The Creature Cases (2022) s04e02 Episode Script

The Mystery in the Snow Maze

Welcome to CLADE, the Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases.
"The Mystery in the Snow Maze."
Oh, my. Sounds like this blizzard's
not gonna end any time soon.
-How about a snack from the pantry?
Let's see. We've got plenty of roots.
Ooh! Some dried berries.
How does that sound? Sweetheart?
Where'd you go? Oh, no. Sweetheart?
Sweetheart? My baby is missing!
Was it this way?
Sam, are you sure
you know where you're going?
The top-secret snack kitchen
is definitely around here.
Trust me, Kit.
I have a perfect sense of direction.
Ah! This must be it.
Looks like your "perfect"
sense of direction
found the Stinkwells' yoga studio.
Ooh, oopsie.
Kit, look.
A snack kitchen?
Better. The CLADE Crest.
Director Scratch has a new case for us.
Don't mind me, Agents.
I'm missing my yoga class at the moment,
and must keep up with my poses.
We just received a case
from the European tundra.
A baby arctic fox
has vanished inside her den,
and her mother is very worried.
Oh, no. That's terrible.
Missing inside her own den?
That doesn't sound so difficult to solve.
I wouldn't be so sure, Sam.
Arctic fox dens can be very complex,
with lots of entrances
and underground tunnels.
Kind of like a maze.
Indeed. This case
could be trickier than it looks.
Good luck, Agents.
Now arriving at destination biome.
European tundra.
It is cold.
Let's find a den entrance
and get underground fast.
Oh, there's one.
Come on, it'll be warmer in the den.
I sort of like
the feeling of snow in my face.
Okay, that's too much snow.
Right behind you, Kit.
-Anyone home?
Oh, hi there.
Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm Sam Snow.
And I'm Kit Casey.
We're from CLADE,
and we're here
to help find your missing baby.
Oh, thank goodness.
I've looked everywhere.
She's starting to explore on her own,
but still doesn't know her way around.
Looks like the tunnels spread out
over quite a large distance.
And you're sure she didn't leave the den?
I'm sure.
At least not by the main entrance.
I would've seen her.
Don't worry. We're on it.
You should stay here
in case she finds her way back on her own.
Of course.
We'll have your baby back
before you know it. Come on, Kit.
These tunnels just keep going!
It really does feel like a maze.
Some dens are really old,
used by
generation after generation of foxes.
They grow even bigger over time.
Listen. It could be the baby fox.
I don't know, Sam.
Sounds a lot bigger than a baby fox.
Wally Bungler, nature ranger.
At your service!
-Oh! Wally.
-Oh! What are you doing here?
Well, I heard there was trouble,
so I came to help.
Wally, dear, are you wearing
the new snow boots I got you?
I can't talk now, Mom.
I'm on a mission.
I'm wearing them right now,
they keep my footsies warmsies.
Ha-ha! Testing out some new boots.
Well, we're glad to have the extra pair
of eyes on the case, Wally. Come on!
Oh, yippee!
Wait for Wally!
Check it out. Paw prints.
Oops. Oh, sorry.
These are definitely arctic fox prints.
I can tell because they have lots of fur
on the bottoms of their paws.
And here's some more.
The baby fox must have come this way.
Let's follow those fox prints.
Looks like the baby fox
went outside after all,
through a different entrance.
But I don't see any more paw prints.
The fresh snow must've covered them up.
A little white fur ball is going to be
hard to see under all that snow.
Arctic foxes' thick white fur
keeps them warm
and it helps them
hide in plain sight from predators
like bears, wolves
Or golden eagles.
Let's just make sure
we find the baby fox before they do.
But where could she be?
Better let old Wally look for her.
Um there she is!
Ah, that's a clump of snow.
Over there!
Ah, it's more snow.
-There! Nah, wait, that's just a tugboat.
-A tugboat?
Oops. I mean, a tree stump.
Yeah. Kind of looked like a tugboat.
See it there? Next to that reindeer.
A reindeer?
Come on!
The reindeer might've seen the baby fox.
Wait up!
Hey there.
Nice weather, huh?
Oh, yeah. You better believe it.
I do love a good blizzard.
I don't suppose you've seen
a lost baby arctic fox around recently?
Oh, would you look at that?
I saw the little fella, all right.
Seemed like she was
following me for a while.
I bet that baby fox started following
the reindeer's footprints
since they make it easier
to walk in the snow.
Well, anyway, you just missed her.
She took off thataway.
Oh! Where is she?
Hey! Over here!
Looks like she's heading
back towards the den.
Hurry, before we lose sight of her again.
Ah! Wait for me!
Wally, dear, will you be home for dinner?
I'm making meatloaf.
Not now, Mom. I'm on a--
Ow! Oh! Whoa!
Look out!
What in the woolly world?!
Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Phew! What a ride. Ha!
Everyone all right?
Yep, but where are we?
That snowball rolled us way off track.
The blizzard's scrambling our maps.
So, the baby fox is lost,
and now we are too.
We know the baby fox
was heading towards the den,
so we should try to head that way too.
Follow me, Kit.
I've got a perfect
sense of direction, remember?
-The den is that way.
Or was it that way?
Or maybe over those hills?
Admit it, Sam, we're lost.
And that poor baby fox
is still out there somewhere.
Hey, guys, over here!
I think I've found some paw prints.
These definitely aren't arctic fox prints.
They're way too big.
So big that the blizzard
hasn't fully covered them up with snow.
Hey! Look at that.
My feet are exactly the same size. Ha-ha!
- Wally! These aren't paw prints.
They're snow boot tracks.
Your snow boot tracks.
Oh, hey, they are.
Based on the amount of snow on them,
they're from before
we rolled into the snowball.
Come on, we can follow them
back towards the den.
Hey, look! There's the stump
that looks like a tugboat again.
Which means we're very close.
I gotta say, Wally, your snow boots
might've just saved the day.
They also have great arch support.
Oh! Watch out for that little hole there.
This hole looks fresh,
like it was just dug.
And look, fresh baby fox prints.
Better see where this leads.
Wait up!
Hey, we're back where we started.
Guess the baby fox
was headed back to the den after all.
She even dug a new entrance.
Sweetheart, is that you?
You're back. Did you find her?
Well, it seemed like
she came back on her own.
But where is she?
My baby.
I'm so glad you're safe,
and that you found your way home.
Something tells me that little fox will
know her way around this den in no time.
Another creature case
Aw! Bring it in for Wally.
Finally, the blizzard stopped.
Bye, Wally.
Thanks again.
Just doing my duty.
Mom, heat up that meatloaf.
I'm heading home.
Oh, no.
I'm all right!
Now, where'd we park R.O.N.?
My perfect sense of direction tells me
that R.O.N. is parked that way.
Or possibly that way.
Perfect sense of direction, huh?
Fact file! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad. Fact file.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
Status? ♪
- Chill ♪
System settings ♪
Set to thrill! ♪
Update. Arctic foxes.
Fact file! ♪
Arctic foxes live in underground dens
with lots of tunnels and entrances.
Try not to get lost.
It's like a maze in there.
Fact file! ♪
Their thick fur helps them stay warm.
They've even got fur
on the bottoms of their feet.
Fact file! ♪
White fur
keeps them camouflaged in the snow.
That means they're hard to see.
Hey! Where'd she go?
Error. Upload incomplete.
How to fix it?
Move your feet.
Fact file! ♪
Fact file! ♪
Fact file! ♪
Yeah! ♪
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