The Creature Cases (2022) s03e02 Episode Script
The Frozen Stowaways/The Puzzle of the Empty Pond
Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Frozen Stowaways. Bo-Bok!
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N. powering down]
Whew! What a long ride.
Mm. No kidding.
I was picking blue jay feathers
out of my fur the whole time.
Aw, forget your fur, Sam.
Come on. Let's get some lunch.
Ooh! R.O.N. is back!
Maintenance check!
-[monitor beeping]
-Looking good.
Looking… Wha?
-[alarm blaring]
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Unidentified objects in…
…air conditioner.
That is strange. Let's have a look.
[investigative music plays]
Huh? Pieces of ice.
And there are creatures frozen inside.
What could it be?
[camera clicking]
[upbeat music plays]
Ooh! They got the good salad today.
Want some, Sam?
[Sam] In a minute, Kit.
Got a bit of a situation here.
I can't get these ice cubes out!
-[crest beeping]
-[Kit gasps] Sam!
-Come on!
-[tray banging]
-Why won't they…?
The CLADE crest!
Director Scratch has a new case for us!
[exciting music plays]
[Sam & Kit grunt]
-Director, we came as soon as--
-Huh? Wait.
[sniffs] Something smells fishy.
Correction. Something smells skunky.
-Hello, Sam.
-Hello, Kit.
-What are you two doing here?
The Stinkwells have
a new "cold case" for you. Literally.
Hans. Harold. Show them.
We just found these
in R.O.N.'s air conditioning unit.
[Kit] Ice cubes.
Sam here could've used
some of those at lunch.
They are not simply ice cubes.
They are frozen stowaways.
[Sam] Hmm. Tiny creatures.
Frozen inside.
[Kit] I can't see through the ice.
What in the woolly world are they?
And where did they come from?
That's what you two need to figure out.
But first, you've got
to get them out of that ice.
Ooh! Maybe we can crack them open.
Mm, we have to be gentle
so we don't hurt whatever's inside.
Then maybe we put the ice
in some lemonade until it gets all melty.
Ooh! I love lemonade!
Mm, no. That'll get them all sticky.
We just need to be patient
and wait for the ice to melt.
Right. Then we'll know exactly
what those creatures are
and where they came from.
Bo-Bok! Agents.
-[all gasp]
-The ice already melted!
[Kit] And the creatures are gone!
Oh no!
A trail of melted water.
They went this way.
Come on. We gotta find them.
Good luck, agents.
-Ooh! This is so exciting.
-[odor releases]
Bo-Bok! [groans]
[investigative music plays]
See anything, Kit?
[Kit] Check it out, Sam.
Tiny footprints.
-From some kind of insect, I think.
-An insect like a bug?
Yep, and they left
something else behind too.
Little hairs.
An insect with fuzzy hair?
-I've never heard of--
-[Kit gasps]
There! I see 'em!
[creatures giggling]
-What are they?
-I don't know.
But they're getting away. Come on!
-[exciting music plays]
-[both panting]
Stop those critters!
[grunts, wails]
They're heading for our room!
[Sam] They're in here somewhere.
[curious music plays]
[creatures squeaking, giggling]
-[exciting music plays]
-[Sam & Kit panting]
[both grunt]
[both grunt again]
[Kit groans]
Are they laughing at us?
[creatures laugh]
After them!
[bouncing sound]
[Sam] They're in the vent!
In here!
[exciting music plays]
[Kit & Sam grunting]
[creatures giggling]
Split up.
[Sam & Kit grunt]
[both] Huh?
[creatures laughing]
That way!
[Sam panting]
-[Sam] Stinkwells! Look out!
-[Stinkwells] Ah!
-What are those things?
-[Harold] I don't know!
-[cups clatter]
-[coffee sloshes]
[Kit] Whoa!
[Sam] Whoa!
[Sam & Kit grunt]
[Sam] Whoa!
-Look out!
-[vehicle whirs]
[Sam] Snack attack!
[Hans] Oh no! Not the lasers!
Ooh! Ooh! [screaming]
[creatures giggling]
[pants] They're heading towards
the cafeteria!
[Kit pants, exhales]
We got you now. Huh?
[mysterious notes play]
[Kit] Where'd they go?
[Sam groans] We lost them again?
-[creatures giggling, munching]
-Shh. Listen.
In here.
[gasps] They're small.
They're fuzzy. They're insects.
They're caterpillars!
Aww! [chuckles] Look at them.
-[belches loudly]
-[Kit laughs]
Whew! They really like that salad.
But where did these little guys come from?
And how do we get them home?
[Sam] Hmm.
They must've climbed on board R.O.N.
during one of our last cases.
We've recently solved cases
in four different biomes.
The grasslands, the forest,
the tundra, and the desert.
So they must come
from one of those places.
Let's review the clues.
Here's what we know.
One, these are baby caterpillars.
[caterpillars munching]
Two, they really like salad.
So they eat plants.
[Sam] Three, we found them
in R.O.N.'s air conditioner
right after our last case,
which was in the forest.
Remember the case
with all those blue jays?
[Kit laughs] And all those feathers.
[Sam] Hmm.
There's a lot of plants
to eat in the forest.
Lots of species
of caterpillars live there too.
So that must be where they're from.
Are you from the forest,
you little cuties?
-[caterpillar belches]
-[Kit laughs]
-[Sam] Ugh!
-Come on, Sam. Enough fooling around.
Let's get these caterpillars home.
[thrilling music plays]
[R.O.N. chimes] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome… [chimes]
…North American Forest.
[Sam] Thanks, R.O.N.
[Kit] What about… over there?
There you go, little guy.
We'll leave you here with a leafy snack.
[caterpillars sniffing]
Another Creature Case…
[caterpillars whining, crying]
What's wrong, little guys?
They don't seem
as happy as I thought they'd be.
Hey! What's all the ruckus up here?
[gasps] Oh! Never seen that kind
of caterpillar in the forest before.
You haven't?
Sam, what if we got this all wrong?
Maybe these caterpillars
aren't from the forest.
Well, one thing's for sure.
They won't be caterpillars for long.
[Sam] Wha--? Where'd they go?
The caterpillars are pupating!
-They're what?
That's when they make
silky cocoons around themselves
so they can change into butterflies.
Or in this case,
I'd say some kind of moth.
We better get them home before they do,
or they're gonna be really confused.
-But where is their home?
-[Sam sighs]
We don't know. We're all out of clues.
But maybe we can look at the clues
we do have in a different way.
Here's what we know.
One, these are,
or were, baby caterpillars.
[Kit] Two, they like eating leaves.
[Sam] Three, we found them
in the air conditioner in blocks of ice.
[Kit] Four, we found them again
eating salad in the cooler.
In the cooler?
Well, they must not mind the cold.
They don't mind it. They seem to love it.
Whiskers, that's it!
They must live in a biome that's cold!
[Kit] We know it's not the forest.
[Sam] And the desert
and grasslands are way too hot.
So that just leaves…
[Sam & Kit] The tundra!
Oh yeah! I hear it's super cold there.
That must be where they're from.
Come on, Sam.
We gotta get to the tundra
before these cocoons hatch.
[sighs] You're welcome!
[Kit] I sure hope
we're right about this, Sam.
These cocoons are about to hatch.
[Sam] There you go.
[Kit gasps] What in the woolly world?!
Caterpillars, you're--
Not caterpillars anymore!
[Kit] Now I recognize them.
They're Arctic woolly bear moths!
-[Sam] What in the woolly bear what?
-[Kit] Arctic woolly bear moths.
When they're caterpillars, they can be
frozen solid and still be just fine.
Hey, little guys. Is it really you?
[Sam laughs] It's you.
[Kit] And that's their family.
This is definitely where
woolly bear caterpillars come from.
[Sam] Bye, little guys!
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Well, now that that's solved,
there's still one more situation
we have to take care of.
[grunting] This ice is still stuck!
Sam, you gotta try it a different way.
[slow breaths]
[grunting loudly]
That's exactly what I was just doing!
Yeah, but… [grunts]
…I thought that… [grunts]
-…it might help if I did it too! [grunts]
-[Sam laughs]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Woolly caterpillars.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Arctic woolly bear caterpillars
span style="style2"live in the tundra, where it's cold.
[Bill] span style="style2"But they don't mind
span style="style2"the cold at all!
They can survive being frozen solid.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Woolly bear caterpillars
span style="style2"are covered in tiny hairs!
[Bill] span style="style2"That's why they're woolly.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill]span style="style2" When they've eaten enough food,
span style="style2"they'll pupate.
[Bill] span style="style2"That means they make cocoons
span style="style2"and change into moths.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Puzzle of the Empty Pond.
span style="style2"Bo-Bok!
[mysterious music plays]
-[thunder crashes]
Hear that, my little eggs?
That's good news.
The rain's gonna come
and fill this whole pond with water,
which is just what you need
to get hatching. [gasps]
-[thunder rumbling]
-[rain pouring]
Don't you worry
Little sons and daughters ♪
Rain's gonna cover you up with-- ♪
span style="style1"[gasps]
Where's all the water?
This pond should be filling up by now.
-[camera clicks]
-[upbeat music plays]
-One more moment.
-[electricity crackles]
[sniffs] Wow. Whatever the Stinkwells
are working on actually smells good.
-[odor releases]
-[Kit laughs] Spoke too soon.
-[Harold] Finished!
Sam. Kit.
We are happy to show you
our most wonderful invention yet.
Introducing the official CLADE…
[both] Waffle iron!
-[mystical music plays]
-[Sam & Kit] Ooh!
Go ahead! Try a waffle!
[munching] Mm!
Oh, it's perfect, Stinkwells!
But it makes square waffles.
-Isn't it great?
But everybody knows waffles are round.
I mean, you can't really call
this square thing a waffle.
And I thought I was the picky one.
Who cares what shape they are, Kit?
They're waffles!
Can't you be a little flexible here?
We can argue about this later, Sam.
-[crest beeping]
-[Kit] Look!
Director Scratch has a new case for us.
Ah! Agents.
Is the new waffle iron ready?
Almost. They're still working out
a few kinks.
-[Sam groans]
-Bok! Bo-Bok!
Well, waffles or no waffles,
we have an urgent case
in the North American Wetlands.
The Mice Squad just sent in these.
This flatwoods salamander
just laid her eggs,
but they're not underwater.
And that's a bad thing?
Yep, flatwoods salamanders lay their eggs
in dry pond beds,
then wait for the rain to fill 'em up.
Their eggs need to be underwater to hatch.
It's up to you two to figure out why
that salamander's pond isn't filling up.
We're on it, Director.
Remember, CLADE is counting on you.
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome…
[chimes] span style="style2"…North American Wetlands.
Wow. We know
why they call it the wetlands.
Come on out, Sam! The water's fine.
According to you!
Don't worry, partner.
I've got the perfect solution
to keep us dry
while we interview this salamander.
[Sam gasps] Don't tell me.
Waterproof nanotech bodysuits?
Nope, just umbrellas.
[sighs] That'll work. Come on.
-[salamander] Yoo-hoo!
-[both] Huh?
Good afternoon. My name--
So, as you can see,
it's been raining all day,
but my pond ain't filling up with water.
But the rain, isn't that enough
to keep your eggs wet?
No, my eggs need to be under the water.
Just being wet ain't gonna cut it.
Have you thought about
moving your eggs to a different pond?
Say, one that already has water in it.
Are you kidding me?
First of all, I was hatched
right here on this very spot,
along with my mother before me
and my grandmother before her.
Second of all, look!
This pond is always filled
with water when it rains.
Last year.
The year before that.
The year before that.
And most important of all,
my eggs are too fragile to move.
They're staying right where they are.
And if they're not underwater soon,
they're never gonna hatch.
So, what are your names?
Sam Snow.
Uh, Kit Casey.
Well, Sam Snow and Kit Casey,
you'd better solve this mystery fast!
We're on it, ma'am. [chuckles nervously]
Well, she's not very flexible, is she?
Some critters just like
to have it their way.
You mean like refusing
to eat a waffle unless it's round?
[laughs sarcastically]
That's completely different.
Come on. We've got investigating to do.
[Sam chuckles]
We know this pond used to fill up
with water, and now it doesn't.
[sighs] Something must've changed
this year
that's stopping it from happening.
But what?
Any changes in the weather?
Say, less rain than usual?
No, it's rained just as much
this year as it normally does.
[sighs] There's got to be some other clue.
Eh… Looks pretty much the same to me.
-Whiskers, that's it!
-What's it?
See the difference?
Now, there are all these weeds
around the pond that weren't there before!
Too many weeds by the looks of it.
And when there's too many weeds,
they drink up all the water,
so the pond never fills up.
Bottom line, we need
to get them out of here.
[Clu-Bots whirring]
[grunts] Huh?
[Clu-Bot beeps]
[Kit laughs]
[Clu-Bots trill]
[Sam] Aha!
All right! All the weeds are gone,
and the pond's filling up
with rain water just like it should.
Another Creature Case close--
Oh, no, it ain't! Look.
The water still hasn't reached my eggs.
It will soon, ma'am.
We just need to let the pond
completely fill up with rain.
[salamander gasps]
The rain stopped! No rain!
No more water to cover my eggs!
Sam, we've got to figure out
how to get some more water.
-Clu-Bot, find the nearest water source.
-[Clu-Bot trills responsively]
[Sam] This way!
[Clu-Bot beeps]
Well, hey! There's plenty
of water in this pond.
[Sam] Huh.
Looks like it's stopped by all this wood.
[Kit] Maybe if we move 'em out of the way,
some water will flow out of this pond
and into the mama salamander's.
It's worth a try. Come on.
[Sam grunting]
-[creature] What are you doing?!
-Who in the woolly world?!
Yep, and this is our dam.
Why are you taking apart our home?
-We are so sorry.
-This is just a big misunderstanding.
Just down the way,
there's a salamander who needs water
or her eggs might not hatch.
We were just trying to find
some water to bring to her eggs.
So, you need water
for a salamander's eggs?
Oh! Poor mom!
Yeah, wish there was something
we could do about it.
Sorry, but if we move our dam,
then our pond goes empty.
You can't expect us
to take apart our home.
No, of course not.
Uh, but what if it's not take apart
so much as improve it?
Just a few improvements,
enhancing the beautiful structure
you got going on
to allow a teensy bit of water
to trickle out of your pond
into the salamander's!
I guess what we're asking is,
how about being flexible?
[beavers whispering]
-We'll do it.
Oh yeah!
Our dam really could use
some improvements.
This is great.
But if we're gonna get this done in time,
we'll need to work together, and fast.
[gasps, groans]
[panting, grunting]
[panting, yelps]
[Sam groans]
[magical tinkling]
[peaceful music plays]
[Kit] Thanks, beavers!
[sighs] It's working!
Water is flowing from the beaver's dam,
and it's filling up the salamander's pond.
Another Creature Case close--
[salamander] Oh, no, it ain't!
The water hasn't reached my eggs, see?
It needs to completely cover them.
[sighs] But… the water, it's so close.
Nope. Uh-uh. Close ain't gonna cut it.
My eggs need to be underwater.
Right here. Right now.
Look, the eggs are in your family pond.
And your pond is mostly full of water.
Can't you just move them a little bit?
Excuse me? Do I have to remind you
how fragile my eggies are?
How about this?
We'll scoop up the sticks
and leaves underneath your eggs
so we can move them
without touching them with our hands.
Can't you just be a little flexible?
Uh… [sighs]
Okay, okay. For my babies' sake.
But we have to be so careful. 'Kay?
[suspenseful music plays]
There. Whew!
[magical music plays]
[gasps] Look!
-[salamander gasps]
-[babies squealing] Mama!
They're hatching!
Oh, my beautiful babies!
-[babies cooing happily]
-Am I glad to see your faces.
[both sigh in relief]
Well, Kit, another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
[camera clicks]
[Hans] One more moment, please.
The upgrades are nearly finished.
All that detective work
sure made me hungry.
I could really go for a waffle
right about now.
Even a square one?
Well, if today taught me anything,
sometimes you gotta be flexible.
[waffle maker dings]
[Scratch clucks excitedly]
This is it! Ooh!
So, we made a few changes.
And our new
and improved waffle iron makes…
[Stinkwells] Triangle waffles!
[Scratch] Triangles?!
But waffles can't be triangles!
[Sam & Kit snicker]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both]span style="style2" Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Flatwoods salamanders.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Flatwoods salamanders
span style="style2"are amphibious,
which means they live
on land and in water.
[Bill] span style="style2"And their eggs have to be
span style="style2"in water to hatch.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They lay their eggs in dry ponds.
[Bill] span style="style2"Then wait for them
span style="style2"to fill with rain.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Flatwoods salamanders will return
span style="style2"to the same pond year after year.
[Bill]span style="style2" That's a lot of baby salamanders.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Frozen Stowaways. Bo-Bok!
[upbeat music plays]
[R.O.N. powering down]
Whew! What a long ride.
Mm. No kidding.
I was picking blue jay feathers
out of my fur the whole time.
Aw, forget your fur, Sam.
Come on. Let's get some lunch.
Ooh! R.O.N. is back!
Maintenance check!
-[monitor beeping]
-Looking good.
Looking… Wha?
-[alarm blaring]
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Unidentified objects in…
…air conditioner.
That is strange. Let's have a look.
[investigative music plays]
Huh? Pieces of ice.
And there are creatures frozen inside.
What could it be?
[camera clicking]
[upbeat music plays]
Ooh! They got the good salad today.
Want some, Sam?
[Sam] In a minute, Kit.
Got a bit of a situation here.
I can't get these ice cubes out!
-[crest beeping]
-[Kit gasps] Sam!
-Come on!
-[tray banging]
-Why won't they…?
The CLADE crest!
Director Scratch has a new case for us!
[exciting music plays]
[Sam & Kit grunt]
-Director, we came as soon as--
-Huh? Wait.
[sniffs] Something smells fishy.
Correction. Something smells skunky.
-Hello, Sam.
-Hello, Kit.
-What are you two doing here?
The Stinkwells have
a new "cold case" for you. Literally.
Hans. Harold. Show them.
We just found these
in R.O.N.'s air conditioning unit.
[Kit] Ice cubes.
Sam here could've used
some of those at lunch.
They are not simply ice cubes.
They are frozen stowaways.
[Sam] Hmm. Tiny creatures.
Frozen inside.
[Kit] I can't see through the ice.
What in the woolly world are they?
And where did they come from?
That's what you two need to figure out.
But first, you've got
to get them out of that ice.
Ooh! Maybe we can crack them open.
Mm, we have to be gentle
so we don't hurt whatever's inside.
Then maybe we put the ice
in some lemonade until it gets all melty.
Ooh! I love lemonade!
Mm, no. That'll get them all sticky.
We just need to be patient
and wait for the ice to melt.
Right. Then we'll know exactly
what those creatures are
and where they came from.
Bo-Bok! Agents.
-[all gasp]
-The ice already melted!
[Kit] And the creatures are gone!
Oh no!
A trail of melted water.
They went this way.
Come on. We gotta find them.
Good luck, agents.
-Ooh! This is so exciting.
-[odor releases]
Bo-Bok! [groans]
[investigative music plays]
See anything, Kit?
[Kit] Check it out, Sam.
Tiny footprints.
-From some kind of insect, I think.
-An insect like a bug?
Yep, and they left
something else behind too.
Little hairs.
An insect with fuzzy hair?
-I've never heard of--
-[Kit gasps]
There! I see 'em!
[creatures giggling]
-What are they?
-I don't know.
But they're getting away. Come on!
-[exciting music plays]
-[both panting]
Stop those critters!
[grunts, wails]
They're heading for our room!
[Sam] They're in here somewhere.
[curious music plays]
[creatures squeaking, giggling]
-[exciting music plays]
-[Sam & Kit panting]
[both grunt]
[both grunt again]
[Kit groans]
Are they laughing at us?
[creatures laugh]
After them!
[bouncing sound]
[Sam] They're in the vent!
In here!
[exciting music plays]
[Kit & Sam grunting]
[creatures giggling]
Split up.
[Sam & Kit grunt]
[both] Huh?
[creatures laughing]
That way!
[Sam panting]
-[Sam] Stinkwells! Look out!
-[Stinkwells] Ah!
-What are those things?
-[Harold] I don't know!
-[cups clatter]
-[coffee sloshes]
[Kit] Whoa!
[Sam] Whoa!
[Sam & Kit grunt]
[Sam] Whoa!
-Look out!
-[vehicle whirs]
[Sam] Snack attack!
[Hans] Oh no! Not the lasers!
Ooh! Ooh! [screaming]
[creatures giggling]
[pants] They're heading towards
the cafeteria!
[Kit pants, exhales]
We got you now. Huh?
[mysterious notes play]
[Kit] Where'd they go?
[Sam groans] We lost them again?
-[creatures giggling, munching]
-Shh. Listen.
In here.
[gasps] They're small.
They're fuzzy. They're insects.
They're caterpillars!
Aww! [chuckles] Look at them.
-[belches loudly]
-[Kit laughs]
Whew! They really like that salad.
But where did these little guys come from?
And how do we get them home?
[Sam] Hmm.
They must've climbed on board R.O.N.
during one of our last cases.
We've recently solved cases
in four different biomes.
The grasslands, the forest,
the tundra, and the desert.
So they must come
from one of those places.
Let's review the clues.
Here's what we know.
One, these are baby caterpillars.
[caterpillars munching]
Two, they really like salad.
So they eat plants.
[Sam] Three, we found them
in R.O.N.'s air conditioner
right after our last case,
which was in the forest.
Remember the case
with all those blue jays?
[Kit laughs] And all those feathers.
[Sam] Hmm.
There's a lot of plants
to eat in the forest.
Lots of species
of caterpillars live there too.
So that must be where they're from.
Are you from the forest,
you little cuties?
-[caterpillar belches]
-[Kit laughs]
-[Sam] Ugh!
-Come on, Sam. Enough fooling around.
Let's get these caterpillars home.
[thrilling music plays]
[R.O.N. chimes] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome… [chimes]
…North American Forest.
[Sam] Thanks, R.O.N.
[Kit] What about… over there?
There you go, little guy.
We'll leave you here with a leafy snack.
[caterpillars sniffing]
Another Creature Case…
[caterpillars whining, crying]
What's wrong, little guys?
They don't seem
as happy as I thought they'd be.
Hey! What's all the ruckus up here?
[gasps] Oh! Never seen that kind
of caterpillar in the forest before.
You haven't?
Sam, what if we got this all wrong?
Maybe these caterpillars
aren't from the forest.
Well, one thing's for sure.
They won't be caterpillars for long.
[Sam] Wha--? Where'd they go?
The caterpillars are pupating!
-They're what?
That's when they make
silky cocoons around themselves
so they can change into butterflies.
Or in this case,
I'd say some kind of moth.
We better get them home before they do,
or they're gonna be really confused.
-But where is their home?
-[Sam sighs]
We don't know. We're all out of clues.
But maybe we can look at the clues
we do have in a different way.
Here's what we know.
One, these are,
or were, baby caterpillars.
[Kit] Two, they like eating leaves.
[Sam] Three, we found them
in the air conditioner in blocks of ice.
[Kit] Four, we found them again
eating salad in the cooler.
In the cooler?
Well, they must not mind the cold.
They don't mind it. They seem to love it.
Whiskers, that's it!
They must live in a biome that's cold!
[Kit] We know it's not the forest.
[Sam] And the desert
and grasslands are way too hot.
So that just leaves…
[Sam & Kit] The tundra!
Oh yeah! I hear it's super cold there.
That must be where they're from.
Come on, Sam.
We gotta get to the tundra
before these cocoons hatch.
[sighs] You're welcome!
[Kit] I sure hope
we're right about this, Sam.
These cocoons are about to hatch.
[Sam] There you go.
[Kit gasps] What in the woolly world?!
Caterpillars, you're--
Not caterpillars anymore!
[Kit] Now I recognize them.
They're Arctic woolly bear moths!
-[Sam] What in the woolly bear what?
-[Kit] Arctic woolly bear moths.
When they're caterpillars, they can be
frozen solid and still be just fine.
Hey, little guys. Is it really you?
[Sam laughs] It's you.
[Kit] And that's their family.
This is definitely where
woolly bear caterpillars come from.
[Sam] Bye, little guys!
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Well, now that that's solved,
there's still one more situation
we have to take care of.
[grunting] This ice is still stuck!
Sam, you gotta try it a different way.
[slow breaths]
[grunting loudly]
That's exactly what I was just doing!
Yeah, but… [grunts]
…I thought that… [grunts]
-…it might help if I did it too! [grunts]
-[Sam laughs]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Woolly caterpillars.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Arctic woolly bear caterpillars
span style="style2"live in the tundra, where it's cold.
[Bill] span style="style2"But they don't mind
span style="style2"the cold at all!
They can survive being frozen solid.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Woolly bear caterpillars
span style="style2"are covered in tiny hairs!
[Bill] span style="style2"That's why they're woolly.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill]span style="style2" When they've eaten enough food,
span style="style2"they'll pupate.
[Bill] span style="style2"That means they make cocoons
span style="style2"and change into moths.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Puzzle of the Empty Pond.
span style="style2"Bo-Bok!
[mysterious music plays]
-[thunder crashes]
Hear that, my little eggs?
That's good news.
The rain's gonna come
and fill this whole pond with water,
which is just what you need
to get hatching. [gasps]
-[thunder rumbling]
-[rain pouring]
Don't you worry
Little sons and daughters ♪
Rain's gonna cover you up with-- ♪
span style="style1"[gasps]
Where's all the water?
This pond should be filling up by now.
-[camera clicks]
-[upbeat music plays]
-One more moment.
-[electricity crackles]
[sniffs] Wow. Whatever the Stinkwells
are working on actually smells good.
-[odor releases]
-[Kit laughs] Spoke too soon.
-[Harold] Finished!
Sam. Kit.
We are happy to show you
our most wonderful invention yet.
Introducing the official CLADE…
[both] Waffle iron!
-[mystical music plays]
-[Sam & Kit] Ooh!
Go ahead! Try a waffle!
[munching] Mm!
Oh, it's perfect, Stinkwells!
But it makes square waffles.
-Isn't it great?
But everybody knows waffles are round.
I mean, you can't really call
this square thing a waffle.
And I thought I was the picky one.
Who cares what shape they are, Kit?
They're waffles!
Can't you be a little flexible here?
We can argue about this later, Sam.
-[crest beeping]
-[Kit] Look!
Director Scratch has a new case for us.
Ah! Agents.
Is the new waffle iron ready?
Almost. They're still working out
a few kinks.
-[Sam groans]
-Bok! Bo-Bok!
Well, waffles or no waffles,
we have an urgent case
in the North American Wetlands.
The Mice Squad just sent in these.
This flatwoods salamander
just laid her eggs,
but they're not underwater.
And that's a bad thing?
Yep, flatwoods salamanders lay their eggs
in dry pond beds,
then wait for the rain to fill 'em up.
Their eggs need to be underwater to hatch.
It's up to you two to figure out why
that salamander's pond isn't filling up.
We're on it, Director.
Remember, CLADE is counting on you.
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome…
[chimes] span style="style2"…North American Wetlands.
Wow. We know
why they call it the wetlands.
Come on out, Sam! The water's fine.
According to you!
Don't worry, partner.
I've got the perfect solution
to keep us dry
while we interview this salamander.
[Sam gasps] Don't tell me.
Waterproof nanotech bodysuits?
Nope, just umbrellas.
[sighs] That'll work. Come on.
-[salamander] Yoo-hoo!
-[both] Huh?
Good afternoon. My name--
So, as you can see,
it's been raining all day,
but my pond ain't filling up with water.
But the rain, isn't that enough
to keep your eggs wet?
No, my eggs need to be under the water.
Just being wet ain't gonna cut it.
Have you thought about
moving your eggs to a different pond?
Say, one that already has water in it.
Are you kidding me?
First of all, I was hatched
right here on this very spot,
along with my mother before me
and my grandmother before her.
Second of all, look!
This pond is always filled
with water when it rains.
Last year.
The year before that.
The year before that.
And most important of all,
my eggs are too fragile to move.
They're staying right where they are.
And if they're not underwater soon,
they're never gonna hatch.
So, what are your names?
Sam Snow.
Uh, Kit Casey.
Well, Sam Snow and Kit Casey,
you'd better solve this mystery fast!
We're on it, ma'am. [chuckles nervously]
Well, she's not very flexible, is she?
Some critters just like
to have it their way.
You mean like refusing
to eat a waffle unless it's round?
[laughs sarcastically]
That's completely different.
Come on. We've got investigating to do.
[Sam chuckles]
We know this pond used to fill up
with water, and now it doesn't.
[sighs] Something must've changed
this year
that's stopping it from happening.
But what?
Any changes in the weather?
Say, less rain than usual?
No, it's rained just as much
this year as it normally does.
[sighs] There's got to be some other clue.
Eh… Looks pretty much the same to me.
-Whiskers, that's it!
-What's it?
See the difference?
Now, there are all these weeds
around the pond that weren't there before!
Too many weeds by the looks of it.
And when there's too many weeds,
they drink up all the water,
so the pond never fills up.
Bottom line, we need
to get them out of here.
[Clu-Bots whirring]
[grunts] Huh?
[Clu-Bot beeps]
[Kit laughs]
[Clu-Bots trill]
[Sam] Aha!
All right! All the weeds are gone,
and the pond's filling up
with rain water just like it should.
Another Creature Case close--
Oh, no, it ain't! Look.
The water still hasn't reached my eggs.
It will soon, ma'am.
We just need to let the pond
completely fill up with rain.
[salamander gasps]
The rain stopped! No rain!
No more water to cover my eggs!
Sam, we've got to figure out
how to get some more water.
-Clu-Bot, find the nearest water source.
-[Clu-Bot trills responsively]
[Sam] This way!
[Clu-Bot beeps]
Well, hey! There's plenty
of water in this pond.
[Sam] Huh.
Looks like it's stopped by all this wood.
[Kit] Maybe if we move 'em out of the way,
some water will flow out of this pond
and into the mama salamander's.
It's worth a try. Come on.
[Sam grunting]
-[creature] What are you doing?!
-Who in the woolly world?!
Yep, and this is our dam.
Why are you taking apart our home?
-We are so sorry.
-This is just a big misunderstanding.
Just down the way,
there's a salamander who needs water
or her eggs might not hatch.
We were just trying to find
some water to bring to her eggs.
So, you need water
for a salamander's eggs?
Oh! Poor mom!
Yeah, wish there was something
we could do about it.
Sorry, but if we move our dam,
then our pond goes empty.
You can't expect us
to take apart our home.
No, of course not.
Uh, but what if it's not take apart
so much as improve it?
Just a few improvements,
enhancing the beautiful structure
you got going on
to allow a teensy bit of water
to trickle out of your pond
into the salamander's!
I guess what we're asking is,
how about being flexible?
[beavers whispering]
-We'll do it.
Oh yeah!
Our dam really could use
some improvements.
This is great.
But if we're gonna get this done in time,
we'll need to work together, and fast.
[gasps, groans]
[panting, grunting]
[panting, yelps]
[Sam groans]
[magical tinkling]
[peaceful music plays]
[Kit] Thanks, beavers!
[sighs] It's working!
Water is flowing from the beaver's dam,
and it's filling up the salamander's pond.
Another Creature Case close--
[salamander] Oh, no, it ain't!
The water hasn't reached my eggs, see?
It needs to completely cover them.
[sighs] But… the water, it's so close.
Nope. Uh-uh. Close ain't gonna cut it.
My eggs need to be underwater.
Right here. Right now.
Look, the eggs are in your family pond.
And your pond is mostly full of water.
Can't you just move them a little bit?
Excuse me? Do I have to remind you
how fragile my eggies are?
How about this?
We'll scoop up the sticks
and leaves underneath your eggs
so we can move them
without touching them with our hands.
Can't you just be a little flexible?
Uh… [sighs]
Okay, okay. For my babies' sake.
But we have to be so careful. 'Kay?
[suspenseful music plays]
There. Whew!
[magical music plays]
[gasps] Look!
-[salamander gasps]
-[babies squealing] Mama!
They're hatching!
Oh, my beautiful babies!
-[babies cooing happily]
-Am I glad to see your faces.
[both sigh in relief]
Well, Kit, another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
[camera clicks]
[Hans] One more moment, please.
The upgrades are nearly finished.
All that detective work
sure made me hungry.
I could really go for a waffle
right about now.
Even a square one?
Well, if today taught me anything,
sometimes you gotta be flexible.
[waffle maker dings]
[Scratch clucks excitedly]
This is it! Ooh!
So, we made a few changes.
And our new
and improved waffle iron makes…
[Stinkwells] Triangle waffles!
[Scratch] Triangles?!
But waffles can't be triangles!
[Sam & Kit snicker]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both]span style="style2" Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Flatwoods salamanders.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Flatwoods salamanders
span style="style2"are amphibious,
which means they live
on land and in water.
[Bill] span style="style2"And their eggs have to be
span style="style2"in water to hatch.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They lay their eggs in dry ponds.
[Bill] span style="style2"Then wait for them
span style="style2"to fill with rain.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Flatwoods salamanders will return
span style="style2"to the same pond year after year.
[Bill]span style="style2" That's a lot of baby salamanders.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]