The Creature Cases (2022) s03e06 Episode Script

The Legend of the Night Howler/The Haystack Stakeout

Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Legend of the Night Howler.
span style="style2"Bo-Bok!
[child] Tell us the story again, Mama.
[chuckles] Okay, but then it's bedtime.
[children giggle]
Old legends tell
of a mysterious creature called
the Night Howler.
[children] Ooh!
It roams the desert alone at night,
and even the toughest animals
are no match for it.
[children giggle]
It makes everyone around it itchy.
You'll know the Howler's near
when you hear its--
-[creature howls in distance]
What was that? Stay in the burrow, kids.
[suspenseful music plays]
-[creature howls]
-[mother gasps]
-I-I'm itchy!
-[children scratching]
Mama, I'm itchy!
[howling continues]
[Sam] Om.
-[furniture creaking]
-[Sam] Hm?
[suspenseful music intensifies]
-Where's that sock?
Kit, don't scare me like that!
Sorry, Sam. [giggles]
You should've seen your face.
Hey, have you seen my other sock?
-No. But I have seen the CLADE crest!
-[crest beeping]
Director Scratch has
a new Creature Case for us.
Huh? [nervous giggle]
-What have you got there, Agent Casey?
-Oh! Uh…
I don't suppose you've seen my other sock?
-Bo-Bok! Agents.
-[button beeps]
A mysterious creature is terrorizing
a prairie dog town.
The locals think it's something
called the Night Howler.
The what?
"The Legend of the Night Howler."
"Known for spreading an unstoppable itch."
"And for its fearsome howl."
[howling sound on monitor]
I've never heard a howl quite like that.
But this all sounds
a little make-believe to me.
I don't know, Kit.
Every make-believe tale
has a bit of truth to it.
Agents, it's up to you to figure out
exactly what this Night Howler is.
You can count on us, Director.
[thrilling music plays]
[creature] Huh? [whimpers]
Now arriving at destination biome…
span style="style1"[chimes]
…North American Desert.
-[mother] Oh, itchy!
-[prairie dogs grunting]
[prairie dogs wailing]
Itchy, itchy!
[distressed howl]
Good evening, folks. I'm Agent Sam Snow.
And I'm Agent Kit Casey.
We understand there's a problem
involving a Night Howler?
That's right. I never thought
it was real until tonight.
-Did you get a good look at it?
I only saw the shadow of a-- a creature.
Yeah, and then we started itching.
And it made a howling noise like…
[children howling]
Sounds like the Mice Squad's recording.
A Night Howler was definitely here.
But what was it?
And why did it make everyone so itchy?
What is it?
It's a flea!
That's what's making everybody itch.
This Night Howler is probably
spreading them around just by coming near.
Good thing I've always got
some flea powder with me.
[sniffs] Mm. Smells like grapefruit.
-Oh. Ah.
-[child giggles]
[sighs in relief]
[sighs in relief]
[sighs in relief]
[sighs] That feels much better.
But that thing is still out there,
spreading fleas all around.
[gasps] What if it comes back?
Don't worry. We'll find it before it does.
But we better hurry.
I don't have much flea powder left.
Hmm. Just one more question.
Are there any known howlers in the area?
Some wolves live over in the hills,
but they don't come this way often.
It's as good a lead as any. Come on.
[wolf howling]
That's a wolf, all right.
Sounds different than the recording
of the Night Howler.
Still, a wolf may have had
something to do with--
-Hey! Watch it.
-[Sam gasps]
Don't you know not to startle a scorpion?
Startle you? You startled me!
What are you doing out here anyways?
Official CLADE business.
We're looking for the Night Howler.
Mm, and let me guess. You think it's me.
Easy now.
The Night Howler is carrying fleas,
and scorpions never get fleas.
And you definitely don't howl.
You do your homework.
Impressive. The name's Barb.
Well, Barb, until we find this thing,
you'd better head somewhere safe.
Me? Safe?
[chuckles] We scorpions
are always out at night,
and the desert can be
pretty dangerous after dark.
If anything, I should come along
with you for protection.
No, thanks. I think we--
If the Howler attacks,
I'll sting him with my venomous tail.
Sam, she does seem to know the area.
We could use her help.
Barb, we're looking for any wolves
who might live in the hills.
Those guys? This way, people.
-Kit, are you sure we should--
-Come on, Sam.
[intriguing music plays]
[footsteps pattering]
The wolves usually hang out right here.
-[wolves growl]
-[Sam & Kit gasp]
Nice wolfies.
[wolves howling, itching]
We're so itchy! Can you help us?
Let me take a look.
Just as I suspected.
Fleas again. Good thing
there's still a little powder left.
[sighs in relief]
Oh! [sighs]
-Ooh! Smells like grapefruit.
I wonder if they've spread
their fleas to the prairie dogs.
I'm not so sure.
That prairie dog said
she saw one shadowy creature.
And these wolves travel in a pack.
So they're not the Night Howler.
[Night Howler howls]
[gasps] That's the noise we heard
right before we started itching!
-The Night Howler.
-It must be close.
Well, we don't have all night. Let's roll.
-[Sam & Kit gasp]
Over there.
-[Sam & Kit gasp]
-[Sam & Kit] Whew!
There! After it!
-[howling continues]
-[exciting music plays]
[Kit] It went in there.
Better let me handle this.
Barb, wait!
[suspenseful music plays]
-[Barb yelps]
-[Night Howler grunting]
[Barb panting]
-[Barb grunts]
-Are you okay?
What happened?
[Barb moans] It was so dark. Couldn't see.
The Night Howler ambushed me.
I stung it with my tail,
but it-- it was no use.
It's not hurt by a scorpion sting?
That thing really is tough!
We need to get you to safety.
But the Howler will get away.
We'll deal with the Howler later.
-Time to take you back to town.
-[Night Howler howls]
He's coming back!
Run! Come on!
[Night Howler howls]
Run! Hurry!
[Sam pants]
-[howling continues]
-[Sam & Kit grunt]
[Barb whimpers]
[howling continues]
[Sam & Kit panting]
[crying out]
-Oh! That way!
-[Kit yelps]
[howling continues]
[all screaming]
I think we lost the Howler.
What in the woolly world is that thing?!
I don't know.
But now that Barb's safe,
we need a plan to deal with it.
[Night Howler howls]
Maybe we could set a trap
and lure it into that old barrel.
Solid idea, but a trap needs bait.
What does the Night Howler want?
We don't know anything about it,
except that it has fleas and…
-well, it howls.
-[howling on watch]
-[Night Howler howls]
-[Sam & Kit] Huh?
Sam, listen.
The Night Howler is answering.
[howling on watch]
[Night Howler howls]
Turn it off, turn if off!
-[watch shatters]
-[Sam] Oh!
Sorry. I'm still a little on edge.
Now it's not working.
That recording was the only thing we had
to lure the Night Howler into our trap.
Those prairie dogs did
a pretty good impression of it earlier.
Maybe they can help us.
Yeah. When we catch 'em,
I can show 'em
what this tail is really made of.
Or, you know,
whatever you guys have in mind.
Uh, Sam, you round up the prairie dogs.
We'll get the trap ready.
-Ready, prairie dogs?
-[all] Ready!
[prairie dogs mimicking Night Howler]
[Night Howler howls]
It's working.
The Night Howler's howling back.
Keep going.
[prairie dogs howling]
[Night Howler howling]
It's getting closer.
Just one more big howl.
[prairie dogs howl]
It's him! The Night Howler's here!
It's in the trap.
Barb, now!
We got him!
[prairie dogs cheer]
That's the legendary Night Howler?
A little mouse?
Of course. A grasshopper mouse.
Uh, hello.
Grasshopper mice roam
large areas searching for food,
and they spread fleas too.
So itchy. [howls]
I just never knew
they could howl like that.
[chuckles] Not many people do.
Kind of a hidden talent. [chuckles]
Okay. So you can howl,
but why did you attack me?
Sorry. I only attacked you
because I was startled.
I knew you wouldn't actually hurt me.
Scorpion stings don't hurt us
grasshopper mice.
And then I was chasing you
because I heard you might have
some grapefruit flea powder.
You can have the very last of it.
[sighs in relief]
That's much better. Thanks.
See you around, little howler.
[howls, laughs]
-Thanks again for your help, Barb.
-Glad I could lend a hand.
Or tail.
See ya!
Well, Kit, another Creature Case…
[both] Closed.
[Kit] You know, Sam,
for a minute there, I was starting
to believe in all these spooky legends.
-[Kit screams, pants]
I found your missing sock.
[laughs] Thanks, but…
don't scare me like that!
[Sam & Kit laugh]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. Grasshopper mice.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Grasshopper mice are known
span style="style2"to travel long distances looking for food.
[Bill] span style="style2"And sometimes they spread fleas
span style="style2"while they travel.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"They're known
span style="style2"to make howling sounds.
[Bill] span style="style2"Kind of like a tiny wolf.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Jill]span style="style2" Grasshopper mice don't get sick
span style="style2"from some scorpion stings.
[Bill] span style="style2"That's one tough little mouse.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both]span style="style2" Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Haystack Stakeout. Bo-Bok!
[blissful orchestral music plays]
-[chorus vocalizing majestically]
-[bees buzzing]
[rabbits giggling]
[pika whistling happy tune]
[whistling happy tune]
[whistling happy tune]
[whistling continues to blissful music]
[music stops suddenly]
[gasps] My flowers! I've been robbed!
[squeaks in distress]
[camera clicks]
[dramatic voice] CLADE Agents Sam Snow
and Kit Casey have no time to lose!
[dramatic voice]
Because today is no ordinary day.
Today is…
[excitedly] CLADE Cake Day!
Oh, I love CLADE cakes. So delicious.
So tasty.
So-- Huh?
-[Sam] Aw.
Looks like somebody already ate them all.
But lunch just started.
You know, Sam, you took an awful long time
in the training room before lunch.
You sure you didn't swing by
the cafeteria for a quick snack?
Me? You had to run back
to the library to get that book
you conveniently "forgot."
You think span style="style2"I snuck away
to eat all the CLADE cakes?
Well, let's look at the evidence.
An empty tray. Some crumbs. A CLADE crest.
-[crest beeping]
-A CLADE crest?
Director Scratch must have a case!
Let's go!
[clears throat]
Sorry to interrupt your lunch,
but there's a puzzling new mystery
in the North American Forest.
The Mice Squad just sent us these photos.
A pika was picking posies to put
in her paystack-- [coughs] Haystack.
-Bit of a tongue twister. In any case…
-[both giggle]
…when she came back,
her haystack had been robbed.
-Her haystack?
-[Kit] Mm-hmm.
Pikas gather flowers
and dry them out in little haystacks,
which they eat during the winter.
If a pika's haystack isn't big enough,
they might run out of food.
So, pikas prepare
by putting plants in a pile,
but part of this pika's pile was pinched.
And it's up to you two
to figure out who took her flowers.
No problem. You can count on us.
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome…
[chimes] span style="style2"…North American Forest.
Thanks, R.O.N.
Now we just have to find those pikas.
[pika squeaking]
I think we just did.
[squeaking in distress]
Makes a lot of noise
for such a small creature.
Pikas make all kinds
of funny noises, even barks.
Yeah, isn't it cool?
Bill, Jill! You guys are still here!
Yep, we're recording the pika's sounds
to use in our latest track.
Check it out.
[recording of pika sounds
set to dance music]
[pika barks]
Excuse me, whoever you are.
I'm barking at you.
Sorry. I'm Sam Snow.
And I'm Kit Casey.
Name's Polly.
What do you want with my haystack?
Don't worry, Polly.
We're not here to take your food.
We're here to find out who did.
Oh! Thank goodness. I'm sorry.
My fur's been a little ruffled ever since
my precious yellow flowers got stolen!
I could just bark
thinking about it. [squeaks]
Do you have any idea
who might've wanted to take your flowers?
Darn tootin', I do!
It was the pika from one farm over, Petey.
You think a pika would steal
from another pika's haystack?
Oh, well, I would never.
But with these other pikas,
you never know.
Besides, Petey's always been jealous
of my yellow flowers.
Look, Kit. Pika prints,
leading away from the haystack.
And they're not mine.
They lead over to Petey's place.
He lives over thataway.
Hmm. We'd better talk to this Petey guy.
Well, howdy, strangers.
What can I do you for?
Petey, we're here to investigate
the recent haystack robbery.
We'd like to ask you some questions.
Oh, thank heavens.
My precious pink flowers
were stacked a mile high
until some rascal robbed my haystack.
Wait. Your haystack…
Was robbed too?
Sure was! And I know who did it.
It was that pesky pika Pippy.
She lives over thataway.
Sam, more pika prints.
Looks like the thief struck here too.
Better talk to Pippy.
And when I came back,
half my beautiful blue flowers were gone.
So, Pippy, your haystack was also robbed.
Sounds like there's a haystack thief
on the loose,
stealing from all the local pikas.
And there's only one pika
that could've done it.
That old so-and-so Pop.
Let me guess. He lives over thataway? 
Better talk to Pop.
Well, you two wouldn't believe
what happened to my haystack!
Yes! Someone took some of my red flowers!
And you think you know who did it.
Sure do.
It was that
yellow flower-farming pika herself, Polly.
-She lives--
Over thataway.
Thanks for the information, Pop.
Happy to help!
Well, the good news is,
we've got four pika suspects,
and one of them must be the thief.
But the bad news is,
we'll never find out who
if they all just keep blaming each other.
[dramatic voice] Special Agent Sam Snow
and Kit Casey don't know
where to find the truth.
So they'll have
to let the truth come to them.
[dramatic voice]
With a good old-fashioned stakeout.
But they'll need some help.
[normal voice] All right. There are four
of us and four pika haystacks.
If we each watch one of them,
there's no way we'll miss that thief.
Ready, Sam?
Ready, Kit.
Ready, Bill?
Ready, Sam. Ready, Jill?
Ready, Bill. Uh, what do we do now?
Now, we wait.
[Clu-Bots whir, beep]
The haystack thief is bound
to strike again soon.
[investigative music plays]
[camera clicks]
[tablet beeps, dings]
[video game music plays]
[game beeping]
-[tranquil music plays]
-[bee buzzes]
-[petals plucking]
-Stake out. Stake in.
Stake out. Stake in.
[video game music playing]
[tranquil music playing]
[Clu-Bot beeping urgently]
[suspenseful music plays]
Hey! I just saw something!
[Kit] Me too.
Got movement over here.
I see him too. The thief is on the move.
[all] They went thataway!
[exciting music plays]
[Kit panting]
[cries out, grunts]
Just missed him!
Almost got him. [cries out]
Rock and roll!
[Sam grunting]
I'm closing in!
[grunts] So close!
[exciting music continues]
[all] I've got the thief!
Wait. span style="style2"You got the thief?
But span style="style2"I've got the thief!
-[Sam] Polly!
-[Kit] Petey?
-[Bill] Pippy?
-[Jill] Pop?
[all] Huh?
Anybody want to explain
what's going on here?
But you did it!
You found all the pika thieves.
Including you.
Well, now, says who?
I don't have any stolen flowers, do I?
She's got a point, Sam.
Without the stolen flowers,
how can we prove that they took anything?
Hmm. Whiskers, that's it!
If we find the flowers, we find the thief.
Hey! Stay away from my hay!
I'll put it back.
I just want to check something.
Ha! As I suspected.
Dried yellow flowers. And blue.
And pink. And red flowers too.
I knew it! Those are my red flowers!
-So, Polly was the thief all along.
Uh, hang on. She's not the only thief.
After all, her flowers were stolen too.
I reckon if we search
everyone else's haystacks,
we'll find all different colors
of stolen flowers there too.
Clu-Bots, go!
[Clu-Bots whirring]
-[investigative music plays]
-[Clu-Bots beeping]
Multicolored flowers in Petey's haystack.
And Pippy's.
Pop's too.
So all of you were stealing flowers
from each other.
You're all haystack thieves.
Oh! [gasps] It's true!
I took some flowers from Petey!
And I took some from Pippy.
And I took some from Pop.
[tense music plays]
[music builds dramatically, stops]
All right. I took a few from Polly too.
I'm sorry. It's just,
you can only eat so many red flowers
before you get tired of 'em.
Last winter, I ate so many blue flowers,
my tongue turned blue.
I guess we just all wanted
to try something new.
Well, that's easy.
If you all just shared your flowers,
then everyone could get a little of each.
Share our flowers?
Say, that's a mighty fine plan.
Pikas, pick up your pitchforks!
[all] Hooray!
[blissful music plays]
[pikas squeak happily]
[happy squeaking continues]
[happy squeaking continues]
-What a sound.
-Thanks for your help, Mice Squad.
Another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
You know, they're making
more CLADE cakes for dinner.
If we hurry back to HQ…
[gasps] There might still be a few left.
Let's go!
[heroic music plays]
[dramatic voice] Special Agents Sam Snow
and Kit Casey have done the impossible.
[dramatic voice] They've cracked
an unsolvable case and made it back to HQ
in time to enjoy fresh, delicious…
[horrified gasp]
What? Someone took
all the CLADE cakes again?
But look. This time they left a clue.
That feather looks familiar.
[Scratch] Bo-Bok! [munching]
[Sam & Kit] Hmm.
CLADE cake, agents? [awkward chuckle]
[both]span style="style2" ♪ Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status? ♪
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Pikas.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"When it's warm, pikas gather plants
span style="style2"and flowers into little haystacks.
[Jill] span style="style2"That's how they store up food
span style="style2"for the winter.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They guard their haystacks closely.
[Jill] span style="style2"And sometimes
span style="style2"even steal from each other.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Pikas make
span style="style2"a lot of interesting noises.
[Jill] span style="style2"Like squeaks, whistles,
span style="style2"and even little barks.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both]span style="style2" Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
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