The Creature Cases (2022) s04e04 Episode Script

The Case of the Talking Tree

Welcome to CLADE, the Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases.
"The Case of the Talking Tree."
What you think?
This looks like the perfect place
to build our new house.
For sure.
I have the perfect playlist to work to.
Who turned off the music?
Go away!
Go away!
Did that spooky tree
just tell us to go away?
Go away!
Kit, what is that noise?
Sorry, Sam. I got this new sound machine.
I'm looking for a soothing sound
to fall asleep to.
I'll try something else.
- Mm.
Sorry. That's not right either.
What about, uh?
Kit, some of us
are trying to get some sleep and--
Sam, look! The CLADE crest!
I'm wide awake now.
The director's got a new case for us!
Agents, sorry to pull you out of bed,
but the Mice Squad
just sent us a seriously spooky new case.
I don't know why
the lights in here keep doing that.
Some wolves in an Asian forest
were startled by a loud voice,
that seems to be coming from this tree.
A talking tree? But that's impossible.
I'll admit it sounds strange.
My plants never talk back to me.
But you'd talk to me if you could,
wouldn't you? Yes, you would.
Yes, you would.
Forgive me, Agents.
Uh, it's past my bedtime.
Don't worry, Director.
We'll figure out what's going on
with that talking tree.
Now arriving at destination biome.
Asian Forest.
Thanks, R.O.N.
Where is everybody?
- Psst!
Over here.
We're from CLADE.
Can you tell us what happened?
Yeah. We was working on our new house,
and then, right as the sun went down,
the tree told us to go away!
We're not going nowhere
near that tree again.
Not after it started talking.
Don't worry.
We'll get to the bottom of this.
Right, Sam?
That's right. This case won't stump us.
Like tree stumps. Get it?
Ahem. Let's search the area.
Are you sure this is the tree?
Yep, that's definitely the one.
It had a big, spooky voice and said--
Go away!
That definitely sounds
like a talking tree.
Go away!
But there has to be some explanation.
Right, Kit?
Uh right!
Because trees definitely do not talk.
If I had to guess, I'd say the voice came
from some creature living in the tree.
I managed to record it.
Go away!
Now we can run a voice scan
on all the locals
to see if there's a match. Watch.
-Go ahead. Say something.
-Like what?
Anything. You could say, "Testing."
Or, "One, two, three."
-Or biscuits.
See? The voice doesn't match.
Better check all the critters in the tree
until we find a voice that does.
Uh, we'll wait here.
Excuse me. Can you say "biscuits," please?
Biscuits? Mmm! Where?
See you around!
It wasn't the snake,
or the monkey, or the tree cricket.
We're running out of suspects,
and no voice matches yet.
Thanks, Kit. It was just a crunchy leaf.
-Look at this.
Some of these leaves
have little holes in them.
Do you hear that?
It's coming from that hollow!
And whatever it is, it sounds really big.
Go ahead, Sam. Go see what's in there.
No, no. After you, Kit.
Or Why don't we both check
at the same time?
All right. On three. One. Two
And three. And four. And bend.
And stretch. And touch those toes.
Um excuse us.
Who-who are you?
Can't you see I'm aerobicizing here?
We're sorry. We're trying to find
the spooky voice coming from this tree.
We were hoping to get a quick voice scan.
Can you say the word "biscuits"?
Biscuits? Why would I say biscuits?
Hm! You will never hear me
say the word "biscuits."
Not a match. Sorry to bother you.
Now, up and down and double time.
And one and two, and three and four, and
Another dead end.
The only clue we have
are these strange leaves
with holes in them.
And come to think of it,
we haven't heard the tree talk in a while.
Maybe the critter
with the spooky voice is gone?
Go away!
Guess not.
But it came from a different tree.
Whoever it is, they must be on the move.
Get out!
Right now!
It's moving from tree to tree.
Come on, after it!
Go away!
This way.
Get outta here!
Right now!
Over there.
Go away!
-This way.
Go away!
This is the last tree in the area.
It's got nowhere left to go now.
Get out!
It's coming from right above us.
Huh? We just heard it right here.
The only thing here is another leaf
with a hole in it.
Oh. Hello again.
Uh, aren't you that tree cricket
we met earlier?
Yep, just me.
A harmless little tree cricket.
We heard we heard
that big spooky voice up here.
Nope, no big-voice creatures around here.
Guess I'll be on my way. Bye!
Wait! These are your leaves
we've been finding.
Leaves? What leaves?
-Hang on. Can you say "Biscuits"?
Now again, but this time
with the leaf in front of you.
It's a match.
This tree cricket's using leaves
like a megaphone to make his voice louder.
Of course!
I've heard of tree crickets doing that,
but I've never seen it myself.
All right. All right. You got me.
I use leaves
to make myself sound extra loud,
because I'm so small.
But why have you been trying
to scare everyone away?
Those wolves were being too noisy.
I have friends all over the forest,
and the ones that live far away
couldn't hear my chirps.
That's how we talk.
That was my friend Francis.
He asked why everyone's been talking
about biscuits lately.
Come on. I think it's time
for you to turn over a new leaf.
And apologize for scaring everyone.
So, the tree wasn't talking?
Nope. Just this tree cricket.
Sorry for all the trouble.
Huh? What'd he say?
I said, "Sorry for all the trouble!"
Such a big voice for such a little dude!
He had to make his voice extra loud
because his friends couldn't hear him
over the noise you were making.
Maybe you can stop working at night
when the tree crickets wake up.
Yeah, I can even tell you when it's time
to stop working for the day.
Time to stop!
-Yeah, I like it.
Works for us.
Sounds like a good arrangement to me.
Another Creature Case
These cricket chirps are so soothing.
Can you turn them up?
You got it, Sam.
How do I That's not it. What about
Fact file! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File! ♪
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
Status? ♪
- Chill ♪
-System settings? ♪
-Set to thrill! ♪
Update: Tree crickets.
Fact file! ♪
At night,
tree crickets make chirping sounds.
It's how they talk to other tree crickets,
even when they're far away.
Fact file! ♪
If they're too quiet,
they have a neat trick.
Using leaves like megaphones.
Fact file! ♪
These leaf megaphones can make
the chirping sound three times louder.
Whoa! That's loud.
Error. Upload incomplete! ♪
How to fix it? ♪
Move your feet! ♪
Fact file! ♪
Fact file! ♪
Fact file! ♪
Yeah! ♪
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