plant.
We've got a Creature Case to solve!
[both grunt]
Ah, agents, you're just in time.
We've got another case on our hands,
and this one's a real doozy.
A tarantula's pet frog
has gone missing somewhere in the jungle.
Whoa. Hold on. Tarantulas have pets?
This kind does. Well, sort of.
It's more of a mutualistic relationship.
A what?
[Kit] The frog protects
the tarantula's eggs,
and the tarantula protects the frog
from predators, like birds.
It's called a mutualistic relationship.
Which is why you've got to find that frog.
You can count on us, Director.
Good luck, agents.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
South American Jungle.
[tarantula] Dotty?
Dotty! Dotty!
[Kit] Ma'am?
We're from CLADE,
and we're here to help you find your frog.
Oh, thank goodness.
It's not safe for Dotty
to be out here all by himself.
Don't worry.
We'll launch a full-scale search for him.
Yeah. And in the meantime,
it was a great idea putting up
all these missing-frog posters.
But… I didn't put these posters up.
You didn't? Then who did?
Make way for Wally!
[Kit] Is that…
[both] Wally Bungler?
-[Wally] Ow!
[Sam] Wally!
[Wally] Good day, citizens.
Little help?
[both grunt]
Thank you.
Wally, did you put up
all the missing-frog posters?
I sure did.
As a nature ranger, it's my duty to help.
Plus, I know what it's like
when a pet goes missing.
You do?
A few weeks ago, my pet slug,
Sluggo, crawled off and never came home.
Oh, Sluggo.
Not a day goes by I don't think
about your squishy little face.
Wouldn't hurt to have
another set of eyes looking for Dotty.
Ma'am, you stay here
in case Dotty comes back.
Kit, Wally, and I
will search the jungle for him.
-As I was saying, my pet Sluggo.
[Wally] Boy, that slug was…
[sighs] That little frog
could be anywhere.
-Whiskers. This jungle's full of frogs!
-Remember, Dotty's a spotted humming frog.
That means he's small
with gray skin and lots of dots.
This frog's too big to be Dotty.
And this one's too small.
This one doesn't have any dots,
and this one's got too many dots.
Keep it up, you two.
I'm just gonna take a rest
right next to this small,
gray, spotted rock. [chuckles]
[both] Oh?
Wally, that small,
gray, spotted rock is a frog.
It is?
It is!
Could be Dotty. Come on.
Let's bring him back to the tarantula.
This frog sure looks like Dotty, but…
Um… What's she doing?
Feeling the frog
with the special hairs on her legs
that tell her exactly what kind it is.
[sighs] Nope. Definitely not Dotty.
It's not even the right kind of frog.
Dotty's a dotted humming frog.
That's the only kind of frog
that will protect my eggs.
Hey, hold on.
I was so worried about Dotty,
I didn't notice
that one of my eggs is missing too!
[all gasp]
There's a missing frog and a missing egg?
Maybe there's a connection
between the missing egg and Dotty.
Better look for clues.
[mysterious music plays]
What is it, Wally? You see a clue?
No, but I smell one!
It smells like…
What? Sluggo and I worked
on an ant farm one summer.
It does smell a little anty.
-Activate Stink-O-Vision.
Look! There's an ant smell trail
leading away from the eggs.
Ants must have snuck
in here and taken one.
[gasps] Oh no!
Come on. If we follow that smell trail,
maybe we can find
the missing egg and Dotty!
This smell trail
will show us where the ants went.
This way!
[whispers] Look.
There are the ants!
[whispers] If we're really quiet,
we could sneak up on them and--
[Mom] span style="style2"Wally, dear.
span style="style2"I spilled jam all over the toaster again.
Mom, not now.
We're sneaking up on some ants.
Huh? What was that? Who's there?
So much for sneaking. Come on.
Hold it right there, ants!
Where's that tarantula egg?
Ah! Okay, okay, we stole an egg.
But we don't have it anymore. Honest.
Yeah. A little gray frog came
outta nowhere and took it away from us.
A frog?
Whiskers, that's it!
When the tarantula came out
to see if there were any predators…
the ants snuck into the tarantula's burrow
and stole one of her eggs!
But it's Dotty's job to protect them.
So he followed the ants
into the jungle and took the egg back.
Huh. But where's Dotty now?
I don't know.
He could have gone anywhere with that egg.
Oh dear, that poor little frog,
lost out there. [groans]
Just like my poor little Sluggo.
[exclaims, grunts]
Huh. Wally, I think
you just found a trail of frog slime.
Dotty may have left it behind.
I did?
I did! [laughs]
It could lead us to Dotty.
Follow that frog slime!
[upbeat music plays]
[Sam] Dotty must have come this way.
-[all grunt]
[all gasp]
[Wally] Crikey!
I've never heard so many frogs.
How are we ever gonna figure out
which one is Dotty?
Remember, Dotty's a spotted humming frog.
He sounds like this.
[humming ribbit]
So we've just gotta zero in on this sound.
[whining ribbit]
[growling ribbit]
Not that one.
[humming ribbit]
Ah! Bingo!
I hear a spotted humming frog right over…
-[Sam] Dotty!
And he's got the egg!
Come on, little froggy.
Time to get you home.
-Where you'll be safe and--
-That owl just took Dotty!
[Wally] Hang on, Dotty! We're coming!
[tense music plays]
Oh no! The owl's flying away!
Not if I can help it.
Don't worry, Dotty!
Wally's got ya!
[angelic singing]
[yelling ribbit]
Oh! Gotcha!
-[Wally hollering]
-[Sam grunts]
It's okay, Dotty. You're safe now.
[sighs] That tarantula was right.
Dotty, you belong back in her burrow
where she can protect you. Come on.
-Oh! [laughs]
Dotty! It's you!
Oh, I was so worried.
-And you kept my egg safe.
Who's a good boy?
Oh, detectives.
I don't know how I can ever thank you.
It's our pleasure, ma'am.
Yeah. We're just happy
you two are back together.
[laughs] What's that, Dotty?
You wanna play fetch?
You know, this reminds me of when me
and Sluggo used to play together.
-[radio beeps]
Wally! It's a miracle!
Sluggo's come home!
Sluggo's home?
Hang on, Mom! I'll be right there!
I'm coming, Sluggo!
[chuckles] See you around, Wally.
Well, Sam, looks like
that's another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
And I think I know
what we should name our little plant.
[both] Dotty!
Who's a good plant?
Yes, you are.
Who's got the spottiest little dots?
You have. Yes, you do.
And you're so cute. Look at you.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Tarantulas.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
span style="style2"Tarantulas don't actually have pets.
[Jill] span style="style2"But some species really do like
span style="style2"to live with dotted humming frogs.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They protect the frog,
span style="style2"and the frog protects their eggs.
[Jill] span style="style2"A mutualistic relationship.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Tarantulas can tell what kind
span style="style2"of frog it is by touching its skin.
[Jill] span style="style2"Wouldn't want one touching me.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]