The Crow Girl (2025) s01e01 Episode Script
She Sees Herself from Above
[ominous music]
[Victoria] My love for you
is as endless as the sea.
It knows no bounds.
It is great.
And terrible.
All paths lead back
to my love for you.
No matter
where you go
I'll make you crow.
You will always be my baby.
Mine alone.
And if you refuse
if you run
my love will find you.
And I will love you.
Whether you like it or not.
[sinister music]
Rock-a-bye baby
on the tree top ♪
When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock ♪
When the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall ♪
And down will come baby,
cradle and all ♪
Hush, little baby ♪
Don't you leave ♪
Okay, Joe-Joe, what do you want?
Cereal or toast?
[Joe] Cereal, please.
Okie dokie.
What's that?
Saka missing the Euros penalty
in 2020.
Oh, heartbreaking.
-It wasn't his fault.
-No. No.
Well, it was.
It was.
But that's all right
because footballers
get a second chance, don't they?
Come on, eat your cereal.
-[Joe] Who's picking me up?
-[Jeanette] Dad is.
-Not today I can't.
-Why not?
[Alex] Guy's coming to look
at the car.
-Oh, shit yeah.
Oh, gosh, yes.
I'll be in though, Joe-Joe,
so football and pizza it is.
Uh, do not get pizza.
Come on, listen, seriously.
Come on, guys.
Look. Look.
This curry is packed full
of veggies and goodness.
Please, don't get pizza
or I'll go insane.
Come on now.
I just put the dishwasher on,
so I'd be really grateful
if somebody could empty it
when it's done.
It's not on, though.
-She's quick, your mum.
Joe-Joe, did you wash
your football kit?
-I forgot.
-On it.
What are you working on today?
Oh, the same piece.
Almost done.
-I'm proud of you.
-Proud of you.
Oh. That's not for you.
-Is Uncle Lou coming again?
-Yeah, yeah.
Just until we get the car fixed.
Can somebody remind me, please,
to leave the car keys behind?
Where are they?
[knocking on door]
Oh, toast.
Marmite, please.
Don't be shy.
If you want to eat toast
like that, do it yourself.
I'll have no part of this.
It's disgusting.
You need to live a little.
-Come on, eat up, please.
-Get up!
Five jabs. Quick.
One, two, three, four, five.
One, two, three, four.
Joe-Joe, I have got a beginner
down at the gym who can punch
harder than that.
Five crosses. Go.
One, two, three, four, uh!
Uh, uh. Assaulting a police
officer, huh?
Hands where I can see them.
I saw a Tiktok on how
to get out.
Lou, please, can you make it
a single morning without
arresting my son?
He's gonna end up
on a bloody register.
[Lou] He loves it!
Don't you?
[phone ringing]
DCI Kilburn.
Christ. Okay.
Yeah, I'll be there in 15.
[ominous music]
There's a body off Broad Street.
Folded into a bag, apparently.
How do you fold a person?
Never you mind.
Come on, we're off.
Who's picking me up tonight?
Sarah or Gemma.
But guess what?
We get to hang out
tomorrow morning
because Dad's got his meeting.
-Don't forget the uh--thanks.
Make good art.
Have good a day.
And I love you both, okay?
-[Joe] Bye.
-[Alex] Love you.
[Woman] There you are.
You can go through now.
Thank you.
[door buzzes]
[unnerving music]
[indistinct conversation]
Oh dear, oh dear,
oh dear, oh dear.
[sighs] Poor lad.
Where's the tent?
They're on foot.
They said it's gridlocked.
For god's sake.
Uh, crowd control them,
Mike, please.
-He's young.
Any idea who this
poor fellow is?
Not yet.
We're working on it.
No visible I.D.
Any obvious injuries
apart from being folded in half
and stuffed in a bag?
[Lou] Visible cuts and bruising.
Nothing that points to
an obvious cause of death,
although Eva will tell us more,
no doubt.
Who called it in?
Uh, they're tracing the call.
A male voice.
Hung up pretty quickly.
Didn't identify himself.
[Jeanette] Any eyewitnesses?
No one here when you arrived?
No, no.
People walked straight past it.
What do you know?
Okay, let's find out which
businesses own or operate
out of this building, please.
What's that?
-What's what?
Whatever that is,
I want that tested please.
[engines humming]
[lock clicks]
[breathing heavy]
[knocking on door]
[Woman] Can you return
to your seat?
We're about to land.
[toilet flushing]
[toilet flushing]
[gull squawking]
[loud banging on door]
[Woman] Police!
We have a warrant
to search these premises!
Open the door!
[loud banging on door]
I'll be with you now.
[door crashing open]
[Man] Stay where you are!
Do not move!
You could have spared us the
front door, Carl.
And run the risk of hampering
your excitement?
Carl Lowry--
Do you want a coffee,
by the way?
You're all right.
Might I have the luxury
of finishing mine?
You're under arrest for the
possession and distribution
-of child abuse images.
-Shouldn't be a law.
[Woman] Police,
what's your emergency?
[Man] Hello. Yes, um,
there's a dead body in a bag
down Tailor's Court,
just off Broad Street.
[Woman] Are you there now?
Hello? Are you there?
Traced to a recruitment
consultant in his early 30's,
Steve Cooper.
No record of any kind.
On his way now for interview.
Have we run the profile
through MPU?
[Mike] No one matching
his description
has been reported missing.
[Lou] No specific identifying
characteristics to narrow down
a search that wide.
Don't know his heritage.
Could be fucking anyone.
-Sixteen. Twenty at a push.
We should contact
Child Protection.
See if he matches anyone.
He might've just slipped
through the cracks.
Why wouldn't anyone want to
report their own child missing?
It may be a foreign national.
Could be.
[Mike] Or it could be a refugee,
holidaymaker, traveler.
Maybe they don't know they're
missing at all.
Or he's vulnerable.
Of course
he's vulnerable, Mike.
He's dead and nobody's
reported him missing.
All right. I want all CCTV
within a half a mile radius.
I'm talking buses, shops,
camera doorbells, the works.
Okay? And you lot, I want you
door knocking down Broad Street
and Tailor Court, Corn Street.
I need a full picture on this.
Somebody has left a body
in a public place.
They want him found.
I want to know why.
See, the thing is, Lou,
you know I'm gonna ask
to see that.
And I know it's gonna be
a shit meme.
Why would you interrupt a murder
inquiry with a shit meme?
Was it funny, Mike?
Was it a shit meme, Mike?
-I I didn't get it.
-You prick.
I didn't.
-Okay, let's have a look.
-I was just--
-Let's have a look!
-Okay, Jeanette, point made.
-For fuck's sake.
-Oh, wow.
Look at that.
Wow. Okay, well,
explain it to him.
I mean, that's how the best
jokes work, right?
[sighs] Mike, I swear to God.
It's Carl Lowry.
The dentist who was booked
this morning
for unholy amounts
of child fucking porn.
Possession and distribution
of child abuse images.
Now that you're up to speed,
Mike, is that funny?
-No, it isn't, is it?
You'll get used to him.
And if you're gonna
interrupt me,
at least make if fucking funny.
Maybe swap out Instagram
for news.
Okay, I want every inch
of that bag checked.
-You understand?
Forensics are doing tests
as we speak.
But Eva said that the liquid
on the bag is probably piss.
Well, she said it smelled
like piss, anyway.
Just, you know, grow up.
[birds squawking]
Excuse me.
May I have a form
in English, please?
Oh, yeah.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
It's gonna take longer
to process if I fill this one.
-English is better, no?
I'm right here if you wanna--
We're very grateful that you've
come in so quickly, Steve.
Uh, no comment.
Well, we haven't asked
you anything.
You came in voluntarily, pal.
You called in a dead body.
And we just want to ask you
about it.
Look, something that might seem
totally insignificant to you
might be crucial to us.
And I'm really sorry it was you
who found him.
I mean, that must have been
really horrible to see.
Why didn't you wait
for the police?
Um, I-I was in a hurry because
I was very late for work.
You found a dead body
and you left because
you were late for work?
What do you do for work, Steve?
I'm in recruitment.
It's pretty cutthroat.
-[Steve] Towards, uh, the Downs.
-Where do you live?
-[Steve] At Fishponds.
-How did you get in?
-Uh, I walked.
You walked all the way from
Fishponds to the Downs?
That's a 30-minute drive
and you walked?
I I had errands to run.
am I being questioned here?
No, we just want to find out
who's murdered a young man,
left him in a bag
and pissed on him.
Okay, I told you all I know.
So you had errands to run.
What errands were those, Steve?
-I had to drop some post off.
-Which post office?
Uh, the one, um--
Oh, fuck.
-Down by the Hippodrome.
-How much was the postage?
Eight eight pound twenty.
Something like that.
Was that before or after you
pissed on the bag, Steve?
It was af--
It was after.
It was after.
Okay, yeah.
I pissed on--
I pissed on the bag.
I just didn't know
there was a body in it.
I'm having an affair.
He lives off Broad Street.
I left--I left his flat
in the morning
and I thought I'd walk in.
And I had to leave in a hurry
'cause his--
For fuck's sake.
'Cause his partner
was coming back.
And um, I needed a piss,
so I ducked into the alley
and it was only afterwards
when-when I saw
Look, please,
you can't tell anyone.
They don't--they don't know
about-about the other.
-My wife, she doesn't know.
-[Jeanette] Listen to me, Steve.
Listen, listen.
What we're gonna do is,
we're gonna get an officer
who's gonna take your shoes
and your clothes for evidence.
Then we're gonna
take a mouth swab.
And then that way, hopefully,
we can rule you out, okay?
-You all right, Steve?
-[Steve] Yeah.
Dr. Craven?
[solemn music]
Hi there.
I'm Dr. Sophia Craven.
I've been appointed by your
lawyer to assess you.
Everything all right, Mr. Lowry?
It's Carl, please.
Carl Lowry.
Nice to meet you.
So what you really want to know,
your purpose here is to find out
whether or not I can be held
Held responsible for what, Carl?
You tell me.
Well, you've been arrested
for possession and distribution
of indecent images of children,
so why don't we start there?
Do you know the myth of Adonis?
He was the original embodiment
of perfect masculinity.
Physically fit, the most
beautiful man in existence.
Immortal, and the product
of an incestual union.
A sacred bond between
father and daughter,
centuries old.
I assumed a woman such as
yourself would have been
familiar with the classics.
You can feel Roman and Greek
urges off the page.
This is the natural order
of things.
You know this.
How do I know this?
How was your relationship
with your father?
Did your daddy
tuck you in at night?
We're not here
to discuss my father.
We're here to assess your
mental fitness to stand trial.
Well, I expect he was a very
patient man
with a daughter
as slippery as you.
He was lucky.
Have you ever sexually assaulted
or raped a child, Carl?
[disturbing music]
I couldn't possibly say.
So tell me more about
your father.
I would love to hear more
about him.
Or we could discuss how you're
feeling about the reality
that you may serve
considerable time in prison.
Okay. Okay. [sighs]
We are human beings.
And you do what you were
programmed to do.
How it works, what we do,
it's reliant on one
never discussing a tale
as old as time.
It's fathers and daughter,
daughters and fathers.
Of course,
there are fathers and sons,
but we don't concern ourselves
with them.
You operate in a ring?
A grooming gang?
And those individuals,
they abuse children.
What if I told you
I could buy you a child?
There are people out there
that can make children appear.
They can also make them
disappear just like that.
Have you ever bought a child,
I haven't, no,
but it's my birthday next week
if you're offering.
Have you ever bought a child?
Who did the crown on your left
lateral incisor?
A dentist.
It's almost flawless.
I'll bet you went private.
We're not done yet, Carl.
[crow cawing]
Steve Cooper's alibi checks out.
The wife says he was out.
A friend on Broad Street
says he was there all night.
Only I think I might have
fucked up.
I sort of, might've, um,
asked them to corroborate
each other's stories.
[laughs] My God, please.
Please, can I tell him?
I'm begging you, please.
Look, with all good will,
you're a bloody idiot, Mike.
No, no, no, no.
You lie to your partner,
you deserve everything
that's coming to you and more.
You play with feathers, you're
gonna get your arse tickled.
-Look, ma'am, I'm sorry.
-Forget it.
Have we found out who works
out of number 49?
Yes, yeah, yeah.
The whole building's HQ
for Mount Park Dental Limited.
Show me.
Mike, keep up, darling.
I was just popping out
for some coffees.
Do you want one, mate?
Actually, why don't you go
and fucking get them?
The body was left outside
Carl Lowry's offices.
Wow, that's not what I thought
you were gonna say.
Maybe he's a murderer
as well as a pedophile.
Well, he's certainly slippery.
Most probably a rapist.
It's interesting, but murder is
a fair leap, Jeanette.
We're gonna need
to dig a little deeper.
-It might not even be connected.
-How could it not be connected?
A dead body lands outside his
offices on the day he's arrested
for child abuse images?
I mean, come on.
Come on.
-You're gonna need more.
-We've got nothing else.
At this stage, it's more trouble
than it's worth.
He's a kiddy fiddler.
He's not a killer.
Well, everyone's gotta
start somewhere.
I can't tell. Are you
deliberately shooting me down
because you don't think
it's a lead or
because you can't be fucked
with the paperwork?
[Woman] Ground floor.
Lovely to be thought of
in the best possible light
as usual, Jeanette.
[Woman] Lift going up.
[bell dings]
[Woman] Third floor.
Going down.
Sorry, did you just
hold the button down?
Excuse me?
It sort of jams if you do that.
We were on our way up
to the fourth floor
and now you've got us going down
to the ground.
[bell dings]
[Woman] Ground floor.
Why not take the stairs?
[Woman] Lift going up.
I hate people like her.
I hate them.
That's why no one likes you,
People like me.
Don't be a dick!
[bell dings]
I like you, sure,
but she doesn't.
Oh, grow up, will you?
This is my job.
We're not in school.
I'm gonna get a coffee.
Well, I would like a nice
vanilla latte, please.
Thank you.
[Woman] Lift going down.
[knock on door]
Come in.
Yeah, I understand that.
I don't think it can be helped.
We don't want the situation
to escalate.
Thank you.
Much appreciated.
Thanks for bearing with.
What can I do you for?
Good. Thank you.
I wanted to ask about access
to a potential suspect
for the Broad Street murder.
A suspect?
Very good.
What exactly do you need
my permission for?
I'd like to interview
Carl Lowry.
He's your connection?
Unpack that for me, Jeanette.
Well, the body was found outside
number 49, which happens to be
the address registered to
Carl Lowry's business.
That's interesting.
Is all your CCTV back yet?
Have you spoken to pathology?
We need to explore
all other avenues
before we tread on
other people's toes.
With respect, ma'am,
you and I both need
to get this solved as quickly
as possible, right?
It's out of my hands.
He's already been assessed
psychiatrically for his defense.
Introducing this now has the
potential to scupper a big case
that the team have been
preparing for months.
I know DI Tracey
is extremely relieved
to have finally brought him in.
Between you and me,
his wife's not well.
-Frank Tracey make the arrest?
-Yes. And I will be extremely
disappointed if you go
questioning him while
-he's mid-investigation.
Thank you, ma'am.
[door closes]
-Is that a flat white?
-[Lou] Yeah.
There's nothing I can do
for you, Jeanette.
What on earth do you mean,
I mean, Verity called
to say you were on your way
to butter me up,
but there's nothing I can do.
I can't go against her orders.
Nor do I want to.
I will have that coffee though.
Why ask her if you're just going
to ignore her anyway?
She gets such a hard on for
following the rules, man. It's--
I need an interview, Frank.
Please, I mean,
even if it's 10 minutes.
Let's not call it an interview.
Let's call it a chat.
I'm sorry, Jeanette.
I mean, his lawyers
and the psychiatrist have him.
For fuck's sake!
Sorry. Sorry.
It's not your fault. Sorry.
It's just I
I think he's connected
to that body on Broad Street.
What do you think?
Is he capable of murder?
You've seen the shit
in his computer.
-Yeah, I have.
Nothing that would
suggest murder.
There's a first time
for everything, right?
I don't think your man's
a first-timer.
You got anything?
Please, I am at such a loss
here, Frank.
It's just
It's enough of a coincidence
for me to pursue this.
I haven't got anything else.
Take your phone out.
Make a note of
Dr. Sophia Craven.
She's the psychiatrist who
assessed him for the defense,
but don't get your hopes up.
Legally, she doesn't have
to speak to you.
She probably won't.
Sophia Craven.
Thank you, Frank.
Give my love to Susie, okay?
Thank you.
[crow cawing]
[phone vibrating]
[line trilling]
[Sophia] Sophia Craven speaking.
Oh, hello, yes,
this is DCI Jeanette Kilburn
from Bristol Metropolitan
I've been advised
that you're completing
a psychiatric evaluation
on Carl Lowry.
Uh, yes, that's correct.
[Jeanette] Currently, we have
an open murder investigation
and we'd be really keen
to hear the outcome.
Um, if you were at all
at liberty--
[Sophia] Look, I'm afraid
I don't know who you are.
And I'm just not willing
to divulge that sort of
confidential information
over the phone
without a certified court order.
Uh, goodbye.
-What a twat.
-She's not wrong.
She doesn't need to speak
to us at all.
Nevertheless, mega twat.
Come on, let's go to forensics.
Slow down.
You're really going
to piss her off.
Come on, Lou.
I need something.
Wagons roll.
Chop, chop, chop.
Oh, shit.
Excuse me.
Margaret Reagan!
Get back!
Okay, Angela.
Am I speaking to Angela?
You can't help.
You can't.
All right, but it's me.
It's Sophia.
Stay away from me!
You can't do anything.
You can't help me or her.
You stay back.
-All right.
-You stay away from me.
What about Margaret's son?
Because he's getting married
this weekend, isn't he?
Isn't he, Margaret?
Could you give me the knife?
Please, Margaret?
Why don't you give me the knife?
-Hello, Sophia.
Could you--
Could you give me the knife,
Oh, why-why is my bread knife
All right.
It's all right.
That's all right.
You just, um
It's time for
your appointment anyway.
Why don't you--
Let's have a cup of tea
and a chat.
Is this your bag?
Did Angela try to hurt us?
I think that's what's
just happened.
Yes. Yes.
It's okay.
-Bloody hell.
-It's okay.
I've gotta catch the
train tonight.
It's-it's the wedding.
If you don't mind my asking,
but where are your shoes?
[ominous music]
[crows cawing]
[saw grinding]
[Man] Okay, have we got Ishmael?
Have we got Amar?
[Man] Brian?
Raise your hand. Super.
All right. Fantastic.
Ishmael, stand just over there
for me for a second, please.
Amar, straight ahead, please.
Thank you.
Ishmael, door on the left,
Thank you.
Oh, fuck off.
Come on, Eva,
you can't have nothing.
No, seriously.
I've got nothing major to give
you at this stage.
Poor bloke's covered
in cuts and bruises.
Cheekbone's shattered.
He's got missing fingers.
Either way,
the body's been frozen,
so I can't do a PM
until he's fully defrosted.
How long's he been dead?
It could be yesterday.
It could be last month,
last year. I--
Like I said, I will know more
once I've done the PM.
-[Jeanette] And the PM is?
-Oh, look, right now,
he's like a Findus lasagne
down the back of the freezer.
So please, just let me
do my job, okay?
And are you coming
to my birthday party?
Oh, I'm sorry. My--Joe-Joe's
got a football tournament.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I haven't even picked
a date yet, dickhead.
-I'm not a party person--
-There's one more thing.
He's been given a pedicure.
His feet are pristine.
So someone has tended to
his wounds and cleaned him up.
Wounds tended how?
[door closes and locks]
This is just weird as shit.
Who would do this?
-Just quiet, quiet.
I'm thinking out loud.
They want our attention.
Well, they've bloody got it.
Here you go.
Welcome to the UK.
-Sorry it's shit.
-Thank you.
[construction noises outside]
[door closes]
Fuck all wrong with that.
Dad, I wasn't expecting
to see you.
I don't need an excuse
to see my grandson, do I?
Oh no, of course not.
Come on, budge up.
No, no.
No need.
I'm on my way out.
How was work?
Mum found a body
in a bag today.
All right.
Yeah, waiting on CCTV,
forensics, and a full report
from the pathologist,
but we've got no I.D.
We've got nothing, in fact.
No clothing? Wallet? Phone?
[Brian] Nothing's not nothing,
Why are you waiting for CCTV?
You should be out on the ground
knocking on doors
like we used to.
'Cause that's not
how it works, Dad.
[chuckles] See, Joe-Joe,
back in the day
we used to solve murders
without using the Internet.
Can you believe that?
Your mum and her colleagues are
headless chickens without it.
Yeah, you used it
back in the noughties, Dad.
It was quite helpful.
Perhaps we shouldn't talk shop
in front of little ears.
We wouldn't want young Joe-Joe
having nightmares, would we?
No, I won't.
But Gemma said Freddie might,
You told Gemma and Freddie?
She asked me why you couldn't
pick me up yourself.
I told her you were busy
and it was really important.
And why weren't you available?
It's just today.
I've got Joe-Joe in the morning.
-Alex has--
-[Alex] I had to wait in.
Someone was coming around
to look at the car.
It won't start.
-You couldn't fix it yourself?
You paid someone to come
and have a look at it?
Yes, Brian,
'cause I'm not a mechanic.
How much?
Well, there's a fair bit wrong
with it.
How much?
Two thousand.
Whew. Jesus.
Joe-Joe, can you do me a favor?
I want a minute
with your mum and dad.
-Bye, Grandpa.
Dad, listen, we can--
I'll transfer the money now.
Thank you.
I'm sorry. It's just--
This is the last time, Jeanette.
You knew what you were getting
into when you married an artist.
Alex, we all want Joe
to have the life he deserves,
but if you don't start
selling paintings soon,
you're gonna seriously have
to consider this career path.
You know, I think your paintings
are excellent,
That's nice.
But it doesn't matter because
you're not making any money.
Dad it's--
Jeanette, I don't want to
discuss it any further, okay?
Joe-Joe, come say goodbye
to your granddad.
-All right. See you now.
-[Joe] Bye, Granddad.
[door closes]
Pizza, really?
That curry was
absolutely disgusting.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Recorder] Do you remember what
was said, Victoria?
[Victoria] My love for you is
as endless as the sea.
It knows no bounds.
It is great.
And terrible.
All paths lead back
to my love for you.
[ominous music]
No matter where you go
or how big you grow
you will always be my baby.
Mine alone.
And if you refuse,
if you run,
my love will find you.
And I will love you
whether you like it or not.
[ominous music]
[Victoria] If you are lost, my
love will show you the way home.
Children need love, you see.
To grow, to flourish.
[Sophia] And did you believe him
when he said this to you,
[Victoria] No.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
[rap music]
[speaking Arabic]
[indistinct conversation]
[ominous music]
[clock ticking]
[door opens and closes]
The key is for emergencies,
I had to see you.
I miss you.
It's been a nightmare of a day.
Annabelle decided to pick a
fight about something
extremely trivial
and it always go nuclear
so quickly.
Part of me decided to push it
just to see if she'd leave.
What did you tell her this time?
That I've got a business trip.
What's wrong, angel?
Long day.
[clock ticking]
[Sophia] Don't.
[Lance] I love you.
[Sophia] Great.
[disturbing music]
[dramatic music]
[Lou] They've found
another dead body.
Well, I've been told that
you're the man in the know
when it comes to buying
and disposing of children.
So you can fight there?
How would you like
to make 300 pounds?
-Where were you last night?
-I do not like the insinuation.
Whatever it was they were
drugging him for,
they wanted him wide awake.
[Sophia] I had a client.
She was alluring,
puzzling, terrifying.
[Jeanette] What happened to her?
[Sophia] She vanished.
Hush little baby ♪
[Victoria] My love for you
is as endless as the sea.
It knows no bounds.
It is great.
And terrible.
All paths lead back
to my love for you.
No matter
where you go
I'll make you crow.
You will always be my baby.
Mine alone.
And if you refuse
if you run
my love will find you.
And I will love you.
Whether you like it or not.
[sinister music]
Rock-a-bye baby
on the tree top ♪
When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock ♪
When the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall ♪
And down will come baby,
cradle and all ♪
Hush, little baby ♪
Don't you leave ♪
Okay, Joe-Joe, what do you want?
Cereal or toast?
[Joe] Cereal, please.
Okie dokie.
What's that?
Saka missing the Euros penalty
in 2020.
Oh, heartbreaking.
-It wasn't his fault.
-No. No.
Well, it was.
It was.
But that's all right
because footballers
get a second chance, don't they?
Come on, eat your cereal.
-[Joe] Who's picking me up?
-[Jeanette] Dad is.
-Not today I can't.
-Why not?
[Alex] Guy's coming to look
at the car.
-Oh, shit yeah.
Oh, gosh, yes.
I'll be in though, Joe-Joe,
so football and pizza it is.
Uh, do not get pizza.
Come on, listen, seriously.
Come on, guys.
Look. Look.
This curry is packed full
of veggies and goodness.
Please, don't get pizza
or I'll go insane.
Come on now.
I just put the dishwasher on,
so I'd be really grateful
if somebody could empty it
when it's done.
It's not on, though.
-She's quick, your mum.
Joe-Joe, did you wash
your football kit?
-I forgot.
-On it.
What are you working on today?
Oh, the same piece.
Almost done.
-I'm proud of you.
-Proud of you.
Oh. That's not for you.
-Is Uncle Lou coming again?
-Yeah, yeah.
Just until we get the car fixed.
Can somebody remind me, please,
to leave the car keys behind?
Where are they?
[knocking on door]
Oh, toast.
Marmite, please.
Don't be shy.
If you want to eat toast
like that, do it yourself.
I'll have no part of this.
It's disgusting.
You need to live a little.
-Come on, eat up, please.
-Get up!
Five jabs. Quick.
One, two, three, four, five.
One, two, three, four.
Joe-Joe, I have got a beginner
down at the gym who can punch
harder than that.
Five crosses. Go.
One, two, three, four, uh!
Uh, uh. Assaulting a police
officer, huh?
Hands where I can see them.
I saw a Tiktok on how
to get out.
Lou, please, can you make it
a single morning without
arresting my son?
He's gonna end up
on a bloody register.
[Lou] He loves it!
Don't you?
[phone ringing]
DCI Kilburn.
Christ. Okay.
Yeah, I'll be there in 15.
[ominous music]
There's a body off Broad Street.
Folded into a bag, apparently.
How do you fold a person?
Never you mind.
Come on, we're off.
Who's picking me up tonight?
Sarah or Gemma.
But guess what?
We get to hang out
tomorrow morning
because Dad's got his meeting.
-Don't forget the uh--thanks.
Make good art.
Have good a day.
And I love you both, okay?
-[Joe] Bye.
-[Alex] Love you.
[Woman] There you are.
You can go through now.
Thank you.
[door buzzes]
[unnerving music]
[indistinct conversation]
Oh dear, oh dear,
oh dear, oh dear.
[sighs] Poor lad.
Where's the tent?
They're on foot.
They said it's gridlocked.
For god's sake.
Uh, crowd control them,
Mike, please.
-He's young.
Any idea who this
poor fellow is?
Not yet.
We're working on it.
No visible I.D.
Any obvious injuries
apart from being folded in half
and stuffed in a bag?
[Lou] Visible cuts and bruising.
Nothing that points to
an obvious cause of death,
although Eva will tell us more,
no doubt.
Who called it in?
Uh, they're tracing the call.
A male voice.
Hung up pretty quickly.
Didn't identify himself.
[Jeanette] Any eyewitnesses?
No one here when you arrived?
No, no.
People walked straight past it.
What do you know?
Okay, let's find out which
businesses own or operate
out of this building, please.
What's that?
-What's what?
Whatever that is,
I want that tested please.
[engines humming]
[lock clicks]
[breathing heavy]
[knocking on door]
[Woman] Can you return
to your seat?
We're about to land.
[toilet flushing]
[toilet flushing]
[gull squawking]
[loud banging on door]
[Woman] Police!
We have a warrant
to search these premises!
Open the door!
[loud banging on door]
I'll be with you now.
[door crashing open]
[Man] Stay where you are!
Do not move!
You could have spared us the
front door, Carl.
And run the risk of hampering
your excitement?
Carl Lowry--
Do you want a coffee,
by the way?
You're all right.
Might I have the luxury
of finishing mine?
You're under arrest for the
possession and distribution
-of child abuse images.
-Shouldn't be a law.
[Woman] Police,
what's your emergency?
[Man] Hello. Yes, um,
there's a dead body in a bag
down Tailor's Court,
just off Broad Street.
[Woman] Are you there now?
Hello? Are you there?
Traced to a recruitment
consultant in his early 30's,
Steve Cooper.
No record of any kind.
On his way now for interview.
Have we run the profile
through MPU?
[Mike] No one matching
his description
has been reported missing.
[Lou] No specific identifying
characteristics to narrow down
a search that wide.
Don't know his heritage.
Could be fucking anyone.
-Sixteen. Twenty at a push.
We should contact
Child Protection.
See if he matches anyone.
He might've just slipped
through the cracks.
Why wouldn't anyone want to
report their own child missing?
It may be a foreign national.
Could be.
[Mike] Or it could be a refugee,
holidaymaker, traveler.
Maybe they don't know they're
missing at all.
Or he's vulnerable.
Of course
he's vulnerable, Mike.
He's dead and nobody's
reported him missing.
All right. I want all CCTV
within a half a mile radius.
I'm talking buses, shops,
camera doorbells, the works.
Okay? And you lot, I want you
door knocking down Broad Street
and Tailor Court, Corn Street.
I need a full picture on this.
Somebody has left a body
in a public place.
They want him found.
I want to know why.
See, the thing is, Lou,
you know I'm gonna ask
to see that.
And I know it's gonna be
a shit meme.
Why would you interrupt a murder
inquiry with a shit meme?
Was it funny, Mike?
Was it a shit meme, Mike?
-I I didn't get it.
-You prick.
I didn't.
-Okay, let's have a look.
-I was just--
-Let's have a look!
-Okay, Jeanette, point made.
-For fuck's sake.
-Oh, wow.
Look at that.
Wow. Okay, well,
explain it to him.
I mean, that's how the best
jokes work, right?
[sighs] Mike, I swear to God.
It's Carl Lowry.
The dentist who was booked
this morning
for unholy amounts
of child fucking porn.
Possession and distribution
of child abuse images.
Now that you're up to speed,
Mike, is that funny?
-No, it isn't, is it?
You'll get used to him.
And if you're gonna
interrupt me,
at least make if fucking funny.
Maybe swap out Instagram
for news.
Okay, I want every inch
of that bag checked.
-You understand?
Forensics are doing tests
as we speak.
But Eva said that the liquid
on the bag is probably piss.
Well, she said it smelled
like piss, anyway.
Just, you know, grow up.
[birds squawking]
Excuse me.
May I have a form
in English, please?
Oh, yeah.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
It's gonna take longer
to process if I fill this one.
-English is better, no?
I'm right here if you wanna--
We're very grateful that you've
come in so quickly, Steve.
Uh, no comment.
Well, we haven't asked
you anything.
You came in voluntarily, pal.
You called in a dead body.
And we just want to ask you
about it.
Look, something that might seem
totally insignificant to you
might be crucial to us.
And I'm really sorry it was you
who found him.
I mean, that must have been
really horrible to see.
Why didn't you wait
for the police?
Um, I-I was in a hurry because
I was very late for work.
You found a dead body
and you left because
you were late for work?
What do you do for work, Steve?
I'm in recruitment.
It's pretty cutthroat.
-[Steve] Towards, uh, the Downs.
-Where do you live?
-[Steve] At Fishponds.
-How did you get in?
-Uh, I walked.
You walked all the way from
Fishponds to the Downs?
That's a 30-minute drive
and you walked?
I I had errands to run.
am I being questioned here?
No, we just want to find out
who's murdered a young man,
left him in a bag
and pissed on him.
Okay, I told you all I know.
So you had errands to run.
What errands were those, Steve?
-I had to drop some post off.
-Which post office?
Uh, the one, um--
Oh, fuck.
-Down by the Hippodrome.
-How much was the postage?
Eight eight pound twenty.
Something like that.
Was that before or after you
pissed on the bag, Steve?
It was af--
It was after.
It was after.
Okay, yeah.
I pissed on--
I pissed on the bag.
I just didn't know
there was a body in it.
I'm having an affair.
He lives off Broad Street.
I left--I left his flat
in the morning
and I thought I'd walk in.
And I had to leave in a hurry
'cause his--
For fuck's sake.
'Cause his partner
was coming back.
And um, I needed a piss,
so I ducked into the alley
and it was only afterwards
when-when I saw
Look, please,
you can't tell anyone.
They don't--they don't know
about-about the other.
-My wife, she doesn't know.
-[Jeanette] Listen to me, Steve.
Listen, listen.
What we're gonna do is,
we're gonna get an officer
who's gonna take your shoes
and your clothes for evidence.
Then we're gonna
take a mouth swab.
And then that way, hopefully,
we can rule you out, okay?
-You all right, Steve?
-[Steve] Yeah.
Dr. Craven?
[solemn music]
Hi there.
I'm Dr. Sophia Craven.
I've been appointed by your
lawyer to assess you.
Everything all right, Mr. Lowry?
It's Carl, please.
Carl Lowry.
Nice to meet you.
So what you really want to know,
your purpose here is to find out
whether or not I can be held
Held responsible for what, Carl?
You tell me.
Well, you've been arrested
for possession and distribution
of indecent images of children,
so why don't we start there?
Do you know the myth of Adonis?
He was the original embodiment
of perfect masculinity.
Physically fit, the most
beautiful man in existence.
Immortal, and the product
of an incestual union.
A sacred bond between
father and daughter,
centuries old.
I assumed a woman such as
yourself would have been
familiar with the classics.
You can feel Roman and Greek
urges off the page.
This is the natural order
of things.
You know this.
How do I know this?
How was your relationship
with your father?
Did your daddy
tuck you in at night?
We're not here
to discuss my father.
We're here to assess your
mental fitness to stand trial.
Well, I expect he was a very
patient man
with a daughter
as slippery as you.
He was lucky.
Have you ever sexually assaulted
or raped a child, Carl?
[disturbing music]
I couldn't possibly say.
So tell me more about
your father.
I would love to hear more
about him.
Or we could discuss how you're
feeling about the reality
that you may serve
considerable time in prison.
Okay. Okay. [sighs]
We are human beings.
And you do what you were
programmed to do.
How it works, what we do,
it's reliant on one
never discussing a tale
as old as time.
It's fathers and daughter,
daughters and fathers.
Of course,
there are fathers and sons,
but we don't concern ourselves
with them.
You operate in a ring?
A grooming gang?
And those individuals,
they abuse children.
What if I told you
I could buy you a child?
There are people out there
that can make children appear.
They can also make them
disappear just like that.
Have you ever bought a child,
I haven't, no,
but it's my birthday next week
if you're offering.
Have you ever bought a child?
Who did the crown on your left
lateral incisor?
A dentist.
It's almost flawless.
I'll bet you went private.
We're not done yet, Carl.
[crow cawing]
Steve Cooper's alibi checks out.
The wife says he was out.
A friend on Broad Street
says he was there all night.
Only I think I might have
fucked up.
I sort of, might've, um,
asked them to corroborate
each other's stories.
[laughs] My God, please.
Please, can I tell him?
I'm begging you, please.
Look, with all good will,
you're a bloody idiot, Mike.
No, no, no, no.
You lie to your partner,
you deserve everything
that's coming to you and more.
You play with feathers, you're
gonna get your arse tickled.
-Look, ma'am, I'm sorry.
-Forget it.
Have we found out who works
out of number 49?
Yes, yeah, yeah.
The whole building's HQ
for Mount Park Dental Limited.
Show me.
Mike, keep up, darling.
I was just popping out
for some coffees.
Do you want one, mate?
Actually, why don't you go
and fucking get them?
The body was left outside
Carl Lowry's offices.
Wow, that's not what I thought
you were gonna say.
Maybe he's a murderer
as well as a pedophile.
Well, he's certainly slippery.
Most probably a rapist.
It's interesting, but murder is
a fair leap, Jeanette.
We're gonna need
to dig a little deeper.
-It might not even be connected.
-How could it not be connected?
A dead body lands outside his
offices on the day he's arrested
for child abuse images?
I mean, come on.
Come on.
-You're gonna need more.
-We've got nothing else.
At this stage, it's more trouble
than it's worth.
He's a kiddy fiddler.
He's not a killer.
Well, everyone's gotta
start somewhere.
I can't tell. Are you
deliberately shooting me down
because you don't think
it's a lead or
because you can't be fucked
with the paperwork?
[Woman] Ground floor.
Lovely to be thought of
in the best possible light
as usual, Jeanette.
[Woman] Lift going up.
[bell dings]
[Woman] Third floor.
Going down.
Sorry, did you just
hold the button down?
Excuse me?
It sort of jams if you do that.
We were on our way up
to the fourth floor
and now you've got us going down
to the ground.
[bell dings]
[Woman] Ground floor.
Why not take the stairs?
[Woman] Lift going up.
I hate people like her.
I hate them.
That's why no one likes you,
People like me.
Don't be a dick!
[bell dings]
I like you, sure,
but she doesn't.
Oh, grow up, will you?
This is my job.
We're not in school.
I'm gonna get a coffee.
Well, I would like a nice
vanilla latte, please.
Thank you.
[Woman] Lift going down.
[knock on door]
Come in.
Yeah, I understand that.
I don't think it can be helped.
We don't want the situation
to escalate.
Thank you.
Much appreciated.
Thanks for bearing with.
What can I do you for?
Good. Thank you.
I wanted to ask about access
to a potential suspect
for the Broad Street murder.
A suspect?
Very good.
What exactly do you need
my permission for?
I'd like to interview
Carl Lowry.
He's your connection?
Unpack that for me, Jeanette.
Well, the body was found outside
number 49, which happens to be
the address registered to
Carl Lowry's business.
That's interesting.
Is all your CCTV back yet?
Have you spoken to pathology?
We need to explore
all other avenues
before we tread on
other people's toes.
With respect, ma'am,
you and I both need
to get this solved as quickly
as possible, right?
It's out of my hands.
He's already been assessed
psychiatrically for his defense.
Introducing this now has the
potential to scupper a big case
that the team have been
preparing for months.
I know DI Tracey
is extremely relieved
to have finally brought him in.
Between you and me,
his wife's not well.
-Frank Tracey make the arrest?
-Yes. And I will be extremely
disappointed if you go
questioning him while
-he's mid-investigation.
Thank you, ma'am.
[door closes]
-Is that a flat white?
-[Lou] Yeah.
There's nothing I can do
for you, Jeanette.
What on earth do you mean,
I mean, Verity called
to say you were on your way
to butter me up,
but there's nothing I can do.
I can't go against her orders.
Nor do I want to.
I will have that coffee though.
Why ask her if you're just going
to ignore her anyway?
She gets such a hard on for
following the rules, man. It's--
I need an interview, Frank.
Please, I mean,
even if it's 10 minutes.
Let's not call it an interview.
Let's call it a chat.
I'm sorry, Jeanette.
I mean, his lawyers
and the psychiatrist have him.
For fuck's sake!
Sorry. Sorry.
It's not your fault. Sorry.
It's just I
I think he's connected
to that body on Broad Street.
What do you think?
Is he capable of murder?
You've seen the shit
in his computer.
-Yeah, I have.
Nothing that would
suggest murder.
There's a first time
for everything, right?
I don't think your man's
a first-timer.
You got anything?
Please, I am at such a loss
here, Frank.
It's just
It's enough of a coincidence
for me to pursue this.
I haven't got anything else.
Take your phone out.
Make a note of
Dr. Sophia Craven.
She's the psychiatrist who
assessed him for the defense,
but don't get your hopes up.
Legally, she doesn't have
to speak to you.
She probably won't.
Sophia Craven.
Thank you, Frank.
Give my love to Susie, okay?
Thank you.
[crow cawing]
[phone vibrating]
[line trilling]
[Sophia] Sophia Craven speaking.
Oh, hello, yes,
this is DCI Jeanette Kilburn
from Bristol Metropolitan
I've been advised
that you're completing
a psychiatric evaluation
on Carl Lowry.
Uh, yes, that's correct.
[Jeanette] Currently, we have
an open murder investigation
and we'd be really keen
to hear the outcome.
Um, if you were at all
at liberty--
[Sophia] Look, I'm afraid
I don't know who you are.
And I'm just not willing
to divulge that sort of
confidential information
over the phone
without a certified court order.
Uh, goodbye.
-What a twat.
-She's not wrong.
She doesn't need to speak
to us at all.
Nevertheless, mega twat.
Come on, let's go to forensics.
Slow down.
You're really going
to piss her off.
Come on, Lou.
I need something.
Wagons roll.
Chop, chop, chop.
Oh, shit.
Excuse me.
Margaret Reagan!
Get back!
Okay, Angela.
Am I speaking to Angela?
You can't help.
You can't.
All right, but it's me.
It's Sophia.
Stay away from me!
You can't do anything.
You can't help me or her.
You stay back.
-All right.
-You stay away from me.
What about Margaret's son?
Because he's getting married
this weekend, isn't he?
Isn't he, Margaret?
Could you give me the knife?
Please, Margaret?
Why don't you give me the knife?
-Hello, Sophia.
Could you--
Could you give me the knife,
Oh, why-why is my bread knife
All right.
It's all right.
That's all right.
You just, um
It's time for
your appointment anyway.
Why don't you--
Let's have a cup of tea
and a chat.
Is this your bag?
Did Angela try to hurt us?
I think that's what's
just happened.
Yes. Yes.
It's okay.
-Bloody hell.
-It's okay.
I've gotta catch the
train tonight.
It's-it's the wedding.
If you don't mind my asking,
but where are your shoes?
[ominous music]
[crows cawing]
[saw grinding]
[Man] Okay, have we got Ishmael?
Have we got Amar?
[Man] Brian?
Raise your hand. Super.
All right. Fantastic.
Ishmael, stand just over there
for me for a second, please.
Amar, straight ahead, please.
Thank you.
Ishmael, door on the left,
Thank you.
Oh, fuck off.
Come on, Eva,
you can't have nothing.
No, seriously.
I've got nothing major to give
you at this stage.
Poor bloke's covered
in cuts and bruises.
Cheekbone's shattered.
He's got missing fingers.
Either way,
the body's been frozen,
so I can't do a PM
until he's fully defrosted.
How long's he been dead?
It could be yesterday.
It could be last month,
last year. I--
Like I said, I will know more
once I've done the PM.
-[Jeanette] And the PM is?
-Oh, look, right now,
he's like a Findus lasagne
down the back of the freezer.
So please, just let me
do my job, okay?
And are you coming
to my birthday party?
Oh, I'm sorry. My--Joe-Joe's
got a football tournament.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I haven't even picked
a date yet, dickhead.
-I'm not a party person--
-There's one more thing.
He's been given a pedicure.
His feet are pristine.
So someone has tended to
his wounds and cleaned him up.
Wounds tended how?
[door closes and locks]
This is just weird as shit.
Who would do this?
-Just quiet, quiet.
I'm thinking out loud.
They want our attention.
Well, they've bloody got it.
Here you go.
Welcome to the UK.
-Sorry it's shit.
-Thank you.
[construction noises outside]
[door closes]
Fuck all wrong with that.
Dad, I wasn't expecting
to see you.
I don't need an excuse
to see my grandson, do I?
Oh no, of course not.
Come on, budge up.
No, no.
No need.
I'm on my way out.
How was work?
Mum found a body
in a bag today.
All right.
Yeah, waiting on CCTV,
forensics, and a full report
from the pathologist,
but we've got no I.D.
We've got nothing, in fact.
No clothing? Wallet? Phone?
[Brian] Nothing's not nothing,
Why are you waiting for CCTV?
You should be out on the ground
knocking on doors
like we used to.
'Cause that's not
how it works, Dad.
[chuckles] See, Joe-Joe,
back in the day
we used to solve murders
without using the Internet.
Can you believe that?
Your mum and her colleagues are
headless chickens without it.
Yeah, you used it
back in the noughties, Dad.
It was quite helpful.
Perhaps we shouldn't talk shop
in front of little ears.
We wouldn't want young Joe-Joe
having nightmares, would we?
No, I won't.
But Gemma said Freddie might,
You told Gemma and Freddie?
She asked me why you couldn't
pick me up yourself.
I told her you were busy
and it was really important.
And why weren't you available?
It's just today.
I've got Joe-Joe in the morning.
-Alex has--
-[Alex] I had to wait in.
Someone was coming around
to look at the car.
It won't start.
-You couldn't fix it yourself?
You paid someone to come
and have a look at it?
Yes, Brian,
'cause I'm not a mechanic.
How much?
Well, there's a fair bit wrong
with it.
How much?
Two thousand.
Whew. Jesus.
Joe-Joe, can you do me a favor?
I want a minute
with your mum and dad.
-Bye, Grandpa.
Dad, listen, we can--
I'll transfer the money now.
Thank you.
I'm sorry. It's just--
This is the last time, Jeanette.
You knew what you were getting
into when you married an artist.
Alex, we all want Joe
to have the life he deserves,
but if you don't start
selling paintings soon,
you're gonna seriously have
to consider this career path.
You know, I think your paintings
are excellent,
That's nice.
But it doesn't matter because
you're not making any money.
Dad it's--
Jeanette, I don't want to
discuss it any further, okay?
Joe-Joe, come say goodbye
to your granddad.
-All right. See you now.
-[Joe] Bye, Granddad.
[door closes]
Pizza, really?
That curry was
absolutely disgusting.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Recorder] Do you remember what
was said, Victoria?
[Victoria] My love for you is
as endless as the sea.
It knows no bounds.
It is great.
And terrible.
All paths lead back
to my love for you.
[ominous music]
No matter where you go
or how big you grow
you will always be my baby.
Mine alone.
And if you refuse,
if you run,
my love will find you.
And I will love you
whether you like it or not.
[ominous music]
[Victoria] If you are lost, my
love will show you the way home.
Children need love, you see.
To grow, to flourish.
[Sophia] And did you believe him
when he said this to you,
[Victoria] No.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
[rap music]
[speaking Arabic]
[indistinct conversation]
[ominous music]
[clock ticking]
[door opens and closes]
The key is for emergencies,
I had to see you.
I miss you.
It's been a nightmare of a day.
Annabelle decided to pick a
fight about something
extremely trivial
and it always go nuclear
so quickly.
Part of me decided to push it
just to see if she'd leave.
What did you tell her this time?
That I've got a business trip.
What's wrong, angel?
Long day.
[clock ticking]
[Sophia] Don't.
[Lance] I love you.
[Sophia] Great.
[disturbing music]
[dramatic music]
[Lou] They've found
another dead body.
Well, I've been told that
you're the man in the know
when it comes to buying
and disposing of children.
So you can fight there?
How would you like
to make 300 pounds?
-Where were you last night?
-I do not like the insinuation.
Whatever it was they were
drugging him for,
they wanted him wide awake.
[Sophia] I had a client.
She was alluring,
puzzling, terrifying.
[Jeanette] What happened to her?
[Sophia] She vanished.
Hush little baby ♪