The Creature Cases (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

The Search for the Silver Ant Hill/The Search for the Swamp Snapper

Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Search
span style="style2"for the Silver Ant Hill.
[pop music plays]
[excited murmur]
[female] Listen up, team.
We've only got ten minutes
to make our daily food run.
If we don't return by then,
we'll overheat,
so we need to be fast.
But who are the fastest ants in the world?
[all] We are!
That's right, silver ants!
Now go out there and find that food!
[all repeating] Go!
Huh? A dust devil?
[chaotic rock music plays]
Huh? Where am I?
Where's my team?
Where's my home?
[tires screech]
[camera clicks]
[upbeat music plays]
[Sam & Kit grunt]
Whoo! At this rate, we're gonna beat
the all-time speed record.
[pants] Whoo!
[Kit & Sam exclaim]
[sighs] I'm working up a sweat here.
Come on, Sam. Just a little farther.
[both grunt]
-[Sam groans]
That's our fastest time ever!
We'll have to celebrate later.
Director Scratch has a case for us!
-Nice hustle, agents.
And you're going to need to hustle today.
This silver ant
was swept away by a dust devil,
and she doesn't know how to get home.
That desert looks scorching hot.
It is.
Silver ants' shiny bodies
reflect the heat so they can stay cool,
but even they can't be out
in the desert sun for long.
So there's no time to waste.
The Mice Squad
are keeping the ant cool for now,
but it's up to you
to figure out where her home is.
You can count on us, Director.
Stay cool out there, agents.
[clears throat, squawks]
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
African Desert.
[Kit] Thanks, R.O.N.
It is hot.
Any sign of the Mice Squad?
[dance music plays]
[music plays quietly]
-Sweet, sweet air-conditioning.
-[music stops]
-Hey, guys.
-Thanks for keeping her cool.
-No prob.
[Sam] Hello, ma'am.
I'm Agent Sam Snow…
And I'm Agent Kit Casey.
And we're here to get you home.
The name's Flash. Coach Flash.
Coach Flash, can you tell us
which way your home is?
I just don't know.
Usually, I can use the position
of the sun to find my way home…
…but I must be too far away.
That dust devil made me
lose all sense of direction.
Did you happen to see anything
while you were in the dust devil?
You know, I do remember a few things.
First, I saw something sparkly.
Then I heard a humming noise.
And right before I landed here,
I saw a lot of water.
That's three clues.
Sparkles, humming noise, water.
So, what do we do with that?
We go backwards.
If water was the last thing
Coach Flash saw,
then that's what we need to find first.
Then, we work our way back
through the clues to find her home.
AC's out of business.
We'd better move fast.
Without the AC cooling her down,
Flash can only be out
in the sun for ten minutes.
Then the countdown has already begun.
When this gets down to zero,
Flash will be in danger of overheating.
Come on. We better take R.O.N.
Or… we can go on foot.
It'll take forever to dig R.O.N. out.
Flash, we'll move faster if we carry you.
Carry me?
We silver ants
are the fastest ants in the world!
You don't carry a silver ant.
Okay, okay. Let's just get movin'
before we all overheat.
First up, we have to find a body of water.
How do we find water out in the desert?
[gasps] Look! A bird!
If a bird is out in this heat,
then it must have some water
to drink nearby.
-Will you guys be okay here?
-[Bill & Jill] Yep.
Then let's follow that bird.
go, go, go!
Whoa! She is fast!
[energetic music plays]
Ha-ha! Try to keep up!
[music continues]
Scorpion, straight ahead.
-Watch out for its stinger.
-I've got this!
[music continues]
-Excuse us!
[music continues]
[Flash] Woo-hoo!
An oasis!
-This is the water I saw.
[water gurgles]
[Kit] Hoo!
We're on the right track.
And since there's shade,
we can pause the countdown clock.
We found the first clue, water.
Next up, we have to find a humming sound.
-But what could that be?
[low tone]
I think I hear something.
-[tone continues]
Is this what you heard, Flash?
[tone continues]
Yeah. I think it is.
Then we better go investigate.
Which means going back out into the sun.
Hang in there, sport. We can do this!
What she said.
On your marks, get set…
Restarting countdown.
[Flash] Go, go, go!
[energetic music plays]
Doing all right, Coach?
Yep. Just a little hot.
[pants] I'm feeling pretty warm myself.
Well, we can all catch our breaths.
We've reached the source of the sound.
[low tone]
That's what I heard, all right.
But where is it coming from?
[Sam] Whiskers, that's it!
It's coming from right under our feet.
These are singing sand dunes.
Singing sand dunes?
Sam, are you sure the heat
hasn't gotten to your head?
I've read about these
in one of my favorite books,
The Mystery of the Singing Sand.
The humming is caused by the wind
rubbing all the grains of sand
against each other.
[Kit] Well, ain't that something.
Woo… It sounds like sunshine.
-[menacing music plays]
Uh, where to next, agents?
There's just one more clue.
Something sparkly.
[Kit] What is that?
I don't know, but we better find out.
We're running out of time.
Think you could make one last dash
through the desert?
I can and I will.
Anything to make it home.
My team needs me.
Go… go… go!
-[energetic music plays]
-[all panting]
So hot.
Come on. We're almost there.
Another dust devil!
[Sam] Quick! Behind here!
[Flash] Not again!
I've got you!
[panting] Thanks, Sam.
That was a close call.
Check it out. Crystals!
So sparkly.
[breathy] This… this is what I saw.
And over there, I saw
an ice-cold strawberry milkshake.
Sam, I don't think she's doing too good.
We're not good. We're great.
We're the fastest team around.
Go, go, go.
-Coach Flash?
-[Flash moans]
[Sam] We're almost out of time.
We need to find her home, and fast.
But how? There aren't any more clues.
And this blazing sun isn't helping either.
The sun!
I think my home
is just up ahead. That way.
Are you sure? How do you know?
Because of the sun.
Right! Remember, Sam?
Silver ants use the position of the sun
to help them find their way home,
but only when they're close
to their nests.
[Flash gasping]
I don't know if I can make it.
Don't give up, Flash.
You're doing great, Flash. You got this.
You've come so far.
Yeah. We're almost there. Just keep going.
Fastest ants in the world…
This is where the race ends for me.
We're out of time. She's overheating.
Fastest ant in the world or not,
we gotta carry her.
[male] We can do it.
[all] Go, go, go!
[both] The silver ants!
We must be close to their nest.
-[male] Let's get her back home.
-My team!
We got you, Coach.
[ants] Go, go, go!
[energetic music plays]
Ah! That's better.
Who is the best team ever?
[all] We are!
Thanks a bunch for saving our coach.
Aw, just doing our jobs.
Glad we got her home in time.
We are too.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
Hoo! It's really hot out here.
Well, Kit, another Creature Case…
[both] Closed.
We'd better find our way back
before span style="style2"we overheat.
[grumbles] Another dust devil?
[Sam] It's R.O.N.!
[Jill] Hey, guys.
Need a lift?
Bill and Jill dug R.O.N. out of the sand!
See ya, Coach.
[Sam] Ah…
Sweet, sweet air-conditioning.
It was getting pretty hot out there,
even for me.
[Bill & Jill] Uh-oh.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Air-conditioning systems…
[error sound]
Oh, man.
It's gonna be a hot ride home.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Silver ants.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Saharan silver ants live
span style="style2"in the desert, where it's really hot.
[Jill] span style="style2"Their shiny bodies
span style="style2"help them beat the heat.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They leave their homes
span style="style2"to search for food…
[Jill] span style="style2"…but if they're out too long,
span style="style2"they'll overheat.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Silver ants aren't just shiny,
span style="style2"they're fast too!
[Jill] span style="style2"They're the fastest ants
span style="style2"in the world!
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Search
span style="style2"for the Swamp Snapper.
[relaxing music plays]
[male & female voice] Ah…
This is nice.
Run! Run for your lives!
It's coming this way!
Wh-- What's coming this way?
It's a… It's a…
[all laugh]
There are no dinosaurs
around anymore. They're extinct.
-Maybe it span style="style2"is a dinosaur.
-[snapping sounds]
-[all exclaim]
[camera clicks]
Hm… Why don't we sit over there?
Under the air conditioner? Too cold.
What about the window?
Mm… Too smelly.
-What about by Director Scratch?
Uh… She doesn't look like
she wants company right now.
How about here?
Kit, look. Director Scratch
has a new case for us to solve.
But isn't she sitting right over--
She's good.
Director Scratch! How did you get--
Let's get right down to it, agents.
The Mice Squad
have sent us some puzzling reports
of a prehistoric dinosaur
disturbing a swamp.
A dinosaur?
But that's impossible.
Dinosaurs have been extinct
for millions of years.
Even I know that.
It sounds strange,
but the rabbits who live in the swamp
are certain they saw a dinosaur,
and they're terrified.
They may think they saw a dinosaur,
but things aren't always
the way they seem.
We'll figure out what's really out there.
Good luck, agents.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
North American Wetlands.
[Kit] Thanks, R.O.N.
Hello? Is anyone around?
We're from CLADE,
and we're here
to investigate a dinosaur sighting?
Oh. Hello.
Don't move. Dino check.
Furry tails. Cute little noses.
Nope. Definitely not dinosaurs.
Well, of course we're not dinosaurs.
It's okay, everyone!
No dinos here!
Sorry, can't be too careful.
We thought it had returned.
"It" being the dinosaur?
It's got the whole swamp scared.
We've never seen anything like it.
What did it look like?
Big, and green, and dinosaury!
It snapped its jaws at me
and nearly took my tail clean off.
Hm. Which way was it going?
Don't worry. CLADE is on the case.
Whatever those rabbits saw,
it really ruffled their whiskers.
Whoa! Kit, look at these!
[Kit] Footprints!
And they're definitely
from an animal with scales.
A reptile.
Weren't dinosaurs reptiles too?
Yep. Come on.
The prints are heading this way.
-Sam! Oh!
Ha-ha! Almost got my fur wet.
[whispers] Uh, Sam? I think we've got
bigger things to worry about.
We're surrounded by alligators.
[Sam gulps]
Big, green, and reptiles.
Maybe the rabbits mistook
one of them for a dinosaur?
Who you calling a dinosaur?
We didn't mean to bother you.
We'll leave in just a moment.
But, first…
You wouldn't happen
to know about any dinosaurs
scaring folks in the swamp this afternoon?
Nope. We wouldn't.
It's just you look
mighty close to the descriptions.
[ominous music playing]
Dinosaurs are extinct.
And besides,
we've been sunbathing all day.
Now, if you don't mind?
It's true, Sam.
Gators are mostly active at night.
And the dinosaur sightings
happened in broad daylight.
It couldn't have been
one of them that the rabbits saw.
What was that?
-[KIt] The rabbits said
-they heard a snapping noise too.
Whoa! Look at the size of that tail!
After that dinosau--
Uh… After that… thing!
[energetic music plays]
-[stamping away]
-[Kit sighs]
Oh, we were so close!
Whatever it is,
it has pretty powerful jaws.
These branches
have been chomped clean through!
But there's no teeth marks.
A dinosaur with no teeth?
[gasps] Hm…
This is strange too.
Algae usually grows underwater.
How did it get here?
Maybe the creature left it behind.
If it lives mostly underwater,
that would explain
why the rabbits have never seen it before.
Big tail.
Strong jaw, no teeth.
Lives in the water.
I don't think it's a dinosaur.
-I think it might be a--
-Look out!
Quick! Up this tree!
[Sam groans]
I knew it. That's no dinosaur.
Just a really big snapping turtle.
A snapping turtle?
Yep. She must be lost.
And a little scared too.
Where are ya? I'll snap ya!
[growls, snaps]
She doesn't seem scared to me.
Things aren't always
the way they seem, Sam.
Snapping turtles feel safest
when they're in the water.
On land, they're more vulnerable,
so they act mean and snap at people.
Hey! Who's saying that?
-[turtle growls, snaps]
-Kit, look.
That algae is covering her eyes.
[Kit] Of course.
Snapping turtles often have
a lot of algae growing on them.
This one has so much,
she can't see where she's going.
There's only one thing to do now.
[both] Haircut time.
[tense music plays]
[clears throat] Excuse us, ma'am.
[turtle] Who's there? Stay back!
[Sam] Easy.
We're here to help.
[grumbles] Help me? How?
We noticed that you have
some algae growing over your eyes.
So what if I do?
I mostly live in the water.
That's where I'm trying to go now!
But I'm lost!
We understand.
But what if we remove
some of that algae for you
so you can see where you're going?
Get rid of all this algae?!
I mean, I would like that.
We promise not to hurt you.
Just try to stay calm.
I… I'll try.
Sometimes, when I'm on land,
I get a little snappy.
[loud snap]
Don't worry.
It'll be just like getting a haircut.
I've never had a haircut before.
Ma'am, we're highly trained
in giving haircuts.
My partner Sam here
is going to take a few steps towards you.
What was that?
Easy. It's just a twig.
Now, Sam's just going to lift up
the algae…
[Kit] …and trim it away.
Nice and slow.
[whispers] Careful, Sam.
Those jaws could take off your finger.
[whispers] Now you tell me.
[Kit] Just keep still, ma'am.
You're doing great.
[scoffs] It kinda tickles.
I can't hold still much longer.
Deep breath. He's almost finished.
[sucks teeth] I can't help it.
I'm a snapping turtle.
I snap when I feel nervous.
[whispers] Hurry, Sam.
Just relax and hold the snap in.
I'm trying!
Just a little more…
[tense music plays]
There. Oo!
Hey, thanks! I can see again!
And I didn't lose any fingers.
Thanks for helping me.
Even after all the trouble I caused.
I'm not a mean turtle. I was just scared.
You don't have to worry.
We understand what you were feeling.
We're happy we could help.
Oo… Still a bit jumpy. Would you mind
showing me where the water is?
Right this way.
[gasps] The dinosaur!
It's coming back!
No dinosaur here, folks.
Hi, there.
Dino check.
Hm… No teeth, tail,
and four feet.
Nope. Definitely not a dinosaur!
It's a snapping turtle!
-[all sigh]
I guess things aren't always
the way they seem, huh?
Sorry for any trouble.
Thanks again for the haircut, agents.
See ya around!
Huh! Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Director Scratch still doesn't seem
like she wants company.
[both] Things aren't always
the way they seem.
Mind if we join you, Director?
I'd love some company!
Everyone's always afraid
to sit with the boss.
Well, I'm not as scary as I look.
Corn kernel cupcake?
Mm! These are great, Director.
I've been baking in my spare time.
Corn biscuits, corn bread,
even some corn pastry.
Though I can't get the dough
to come out right.
I think it needs more salt
or possibly more corn.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Snapping turtles.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Snapping turtles spend most
span style="style2"of their time in water
and don't go on land very often.
[Jill] span style="style2"But when they do,
span style="style2"they can be a bit snappy.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Snapping turtles
span style="style2"are often covered with algae.
[Jill] span style="style2"It grows right on their shells!
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Snapping turtles don't have teeth,
span style="style2"but their beaks are strong and sharp.
[Jill] span style="style2"Which gives them a powerful bite.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[theme music plays]
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