The Creature Cases (2022) s03e01 Episode Script

The Forest Food Bandit/The Case of the Absent Giraffe

Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Forest Food Bandit. Bo-Bok!
[rabbit humming]
With these berries, I finally have
enough food to last all winter!
Better put them in the pantry.
This was full of food earlier!
Wait-- What--? Where did my berries go?
Someone stole all my food!
-[camera clicking]
-[upbeat music plays]
[Sam] Kit! Look at this one!
I love reading these old case files.
There's so much history!
More like mystery.
Look at all these cases,
solved by legendary CLADE agents.
Holy mole rat! Sam, look!
[Sam] Is that Director Scratch?
She would have been
Agent Scratch back then.
"Case closed."
"Case closed." Wow!
Looks like she solved more cases
than any other CLADE agent ever.
Huh? But there's one case
she never closed.
-No check mark, see?
-[Kit] Huh.
The Roxy Raider Incident.
I wonder what the--
-[crest beeping]
-[Sam gasps] The CLADE crest!
Director Scratch must have
a new case for us!
Director, we were just going through
your old case files and--
-[button beeps]
[Scratch] Agents, we have a situation
in the North American Forest.
This rabbit's winter food supply
has been stolen.
We don't know who the thief is, but…
This case almost reminds me of…
Director Scratch?
[gasps] Bo-Bok! Agents, your mission
is to figure out who the thief is
and return the stolen food.
You can count on us, Director.
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome…
span style="style1"[chimes]
…North American Forest.
I don't know about you, Sam,
but after reading
about all those old cases,
I'm extra excited to solve this new one.
Same here. The more cases we solve,
the closer we get
to being as legendary as Director Scratch.
My winter food. It's all gone!
Mine too!
And mine! What will we do?
What will my babies eat?
Seems like the rabbit isn't the only one
who had his food stolen.
This case just got a lot more complicated.
Excuse me, folks. I'm Agent Kit Casey.
And I'm Agent Sam Snow from CLADE.
Now, who here is missing food?
Don't worry. We're here to help.
Did you bring us more food?
Uh, no.
-[forest dwellers groan]
What will we eat?
I need food for the winter!
Hold on! Don't panic!
We're going to catch the thief
and get your food back.
[forest dwellers sigh in relief]
But we'll need
to interview you all one at a time.
Whose food went missing first?
-Then we'll start with you.
A-A-And when I opened the pantry,
my food was gone.
My apples. My berries.
My carrots. All of it!
So the thief wanted fruits and vegetables.
Must be an herbivore.
-A what?
-Herbivore means a plant-eater.
Anything else you can tell us?
Well, the weirdest thing
was that I keep my pantry locked.
I keep some real
high-quality carrots in there.
You'd have to be good with your hands
to pick a lock like that.
An herbivore who's good with their hands.
Hang on. Look at this.
A paw print. Another clue.
[Kit groans] Can't tell who it's from.
We still need more info. Come on!
So one moment I had a bowl
full of worms and grubs,
and the next moment they were gone!
Just like the rabbit's fruits
and vegetables.
Except that an herbivore
wouldn't eat worms and grubs.
The thief must be an omnivore,
something that eats everything.
I really thought my food was safe.
I mean, my house is
all the way up in this tree.
So either the thief can fly
or they're a good climber.
-[Kit gasps] Sam, look!
-[Sam] The same paw print as before!
How quickly do you think
you can catch this thief?
My kids are getting hungry.
Mom, when's dinner?
Don't worry. We're on the case.
[gopher] It's the darnedest thing.
I opened the fridge,
and all my food had vanished.
And let me guess.
You keep your food somewhere
that's hard to steal from.
I sure do. I keep a light
in the living room for guests.
But the rest of the house is pitch black.
Go on into the kitchen
and see for yourselves.
-[items crashing]
-[Sam & Kit yelping]
Pitch black, all right.
So the thief can see in the dark too.
-What kind of food did they take?
-Nuts and seeds.
Wow, this thief
really does eat everything.
Huh. And there's that same paw print!
Thanks for your time.
We'll get your food back
before you know it.
So here's what we've got.
This thief can see in the dark,
can either fly or climb,
is good with their hands…
[Kit] And they eat
lots of different foods.
Sam, I can think of only one animal
that matches all those clues.
[Scratch] A raccoon!
-Director Scratch!
-[Sam] What are you doing here?
Sorry to surprise you, agents.
But I couldn't stop thinking
about this case.
It reminds me of another case
I worked on a long time ago,
right here in this very forest.
The Roxy Raider Incident.
I was a CLADE agent in my prime.
There was no case I couldn't crack,
no suspect I couldn't catch.
I was the best there was.
So when I was sent to the forest
to investigate a theft,
I thought I had it in the bag.
The details of the case
were exactly the same as yours.
Stolen food right before winter.
Paw prints left behind.
The thief was a raccoon,
but not just any raccoon.
-[raccoon laughs mischievously]
-[Scratch] span style="style2"It was Roxy Raider,
the trickiest bandit around.
She could climb any tree, see in the dark,
pick any lock with her nimble paws.
In short, a master thief.
I almost caught her,
but she escaped down the river.
[Roxy chomps, laughs mockingly]
[yelling] Roxy Raider!
I never did catch her.
It was the only case I couldn't close.
Do you think Roxy is the thief?
Did you find a paw print at every place
where food had been stolen?
[gasps] We did!
Then it's definitely Roxy!
She leaves paw prints behind
as her special mark.
What does Roxy Raider look like, Director?
[gasps] What in the woolly world?!
[laughs mischievously]
She looks like this!
After her!
-[exciting music plays]
-[Sam & Kit panting]
[Sam grunts]
[Kit grunts]
-[Roxy snarls]
-[Sam grunts]
[Roxy laughs]
[Roxy yelps, laughs mockingly]
[Sam grunting]
-[Roxy laughs]
-[Sam grunts]
-[Roxy laughs mockingly]
[all yelling]
[Sam & Kit wailing dizzily]
[Roxy laughs]
[wailing continues]
[Scratch grunts]
Come on!
-[exciting music continues]
-[Roxy] Ha!
[grunts, laughs]
[Roxy laughs]
-[branch cracks]
-[Kit] Whoa! [grunts]
[Sam] Ouch!
-[all grunt]
-[Roxy laughs]
She was tricky then,
and she's even trickier now.
Hmm. Then we'll have to get tricky too.
Kit, is there anything
you know about raccoons
that could help us
get one step ahead of her?
Well, they're strong swimmers.
They sometimes wash their food.
Wash their food?
Raccoons like to get their food wet
because it makes
their paws extra sensitive.
That way, they can really feel
what they're eating.
Whiskers, that's it!
Director, you said
you lost her near the river.
Maybe that's where she's going this time.
Of course! To wash all her stolen food!
I think you're onto something. Let's move!
[Roxy laughs mischievously]
I think I lost those CLADE clods! Ha!
Now, let's see what we got here.
Mmm! Perfectly ripe!
[water splashes]
[smacks lips]
Stop right there, Roxy Raider!
-You again!
Going somewhere, Roxy?
Well, if it isn't Peggy Scratch.
You finally found me.
Took you long enough.
But I caught you nonetheless.
Agents, let's get this food back
to the other animals.
Uh, Director Scratch, it's all gone.
Aw! My food!
Your food?
That food belonged to those other animals.
And you're going to help us collect more.
Help you? Ha! Why should I do that?
Because if you don't,
these poor, innocent baby birds
will go hungry this winter.
Won't you help us, please?
Okay, okay, I'm sorry!
I didn't mean to hurt anybody.
Well, now's your chance
to make things right.
What do you say?
I say…
let's get to work!
[chipper music plays]
-[Sam] Come get it.
-[gopher] Here.
Mmm. I can't thank you enough.
-More grubs, please.
-[Sam] Ugh!
Thank you, thank you! You don't know
how much this means to us!
Now every animal
has enough food for winter.
[baby bird laughs]
These seeds are for you.
Thanks! Stay warm!
Ah, it felt good helping those folks.
-[baby birds cheer]
From now on, no more stealing food for me.
Then I declare this Creature Case…
After all these years,
this case is finally, finally closed.
[sighs] Goodbye, Roxy.
[Roxy laughs] See you, Scratch.
Nice work today, agents.
Keep it up and you might
just beat my case record one day.
-You really think so?
-I do.
In the meantime, I'm going to make a note
of your excellent work in your file.
Hang on. Where's my pen?
[dramatic music plays,
then humorous notes]
[gasps, yells] Roxy Raider!
[laughs mischievously]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Raccoons.
[both]span style="style2" ♪ Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Raccoons are adventurous.
They're great at climbing
and exploring in the dark.
[Bill] span style="style2"And they'll eat
span style="style2"just about any food. [chuckles]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Raccoons love using their hands.
[Bill] span style="style2"Their quick fingers
span style="style2"can even open locks.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Raccoons sometimes wash their food.
[Bill] span style="style2"By feeling it when it's wet,
span style="style2"they learn more about what they're eating.
[R.O.N.]span style="style2" Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.]span style="style2" Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch]span style="style2" The Case of the Absent Giraffe.
span style="style2"Bo-Bok!
[teacher] Now, remember, class.
The yummiest leaves 
are on the highest branches.
So, reach, reach, reach!
[Gordy] Ah!
If your neck doesn't reach, Gordy,
try using your tongue like this!
I will! Just wait!
I'm gonna get the best leaves ever.
Uh, hmm. Uh…
Hey. Over there!
[thunder crashes]
A storm.
Better take shelter.
Gwendolyn, Gilly, Grayson, Greg.
Where's Gordy?
-Gordy? Gordy!
-[thunder crashing]
-[both gasp]
-[teacher] Gordy's hat!
-[cameras clicking]
-[upbeat music plays]
-[Sam] Concentrate. Concentrate.
-[Kit humming]
-[humming continues]
-Whoa! Kit.
What? [resumes humming]
Whoa! [grunts]
Do you mind? The humming?
Oh! I didn't even know I was doing it.
[Sam grunts]
[crest beeps]
[gasps] Sam!
-[Sam wails, grunts]
-[water splashes]
[Sam gurgles, grunts]
Sorry to get you all wet, Sam.
But the CLADE crest?
Director Scratch has
a new Creature Case for us!
[thrilling music plays]
[Sam & Kit grunt]
[Kit humming]
-You're humming again.
-Whoops! [laughs]
[Scratch] Bo-Bok! Agents.
We've got an urgent case
in the African Grasslands.
The Mice Squad just sent us these photos.
A young giraffe named Gordy
has gone missing from his class.
His class?
-Giraffes go to school?
-Sort of.
giraffe parents will leave their kids
with other grown-ups for the day.
Kind of like dropping them off at school.
There's no time to waste, agents.
It's up to you
to figure out where Gordy went.
We're on it, Director.
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome…
[chimes]span style="style2" …African Grasslands.
Thanks, R.O.N.
[Sam grunts] Whew!
Good thing we got here after the storm.
Why? So you don't have
to get your fur wet again? [giggles]
No, uh…
So it will be easier
to interview these giraffes.
Afternoon, folks.
We're here from CLADE to find Gordy.
-[muffled] Thank goodness you're here!
-[muffled] Thank you for coming!
-[muffled] We've been worried sick.
-[muffled] Help us find him!
-One moment, please.
Kit, I can barely hear them.
I was gonna tell you.
Giraffes talk in really low voices,
which can be a little hard
for other animals to hear.
But don't worry. I called for backup.
Hey, guys. Heard you need some audio gear.
These will help you hear the giraffes.
Whoa. So tall.
-[audio gear beeps]
-Thanks, Mice Squad.
[Kit humming]
What? It was catchy!
-[muffled] You don't know what…
-[devices beeping]
[clearly] We were teaching him
to reach leaves when the storm came. 
That's when we saw that he was gone.
The savanna's too dangerous
for Gordy out on his own.
There are predators out there.
Don't worry. We'll find him.
Better look for clues.
[investigative music plays]
[Clu-Bots whirring]
[Sam] Hmm.
[Clu-Bot beeping]
[Sam] Check it out, Kit. Footprints!
-[Kit grunts]
-[Clu-Bots squeaking]
Hard to make out after all this rain.
But those are
young giraffe prints, all right.
Good work, Clu-Bots.
Gordy must've gone this way. Come on!
Looks like Gordy came
to the watering hole.
[hippos and rhinos chatting, laughing]
Lucky for us,
it's full of potential witnesses.
Excuse me, folks.
Have any of you seen a young--?
-Careful, Sam!
-[crocodile growls]
[Kit] There are predators around!
-[crocodile growls, laughs]
-[animal wails]
We can't let them know
there's a young giraffe loose.
A young giraffe, you said?
What I meant was… [gasps]
It's good to see ya.
[snorts] Can I interest
my favorite detectives
in some nice, cool pond water?
Thanks, but not now, Reggie.
We're on a case looking for this guy.
Oh yeah. I've seen him.
Headed off towards the river.
Gettin' kinda late
for a little feller, ain't it?
We better find that river fast.
Thanks for the tip, Reg.
Anytime, you two.
Huh. That's strange.
I don't see any rivers on the map.
But listen. Do you hear that?
[Kit humming]
Sounds like running water. This way!
[Kit gasps] Well, ain't that something.
A river that wasn't on the map.
[Sam] And look. More giraffe prints.
Gordy must've gone into the river.
[Kit] I don't think so, Sam.
Giraffes aren't known to be swimmers.
And this river is too deep
for Gordy to wade through.
-There's something fishy going on.
-[turtle] Here, fishy.
Better talk to that turtle.
Maybe he saw something.
-Excuse me, sir.
We're from CLADE.
Have you seen this giraffe?
[turtle] Hmm.
Was he a young feller
out wandering all by himself?
Nope, I haven't seen him.
-[Sam & Kit sigh]
-[turtle] Then again,
the river and I just got here.
-The river just got here?
-[turtle] Yep.
This river only fills up with water
after big rainstorms like the one today.
Kit, it all makes sense!
It does?
Gordy must've crossed the river
before there was a river.
He just walked across the grass.
Good thinking, Sam.
Let's get across and stay on Gordy's tail.
Watch your step now.
This river can be a little unpredictable.
Here, fishy, fishy, fishy.
[Kit grunts]
[Kit humming]
[Sam grunts]
[humming] Oops. Was I humming again?
[sighs] Ha!
[Sam grunts]
-[Sam grunts]
That's funny.
Is there another river around here?
[Sam gasps] Not a river.
-[Kit gasps]
-[Sam] It's a flash flood!
[Kit] What in the woolly world?!
[Sam & Kit grunting]
[exciting music playing]
-[water rushing]
-[both grunting]
Oh no! The log!
Whoa! [grunts]
-[Kit gasps]
-[water rushing]
[Sam crying out underwater]
-[Sam sputters]
-[turtle] Looks like you got a little wet.
You okay, Sam?
I'm fine.
Let's go.
-[Sam gasps]
-Kit, look!
Uh, what are we looking at?
Isn't it obvious, Kit?
The leaves on the trees!
The first eight feet have been eaten.
That's just about the height
of a young giraffe
with his long tongue sticking out.
[Kit gasps] Gordy! He must be close!
[soft humming sound]
Seriously, Kit.
How can you be humming
at a time like this?
But, Sam, I'm not humming.
Then who's making that sound?
-[soft humming continues]
-It's a low sound.
Really low.
Almost as low as…
[gasps] …a giraffe!
Follow that hum!
[soft humming continues]
[Sam & Kit] Gordy!
Did someone say my name?
We sure did.
Was that you humming out here?
Yeah. We giraffes hum to each other.
I wanted to show someone how I learned
to reach really tall leaves now.
Want to see?
[Gordy gulps, strains]
-That's great, Gordy.
We're here to take you back to your class
so you can show all of them too.
School's almost over!
And my mom will be coming
to pick me up soon.
She's gonna be so worried.
Do you think we could get to school
before my mom does?
Uh-huh. Luckily, with such long legs,
you giraffes are pretty speedy.
Ready to run?
-[thrilling music plays]
-[Kit humming]
[Gordy & Sam grunt]
[Kit & Gordy humming]
[all three grunt]
[Sam joins in humming]
-[Kit] Whoa!
[all three humming]
-[all slurping]
-[Sam exhales]
-[Kit humming]
-We're almost there!
Hm. I don't see Gordy anywhere.
Well, uh, there's something
you should know.
-It's about--
Oh! Guess what?
Today, I reached
the best leaves all by myself.
That's great, Gordy!
[Sam & Kit sigh in relief]
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
[Gordy] Sam! Watch!
Over here! Hey! Look at me!
[strains] I can…
I'm eating, and I'm reaching!
Way to go, Gordy!
[Gordy strains]
[Sam humming]
Well, look who's humming now.
I didn't even know I was doing it.
[humming resumes]
[Kit laughs]
[both humming]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] Update. Giraffes.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Young giraffes
span style="style2"don't really go to school.
[Bill] span style="style2"But sometimes,
span style="style2"their parents will leave them
with other adult giraffes who watch them.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"You won't often see a giraffe swim.
[Bill] span style="style2"Their long legs and bodies
span style="style2"make it hard.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Giraffes make some sounds
span style="style2"that are hard for other animals to hear.
[Bill] span style="style2"If you listen,
span style="style2"you might hear one humming.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
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