The Creature Cases (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

The Case of the Blue Bandit/The Honey Badger Break-In

Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Case of the Blue Bandit.
[jaunty music plays]
What a beautiful blue shell.
[echoes] Hello?
Is there anyone living here?
Oop! There is now. [laughs]
Time to pack up all my stuff.
Yuh! That was easy.
[yelps] No!
[menacing music plays]
Where did my new house go?
[camera clicks]
[upbeat music plays]
Hey, Stinkwells.
Oo! What's that?
We've upgraded this Clu-Bot
with a new protective blue paint.
And a top-of-the-line
footprint identification scanner. Watch.
[vibrating beeps]
[dance music plays]
[music fades]
It can find footprints?
[sniffs] Why's it smell like that?
-Yeah, that was me.
-That was him.
-I think it likes you, Sam.
The feeling's mutual.
Who's a good Clu-Bot?
You are. Yes, you are.
[clears throat]
You'll have to excuse us, Stinkwells.
Director Scratch has
a new Creature Case for us.
-[Kit grunts]
-[Sam grunts]
[through teeth] Agents, I just received
a worrying report from the Mice Squad.
You don't look worried.
That's because I have to keep smiling
for my CLADE Director's portrait.
-[painter] Uh…
Please try to hold still, ma'am.
[Scratch sighs]
[Scratch] It seems that
a land hermit crab's new home,
this shell here,
has vanished in the Australian Jungle.
It's up to you to figure out what happened
and return the missing shell.
-We're on it, Director.
-[Scratch] Good.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
Australian Jungle.
Thanks, R.O.N.
Oh, thank goodness.
CLADE is here.
I'm Agent Sam Snow.
And I'm Agent Kit Casey.
Mr. Hermit Crab.
Please, call me Hermes.
Mr. Hermit Crab was my father.
All right, Hermes.
Can you tell us what happened here?
Well, as you can see,
I have kind of outgrown my shell.
Which means you're looking for a new one.
I found a new one,
but then I turned my back, and…
it vanished.
Can you describe the missing shell for me?
A picture will help our search.
Sure. It was a perfect blue spiral shell,
nice and roomy, fancy kitchen,
but now it's gone.
Sounds like it could've been stolen.
Don't worry. We can identify
the thief by their footprints.
-[Clu-Bot chuckles]
[Sam] Clu-Bot, go!
Good boy.
Show us who did this.
What's wrong?
Can't it identify the footprints?
[alarm sounds]
Maybe the problem isn't that
it can't identify the footprints.
There aren't any footprints at all.
Hm. Maybe the wind blew 'em away.
Better ask around the neighborhood.
I'm sure someone's seen the shell.
Don't worry, Hermes.
We'll get to the bottom of this.
And then you'll get your new home back.
We'll be back soon.
[quiet music plays]
[Kit] Excuse me.
Have you seen this stolen shell?
No. But last night,
someone stole my blue roses.
Excuse me.
Have you seen this shell or these roses?
But somebody stole my blue mailbox.
I mean, how am I supposed to get junk mail
to throw away without a mailbox?
-[both] Hm.
-Excuse me!
Have you seen this shell?
Or these roses? Or this mailbox?
Are you missing anything?
In that case, if you wouldn't mind
answering a couple of questions…
[gasps] Sam! My pen's disappeared!
I'm starting to think this case
is bigger than just a missing shell.
I'll say. I love that blue pen.
But who would take
all those things? And why?
Let's go over the facts again.
What's missing?
[Kit] A blue shell, blue roses,
a mailbox, also blue, and my blue pen.
Which I couldn't draw
because I didn't have a pen.
[Clu-Bot beeps]
Whiskers, that's it!
Everything that's gone missing is blue!
Sam, I think we've got
a blue bandit on the loose.
And you know how we catch a blue bandit.
With blue bait.
[Clu-Bot beeps]
You're right. We'll need to use
something so amazing, so blue,
the blue bandit couldn't possibly resist.
I know just the thing.
[Clu-Bot beeps]
Oh no.
No way. Absolutely not!
[Clu-Bot whines]
[Kit] Don't worry.
This plan's gonna work. You'll get
your Clu-Bot back without a scratch.
All right.
Setting ground traps now.
-[traps beep]
[Kit] Traps set.
We're gonna catch
this blue bandit red-handed. [giggles]
Get it? Red-handed?
Because the traps are red?
-We're missing something, Kit.
-Talk to me.
Back where Hermes' shell disappeared,
we didn't find any footprints, right?
But what if the wind
didn't blow them away?
What if the blue bandit
didn't leave footprints
because it wasn't on the ground?
[gasps] What if…
[both] It flies!
[upbeat music plays]
Quick! We can't let it get away!
[Kit] Don't have to tell me twice!
Come back with that Clu-Bot, blue bandit!
[music continues]
Hang in there! Daddy's coming!
I mean, CLADE is on the way!
Look out!
[music continues]
[both grunt, exclaim]
He's getting away!
[Sam] Not if I can help it.
Clu-Bot, footprint scanner!
[music continues]
[vibrating beeps]
[repeating] Whoa!
[Sam exhales]
I think he landed over here.
What in the woolly world?
[wondrous music plays]
This must be the blue bandit's lair.
[gasps] Someone's coming.
We'd better be ready for anything.
[menacing music plays]
Please don't hurt me.
My mom says I have delicate bones.
I'm sorry for taking your dishwasher
or whatever that thing was,
but hey, while you're here,
do you have anything blue I could have?
-Wasn't ready for that.
The blue bandit is a bowerbird!
Yes! You understand!
I'm not a bad bird, I'm a bowerbird.
Hey, I just take blue stuff
whenever I want it. If that's bad, then…
Actually, it kind of is bad.
Uh… Nevertheless!
Hi, I'm Larry.
He can't help it, Sam.
Boy bowerbirds gather up
objects of certain colors
to impress girl bowerbirds.
In this case, blue stuff. Like my pen.
Yeah, isn't it beautiful?
So, Larry, you stole
all these blue things for a girl?
Oh, not just any girl.
Jennifer Jenkins.
I thought if I had
enough great stuff around here,
maybe she'd wanna be my friend.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to cause all this trouble.
Aw… We know you didn't.
You're just doing what bowerbirds do.
But you're still
going to have to return all this stuff.
And hey. Afterwards, I reckon
we could help you rebuild this place.
Yeah! And we'll get permission
so you don't have to steal anything.
Really? Let's do it!
[jaunty music plays]
Looking good, guys.
Just needs one more thing.
Aw… You want to help too? But…
-[Clu-Bot beeps]
[vibrating beeps]
[Larry] Whoa!
Got to admit. This blue Clu-Bot
really adds a certain something.
It sure does.
Hey. Why don't you keep it?
Ha! Oo!
[chuckles] You're full of surprises,
Sam Snow.
It's Jennifer! Hide!
[romantic music plays]
Hi. Hello.
I mean, I definitely wasn't expecting you.
Larry, I love what you've done
with this place. It's so blue.
I guess I'll see you later, then?
He's just going to let her walk away?
After everything we did?
Maybe not. Look.
[dance music plays]
-[both] Huh?
[music continues]
Bowerbirds also impress
their ladies by dancing.
[Sam] I think it's working!
Another Creature Case…
Come on, Sam.
[music continues]
You really are full of surprises.
[music continues]
[music fades]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Bowerbirds.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Boy bowerbirds have
span style="style2"a special way to attract girl bowerbirds.
[Jill] span style="style2"They build big, elaborate nests.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They decorate their nest
span style="style2"with cool objects they find.
[Jill] span style="style2"Sometimes it's all one color.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"If his nest
span style="style2"doesn't impress the ladies…
[Jill] span style="style2"…his dancing sure will.
span style="style2"Nice moves!
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Honey Badger Break-In.
[Sam] Another Creature Case…
[Sam & Kit] Closed!
What a wild mystery.
Remember when you saved
all those baby snakes, Sam?
That was amazing!
Not as amazing as when you outran
that stampede of wildebeests! [laughs]
But the all-time best moment was…
[both] The part with the warthog! [laugh]
Well, Kit, we better get back
to CLADE to file our report.
[both shout]
So many bees!
[indistinct commotion]
[upbeat music plays]
[camera clicks]
Director Scratch,
sorry we're not back at HQ yet, but we--
[squawks] span style="style2"Agents, I regret to inform you
span style="style2"that your aircraft is full of bees.
We know.
[Scratch] span style="style2"As you can see from the photos,
the bees will chase away
anyone who enters.
We know! This happened
five minutes ago to us.
Your mission is to figure out
why the bees are onboard
and to safely get them out.
Right. That's what we were going to--
[Scratch] span style="style2"It's up to you,
span style="style2"agents. [squawks]
Well, I guess we've got
a new Creature Case on our hands.
But it's nothing we can't handle.
Time to investigate.
[Sam] So many bees!
But what are they doing in there?
Better talk to R.O.N.
to see if he can tell us anything.
Come in, R.O.N. Can you hear me?
I-- System malfunction.
Too much honey. Initiating lockdown.
Uh? Huh! [pants]
The doors are locked!
[Kit] R.O.N.! Talk to us.
Initiating hive mind.
Huh? Hive mind?
[distorted] span style="style2"I am one
span style="style2"with the bees. [buzzes]
[both] What?
The bees have taken over R.O.N.!
Seems like you two
have got a bee in your bonnet.
-[Sam] Huh?
-[Kit] Careful, Sam.
That's a honey badger.
They're known to be pretty tough.
Oh yeah, I'm tough all right.
If any animal picks a fight with me,
I scare 'em right off.
Porcupines, snakes, even leopards.
I win. Every time.
So, what do you want with us?
Easy, friend. I'm here to help you,
and I might be the only one who can.
Help us?
See, I'm something of an expert
at breaking in and out of places,
and I know a thing or two about bees.
I could take a look inside for you.
Are we really gonna trust this guy?
I don't think we have a choice.
Honey badgers are really good
at getting in and out of places.
[sighs] Okay.
Let's do this.
You made the right choice.
I'll sneak into your jet
and see what's happening in there.
Better get you geared up first.
This is a Sting Meter.
It'll count the number
of times you're stung.
Honey badgers can get
a lot of beestings and be just fine,
but even they have their limits.
That's right. You gotta know
when to walk away and when to run.
[Kit] When the sting meter's almost full,
then it's time for you
to come back out and rest.
And the Clu-Bot's camera
will let us see what you see in there.
Thanks for your help.
Sorry, I don't think we got your name.
You can call me Sweetie.
You know, because I go after
the sweet stuff? The honey?
And it makes me sound tough.
[both giggle]
What? You don't think
it's a tough-sounding name?
Toughest name I ever heard.
So, so tough.
Yeah. That's what I thought.
[Sam] This is a blueprint of R.O.N.
The main hatch is closed,
so you'll need to find another way in.
You just leave that to me.
Now, let's see.
Hm… An air vent. Bingo.
[rhythmic music plays]
Wow. He's good.
[Sweetie grunts]
That was adorable.
Don't tell him that.
[Sweetie] I can hear you.
Let's pull up the video.
-[Sam groans]
Those bees are not happy to see him.
Sweetie, you okay in there?
You're getting stung.
Your sting meter is filling up.
A-okay. My skin's so thick,
I barely even feel the stings.
[Sam] Okay. You've reached
the security gate.
If you look to your left,
you'll see a keypad.
The code is 252--
No worries. I got it open.
Wow. He is good.
I sure am, kitty boy.
Okay. I'm seeing something down below.
Status report?
Honey production is up 28%.
Hive construction is 39% complete.
All hail the queen.
[gasps] The queen bee!
Sam, this is an important clue!
A clue? What does it mean?
If the queen is there, that means
these bees are setting up a new hive.
They're here to stay.
I'll go and ask the queen what's up.
Let me just dig--
Sweetie, you better get out of there.
-Your sting meter's almost full!
-[Sweetie] span style="style2"Roger that.
I'm coming out.
So we know that the bees
are setting up a new hive. But why?
Good question.
I wish we knew where the old hive was.
It could tell us
why they left and came here.
Their old hive? It's by the watering hole.
How do you know that?
I… saw a hive there the other day
when I was fighting off
a whole pack of hyenas.
Yeah, that's it.
The watering hole's not far
from here. I'll go check it out.
In the meantime,
Sweetie's sting meter is going down.
He can take another look inside the jet.
I just wish I could go too.
Why don't you call the Stinkwells?
They might have some gear for ya.
Good idea.
Agent Sam Snow to Stinkwells.
[both] Hello, Sam!
Hey, Stinkwells. I need to get close
to some bees without getting stung.
Do you have any bee-proofing gear?
Maybe a cool shield?
Oo! Or an ultraflexible suit of armor?
Oh, but the best bee repellent
is right next to you.
What, Sweetie?
I got something special
I only use in certain situations.
[Harold] span style="style2"Oh, ja.
Honey badgers have a stinky spray
that works wonders to ward off the bees.
Uh… Like a skunk?
It doesn't last as long as our spray,
so you'll have to be quick.
Wait. You want him
to cover me in stink spray?
Oh no, no, no, no.
[laughs] No, no, no. No way!
It's either a spray or a sting.
Take your pick, buddy.
-span style="style1"[groans]
-Activate the stinky stink spray!
Three, two, one!
-[Sam hollers]
The old hive!
It's been destroyed.
Looks like someone was after the honey.
What kind of animal
could leave claw marks like these?
It's not an aardvark.
Or a jackal.
Or a lion.
[gasps] Holy howler monkeys!
I've gotta call Sam.
[sniffs] Oo!
At least the spray is working.
That's the honey badger way.
We may not smell great,
but we get the job done.
Hive is 58% complete.
Lunch today is honey with a side of honey.
Same as yesterday. Very good.
Whoo! We need to get R.O.N. back.
Way ahead of ya.
Sam, you need
to get Sweetie out of there now!
I solved the mystery
of why the bees moved in to R.O.N.
Their old hive was destroyed
by a honey badger, Sweetie!
Whiskers, that's it!
That's why he knew where the old hive was,
and that's why he was so eager to help us!
He wants to eat all the honey!
Oh. It's you again.
Stay back,
or the queen gets the stink spray.
I'm just here for the honey.
If you spray, we sting.
Sam, do something!
Okay. Everyone, calm down.
-No one needs to get stung or sprayed.
Sweetie, your sting meter is almost full.
You can't take any more stings.
Why don't you forget
the honey and leave now?
No deal, Sam. I'm a honey badger.
I'm gonna get that sweet,
sweet honey one way or another.
Your Majesty,
what if you gave Sweetie some honey?
If word gets out
that I'm giving honey away,
all kinds of animals will come after it.
Work with me here, Your Majesty.
You did turn our jet
into a sticky, oozing megahive.
I had no choice. We loved
our old hive until he destroyed it.
[Western music plays]
Your Majesty, what about a trade?
[Sweetie & queen] A trade?
Yep. We could fix up your old hive,
and Sweetie here could protect it
from all those other animals.
You could pay him in honey.
Sweetie here would make a great guard.
He isn't afraid of anyone.
Yes. I think
that could work out quite nicely.
[Sweetie] Not so fast!
I got better things to do
than guard a bunch of bees.
Hey, I understand.
If you're not up for the job,
we'll find someone tougher.
I'm the toughest guy around.
Your Majesty,
you got yourself a bodyguard.
Your Majesty,
how's it going with the new hive?
Couldn't be better.
Now that we aren't worried
about honey thieves, production is way up.
Which means there's plenty
of extra honey for Sweetie.
-You know, he really is sweet deep down.
Sam, Kit, I gotta thank you both.
This is the best job I ever had.
Mm… Honey. No!
[Sweetie] Hey.
Keep moving, buddy.
Seems like this arrangement
is working out, which means…
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
[Sam] Time to head home.
For real this time.
My seat's a little sticky,
but otherwise, R.O.N. seems good as new.
Setting course for CLADE HQ.
It's good to have you back, R.O.N.
[R.O.N. stammers]
span style="style2"It's good to be back, agents.
All hail the queen!
[Sam & Kit] Uh-oh.
[R.O.N. buzzes]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Honey badgers.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Honey badgers are tough.
They hardly feel beestings
through their thick skin.
[Bill] span style="style2"But they can only take
span style="style2"so many stings before they get hurt.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They're good
span style="style2"at breaking into places…
[Bill] span style="style2"…especially beehives,
span style="style2"to eat the honey.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Honey badgers make
span style="style2"a stinky smell that bees don't like.
[Bill] span style="style2"Pee-yew! I don't like it either.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
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