The Creature Cases (2022) s01e11 Episode Script
The Puzzle of the Poisonous Leaves/The Mystery of the Missing Hare
Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Puzzle
span style="style2"of the Poisonous Leaves.
-[steel drum music plays]
-[male laughs]
And so's I said, "Papaya?
But I barely even know ya!"
Get it?
-Oh! Huh?
-[stomach churns]
The joke wasn't all that bad.
-[stomach churns]
Wait. Are you all right?
I think she's been poisoned!
[all exclaim]
-[stomach churns]
-[camera clicks]
[Sam] Let's see.
Thermals, mittens, and… [gasps]
Oo… [laughs]
My head will be so toasty
skiing down those snowy slopes.
Where are you going
for your vacation, Kit?
I'm going to the desert
to get some sun and to study stink bugs.
Ew! Sounds hot. And smelly. And hot.
-[Sam gasps]
A new case!
This old suitcase?
Nah, I've had it for years.
No, I mean, look!
Director Scratch has
a new Creature Case for us! Let's go!
Nice hat, Agent Snow.
I know vacations are coming up,
but we've got an urgent new case
to unpack, so to speak.
Howler monkeys at a jungle resort
are falling out of their tree.
Really? But howler monkeys
are usually such great climbers.
But the Mice Squad's photos suggest
that they were poisoned.
Poisoned? But how?
And why?
That's what you two need to figure out.
It's up to you to solve this mystery
before another poisoned monkey falls.
You can count on us, Director!
Good luck, agents.
Time for me to fly the coop.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
South American Jungle.
[Sam] This looks like the place.
[Kit] Wow.
If we weren't here for work,
this would be a great vacation spot.
Yeah. If you like your vacations
extra hot and sweaty.
Excuse me.
Welcome to the Howler Monkey Resort
for Peace and Relaxation!
Why is she yelling?
[quietly] Howler monkeys are known
for being pretty loud.
[yells] We're from CLADE,
and we'd like to ask
the manager a few questions!
Ah! He's already being interviewed.
Is that guy with you?
[Kit] Huh?
-Another detective?
-Who is that guy?
Excuse me.
I'm Agent Kit Casey,
and this is Agent Sam Snow.
And you are?
Philip Night. Nocturnal detective.
When you want a case solved,
I'm the night monkey for the job.
Night monkey? I thought
we were dealing with howler monkeys.
Night monkeys
are a whole different species.
We're nocturnal, see,
which means we only work at night, see.
And I only work alone.
Look, Philip,
it's been very nice to meet you,
but we've been sent here
to crack this case.
Sorry, kid, but this is my case.
Uh, maybe we could work together.
[sighs] Fine.
But just don't get in my way.
Sir, can you tell us what happened here?
Well, I--
Notice anything strange?
Strange? Uh… I--
Maybe just start from the beginning and--
Listen here, pal.
Just what are you trying to hide?
Okay! Okay! I confess!
One time I took
a twisty straw from the kitchen,
but I was gonna bring it back!
A straw?
No! We're trying to find out
what's poisoning your guests.
Was it you?
Me? No! I love our guests.
We're like a big family here.
Well, did you serve them
any unusual food lately?
Not that I know of.
We only serve leaves here,
and we've never had
any problems with them.
Until yesterday.
It seems there's no other explanation.
If leaves are all they ate, then--
Then the leaves must be poisonous.
Hey! I was about to say that.
But that's impossible!
We've been eating these leaves forever.
We'd better do a poison scan.
Leave it to me, kid.
I got a nose for this sort of thing.
Why don't we both check the leaves and see
who can get to the bottom of this first?
You're on.
[both] It's the leaves!
I'm sorry, Mr. Manager,
but these leaves you're serving are--
…definitely poisonous.
But that's all we serve here,
and it's almost dinnertime!
We have to stop them.
Don't eat the leaves!
Hey, my dinner!
It's for your own good, ma'am.
Hey! What's the big idea?
-Gimme that.
-How dare you!
Mm! Mm, mm, mm.
I don't feel so good.
[stomachs churn]
We're too late.
They already ate the leaves.
We've gotta catch them!
-Philip, will you help us?
-We've got some monkeys to save.
[all exclaim]
A little help here.
[Sam exclaims]
Thanks for the help, Philip.
The howlers are safe,
and the poison should wear off soon.
That was some ace work back there.
You CLADE agents are all right.
I just wish we knew
why the leaves are bad.
There's gotta be some clue.
The howler monkeys
only eat the leaves from this tree.
And they've been eating them for years.
So why are they being poisoned now?
Hm… Huh?
Check it out. This leaf is different.
Good eye, kid.
Looks like a new leaf to me.
They're different colors
depending on how old they are.
The light ones are newer
and the dark ones older.
Philip, give it a sniff.
Oh! Definitely poisonous.
Now try this new one.
It's all right. No poison.
So that means
only the old leaves are poisonous.
The new leaves are fine to eat.
Of course!
As the leaves get older,
they become poisonous.
Which is okay, as long as there
are plenty of new leaves mixed in.
But most of these leaves look old.
Where did all the new ones go?
What is it, Phil? Got something?
I'm picking up a scent.
-[distant groaning]
-Over here.
A trail of new leaves.
And it's heading that way!
Nice sniffing, Phil.
Like I told ya,
I've got a nose for this sort of thing.
Look over there.
Another monkey resort.
And look at this box right here, see?
[Sam & Kit] Hm…
-[Kit grunts]
-[Sam grunts]
[Sam] Whiskers, that's it!
These monkeys have been stealing
the safe new leaves for themselves…
and leaving
nothing but old poisonous ones behind.
I've heard that howler monkeys
will fight over their favorite trees,
but stealing leaves? That's new to me.
Better bring them all back.
-[all three] Huh?
-Hey, you!
Get away from our leaves!
You mean your stolen leaves.
That is what I mean, yeah!
-[Kit] Let's get out of here!
-[monkeys howl]
[pants] I don't think
they're going to give those leaves back.
But what are we gonna do?
It's almost time for breakfast,
and those howlers are gonna be hungry.
Howler monkeys stealing
from other howler monkeys.
You hate to see it.
[Sam] Wait.
Do that again, Philip.
How long have you been working
the night shift?
Me? I've been doing this for years.
So you've been eating
the fruit from these trees
and spitting the seeds out
this whole time?
Sure have.
Of course!
Philip, you've saved the howler monkeys.
I did?
I mean, I did. How'd I do that?
Every time you spit out seeds,
you've been planting new trees.
[Sam] New trees with new leaves.
That aren't poisonous.
Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.
We gotta get these leaves back
to those howlers before they wake up.
Thanks for all the new leaves!
You three are a real team!
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed. [laugh]
See you around, agents.
Night monkeys don't do much good
when the sun comes up.
Well, you did a lot of good
for us tonight, that's for sure.
Take care, Philip. We couldn't have solved
this case without you.
[Philip] Here's looking at you, kids.
You know what this means.
This place is pretty nice,
once you get used to the heat.
[shouts] Hello!
Can I get you anything else?
Yeah. A towel.
-Well, that's one way to cool off.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Night monkeys.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Night monkeys are the only monkeys
span style="style2"that are nocturnal.
[Bill] span style="style2"That means they sleep
span style="style2"during the day and are awake at night.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Night monkeys like to eat fruits.
[Bill] span style="style2"They spread the seeds
span style="style2"around the jungle,
planting new trees.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Night monkeys have
span style="style2"a really good sense of smell.
[Bill] span style="style2"Just by smelling leaves,
span style="style2"they can tell if they're safe to eat.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Mystery of the Missing Hare.
[female hare] …100, 101, 102…
Settle down, campers.
I know you're excited,
but we have to make sure
everyone got here safely. [chuckles]
…103, 104, 100 and… five…
Where's 105?
105? Who's 105?
I haven't seen 'im.
[gasps] One of our campers is missing!
[indistinct commotion]
Where are they?
[camera clicks]
[Kit shivers]
It's colder than a snow squall in here.
Feels quite pleasant to me.
Nice and chilly.
But if you're cold,
this should warm you up.
Your chicken hat? Not my style.
Come on. How could you say no?
-This hat is the warmest…
-…softest, coziest…
[gasps] The CLADE crest.
[Kit] The Director's
got a new case for us.
[both grunt]
I was feeling chilly.
Well, you'll need to keep warm
where you're going, agents.
Every spring,
these snowshoe hares head from the tundra
to their forest campground.
But this year, they arrived to discover
that one of them was missing.
Whoa. That's a lot of rabbits.
Not rabbits, Sam.
They're snowshoe hares.
Hares are bigger than rabbits,
with longer legs.
Your job is to figure out
what's happened to that missing hare.
You can count on us, Director.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
North American Forest.
Are you 105?
No, I'm 23.
Excuse me, campers.
[birds chirp]
Was it something I said?
Snowshoe hares are good
at staying still when they're alarmed,
and their fur makes them camouflaged
so they're hard to see.
Huh! It's true. Their brown fur
really blends into the forest.
-Hello, there.
We're from CLADE, and we're here
to find your missing camper.
Oh, thank goodness.
Well, we noticed
someone was missing when we got here.
Every spring we come
to the forest from the cold, snowy tundra.
That's because
the snacks here are the best!
And flowers.
But one camper never made it.
Can you tell us what they look like?
Well, I suppose they look just like us.
-[Kit] Long ears, brown fur, big feet.
How's this?
Looks like they're frozen again.
I'm sorry, agents. We're a little nervous.
That's all right.
What's the missing camper's name?
Oh, uh…
Was it Barbara?
I'm Barbara.
There are so many campers.
I can't keep them all straight.
-Okay. Well, how about--
[crickets chirp]
Oh no, not again.
I don't think
we're gonna get much more out of them.
[Kit] The hares came
from the snowy tundra north of here,
so we'd better start
our investigation there.
Sounds like a plan.
To the tundra.
Don't worry, campers.
We'll find whatever their name is
and bring them back soon.
It's getting snowier.
And colder.
Maybe I should've brought
your chicken hat.
[Sam] Check it out. Footprints!
[Kit] Snowshoe-hare prints
by the looks of 'em.
We're on the right track.
-[quick footsteps]
-What is it, Kit?
-I thought I heard something.
And it feels like someone is watching us.
-I heard something too.
A wolf!
Better find that missing hare
before that wolf does.
Looks like he's working up an appetite.
[wolf] Watch it, dudes!
I'm shredding here!
Not very polite.
And he wrecked the trail of footprints.
How will we find the missing hare now?
A missing hare?
What in the woolly world?!
Didn't see you there, little guy.
Neither did that wolf.
Guess that's why they call me Snowball.
'Cause I'm so good
at blending in with the snow, eh?
Snowball, we're from CLADE,
and we're looking for a missing hare.
About your size,
but with brown fur?
He does look familiar.
But I haven't seen him. Gotta go.
Guess we better keep searching.
[Kit] Tree bark.
Is it a clue?
I think so.
When there's not much food around,
snowshoe hares will eat
the bark right off trees.
-[both] Huh?
Sounds like someone's having
a little bark snack now.
Could it be…
[crunching] Mm… [gulps]
What's up, agents?
-You again.
Oh! Oh yeah, me. [chuckles, munches]
Snowball, are you sure
you haven't seen a hare with brown fur?
Absolutely positive.
Brown fur would really stick out
on all this snow, eh?
Well, good luck.
[sighs] We still haven't found
a single clue.
Maybe those hares counted wrong?
Maybe. Though I'm starting
to feel like we're missing something.
Hey. What's this?
Looks like a snow burrow.
The kind a missing hare would hide in.
[echoes] Hello? Anyone home?
More bark.
I think someone's in there.
-Could it be…
[chuckles] I got you guys good.
Snowball, we don't have time for games.
This is a serious investigation.
And how'd you get here?
We saw you go the other way.
I told you. I'm good at blending in.
You didn't see me sneak back here.
This is my snack shack.
Hold up. Snowball, you're sure
that there are no other hares around here?
Well, there were more of us here earlier.
Wonder where they all went. Heh.
-Now it's just me and that--
Gotta go.
[gasps] What in the woolly--
After that hare!
Wait, what?
I think Snowball might be the camper
we've been looking for.
Snowball? But his fur's the wrong color.
Not all of it.
He's got a brown spot on his back.
-[energetic music plays]
We're not the only ones
after him. Better hurry!
[music continues]
Whoa! Whooaa!
[music continues]
Wh-- Wh-- Whoa!
[both gasp]
["The Blue Danube" plays]
Snowball! Stay off the ice!
-[record scratch]
[gasps] Oh no!
[perilous music plays]
Clu-Bot, go.
Thanks for the lift.
Snowball, you're the missing camper
we've been looking for!
I am?
But weren't you looking
for someone with brown fur?
My fur changes to brown for half the year.
How did I forget that?
Your fur changes color?
When the temperature changes,
it causes some animals
to change the color of their fur.
Like weasels, caribou…
And snowshoe hares.
So they can blend in
with the tundra in the winter
and the forest in the spring.
Oh, wow! Is it spring already?
I was wondering why it was so warm.
And look. The warmer temperature
has made you even more brown.
[wolf howls]
[Snowball] Uh-oh.
That wolf is still after me.
How will I blend into the snow like this?
Let's head back
to the snowshoe hares' camp.
It's too far. We won't make it.
Maybe we don't have to go
all the way back. Come on.
Now to find the right spot.
There! Half-brown, half-white.
Just like your fur.
That wolf will never see you now.
[crickets chirp]
Snowball, other way.
Huh? Whoopsie.
[wolf howls]
[whispers] Here he comes.
Snowball, hold still.
[menacing music plays]
You two seen a rabbit?
Nope. No rabbits here.
[sniffs, growls]
Are you sure you haven't seen a rabbit?
-We're sure.
Hm… [growls]
No rabbits here. Just a perfectly
camouflaged snowshoe hare.
Nice job, Snowball.
Thanks for your help, agents.
Come on. Time to get you back to camp.
Hey, everyone.
I made it.
Snowball! You're back!
And your fur is brown!
Snowball! Of course!
That's who was missing.
Looks like we did it, Kit.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed.
[shivers] It may be spring in the tundra,
but I'm still cold.
R.O.N., set temperature to hot.
[buzzes] span style="style2"Heating system offline.
No heat?
Desperate times
call for desperate measures, Kit.
Fine. Give me the chicken hat.
[laughs] How about I knit you a new hat
on our way back to HQ?
Oo! Can it be a snowshoe-hare hat?
Of course.
What color? White or brown?
[Kit] Why not both? [giggles]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Snowshoe hares.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Snowshoe hares' fur changes color
span style="style2"when the seasons change.
[Jill] span style="style2"They're brown in the spring
span style="style2"and turn white in the winter.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Their fur is used for camouflage.
[Jill] span style="style2"That means they blend in
span style="style2"with the colors around them.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Hares are different than rabbits.
[Jill] span style="style2"Hares have longer legs,
span style="style2"bigger feet, and larger ears.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Puzzle
span style="style2"of the Poisonous Leaves.
-[steel drum music plays]
-[male laughs]
And so's I said, "Papaya?
But I barely even know ya!"
Get it?
-Oh! Huh?
-[stomach churns]
The joke wasn't all that bad.
-[stomach churns]
Wait. Are you all right?
I think she's been poisoned!
[all exclaim]
-[stomach churns]
-[camera clicks]
[Sam] Let's see.
Thermals, mittens, and… [gasps]
Oo… [laughs]
My head will be so toasty
skiing down those snowy slopes.
Where are you going
for your vacation, Kit?
I'm going to the desert
to get some sun and to study stink bugs.
Ew! Sounds hot. And smelly. And hot.
-[Sam gasps]
A new case!
This old suitcase?
Nah, I've had it for years.
No, I mean, look!
Director Scratch has
a new Creature Case for us! Let's go!
Nice hat, Agent Snow.
I know vacations are coming up,
but we've got an urgent new case
to unpack, so to speak.
Howler monkeys at a jungle resort
are falling out of their tree.
Really? But howler monkeys
are usually such great climbers.
But the Mice Squad's photos suggest
that they were poisoned.
Poisoned? But how?
And why?
That's what you two need to figure out.
It's up to you to solve this mystery
before another poisoned monkey falls.
You can count on us, Director!
Good luck, agents.
Time for me to fly the coop.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
South American Jungle.
[Sam] This looks like the place.
[Kit] Wow.
If we weren't here for work,
this would be a great vacation spot.
Yeah. If you like your vacations
extra hot and sweaty.
Excuse me.
Welcome to the Howler Monkey Resort
for Peace and Relaxation!
Why is she yelling?
[quietly] Howler monkeys are known
for being pretty loud.
[yells] We're from CLADE,
and we'd like to ask
the manager a few questions!
Ah! He's already being interviewed.
Is that guy with you?
[Kit] Huh?
-Another detective?
-Who is that guy?
Excuse me.
I'm Agent Kit Casey,
and this is Agent Sam Snow.
And you are?
Philip Night. Nocturnal detective.
When you want a case solved,
I'm the night monkey for the job.
Night monkey? I thought
we were dealing with howler monkeys.
Night monkeys
are a whole different species.
We're nocturnal, see,
which means we only work at night, see.
And I only work alone.
Look, Philip,
it's been very nice to meet you,
but we've been sent here
to crack this case.
Sorry, kid, but this is my case.
Uh, maybe we could work together.
[sighs] Fine.
But just don't get in my way.
Sir, can you tell us what happened here?
Well, I--
Notice anything strange?
Strange? Uh… I--
Maybe just start from the beginning and--
Listen here, pal.
Just what are you trying to hide?
Okay! Okay! I confess!
One time I took
a twisty straw from the kitchen,
but I was gonna bring it back!
A straw?
No! We're trying to find out
what's poisoning your guests.
Was it you?
Me? No! I love our guests.
We're like a big family here.
Well, did you serve them
any unusual food lately?
Not that I know of.
We only serve leaves here,
and we've never had
any problems with them.
Until yesterday.
It seems there's no other explanation.
If leaves are all they ate, then--
Then the leaves must be poisonous.
Hey! I was about to say that.
But that's impossible!
We've been eating these leaves forever.
We'd better do a poison scan.
Leave it to me, kid.
I got a nose for this sort of thing.
Why don't we both check the leaves and see
who can get to the bottom of this first?
You're on.
[both] It's the leaves!
I'm sorry, Mr. Manager,
but these leaves you're serving are--
…definitely poisonous.
But that's all we serve here,
and it's almost dinnertime!
We have to stop them.
Don't eat the leaves!
Hey, my dinner!
It's for your own good, ma'am.
Hey! What's the big idea?
-Gimme that.
-How dare you!
Mm! Mm, mm, mm.
I don't feel so good.
[stomachs churn]
We're too late.
They already ate the leaves.
We've gotta catch them!
-Philip, will you help us?
-We've got some monkeys to save.
[all exclaim]
A little help here.
[Sam exclaims]
Thanks for the help, Philip.
The howlers are safe,
and the poison should wear off soon.
That was some ace work back there.
You CLADE agents are all right.
I just wish we knew
why the leaves are bad.
There's gotta be some clue.
The howler monkeys
only eat the leaves from this tree.
And they've been eating them for years.
So why are they being poisoned now?
Hm… Huh?
Check it out. This leaf is different.
Good eye, kid.
Looks like a new leaf to me.
They're different colors
depending on how old they are.
The light ones are newer
and the dark ones older.
Philip, give it a sniff.
Oh! Definitely poisonous.
Now try this new one.
It's all right. No poison.
So that means
only the old leaves are poisonous.
The new leaves are fine to eat.
Of course!
As the leaves get older,
they become poisonous.
Which is okay, as long as there
are plenty of new leaves mixed in.
But most of these leaves look old.
Where did all the new ones go?
What is it, Phil? Got something?
I'm picking up a scent.
-[distant groaning]
-Over here.
A trail of new leaves.
And it's heading that way!
Nice sniffing, Phil.
Like I told ya,
I've got a nose for this sort of thing.
Look over there.
Another monkey resort.
And look at this box right here, see?
[Sam & Kit] Hm…
-[Kit grunts]
-[Sam grunts]
[Sam] Whiskers, that's it!
These monkeys have been stealing
the safe new leaves for themselves…
and leaving
nothing but old poisonous ones behind.
I've heard that howler monkeys
will fight over their favorite trees,
but stealing leaves? That's new to me.
Better bring them all back.
-[all three] Huh?
-Hey, you!
Get away from our leaves!
You mean your stolen leaves.
That is what I mean, yeah!
-[Kit] Let's get out of here!
-[monkeys howl]
[pants] I don't think
they're going to give those leaves back.
But what are we gonna do?
It's almost time for breakfast,
and those howlers are gonna be hungry.
Howler monkeys stealing
from other howler monkeys.
You hate to see it.
[Sam] Wait.
Do that again, Philip.
How long have you been working
the night shift?
Me? I've been doing this for years.
So you've been eating
the fruit from these trees
and spitting the seeds out
this whole time?
Sure have.
Of course!
Philip, you've saved the howler monkeys.
I did?
I mean, I did. How'd I do that?
Every time you spit out seeds,
you've been planting new trees.
[Sam] New trees with new leaves.
That aren't poisonous.
Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.
We gotta get these leaves back
to those howlers before they wake up.
Thanks for all the new leaves!
You three are a real team!
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed. [laugh]
See you around, agents.
Night monkeys don't do much good
when the sun comes up.
Well, you did a lot of good
for us tonight, that's for sure.
Take care, Philip. We couldn't have solved
this case without you.
[Philip] Here's looking at you, kids.
You know what this means.
This place is pretty nice,
once you get used to the heat.
[shouts] Hello!
Can I get you anything else?
Yeah. A towel.
-Well, that's one way to cool off.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Night monkeys.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Night monkeys are the only monkeys
span style="style2"that are nocturnal.
[Bill] span style="style2"That means they sleep
span style="style2"during the day and are awake at night.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Night monkeys like to eat fruits.
[Bill] span style="style2"They spread the seeds
span style="style2"around the jungle,
planting new trees.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Night monkeys have
span style="style2"a really good sense of smell.
[Bill] span style="style2"Just by smelling leaves,
span style="style2"they can tell if they're safe to eat.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Mystery of the Missing Hare.
[female hare] …100, 101, 102…
Settle down, campers.
I know you're excited,
but we have to make sure
everyone got here safely. [chuckles]
…103, 104, 100 and… five…
Where's 105?
105? Who's 105?
I haven't seen 'im.
[gasps] One of our campers is missing!
[indistinct commotion]
Where are they?
[camera clicks]
[Kit shivers]
It's colder than a snow squall in here.
Feels quite pleasant to me.
Nice and chilly.
But if you're cold,
this should warm you up.
Your chicken hat? Not my style.
Come on. How could you say no?
-This hat is the warmest…
-…softest, coziest…
[gasps] The CLADE crest.
[Kit] The Director's
got a new case for us.
[both grunt]
I was feeling chilly.
Well, you'll need to keep warm
where you're going, agents.
Every spring,
these snowshoe hares head from the tundra
to their forest campground.
But this year, they arrived to discover
that one of them was missing.
Whoa. That's a lot of rabbits.
Not rabbits, Sam.
They're snowshoe hares.
Hares are bigger than rabbits,
with longer legs.
Your job is to figure out
what's happened to that missing hare.
You can count on us, Director.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
North American Forest.
Are you 105?
No, I'm 23.
Excuse me, campers.
[birds chirp]
Was it something I said?
Snowshoe hares are good
at staying still when they're alarmed,
and their fur makes them camouflaged
so they're hard to see.
Huh! It's true. Their brown fur
really blends into the forest.
-Hello, there.
We're from CLADE, and we're here
to find your missing camper.
Oh, thank goodness.
Well, we noticed
someone was missing when we got here.
Every spring we come
to the forest from the cold, snowy tundra.
That's because
the snacks here are the best!
And flowers.
But one camper never made it.
Can you tell us what they look like?
Well, I suppose they look just like us.
-[Kit] Long ears, brown fur, big feet.
How's this?
Looks like they're frozen again.
I'm sorry, agents. We're a little nervous.
That's all right.
What's the missing camper's name?
Oh, uh…
Was it Barbara?
I'm Barbara.
There are so many campers.
I can't keep them all straight.
-Okay. Well, how about--
[crickets chirp]
Oh no, not again.
I don't think
we're gonna get much more out of them.
[Kit] The hares came
from the snowy tundra north of here,
so we'd better start
our investigation there.
Sounds like a plan.
To the tundra.
Don't worry, campers.
We'll find whatever their name is
and bring them back soon.
It's getting snowier.
And colder.
Maybe I should've brought
your chicken hat.
[Sam] Check it out. Footprints!
[Kit] Snowshoe-hare prints
by the looks of 'em.
We're on the right track.
-[quick footsteps]
-What is it, Kit?
-I thought I heard something.
And it feels like someone is watching us.
-I heard something too.
A wolf!
Better find that missing hare
before that wolf does.
Looks like he's working up an appetite.
[wolf] Watch it, dudes!
I'm shredding here!
Not very polite.
And he wrecked the trail of footprints.
How will we find the missing hare now?
A missing hare?
What in the woolly world?!
Didn't see you there, little guy.
Neither did that wolf.
Guess that's why they call me Snowball.
'Cause I'm so good
at blending in with the snow, eh?
Snowball, we're from CLADE,
and we're looking for a missing hare.
About your size,
but with brown fur?
He does look familiar.
But I haven't seen him. Gotta go.
Guess we better keep searching.
[Kit] Tree bark.
Is it a clue?
I think so.
When there's not much food around,
snowshoe hares will eat
the bark right off trees.
-[both] Huh?
Sounds like someone's having
a little bark snack now.
Could it be…
[crunching] Mm… [gulps]
What's up, agents?
-You again.
Oh! Oh yeah, me. [chuckles, munches]
Snowball, are you sure
you haven't seen a hare with brown fur?
Absolutely positive.
Brown fur would really stick out
on all this snow, eh?
Well, good luck.
[sighs] We still haven't found
a single clue.
Maybe those hares counted wrong?
Maybe. Though I'm starting
to feel like we're missing something.
Hey. What's this?
Looks like a snow burrow.
The kind a missing hare would hide in.
[echoes] Hello? Anyone home?
More bark.
I think someone's in there.
-Could it be…
[chuckles] I got you guys good.
Snowball, we don't have time for games.
This is a serious investigation.
And how'd you get here?
We saw you go the other way.
I told you. I'm good at blending in.
You didn't see me sneak back here.
This is my snack shack.
Hold up. Snowball, you're sure
that there are no other hares around here?
Well, there were more of us here earlier.
Wonder where they all went. Heh.
-Now it's just me and that--
Gotta go.
[gasps] What in the woolly--
After that hare!
Wait, what?
I think Snowball might be the camper
we've been looking for.
Snowball? But his fur's the wrong color.
Not all of it.
He's got a brown spot on his back.
-[energetic music plays]
We're not the only ones
after him. Better hurry!
[music continues]
Whoa! Whooaa!
[music continues]
Wh-- Wh-- Whoa!
[both gasp]
["The Blue Danube" plays]
Snowball! Stay off the ice!
-[record scratch]
[gasps] Oh no!
[perilous music plays]
Clu-Bot, go.
Thanks for the lift.
Snowball, you're the missing camper
we've been looking for!
I am?
But weren't you looking
for someone with brown fur?
My fur changes to brown for half the year.
How did I forget that?
Your fur changes color?
When the temperature changes,
it causes some animals
to change the color of their fur.
Like weasels, caribou…
And snowshoe hares.
So they can blend in
with the tundra in the winter
and the forest in the spring.
Oh, wow! Is it spring already?
I was wondering why it was so warm.
And look. The warmer temperature
has made you even more brown.
[wolf howls]
[Snowball] Uh-oh.
That wolf is still after me.
How will I blend into the snow like this?
Let's head back
to the snowshoe hares' camp.
It's too far. We won't make it.
Maybe we don't have to go
all the way back. Come on.
Now to find the right spot.
There! Half-brown, half-white.
Just like your fur.
That wolf will never see you now.
[crickets chirp]
Snowball, other way.
Huh? Whoopsie.
[wolf howls]
[whispers] Here he comes.
Snowball, hold still.
[menacing music plays]
You two seen a rabbit?
Nope. No rabbits here.
[sniffs, growls]
Are you sure you haven't seen a rabbit?
-We're sure.
Hm… [growls]
No rabbits here. Just a perfectly
camouflaged snowshoe hare.
Nice job, Snowball.
Thanks for your help, agents.
Come on. Time to get you back to camp.
Hey, everyone.
I made it.
Snowball! You're back!
And your fur is brown!
Snowball! Of course!
That's who was missing.
Looks like we did it, Kit.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed.
[shivers] It may be spring in the tundra,
but I'm still cold.
R.O.N., set temperature to hot.
[buzzes] span style="style2"Heating system offline.
No heat?
Desperate times
call for desperate measures, Kit.
Fine. Give me the chicken hat.
[laughs] How about I knit you a new hat
on our way back to HQ?
Oo! Can it be a snowshoe-hare hat?
Of course.
What color? White or brown?
[Kit] Why not both? [giggles]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Snowshoe hares.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Snowshoe hares' fur changes color
span style="style2"when the seasons change.
[Jill] span style="style2"They're brown in the spring
span style="style2"and turn white in the winter.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Their fur is used for camouflage.
[Jill] span style="style2"That means they blend in
span style="style2"with the colors around them.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Hares are different than rabbits.
[Jill] span style="style2"Hares have longer legs,
span style="style2"bigger feet, and larger ears.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]