The Creature Cases (2022) s01e09 Episode Script
The Unidentified Shiny Object/The Case of the Crying Monkey
Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Unidentified Shiny Object.
['50s-style pop music plays]
[indistinct chatter]
[all laughing]
I hope someone asks me to dance.
[all giggle]
-I'm looking forward to it.
Okay, everybody.
This next song is for all
of you little love bugs out there.
"Happy Firefly Prom"!
[jazzy music plays]
[rhythmic ringing]
Well, here goes nothing!
I'm gonna ask her to dance.
[shrill sound]
-What is that?
[pained groans]
-It's so bright!
-It's making me dizzy!
[camera clicks]
[Kit] Sam, mail's here.
Oo. Anything for me?
Just your usual mystery magazines.
Clues Week,span style="style1" Sleuths Illustrated,span style="style1" and…
UFO's Monthly?
UFO's as in spaceships and aliens?
UFO's as in unidentified flying objects.
Why? What's so funny?
Nothing. I'm just surprised
you believe in all that spacey stuff.
Laugh all you want, Kit,
but UFO's are just another mystery
that needs solving.
Whoa! Speaking of mysteries. Look!
[Sam gasps] The CLADE crest.
Director Scratch has
another Creature Case for us.
[both grunt]
Junk. Junk.
Oo! span style="style2"Egg Bowling Quarterly!
Agents, you're just in time.
Something seriously strange
is happening over at the Firefly Prom.
Firefly Prom? What are they doing?
Fireflies are bioluminescent,
which means they can make light.
Firefly boys and girls
flash their lights in special patterns
to show they like each other.
That's right. But watch.
That strange light came out of nowhere
and frazzled all the fireflies.
Now their flashing patterns
are all messed up,
and so is their prom.
It's a USO!
[squawks questioningly]
USO. Unidentified Shiny Object.
Well, it won't be unidentified for long.
You can count on us
to figure out what's happening, Director.
Good luck, agents.
[upbeat music plays]
span style="style2"Now approaching destination biome,
North American Forest.
Thanks, R.O.N. Please dim the lights
so we don't disturb the fireflies.
Oh my word!
I don't know where it came from,
but I'm glad it went away.
Okay, folks. Just stay calm.
Oh no! Is it those flashing lights again?
[mysterious theremin music plays]
Don't fret, fireflies.
I'm Agent Sam Snow…
And I'm Agent Kit Casey.
We're from CLADE, and we're here to help.
Oh, thank goodness you're here.
That strange light came out of nowhere
and messed up our flashing.
Don't worry. We'll have things
back to normal in a flash. [giggles]
Get it? Flash?
Better search the area for clues.
Whatever it was,
it didn't leave anything behind.
No footprints.
No hairs or feathers.
-What, Kit?
-[clicking sounds]
-[Sam gasps]
Could it be…
Make way for Wally!
[both] Wally.
Ha-ha! Oh!
Good day, citizens.
Wally Bungler,
nature ranger, at your service.
Wally, what are you doing here?
Ha! I heard there was trouble,
so I flew in to help.
Heh! [grunts]
Speaking of helping…
Wally, did you see any mysterious lights
while you were flying over the forest?
Hm… Mysterious lights…
Hey! Come to think of it,
I did see a mysterious light,
and it was coming from…
right over there!
[menacing music plays]
Let's roll.
[upbeat music plays]
[mysterious music plays]
[music continues]
[whispers] Light's just up ahead.
If we're really quiet,
we can sneak up on the USO and--
-[cracking sound]
-Oo! Sorry.
-[Sam & Kit groan]
Sorry again. I'll be quiet now. Heh.
-span style="style1"[radio beeps]
span style="style1"-[Mom] Wally, dear!
The dishwasher's acting up again.
Not now, Mom.
-[radio whines]
[Mom] span style="style2"Sorry!
Come on.
Gotcha, USO! Huh?
Well, ain't that something.
There's no USO here. Just a campsite.
That's right.
Say hello, campers.
[all] Hello!
I guess the fireflies were seeing
the light from these lanterns?
Hey, would you folks mind
turning these lights down a bit?
Ho, ho, ho!
Not at all. It's bedtime anyway.
Come on, campers. Lights out!
Well, that was easy.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Hey. Thanks for your help, Wally.
You're welcome.
All right, fireflies.
Those campers' lights
won't bother you anymore.
[all cheer]
Let's rock!
['50s-style pop plays]
[rhythmic ringing]
[music continues]
-[record scratch]
Sam? I'm not so sure
it was the campers after all.
[Sam gasps] It's the USO!
[mysterious theremin music plays]
-[music continues]
What is that thing?
Come on. We can't let it get away.
[upbeat music plays]
[Kit] What in the woolly world?
The USO is gone.
There's gotta be
some logical explanation for this.
Could the USO be some other creature
that lights up? Like the fireflies.
[Kit] There are lots
of bioluminescent animals,
glowworms, certain snails, and fish,
but none of them
live in a forest like this.
[gasps] Unless maybe it's not
the whole animal that's glowing!
Check it out. Some animals
have special eyes that reflect light
that helps them see in the dark,
and it makes their eyes
look super bright and shiny.
Like this?
[exclaims] Oh…
Bad idea.
So maybe the lights
on the USO are from its eyes.
But the USO has a lot of lights.
What creature has that many eyes?
I don't know.
But we'd better find out.
Flashlights on!
Whoops. That's my toothbrush.
[mysterious music plays]
[music continues]
[breathes menacingly]
[music continues]
[Kit gasps]
[spooky moan]
[music continues]
Hoo-hoo! [grunts]
[music continues]
Twist my tail.
There's no sign of that USO anywhere!
Hey, and come to think of it,
there's no sign of Wally either.
Where'd you go?
[Wally] Over here!
I'm all stuck in this sticky stuff!
[both grunt]
[Wally exclaims]
Hey. This stuff looks like
it's made out of webbing.
It could be an empty egg sac from a moth.
Or a spider!
[mysterious music plays]
[Wally] The USO!
After that Unidentified Shiny Object!
-[all panting]
-[upbeat music plays]
[both grunt]
-[Wally grunts]
[music continues]
[all exclaim]
[repeating] Ow!
Wally, you did it!
You caught the USO!
I did? [laughs]
Hey! I did.
Hey! What's the big idea?
Yep. The USO is a spider.
A mama spider, thank you very much.
So that was your egg sac we found?
Sure was.
Look. There's a whole bunch
of babies on her back! Oh…
Aren't they precious?
[all babble]
Whiskers, that's it!
The light from the fireflies
and our flashlights
was reflecting off their eyes,
making the USO shine.
Ah, so that's what
was causing all the trouble.
I didn't know we were causing any trouble.
I was just going for a little walk
with my babies.
[babies babble]
[laughs] Don't worry, ma'am.
As long as you and your babies
steer clear of the Firefly Prom,
there shouldn't be any more problems.
[jazzy '50s-style music plays]
This time, nothing's gonna stop me.
[rhythmic ringing]
[boy clears throat]
Um, care to dance?
[music continues]
[music fades]
[romantic music plays]
[dance music plays]
[laughs] I'm so glad
we got to hang out with you guys.
Us too. You make a great disco ball.
See? I told you. UFO's and USO's
are just mysteries waiting to be solved.
-[record scratch]
Sam? What's that?
-[mysterious theremin music plays]
-Woo-hoo hoo-hoo-hoo!
Make way for Wally!
[Wally] I'm all right.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Fireflies.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Fireflies don't really dance
span style="style2"at proms or parties…
[Jill] span style="style2"…but they do talk to each other
span style="style2"by flashing their glowing bodies!
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Fireflies are bioluminescent.
[Jill] span style="style2"That means they make
span style="style2"their own light!
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They flash with special patterns…
[Jill] span style="style2"…but can get pretty confused
span style="style2"by other bright lights.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Case of the Crying Monkey.
[light pop music plays]
[Sam] Yuh! Huh!
Race you back to R.O.N.!
I feel like I'm racing
a two-toed sloth here!
[Kit giggles]
Oh yeah? Eyes up, Agent Snow.
[music continues]
Huh? Whoa!
Ha! Better luck next time, Sam.
You're lucky
that branch came out of nowhere.
[stomach growls]
All this jungle training
is making me hungry. What's for lunch?
[Kit] Mm!
High-protein CLADE bars!
[sniffs, gags]
Yeah, just lost my appetite.
Oh, come on.
These new CLADE bars aren't that bad.
This one's Salty Sea Slime flavor.
Hm? Hm! Hm.
Tastes just like salty sea slime.
Bleck! Uh!
-All right, they're pretty gross.
-[shrill cry]
[Sam] Huh? What was that?
I don't know.
But look!
Someone ate one of our CLADE bars!
Strange. Who could have taken--
Have you seen a baby monkey?
Our baby is missing!
A baby monkey?
[camera clicks]
looks like your jungle field training
just became a full-blown Creature Case.
As you've heard, a baby monkey
went missing near your current location.
Don't worry, Director Scratch.
We'll find that baby monkey
and bring them home safely.
Good luck. CLADE is counting on you.
One more thing.
How are the new CLADE bars?
We'll talk later, Director. Bye.
[relieved sigh]
[Sam] Folks, we're from CLADE,
and we're going to help you find…
Uh… What's your baby's name?
And where did you last see Melvin?
In the trees over there.
But we've already looked everywhere,
and we couldn't find him.
[gasps] That's him!
That's Melvin's cry. Melvin!
That's the noise we heard earlier.
Shall we save the day?
[Kit] Wait here, folks.
[both] Melvin! Melvin!
This way.
[gasps] Melvin!
-There you are!
Yep. We've got you now, baby.
[menacing music plays]
[Kit] Look who's here!
-[Melvin giggles]
-I was so worried!
Thank you! Thank you!
Well, that case was an easy one.
Mm. Too bad, eh?
I was hoping for a good head-scratcher.
-Well, here's a new mystery for ya.
Looks like someone's swiped
some more CLADE bars.
Don't look at us.
Those things smell pretty funky.
Oh, forget the CLADE bars.
Let's head home
and get some real food to eat.
-[stomach growls]
-I still haven't had lunch.
Baby! Baby!
What was that, dear?
-[mysterious music]
[Melvin] Baby!
That sounded just like Melvin.
Could there be another
lost baby monkey out there?
That can't be.
Anybody missing a baby?
Nope. All here.
How about you, Meep-Meep?
-So no monkeys are missing a baby.
But it definitely sounds
like there's a baby monkey out there.
Whiskers! This case
just became a head-scratcher!
Don't worry.
We'll get to the bottom of this.
Come on.
Quick! The baby monkey cry
came from right over here.
[upbeat music plays]
What in the woolly world? No baby monkey.
But look!
A clue!
Huh. Claw marks.
You think we're looking
for a baby monkey with giant claws?
Those monkeys do have claws,
but whatever made these marks
had really, really sharp ones.
If I had to guess,
I'd say it was some kind of jungle cat.
A predator. Could be on the hunt for food.
Then we'd better find
that baby monkey before that cat does!
Over there!
[whispers] And let's be quiet this time.
There's our predator.
She's using her claws to scratch the trees
to show that this area belongs to her.
[whispers] But still no baby monkey.
Better question the cat.
But we can't startle her,
or she'll run away.
Leave that to me. I won't make a sound.
[sneaky music plays]
-[stomach growls]
[chuckles] Oops.
Ma'am, we just wanna ask you a few que--
After her!
[intense music plays]
Huh. "I won't make a sound."
That wasn't me. It was my stomach.
I haven't eaten all day.
Next time, just eat the CLADE bars.
[music continues]
That cat is fast.
Are you sure that's a cat?
It moves just like a monkey. Whoa!
-Where do these branches keep coming from?
-Gee, I don't know. We're in a jungle.
[music continues]
-[Kit] Eyes up!
[cat] Meow! Meow! Meow!
She's heading towards R.O.N.!
[music continues]
[music fades]
[sighs] She got away.
But she left some claw marks behind.
And check it out.
More CLADE bars are missing.
-Guess we know who's been eating our food.
So the baby monkey sounds
led us to the cat.
And the cat's been taking our food.
A thieving cat and a missing monkey.
Feels like there's some connection here.
If only we could catch that cat
and find out what she knows.
[scoffs] Catch her? Did you see
the way she moved through the jungle?
Hm… But maybe we could set a trap.
We'd need something to use as bait.
I think I know just the thing.
[whispers] Okay. Like we practiced.
[Sam whispers] Nice and loud.
So the cat can hear us.
[enunciates] Hey, Sam! Look what I've got.
A fresh tasty CLADE bar! Your favorite.
[enunciates] Oh boy!
I sure hope no one takes
this CLADE bar before I get to eat it
because it is so…
[sniffs, retches]
Who wouldn't want to eat that?
[whispers] Seriously,
who would want to eat that?
[sneaky music plays]
We'd better go investigate that sound.
[enunciates] But what about
this delicious CLADE bar?
I know. Let us leave it right here.
We are definitely walking away now.
Walk, walk, walk.
Totally walking.
[repeating] La, la, la!
[peppy music plays]
[both] Gotcha!
[menacing music plays]
Start talking, cat.
Sam, this is a margay cat.
A margay cat?
Of course! It all makes sense now!
Figured it out, huh?
No? Where's the baby monkey?
Sam, there is no baby monkey.
Margay cats can copy
certain animal noises.
[giggles] Baby!
That's not a baby monkey.
You're right. It's just a margay cat
playing tricks on us.
So it was her making
that sound all this time? But why?
You're looking at why.
Whiskers, that's it!
The margay cat
was luring us into the jungle
so she could sneak back
and eat our CLADE bars.
That's… actually a very clever plan.
A plan that cost
a whole tree full of trouble.
We were worried sick over nothing.
Sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble.
But these things are just so, span style="style2"so tasty.
Tell you what.
You can have all these CLADE bars…
[gasps] I can?
…but only if you promise
to stop tricking these monkeys.
Wow. This is, I mean…
It's a deal! Thank you!
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
You sure you don't want one?
[stomach growls]
Well, I am really hungry.
Go on. Just try it.
Actually, this one's not bad.
What flavor is it?
Banana Slug Swirl.
Mm… Lucky you.
[all laugh]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Margay cats.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Margay cats can make a noise
span style="style2"that sounds like a baby monkey crying.
[Bill] span style="style2"They do it to distract monkeys
span style="style2"so they can get food.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Margay cats mark
span style="style2"their territory with their claws.
[Bill] span style="style2"They leave scratches on trees.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They are really good
span style="style2"at climbing trees and jumping
-from branch to branch.
span style="style1"-[Bill] Whoa! Look at that cat go.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Unidentified Shiny Object.
['50s-style pop music plays]
[indistinct chatter]
[all laughing]
I hope someone asks me to dance.
[all giggle]
-I'm looking forward to it.
Okay, everybody.
This next song is for all
of you little love bugs out there.
"Happy Firefly Prom"!
[jazzy music plays]
[rhythmic ringing]
Well, here goes nothing!
I'm gonna ask her to dance.
[shrill sound]
-What is that?
[pained groans]
-It's so bright!
-It's making me dizzy!
[camera clicks]
[Kit] Sam, mail's here.
Oo. Anything for me?
Just your usual mystery magazines.
Clues Week,span style="style1" Sleuths Illustrated,span style="style1" and…
UFO's Monthly?
UFO's as in spaceships and aliens?
UFO's as in unidentified flying objects.
Why? What's so funny?
Nothing. I'm just surprised
you believe in all that spacey stuff.
Laugh all you want, Kit,
but UFO's are just another mystery
that needs solving.
Whoa! Speaking of mysteries. Look!
[Sam gasps] The CLADE crest.
Director Scratch has
another Creature Case for us.
[both grunt]
Junk. Junk.
Oo! span style="style2"Egg Bowling Quarterly!
Agents, you're just in time.
Something seriously strange
is happening over at the Firefly Prom.
Firefly Prom? What are they doing?
Fireflies are bioluminescent,
which means they can make light.
Firefly boys and girls
flash their lights in special patterns
to show they like each other.
That's right. But watch.
That strange light came out of nowhere
and frazzled all the fireflies.
Now their flashing patterns
are all messed up,
and so is their prom.
It's a USO!
[squawks questioningly]
USO. Unidentified Shiny Object.
Well, it won't be unidentified for long.
You can count on us
to figure out what's happening, Director.
Good luck, agents.
[upbeat music plays]
span style="style2"Now approaching destination biome,
North American Forest.
Thanks, R.O.N. Please dim the lights
so we don't disturb the fireflies.
Oh my word!
I don't know where it came from,
but I'm glad it went away.
Okay, folks. Just stay calm.
Oh no! Is it those flashing lights again?
[mysterious theremin music plays]
Don't fret, fireflies.
I'm Agent Sam Snow…
And I'm Agent Kit Casey.
We're from CLADE, and we're here to help.
Oh, thank goodness you're here.
That strange light came out of nowhere
and messed up our flashing.
Don't worry. We'll have things
back to normal in a flash. [giggles]
Get it? Flash?
Better search the area for clues.
Whatever it was,
it didn't leave anything behind.
No footprints.
No hairs or feathers.
-What, Kit?
-[clicking sounds]
-[Sam gasps]
Could it be…
Make way for Wally!
[both] Wally.
Ha-ha! Oh!
Good day, citizens.
Wally Bungler,
nature ranger, at your service.
Wally, what are you doing here?
Ha! I heard there was trouble,
so I flew in to help.
Heh! [grunts]
Speaking of helping…
Wally, did you see any mysterious lights
while you were flying over the forest?
Hm… Mysterious lights…
Hey! Come to think of it,
I did see a mysterious light,
and it was coming from…
right over there!
[menacing music plays]
Let's roll.
[upbeat music plays]
[mysterious music plays]
[music continues]
[whispers] Light's just up ahead.
If we're really quiet,
we can sneak up on the USO and--
-[cracking sound]
-Oo! Sorry.
-[Sam & Kit groan]
Sorry again. I'll be quiet now. Heh.
-span style="style1"[radio beeps]
span style="style1"-[Mom] Wally, dear!
The dishwasher's acting up again.
Not now, Mom.
-[radio whines]
[Mom] span style="style2"Sorry!
Come on.
Gotcha, USO! Huh?
Well, ain't that something.
There's no USO here. Just a campsite.
That's right.
Say hello, campers.
[all] Hello!
I guess the fireflies were seeing
the light from these lanterns?
Hey, would you folks mind
turning these lights down a bit?
Ho, ho, ho!
Not at all. It's bedtime anyway.
Come on, campers. Lights out!
Well, that was easy.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Hey. Thanks for your help, Wally.
You're welcome.
All right, fireflies.
Those campers' lights
won't bother you anymore.
[all cheer]
Let's rock!
['50s-style pop plays]
[rhythmic ringing]
[music continues]
-[record scratch]
Sam? I'm not so sure
it was the campers after all.
[Sam gasps] It's the USO!
[mysterious theremin music plays]
-[music continues]
What is that thing?
Come on. We can't let it get away.
[upbeat music plays]
[Kit] What in the woolly world?
The USO is gone.
There's gotta be
some logical explanation for this.
Could the USO be some other creature
that lights up? Like the fireflies.
[Kit] There are lots
of bioluminescent animals,
glowworms, certain snails, and fish,
but none of them
live in a forest like this.
[gasps] Unless maybe it's not
the whole animal that's glowing!
Check it out. Some animals
have special eyes that reflect light
that helps them see in the dark,
and it makes their eyes
look super bright and shiny.
Like this?
[exclaims] Oh…
Bad idea.
So maybe the lights
on the USO are from its eyes.
But the USO has a lot of lights.
What creature has that many eyes?
I don't know.
But we'd better find out.
Flashlights on!
Whoops. That's my toothbrush.
[mysterious music plays]
[music continues]
[breathes menacingly]
[music continues]
[Kit gasps]
[spooky moan]
[music continues]
Hoo-hoo! [grunts]
[music continues]
Twist my tail.
There's no sign of that USO anywhere!
Hey, and come to think of it,
there's no sign of Wally either.
Where'd you go?
[Wally] Over here!
I'm all stuck in this sticky stuff!
[both grunt]
[Wally exclaims]
Hey. This stuff looks like
it's made out of webbing.
It could be an empty egg sac from a moth.
Or a spider!
[mysterious music plays]
[Wally] The USO!
After that Unidentified Shiny Object!
-[all panting]
-[upbeat music plays]
[both grunt]
-[Wally grunts]
[music continues]
[all exclaim]
[repeating] Ow!
Wally, you did it!
You caught the USO!
I did? [laughs]
Hey! I did.
Hey! What's the big idea?
Yep. The USO is a spider.
A mama spider, thank you very much.
So that was your egg sac we found?
Sure was.
Look. There's a whole bunch
of babies on her back! Oh…
Aren't they precious?
[all babble]
Whiskers, that's it!
The light from the fireflies
and our flashlights
was reflecting off their eyes,
making the USO shine.
Ah, so that's what
was causing all the trouble.
I didn't know we were causing any trouble.
I was just going for a little walk
with my babies.
[babies babble]
[laughs] Don't worry, ma'am.
As long as you and your babies
steer clear of the Firefly Prom,
there shouldn't be any more problems.
[jazzy '50s-style music plays]
This time, nothing's gonna stop me.
[rhythmic ringing]
[boy clears throat]
Um, care to dance?
[music continues]
[music fades]
[romantic music plays]
[dance music plays]
[laughs] I'm so glad
we got to hang out with you guys.
Us too. You make a great disco ball.
See? I told you. UFO's and USO's
are just mysteries waiting to be solved.
-[record scratch]
Sam? What's that?
-[mysterious theremin music plays]
-Woo-hoo hoo-hoo-hoo!
Make way for Wally!
[Wally] I'm all right.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Fireflies.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Fireflies don't really dance
span style="style2"at proms or parties…
[Jill] span style="style2"…but they do talk to each other
span style="style2"by flashing their glowing bodies!
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Fireflies are bioluminescent.
[Jill] span style="style2"That means they make
span style="style2"their own light!
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They flash with special patterns…
[Jill] span style="style2"…but can get pretty confused
span style="style2"by other bright lights.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Case of the Crying Monkey.
[light pop music plays]
[Sam] Yuh! Huh!
Race you back to R.O.N.!
I feel like I'm racing
a two-toed sloth here!
[Kit giggles]
Oh yeah? Eyes up, Agent Snow.
[music continues]
Huh? Whoa!
Ha! Better luck next time, Sam.
You're lucky
that branch came out of nowhere.
[stomach growls]
All this jungle training
is making me hungry. What's for lunch?
[Kit] Mm!
High-protein CLADE bars!
[sniffs, gags]
Yeah, just lost my appetite.
Oh, come on.
These new CLADE bars aren't that bad.
This one's Salty Sea Slime flavor.
Hm? Hm! Hm.
Tastes just like salty sea slime.
Bleck! Uh!
-All right, they're pretty gross.
-[shrill cry]
[Sam] Huh? What was that?
I don't know.
But look!
Someone ate one of our CLADE bars!
Strange. Who could have taken--
Have you seen a baby monkey?
Our baby is missing!
A baby monkey?
[camera clicks]
looks like your jungle field training
just became a full-blown Creature Case.
As you've heard, a baby monkey
went missing near your current location.
Don't worry, Director Scratch.
We'll find that baby monkey
and bring them home safely.
Good luck. CLADE is counting on you.
One more thing.
How are the new CLADE bars?
We'll talk later, Director. Bye.
[relieved sigh]
[Sam] Folks, we're from CLADE,
and we're going to help you find…
Uh… What's your baby's name?
And where did you last see Melvin?
In the trees over there.
But we've already looked everywhere,
and we couldn't find him.
[gasps] That's him!
That's Melvin's cry. Melvin!
That's the noise we heard earlier.
Shall we save the day?
[Kit] Wait here, folks.
[both] Melvin! Melvin!
This way.
[gasps] Melvin!
-There you are!
Yep. We've got you now, baby.
[menacing music plays]
[Kit] Look who's here!
-[Melvin giggles]
-I was so worried!
Thank you! Thank you!
Well, that case was an easy one.
Mm. Too bad, eh?
I was hoping for a good head-scratcher.
-Well, here's a new mystery for ya.
Looks like someone's swiped
some more CLADE bars.
Don't look at us.
Those things smell pretty funky.
Oh, forget the CLADE bars.
Let's head home
and get some real food to eat.
-[stomach growls]
-I still haven't had lunch.
Baby! Baby!
What was that, dear?
-[mysterious music]
[Melvin] Baby!
That sounded just like Melvin.
Could there be another
lost baby monkey out there?
That can't be.
Anybody missing a baby?
Nope. All here.
How about you, Meep-Meep?
-So no monkeys are missing a baby.
But it definitely sounds
like there's a baby monkey out there.
Whiskers! This case
just became a head-scratcher!
Don't worry.
We'll get to the bottom of this.
Come on.
Quick! The baby monkey cry
came from right over here.
[upbeat music plays]
What in the woolly world? No baby monkey.
But look!
A clue!
Huh. Claw marks.
You think we're looking
for a baby monkey with giant claws?
Those monkeys do have claws,
but whatever made these marks
had really, really sharp ones.
If I had to guess,
I'd say it was some kind of jungle cat.
A predator. Could be on the hunt for food.
Then we'd better find
that baby monkey before that cat does!
Over there!
[whispers] And let's be quiet this time.
There's our predator.
She's using her claws to scratch the trees
to show that this area belongs to her.
[whispers] But still no baby monkey.
Better question the cat.
But we can't startle her,
or she'll run away.
Leave that to me. I won't make a sound.
[sneaky music plays]
-[stomach growls]
[chuckles] Oops.
Ma'am, we just wanna ask you a few que--
After her!
[intense music plays]
Huh. "I won't make a sound."
That wasn't me. It was my stomach.
I haven't eaten all day.
Next time, just eat the CLADE bars.
[music continues]
That cat is fast.
Are you sure that's a cat?
It moves just like a monkey. Whoa!
-Where do these branches keep coming from?
-Gee, I don't know. We're in a jungle.
[music continues]
-[Kit] Eyes up!
[cat] Meow! Meow! Meow!
She's heading towards R.O.N.!
[music continues]
[music fades]
[sighs] She got away.
But she left some claw marks behind.
And check it out.
More CLADE bars are missing.
-Guess we know who's been eating our food.
So the baby monkey sounds
led us to the cat.
And the cat's been taking our food.
A thieving cat and a missing monkey.
Feels like there's some connection here.
If only we could catch that cat
and find out what she knows.
[scoffs] Catch her? Did you see
the way she moved through the jungle?
Hm… But maybe we could set a trap.
We'd need something to use as bait.
I think I know just the thing.
[whispers] Okay. Like we practiced.
[Sam whispers] Nice and loud.
So the cat can hear us.
[enunciates] Hey, Sam! Look what I've got.
A fresh tasty CLADE bar! Your favorite.
[enunciates] Oh boy!
I sure hope no one takes
this CLADE bar before I get to eat it
because it is so…
[sniffs, retches]
Who wouldn't want to eat that?
[whispers] Seriously,
who would want to eat that?
[sneaky music plays]
We'd better go investigate that sound.
[enunciates] But what about
this delicious CLADE bar?
I know. Let us leave it right here.
We are definitely walking away now.
Walk, walk, walk.
Totally walking.
[repeating] La, la, la!
[peppy music plays]
[both] Gotcha!
[menacing music plays]
Start talking, cat.
Sam, this is a margay cat.
A margay cat?
Of course! It all makes sense now!
Figured it out, huh?
No? Where's the baby monkey?
Sam, there is no baby monkey.
Margay cats can copy
certain animal noises.
[giggles] Baby!
That's not a baby monkey.
You're right. It's just a margay cat
playing tricks on us.
So it was her making
that sound all this time? But why?
You're looking at why.
Whiskers, that's it!
The margay cat
was luring us into the jungle
so she could sneak back
and eat our CLADE bars.
That's… actually a very clever plan.
A plan that cost
a whole tree full of trouble.
We were worried sick over nothing.
Sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble.
But these things are just so, span style="style2"so tasty.
Tell you what.
You can have all these CLADE bars…
[gasps] I can?
…but only if you promise
to stop tricking these monkeys.
Wow. This is, I mean…
It's a deal! Thank you!
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
You sure you don't want one?
[stomach growls]
Well, I am really hungry.
Go on. Just try it.
Actually, this one's not bad.
What flavor is it?
Banana Slug Swirl.
Mm… Lucky you.
[all laugh]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Margay cats.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Margay cats can make a noise
span style="style2"that sounds like a baby monkey crying.
[Bill] span style="style2"They do it to distract monkeys
span style="style2"so they can get food.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Margay cats mark
span style="style2"their territory with their claws.
[Bill] span style="style2"They leave scratches on trees.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They are really good
span style="style2"at climbing trees and jumping
-from branch to branch.
span style="style1"-[Bill] Whoa! Look at that cat go.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]