The Creature Cases (2022) s04e08 Episode Script

The Vanishing of Mr. Blue

Welcome to CLADE, the Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases.
"The Vanishing of Mr. Blue."
Our new home is officially done.
Oh, darling, it's perfect.
Oh, yeah. It's perfect, all right.
Love the decorations.
And the hard-twig floors.
You know,
I always wanted a nest like this.
Quit trying to steal our nest.
All of you, get out!
We'll get that nest somehow!
Don't worry, darling.
We'll find a way to stop them.
My husband! He's gone! He's vanished!
Aw, come on, Sam.
Please, please, please
swap bedrooms with me.
Your room's got a better view than mine.
But your room's bigger.
Remember when we picked rooms
and you wanted the big one?
And I said,
"But the smaller room has a better view."
And you said,
"I don't care. I want the big one."
Kinda. Oh, please, please, please.
Fine. We can swap rooms.
But it'll have to wait.
Looks like there's a new case for us.
Agents, we've just received word
that a bird has vanished
in the European forest.
This is Mr. Blue, a blue tit bird.
Last night,
he simply vanished from his nest.
I hope he wasn't taken
by a hungry predator.
Your mission is to figure out
what happened to Mr. Blue
and bring him home safely.
You can count on us, Director.
Now arriving at destination biome.
European forest.
Now, the Blues' nest should be up ahead.
Get out of my nest!
I don't see your name on it.
-Get yourself a new one! Finders keepers.
You took my nest.
It's mine now.
This is my nest.
Kit, what on earth is going on?
Those are pied flycatcher birds.
They're always trying to steal nests
that are better than the ones they have.
If you leave your nest for even a moment,
they'll move right in.
Then the bird has to go find a new nest.
Nest thieves, huh?
That's just what they do.
They're good at it too.
Hello! Agents. Up here.
-Good afternoon, Mrs. Blue. I'm Sam Snow.
-And I'm Kit Casey.
Can you tell us what happened here?
Oh, it was just dreadful!
We were fast asleep.
Then I heard a noise,
and Mr. Blue was gone.
Looks like a predator was here.
And they made quite a mess.
You mean a predator took my poor husband?
Snatched him right out
of our perfect nest?
-Your nest ain't so perfect no more.
-What do you mean?
You said it yourself.
A predator attacked that nest.
It's not safe.
No flycatcher in their right mind
would want that place now.
Yeah, from now on,
we won't go anywhere near that nest.
Yeah, this place gives me the creeps.
Let's get outta here.
Whatever happened here,
it has those flycatchers pretty spooked.
As they should be. I've never seen
such a nasty-looking predator.
You saw it? I thought you were asleep
when it happened.
I was. But I woke up
just in time to see it swoop away.
So it could fly?
Uh, yes. That's right.
That thing flew in, took Mr. Blue,
and left all these feathers behind.
Based on the color, I'd say maybe an owl?
Oh! It was probably that old owl,
Mr. McDowell. He lives nearby.
Don't worry, Mrs. Blue.
We'll find your husband.
Let's pay this owl a visit.
Hello? Mr. McDowell?
Who's there?
Agents of CLADE.
- Agents of CLADE.
Who? Who?
-Agents of--
Get it? Who? Who? Because I'm an owl.
Never gets old.
- Oh! Good one.
Um, Mr. McDowell,
we're looking for Mr. Blue.
-Have you seen him?
Enough jokes.
No, really. I don't know who that is.
Well, we found a feather in his nest
that looks like one of yours.
Hm. That's not my feather.
My feathers are brown with white tips.
And that feather is brown
with white stripes.
He's right, Sam. It's not a match,
which means he is not the predator.
But if it's not his feather, then who?
Who, indeed?
Good day.
Find any more clues, agents?
Yes, but they don't make sense.
These feathers, they all look different.
Like someone gathered them up
and put them here.
And this looks like
Rabbit fur?
How did this get here?
Wait! I I remember it now.
The predator that took Mr. Blue
didn't fly at all.
It hopped.
It hopped? Like a rabbit?
Yes. A rabbit. That must be it.
You know, there's a rabbit family
just down the way.
I'll bet it was them.
Uh, I dunno, Sam.
Why would a rabbit take a bird?
They're not predators.
Rabbits only eat plants.
Eh, it's the only lead we've got.
Come on. Let's hop to it.
Sam, I really don't see why
these cute rabbits would take Mr. Blue.
I don't either, but--
Listen, someone's coming.
Kids. Time for lunch.
I've got a special blue treat for you.
Did she say a blue treat? Like Mr. Blue?
They're gonna eat him for lunch.
What's under that lid?
Why, fresh blueberries.
Of course. Blueberries.
For a second,
we thought Mr. Blue was under there.
That poor bird that vanished?
Well, that's just silly.
Why would we take a bird?
- We only eat plants.
Something's not adding up.
Better talk to Mrs. Blue again.
I'm sorry,
I've already told you everything I know
about that horrible, purple beast.
Purple? You never mentioned that.
Well, I just remembered.
It was a purple predator
with a long tail and sharp teeth.
That's who took Mr. Blue.
Sam, something weird is going on.
Mrs. Blue keeps changing her story.
First it's an owl, then it's a rabbit.
Now it's some purple thing?
A purple predator?
I'll believe that when I see it.
Look! There it is!
What in the woolly world?!
After it!
It can fly?
Sam, that thing had a fake tail!
Fake teeth too.
Whiskers, that's it!
There's no purple predator at all.
It's just a costume.
A costume? But why would someone
pretend to be a predator?
Maybe to scare other birds away
from his perfect nest.
You mean
Bingo. And look.
He's heading back to the bird village.
Better send some Clu-Bots to greet him.
Huh? Huh?
Oh, no!
That purple predator took my husband.
And now it's back for my beautiful nest!
- Your nest?
Your nest?
- What?
Stay calm, everyone.
This is just someone wearing a costume.
All right, purple predator.
Time to show everyone who you really are.
Mr. Blue!
-Mr. Blue.
Hi, everyone.
Just as I suspected.
There was no predator.
Mr. and Mrs. Blue faked the whole thing.
They scattered feathers and fluff around
to make it look like a predator
attacked the nest and took Mr. Blue.
Which scared the flycatchers,
so they wouldn't want
to steal their nest anymore.
It worked!
That's why Mrs. Blue's story
kept changing,
and why Mr. Blue dressed up to trick us.
It's true. We made it all up.
We're very sorry for scaring everyone.
We just wanted to keep
our wonderful home to ourselves.
But now I suppose you'll go back
to trying to steal it again.
Oh, darling.
Don't you just adore our brand-new nest?
It's beautiful, darling.
Hey, that nest is even nicer
than the Blues'.
- It does look like a nice nest.
I suppose there's no harm in just looking.
Everything seems back to normal
around here.
Another creature case
How can anyone sleep
with all this moonlight in their eyes?
Enjoying your room with a view?
Yep. It's great.
Exactly what I wanted. Just great.
You know, if you miss your old room,
we can always trade back.
Yes, please!
Fact file! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File! ♪
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-[computer Status? ♪
-Chill ♪
System settings? ♪
Set to thrill! ♪
Update: Flycatchers and blue tits.
Fact file! ♪
Pied flycatcher birds
are known to sometimes steal nests.
If they find a nest they like,
they'll claim it for themselves.
Fact file! ♪
They're sneaky and fast too.
It only takes them a moment
to move right in.
Fact file! ♪
Blue tits have a trick
to protect their nests.
To scare flycatchers,
they make it look
like a predator attacked.
Error. Upload incomplete!
How to fix it?
Move your feet.
Fact file! ♪
Fact file! ♪
Fact file! ♪
-Yeah! ♪
-Yeah! ♪
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