The Creature Cases (2022) s03e07 Episode Script
The Case of the Scorpion's Sting/The Case of the Constant Dripping
Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Case
span style="style2"of the Scorpion's Sting. Bo-Bok!
[peaceful music plays]
-[owl] Oh-- ah! [laughs]
-[prairie dog giggles]
-Uh, pardon me, Miss Penelope.
-[Penelope laughs]
Pardon me, Sheriff. [giggles]
[screams] Yow!
[gasps] Someone stung me!
Oh, ouchie, ouchie, ouchie!
[camera clicks]
[Kit] "And then the detective said,
"'Aha! I know
who took the rabbit's radishes!'"
[gasps] Ooh, I can't wait
to find out whodunit!
Let me guess. It was the duck
in the kitchen with the net.
Huh? Sam, you're right!
How did you figure that out?
You just happen to have
a master detective for a partner.
-The quacking gave it away.
Sometimes the most important clue
is right in front of you all along.
Speaking of right in front of us, look.
-[Sam] The CLADE crest!
Director Scratch has a new case for us.
[both grunt]
Director Scratch? Are you there?
[Scratch] Bo-Bok!
Just catching up
on a little paperwork, agents.
There's something I need you to see.
[groans in slow motion]
[Scratch] This is Penelope Prairie Dog.
And as you can see, she's been stung.
-By who?
-Or what?
That's what you need to figure out.
I love a good whodunit mystery.
We'll solve this case in no time.
Bo-Bok! Not so fast, Agent Snow.
Remember when I was telling you
all about our incomplete case reports?
[chuckles] Of course.
I said you should find
someone like me to help finish them.
I'm a master at filling out reports.
Well, today's your lucky day.
Because here they are.
You can stay here
and help us finish these reports.
All 9,000 of them.
Agent Casey,
you'll be solving this mystery solo.
But there's so many of them.
A-And Kit needs me
to do detective-y stuff, right?
Don't worry. I got this, partner.
Well, call me if you need any help.
Please. Call me.
Good luck, Agent Casey.
CLADE is counting on you.
Stay strong, Sam. Stay strong.
[Sam grunts]
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome…
[chimes] span style="style2"…North American Desert.
Thanks, R.O.N.
Okay, Kit. Let's do this.
[exciting music plays]
Whoa, that is some cactus.
[townspeople chattering]
Right now. Go on.
Stand back, everyone.
I know it's her.
She's gonna go down for it.
Hey, what's going on?
The sheriff caught the varmint
that stung poor Penelope.
I didn't do it, I tell ya!
Barb? Is that you?
Kit! Tell him I didn't do it.
You know this scorpion?
We've crossed paths before.
I'm Agent Kit Casey of CLADE.
Well… [sighs] …sorry you came
all this way for nothing, agent.
We already know who stung Penelope here.
It was this scorpion
on the bench with her stinging tail.
I caught her snoozin'
under some rocks nearby.
I keep telling you,
I wasn't even awake when it happened.
Ha! A likely story.
Actually, it makes sense.
Scorpions are nocturnal.
They mostly sleep during the day.
Besides, if I wanted to attack you,
I would've just pinched you with these.
Uh, Barb, that's not helping.
But she's right.
Scorpions mostly use
their claws to attack.
They only use their stingers
if they're in real danger.
Ma'am, after you were stung,
did you feel a burning sensation
or numbness?
No, but I had a sharp owie sensation
on my rear end. Isn't that enough?
Scorpion stings are venomous.
If Barb had stung you,
you'd be feeling pretty sick right now.
And she looks fine to me.
Not a scratch nor a stuck stinger on her.
I've heard enough.
Barb, you're free to go.
But if it wasn't her,
then the stinger's still on the loose!
Don't worry, ma'am. I'll find them.
Whew! Thanks, Kit.
Um, aren't you short a snow leopard?
You mean Sam?
He's on a very important assignment.
Ah! Paper cut!
[grunts] Oh, oh, oh! [sighs]
I'm solving this case solo.
Then it sounds like
you'll need a helping hand, or claw.
I owe ya.
Sure! No one knows this area like you do.
Great! Where do we start, partner?
Let's see if there are any known stingers
in the area who might've stung Penelope.
Bingo! Fire ants and bees.
They both sting.
And they've both been seen nearby.
Better check 'em out.
Sweet ride.
-[vehicle roaring]
-[exciting music plays]
The fire ants are just up ahead.
So why are we stopping here?
[Kit] These big mounds are fire ant hills.
If we disturb them,
the ants inside will get all riled up.
And when fire ants get riled up,
they swarm together and sting.
[quietly] So watch your step.
-[Kit shouts]
Whoa! Ah! [grunts]
-[Barb strains]
-[Kit grunts] Whew!
How's the case? How's the weather?
How's Penelope?
Tell me something, anything.
This paperwork is getting so boring.
Well, I've got a couple leads.
This way, ants! Move, move, move!
Sam, I gotta go talk to these fire ants.
-I'll call you back.
-span style="style2"Fire ants?
Wait! Don't leave me!
Uh, excuse me.
Why'd you do it, ants?
Why'd you sting the prairie dog?
Prairie dog?
Not that it's any of your business,
but we've been out gathering figs all day.
Is that so?
It is so!
What's the big idea?
Are you looking to get stung or what?
Easy now. No need to get riled up.
-You think they're telling the truth?
-I don't know.
I need a moment to think. Okay.
What would Sam do?
He'd look at the clues.
The ants do have a lot of figs.
There weren't any fig trees
near where Penelope was stung.
And fire ants attack as a group,
but Penelope was only stung once.
So that means
the fire ants didn't sting her! [chuckles]
So sorry. [chuckles]
Our mistake. We'll be going now.
Hmm. All right, ants. Back to work!
[both] Whew!
Close call. Let's hope
we have better luck with the bees.
This is where
these bees were last spotted.
"The Hole in the Ground Gang."
They look like a tough bunch of stingers.
But where are they?
I don't see any bees or any beehives.
-[Barb] Uh…
-[distant buzzing]
-Barb, you hear that?
Uh, Kit.
I think I figured out why they're called
the Hole in the Ground Gang.
Of course!
Some bees build their hives underground.
-So we're…
-[buzzing intensifies]
Standing right on top of a beehive?
[bees buzz angrily]
-Time to go!
[loud buzzing]
[suspenseful music plays]
Kit! How'd it go with the ants?
Did you catch the stinger yet?
-Uh, not yet, Sam.
-Faster, Kit!
Is that Barb? Hi, Barb!
What's that buzzing?
We've got company!
[Sam]span style="style2" If I didn't know better,
I'd say you were being chased
by a huge swarm of angry bees.
-Sam, I gotta go!
-Look out!
-[tires screech]
Buzz off!
[Kit whimpers, gasps]
They're gaining on us. What do we do?
I have an idea.
-[epic music plays]
[both scream, grunt]
[angry buzzing]
[Kit gasps]
Oh! They're gone!
-[Barb sighs]
-Another close call.
-You okay, partner?
I'm fine. Just a little bee sting.
-Oh no! That's--
-Great news!
Look! The stinger
is still stuck in my hand.
There wasn't a stinger
stuck on Penelope's rear end.
So that means the bee didn't sting her.
Did we just crack the case?
Nope. We still don't know
who stung Penelope.
And now we're all out of suspects.
Don't worry, Kit.
The most important clue has probably
been right in front of us all along.
That's what Sam would say.
Ah, I wish he were here.
He's the real master detective.
-Careful, Kit!
-Huh? [yelps]
You were about to sit
on a jumping cholla cactus.
Even just brushing up against
one of these makes their spines come off.
I've seen this kind
of cactus before, but where?
[gasps] Whiskers, that's it!
I know what stung Penelope! Come on!
So, here's what happened.
Miss Penelope.
-[Penelope] Mm.
-[Kit] You were walking along.
[imitating Penelope] Howdy, Sheriff.
[Penelope] Mm-hmm.
[in normal voice]
And you brushed up against this cactus.
Little did you know
a cactus spine got stuck on your pants.
You sat down and…
[imitating Penelope] Ow! Yowchie!
[in normal voice]
Here's your culprit, Sheriff.
Still stuck where it stung poor Penelope.
It was the cactus on the bench
with the prickly spine.
Oh! So that's what stung me.
You figured it out.
-Another Creature Case…
-[both] Closed!
-Yay! Nice work!
-[townspeople laugh]
Thanks for all your help, Barb.
You know, CLADE's always looking
for a few good scorpions.
[yawns] But I prefer sleeping
in the daytime.
See ya!
[Kit] Hm!
[Kit] And so, in the end,
the most important clue
was right in front of me all along!
The cactus!
-Wow! Nice work, Kit!
-How about you? How was your day?
Well, after I helped finish
those reports, all 9,000 of them,
I started this really amazing book.
A bluebird was eating berries.
And when she turned around,
they were all gone.
Aha! It was the badger
who dug a tunnel with a steam shovel.
You're right!
How'd you know that?
Well, you just happen to have
a master detective for a partner.
[inhales] And I read that book before.
[both laugh]
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both]span style="style2" Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Scorpions.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Scorpions are mostly nocturnal.
[Jill] span style="style2"That means they like to sleep
span style="style2"during the day and become active at night.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They mostly use their claws
span style="style2"to attack.
[Jill] span style="style2"And their tails
span style="style2"to defend themselves.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Their tails
span style="style2"deliver a venomous sting.
[Jill] span style="style2"Which can make you sick
span style="style2"if you get stung.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Case
span style="style2"of the Constant Dripping. Bo-Bok!
[tranquil music plays]
Have a nice nap, my darlings.
[baby birds yawning]
[creature vocalizing dripping sound]
What is that dripping sound?
Is someone's sink leaking?
No, but I've been hearing
that noise all day.
I can't stand it!
-Where is it coming from?
-[babies crying]
-[dripping sound continues]
-[birds chitter worriedly]
[recording device beeps]
Come on, Sam! We're almost done! [grunts]
[Sam grunting]
[Kit grunts]
[Sam grunts]
[Kit grunting]
[Sam grunts]
[laughs] That's a new record!
-[timer beeping]
-Huh? What's that sound?
[Sam] We just leveled up, Kit!
We're now super senior agents of CLADE.
But weren't we already
the highest level of CLADE agents?
We can ask Director Scratch.
Looks like she has a new case for us.
[Sam grunts]
[Kit grunts]
Agents, congratulations on becoming
super senior agents of CLADE.
As super senior agents,
do we get anything?
Like access
to top-secret CLADE information?
Or new dessert options in the cafeteria?
[Scratch] Even better.
As super senior agents,
you'll undertake
your most important mission yet.
It's your responsibility to train
a new class of CLADE detectives!
[both] Huh?
-[heroic music plays]
-[music scratches]
-Oh. Whoopsie.
Junior Agent Cubby, reporting for duty!
Agent Cubby here
is one of CLADE's rising stars.
She was top of her class
and found every hidden paw print
in the obstacle course.
Even the pygmy possum print?
Sam Snow and Kit Casey!
It's an honor to finally work with you.
I'm a huge fan.
Good to have you aboard.
Nice to see you, Agent Cubby.
Cubby will be joining you
on your newest case.
You'll be heading
to the North American Wetlands.
The birds there are being bothered
by the sound of water dripping.
[recording of dripping sound plays]
-That's it.
It's your job to figure out
what is making the noise.
Okay. Not a very big mystery.
According to chapter one
of the CLADE agent handbook,
no mystery is too small
for an agent of CLADE.
Everyone say,
"You can count on us, Director!"
[camera clicks]
-[agents] Whoa!
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome…
[chimes] span style="style2"…North American Wetlands.
Thanks, R.O.N.
Wow! My first official Creature Case!
[camera clicks]
You're in good paws, Cubby.
Sam and I are CLADE's
most experienced agents.
That's right.
With my detective skills
and Kit's animal knowledge,
we'll crack this case in no time.
How should we start?
Search for clues? Dust for paw prints?
Chase down potential suspects?
[Kit laughs]
Let's start by interviewing
the local birds.
[Cubby] Of course!
Chapter two, paragraph three
of the CLADE handbook.
Talking to witnesses is the best way
to start an investigation.
Hello there. I'm Agent Sam Snow.
And I'm Agent Kit Casey.
And I'm Cubby!
[confusing notes play]
Oh, um, excuse me. Junior Agent Cubby.
We're from CLADE,
and we're here to investigate
the sound of water dripping.
Yes, my poor darlings can hardly nap
because of that dripping racket.
[baby birds sigh in exhaustion]
-[Cubby hiccups]
Sorry. Nervous hiccups.
[giggles, hiccups]
Uh, ma'am, can you tell us
what the noise sounded like?
It was sort of a…
[rhythmically] …drip, drip-drip.
No. It was more of a…
[in different rhythm]
…drip drip, drip drip.
-You heard it too?
-[owl] I sure did.
It's been bugging me all day.
And you're certain
it's not just a leaky sink or something?
Positive. We don't even have sinks.
Then that means someone,
not something, must be making the sound.
But whoever it was,
they didn't leave any trace behind.
Could I ask a few questions?
Did you hear anything else unusual?
See something? Smell or taste anything?
How did you feel when you heard the noise?
Any theories? How old are you?
[laughs] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
-One at a time, Cubby.
Come to think of it, I did see something
rustling in those reeds.
[creature making dripping sounds]
That's it. That's the noise.
-[dripping continues]
-It's coming from that marsh.
[Sam] So whoever's making the noise
must be hiding out there.
-Better check it out.
We'll move faster with these super stilts.
[Cubby wails, grunts]
-You all right there, Cubby?
Chapter six of the CLADE agent handbook
explains all about using these stilts!
We should split up and search
for whoever's making that noise.
-We'll cover more ground that way.
-[Kit] Let's do it.
[investigative music plays]
[Cubby wails]
-[Clu-Bot beeping]
[Kit] Hmm.
[Cubby wails]
-What in the woolly--?!
[Sam wails]
-[Sam groans]
This case is turning out
to be harder than I thought.
[camera clicks]
It sure is. I did manage
to find one clue, though.
A feather.
And it doesn't match
any of the birds we've met so far.
Hmm. This feather is the same color
as the marsh reeds.
We may be dealing
with a master of camouflage.
So whoever is making the noise
blends in with the reeds?
They're gonna be tough to find! Whoa!
I'm okay!
Sam, do you think
Cubby is ready for fieldwork?
Well, she's clearly memorized
the CLADE agent handbook.
She might just need time to adjust.
Right. Better go help her out.
[dripping noise]
Huh? Uh, excuse me? Sir?
Have you heard a dripping noise?
Cubby, you just solved the case!
I did?!
Of course!
-The noisemaker is an American bittern.
-[bittern] Drip.
Bitterns are really good at blending in,
and they can make
some pretty strange noises.
Some people call them water burpers.
[coughs] We prefer water belchers.
Sir, could you try
to keep the belching down?
It's bothering the locals.
I only made that noise to tell
other bitterns that this is my marsh.
But I don't see any others around,
so I suppose I can stop.
Yahoo! Now let's celebrate with a selfie!
-[bitterns dripping]
-Hey. Hang on.
Whiskers! There are two bitterns
making the noise.
Uh-oh. This isn't good.
[Kit] Looks like they both
want this marsh.
I told you once, and I'll tell you again.
This is my marsh.
I've been belching here all day.
It's mine!
Come on. Can't we all be friends?
It's mine!
No, it's mine!
-[squawks angrily]
-Oh no! Cubby!
-[dramatic music plays]
-[Cubby wailing]
[Cubby screaming]
This wasn't in the handbook!
[camera clicks]
We have to save her!
-[Cubby screaming]
-[Sam & Kit grunt]
-Cubby, are you all right?
I am, but those bitterns
are still fighting.
We gotta stop them.
-Mine! This is my marsh!
Not yours! Mine!
[gasps] Who are they? What are they doing?
[bittern] Leave it! It's my marsh!
Hey, watch it!
I'd take the dripping over this!
[Kit] How do we get them to stop fighting?
They were perfectly calm
before they saw each other.
Whiskers, that's it!
The bitterns responded to each other.
So what if they saw another bittern?
We can lure them away
from each other with our Eye Spies.
But to where? They both want this marsh.
Well, there's another marsh
just like this one right over there.
Another marsh?
I saw it while in the air
with the bitterns.
Chapter 12
of the CLADE agent handbook says,
"Never miss a chance to gather clues."
Bittern habitats are usually
full of reeds for them to hide in.
This second marsh looks perfect.
Well done, Cubby!
We'll lure them apart
and into separate marshes.
-It's mine!
-No! It's mine!
[Cubby] Hey, bitterns!
Look behind you!
It's working!
The bitterns are splitting up!
[Sam's watch beeping]
[Kit grunting]
[bittern panting]
Hey. This place is pretty nice.
[Sam grunts]
[sighs] All mine again.
[sighs in relief] Nice and quiet.
Now you won't be bothered
by that dripping noise or fighting birds.
The bitterns are both happy
in their own marsh homes.
Thank you, agents. Now my chicks
and I can finally get some rest.
According to chapter 87
of the CLADE agent handbook,
that's another Creature Case…
[all] Closed!
-[Kit] Nice work today, Cubby.
-[Sam] Yeah.
You'll make a great agent of CLADE.
We'll be sure to tell
Director Scratch all about it.
It was an honor to join you today.
Oh, I took lots of photos to remember it.
This one's my favorite.
-[Kit] Aw, but I blinked.
-[Sam] Hey, and I'm sneezing!
[all laughing]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. American bittern.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"American bitterns
span style="style2"are great at camouflage.
Their colors help them blend in.
[Bill] span style="style2"So when they stick their beaks up,
span style="style2"they look just like reeds.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Jill]span style="style2" American bitterns are territorial.
[Bill] span style="style2"Male bitterns will fight
span style="style2"each other for a home.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Bitterns claim their homes
span style="style2"by making a dripping sound.
[Bill]span style="style2" It's not a leaky sink,
span style="style2"just a noisy bittern.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases!
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Case
span style="style2"of the Scorpion's Sting. Bo-Bok!
[peaceful music plays]
-[owl] Oh-- ah! [laughs]
-[prairie dog giggles]
-Uh, pardon me, Miss Penelope.
-[Penelope laughs]
Pardon me, Sheriff. [giggles]
[screams] Yow!
[gasps] Someone stung me!
Oh, ouchie, ouchie, ouchie!
[camera clicks]
[Kit] "And then the detective said,
"'Aha! I know
who took the rabbit's radishes!'"
[gasps] Ooh, I can't wait
to find out whodunit!
Let me guess. It was the duck
in the kitchen with the net.
Huh? Sam, you're right!
How did you figure that out?
You just happen to have
a master detective for a partner.
-The quacking gave it away.
Sometimes the most important clue
is right in front of you all along.
Speaking of right in front of us, look.
-[Sam] The CLADE crest!
Director Scratch has a new case for us.
[both grunt]
Director Scratch? Are you there?
[Scratch] Bo-Bok!
Just catching up
on a little paperwork, agents.
There's something I need you to see.
[groans in slow motion]
[Scratch] This is Penelope Prairie Dog.
And as you can see, she's been stung.
-By who?
-Or what?
That's what you need to figure out.
I love a good whodunit mystery.
We'll solve this case in no time.
Bo-Bok! Not so fast, Agent Snow.
Remember when I was telling you
all about our incomplete case reports?
[chuckles] Of course.
I said you should find
someone like me to help finish them.
I'm a master at filling out reports.
Well, today's your lucky day.
Because here they are.
You can stay here
and help us finish these reports.
All 9,000 of them.
Agent Casey,
you'll be solving this mystery solo.
But there's so many of them.
A-And Kit needs me
to do detective-y stuff, right?
Don't worry. I got this, partner.
Well, call me if you need any help.
Please. Call me.
Good luck, Agent Casey.
CLADE is counting on you.
Stay strong, Sam. Stay strong.
[Sam grunts]
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome…
[chimes] span style="style2"…North American Desert.
Thanks, R.O.N.
Okay, Kit. Let's do this.
[exciting music plays]
Whoa, that is some cactus.
[townspeople chattering]
Right now. Go on.
Stand back, everyone.
I know it's her.
She's gonna go down for it.
Hey, what's going on?
The sheriff caught the varmint
that stung poor Penelope.
I didn't do it, I tell ya!
Barb? Is that you?
Kit! Tell him I didn't do it.
You know this scorpion?
We've crossed paths before.
I'm Agent Kit Casey of CLADE.
Well… [sighs] …sorry you came
all this way for nothing, agent.
We already know who stung Penelope here.
It was this scorpion
on the bench with her stinging tail.
I caught her snoozin'
under some rocks nearby.
I keep telling you,
I wasn't even awake when it happened.
Ha! A likely story.
Actually, it makes sense.
Scorpions are nocturnal.
They mostly sleep during the day.
Besides, if I wanted to attack you,
I would've just pinched you with these.
Uh, Barb, that's not helping.
But she's right.
Scorpions mostly use
their claws to attack.
They only use their stingers
if they're in real danger.
Ma'am, after you were stung,
did you feel a burning sensation
or numbness?
No, but I had a sharp owie sensation
on my rear end. Isn't that enough?
Scorpion stings are venomous.
If Barb had stung you,
you'd be feeling pretty sick right now.
And she looks fine to me.
Not a scratch nor a stuck stinger on her.
I've heard enough.
Barb, you're free to go.
But if it wasn't her,
then the stinger's still on the loose!
Don't worry, ma'am. I'll find them.
Whew! Thanks, Kit.
Um, aren't you short a snow leopard?
You mean Sam?
He's on a very important assignment.
Ah! Paper cut!
[grunts] Oh, oh, oh! [sighs]
I'm solving this case solo.
Then it sounds like
you'll need a helping hand, or claw.
I owe ya.
Sure! No one knows this area like you do.
Great! Where do we start, partner?
Let's see if there are any known stingers
in the area who might've stung Penelope.
Bingo! Fire ants and bees.
They both sting.
And they've both been seen nearby.
Better check 'em out.
Sweet ride.
-[vehicle roaring]
-[exciting music plays]
The fire ants are just up ahead.
So why are we stopping here?
[Kit] These big mounds are fire ant hills.
If we disturb them,
the ants inside will get all riled up.
And when fire ants get riled up,
they swarm together and sting.
[quietly] So watch your step.
-[Kit shouts]
Whoa! Ah! [grunts]
-[Barb strains]
-[Kit grunts] Whew!
How's the case? How's the weather?
How's Penelope?
Tell me something, anything.
This paperwork is getting so boring.
Well, I've got a couple leads.
This way, ants! Move, move, move!
Sam, I gotta go talk to these fire ants.
-I'll call you back.
-span style="style2"Fire ants?
Wait! Don't leave me!
Uh, excuse me.
Why'd you do it, ants?
Why'd you sting the prairie dog?
Prairie dog?
Not that it's any of your business,
but we've been out gathering figs all day.
Is that so?
It is so!
What's the big idea?
Are you looking to get stung or what?
Easy now. No need to get riled up.
-You think they're telling the truth?
-I don't know.
I need a moment to think. Okay.
What would Sam do?
He'd look at the clues.
The ants do have a lot of figs.
There weren't any fig trees
near where Penelope was stung.
And fire ants attack as a group,
but Penelope was only stung once.
So that means
the fire ants didn't sting her! [chuckles]
So sorry. [chuckles]
Our mistake. We'll be going now.
Hmm. All right, ants. Back to work!
[both] Whew!
Close call. Let's hope
we have better luck with the bees.
This is where
these bees were last spotted.
"The Hole in the Ground Gang."
They look like a tough bunch of stingers.
But where are they?
I don't see any bees or any beehives.
-[Barb] Uh…
-[distant buzzing]
-Barb, you hear that?
Uh, Kit.
I think I figured out why they're called
the Hole in the Ground Gang.
Of course!
Some bees build their hives underground.
-So we're…
-[buzzing intensifies]
Standing right on top of a beehive?
[bees buzz angrily]
-Time to go!
[loud buzzing]
[suspenseful music plays]
Kit! How'd it go with the ants?
Did you catch the stinger yet?
-Uh, not yet, Sam.
-Faster, Kit!
Is that Barb? Hi, Barb!
What's that buzzing?
We've got company!
[Sam]span style="style2" If I didn't know better,
I'd say you were being chased
by a huge swarm of angry bees.
-Sam, I gotta go!
-Look out!
-[tires screech]
Buzz off!
[Kit whimpers, gasps]
They're gaining on us. What do we do?
I have an idea.
-[epic music plays]
[both scream, grunt]
[angry buzzing]
[Kit gasps]
Oh! They're gone!
-[Barb sighs]
-Another close call.
-You okay, partner?
I'm fine. Just a little bee sting.
-Oh no! That's--
-Great news!
Look! The stinger
is still stuck in my hand.
There wasn't a stinger
stuck on Penelope's rear end.
So that means the bee didn't sting her.
Did we just crack the case?
Nope. We still don't know
who stung Penelope.
And now we're all out of suspects.
Don't worry, Kit.
The most important clue has probably
been right in front of us all along.
That's what Sam would say.
Ah, I wish he were here.
He's the real master detective.
-Careful, Kit!
-Huh? [yelps]
You were about to sit
on a jumping cholla cactus.
Even just brushing up against
one of these makes their spines come off.
I've seen this kind
of cactus before, but where?
[gasps] Whiskers, that's it!
I know what stung Penelope! Come on!
So, here's what happened.
Miss Penelope.
-[Penelope] Mm.
-[Kit] You were walking along.
[imitating Penelope] Howdy, Sheriff.
[Penelope] Mm-hmm.
[in normal voice]
And you brushed up against this cactus.
Little did you know
a cactus spine got stuck on your pants.
You sat down and…
[imitating Penelope] Ow! Yowchie!
[in normal voice]
Here's your culprit, Sheriff.
Still stuck where it stung poor Penelope.
It was the cactus on the bench
with the prickly spine.
Oh! So that's what stung me.
You figured it out.
-Another Creature Case…
-[both] Closed!
-Yay! Nice work!
-[townspeople laugh]
Thanks for all your help, Barb.
You know, CLADE's always looking
for a few good scorpions.
[yawns] But I prefer sleeping
in the daytime.
See ya!
[Kit] Hm!
[Kit] And so, in the end,
the most important clue
was right in front of me all along!
The cactus!
-Wow! Nice work, Kit!
-How about you? How was your day?
Well, after I helped finish
those reports, all 9,000 of them,
I started this really amazing book.
A bluebird was eating berries.
And when she turned around,
they were all gone.
Aha! It was the badger
who dug a tunnel with a steam shovel.
You're right!
How'd you know that?
Well, you just happen to have
a master detective for a partner.
[inhales] And I read that book before.
[both laugh]
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both]span style="style2" Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. Scorpions.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Scorpions are mostly nocturnal.
[Jill] span style="style2"That means they like to sleep
span style="style2"during the day and become active at night.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"They mostly use their claws
span style="style2"to attack.
[Jill] span style="style2"And their tails
span style="style2"to defend themselves.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Their tails
span style="style2"deliver a venomous sting.
[Jill] span style="style2"Which can make you sick
span style="style2"if you get stung.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[Scratch] span style="style2"The Case
span style="style2"of the Constant Dripping. Bo-Bok!
[tranquil music plays]
Have a nice nap, my darlings.
[baby birds yawning]
[creature vocalizing dripping sound]
What is that dripping sound?
Is someone's sink leaking?
No, but I've been hearing
that noise all day.
I can't stand it!
-Where is it coming from?
-[babies crying]
-[dripping sound continues]
-[birds chitter worriedly]
[recording device beeps]
Come on, Sam! We're almost done! [grunts]
[Sam grunting]
[Kit grunts]
[Sam grunts]
[Kit grunting]
[Sam grunts]
[laughs] That's a new record!
-[timer beeping]
-Huh? What's that sound?
[Sam] We just leveled up, Kit!
We're now super senior agents of CLADE.
But weren't we already
the highest level of CLADE agents?
We can ask Director Scratch.
Looks like she has a new case for us.
[Sam grunts]
[Kit grunts]
Agents, congratulations on becoming
super senior agents of CLADE.
As super senior agents,
do we get anything?
Like access
to top-secret CLADE information?
Or new dessert options in the cafeteria?
[Scratch] Even better.
As super senior agents,
you'll undertake
your most important mission yet.
It's your responsibility to train
a new class of CLADE detectives!
[both] Huh?
-[heroic music plays]
-[music scratches]
-Oh. Whoopsie.
Junior Agent Cubby, reporting for duty!
Agent Cubby here
is one of CLADE's rising stars.
She was top of her class
and found every hidden paw print
in the obstacle course.
Even the pygmy possum print?
Sam Snow and Kit Casey!
It's an honor to finally work with you.
I'm a huge fan.
Good to have you aboard.
Nice to see you, Agent Cubby.
Cubby will be joining you
on your newest case.
You'll be heading
to the North American Wetlands.
The birds there are being bothered
by the sound of water dripping.
[recording of dripping sound plays]
-That's it.
It's your job to figure out
what is making the noise.
Okay. Not a very big mystery.
According to chapter one
of the CLADE agent handbook,
no mystery is too small
for an agent of CLADE.
Everyone say,
"You can count on us, Director!"
[camera clicks]
-[agents] Whoa!
[thrilling music plays]
Now arriving at destination biome…
[chimes] span style="style2"…North American Wetlands.
Thanks, R.O.N.
Wow! My first official Creature Case!
[camera clicks]
You're in good paws, Cubby.
Sam and I are CLADE's
most experienced agents.
That's right.
With my detective skills
and Kit's animal knowledge,
we'll crack this case in no time.
How should we start?
Search for clues? Dust for paw prints?
Chase down potential suspects?
[Kit laughs]
Let's start by interviewing
the local birds.
[Cubby] Of course!
Chapter two, paragraph three
of the CLADE handbook.
Talking to witnesses is the best way
to start an investigation.
Hello there. I'm Agent Sam Snow.
And I'm Agent Kit Casey.
And I'm Cubby!
[confusing notes play]
Oh, um, excuse me. Junior Agent Cubby.
We're from CLADE,
and we're here to investigate
the sound of water dripping.
Yes, my poor darlings can hardly nap
because of that dripping racket.
[baby birds sigh in exhaustion]
-[Cubby hiccups]
Sorry. Nervous hiccups.
[giggles, hiccups]
Uh, ma'am, can you tell us
what the noise sounded like?
It was sort of a…
[rhythmically] …drip, drip-drip.
No. It was more of a…
[in different rhythm]
…drip drip, drip drip.
-You heard it too?
-[owl] I sure did.
It's been bugging me all day.
And you're certain
it's not just a leaky sink or something?
Positive. We don't even have sinks.
Then that means someone,
not something, must be making the sound.
But whoever it was,
they didn't leave any trace behind.
Could I ask a few questions?
Did you hear anything else unusual?
See something? Smell or taste anything?
How did you feel when you heard the noise?
Any theories? How old are you?
[laughs] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
-One at a time, Cubby.
Come to think of it, I did see something
rustling in those reeds.
[creature making dripping sounds]
That's it. That's the noise.
-[dripping continues]
-It's coming from that marsh.
[Sam] So whoever's making the noise
must be hiding out there.
-Better check it out.
We'll move faster with these super stilts.
[Cubby wails, grunts]
-You all right there, Cubby?
Chapter six of the CLADE agent handbook
explains all about using these stilts!
We should split up and search
for whoever's making that noise.
-We'll cover more ground that way.
-[Kit] Let's do it.
[investigative music plays]
[Cubby wails]
-[Clu-Bot beeping]
[Kit] Hmm.
[Cubby wails]
-What in the woolly--?!
[Sam wails]
-[Sam groans]
This case is turning out
to be harder than I thought.
[camera clicks]
It sure is. I did manage
to find one clue, though.
A feather.
And it doesn't match
any of the birds we've met so far.
Hmm. This feather is the same color
as the marsh reeds.
We may be dealing
with a master of camouflage.
So whoever is making the noise
blends in with the reeds?
They're gonna be tough to find! Whoa!
I'm okay!
Sam, do you think
Cubby is ready for fieldwork?
Well, she's clearly memorized
the CLADE agent handbook.
She might just need time to adjust.
Right. Better go help her out.
[dripping noise]
Huh? Uh, excuse me? Sir?
Have you heard a dripping noise?
Cubby, you just solved the case!
I did?!
Of course!
-The noisemaker is an American bittern.
-[bittern] Drip.
Bitterns are really good at blending in,
and they can make
some pretty strange noises.
Some people call them water burpers.
[coughs] We prefer water belchers.
Sir, could you try
to keep the belching down?
It's bothering the locals.
I only made that noise to tell
other bitterns that this is my marsh.
But I don't see any others around,
so I suppose I can stop.
Yahoo! Now let's celebrate with a selfie!
-[bitterns dripping]
-Hey. Hang on.
Whiskers! There are two bitterns
making the noise.
Uh-oh. This isn't good.
[Kit] Looks like they both
want this marsh.
I told you once, and I'll tell you again.
This is my marsh.
I've been belching here all day.
It's mine!
Come on. Can't we all be friends?
It's mine!
No, it's mine!
-[squawks angrily]
-Oh no! Cubby!
-[dramatic music plays]
-[Cubby wailing]
[Cubby screaming]
This wasn't in the handbook!
[camera clicks]
We have to save her!
-[Cubby screaming]
-[Sam & Kit grunt]
-Cubby, are you all right?
I am, but those bitterns
are still fighting.
We gotta stop them.
-Mine! This is my marsh!
Not yours! Mine!
[gasps] Who are they? What are they doing?
[bittern] Leave it! It's my marsh!
Hey, watch it!
I'd take the dripping over this!
[Kit] How do we get them to stop fighting?
They were perfectly calm
before they saw each other.
Whiskers, that's it!
The bitterns responded to each other.
So what if they saw another bittern?
We can lure them away
from each other with our Eye Spies.
But to where? They both want this marsh.
Well, there's another marsh
just like this one right over there.
Another marsh?
I saw it while in the air
with the bitterns.
Chapter 12
of the CLADE agent handbook says,
"Never miss a chance to gather clues."
Bittern habitats are usually
full of reeds for them to hide in.
This second marsh looks perfect.
Well done, Cubby!
We'll lure them apart
and into separate marshes.
-It's mine!
-No! It's mine!
[Cubby] Hey, bitterns!
Look behind you!
It's working!
The bitterns are splitting up!
[Sam's watch beeping]
[Kit grunting]
[bittern panting]
Hey. This place is pretty nice.
[Sam grunts]
[sighs] All mine again.
[sighs in relief] Nice and quiet.
Now you won't be bothered
by that dripping noise or fighting birds.
The bitterns are both happy
in their own marsh homes.
Thank you, agents. Now my chicks
and I can finally get some rest.
According to chapter 87
of the CLADE agent handbook,
that's another Creature Case…
[all] Closed!
-[Kit] Nice work today, Cubby.
-[Sam] Yeah.
You'll make a great agent of CLADE.
We'll be sure to tell
Director Scratch all about it.
It was an honor to join you today.
Oh, I took lots of photos to remember it.
This one's my favorite.
-[Kit] Aw, but I blinked.
-[Sam] Hey, and I'm sneezing!
[all laughing]
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
[tires screech]
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Status?
-[both] span style="style2"Chill ♪
System settings?
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Update. American bittern.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"American bitterns
span style="style2"are great at camouflage.
Their colors help them blend in.
[Bill] span style="style2"So when they stick their beaks up,
span style="style2"they look just like reeds.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Jill]span style="style2" American bitterns are territorial.
[Bill] span style="style2"Male bitterns will fight
span style="style2"each other for a home.
[both]span style="style2" Fact File! ♪
[Jill] span style="style2"Bitterns claim their homes
span style="style2"by making a dripping sound.
[Bill]span style="style2" It's not a leaky sink,
span style="style2"just a noisy bittern.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music plays]