The Creature Cases (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

The Secret of the Sand Serpent/The Disappearance of Peggy Scratch

Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Secret of the Sand Serpent.
[Western music plays]
[male gecko] Here we go.
Thanks for the melon, mister.
Well, I sure sold a lot of fruit
for my first day in a new town.
Time to close up shop.
[townsfolk] Run! Get inside! Hurry!
See the rain on them there hills?
That means it's a-coming back!
[stammers] What's coming back?
The Sand Serpent, of course!
It'll pull you right underground! Run!
[gecko] Right. Sand Serpent.
I'll be careful.
Heh. Thank you.
[exclaims] My melon! Something took it!
[camera clicks]
[Sam hums]
-[vacuum whirring]
All right, all right, I admit it.
Sam, I've never told you this,
but I'm kinda sorta afraid of the vacuum.
The vacuum?
Unless you were gonna ask me something
else, in which case, I'm kidding.
Sorry, Kit. I had no idea.
Can I ask why you're afraid of the vacuum?
I know it's silly,
but the vacuum's just so loud.
You know, fear is like a cage.
A cage with only one way out.
-The door?
-No, it's just a saying!
The only way out is to face your fear.
Face my fear?
That's right.
You've got to face what you're afraid of
so you can see that it isn't so scary.
-Now, I'm going to turn this back on…
The CLADE crest!
Facing my fears will have to wait.
Director Scratch has
a new Creature Case for us. [grunts]
[Sam grunts]
Agents, I've got a particularly
strange case for you today.
Take a look at this.
Uh… What are we looking at?
According to local legend,
this is the work of a mysterious creature
called the Sand Serpent.
Hm… Serpent means snake.
Is the Sand Serpent some kind of snake?
That's what you two need to figure out.
All we know
is that it's terrorizing these townsfolk.
They're all afraid
of getting pulled underground.
[laughs] Good thing Sam
and I aren't afraid
of mysterious Sand Serpents.
Nope. Just the vacuum clea--
[laughs nervously]
You can count on us, Director.
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome,
South American Desert.
[Western music plays]
[Sam] Excuse us.
I'm Agent Sam Snow.
And I'm Agent Kit Casey.
Mind answering a few questions?
Who's gonna pay for my stolen melon?
That's the question.
Uh, we hear you've had a problem
with a sand snake?
Excuse me?
[chuckles] Here we go.
You said "sand snake."
But it's a serpent. The Sand Serpent!
[whispers] I thought you said serpent
is just another name for snake.
[whispers] Go along with it.
What can you tell us
about this Sand Serpent?
Nobody knows what it is, or what it wants,
but it can pull you right underground!
Like my poor melons.
Every time it rains
up in them there hills,
the Sand Serpent comes
and terrorizes the town!
[townsfolk] Watch out! Run! Hurry!
[gecko] The Sand Serpent! It's back!
Quick! Get off the ground,
or it'll pull you under!
[townsfolk exclaim]
We've got to help them!
Look out!
Come on! Get off the ground!
Quick! Up, up, up!
[brakes screech]
Not again!
It's a-coming for me! [hollers]
Uh, uh!
[brakes screech]
[Sam] It's leaving.
Everyone okay?
No. Another one of my melons was taken
by that no-good stinkin' sand snake.
Sand Serpent!
You said it only comes
when it rains on them there hills.
Well, it sure ain't raining now.
Well, it's never done that before.
Guess it does now.
We're used to it coming
every once in a while,
but twice in one day is too much!
I'm not made of melons.
Don't worry, folks.
We'll take care of this.
We know what we're doing.
[whispers] What are we doing?
Good question.
We need to get a look
at this "Sand Serpent,"
-but it never seems to come above ground.
-Not a problem.
Clu-Bot, go.
This Clu-Bot can track the Sand Serpent
through its tunnels
so we can see what we're dealing with.
[Sam] There! That's it!
It looks like it has fur and claws.
Doesn't look like a snake to me.
[Sam] It's on the move again.
We can't get close.
It's kicking up too much sand.
The Clu-Bot crashed into something.
This wall must go down pretty deep,
but the Serpent avoided it just in time.
If we could somehow corner the creature
at this wall, we could catch it.
But how do we make it go where we want?
-Huh? You saw that, right?
Uh-huh. And I heard it too.
The Sand Serpent lives underground,
but it zips away
whenever there's a big noise above ground.
It's gotta have good hearing
to find its way around in those tunnels.
Must not like loud noises.
And that's how we catch it!
The next time the Serpent comes back,
we'll be ready for it.
Folks, we've figured out
the Sand Serpent isn't a snake at all,
and it doesn't like loud noises.
So? What is it?
Time to find out.
Everyone bring their pots and pans?
-[townsfolk] Yeah. You bet.
…Kit and I will position you around town.
Then, when we tell you,
make as much noise as possible!
The noise will drive the creature
smack into the underground wall.
And that's when we'll catch it.
Now, who's ready
to stop that Sand Serpent?
[questioning commotion]
This is where you say, "We are!"
Come on, folks.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
Easy for you to say.
You didn't grow up hearing bedtime stories
about the terrifying Sand Serpent!
I'm mighty scared of that thing.
We are.
You know, someone once told me
that fear is like a cage.
A cage with only one way out.
-The door?
-Bending the bars?
[sighs] It's just a saying!
The only way out is to face your fear.
-Oh yeah.
-I get it.
Whether you're scared
of a legendary creature under the sand
or a vacuum cleaner…
[all] Vacuum cleaner?
…sooner or later,
we all have to face our fears
so we can see that they're not so scary.
Now, who's with me?
[townsfolk] We are!
[gasps] Sand Serpent!
It's a-coming!
Positions, everyone! Go, go, go!
[intense music plays]
[Sam] Mr. Root, make some noise.
-[Sam] It's working!
-Bang those pots!
Keep steering it toward the wall!
-[Kit] Now!
-[both] Hey!
I… I can't!
Face your fear! You can do this.
[townsfolk cheer] Yee-haw!
Whiskers, it worked.
Now, let's see
what the Sand Serpent really is.
Uh… Uh? Eh…
How's it going, everybody?
-[all] Huh?
-That's the Sand Serpent?
Sand Serpent? Where? Where?
Wait. [whispers] What's a Sand Serpent?
Of course!
Sam, it's a pink fairy armadillo.
A pink fairy? [chuckles]
Now who's telling tall tales?
Hey. I'll have you know,
I'm a pink fairy span style="style2"armadillo.
It all adds up.
Pink fairy armadillos
have fur, claws for digging,
and they're rarely seen above ground.
Let me guess.
You live over there in the hills.
[armadillo] Except when it rains.
Then, my tunnels fill up
with water. Oh, it's terrible.
So, I come down here.
Just like the legend says.
But it's not raining now.
Why come back to town?
[sighs] I'm sorry for scaring everyone,
but earlier, I tasted the most delicious,
amazing fruit I've ever had!
And I want more.
He's talking about my melons!
No wonder you stuck around.
I bet those tasted a lot better
than the insects
and grubs you usually eat.
You can say that again.
I've never had anything like them.
You hear that, folks?
I got the only fruit in town
-that's pink-fairy-armadillo-approved!
-[all exclaim]
Mr. Root, if our little friend
promises not to cause any more trouble,
do you think
you could give him some melon seeds?
[gasps] Then I could grow my own melons!
It's a deal.
Hasta la vista!
That's one more Creature Case…
[both] Closed.
And thanks to you, we all faced our fears.
Well, not quite.
[epic music plays]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Armadillos.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Pink fairy armadillos
span style="style2"have large claws
on their front and back legs.
[Bill] span style="style2"They use their claws
span style="style2"to quickly dig through sand.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Pink fairy armadillos
span style="style2"have small eyes…
[Bill] span style="style2"…so their hearing
span style="style2"helps them get around.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They sometimes leave their homes
span style="style2"due to weather changes.
[Bill] span style="style2"When it rains, their tunnels
span style="style2"might fill with water. Yikes!
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Disappearance
span style="style2"of Peggy Scratch.
[Sam] R.O.N., status report.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"We are above the Atlantic Ocean,
span style="style2"near the equator.
Roger that. We'll get back
to CLADE fastest if we head west.
Uh, I think you mean east.
No, I definitely meant west.
I'm the one navigating here.
Yeah, and I'm the one steering.
-[Sam] Whoa!
[Scratch squawks]
Sorry about that, Director.
Just a little turbulence,
but we should be all good now.
Not to get ahead of ourselves, but I think
Kit and I are acing this flight test.
Agents, you're doing well individually,
but your teamwork
could use some improvement.
Huh? But we work so well together.
Like worms and dirt.
Yeah. Kit and I--
Wait. Am I the dirt or the worm here?
[R.O.N. buzzes]
Power failure.
I got this.
No, I got this. I'm the captain.
Captain? You're not the captain.
I'm navigating, which means I'm the capt--
[squawks] Agents, the jet.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"System failure.
span style="style2"Prepare for crash landing.
[perilous music plays]
[Kit & Sam shout]
[Sam grunts]
-[both grumble]
-Excuse me.
Watch out.
Everybody okay?
I think so.
Hm… That was some landing, agents.
Where are we?
-I don't know.
I don't see anyone around.
It's kinda spooky, isn't it?
R.O.N., how's the engine?
Is anything broken?
Yep. Something's broken.
I'll check the systems one by one.
Nah, that'll take forever.
I'll pop the control hatch
and root around until I find the problem.
Kit, we need to do this carefully.
No, we need to do this quickly.
Right, Director?
Uh… Director?
Where'd she go?
[Kit] Director Scratch?
[menacing music plays]
I don't see her.
Director Scratch? Come in, Director.
Hm. Maybe the Mice Squad have seen her.
Always seem to be
in the right place at the right time.
They're on vacation this week, remember?
-[dance music plays]
-[fan] We love you, Bill and Jill!
Sam, Director Scratch is missing.
Our flight test has turned
into a full-blown Creature Case.
This is usually when Director Scratch
explains our mission.
But since she's not here,
I guess we explain it to ourselves?
Oo, oo! Let me try.
[as Scratch] Agents,
your mission is to find me,
Director Peggy Scratch.
[as Scratch] I was here, and now I'm not.
Where did I go?
It's up to you to find out.
-[squawks, laughs]
[clears throat]
Yeah. Actually, this isn't funny.
No. It's creepy.
It's like she just vanished.
Creepy or not, we're detectives,
and we're going to find her.
Let's look for clues.
I'm not finding any trace
of Director Scratch. You?
Uh, Sam? Do you feel
like we're being watched?
-Watched? No. That's ridiculou--
[whispers] I take it back.
There's definitely something out there.
Hold up.
Look at this.
A feather! Do you think
it belongs to Director Scratch?
I'll compare it
to one of her feathers from my database.
You have her feathers in there?
Oh sure. I've scanned lots of stuff.
Snake scales, crab shells,
even your fur and whiskers.
Here we go. Director Scratch's feathers.
And… it's not a match.
This feather feels different.
Almost like fur.
So there must be
another bird on this island.
But where?
I haven't seen any in the air.
Kit, look!
Director Scratch's necklace!
What in the woolly world?!
After it!
-[energetic music plays]
[Sam] What is that thing?
[Kit] I don't know,
but it sure is quick.
[music continues]
[both] Whoa!
They're birds,
but why are they running, not flying?
Sam, they're not flying,
because they can't fly!
We must be on Inaccessible Island,
and these are Inaccessible Island rails!
[Sam] Inaccessible what now?
Inaccessible Island rails.
This is the only place
in the world they live.
They're the world's smallest birds
that don't fly!
-Maybe they've seen the Director.
-Sam, wait!
-Excuse me. I'm Agent Sam Snow, and--
-I was trying to tell you.
These rails are really shy.
But I can put 'em at ease
with some birdcalls.
Ahem. [clears throat]
You really sound just like them.
[chirps] What do you want?
We don't mean you any harm.
We just wanna ask you a few questions.
Hm. I don't know about that.
We're looking for our boss.
Have you seen this chicken?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Can we take a look around your village?
[all] No!
Um… What was that all about?
Inaccessible Island rails
are very territorial.
They don't like strangers
coming near their homes.
Time to think of a new plan.
Those rails must know
something about Director Scratch.
We'll have to sneak in to investigate.
We could parachute in
or dig a tunnel under the walls.
-Or we could--
-That'll never work!
We should tell them
we're delivering a pizza!
Pizza? Where are we gonna get a pizza?
We just have to say
-we have a pizza and then-- Huh.
-[door opens]
[chirps] Hey. That's a nice rock.
Yeah, I know. It's my rock.
It's gonna be my rock soon.
Ha! You'll have to fight me for it.
[rhythmic pop music plays]
[both chirp]
Are those rails dancing?
They're fighting, rail-style.
It's how they protect their territory.
[music continues]
Hey, you! Get away from my rock!
Guess she's the winner.
-[Sam hums]
Nice moves, Sam.
Whoops. I didn't realize I was doing that.
You're moving just like the rails.
And that's how we're gonna get inside!
What do you mean?
If you challenge the rails
with your dancing and win,
they'd have to let us into their village!
But moves are only half the fight.
We need rail noises too.
[gasps] Which you know how to make!
Whiskers, that's it!
If we work together,
we can dance and sound just like a rail
and challenge the champion.
It's gonna take skill,
and it's gonna take teamwork.
What do you say?
I say let's dance.
[pop music plays]
[Sam] How do I look?
Just like a rail. Come on!
[Kit] Hey.
[Kit] Let me into the village! [chirps]
You're pretty big
for an Inaccessible Island rail.
Uh… My mom says
I've always been big-boned.
Well, still can't come
into our village without a fight.
[Kit] You're on.
[dance music plays]
You don't see that every day.
[music continues]
[Kit chirps]
[all] Woo-hoo! Go!
[repeating] Go!
[music continues]
[Kit chirps]
-Who do you think's gonna win?
-Not sure.
This new guy's got moves,
but nobody's ever beat the champ.
[rails repeating] Go!
Keep it up, Sam. You're doing great.
[rails repeating] Go!
[Kit chirps]
[rails repeating] Go!
[rails cheer]
[music ends]
I've seen some moves in my day,
but that was really something.
You may enter the village.
Open the gate!
[both] Director Scratch?
Well done, agents.
-You're all right!
-Where've you been?
Right here in the village.
The rails are old friends of mine.
They helped me
set up this little test for you.
You mean, this was a test too?
That's right. A teamwork test.
I needed to see
if you two could work together.
And I must say,
you did exceptionally well.
Teamwork test passed.
And another Creature Case closed.
Well, ain't that somethin'.
Nice dancin', partner.
Couldn't have done it
without you, partner.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"All systems go.
Prepare for takeoff.
[rails say goodbye]
Wow, Director.
How'd you fix R.O.N. up so fast?
Actually, he was never broken.
I programmed R.O.N.
to shut down as part of your test.
[both laugh]
I can't believe we fell for that.
Back to CLADE, agents. The test is over.
Or is it?
-[menacing music plays]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[both] Chill ♪
System Settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Island rails.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Inaccessible Island rails
span style="style2"are the world's smallest flightless bird.
[Bill] span style="style2"Even though they have wings,
span style="style2"they can't fly.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They only live one place
span style="style2"in the world.
[Bill] span style="style2"Inaccessible Island.
[all] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Island rails protect their homes
span style="style2"by hopping around and making birdcalls.
[Bill] span style="style2"It looks like dancing.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
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