The Creature Cases (2022) s03e04 Episode Script

The Bat Cave Crisis/The Mysterious Ant Circle

Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases!
[Scratch]span style="style2" The Bat Cave Crisis. Bo-Bok!
[mysterious music plays]
It's finally springtime.
Everybody, wake up!
Wakey-wakey! Come on!
We've had all winter to sleep.
Who's ready to get up there
and eat some bugs?
[bats sneezing]
What's the matter?
Why is everyone sneezing? [sneezes]
-[camera clicking]
-[upbeat music plays]
[keyboard clacking]
[Kit groaning and wincing]
Let's see. Tail-itis.
Symptoms include a tail that tingles.
Yep, my tail's definitely tingly.
A tail that itches.
Yep, it's itchy too.
And wiggles uncontrollably.
Yep. I've definitely got tail-itis.
Okay. [groaning]
[winces, screams]
Looks like you've got it too.
[groans] Luckily, it only lasts
about a day.
[grunts] We should take it easy.
-Rest up and-- Huh? The CLADE crest!
-[crest beeping]
So much for resting.
Director Scratch has a new case for us.
[Sam & Kit groaning]
[Scratch clucking in distress]
Agents, as you can see,
I've come down with tail-itis too.
Do chickens even have tails?
The Mice Squad just sent
this troubling footage
from a cave in the North American Forest.
When these bats woke up
from their long winter sleep,
they all started sneezing.
Ugh. I'd take sneezing over this.
Huh? [grunting]
And you need us to figure out
why they're sneezing.
Ordinarily, yes.
But you're not in any shape
to be solving mysteries today.
You'll stay here and rest
until your tail-itis goes away.
So, who's gonna help the bats?
[sighs] That's the real question,
isn't it?
All our active agents have tail-itis too.
Sounds like a job for a nature ranger.
Wally! How have you been?
Wally Bungler!
How did you get this number?
Better let old Wally handle this one.
Those batties need our help.
Our span style="style1"help?
Director, I never thought I'd say this,
but Wally's right.
He's helped us before,
and if we can't go and solve this case,
maybe he can.
-Please. Woo-hoo!
span style="style1"-All right.
But only if you two guide him.
Remotely, of course.
-[Wally hums excitedly]
-Think you can handle this, Bungler?
On my honor as a nature ranger.
[Wally's mom] span style="style2"Did you clean
span style="style2"your room this morning?
Yes, not now, Mom!span style="style1" [chuckles awkwardly]
[Kit giggles]
[Wally vocalizes]
span style="style2"You know that you'll be safe and sound ♪
♪span style="style1" When there's a nature ranger around ♪
Strong and fast! ♪
[hums, grunts]
Wally Bungler!
-In "The Bat Cave Crisis!"
-[rock guitar plays]
Make way for Wally!
Oh. [grunts]
Wally Bungler to Headquarters!
I've arrived on the scene.
I repeat, I've arrived on the scene.
[radio static]
What do I do now?
First things first, head into the cave
and talk to the bats.
Right! Into the cave!
The dark, scary cave.
[chuckles nervously, gulps]
[Kit] span style="style2"Everything all right, Wally?
Of course. Everything's fine.
Couldn't be better, in fact. Yeah.
Yeah, I'm just a teeny bit afraid
of the dark.
[Wally's mom] span style="style2"It's true! He still sleeps
span style="style2"with a night-light. Poor dear.
Mom! [chuckles]
Not in front of the CLADE agents!
You can do this, Wally.
Those bats really need your help.
You're right.
And it's my duty to help them.
Even if they do live
in a dark, scary cave.
-Make way for Wally!
-[heroic music plays]
-[snake hissing]
-[ominous music plays]
[intriguing music plays]
[Wally laughs]
It's not so bad in here, is it? Ha!
Good day, citizens!
Wally Bungler,
nature ranger at your service--
[bat sneezes]
[bats sneezing]
Bless you, batties!
Sounds like you've got the sniffles.
We just woke up
and started sneezing like crazy.
Nothing like this
has ever happened before. [sneezes]
A real medical mystery
if ever I've heard one.
But what started all the sneezing?
Wally! You better search
the cave for clues.
Righto! Searching for clues.
Let's see. Clues, clues…
-[Kit] span style="style2"What did you find, Wally?
I found a rock! And some moss!
And another rock!
No, you've got to look for clues, Wally.
Anything out of place or unusual.
Or hard to explain.
There's a rock that looks like a duck.
Does that count?
[bat sneezing]
Ugh, I can't stand this sneezing.
Hang on.
[nose squeaking]
You've got some
funny white gunk on your nose.
I do?
[Wally] Hmm.
You have white gunk too.
You've all got it!
But we don't normally have
white gunk on our noses.
What is it?
A clue is what it is!
[Kit] span style="style2"White gunk.
I was afraid of this.
These bats have white-nose syndrome.
That white stuff is a fungus that grows
on their noses while they're sleeping
and makes them sick.
Well, that solves that.
I'm pretty good
at this mystery business. [chuckles]
But, Wally, now there's a second
even more important mystery.
-How to cure it.
span style="style1"-Right. [chuckles]
Let's see what I've got
in me trusty first aid kit.
Bandages. Emergency toothbrush.
Mom's mold spray.
How did that get in there? [chuckles]
More bandages, sticky ones.
-[bottle sprays]
Hey! Watch it!
Sorry, citizen. Just a bit
of all-natural mold removal spray. Heh.
Only lemon juice.
Nothing to worry about-- Hey! [grunts]
Your nose!
That white stuff's gone away!
[inhales deeply] My sneezing stopped!
Wally, what did you say that spray was?
Me mom makes it with lemons
and uses it to clean
the icky mold under the bathtub.
[Sam] span style="style2"Whiskers, that's it!
That spray gets rid of fungus!
Like mold under the bathtub.
Or the white stuff on bats' noses!
Wally, you've found a cure!
And it's totally safe!
Look at that!
I've solved another mystery. [chuckles]
[Sam] span style="style2"Well, I wouldn't say you solved it.
It was more a lucky accident.
-Kiss your sniffles goodbye, batties!
-[heroic music plays]
Wally's found the cure!
[snake hisses]
[bottle spraying
to tune of "The Blue Danube"]
Doctor Wally's here!
-[music screeches to a stop]
-[Wally wailing]
-[discordant notes]
[snake hisses]
What was that?
Wally? What's happening in there?
Did you spray all the bats?
Almost. Just a few more to go.
But this case just became
more complicated.
There's something else in here.
Something else? What is it?
I didn't get a good look,
but it had big old fangs.
Okay. What else do you remember?
I saw it slither away
out of the corner of my eye.
And it made a noise like… [hisses]
-Sounds to me like--
A duck!
Stop right… [grunts]
False alarm. [chuckles]
Just that rock
that looks like a duck. [chuckles]
Good thing these vines are here
to help me up. [chuckles]
[both] Vines?
Wally, be careful.
I think you're dealing with a--
-[suspenseful music plays]
-[Wally screams]
-A snake?! In our cave?!
As if we don't have enough trouble.
Wally! That sneaky snake
must have followed you in there!
[Kit] span style="style2"Sounds like a rat snake to me.
They slither around cave ceilings
looking for a bat snack.
Wally, you've got
to get that snake out of there
so you can finish giving
the bats their medicine.
Agents, maybe I'm not
the right ranger for this job.
The only thing that scares me
more than the dark is snakes.
[Kit] span style="style2"Wally, listen.
You've already conquered one fear today.
You can conquer another.
[Sam] span style="style2"Those bats are counting on you.
You're right!
I'll do whatever it takes
to help these batties.
Now, what's the plan, agents?
All right. I'm in position.
[Kit] span style="style2"Good! Now just act like a bat
span style="style2"to lure the rat snake towards you.
[Sam] span style="style2"When he gets close…
I'll grab him with my trusty
nature ranger grabber-thingy.
Are you sure this is going to work?
[shuddering] Something touched my leg!
A snake!
[bats screaming]
[chuckling] I'm just a totally normal bat
hanging out in this cave.
Oh no!
It's coming closer.
[Sam] span style="style2"Stay cool, Wally.
-[Kit] span style="style2"You can do this.
-[Wally gulps]
Mmm. You look tasty.
Now, Wally!
The grabber-thingy, go!
[cries out, grunts]
[snake hissing]
[Wally yells, chuckles nervously]
-[both scream]
[snake grunting]
-[Wally groans]
[snake grunts]
Ugh, forget this! I'm out of here!
-[bats cheering]
-[snake groans]
The snake is leaving! You did it!
I did? I mean… I did!
Wally Bungler saves the day!
-I'm a nature ranger ♪
span style="style1"-[Kit laughs]
[Wally laughs]
There! Last one. No more nose fungus
for you, little batties. [chuckles]
Nice work, Wally!
Thanks to your help,
that's another Creature Case…
-[Sam & Kit] Closed!
-span style="style2"Figured out! span style="style2"I mean, closed! [chuckles]
You know,
this mystery stuff isn't so hard.
[cries out] Me tail! [wails]
That sounds like tail-itis.
We'll look after you until you're better.
[Wally's mom] span style="style2"Wally, dear, you make sure
span style="style2"you do whatever those nice bats say.
[Wally] Yeah, all right, Mom. [wails]
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Bats.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"In North America, some bats get
span style="style2"white gunky fungus on their noses.
[Jill] span style="style2"It's called white-nose syndrome.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"It grows while they sleep
span style="style2"through winter.
[Jill] span style="style2"And it can make them really sick.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"As if they don't have enough
span style="style2"to worry about…
[Jill] span style="style2"Bats also have to be
span style="style2"on the lookout for hungry snakes.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Mysterious Ant Circle.
span style="style2"Bo-Bok!
[creatures] Happy birthday! [laughing]
Happy birthday, happy birthday!
Happy happy, Pap.
-Hey! Ha ha!
-Aw, you youngins are so sweet.
This is the best birthday ever.
Enough chat, Pap! Cut the cake!
Huh? What? 
-[capybaras yelping]
-It bit me!
What's happening?
Ow! [wails]
[camera clicks]
[upbeat music plays]
Okay, Kit. Meditation 101.
Stay perfectly still.
[breathing deeply]
Breathe out. [exhales slowly]
[continues breathing deeply]
Breathe in. [inhales deeply]
[gags loudly] What's that smell?
[munching] Mmm.
Mm, mm!
Kit, you can't meditate and eat
those smelly pickles at the same time.
Guess I'll just eat pickles, then.
This whole "staying still" thing
isn't for me anyway.
-[gasps] The CLADE crest!
Director Scratch must have
a new Creature Case for us.
[Kit] Mm.
-[Kit munching]
We've got a mystery brewing in the…
[giggles] Sorry.
Want a bite?
-No, but speaking of bites…
-[Kit munches]
The Mice Squad caught this chaos
at a capybara's birthday picnic.
Something crashed the party
and started biting everyone.
[Kit crunches, giggles]
Your job is to figure out what's going on.
-We're on it, Director.
-Good luck, agents.
[gasps] Pickles.
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome…
span style="style1"[chimes]
…South American Jungle.
[Kit] Thanks, R.O.N.
All right, Kit.
First things first,
we gotta interview the witnesses.
Afternoon, folks.
I'm Agent Sam Snow.
And I'm Agent Kit Casey.
Can you tell us what happened?
We were just minding our own business
having a nice birthday picnic
when all of a sudden…
Something started biting us.
And whatever it was, it was everywhere.
And the worst part is,
the cake floated away before I had any.
Now Pappy's picnic is ruined.
[clears throat] Did you get the bit
about me not getting any cake?
Hmm. Yep. No cake. Got it.
But did you say the birthday cake floated?
Yeah! It…
Hey! There it is again!
-What in the woolly world?!
-Follow that cake!
Maybe it's some sort of--
Ow! Something bit me!
Sam! You found a clue!
Or rather, a clue found you.
-[marching music plays]
Left, left, left, right…
[Kit] It's a bunch of army ants.
And if my hunch is right,span style="style2" 
there's a whole troop of army ants here.
They're known
for traveling in huge groups.
-And they bite.
I noticed! Why are they only biting me?
Maybe you taste like cake. [munching]
[Sam] Hmm.
Is there any way to make them leave?
Not to worry, capybaras.
Army ants are always on the move.
They'll finish marching through here soon,
and you can get back to your party.
[capybaras cheer]
Hang on.
There's that birthday cake
passing by again. It's almost like…
Uh, Kit, you better come
take a look at this.
The ants aren't marching
span style="style2"through the jungle.
They're marching around and around
in a circle.
But why?
And more importantly,
how do we get them to stop?
[Sam grunts]
[Kit grunts]
[army ants chanting]
Left, left, left, right, left!
Left, left, left…
We better ask that guy.
Um, excuse me, Mr. Army Ant, sir.
[clears throat]
Sir, can you tell us why
you're marching in a circle?
This way, soldiers!
We're lost!
And we're not gonna stop marching
till we find our leader
and the rest of our troop!
[ants chanting] Left, right, left, left!
Oh. Well, he wasn't very helpful.
Sam, I don't think
army ants can hear too well.
Hmm. But I do think
they just gave us a clue.
He said they're lost.
Separated from the rest of their troop.
If we can find the rest of the army ants,
we might be able
to lead these ones back to them.
On it! Clu-Bots, go!
[Clu-Bots beeping, whirring]
[Clu-Bot beeps]
Found the rest of the army ants,
and their leader.
They're not far from here.
But how are we gonna lead
these ants to those ones?
I've got a plan.
[watch beeps]
This sign will show the ants
the way back to their troop.
Right this way, soldiers!
Keep it moving, soldiers! Hut, hut, hut!
[ants chanting] Left, right, left, left!
[capybara family] Oh no!
Oh, come on!
How could they miss the sign?
I don't think they missed it.
They can't see it.
Seems like army ants
can't hear or see too well.
Hmm. They can't hear. They can't see.
So how do they find their way around?
And how can we lead them
back to their troop?
-[Kit munching]
-Seriously, Kit?
What? Pickles help me think. [chomps]
But they're so smelly!
-Just try one, Sam. You'll like…
-Five-second rule! [gasps]
-[ants chanting]
Left, left!
-[leader sniffs]
-[ants groaning in disgust]
Move around it, soldiers!
Check this out, Sam!
The ants won't touch the pickle.
I think they can smell it.
Whiskers, that's it!
They must be using their sense of smell
to find their way around.
And even they think
your stinky pickles are gross. 
Better activate Stink-O-Vision!
Aha! So the ants are following
the pink smell trail.
Yeah, but then why
are they going in a circle?
The pink trail is the smell of other ants.
That's how they follow each other.
But if they get separated
from their leader,
they lose the smell trail.
So they follow their own smell
in a big circle around and around.
It's like follow the leader,
but they're following themselves.
So if we can make a new smell trail,
the ants will follow it
back to their troop.
We just need a bit
of the ants' scent first.
I got this.
-Be careful, Kit! Those things bite!
-[Kit grunts]
-[leader giggles]
-Got it!
Nice one. [grunts] Copying army ant smell.
[watch beeps]
All done!
Ooh! Smells ant-y.
Okay, Kit. Use your pickles
to stop the ants and break the circle.
You got it.
[ants chanting]
Left, left, left, left, right, left!
-Left, left!
-[leader sniffing]
-[ants grunting]
Now, I'll make a new trail
of ant smell for them to follow
back towards their leader.
[leader sniffing]
This way!
[ants chanting] Left, left…
It's working!
[chanting continues]
Left, left, left, right, left!
Look! It's the rest of the ants!
[ants chanting]
Left, left, left, right, left!
Keep marching, soldiers!
Now, we just wait for the others
to follow the smell trail
and join the rest of their troop.
Here they come!
[chanting continues]
We better get out of their way
so we don't get bitten.
[Kit grunts]
[gasps] Oh no!
-Sam, I'm stuck! [groans]
[tense music plays]
[Sam grunts]
I can't get out!
-[ants chanting] Left, left, right, left!
-[both gasp]
Don't stop now, soldiers.
And the ants are coming right for us!
We're gonna get bit all over!
Ugh! What are you doing?
If we smell like the ants,
they'll walk right over us
without noticing.
[ants chanting] Left, left, left, right…
But, Kit, we'll have to stay
very still so they don't bite us.
-[ants chanting] Left, left, left, right…
-[Kit gasps]
Oh, I'm not so good at that.
I know, but I'm going to help you.
[ants chanting] Left, right, left!
-Left, left, left, right, left!
-[tense music continues]
I don't know if I can do this, Sam.
Yes, you can.
It's simple meditation, Kit.
Just keep still.
Breathe in. [inhales deeply]
Breathe out. [exhales slowly]
But, Sam…
It tickles.
Stay focused.
-[Kit exhales]
-Breathe in.
-[both inhale]
-[calming music plays]
Breathe out.
[both exhale]
-Breathe in.
-[Kit inhales]
[Sam] You got this, Kit!
Breathe out.
[Kit exhales slowly]
You did it, Kit.
They passed right over you.
-Troops! Follow the leader!
-[ants chanting]
And the ants found
the rest of their troop.
[ants chanting] Left, right, left!
Good to have you back, soldiers.
[marching music plays]
-[ants chanting] Left, left, left, right…
-[gasps] The cake!
[ants chanting] Left, left…
Got it!
-[Clu-Bot beeping]
Another Creature Case…
Thanks for the help back there, Sam.
[exhales peacefully]
Hmm. Nice form.
[Kit giggles]
Woo-hoo! [laughs]
Ooh, cake!
[capybaras chatting, laughing]
[sighs] Thanks for your help, agents.
-Oh. Yes, please.
Thanks, Pappy.
I got to admit, Sam.
The meditation really saved the day.
-And you know?
I think I'm starting to like it.
It's almost as good as eating pickles.
-[Kit chomps]
Mmm. But not quite. [chuckles]
[Sam] Ugh. [laughs]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Army ants.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Army ants like to travel around
span style="style2"in really big groups.
[Jill] span style="style2"They rarely stay
span style="style2"in one place for very long.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They use their sense of smell
span style="style2"to find their way.
[Jill] span style="style2"And follow the smell of ants
span style="style2"in their group.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Sometimes lost ants
span style="style2"will follow their own smell.
[Jill] span style="style2"And go round and round
span style="style2"in a big circle.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
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