The Creature Cases (2022) s03e03 Episode Script

The Undercover Hyena/The Stranger in the Burrow

Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Sam & Kit] The Creature Cases!
[Scratch]span style="style2" The Undercover Hyena.
[adventurous music plays]
[Wally humming]
Good day, citizen.
Wally Bungler, nature ranger on patrol.
[Wally's mom]
span style="style2"Wally, dear, will you be home for supper?
Uh, might be a little late, Mom.
I'm on patrol.
[hyena whoops]
What's that sound there?
Is your tummy upset again?
-[Wally gasps] A hyena?
-[hyena whooping]
Hm. I wonder what he's running from.
Oh! [chuckles]
It's just a dust devil.
[Wally's mom] span style="style2"A dust devil?!
Oh my. That doesn't sound very nice.
Not to worry, Mom. I'll just fly under it.
Uh, no, around it. Yes.
Oh! Oh n-- no! [shouting]
R.O.N., begin recharging solar batteries.
Recharging solar batteries.span style="style1" [chiming]
Recharging solar batteries.
[mimics chiming sounds]
-I sound just like him, right?
-[giggles] Wrong.
You need to sound more machine-y.
More like… Director Scratch!
Director Scratch?
I was trying to sound like R.O.N.
-No. I mean, look.
The Director has
a new Creature Case for us.
[both grunting]
Agents, we've got a missing person
in the African Desert.
-[Kit gasps]
-[Sam] Wally Bungler?
We've gotta find him! Wally's one of us!
[squawks] May I remind you that
Bungler is not an official agent of CLADE.
He was last seen swallowed up
by a dust devil and--
-[phone rings]
-Ugh. Not again.
Hello, Mrs. Bungler.
Hello?! Have you found my Wally yet?
Not yet, but as I already assured you,
CLADE is on the case.
Don't worry, Mrs. Bungler. We'll find him.
-Aw, he's such a delicate boy.
-span style="style1"[Peggy] Yes.
And he left without his rain boots.
And he didn't even take his big jumper.
span style="style2"-Thought I packed it.
-Good luck, agents.
span style="style2"-He didn't take his extra pants.
[adventurous music plays]
[R.O.N. chimes] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome… [chimes]
…African Desert. 
[mimicking R.O.N.] Now arriving
at destination biome.
Bong-bing. African Desert.
[laughs in normal voice] Getting better.
[R.O.N. chimes]span style="style2" Not really.
You need to sound more machine-y.
[Kit giggles]
Hnm, no sign of Wally.
This desert looks deserted.
I downloaded Wally's last message
to his mom. Maybe there's a clue there.
-[Wally] span style="style2"Patrol over the African Desert.
-[hyena whoops]
Did you hear that? Play it again.
[hyena whooping on recording]
What is that sound?
[hyena whooping nearby]
I don't know, but now I hear it nearby.
[hyena whooping]
There! A hyena!
That sound he made,
it was on the recording.
He must've been there
when Wally disappeared.
[both gasp]
Follow that hyena!
-[exciting music plays]
-[hyena whooping]
[hyenas whooping]
[Kit] Whoa! A whole clan of hyenas!
[hyenas continue whooping]
Maybe they can tell us
what happened to Wally.
Only one way to find out.
Hello there, hyenas.
I wonder if any of you
has seen our friend.
[hyenas cackling]
Invaders. This area belongs to our clan.
Keep away or else!
Sam, hyenas don't trust outsiders like us.
They'll only talk to members
of their own clan.
Then, how will we question them?
Maybe we have to go undercover.
You mean disguise ourselves
as a hyena? How?
[Kit] I got an idea.
Are you sure I'm the one
who should be doing this?
Aren't hyenas more like foxes?
Actually, hyenas are more like cats.
Just go in there, show 'em your spots.
And once they trust you, ask about Wally.
-Yeah. Simple.
[inhales] All right. I'm ready.
Let's hope I can imitate a hyena
as well as I can…
…[in robot voice] imitate R.O.N.
[beeping noises]
Uh, right.
Sam, wait. Aha.
Now you're ready.
I'll be listening in through our radios.
I got your back, partner.
-[hyena sniffing]
-[Sam clears throat]
Hey there, fellow hyena.
By any chance, have you seen
a flying squirrel around here?
[chomping] Where did you come from?
I don't like the look of your spots.
[hyena 2] Wait.
Let me guess.
You want to join our clan?
Uh, yes. That's right. Good guess.
I can see why you're the leader.
Ha! Not so fast. You can join us
if you pass the three tests.
Yeah, tests. [cackling]
No problem. I was the top test taker
in the history of CLADE.
Uh, I mean, my old clan.
Ah, careful, Sam.
For the first test,
you must make a "whoop!"
The whoop is the way we call our clan,
even from far away.
-What was that?
I can't hear you.
Oh, uh, that was just a warm-up.
Here I go.
[clears throat]
Whoop. Whoop. Whoop.
That's not a whoop.
What kind of hyena are you?
[all] Yeah.
Kit, I'm not sure I can do this.
[Kit] span style="style2"I got an idea.
Turn your radio speaker up.
Way up.
-[radio beeping]
-[Sam clears throat]
[Kit whoops loudly through radio]
[hyenas whooping]
[whispers] Thanks, Kit.
No problem. Keep this up
and we'll find Wally in no time.
Test number two, scavenging for food.
We hyenas are famous
for being able to eat anything.
You must prove yourself
by eating whatever we find.
No matter what!
No matter what. [cackling]
-[Sam gulps]
-[Kit] span style="style2"Uh-oh.
Sam, I know you're a fussy eater,
but hyenas eat some pretty gross stuff.
Bugs, old rotten food, even bones.
[sniffs] Ooh!
I found something real nasty.
Be prepared for anything.
Huh? Oh no! Lost the signal.
Uh, gotta get closer. Sam needs me.
A mango?
Yeah. I know. Fruit. Yuck!
Nowhere near as good
as a juicy mound of beetles.
If you want to be part of our clan,
you've got to eat it.
[hyenas chanting] Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!
Mmm! [munching]
Poor Sam. Whatever he's eating
must be really gross.
Mm, nice.
[clears throat] I mean, ew.
That was horrible.
Ha! I can't believe
he ate the whole thing!
Two tests down. What's next?
This is the last and most important test.
Protecting our territory.
There's an invader nearby.
[gasps] Invader?
I smell it over there.
It's been spying on us all day.
To join our clan,
you must go and fight it!
Fight it?
Yeah, fight it so it goes away. [cackles]
[hyenas chanting]
Fight it! Fight it! Fight it!
[Kit] span style="style2"Be careful, Sam.
Hyenas take on
some pretty tough creatures.
It could be a honey badger,
or a lion, or a--
Sam? What in the woolly--?
Where's the invader?
Don't you see?
-You're the invader!
What do we do? They expect me
to fight you and scare you away.
Huh. I got an idea.
Oh no. Not another one.
What's taking him so long?
Ha, maybe he's just not tough enough.
[Sam grunts]
[Sam and Kit grunting]
I'm gonna teach you a lesson,
-hyena style.
-[Kit giggling]
[Sam and Kit grunting]
-You're the toughest hyena I've ever met.
-[Sam grunts]
[laughs] Watch it, Kit.
[grunting continues]
Sounds like
that thing's putting up quite a fight.
Get that invader out of here!
[Sam growls]
And don't you come back!
You win! I give up!
I don't think we'll be seeing
that hideous creature ever again.
Impressive. Very impressive.
You passed all three tests.
You are now a member of our clan.
[hyenas whooping]
Sam, now's your chance.
-Ask them about Wally.
span style="style1"-Oh right.
Say, fellow clan mates,
have any of you seen--?
I was wrong about you.
I do like the look of your spots.
In fact, they look exactly like mine!
[whoops] Something's wrong.
Every hyena has
their own special set of spots.
No two are ever the same.
-He's no hyena.
-[Sam gasps]
He's an invader.
[hyenas growl, cackle menacingly]
Stop! We're not invaders.
Hey! I thought you got rid of this,
whatever it is.
The truth is, she's my friend.
You might even say we're a clan.
A clan?
Yeah, that's right.
A clan, huh? It takes a tough clan
to take us on. Respect.
[both] Phew.
But what are you doing here
in our territory?
We're looking for
another member of our clan.
Hey! We saw that guy!
He flew right into a dust devil.
That sounds like Wally, all right.
Which way did the dust devil go?
We'll show you. This way.
-[Wally grunting]
-[Kit] Look!
-[Wally] Ow!
-It's Wally!
[Wally] Ah, hello.
Wally Bungler, at your service.
I mean, help! Oh…
Come on, clan.
Let's give that tree a good shake.
[hyenas whooping]
[Wally wailing] Make way for Wally!
Hi, Sam.
-Hi, Kit.
-Hi, Wally.
Uh, hi, other guys. [chuckles]
You may not have spots,
but you're welcome in our clan anytime.
Well, Kit, that's another Creature Case…
[both] Closed.
[hyenas whooping]
[Wally's mom] span style="style2"Wally, dear, is that you?
[all laughing]
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Hyenas.
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Spotted hyenas live in groups
span style="style2"called clans, usually led by a female.
[Jill] span style="style2"Members of a clan
span style="style2"talk to each other with a whoop sound.
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Hyenas aren't picky eaters.
[Jill] span style="style2"In fact,
span style="style2"they'll eat just about anything.
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Every spotted hyena
span style="style2"has a unique set of spots.
[Jill] span style="style2"That means
span style="style2"no two hyenas' spots are the same.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[Peggy] span style="style2"The Stranger in the Burrow.
-[tranquil music plays]
-[birds chirping]
[ball bouncing]
[pants] Watch this.
-[spooky music plays]
You go get it. It's your ball.
You're the one that kicked it.
I'm not getting it. Everyone says
a ghost moved in down there.
Aw, there's no such thing as ghosts.
It's just an old hallway.
-[mysterious music plays]
-[electricity crackles]
[rattling sound]
[door creaks]
Ghost! Ah!
[kids screaming] Ghost!
[spooky music plays]
-[kids] Ghost!
-Oh my! Everybody! Out!
-[all shouting]
[camera clicks]
[peaceful music plays on stereo]
-[upbeat music blasts on stereo]
[peaceful music resumes]
Sam, this is my room too, you know.
Why do we always have
to listen to your music?
-[upbeat music blasting]
span style="style2"-'Cause your "music" is way too loud.
-[peaceful music resumes]
-Well, your music's way too… [snoring]
-[upbeat music blasting]
-[Kit giggles]
-[music stops]
-[Kit gasps, cries out]
-[remote clatters]
-[upbeat and peaceful music alternating]
-[both grunting]
[Sam] Whoa!
-Hey! Look! The CLADE crest.
-[crest beeping]
[Sam laughs]
I'm not falling for that old trick. Huh?
[Kit] Director Scratch
has a new case for us.
[Sam grunts]
Hi, Director Scratch.
Sorry. Kit was trying
to change the music and I was--
Agent Snow.
You haven't had good music
until you've had this.
[chickens clucking to marching music]
That's, um…
Very, uh, interesting music.
So you, uh, have a new case for us?
Indeed I do, agents. 
The Mice Squad just sent these images.
[Kit] Huh.
What are all those underground animals
doing above ground?
Something has moved
into their shared burrow,
and it has everybody spooked.
Spooked? What kind of animal is it?
No one knows, but some
of the residents think it's a ghost.
Well, we know
there's no such thing as ghosts.
We'll figure out
who this mystery creature is.
Good luck, agents.
CLADE is counting on you.
[chickens clucking to marching music]
[adventurous music plays]
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Now arriving
span style="style2"at destination biome… [chimes]
…North American Grasslands.
Thanks, R.O.N.
[indistinct frightened murmuring]
[Sam] Afternoon, ma'am.
I'm Agent Sam Snow.
And I'm Agent Kit Casey. We're from CLADE.
You can call me Granny. Everyone does.
Welcome to my burrow.
This is your burrow, ma'am?
I mean, Granny?
Well, I dug it, but I share it
with all these critters here.
I'm a gopher tortoise,
and the burrows we dig are very popular.
We all lived peacefully here
until that ghost moved into Apartment Five
and scared everybody.
Uh, what did the ghost look like?
Well, it was dark, but I could swear
I saw big yellow eyes,
and I heard strange spooky noises.
Don't worry, Granny.
We'll figure out what it was.
We'd better split up
and talk to the other residents.
[Kit] Hi there.
Can you tell us what happened in there?
What you saw? What you heard? Anything.
It tried to blast us with lasers!
Well, I was minding my own business
watching my stories
when I heard the ruckus.
It was kind of big.
But kind of small.
I'd say it was medium-sized.
It nearly scared the crickets out of me.
I didn't get a good look at it,
except for its eyes.
It had big, spooky eyes.
Big, spooky, yellow eyes.
With laser beams, I think.
And I heard a strange,
spooky sound, a sort of…
Rattle. No, wait. A hiss.
Yeah. A rattling hiss.
A rattling hiss.
Very unsettling, don't you know?
I think we can rule out laser eyes,
but everyone does agree
the creature's eyes are big and yellow.
And they all mentioned
the same sound, a rattling hiss.
I think I got it.
It almost sounds like a…
-[all murmuring]
-[Kit] Attention, everybody.
There is not a ghost in your burrow.
I repeat, there is not a ghost.
[all] Yay! Phew!
But there could be a rattlesnake.
-[residents gasp]
-Oh my! A rattlesnake!
That's even worse than a ghost.
There's only one way to find out for sure.
Come on, Kit.
Apartment Five is this way.
[Sam sniffs] Ugh!
-What is that smell?
-What smell? [sniffs]
Oh! This could be an important clue.
Smells like dung?
-Dung? You mean poop?
Dung. Why does it always have to be dung?
[spooky music plays]
Sam, we can't just barge
into that apartment.
Rattlesnakes are venomous
and can be very dangerous
if they're cornered.
[Sam] Hmm.
What we need is a snake trap.
That'll take some time to build.
Or we could use these.
Can't the snake just avoid the box?
Not if we cover the floor
with this slippery snake spray. [giggles]
When the snake tries to slither on it…
It will slip and slide right into the box.
[electricity crackles]
[hissing sound]
There's our snake.
Whoa! Too much slippery spray!
-[Sam yells]
[Kit yelps]
[hissing and rattling sounds]
Huh? Where did it go?
-That way!
-No, this way!
-[hissing and rattling]
-[Sam and Kit wailing]
-Over there!
-That way!
[Sam yelling]
[Kit yelps]
[rattling and hissing]
[Kit gasps, wails]
I gotcha!
I don't gotcha.
It's heading for the trap.
Oof! Ugh.
Sam? Did you get him?
Sam! What in the woolly world?
It gave me the slip.
And whatever that thing was,
it's definitely not a rattlesnake.
It's not?
No, I saw it running away on two legs.
And it had… [inhales shakily, sneezes]
This case is getting
more mysterious by the minute.
We have no choice.
We have to go into Apartment Five.
Sam, don't move.
[Sam squeals]
[bugs buzzing]
Hmm, tiny bugs.
Sam, I think I figured out
who's scaring everybody!
You know that from looking at dung?
I'm impressed and kind of grossed out.
It's not a ghost or a rattlesnake.
The mystery critter has yellow eyes,
feathers, and two legs.
It likes to collect dung
and lives underground.
-It's gotta be an owl.
-[Sam] An owl?
Don't owls live in trees?
Not burrowing owls.
Burrowing owls live
in underground tunnels.
Just like this one.
[Sam] Hmm, makes sense.
But what about all the dung everywhere?
[Kit] Burrowing owls collect animal dung
to attract bugs to eat.
And they can sound just like a rattlesnake
when they wanna scare away other animals.
Or keep CLADE agents off their trail.
Time to meet this new neighbor
once and for all.
[hissing and rattling]
Drop the act, burrowing owl.
We know you're in there.
Agents of CLADE, sir.
Can you open the door, please?
Go away and leave me alone!
I'm afraid we can't do that.
We need you to show your face
so your neighbors can see
they have nothing to worry about.
Mind your own business!
[bugs buzzing]
[owl munching]
How do we get him out of there?
Could be time
for a little good agent, bad agent.
Guess he's not coming out.
Better clean up all this dung!
Oh no! Don't do it, Sam.
Do you know how long it took him
to collect all that dung?
[owl] Hey! You leave my
dung collection alone, you hear me?
[both chuckle]
I'm sorry, sir,
but my partner here feels like doing
a little spring cleaning.
And when he wants to clean,
there is no stopping him.
I'll make this floor spotless.
No! Not my dung!
Gotcha! [chuckles]
So, this is the fellow
who was causing all the trouble?
There's nothing to be afraid of, folks.
Your new neighbor's not a ghost
or a rattlesnake.
Just a harmless burrowing owl.
And he does not have laser eyes.
I just wanted to be left alone!
And I would've gotten away with it
if it weren't for these meddling agents
and their shovel.
Mr. Owl, if you had just asked me,
I would've dug you
your own section of the burrow.
Far enough away for privacy,
but close enough for company
when you want it.
That actually sounds pretty nice.
Could you do that for me, please?
Of course. Just try your best
to be a good neighbor.
And, uh, keep any dung out of the hallway.
I will. I promise.
If Sam and I can live together,
I'm sure you can live
with these nice folks.
-[chuckling] There you go.
-[boy] Thanks, mister.
Maybe you can play with us sometime.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
[Sam] Hmm.
[upbeat music playing on stereo]
We can listen to your music
on the way home, Kit.
[Kit] Thanks, Sam.
But we can listen to yours.
-[peaceful music plays]
-I insist.
No, I insist.
-[both repeating] I insist.
-[music changing continuously]
[chickens clucking to marching music]
Actually, it's kinda catchy.
[Sam] It really is.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
Set to thrill ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Burrowing owls.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Burrowing owls
span style="style2"don't live in apartments,
but they do live underground.
[Bill] span style="style2"Sometimes they move into burrows
span style="style2"dug by other animals.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They can make
span style="style2"lots of different noises.
[Bill] span style="style2"Even a hiss that sounds
span style="style2"like a rattlesnake.
Fact File! ♪
[Jill]span style="style2" It sounds weird,
span style="style2"but burrowing owls collect animal dung.
[Bill] span style="style2"It helps attract bugs
span style="style2"for them to eat. Yuck!
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
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