The Creature Cases (2022) s04e03 Episode Script

The Case of the Stinky Swamp

Welcome to CLADE, the Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases.
"The Case of the Stinky Swamp."
So then I said,
"What about the other one?"
Huh? Ew!
What is that awful smell?
It's coming from over there.
Ja. Ja! Ja!
It's them.
You skunks are stinking up our swamp.
But we haven't sprayed anything today.
Then why does it smell
like stinky socks around here?
Phew, that is smelly. But our stink spray
is completely different.
Smell the difference?
Well, we can.
And we definitely did not
make the other smell.
I wonder who did.
Kit, not to be rude, but your lunch
is the stinkiest thing I've ever smelled.
I know, right? I love cheese like this.
The stinkier, the better.
Come on, Sam.
I bet you'd like it if you tried it.
Open up. Here comes the Clu-Bot.
-Come on.
-Huh? Kit, look. The CLADE crest.
Director Scratch must have a case for us.
Agents, apologies
for making you work through lunch.
You're, um, having cheese for lunch too?
Of course. I love fromage Fridays.
But we have more important things at hand.
There's a mysterious odor
in the South American wetlands.
And it's causing a stink, so to speak.
The Stinkwells were in the swamp
testing some new gear,
and now they're taking the blame.
Something stinks
and it's not the Stinkwells?
That is serious.
It's up to you to figure out
what's making that awful smell.
Don't worry, director. We're on it.
Good luck, Agents. Bo-Bok! Mmm!
Now arriving at destination biome.
South American Wetlands.
Ugh! Something does smell off.
You skunks, get out.
- What in the woolly world?!
Go stink up somewhere else.
We swear. It wasn't us.
This smell is a stinky stench.
Our smell is more of a fragrant musk.
Uh, excuse me.
We're from CLADE,
and we're here to get this sorted out.
There's an easy way to figure out
if the Stinkwells caused the smell.
Here. You can use these
to swab your tails.
I'll swab a sample of the mystery smell.
Ugh! It's really stinky.
I thought you said
the stinkier, the better.
I did.
I don't mind the smell at all.
I was just, um
taking in more of that stinky goodness.
Let's see how the two smells compare.
Not a match. The Stinkwells
did not make this new smell.
Sorry we blamed you two.
We're just desperate
to get rid of this awful smell.
It's ruining our home.
Don't worry.
We'll put a stop to this smell
just as soon as we find out
what's causing it.
We can stay and help you.
Not to brag, but we are stink experts.
Plus, we want to see
who's behind this iconic odor.
We are big fans.
I'm glad you're all enjoying the smell,
but it's making me wish
I couldn't smell at all.
We can help with that too.
Try this. Our new and improved
"de-stink-ifier" mask.
Gimme. Gimme. Gimme.
It blocks out bad smells
and turns them into delightful ones.
That's perfect.
I don't smell the stink at all.
But I do smell roses,
apple pie, and-- Ooh! --citrus bonanza.
Meanwhile, I've narrowed our suspects down
to the three smelliest swamp dwellers.
We'll have to track down each suspect
and get a stink sample.
Here. These hoverboards
will help us move through the mud faster.
Ooh! Thanks, Stinkwells.
Come on. Let's find that stinker.
We're looking for our first suspect.
A hoatzin, AKA a stink bird.
Their stomachs
break down food really slowly,
which makes an awful smell.
It's like they're making sauerkraut
in their bellies.
I think I smell one now.
I mean, great. There she is.
Hello there.
We're from--
What just happened?
Hoatzins are easily startled,
but they aren't good at flying.
So they just kind of fall off
whatever they're sitting on.
You have to be gentle
when you approach them.
Hi there.
Don't mean to startle you. We just need--
Okay. New plan.
Everyone grab a swab and cover a branch.
Ha, ha!
Ew! So smelly.
I mean, no big deal.
Let's see if the stink bird
is the stink source.
Not a match.
On to the next suspect.
All right,
what animal are we swabbing next?
Actually, we're looking for a plant.
The stinking passionflower.
Oh, we love this flower.
It makes a stink
when you disturb its leaves.
Sounds lovely. So, what's the plan?
We're going to disturb its leaves.
Careful, Kit.
That flower looks extremely stinky.
Don't worry, Sam.
The stinkier, the better, right?
Love that flower funk.
Got it.
Huh? Whoa. Whoa!
Kit, are you okay?
I'm fine. Just great.
Not a match.
But I am living for this lemon scent.
Okay, I know the first two suspects
weren't matches,
but that means
it has to be this third one.
Ugh! Ugh!
Please let it be this third one.
What was that?
Oh, look. There he is.
A stink beetle.
Such a big stink from such a small animal.
Very impressive.
Quick! Follow that stink beetle.
Look out!
Phew. Whoa!
Almost got it.
Huh? Whoa!
Hey, quit following me.
-Did you get a stink sample?
-Yup. It's all over me.
What? How is it not a match?
That was our last suspect!
Don't worry, Sam.
Let's just take a deep breath.
Ugh! Oh, I can't take this anymore!
I want this smell off of me!
This water smells even worse!
Hm. There's some kind of film
on the water.
Looks stinky. And it leads that way.
Is it just me,
or is the smell getting stronger?
Uh, hello!
Of course! It's a skunk frog!
A skunk frog?
Yep! A skunk frog's skin
is covered in super smelly slime
to protect themselves from predators.
They're the smelliest frogs in the world,
and they are extremely rare.
-Can we have your autograph?
-Uh, sure?
It's a match! He's our stinker, all right.
But I thought skunk frogs
only lived in the rainforest.
What are you doing here?
My wife laid her eggs on land,
like all mama skunk frogs do.
It's my job to carry our babies
back to the stream where we live.
Dad! Are we there yet?
Not yet.
But I took a wrong turn and got lost.
Could you give me directions
to the nearest stream?
We'll do you one better.
-There you are!
-I was worried!
Thanks for getting us back home. See ya!
Another creature case
- Thank you!
See you later!
What a smell! I think we have
some air freshener around here somewhere.
What is that smell?
Oopsie! We forgot to tell you.
The mask also turns nice smells
into stinky ones.
Fact file! Yeah! ♪
Mice squad, fact file ♪
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
Status? ♪
- Chill ♪
System settings? ♪
Set to thrill! ♪
Update: Skunk frogs.
Fact file! ♪
Skunk frogs defend themselves
by making a really stinky smell.
Pee-ew. They're some
of the smelliest frogs on Earth.
Fact file! ♪
The females lay eggs on land.
And the males bring them to water
when they hatch.
Fact file! ♪
Skunk frogs are extremely rare.
They're not seen often
and only live in rainforest streams.
Error. Upload incomplete! ♪
How to fix it? ♪
Move your feet! ♪
Fact file! ♪
Fact file! ♪
Fact file! ♪
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