The Creature Cases (2022) s04e10 Episode Script

The Hidden Hitchhiker

Welcome to CLADE, the Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
The Creature Cases.
"The Hidden Hitchhiker."
And so, you see, there isn't
a smelly mud-monster lurking around.
Just a pile of rotten bananas.
Of course.
That explains why it smelled
like, uh, rotten bananas.
Thanks, Agents.
Our pleasure.
See ya.
That's another creature case
Nice job spotting those banana peels, Sam.
Thanks, Kit. I wouldn't have found them,
if you hadn't noticed
those fruit flies first.
We make a pretty good team, don't we?
I'll say. We can do anything
when we stick together.
Huh? Oh, whoa!
Time to head back home.
Here we go.
It's stuck.
Warning! Warning!
Malfunction! Controls stuck together.
- Huh?
What in the woolly-- Whoa!
-You okay, Kit?
-I think so.
Uh, Kit? You can get off me now.
Uh, Sam? I can't.
What do you mean?
-We're stuck!
-We're stuck!
Agents, what exactly is going on?
I can't explain it, Director.
All of a sudden,
things started sticking together.
Including us.
R.O.N.'s on autopilot,
but he's not responding.
Well, it seems you found yourselves
in quite a sticky situation.
Agents, you've got to figure out
how to unstick yourselves
so you can fly home safely. Good luck.
It might help to know why
we're stuck together in the first place.
Better look around for clues.
Easier said than done.
This way, Kit.
I'm trying. Move your tail.
I can't.
See anything unusual?
- Just your ear.
Wait. What was that? Over there.
-Kit! Did you see that? Over there!
Something's shooting at us.
I see it too. But what is it?
Little sticky threads. Ugh.
Sam. Listen.
Sounds like we've a hitchhiker on board.
I think you're right. This way.
Whoever's hitched a ride with us,
they're right over here.
Hey! What's the big idea?
Who are you? And where are you taking me?
Easy. We're from CLADE. And we just--
Stand back or I'll shoot.
Of course. The hitchhiker is a worm
who shoots out super sticky slime threads.
It must be a velvet worm.
Bingo! And I suppose you know
I use my sticky slime to catch food,
or in this case, to defend myself.
That's what you get
for kidnapping Vinny the Velvet Worm.
Kidnapping? Oh, no.
This is all just a big misunderstanding.
You must've crawled on board by accident.
And then we took off
without realizing you were here.
Yeah, yeah. Listen, I don't have all day
to sit around yakking. Just take me home.
Okay, Vinny.
But first we need to unstick ourselves.
Good luck with that.
Velvet worm slime is super sticky
and dries super fast.
You don't just unstick slime like mine.
Hello, Sam.
Hello, Kit.
Who are they?
- Stinkwells?
-We heard you were in a bit of a
-Oh, no.
Please don't say it.
Sticky situation.
Perhaps we can help you.
That depends. Do you know
how to unstick velvet worm slime?
Ooh! Velvet worm slime.
That is super sticky.
We will need to devise a special solution.
What now?
R.O.N.'s engine is overheating.
Quick, Kit, activate cooling mode
or we'll crash.
I'm trying. But Vinny here
just slimed up the button. It's stuck.
Don't worry, Agents.
Just use the override switch.
Override switch? Where's that?
Right outside.
Good luck.
Activate suction shoes.
All right, you two.
Get out there. Flip that switch.
Then come right back and take me home!
Okay, okay. Easy for you to say.
Come on, Kit.
Not so fast, Sam.
There's the switch.
I think I can reach it.
Turn around a little bit.
Sam, watch your elbow.
Sorry. My nose was itchy.
Got it!
That fixed the engine.
Now let's get back inside.
I can't reach the door.
We'll have to jump for it.
Together, on "three."
One, two, three.
What are you two lying around for?
Take me home, already.
Can you just give us a minute, Vinny?
I ain't got a minute.
I'm drying out here.
Sam, he's right.
Velvet worms live on the jungle floor
where it's damp.
If he's away for too long,
he'll dry out and get sick.
That water will keep your skin
nice and moist, Vinny.
Thanks. Got it!
Hello again!
Oh, for crying out loud!
Good news.
We have discovered a way to dissolve
the slime that is sticking you together.
You have? What is it?
It's so wonderfully simple.
-All you need
-Is a few drops of
Like, the water we just spilled.
I don't think we have any more on board.
We had a feeling that might be the case.
Jut fly back to HQ,
and we will deliver some to you.
Deliver some? But how?
See you soon!
Okay, I still don't really know
who those guys are.
But you two better listen to 'em.
I can't take much more of this.
Guess we've got to figure out a way
to steer R.O.N. back to CLADE HQ.
Like this?
There's no way we can fly R.O.N.
while we're stuck together.
You said it yourself, Kit.
If we stick together, we can do anything.
I didn't mean it literally.
It's like a desert in here. So dry!
But you're right. We have to try.
Come on, Sam.
- Let's fly this thing--
Sorry. Scratching my nose again.
Okay. Activating the rear tail fins.
Nope, wrong button.
-Nice one, Sam.
I'll try to turn us around
if you can adjust our speed a bit.
It's working!
Can't believe you do all this
for little old Vinny.
Hang in there, Vinny! HQ is just up ahead.
Sam! Kit! We can see you!
And we've got the spray bottle
filled with water
to unstick that sticky worm slime.
Okay, Stinkwells. What's the plan?
Bring R.O.N. down as low as you can.
Open the hatch,
and we will handle the rest.
Roger that, Stinkwells.
We've only got one shot at this.
Let's go in low.
A little lower. A little lower.
Whoa! Too low!
Here we come, Stinkwells!
The hatch is open.
I repeat, the hatch is open.
We're ready to receive the water.
Ready, aim
It's going to fall!
Oh, no, it's not!
Nice one, Vinny.
The water's working.
-We're unstuck.
Quick! Unstick R.O.N.
R.O.N.-trols. Unstuck.
Toss that over here, Sam.
Still. Too. Dry.
We've gotta get him home. Fast.
Not a problem.
Now arriving at destination biome.
Asian jungle.
Quick. Get Vinny where it's damp.
That's much better.
You two really saved my skin today.
I forgive you for kidnapping me.
-Thanks, Vinny. See you around.
See, Sam. We really can do anything
when we stick together.
Another creature case
-We're stuck.
-Not again.
Where's that spray bottle?
- Oh
Fact file! Yeah! ♪
Mice squad. Fact file.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
Status? ♪
- Chill ♪
System Settings? ♪
Set to thrill ♪
Update. Velvet worms.
Fact file! ♪
Velvet worms can shoot out
long threads of slime.
It's super sticky
and it dries really fast.
Fact file! ♪
They use their sticky slime to catch food.
And to defend themselves.
Fact file! ♪
They live where it's damp
or humid or else they'll dry out.
Looks like he could use some water.
Error. Upload incomplete.
How to fix it?
Move your feet.
Fact file! ♪
Fact file! ♪
Fact file! ♪
-Yeah! ♪
-Yeah! ♪
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