The Creature Cases (2022) s04e09 Episode Script

The Bat Who Couldn't Remember

Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases.
"The Bat Who Couldn't Remember."
-Just a little fur floof today, chérie?
Did you hear about the new bat family
that moved into your old cave?
Yes. Whoever they are,
they have no manners.
They haven't flown by to say hello.
What's that?
It is a bat!
What kind of bat is that?
- I don't know.
I have seen a lot of bat fur in my day.
But orange bat fur, not so much.
Ooh. So dizzy.
You all right?
Try not to move, dear. What is your name?
Uh, my name is I
I don't remember!
Kit, what are all these notes for?
They're to remind me that
my annual CLADE fitness test is next week.
I don't wanna forget like I did last year.
I don't need these sticky things
to remember when my fitness test is.
It's tomorrow morning
at exactly 8:15 on the dot.
Uh-huh. So how do you
remember things so well?
Simple. I have a perfect memory.
Oh, really?
Because snow leopards
aren't on the top ten list
of animals with the best memory.
I mean,
elephants have way better memories.
-Uh, Kit?
-Then there's dolphins, crows
Whales, tortoises, chimp--
Kit! The CLADE crest.
Director Scratch has a new case for us.
A mysterious bat fell out of the sky
in the African jungle.
she can't remember who she is.
And if that's not mystery enough for you
She's orange!
I've never seen a bat quite like that.
I wonder where she came from
and how she lost her memory.
Well, as someone
with a perfect memory myself,
I know a few tricks
that might help her remember.
It's up to you to help that bat
figure out who she is. Bo-Bok!
Now arriving at destination biome.
African jungle.
Hi, there. We're from CLADE.
-I'm Sam.
-And I'm Kit.
Hi. I'm
Oh, sorry. I don't know who I am
or where my home is.
-I don't remember anything.
You bumped your head.
Nothing serious, but that's probably
what's making your memory fuzzy.
It might take a little while
until it comes back.
In the meantime, I'll see if you match any
of the 1,447 species in my bat database.
Or as I like to call it,
my bat-a-base. Get it?
No matches. You don't belong
to any bat species we know of.
But I must belong somewhere.
Don't I have a family? A home?
Of course you do.
And we're going to find out where.
Here's a trick
that helps me remember things.
Close your eyes.
Just relax and try to clear your mind.
Breathe in.
And out.
Now, picture just one thing.
Home. What do you see?
It's dark.
I know it's dark.
That's because your eyes are closed.
No. I mean,
I think where I live is somewhere dark.
With rocks. And the sound is "echo-y."
A cave. She's talking about a cave.
I knew it. A new bat family
moved into my old cave.
Just down that way.
That could be
where this little bat's from.
We'd better check it out.
Whoa. Gotcha!
So dizzy.
That's normal when you get
a little bump on your head.
You shouldn't do any flying
until you feel better.
Climb on my back, little bat.
Does this cave look familiar?
I don't know. Maybe.
-You hear that?
-Maybe that's my family.
I dunno. Sounds kinda loud
for bats as small as you.
More like--
Fruit bats.
These are definitely not her family.
Are you the ones who woke us up?
Uh, yes, but
Thank you. Ah!
We overslept and almost missed supper.
And you got to get up early
in the evening to get the best fruit.
Come on, family!
Let's go!
- Yay!
At least, they have a family.
So do you. We're gonna find them.
We're just getting started.
There are lots more caves
in this area to check out.
And they all look close by.
Um, not so fast, Kit.
Those might not be as close as they seem.
Switching to 3D view.
Look, the caves are
all the way up above us.
Up that big mountain.
Afraid so. But we'll check
every single cave until we find yours.
Time to climb.
Who! Who!
- Sorry.
Who do you think you are?
Stay out of my cave!
Looks like hyena prints and
Hyena dung? Ugh!
- Gotcha!
I hear a bat.
But he's not orange.
Would you like to stay for a bite?
Uh, no, thanks!
Wasn't that either.
What if we never find my cave?
Don't give up hope.
We still have one cave left to check.
That must be where your family is.
Looks like it's right above us.
But how will we get all the way up there?
With these.
CLADE claws! Ready?
Uh, please try
not to put your wing over my eyes.
Oh, sorry. I wish I could fly ahead
and help instead of being such trouble.
It's no trouble. Oof!
Careful, Sam.
Thanks, Kit.
Wait! That smell!
I know these flowers. I always loved them.
And this purple is my favorite color!
And these are my favorite bugs.
This is good! Smells and tastes
can help bring back memories.
We must be on the right track.
Careful down there.
The wind is getting stronger.
Yes! I remember.
It's windy near my home.
And I think I remember--
Little bat!
Is that
My name is Nimba.
Nice to meet you, Nimba.
Looks like you can fly again.
Yes, and I'm remembering more and more.
I think we're close to my cave.
There's a path up ahead. Follow me.
Come on! Come on! We're almost there.
I think it's just around this bend.
Sam! Kit! Look out!
Thanks, Nimba.
Yeah, you really saved us
from that rockslide.
Rockslide! That's it!
-What's it?
-I remember!
There was a rockslide, and then
Oh, no!
I remember now.
I live here in this cave.
Mama, Papa, and I were cleaning each other
when a rockslide started.
I was the only one who made it out.
But when I tried to go back and help them,
I got hit on the head.
That's when I lost my memory
and fell down the mountain.
My mama and papa
are still behind those rocks.
Do you think they're okay?
Only one way to find out.
Come on, Kit. Let's move these rocks.
If we can move this last big one,
that should do it.
I can help.
- Ready.
We did it!
Mama! Papa! There you are!
We were so worried.
I can definitely see
the family resemblance.
Sam, do you realize what this means?
They must be a species of bat
we've never heard of before.
Orange-furred bats!
I have so many questions.
Excuse me, how long have you been here?
What do you eat?
Do you like oranges?
Uh, Kit?
Maybe we should let Nimba
have some time alone with her family?
Oh, right.
So long, Nimba.
Bye, Sam. Bye, Kit. Thank you.
Well, that's another creature case
What a night.
I can't wait to go home
and take a long nap.
Uh, Sam. Don't you have your fitness test
this morning at exactly 8:15 on the dot?
Whiskers! I completely forgot!
Come on, we need to get back right away!
Guess your memory
isn't so perfect after all.
Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad. Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
Status? ♪
- Chill ♪
System settings? ♪
Set to thrill ♪
Update. Orange-furred bats.
Fact File! ♪
There are thousands
of different bat species in the world.
But not many have orange fur
like the orange-furred bat.
Fact File! ♪
They live in West Africa.
In caves near the tops
of very tall mountains.
Fact File! ♪
Scientists only recently learned
about this new species.
Orange you glad we told you about them?
Error. Upload incomplete.
How to fix it?
Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Yeah ♪
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