The Creature Cases (2022) s03e05 Episode Script
The Lost Capybara Kids/The Case of the Curious Keas
Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Lost Capybara Kids. Bo-Bok!
[idyllic music plays]
-[child] One, two, three, four, five…
-[children laughing]
-…six, seven…
-[laughing continues]
…eight, nine, ten!
Ready or not, here I come!
-Uh, come out, youngins.
-[uneasy music plays]
-Time to head home!
There's a hungry anaconda snake
loose in the wetlands.
An anaconda snake?
An anaconda?
Better do a capybara count-off
to make sure all five of you are here.
Capy one!
Capy two!
Capy three!
Hold on. There were five of you youngins.
And now there's only three.
That means
two capybaras are missing!
-Oh no!
-Where could they be?
-[capy 1] This is terrible!
-[camera clicking]
[Sam] Come on, Kit.
We've just got to train
on the clue course.
It's got codes to crack,
fingerprints to find,
clues to analyze and categorize.
Everything a master detective
like me could want.
Looks cool, Sam.
But I think we should try…
the zoo course.
It's perfect for an animal expert like me.
You get to identify bird calls,
and insect eggs,
and animal dung!
[giggles] Bet the clue course
doesn't have that.
-[crest beeping]
-Huh? The CLADE crest!
Guess we'll have
to try the clue course later.
You mean the zoo course.
Come on!
[both grunt]
-[Sam & Kit grunt]
-Agents, you're just in time.
There's a major mystery brewing out
in the South American Wetlands.
Two young capybaras have gone missing
while playing hide and seek.
And word in the swamp is that
there's a hungry anaconda snake
out there somewhere as well.
An anaconda? That's not good.
Capybaras are one
of their favorite snacks.
It's up to you to figure out
what happened to those two capybaras
and bring them home safely.
Don't worry, Director.
We'll find them.
We've just got to follow the clues.
Yeah! And use our animal knowledge.
Right, and also follow the clues.
-Mm-hmm. Clues about animals.
-Animal clues are still clues.
-[Scratch] Bo-Bok!
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome,
South American Wetlands.
[capy children
calling for missing friends]
-Come out, come out wherever you are.
Afternoon, folks. I'm Agent Kit Casey.
And I'm Agent Sam Snow.
We're here to find
those missing capybaras.
Oh, thank goodness!
Those capybaras are still hiding.
They could be anywhere.
How are you ever gonna find them?
Don't worry.
We're trained to crack any case
by using our knowledge of local animals.
And we're also trained
to be detectives and follow the clues.
Hmm. Looks like we've got
a lot of area to search.
We'll find them faster if we split up.
Good idea! I'll go this way and call you
once my animal know-how
leads me to those capybaras.
I'll go this way, and I'll call you
once I follow the clues
to where they're hiding.
[investigative music plays]
[Clu-Bot whirring, beeping]
[Clu-Bot beeping]
-[grass rustles]
-[frog ribbits]
-[Sam] Hmm.
[water splashes]
[humorous chord plays]
[creature squawking]
That sounds like a buff-necked ibis.
-[second creature ribbits]
-And that's a snouted treefrog.
[third creature grunts]
And that's a young capybara.
[gasps] It's a young capybara!
Looks like animal facts
saved the day once again.
Oh, hi! You found me!
I guess I hid too well.
I don't even know where I am.
Well, don't you worry.
I'm Kit from CLADE,
and I'm gonna bring you home.
Uh, now, let's see.
Which way is your home?
I think it was back that way.
Or was it this way?
Uh, better call Sam.
He'll know where to go.
Mm, nah.
I'm sure I can find my way on my own.
Animal facts have gotten me this far.
They'll get me back too.
Come on, little guy. This way.
[Sam] Hmm.
There's gotta be a clue
around here somewhere.
Aha! Footprints!
Nothing escapes the eye
of a good detective.
[exciting music plays]
You found me!
Hello there. My name is Sam,
and I'm from CLADE.
-I'm here to take you home.
I was getting a little tired
of hiding here anyway.
Say, uh, do you know how to get home?
Of course. I always keep track
of where I'm going.
According to my map,
the way home is… that way.
-Past all those weird scaly things.
-[mysterious notes]
Huh. Better ask Kit what these things are.
Nah, I'm sure she's busy
with her own search.
Come on, capybara. This way.
Hmm. Did we already pass that tree?
[gasps] Uh-oh. Those are snake skins.
-Snake skins?!
-That's right.
When snakes grow bigger,
they shed their old skins
and grow new ones.
And these skins came
from a really big snake.
Like an anaconda.
An anaconda?!
-That's not good, right?
-[grass rustles]
[Kit gasps] Something's coming.
Could be a snake. Get behind me.
[suspenseful music plays]
-[Kit] Sam!
That's a weird-looking snake.
That's no snake. It's my partner.
Your partner who found a capybara.
[Kit laughs] That's funny.
I found one too.
-Nice work.
Now we've just got to compare maps
to find the best way back.
Thing is, I didn't really keep track
of where I was going.
You didn't?
Oh, Kit. A good detective always
keeps track of where they're going.
Well, I hope your map can lead us away
from all these snake skins.
Snake skins, is that what they are?
You didn't know?
Sam, any animal expert could tell you
that there's clearly
a giant anaconda nearby.
You mean like that one?
-[anaconda hisses]
-[dramatic music plays]
Yeah! Just like that one!
The anaconda!
Mmm! [licks lips]
[suspenseful music plays]
[Sam, Kit, & children gasping and panting]
[dramatic notes]
[Sam] Huh?
[all panting]
[dramatic notes]
Quick! Up there!
[Sam grunts]
[anaconda groans]
[moans, sighs]
[water gurgling]
Phew! I still can't believe
you didn't know those were snake skins.
I can't believe you didn't make a map!
Ugh! You and your map. Why don't you--?
[panicked breath]
Are we gonna be stuck up here forever?
[whimpers] I want to go home.
I miss my papi.
Don't worry, capybaras.
We'll get you back safely.
With Kit's animal knowledge…
And Sam's detective skills,
there's nothing we can't do.
-Right, partner?
Now, any ideas? What else
do you know about anacondas?
[Kit] Anacondas mostly hunt in the water.
When they go on land,
they're kinda slow or clumsy.
So if we stay out of the water,
the snake won't be able to get us.
And we can use my map to find
a path back to the capybaras' home
while staying safe on dry land.
Nice detective work, partner.
All right, capybaras.
You ready to make a break for it?
Uh, I don't know.
It'll be like playing a game.
Just pretend the water is hot lava.
-And try not to get too close.
Let's do it.
All right. Then here we go!
Huh? [grunting]
-[thrilling music plays]
-[all panting]
Watch out for the lava!
[all grunting]
-Don't stop now!
-[capy 4 chuckles]
[Sam & capy 5 grunting]
-Ah! Phew.
-[Kit laughs]
[all] Whoo! [laughing]
[all grunting]
-[all panting]
-Can't catch us!
[anaconda panting] Whew!
[stressful sigh]
Capy one, capy two, capy three.
[capy 4] Capy four!
Capy five!
They're back! And they found our friends!
Kids! You're home!
Here you go, Papi.
Two capybaras safe and sound.
[squeals excitedly]
There was a giant snake!
Then we were in a really tall tree,
and then we all ran super fast!
Wow! Were you scared?
Nuh-uh! It was awesome.
Thank you, agents.
I don't know how we can ever repay you.
No trouble at all.
Just glad to have another Creature Case…
[Sam & Kit] Closed.
My agent knew everything about animals!
And my agent was like a super detective!
Wow! So cool!
[Kit] Bye! [giggles]
Ooh, Sam! I just had an idea.
When we get back,
let's do the zoo training course
and the clue training course together!
Oh, nice idea!
We can follow footprints
to track different animals.
Yeah! Or we can make maps
of insect burrows.
And hatch a plan
while also hatching bird eggs.
Or we can alphabetize animal dung!
[Sam] Uh, let's not get carried away.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Anacondas.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Anacondas live in wetlands,
span style="style2"and are really good at swimming.
[Bill]span style="style2" Because they're so big,
span style="style2"they're clumsy on land.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Like all snakes,
span style="style2"anacondas shed their skin.
[Bill] span style="style2"That's one big snakeskin.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Capybaras are one of
span style="style2"the anacondas' favorite snacks.
[Bill] span style="style2"Uh-oh!
span style="style2"Better be careful, capybaras.
[R.O.N.]span style="style2" Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.]span style="style2" Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch]span style="style2" The Case of the Curious Keas.
span style="style2"Bo-Bok!
[serene music playing]
Ah, the tundra.
I love solving Creature Cases here.
It's so calm and peaceful and--
-[snowball thuds]
-[grunts] Hey!
Kit, stop playing around.
Oh, lighten up, Sam.
We already solved the case.
If we're gonna be out here freezing
our tails off, we may as well have fun.
Even so, we're working.
Now let's head back
to our Snow Cycles and--
-[snowball thuds]
-[grunts] Kit! Huh?
Hey, that one wasn't me.
It came from over there.
-[dramatic music plays]
[parts thud]
Our Snow Cycles!
What happened to 'em?
Somebody took them apart!
-[ignition clicking]
-And now they won't turn on.
[Kit] Looks like some pieces are missing.
-Who would take our Snow Cycle parts?
-[watch beeps]
-Director Scratch.
-I don't think it was her.
No, she's calling us.
Agents, just checking in.
Shouldn't you be on your way back?
Uh, we hit a little bit of a snag.
We were about to ride back
to R.O.N. and then fly home,
but somebody's messed up our Snow Cycles.
It'll take ages to get back
to R.O.N. on foot.
Any chance someone
from CLADE can come pick us up?
Of course.
But you're in such a remote location
that the earliest we'd reach you would be…
But it's freezing out here!
Ooh, did the Mice Squad see who did this?
I haven't heard a squeak
from the Mice Squad all day.
Seems you two will have
to solve this mystery on your own.
Good luck, agents.
Okay. I guess, to get home,
we have to figure out
who took our Snow Cycle parts.
[shivers] Well, maybe looking for clues
will help me warm up.
I'll check which parts are missing.
[alarm blaring]
[Sam] That's a lot of parts.
And whoever took them didn't leave
any footprints behind.
Must be a creature that flies.
-[creature laughs in distance]
-What's so funny?
Huh? That wasn't me.
[creature laughs]
Is someone playing a trick on us?
We better find out. Come on.
[curious music plays]
[creature cackling]
[investigative music plays]
[Sam grunts]
[both] Huh?
I could've sworn
it was coming from over here.
Sam, look!
[Sam] Is it one of the missing parts?
[Kit pants] No, just…
a feather?
Aha! Our first real clue.
Maybe whoever took
our parts left it behind.
Of course!
They fly and have feathers.
Must be a bird.
Any idea what kind of bird, Kit?
-A duck?
No, duck!
[snowball whistles]
[creatures laughing]
-[gasps] That was close.
-It's not over yet.
-[snowballs whistling]
-[creatures laughing]
[Sam & Kit wailing]
[creature calls]
-Huh? [grunts]
Who keeps doing that?!
[creature laughing]
[multiple creatures laughing]
Look out!
[Kit grunts] Hey!
-You okay, Kit?
-[Kit whimpers]
-I have snow in my jacket.
-[creature laughs]
That's it!
We're catching this prankster right now.
[sneaky music plays]
-[flock of birds laughs]
-What? Where'd they go?
-One of our missing… parts.
-[bird laughing]
What in the woolly world?!
[continues laughing]
Quick! After that bird!
[exciting music plays]
[Sam grunts]
[cackles] Take from me. [cackles]
I should've known.
We're being pranked by keas!
Keas? It looked like a parrot.
Keas are a type of parrot.
The only parrots
that live in snowy places like this.
[Sam] Come on!
Looks like we found the keas.
And the rest of our missing parts.
[circus-style music plays]
For our first trick…
We'll make these parts disappear!
Up into a tree!
[shrieks in laughter]
[both groan]
So they were the ones who took apart
our Snow Cycles. But why?
Keas are naturally curious,
and clever too.
If they find a new thing,
they like to pick it apart
and play with it.
But what's with that giant snowball?
Actually, I'm not sure.
Excuse us.
Hi, mates! Welcome to the circus!
A group of keas are called a circus
because they're so playful.
-[keas shrieking in laughter]
-I can see that.
Uh, it seems like…
[kea laughing]
…you found…
our Snow Cycle…
Can we have them back?
Sure you can have them back.
-[female kea laughs]
If you can catch them.
[keas laughing]
-[Sam growls]
-Are you a trapeze artist?
Uh, no?
-You are now. Hold on tight!
[Kit shrieking]
[gasps, wails]
[keas laughing]
[Kit screaming]
[male kea laughs]
Hey, Sam! Look who I found!
[Sam] The Mice Squad!
[Bill & Jill groaning]
Bill. Jill. Are you two all right?
We're fine.
Just dizzy. [grunts]
We were taking pictures when the keas
rolled us into that snowball. [shivers]
-They've been messing with us too.
-[female kea laughs]
Look! I made a bouncy thing!
You have to admit, putting our parts
together like that is pretty clever.
So to get our parts back,
we'll need to be clever too.
We need a plan.
-[keas laughing]
-[circus-style music plays]
Bill. Jill.
You keep the keas distracted.
Kit and I will take care of the rest.
Got it!
[dance music blaring from speakers]
Wow! Look at that!
I didn't know it lit up!
[laughs] Let's get it!
Time to get those parts back.
Clu-Bots, go!
[Clu-Bots whirring]
[Sam grunts]
We got 'em, Mice Squad!
Thanks for your help.
[dance music continues]
See ya!
Oh man! Don't leave!
Hey! Where are they going?!
[circus-style music plays]
They're taking all that stuff!
Hey! You ruined the fun!
You know, I almost feel bad
taking our parts back from them.
Bad enough to spend the night
out here in the snow?
Nope, let's go fix our Snow Cycles.
Okay, we've got all the parts back.
Now, where to start?
First, we connect this part
with this other one, I think.
Or maybe this part goes under there?
Hmm. Or maybe…
We have no idea how to do this, do we?
Not a clue.
[wind howling]
[Sam shivers] And it's officially getting
too cold, even for me.
Ah, if only we had someone
who was good at this type of thing.
[gasps] Like the keas!
-Someone really clever.
-Like the keas!
-Who's good at putting things together.
-Like the keas!
Whiskers, that's it! The keas!
Wait, is that what you just said?
Yup, but if we ask them to help us,
they'll just play with the parts again.
So maybe we need to trick the tricksters.
[Sam & Kit laughing in distance]
What's that?
Don't know. Let's find out.
[Sam & Kit laughing]
This puzzle is so fun and challenging.
[laughs] I know! Only someone
really clever could put it all together.
Too bad we don't know anyone like that.
Guess we have it all to ourselves.
[breathes excitedly]
A puzzle? That looks fun!
Yeah! We love puzzles!
Maybe we could take a look at it?
Hmm. I don't know if you're
up to the task. It's really tricky.
We can do it!
Can we try? Please, please, please!
I guess you could give it a shot.
[keas] Yes!
Keas, let's get to it!
[circus-style music plays]
-And done!
-[musical twinkling]
That was fun! [laughs]
Let's do another one!
Hey, aren't these just those thingies
we took apart earlier?
[Snow Cycles power up]
[chuckles] They sure are.
We tricked you into helping us
put them back together again.
You tricked us?
[keas laughing]
That's hilarious!
You really got us! [laughs]
Speaking of pranks, should we show 'em?
Show us what?
[laughs mischievously] Try the horn!
[recording of kea laughing on horn]
[Sam & Kit laugh]
Good one. Thanks for the upgrade.
Our pleasure.
Everyone can do with a laugh now and then.
[chuckles] I suppose you're right.
Come on, Kit.
Time to head back to R.O.N. And then…
-[Snow Cycles power up]
-Home! See ya, keas!
[keas] Goodbye!
Thanks for playing with us! [laughing]
Well, Kit, another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
At this speed,
we'll be back home in no time.
Ooh, I'm gonna get cozy
with a big ol' blanket.
Maybe some cocoa with-- [grunts]
[Sam laughs] Aw, lighten up, Kit.
[both laughing]
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both]span style="style2" Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Keas.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Keas are a type of parrot
span style="style2"with green feathers.
[Jill] span style="style2"They're the only parrots that like
span style="style2"to live where it's cold and snowy.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"A group of keas is called a circus.
[Jill] span style="style2"Sure looks like fun to me!
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Bill]span style="style2" Keas are clever and curious birds.
[Jill] span style="style2"They love to take things apart
span style="style2"and work together to solve problems.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Lost Capybara Kids. Bo-Bok!
[idyllic music plays]
-[child] One, two, three, four, five…
-[children laughing]
-…six, seven…
-[laughing continues]
…eight, nine, ten!
Ready or not, here I come!
-Uh, come out, youngins.
-[uneasy music plays]
-Time to head home!
There's a hungry anaconda snake
loose in the wetlands.
An anaconda snake?
An anaconda?
Better do a capybara count-off
to make sure all five of you are here.
Capy one!
Capy two!
Capy three!
Hold on. There were five of you youngins.
And now there's only three.
That means
two capybaras are missing!
-Oh no!
-Where could they be?
-[capy 1] This is terrible!
-[camera clicking]
[Sam] Come on, Kit.
We've just got to train
on the clue course.
It's got codes to crack,
fingerprints to find,
clues to analyze and categorize.
Everything a master detective
like me could want.
Looks cool, Sam.
But I think we should try…
the zoo course.
It's perfect for an animal expert like me.
You get to identify bird calls,
and insect eggs,
and animal dung!
[giggles] Bet the clue course
doesn't have that.
-[crest beeping]
-Huh? The CLADE crest!
Guess we'll have
to try the clue course later.
You mean the zoo course.
Come on!
[both grunt]
-[Sam & Kit grunt]
-Agents, you're just in time.
There's a major mystery brewing out
in the South American Wetlands.
Two young capybaras have gone missing
while playing hide and seek.
And word in the swamp is that
there's a hungry anaconda snake
out there somewhere as well.
An anaconda? That's not good.
Capybaras are one
of their favorite snacks.
It's up to you to figure out
what happened to those two capybaras
and bring them home safely.
Don't worry, Director.
We'll find them.
We've just got to follow the clues.
Yeah! And use our animal knowledge.
Right, and also follow the clues.
-Mm-hmm. Clues about animals.
-Animal clues are still clues.
-[Scratch] Bo-Bok!
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome,
South American Wetlands.
[capy children
calling for missing friends]
-Come out, come out wherever you are.
Afternoon, folks. I'm Agent Kit Casey.
And I'm Agent Sam Snow.
We're here to find
those missing capybaras.
Oh, thank goodness!
Those capybaras are still hiding.
They could be anywhere.
How are you ever gonna find them?
Don't worry.
We're trained to crack any case
by using our knowledge of local animals.
And we're also trained
to be detectives and follow the clues.
Hmm. Looks like we've got
a lot of area to search.
We'll find them faster if we split up.
Good idea! I'll go this way and call you
once my animal know-how
leads me to those capybaras.
I'll go this way, and I'll call you
once I follow the clues
to where they're hiding.
[investigative music plays]
[Clu-Bot whirring, beeping]
[Clu-Bot beeping]
-[grass rustles]
-[frog ribbits]
-[Sam] Hmm.
[water splashes]
[humorous chord plays]
[creature squawking]
That sounds like a buff-necked ibis.
-[second creature ribbits]
-And that's a snouted treefrog.
[third creature grunts]
And that's a young capybara.
[gasps] It's a young capybara!
Looks like animal facts
saved the day once again.
Oh, hi! You found me!
I guess I hid too well.
I don't even know where I am.
Well, don't you worry.
I'm Kit from CLADE,
and I'm gonna bring you home.
Uh, now, let's see.
Which way is your home?
I think it was back that way.
Or was it this way?
Uh, better call Sam.
He'll know where to go.
Mm, nah.
I'm sure I can find my way on my own.
Animal facts have gotten me this far.
They'll get me back too.
Come on, little guy. This way.
[Sam] Hmm.
There's gotta be a clue
around here somewhere.
Aha! Footprints!
Nothing escapes the eye
of a good detective.
[exciting music plays]
You found me!
Hello there. My name is Sam,
and I'm from CLADE.
-I'm here to take you home.
I was getting a little tired
of hiding here anyway.
Say, uh, do you know how to get home?
Of course. I always keep track
of where I'm going.
According to my map,
the way home is… that way.
-Past all those weird scaly things.
-[mysterious notes]
Huh. Better ask Kit what these things are.
Nah, I'm sure she's busy
with her own search.
Come on, capybara. This way.
Hmm. Did we already pass that tree?
[gasps] Uh-oh. Those are snake skins.
-Snake skins?!
-That's right.
When snakes grow bigger,
they shed their old skins
and grow new ones.
And these skins came
from a really big snake.
Like an anaconda.
An anaconda?!
-That's not good, right?
-[grass rustles]
[Kit gasps] Something's coming.
Could be a snake. Get behind me.
[suspenseful music plays]
-[Kit] Sam!
That's a weird-looking snake.
That's no snake. It's my partner.
Your partner who found a capybara.
[Kit laughs] That's funny.
I found one too.
-Nice work.
Now we've just got to compare maps
to find the best way back.
Thing is, I didn't really keep track
of where I was going.
You didn't?
Oh, Kit. A good detective always
keeps track of where they're going.
Well, I hope your map can lead us away
from all these snake skins.
Snake skins, is that what they are?
You didn't know?
Sam, any animal expert could tell you
that there's clearly
a giant anaconda nearby.
You mean like that one?
-[anaconda hisses]
-[dramatic music plays]
Yeah! Just like that one!
The anaconda!
Mmm! [licks lips]
[suspenseful music plays]
[Sam, Kit, & children gasping and panting]
[dramatic notes]
[Sam] Huh?
[all panting]
[dramatic notes]
Quick! Up there!
[Sam grunts]
[anaconda groans]
[moans, sighs]
[water gurgling]
Phew! I still can't believe
you didn't know those were snake skins.
I can't believe you didn't make a map!
Ugh! You and your map. Why don't you--?
[panicked breath]
Are we gonna be stuck up here forever?
[whimpers] I want to go home.
I miss my papi.
Don't worry, capybaras.
We'll get you back safely.
With Kit's animal knowledge…
And Sam's detective skills,
there's nothing we can't do.
-Right, partner?
Now, any ideas? What else
do you know about anacondas?
[Kit] Anacondas mostly hunt in the water.
When they go on land,
they're kinda slow or clumsy.
So if we stay out of the water,
the snake won't be able to get us.
And we can use my map to find
a path back to the capybaras' home
while staying safe on dry land.
Nice detective work, partner.
All right, capybaras.
You ready to make a break for it?
Uh, I don't know.
It'll be like playing a game.
Just pretend the water is hot lava.
-And try not to get too close.
Let's do it.
All right. Then here we go!
Huh? [grunting]
-[thrilling music plays]
-[all panting]
Watch out for the lava!
[all grunting]
-Don't stop now!
-[capy 4 chuckles]
[Sam & capy 5 grunting]
-Ah! Phew.
-[Kit laughs]
[all] Whoo! [laughing]
[all grunting]
-[all panting]
-Can't catch us!
[anaconda panting] Whew!
[stressful sigh]
Capy one, capy two, capy three.
[capy 4] Capy four!
Capy five!
They're back! And they found our friends!
Kids! You're home!
Here you go, Papi.
Two capybaras safe and sound.
[squeals excitedly]
There was a giant snake!
Then we were in a really tall tree,
and then we all ran super fast!
Wow! Were you scared?
Nuh-uh! It was awesome.
Thank you, agents.
I don't know how we can ever repay you.
No trouble at all.
Just glad to have another Creature Case…
[Sam & Kit] Closed.
My agent knew everything about animals!
And my agent was like a super detective!
Wow! So cool!
[Kit] Bye! [giggles]
Ooh, Sam! I just had an idea.
When we get back,
let's do the zoo training course
and the clue training course together!
Oh, nice idea!
We can follow footprints
to track different animals.
Yeah! Or we can make maps
of insect burrows.
And hatch a plan
while also hatching bird eggs.
Or we can alphabetize animal dung!
[Sam] Uh, let's not get carried away.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Anacondas.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Anacondas live in wetlands,
span style="style2"and are really good at swimming.
[Bill]span style="style2" Because they're so big,
span style="style2"they're clumsy on land.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Like all snakes,
span style="style2"anacondas shed their skin.
[Bill] span style="style2"That's one big snakeskin.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Capybaras are one of
span style="style2"the anacondas' favorite snacks.
[Bill] span style="style2"Uh-oh!
span style="style2"Better be careful, capybaras.
[R.O.N.]span style="style2" Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.]span style="style2" Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch]span style="style2" The Case of the Curious Keas.
span style="style2"Bo-Bok!
[serene music playing]
Ah, the tundra.
I love solving Creature Cases here.
It's so calm and peaceful and--
-[snowball thuds]
-[grunts] Hey!
Kit, stop playing around.
Oh, lighten up, Sam.
We already solved the case.
If we're gonna be out here freezing
our tails off, we may as well have fun.
Even so, we're working.
Now let's head back
to our Snow Cycles and--
-[snowball thuds]
-[grunts] Kit! Huh?
Hey, that one wasn't me.
It came from over there.
-[dramatic music plays]
[parts thud]
Our Snow Cycles!
What happened to 'em?
Somebody took them apart!
-[ignition clicking]
-And now they won't turn on.
[Kit] Looks like some pieces are missing.
-Who would take our Snow Cycle parts?
-[watch beeps]
-Director Scratch.
-I don't think it was her.
No, she's calling us.
Agents, just checking in.
Shouldn't you be on your way back?
Uh, we hit a little bit of a snag.
We were about to ride back
to R.O.N. and then fly home,
but somebody's messed up our Snow Cycles.
It'll take ages to get back
to R.O.N. on foot.
Any chance someone
from CLADE can come pick us up?
Of course.
But you're in such a remote location
that the earliest we'd reach you would be…
But it's freezing out here!
Ooh, did the Mice Squad see who did this?
I haven't heard a squeak
from the Mice Squad all day.
Seems you two will have
to solve this mystery on your own.
Good luck, agents.
Okay. I guess, to get home,
we have to figure out
who took our Snow Cycle parts.
[shivers] Well, maybe looking for clues
will help me warm up.
I'll check which parts are missing.
[alarm blaring]
[Sam] That's a lot of parts.
And whoever took them didn't leave
any footprints behind.
Must be a creature that flies.
-[creature laughs in distance]
-What's so funny?
Huh? That wasn't me.
[creature laughs]
Is someone playing a trick on us?
We better find out. Come on.
[curious music plays]
[creature cackling]
[investigative music plays]
[Sam grunts]
[both] Huh?
I could've sworn
it was coming from over here.
Sam, look!
[Sam] Is it one of the missing parts?
[Kit pants] No, just…
a feather?
Aha! Our first real clue.
Maybe whoever took
our parts left it behind.
Of course!
They fly and have feathers.
Must be a bird.
Any idea what kind of bird, Kit?
-A duck?
No, duck!
[snowball whistles]
[creatures laughing]
-[gasps] That was close.
-It's not over yet.
-[snowballs whistling]
-[creatures laughing]
[Sam & Kit wailing]
[creature calls]
-Huh? [grunts]
Who keeps doing that?!
[creature laughing]
[multiple creatures laughing]
Look out!
[Kit grunts] Hey!
-You okay, Kit?
-[Kit whimpers]
-I have snow in my jacket.
-[creature laughs]
That's it!
We're catching this prankster right now.
[sneaky music plays]
-[flock of birds laughs]
-What? Where'd they go?
-One of our missing… parts.
-[bird laughing]
What in the woolly world?!
[continues laughing]
Quick! After that bird!
[exciting music plays]
[Sam grunts]
[cackles] Take from me. [cackles]
I should've known.
We're being pranked by keas!
Keas? It looked like a parrot.
Keas are a type of parrot.
The only parrots
that live in snowy places like this.
[Sam] Come on!
Looks like we found the keas.
And the rest of our missing parts.
[circus-style music plays]
For our first trick…
We'll make these parts disappear!
Up into a tree!
[shrieks in laughter]
[both groan]
So they were the ones who took apart
our Snow Cycles. But why?
Keas are naturally curious,
and clever too.
If they find a new thing,
they like to pick it apart
and play with it.
But what's with that giant snowball?
Actually, I'm not sure.
Excuse us.
Hi, mates! Welcome to the circus!
A group of keas are called a circus
because they're so playful.
-[keas shrieking in laughter]
-I can see that.
Uh, it seems like…
[kea laughing]
…you found…
our Snow Cycle…
Can we have them back?
Sure you can have them back.
-[female kea laughs]
If you can catch them.
[keas laughing]
-[Sam growls]
-Are you a trapeze artist?
Uh, no?
-You are now. Hold on tight!
[Kit shrieking]
[gasps, wails]
[keas laughing]
[Kit screaming]
[male kea laughs]
Hey, Sam! Look who I found!
[Sam] The Mice Squad!
[Bill & Jill groaning]
Bill. Jill. Are you two all right?
We're fine.
Just dizzy. [grunts]
We were taking pictures when the keas
rolled us into that snowball. [shivers]
-They've been messing with us too.
-[female kea laughs]
Look! I made a bouncy thing!
You have to admit, putting our parts
together like that is pretty clever.
So to get our parts back,
we'll need to be clever too.
We need a plan.
-[keas laughing]
-[circus-style music plays]
Bill. Jill.
You keep the keas distracted.
Kit and I will take care of the rest.
Got it!
[dance music blaring from speakers]
Wow! Look at that!
I didn't know it lit up!
[laughs] Let's get it!
Time to get those parts back.
Clu-Bots, go!
[Clu-Bots whirring]
[Sam grunts]
We got 'em, Mice Squad!
Thanks for your help.
[dance music continues]
See ya!
Oh man! Don't leave!
Hey! Where are they going?!
[circus-style music plays]
They're taking all that stuff!
Hey! You ruined the fun!
You know, I almost feel bad
taking our parts back from them.
Bad enough to spend the night
out here in the snow?
Nope, let's go fix our Snow Cycles.
Okay, we've got all the parts back.
Now, where to start?
First, we connect this part
with this other one, I think.
Or maybe this part goes under there?
Hmm. Or maybe…
We have no idea how to do this, do we?
Not a clue.
[wind howling]
[Sam shivers] And it's officially getting
too cold, even for me.
Ah, if only we had someone
who was good at this type of thing.
[gasps] Like the keas!
-Someone really clever.
-Like the keas!
-Who's good at putting things together.
-Like the keas!
Whiskers, that's it! The keas!
Wait, is that what you just said?
Yup, but if we ask them to help us,
they'll just play with the parts again.
So maybe we need to trick the tricksters.
[Sam & Kit laughing in distance]
What's that?
Don't know. Let's find out.
[Sam & Kit laughing]
This puzzle is so fun and challenging.
[laughs] I know! Only someone
really clever could put it all together.
Too bad we don't know anyone like that.
Guess we have it all to ourselves.
[breathes excitedly]
A puzzle? That looks fun!
Yeah! We love puzzles!
Maybe we could take a look at it?
Hmm. I don't know if you're
up to the task. It's really tricky.
We can do it!
Can we try? Please, please, please!
I guess you could give it a shot.
[keas] Yes!
Keas, let's get to it!
[circus-style music plays]
-And done!
-[musical twinkling]
That was fun! [laughs]
Let's do another one!
Hey, aren't these just those thingies
we took apart earlier?
[Snow Cycles power up]
[chuckles] They sure are.
We tricked you into helping us
put them back together again.
You tricked us?
[keas laughing]
That's hilarious!
You really got us! [laughs]
Speaking of pranks, should we show 'em?
Show us what?
[laughs mischievously] Try the horn!
[recording of kea laughing on horn]
[Sam & Kit laugh]
Good one. Thanks for the upgrade.
Our pleasure.
Everyone can do with a laugh now and then.
[chuckles] I suppose you're right.
Come on, Kit.
Time to head back to R.O.N. And then…
-[Snow Cycles power up]
-Home! See ya, keas!
[keas] Goodbye!
Thanks for playing with us! [laughing]
Well, Kit, another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
At this speed,
we'll be back home in no time.
Ooh, I'm gonna get cozy
with a big ol' blanket.
Maybe some cocoa with-- [grunts]
[Sam laughs] Aw, lighten up, Kit.
[both laughing]
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both]span style="style2" Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Keas.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Keas are a type of parrot
span style="style2"with green feathers.
[Jill] span style="style2"They're the only parrots that like
span style="style2"to live where it's cold and snowy.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"A group of keas is called a circus.
[Jill] span style="style2"Sure looks like fun to me!
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Bill]span style="style2" Keas are clever and curious birds.
[Jill] span style="style2"They love to take things apart
span style="style2"and work together to solve problems.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]