The Creature Cases (2022) s01e07 Episode Script
The Case of the Big Chomp/The Secret of the Salt Cave
Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Case of the Big Chomp.
[electronic beeping]
[dance music plays]
-What was that?
Looks like we got jumped! Check it out.
They took our satellite dish?
How will we call CLADE without it?
I have an idea. Kinda old-school.
Morse code.
-Sending messages with sound. Love it.
[male voice] span style="style2"An innocent young hen.
Her eggs taken.
The thief flown the coop.
[female voice] span style="style2"Who could have done
span style="style2"this foul crime?
Hm… Have we seen that hen before?
Ah-ha! I figured it out.
The snake ate the hen's eggs.
That explains
the reptile scale they found.
Sam, you're forgetting
that lizard lurking around.
He's a reptile too, and he eats eggs.
You can't just go with your first guess.
It's not a guess, Kit.
It's my detective instincts.
Sam, you always say
not to only follow your instincts.
-You have to look at all the facts too.
[gasps] The CLADE crest!
We'll figure this out later.
Director Scratch
has a new Creature Case for us.
[energetic music plays]
Sorry to interrupt
your training video, agents.
That video is one
of my personal favorites.
Hold on. The hen in the video, was that--
[Scratch] We've just received
this transmission from the Mice Squad.
[Morse code beeping]
A new song. I like it.
-[both imitate Morse code]
It's not a song. It's Morse code.
Those sounds spell out a message!
Their message says, "Van attacked."
"North American Wetlands.
Satellite missing."
"Send horp."
-I think that last word is "help."
Agents, it's up to you to figure out
what attacked Bill and Jill's van
and find their missing satellite dish.
We're on it, Director.
And I've asked the Stinkwells to load up
some special Swamp Cycles for you.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
North American Wetlands.
span style="style2"-Hello, Sam!
Hello, Kit!
How are the new Swamp Cycles?
They're perfect, Stinkwells!
With these, I won't even have
to get my fur wet. [laughs]
-Whoops. Sorry, Sam.
[Jill] Hey, guys.
Bill. Jill. Are you two all right?
Oh, we're fine. But our van's not.
Look at those bite marks. Whoever did this
really knows how to chomp.
Can you walk us through
what happened last night?
We were laying down a new track, like…
[both beatbox]
Okay, but what happened next?
It felt like two big thuds.
Outside, I think I saw something
with dark scales and a big, rounded snout.
Hm. I thought it had light scales
and a long, toothy grin.
Hm… These look like tail tracks.
The chomper must've left them behind.
My iSpy is telling me
these were made by two tails.
But what creature has two tails?
Whatever it was,
it definitely took the van's satellite.
And we've got to find it.
Better interview some locals.
Come on, Sam!
-Pht! [gags]
[Sam] Excuse me.
Any idea who did this?
What are you doing?
Trying to shrug my shoulders,
but snakes don't have shoulders.
I haven't seen nothing.
Have you seen the satellite dish?
Last night, this van was chomped.
Yeah. I know who chomped
that there satellite dish.
-You do?
Agnes. She tried
to chomp me too a while back.
She must have confused me
for her dinner, and then chomp!
[sighs] Look like the bite marks
on the van.
What kind of creature is Agnes?
The mean kind, that's for sure.
She's probably
sunning herself down thataway.
Come on, Kit. We've got our first lead.
[whispers] Of course.
Agnes is an alligator.
[whispers] Got to be the chomper.
Excuse me, ma'am.
What? Who are you?
This is my space. I know my rights.
Ma'am, have you been chomping
on anything lately?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Did you chomp this?
That? [stammers]
Nope. Never seen it before.
Why are you asking me?
I'm sorry, ma'am, but we think--
You better ask
that old crocodile who lives over yonder.
You hear me? Talk to the croc.
Now get off my property.
[Sam] Huh?
Tail tracks!
Kit, Agnes had a rounded snout
and dark scales, just like Jill said.
I think we found our suspect.
You mean our first suspect.
We need to consider all the facts.
I think it went like this.
Agnes was out strolling through the swamp
when something shiny caught her eye.
The Mice Squad's van.
She chomped the satellite clean off
before she slipped away.
The pieces all fit.
I'm not so sure, Sam.
Scale color isn't the best way
to identify gators.
Plus, she said it was a crocodile.
Crocodiles, alligators.
Aren't they the same thing?
Gators have wide, round snouts,
while croc snouts are pointier
with more teeth showing.
And this is the only part of the world
where crocs and gators live side by side.
We gotta investigate.
All right. Let's talk to the croc.
[Kit] There! He's a crocodile all right.
See how lots more
of his teeth are showing?
Excuse us!
We're from CLADE,
and we need to ask you a few questions.
I heard you been looking for me.
Come closer.
I got a clue for ya.
-[both yelp]
-[exclaims, laughs]
Captain Conway's the name.
And I'd stay back
unless you wanna get chomped!
Ha-ha! I got you again.
Now this must be our suspect.
He's got a big, toothy grin
and light-colored scales, like Bill said.
But you just said
that scale color doesn't matter.
-I think it happened like this.
Captain Conway here is pretty aggressive,
so when he saw the van,
he just started chompin'
and bit the satellite clean off.
You have to admit, Sam.
The animal facts all point to one suspect.
You're right.
They all point to Agnes the Alligator.
No. They point
to Captain Conway the Crocodile.
The Mice Squad is sending another message.
"New info."
"Hurry back to vac"?
They must mean "van."
Let's rock!
Pleasure talking to y'all.
-[stomach grumbles]
Check it out.
We were able to pick up a signal
from our missing satellite.
Now we can track it.
Really? How does that work?
Who cares?
If we follow it, we can find the thief.
Signal's a bit spotty,
though, and it's on the move.
Then we better hurry. Follow that signal.
[Kit] Whoopsie!
-[Kit] This way!
-[Sam] No! This way!
-[Kit] Huh?
[Sam] Sorry!
I don't get it. Every time we follow
the signal one way, it goes another.
It's like it's in two places at once.
That's impossible.
Whiskers, that's it!
It's not one signal, it's two.
But what does it mean?
Better split up and find out.
[pants] Nice try. I'm right on your tail.
Huh? Where'd they go?
All I see is a bunch of logs.
That's no log.
That's… [gasps]
Captain Conway the Crocodile!
Agnes the Alligator.
That's my name. Don't wear it out.
-Hold up. What's that in your teeth?
-This thing?
It's been bugging me all day.
[gasps] The Mice Squad's satellite!
Where's the satellite, Conway?
No evidence, no crime. [chuckles]
[stomach grumbles]
The satellite.
It was you!
Also… Ew!
I have no idea how that got there.
-Kit, I can't believe it,
but my detective instincts were wrong.
It was the crocodile.
But, Sam, I think you were right
all along. It was the alligator.
[both] Huh?
[Kit] All right. So we were both right.
It must have happened like this.
[Sam] They both chomped
the van at the same time,
and they both bit off
a chunk of the satellite.
Actually, I chomped it first.
Only because your big old tail
was blocking my way.
I thought I was chomping
into something tasty,
not something
that'd get stuck in my teeth!
Or give me a bellyache.
That explains the two tail trails.
And why we both saw something different.
Thanks, guys.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed.
[Conway & Agnes] Yee-haw!
[both cheer]
You guys sticking around?
Captain Conway's gonna teach us
how to play the spoons. [chuckles]
-[Jill] Agnes here plays a mean jug.
-[tooting jug]
We'd love to stay, but we've got
some training to finish back home.
Figure it out, Sam. Remember,
don't just go with your instincts.
I don't know who took the eggs.
But one thing's for sure.
That actress is Peggy Scratch!
Where are my eggs?
[both laugh]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Crocs and gators.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"There's only one place
span style="style2"in the world
where alligators
and crocodiles live side by side.
[Jill] span style="style2"The Everglades wetlands
span style="style2"of North America.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Alligators have blunt,
span style="style2"round snouts…
[Jill] span style="style2"…and their scales
span style="style2"tend to be darker.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Crocodiles, on the other hand,
span style="style2"have narrower, pointy snouts.
[Jill] span style="style2"And you can see
span style="style2"more of their teeth!
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Secret of the Salt Cave.
[quiet music plays]
[bat] That was so fun!
Can we see
a fly-in movie tomorrow night too?
Sh, sh.
It's almost morning,
which means it's time to go to sleep.
But I'm not sleepy.
[mom] Sweet dreams, dear.
[snoring continues]
[both exclaim]
[shrieking continues]
What was that?
[shrieking continues]
[mom exclaims]
[upbeat music plays]
[camera clicks]
[narrator] span style="style2"When dealing
span style="style2"with a porcupine in distress,
it's important not to touch the-- Ow!
Yikes. Been there.
Sam, you're missing some really good stuff
about porcupine safety.
Want salt on the popcorn?
Oo… Yes, please!
A little more.
-A little more.
Just a touch more.
Uh, I think that's plenty.
What? Does it need more salt?
No! Look!
-[Kit gasps]
The Director's got a new case for us!
-[Sam] Ha!
Popcorn, Director?
Agents, there's something strange
going on at an African cave.
The Mice Squad just sent this footage.
[Kit] Huh? That is strange.
Bats are mostly active
at night and sleep during the day.
Why are they flapping around
in the daytime?
What in the woolly world?!
That's why.
That mysterious sound
is keeping all the bats awake,
and I need you
to figure out what's causing it.
Don't worry, Director.
We'll get to the bottom of it.
Good luck, agents.
Too salty.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
African Grasslands.
[Kit] Thanks, R.O.N.
[Kit munches]
-The cave's over there.
You brought the popcorn?
I always bring snacks on cases.
Come on. We got a mystery to solve.
[menacing music plays]
[music fades]
Hey! Watch where you're going.
Oopsie. Sorry.
Hello? Anybody home?
So sleepy.
I'm Agent Sam Snow,
and this is my partner, Kit Casey.
And you're asleep. [sighs]
These poor bats must be exhausted.
We're usually fast asleep during the day,
and we'd both be asleep
right now if it wasn't for…
[all exclaim]
…that sound!
-Wow. It's even louder in person.
-Mind if we take a look around?
-[mom] Please.
Anything you can do to stop that sound.
You bats try and get some rest.
We'll crack this case in no time.
This place is huge!
I'm picking up some footprints over here.
Looks like they're from an antelope.
Really? I'm picking up
some buffalo prints over here.
And this one's a hyena.
A lot of creatures
must visit this cave. I wonder…
Whoa! Uh…
Watch your step there.
Hold up, Kit. I think
you've just found another footprint.
-I did?
-Yep. And it's a big one.
Any idea what could've made it?
Huh. Hard to say.
I can't identify it,
because it's incomplete.
You mean this is only half a footprint?
Have you ever heard
of such a large creature visiting a cave?
[gasps] This could be
an entirely new cave creature!
And we could be the first to discover it!
It's a zoologist's dream come true.
Want some?
No, thanks.
I can smell the salt from here.
In fact… [sniffs] …this whole cave
is starting to smell like salt.
Come on. Let's find that cave creature.
[quiet music plays]
Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
Looks like claw marks.
Fresh ones.
I wonder if that noisy
cave creature made these.
So, it's a giant noisy cave creature
with claws sharp enough
to scratch solid rock?
These rocks almost look like…
[spooky organ music plays]
Hurry! Before it gets away!
Hey. Are you sure that chasing
the giant cave creature is the best--
[tense music plays]
[both panting]
[Kit gasps]
-[Kit] Whoa!
Come on!
[both grunt]
Whoa! [grunts]
[Kit pants] Huh!
-[Sam] Yuh!
-[Kit exclaims]
-[Sam] Whoa!
-[Sam] Yuh! Ha!
-[both grunt]
-[Kit] Yuh!
[Kit pants]
[grunts, pants]
Huh? Kit, look out!
[Sam grunts, sighs]
[mysterious music plays]
[distant howling]
-[both panting]
-[tense music plays]
[both shout]
[both holler]
[both grunt]
[sighs, chuckles]
[mysterious music plays]
This way.
Careful, Sam. It looks huge.
That's what I was saying!
[tense music plays]
A dead end? Where'd it go?
And what is that awful smell?
-[mysterious music plays]
-[both gasp]
A dung beetle?
Don't mind me. I'm just here for the dung.
[sniffs] Dung?
You mean like animal droppings?
That's right. Poop.
Ha! So all that time, we were chasing
after a little dung beetle.
The light from our flashlights
made his shadow look bigger.
But he's too small
to make that noise we heard.
And where did all this dung
come from anyway?
Good question.
It's big and round
and has chunks of wood in it.
It almost looks like…
Well, it looks like it came
from an elephant, but that can't be right.
An elephant?
Maybe that was
an elephant footprint we found earlier.
And maybe it didn't use claws
to scratch the walls, it used its tusks.
But elephants don't live in caves.
What would it be doing here?
[female voice 2] Help! Can anyone hear me?
I'm not sure, but it sounds
like it needs our help. Let's go.
Leaving so soon?
Oh well. More dung for me!
[tense music plays]
Someone! Anyone! Please help!
[Kit] So it span style="style2"is an elephant.
Are you okay down there?
[elephant] I'm stuck!
I was with my family,
but I lost my way in the dark
and ended up down here.
But what were you doing
in this cave in the first place?
We came for the salt!
Didn't you see it on the walls?
Of course! It's salt!
We scratch the rocks away with our tusks
to eat the yummy salt underneath.
It's kind of a special treat.
Well, ain't that something.
I never knew elephants did that.
Well, just sit tight!
We'll get you out of there! Somehow.
[gasps] Here. Hold this.
Kit, now is not the time for--
Oh… I see.
[Kit] Just grab on,
and we'll pull you out!
Okay, Sam.
[Sam grunts]
-[Kit] Keep pulling!
Uh-oh! We better hurry! This ceiling
could collapse at any moment!
[Kit] Ah!
She's too heavy!
[grunts] Don't think we
can do it on our own!
[female voice 3] Need a hand?
-Oo… Huh?
-Or a trunk?
Phew! Good timing.
All together now!
[all groan]
[Mama] Oh…
Thanks for the help.
But how did you find us?
It wasn't too hard.
We came in here
looking for our little one,
and there was a trail
of popcorn leading straight to you.
[laughs, sighs]
It's pretty good,
but it could use more salt.
I like the way you elephants think.
[quiet music plays]
Oo! Thanks.
Mm! Delicious!
Mm! Mm!
Sam, you've gotta try this cave salt.
No, thanks.
[all giggle]
[music continues]
Well, no more loud noises
to keep you awake.
Thanks for your help, agents.
Don't mention it.
Just glad we were able to--
-[whispers] Sam!
[whispers] Another Creature Case…
[both whisper] Closed.
Better get some cave salt to go.
[bat stirs]
[gulps] Oh! Whoopsie.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Elephants.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Some African elephants
span style="style2"are known to explore certain caves.
[Bill] span style="style2"They go looking
span style="style2"for the tasty salt inside.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"The salt is on the cave's walls.
[Bill] span style="style2"Elephants scratch it off
span style="style2"with their tusks to eat.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Elephants need salt
span style="style2"in their diet to stay healthy.
[Bill] span style="style2"Yeah, and they can eat
span style="style2"more of it than you and me.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Case of the Big Chomp.
[electronic beeping]
[dance music plays]
-What was that?
Looks like we got jumped! Check it out.
They took our satellite dish?
How will we call CLADE without it?
I have an idea. Kinda old-school.
Morse code.
-Sending messages with sound. Love it.
[male voice] span style="style2"An innocent young hen.
Her eggs taken.
The thief flown the coop.
[female voice] span style="style2"Who could have done
span style="style2"this foul crime?
Hm… Have we seen that hen before?
Ah-ha! I figured it out.
The snake ate the hen's eggs.
That explains
the reptile scale they found.
Sam, you're forgetting
that lizard lurking around.
He's a reptile too, and he eats eggs.
You can't just go with your first guess.
It's not a guess, Kit.
It's my detective instincts.
Sam, you always say
not to only follow your instincts.
-You have to look at all the facts too.
[gasps] The CLADE crest!
We'll figure this out later.
Director Scratch
has a new Creature Case for us.
[energetic music plays]
Sorry to interrupt
your training video, agents.
That video is one
of my personal favorites.
Hold on. The hen in the video, was that--
[Scratch] We've just received
this transmission from the Mice Squad.
[Morse code beeping]
A new song. I like it.
-[both imitate Morse code]
It's not a song. It's Morse code.
Those sounds spell out a message!
Their message says, "Van attacked."
"North American Wetlands.
Satellite missing."
"Send horp."
-I think that last word is "help."
Agents, it's up to you to figure out
what attacked Bill and Jill's van
and find their missing satellite dish.
We're on it, Director.
And I've asked the Stinkwells to load up
some special Swamp Cycles for you.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
North American Wetlands.
span style="style2"-Hello, Sam!
Hello, Kit!
How are the new Swamp Cycles?
They're perfect, Stinkwells!
With these, I won't even have
to get my fur wet. [laughs]
-Whoops. Sorry, Sam.
[Jill] Hey, guys.
Bill. Jill. Are you two all right?
Oh, we're fine. But our van's not.
Look at those bite marks. Whoever did this
really knows how to chomp.
Can you walk us through
what happened last night?
We were laying down a new track, like…
[both beatbox]
Okay, but what happened next?
It felt like two big thuds.
Outside, I think I saw something
with dark scales and a big, rounded snout.
Hm. I thought it had light scales
and a long, toothy grin.
Hm… These look like tail tracks.
The chomper must've left them behind.
My iSpy is telling me
these were made by two tails.
But what creature has two tails?
Whatever it was,
it definitely took the van's satellite.
And we've got to find it.
Better interview some locals.
Come on, Sam!
-Pht! [gags]
[Sam] Excuse me.
Any idea who did this?
What are you doing?
Trying to shrug my shoulders,
but snakes don't have shoulders.
I haven't seen nothing.
Have you seen the satellite dish?
Last night, this van was chomped.
Yeah. I know who chomped
that there satellite dish.
-You do?
Agnes. She tried
to chomp me too a while back.
She must have confused me
for her dinner, and then chomp!
[sighs] Look like the bite marks
on the van.
What kind of creature is Agnes?
The mean kind, that's for sure.
She's probably
sunning herself down thataway.
Come on, Kit. We've got our first lead.
[whispers] Of course.
Agnes is an alligator.
[whispers] Got to be the chomper.
Excuse me, ma'am.
What? Who are you?
This is my space. I know my rights.
Ma'am, have you been chomping
on anything lately?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Did you chomp this?
That? [stammers]
Nope. Never seen it before.
Why are you asking me?
I'm sorry, ma'am, but we think--
You better ask
that old crocodile who lives over yonder.
You hear me? Talk to the croc.
Now get off my property.
[Sam] Huh?
Tail tracks!
Kit, Agnes had a rounded snout
and dark scales, just like Jill said.
I think we found our suspect.
You mean our first suspect.
We need to consider all the facts.
I think it went like this.
Agnes was out strolling through the swamp
when something shiny caught her eye.
The Mice Squad's van.
She chomped the satellite clean off
before she slipped away.
The pieces all fit.
I'm not so sure, Sam.
Scale color isn't the best way
to identify gators.
Plus, she said it was a crocodile.
Crocodiles, alligators.
Aren't they the same thing?
Gators have wide, round snouts,
while croc snouts are pointier
with more teeth showing.
And this is the only part of the world
where crocs and gators live side by side.
We gotta investigate.
All right. Let's talk to the croc.
[Kit] There! He's a crocodile all right.
See how lots more
of his teeth are showing?
Excuse us!
We're from CLADE,
and we need to ask you a few questions.
I heard you been looking for me.
Come closer.
I got a clue for ya.
-[both yelp]
-[exclaims, laughs]
Captain Conway's the name.
And I'd stay back
unless you wanna get chomped!
Ha-ha! I got you again.
Now this must be our suspect.
He's got a big, toothy grin
and light-colored scales, like Bill said.
But you just said
that scale color doesn't matter.
-I think it happened like this.
Captain Conway here is pretty aggressive,
so when he saw the van,
he just started chompin'
and bit the satellite clean off.
You have to admit, Sam.
The animal facts all point to one suspect.
You're right.
They all point to Agnes the Alligator.
No. They point
to Captain Conway the Crocodile.
The Mice Squad is sending another message.
"New info."
"Hurry back to vac"?
They must mean "van."
Let's rock!
Pleasure talking to y'all.
-[stomach grumbles]
Check it out.
We were able to pick up a signal
from our missing satellite.
Now we can track it.
Really? How does that work?
Who cares?
If we follow it, we can find the thief.
Signal's a bit spotty,
though, and it's on the move.
Then we better hurry. Follow that signal.
[Kit] Whoopsie!
-[Kit] This way!
-[Sam] No! This way!
-[Kit] Huh?
[Sam] Sorry!
I don't get it. Every time we follow
the signal one way, it goes another.
It's like it's in two places at once.
That's impossible.
Whiskers, that's it!
It's not one signal, it's two.
But what does it mean?
Better split up and find out.
[pants] Nice try. I'm right on your tail.
Huh? Where'd they go?
All I see is a bunch of logs.
That's no log.
That's… [gasps]
Captain Conway the Crocodile!
Agnes the Alligator.
That's my name. Don't wear it out.
-Hold up. What's that in your teeth?
-This thing?
It's been bugging me all day.
[gasps] The Mice Squad's satellite!
Where's the satellite, Conway?
No evidence, no crime. [chuckles]
[stomach grumbles]
The satellite.
It was you!
Also… Ew!
I have no idea how that got there.
-Kit, I can't believe it,
but my detective instincts were wrong.
It was the crocodile.
But, Sam, I think you were right
all along. It was the alligator.
[both] Huh?
[Kit] All right. So we were both right.
It must have happened like this.
[Sam] They both chomped
the van at the same time,
and they both bit off
a chunk of the satellite.
Actually, I chomped it first.
Only because your big old tail
was blocking my way.
I thought I was chomping
into something tasty,
not something
that'd get stuck in my teeth!
Or give me a bellyache.
That explains the two tail trails.
And why we both saw something different.
Thanks, guys.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed.
[Conway & Agnes] Yee-haw!
[both cheer]
You guys sticking around?
Captain Conway's gonna teach us
how to play the spoons. [chuckles]
-[Jill] Agnes here plays a mean jug.
-[tooting jug]
We'd love to stay, but we've got
some training to finish back home.
Figure it out, Sam. Remember,
don't just go with your instincts.
I don't know who took the eggs.
But one thing's for sure.
That actress is Peggy Scratch!
Where are my eggs?
[both laugh]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Crocs and gators.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"There's only one place
span style="style2"in the world
where alligators
and crocodiles live side by side.
[Jill] span style="style2"The Everglades wetlands
span style="style2"of North America.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Alligators have blunt,
span style="style2"round snouts…
[Jill] span style="style2"…and their scales
span style="style2"tend to be darker.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Crocodiles, on the other hand,
span style="style2"have narrower, pointy snouts.
[Jill] span style="style2"And you can see
span style="style2"more of their teeth!
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Secret of the Salt Cave.
[quiet music plays]
[bat] That was so fun!
Can we see
a fly-in movie tomorrow night too?
Sh, sh.
It's almost morning,
which means it's time to go to sleep.
But I'm not sleepy.
[mom] Sweet dreams, dear.
[snoring continues]
[both exclaim]
[shrieking continues]
What was that?
[shrieking continues]
[mom exclaims]
[upbeat music plays]
[camera clicks]
[narrator] span style="style2"When dealing
span style="style2"with a porcupine in distress,
it's important not to touch the-- Ow!
Yikes. Been there.
Sam, you're missing some really good stuff
about porcupine safety.
Want salt on the popcorn?
Oo… Yes, please!
A little more.
-A little more.
Just a touch more.
Uh, I think that's plenty.
What? Does it need more salt?
No! Look!
-[Kit gasps]
The Director's got a new case for us!
-[Sam] Ha!
Popcorn, Director?
Agents, there's something strange
going on at an African cave.
The Mice Squad just sent this footage.
[Kit] Huh? That is strange.
Bats are mostly active
at night and sleep during the day.
Why are they flapping around
in the daytime?
What in the woolly world?!
That's why.
That mysterious sound
is keeping all the bats awake,
and I need you
to figure out what's causing it.
Don't worry, Director.
We'll get to the bottom of it.
Good luck, agents.
Too salty.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
African Grasslands.
[Kit] Thanks, R.O.N.
[Kit munches]
-The cave's over there.
You brought the popcorn?
I always bring snacks on cases.
Come on. We got a mystery to solve.
[menacing music plays]
[music fades]
Hey! Watch where you're going.
Oopsie. Sorry.
Hello? Anybody home?
So sleepy.
I'm Agent Sam Snow,
and this is my partner, Kit Casey.
And you're asleep. [sighs]
These poor bats must be exhausted.
We're usually fast asleep during the day,
and we'd both be asleep
right now if it wasn't for…
[all exclaim]
…that sound!
-Wow. It's even louder in person.
-Mind if we take a look around?
-[mom] Please.
Anything you can do to stop that sound.
You bats try and get some rest.
We'll crack this case in no time.
This place is huge!
I'm picking up some footprints over here.
Looks like they're from an antelope.
Really? I'm picking up
some buffalo prints over here.
And this one's a hyena.
A lot of creatures
must visit this cave. I wonder…
Whoa! Uh…
Watch your step there.
Hold up, Kit. I think
you've just found another footprint.
-I did?
-Yep. And it's a big one.
Any idea what could've made it?
Huh. Hard to say.
I can't identify it,
because it's incomplete.
You mean this is only half a footprint?
Have you ever heard
of such a large creature visiting a cave?
[gasps] This could be
an entirely new cave creature!
And we could be the first to discover it!
It's a zoologist's dream come true.
Want some?
No, thanks.
I can smell the salt from here.
In fact… [sniffs] …this whole cave
is starting to smell like salt.
Come on. Let's find that cave creature.
[quiet music plays]
Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
Looks like claw marks.
Fresh ones.
I wonder if that noisy
cave creature made these.
So, it's a giant noisy cave creature
with claws sharp enough
to scratch solid rock?
These rocks almost look like…
[spooky organ music plays]
Hurry! Before it gets away!
Hey. Are you sure that chasing
the giant cave creature is the best--
[tense music plays]
[both panting]
[Kit gasps]
-[Kit] Whoa!
Come on!
[both grunt]
Whoa! [grunts]
[Kit pants] Huh!
-[Sam] Yuh!
-[Kit exclaims]
-[Sam] Whoa!
-[Sam] Yuh! Ha!
-[both grunt]
-[Kit] Yuh!
[Kit pants]
[grunts, pants]
Huh? Kit, look out!
[Sam grunts, sighs]
[mysterious music plays]
[distant howling]
-[both panting]
-[tense music plays]
[both shout]
[both holler]
[both grunt]
[sighs, chuckles]
[mysterious music plays]
This way.
Careful, Sam. It looks huge.
That's what I was saying!
[tense music plays]
A dead end? Where'd it go?
And what is that awful smell?
-[mysterious music plays]
-[both gasp]
A dung beetle?
Don't mind me. I'm just here for the dung.
[sniffs] Dung?
You mean like animal droppings?
That's right. Poop.
Ha! So all that time, we were chasing
after a little dung beetle.
The light from our flashlights
made his shadow look bigger.
But he's too small
to make that noise we heard.
And where did all this dung
come from anyway?
Good question.
It's big and round
and has chunks of wood in it.
It almost looks like…
Well, it looks like it came
from an elephant, but that can't be right.
An elephant?
Maybe that was
an elephant footprint we found earlier.
And maybe it didn't use claws
to scratch the walls, it used its tusks.
But elephants don't live in caves.
What would it be doing here?
[female voice 2] Help! Can anyone hear me?
I'm not sure, but it sounds
like it needs our help. Let's go.
Leaving so soon?
Oh well. More dung for me!
[tense music plays]
Someone! Anyone! Please help!
[Kit] So it span style="style2"is an elephant.
Are you okay down there?
[elephant] I'm stuck!
I was with my family,
but I lost my way in the dark
and ended up down here.
But what were you doing
in this cave in the first place?
We came for the salt!
Didn't you see it on the walls?
Of course! It's salt!
We scratch the rocks away with our tusks
to eat the yummy salt underneath.
It's kind of a special treat.
Well, ain't that something.
I never knew elephants did that.
Well, just sit tight!
We'll get you out of there! Somehow.
[gasps] Here. Hold this.
Kit, now is not the time for--
Oh… I see.
[Kit] Just grab on,
and we'll pull you out!
Okay, Sam.
[Sam grunts]
-[Kit] Keep pulling!
Uh-oh! We better hurry! This ceiling
could collapse at any moment!
[Kit] Ah!
She's too heavy!
[grunts] Don't think we
can do it on our own!
[female voice 3] Need a hand?
-Oo… Huh?
-Or a trunk?
Phew! Good timing.
All together now!
[all groan]
[Mama] Oh…
Thanks for the help.
But how did you find us?
It wasn't too hard.
We came in here
looking for our little one,
and there was a trail
of popcorn leading straight to you.
[laughs, sighs]
It's pretty good,
but it could use more salt.
I like the way you elephants think.
[quiet music plays]
Oo! Thanks.
Mm! Delicious!
Mm! Mm!
Sam, you've gotta try this cave salt.
No, thanks.
[all giggle]
[music continues]
Well, no more loud noises
to keep you awake.
Thanks for your help, agents.
Don't mention it.
Just glad we were able to--
-[whispers] Sam!
[whispers] Another Creature Case…
[both whisper] Closed.
Better get some cave salt to go.
[bat stirs]
[gulps] Oh! Whoopsie.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Elephants.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Some African elephants
span style="style2"are known to explore certain caves.
[Bill] span style="style2"They go looking
span style="style2"for the tasty salt inside.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"The salt is on the cave's walls.
[Bill] span style="style2"Elephants scratch it off
span style="style2"with their tusks to eat.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Elephants need salt
span style="style2"in their diet to stay healthy.
[Bill] span style="style2"Yeah, and they can eat
span style="style2"more of it than you and me.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]