The Crow Girl (2025) s01e02 Episode Script

The Egg She Wishes to Crack

[Jeanette] There's a body
of Broad Street,
was left outside
Carl Lowry's offices.
[Lou] The dentist who was booked
this morning
for unholy amounts
of child porn?
There are people out there
that can make
children disappear just like
I'm just not willing to divulge
that information
without court order.
Welcome to the UK.
Sorry it's shit.
[Eva] He's been given
a pedicure.
His feet are pristine.
And I will love you,
whether you like it or not.
[Lou] They want our attention.
[Jeanette] Well, they've bloody
got it.
[eerie music]
[crow cawing weakly]
[ominous music]
[crow cawing weakly]
[ominous music]
[Mary] What have you got there?
[dishes clattering]
[Mary] Come here.
[ominous music]
Oh, dear
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh
[crow cawing weakly]
[bones snapping]
[ominous music]
Leave it inland,
so the foxes can have it
for tea.
[ominous music]
[Mary] Go on.
[ominous music]
"And God shall right all sins
And there shall be no more
Nor crying,
neither shall there be any
more pain."
[somber music]
[ominous music]
[indistinct echoed voice]
[ominous music]
[Priest] "And the sorrow
You are safe [indistinct] Christ
who died,
rose again, and lives
In the name of the Father,
the Son,
and the Holy Spirit."
[crow caws]
[All] Amen.
Rock-a-bye baby,
on the tree-top ♪
When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock ♪
When the bow breaks,
the cradle will fall ♪
Down will come baby,
cradle and all ♪
[intriguing music]
Hush, little baby ♪
Don't you ♪
[muffled music]
[door opening]
[door closing]
No toast?
Hi, Uncle Lou.
Ugh, no!
It's my morning off.
I've got Jojo, remember?
Now, piss off.
Uh, sorry, champ.
Found another dead body.
Oh my God, where?
The warehouse at Filwood Green
business park.
I'm thinkin' them.
Right, I'm gonna need
I'm gonna need to shower,
if that's okay with you.
You're lucky I'm in a hurry,
-I'm watching you.
-[Jeanette] Alex!
Yell for Dad for me, please,
Dad, Mum's going into work now!
Well, you can't go in.
Sorry to be the ghost of
Christmas shite.
They've found a second body.
Aw, man
Okay, well, Lou,
can't you take this one?
He can't just take this one.
That's not how it works.
This one, this meeting
this morning, Jeanette.
I really need this.
I mean, look at you, you're not
even dressed.
Excellent choice of pajamas.
Um, look, dead body trumps
Is it a serial killer?
-No, Jojo
-Potentially, yes.
-[Alex] Jeanette.
[Alex] You've gotta be more
he'll get nightmares again.
[Lou] Can you two just save
your divorce
until after we put this mudder
behind bars, please?
Well, okay, I can
-I can get changed.
-[Lou] Please.
Oh, no.
That's all wrong.
Start again.
[Victoria] A person I didn't
know had ripped me open,
and I wanted it to go away,
not die.
Just to never have existed at
[ominous music]
[Victoria] I knew it was
That no matter what I
It already existed in the world,
and it was too late.
I suppose it was all
rather funny, in the end.
[Dr. Craven] What was?
What was funny?
[Victoria] It wasn't a baby,
after all.
[Dr. Craven] Well, what was it?
[Victoria] An egg.
An egg in a onesie.
And I cracked it.
[Lance] Now, it's not
rocket science.
[creepy music]
[footsteps approaching]
[Lance] Bloody woman, I swear to
I've a question,
did you move my handbag
from the table last night?
-[Lance] No.
[Lance] No, I wouldn't go near
your handbag.
Come on, let's go.
[ominous music]
[Mary] Did you mean to keep
It was weeks ago.
Never mind.
It's not normal to be
wetting the bed at your age.
[somber music]
It's a similar bag.
Looks like.
Young male, similar injuries
as the first victim.
Cuts and bruises.
Has he been frozen?
We have to confirm.
-And his feet?
-Neat and tidy.
Who owns this place?
That guy.
David White, he's the owner.
[Jeanette] Okay.
[ominous music]
Mr. White?
My name is DCI Jeanette Kilburn.
It's all good.
Mr. White, if I could have a few
minutes of your time, please.
-Yes, of course.
-[Jeanette] Thank you.
I've got a work experience lad
who's just found a dead body,
and he's understandably
a bit shaken.
But if you really can't wait
No, I really can't.
-You okay?
When did you arrive this
6:30, had a call from Simon here
on the way in.
He was there first.
Last night, what time did you
There's no one here after me.
Anything unusual, any people on
or around the premises
-that normally aren't?
-[David] No, nothing.
Where were you last night?
Well, I was at home,
I was workin' until late.
Anyone here able to corroborate
that for you?
Excuse me?
What, is, is, is this?
Do you happen to know
an individual called Carl Lowry?
Well, what does it bloody matter
if I know him?
Well, a dead body appears at
Carl's place of work,
and the very next day,
a dead body appears at
your place of work,
and I'm just, you know, I
I wanna know why.
Yeah, well, you and me both.
Now, all I know is I've turned
up for work,
there's a dead body on my site.
We're shut down for production,
which is gonna set us back,
and now I'm bein' accused of
No, no one's accusing you of
murder, Mr. White.
Well, you may as well have done.
I do not like the insinuation.
Now, if you require me further,
I will come in with a lawyer
to the station.
Thank you.
[tense music]
Got clear shot of CCTV from
Broad Street.
What have we got on him?
Oh, no criminal record.
Self-made millionaire.
Our boy's done well.
Former butcher turned
Supplies most of pork in
So, if you got sausages this
side of the River Severn,
-chances are they're one of his.
-That's disgusting.
No, fiver says Lowry is
Maybe, but keep an open mind.
[tense music]
[indistinct chatter]
[Man] My guy, my guy, my guy.
[indistinct chatter]
We're okay.
Thank you.
[serious music]
Punch in.
[Mike] You see?
There's the bag.
[serious music]
[Jeanette] Where's he go after
Why are we assumin' that's
a man?
I think that's a woman.
You know, women can do anything
they set their minds to,
-Thank you, Lou.
The 21st century is
delighted you could join us.
Where's he go after that?
He heads down Tailor's Court.
He dumps the bag.
Then he goes
down to Broad Street.
-Then we lose him.
Do we have today's footage?
-Yeah, yeah.
There we go.
[ominous music]
Fuck me.
[ominous music]
That's deliberate and
They're talking to us.
Yeah, but what is he saying?
"I'm a cocky, murdering piece of
come and arrest me."
Very cocky.
We need to be combing through
our databases.
Repeat offenders.
Be specific.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
All of them.
Anyone who's been recently
with violence on their record.
What about their feet?
UK-wide for any trophy hunters.
Absolutely, yeah.
But why wash their feet?
Well, I mean, it might be
out of respect.
You know, someone doing
something nice for them?
You know, John, chapter 13,
verse 14.
"If I, your Lord and Teacher,
has washed your feet,
then you ought to wash one
another's feet."
So, it's like
the ultimate deference.
Didn't know you were religious,
I'm not.
My mom is, though.
Church was intense.
And if it is respect,
it can't be the person doing
the killing
that's dumping them.
what do you want?
[intense music]
I think anybody who wants to
hurt anybody else is evil.
And do you think Angela's evil,
or do you think her actions
are evil?
She tried to kill me.
I know she's unhappy,
but I'm not.
When I've spoken to Angela,
she's made it very clear that
it's her own life
she wishes to end.
Her depression it's,
it's all-consuming.
She's not currently able to
factor you into her thinking.
I just want a normal life.
Just want to live without
[serious music]
Am I speaking to Angela?
It's me.
No, no, no, no.
I don't wanna hurt anyone else.
Just don't wanna be here
Can't do it.
What, what can't you do?
[serious music]
[Dr. Craven] It's okay.
It's okay.
[serious music]
it's a local anesthetic.
It's not particularly powerful,
and it has a relatively short
How is it used traditionally?
Primarily pain management,
but that can come in all forms.
So, minor surgeries.
You get it in the cream that you
use on bites,
if you're havin' a filling done,
that kind of thing.
Could be a drug Carl Lowry uses
on the daily.
Sorry, Eva, go on.
[Eva] Epidurals.
But that is heavily controlled.
This, this has been injected
straight into his bloodstream.
It is the cause of death?
Lidocaine is not powerful enough
to poison him,
but you see here?
There's a single puncture mark
on his wrist.
It looks like a cannula.
like he's been hooked up to
a bag.
Whatever it was they were
drugging him for,
they wanted him wide awake.
So, quite possibly,
he's been tortured.
Look, why don't I go through
what I've got?
No obvious signs of
brain trauma.
But that'll be sent off
for further testing.
Here, you can see
the shattered cheekbone.
His knuckles,
they're shot to shit.
Defensive wounds everywhere.
And these,
these missing fingers,
they've been bitten off.
Can you age him?
I put him about 17.
Heritage unknown, as of yet.
Has he been sexually assaulted?
[Eva] No evidence that
I can see,
but we can't rule it out.
Look, it's not Lowry's MO.
He likes little girls,
no killin' young men.
Did you know, Lou, that it's
possible to be into
two abhorrent things
at the same time?
But the feet, the feet is where
it gets interesting.
Savlon on the cuts and
the blisters.
His nails, they've been cleaned
and trimmed.
It's very, very weird.
And similarities with our guy
at the warehouse?
Well, I mean, I obviously
haven't done the PM.
Because he only came in
this morning,
and if you recall,
I am not an actual wizard.
-But I did manage to get
bloods off to toxicology.
Oh my God, have you?
Tox shows lidocaine in both.
[Jeanette] Yes.
You know I didn't kill him,
Well, you know what, I'm gonna
get that interview today.
I'm gonna get it.
Eva, if you could get a wiggle
on the warehouse guy's PM,
that would be much-appreciated.
Now, did you schedule your party
in the end?
[Eva] Yes, tomorrow night.
I booked out a karaoke booth
until late.
You're not gonna believe this.
Okay, but my son, Jojo,
he does have
a football tournament
-Tomorrow night.
-Oh, no, come on!
-He does, it's the truth.
-[Eva] No, no, no.
It's the truth.
That's a very
interesting time to schedule
a children's
football tournament, no?
[door closing]
[eerie music]
[Jeanette] I'm gonna phone that
woman again.
-The psychiatrist?
Don't make things easy for
yourself, do you?
[Dr. Craven] Hello?
Oh, hi, is this
Dr. Sophia Craven?
[Dr. Craven] Speaking.
Yeah, this is
DCI Jeanette Kilburn.
I was wonderin' if you were at
liberty at all to discuss
Carl Lowry?
[Dr. Craven] I have a client
soon, but a quick coffee?
No, no, no, no, that's great.
[Dr. Craven] I'll text you the
Yeah, I can be there straight
-[Dr. Craven] Great.
-Yeah, okay, listen,
I can't thank you enough
She's hung up on me, so
Wow, okay, I've got to go.
Yeah, of course you do.
If you need me, I'll be in
the office, doin' my job.
Tryin' not to get myself fired.
[door slamming]
[eerie music]
[man screaming]
Stop it, now!
[Besim] Enough!
Fuck you.
[eerie music]
What is this?
[ominous music]
Uh, I wasn't sure how much time
you had,
so I ordered you a coffee,
but then I thought maybe
you wanted tea,
so I just got both,
and then I saw a sticky bun,
and I thought, "You can't
go wrong with a sticky bun,
can you?"
So, um, I'm very grateful that
you've agreed to meet me.
Sorry, are you the?
The lift bitch?
Yes, that's me.
I'll take the coffee.
[Jeanette] Okay.
Look, um, sorry I was a bit
tricky on the phone,
it's, um
It was a work crisis.
It's fine, honestly.
I've been there.
Um, I'm currently in charge of,
an active murder investigation.
Um, at stake
my professional reputation,
Carl Lowry is somehow involved.
Wow, that's, uh
I'm truly in a tricky
tight rope, here.
My access to him has been
slightly hampered.
[Jeanette] I'd be very grateful
if you could tell me what you
And, of course
You understand that this is
confidential information?
There's someone out there
killing young men.
I might be absolutely wrong
about Lowry,
but two men are dead,
and I am terrified that there is
gonna be a third.
So, please, please.
Can you tell me anything
about his psychology?
[serious music]
He truly believes he's done
nothing wrong.
He understands that society
condemns what he's done, but
He has these core beliefs that
this is the natural order of
and that therefore,
he's ultimately and
fundamentally correct.
[Jeanette] Fuck me.
Said he could buy me a child.
There are people he knows
can produce a child
and make it disappear
just as quickly.
[serious music]
In your professional opinion,
is he capable of murder?
Oh, we all are.
Just can't tell you if he's
guilty of your murders.
Don't stop looking, will you?
[serious music]
I think there's something awful
underneath all this
that I'm just not privy to.
There's people like that among
us all the time, right?
We meet them every day.
Occupational hazard.
I mean, I sometimes find it
really hard
not to think everybody's bad.
Including me?
[serious music]
I, I don't, I don't often deal
with people like him.
My main area of work is
trauma patients.
[Jeanette] Mm-hm.
Dissociative identities, PTSD.
Can't make your past disappear,
but you can make it hurt less.
[Jeanette] How does that sit
with you, then?
You're helping the victims'
and perpetrators.
Well, I have met people like him
He is different.
God, how does it sit with me?
I don't know, ask me tomorrow.
[phone dinging]
Is everything alright?
Ah, shoot.
Yeah, I've just gotta head
back to the station
for, uh, a bollocking.
Is there any way I could talk to
you further?
This has been immensely helpful.
Truly can check me schedule.
Thank you.
Serious, thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
Before I go, um
If they got me this interview,
what should I ask?
Ask him if the psychiatrist
did a good job.
[Jeanette] Thank you.
I'll let you know.
[somber music]
Good afternoon, ma'am.
Well, two men dead in as
many days.
It's not really, is it?
Uh, I understand optics aren't
'Optics' is such an ugly word.
Two men are dead.
Let's focus on that, okay?
Yes, ma'am.
The minute the podcasters get
their hands on it,
our investigation is toast.
Decades of policing under
our belt.
But a teenager buys
a microphone on Amazon,
and suddenly
they're Sherlock fucking Holmes.
Young Mike here has been
catching me up on
your meeting with Dr. Craven.
I understand you're unhappy,
but I received intel that's
extremely pertinent to the case.
Dr. Craven has informed me that
Carl Lowry
is involved in a pedophile ring
of sorts
that procures and disposes
of children.
I appreciate that the link to
David White is tenuous.
But we've got Lowry in custody.
Before he slips out of here
on bail,
we should lean on him, ma'am.
You may have your interview.
But your conduct may well result
in my making a referral
to the Professional
Standards Department.
I understand that, ma'am,
thank you.
[Verity] We are all on the same
side, Jeanette.
You'd do well to remember that.
Thank you, ma'am.
[door opening]
[door closing]
-Ma'am, I'm so--
-Don't worry about it,
it's fine.
Fucking twat.
[intriguing music]
[Woman] So, as you can see,
Alsace-lorraine is
valuable territory,
even at this point in history
and sits firmly within German
empire post Franco-Prussian war.
What are you gonna wear?
I don't know.
Something I'd wanna fuck me in.
Mate, you could cover yourself
head to toe in shit,
and he'd still fuck you.
He's obsessed.
Don't even.
I'm mucking out on the farm in
the morning,
so I genuinely might stink
of shit.
You're losing your virginity
this week, you total slut.
Just don't have sex in
my parents' bed,
or we can never have a party
Like, you can have sex
in my bed,
as long as you don't squirt.
My God, what is wrong with you?
[Woman] What makes you, you?
Obliterated in a single war.
[ominous music]
Hey, you don't have to do that.
And we don't want these.
You don't want the chocolate?
[serious music]
[Besim] Okay.
[Besim] So, you can fight, yeah?
[ominous music]
How would you like to make £300?
Doing what?
[ominous music]
There's a gym around the corner.
You practice punching.
When you're ready, you fight.
It's £300 each time.
You don't have to win.
I don't have to win?
I'm serious.
Come along tonight,
and bring the kid.
[ominous music]
[Jeanette] For the tape, this is
DCI Jeanette Kilburn
interviewing Mr. Carl Lowry,
who's declined
legal representation present.
Is this correct?
-Why waste their time?
-[Jeanette] Fair enough.
-No coffee.
So, you're someone else to know
what it's like
to be sexually attracted
to children?
Does it feel good
to finally be able to talk about
it, Carl?
You know, it really does.
You can end up living
a half-life,
siphoning yourself away.
It feels like a lie.
In a world that harps on
I will never see the way that
I experience love as acceptable.
It depresses me.
Tell me what you know about him,
Why are you showing me this?
Well, I've been told that you're
the man in the know
when it comes to buying and
disposing of children.
So, tell me,
who is this young man,
and how did you kill him?
I didn't.
This young man's body was found
outside your offices
yesterday morning.
Toxicology reports are back,
and he's pumped full of
[tense music]
This young man, he was found
this morning
a meat packing warehouse,
also pumped full of lidocaine.
What's so funny, Carl?
Oh, all of it.
All of it and none of it.
Did you kill these boys?
I'm afraid DCI Kilburn,
you're very much mistaken.
[Jeanette] Are you saying you're
innocent in this?
I don't like little boys.
-You like little girls.
-What's not to like?
Do you know David White?
I honestly couldn't tell you,
I'm afraid.
Do any of your friends like
young boys, Carl?
Of your friends who like
little boys,
any of them into torture?
I don't know who you could be
referring to.
You explain something to me.
Explain why you're so at ease
outing yourself as a pedophile,
so reluctant to confessing to
being a murderer?
Simple, because I've never
murdered anyone.
Help me find who did, then.
Because I think you can help,
because I think you know.
I think you know.
And if I do?
It wouldn't make a difference.
Did the psychiatrist do
a good job?
[tense music]
She didn't do the job
she was supposed to.
Now, I'd be grateful if I could
return to my cell
ahead of my imminent bail.
Interview terminated at
4:34 P.M.
I'm gonna find out
what's goin' on here.
You know that, don't you?
[ominous music]
[door opening]
[door slamming]
How did that go?
What the hell was that?
He's a slippery fucker.
He's a classic pedo.
Oh, don't say pedo.
Right, so we know
that it is not him
physically dumping these bodies,
but I still think he's involved.
-Because he's frightened.
I mean, he's shit-scared.
Something he said about all of
it and none of it.
I mean, he knows what's
he just won't say,
or he can't say.
Which is it?
Let's see what she's gonna say.
Give me a second.
-[Dr. Craven] Hello?
-Dr. Craven?
Hi, this is, um,
DCI Jeanette Kilburn.
[Dr. Craven] Ah, yes.
Hi, Jeanette.
Yeah, listen, I just interviewed
Carl Lowry,
and I've got more questions
than answers,
and, um, I know that I already
owe you a favor
But I was just wondering if it's
possible to meet up.
[Dr. Craven] Uh, of course.
Uh, I'm free this evening.
Yes, that's good.
-[Dr. Craven] Great.
-Yeah, I can do that.
You can come around to mine.
I'll send you my address.
[Dr. Craven] Sounds like a plan.
Okay, I'll be straight there.
I really appreciate this.
Thanks, ma'am.
-[Dr. Craven] Okay.
-Yeah, thanks very much.
-[Dr. Craven] Bye.
You're sure she doesn't fancy
Grow the fuck up,
for fuck's sake.
Right, you gonna give me a lift
home, or what?
After you.
-Good night, ma'am.
-[Jeanette] Good night, Mike.
[Lou] Good night.
[eerie music]
[knocking on door]
Come in.
[door opening]
Oh, I'm so sorry,
your appointment was earlier,
and I'm afraid you've missed
your slot.
I can see you at the same time
next week.
If you don't mind,
I'd really like to talk now,
if you're free.
It's urgent, please.
I'll pay again, of course.
Take a seat.
[David] Thank you.
I had a pretty horrific day.
Oh, yeah?
And what's happened?
What would you like to tell me
[David] Well, somethin' has
Somethin' that wasn't supposed
to happen.
And we need to
talk about control.
What is it about control
that you'd like to discuss?
I'd like to play
the shopping game.
Alright, we can do that, David.
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
Today, I went to the shop,
and I bought
An egg.
Today I went to the shop,
and I bought an egg
and some bacon.
[David] Today I went to
the shop,
and I bought an egg,
some bacon, and
A silencer.
[ominous music]
It's your turn.
Today I went to the shop,
and I bought an egg,
some bacon, a silencer
And a tea set.
Thank you for humoring me.
[ominous music]
[Madeline] Please,
may I be excused?
Not until your father's
But I have homework to do.
[Ben] Your mother said no.
No means no.
[ominous music]
Poured you a glass of wine
without even askin'.
Oh, sure.
[Jeanette] Lowry's not a victim
is he?
He's not being set up?
What makes you say that?
When I showed him
the photographs, I don't know.
I don't think he'd seen them
before, you know?
But he didn't seem surprised,
So, what do you make of that?
Oh, he's involved.
I know he is, I just, I don't
know how directly.
How common is it for someone's
victimology to change?
Oh, it's relatively rare.
Actually dependent on things
like motive, opportunity.
[Jeanette] Have you ever been so
sure of somethin'
it almost sets your teeth
on edge?
Yeah, I have.
Uh, I had a client,
a young woman.
There was something there,
it was something ugly.
She completely preoccupied me,
to detriment of
my other clients, truth be told.
[Jeanette] What was it about?
She was alluring, puzzling,
And I must've pushed too hard,
because, uh, something awful
Uh, she tried to take her life
in a session with me.
[serious music]
[Dr. Craven] Yeah, I, uh, took
her to the hospital.
The reason I bring her up,
is because when I was with her,
I've never been so sure in my
entire life of something
That feeling you just described,
I know it, because it,
it haunts me.
[serious music]
What happened to her?
[serious music]
She vanished.
Oh God, Jojo, you scared
the life out of me.
Have you found the person who
murdered the boys in the bags
Uh, Jojo, this is Dr. Craven,
she's a colleague.
-[Jojo] Hi.
She's a psychiatrist,
and she's assisting someone,
and we wanna know if they did it
or not,
and Dr. Craven is
in a good position
to tell us how.
Where's your dad?
Is he sleeping?
[Alex] Hello?
-[Jeanette] Hi.
-[Alex] Oh, hi.
Did you, uh, did you leave
our 13-year-old son
at home by himself?
[Alex] I had that meeting today,
Oh, come on, he's 13.
He's more than capable.
I was left at home on my own
at 13.
Yeah, so was I, that's because
we're dinosaurs.
That's completely unacceptable.
[Jojo] Mum, it was fine.
I, I had a sandwich for lunch,
I didn't touch the hob,
I played Fortnite.
It was fun.
So gaming and lunch?
How long were you gone?
It was a full meeting, Jeanette.
I don't know.
-About four hours?
-[Jeanette] Four hours?
You left me no choice.
I needed to go to her meeting,
and it worked out, didn't it?
-Guess what?
I made a sale.
I made a fucking sale,
and Joe didn't burn
the bloody house down.
I'm so sorry, gotta head.
Hi, I'm Alex.
-Sorry, I
-Sophia, this is Alex.
Alex, this is Sophia,
and I'm really sorry,
because a domestic was
absolutely not
on the cards today.
Yeah, we can talk about that
Sorry to interrupt.
Mm, please, um, thank you.
Uh, just call me if you need
You sure you don't want to stay?
Jojo and I can make ourselves
[Dr. Craven] No, no.
Honestly, it's fine.
Um, congratulations, and, uh,
lovely to meet you.
Just message me if you need
anything, yeah?
[door opening]
[door closing]
[ominous music]
Is this the gym?
[indistinct chatter]
Stay out of trouble, eh?
[ominous music]
[indistinct chatter]
[Man] Good boy!
[Lou] Okay, boys, we're gonna
So, let's go.
One, two, three, four,
five, six.
Keep it straight,
get those legs straight.
[ominous music]
[Dr. Craven] Tell me about
your mother, Victoria.
What was she like?
Vacuous, self-centered.
[Male TV Host] Alright
[Dr. Craven] What did she do
that was so cruel?
[Victoria] She didn't do
That was just it, you see.
[Victoria] A person's cruelty
isn't measured by what they do.
I'm going out.
[Victoria] It's what they
don't do.
[ominous music]
[television volume rising]
[Victoria] And my mummy
Let it all happen.
All of it.
[ominous music]
Sleep, my child ♪
Don't you cry ♪
'Cause I'm gonna sing ♪
You a lullaby ♪
Rest your head now ♪
And go to sleep ♪
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