The Crow Girl (2025) s01e03 Episode Script

She Wishes to Believe

I've been told
that you're the man in the know
when it comes to buying
and disposing of children.
Is he capable of murder?
Oh, we all are.
[Man] How would you like
to make£ 300?
You practice punching,
you fight.
[speaking foreign language]
[Eva] Whatever it was
they were drugging him for,
they wanted him wide awake.
You're talking to us.
What do you want?
Uh, I had a client.
She was alluring, puzzling,
And my mummy
let it all happen.
[Jeanette] What happened to her?
[Sophia] She vanished.
[eerie music]
[crows cawing]
[Victoria] You have to choose
the big ones.
Give me that one.
[Martin] Why are we doing this?
I told you.
For protection.
Protection from who?
One more.
Behind all that darkness,
there was one
little ray of light.
One friend.
Come on.
I kept him safe.
Are we hiding?
Who are we hiding from?
What are you scared of?
[Martin] Wait!
Where are you going?
[impact grunts]
What are you doing?
Stop! Please!
Get me out!
Please! Wait!
Come back here!
Help! Please! Help!
Please! Come back here.
Someone, help!
Come back!
Please don't leave me here.
[birds twittering]
[Victoria] But then he vanished.
[sticks snapping and rustling]
He had completely disappeared.
[foreboding music]
And I was alone in the dark.
[foreboding music]
[crows cawing]
Rock-a-bye baby
on the tree top ♪
When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock ♪
When the bow breaks
the cradle will fall ♪
Down will come baby,
cradle and all ♪
Hush little baby ♪
Don't you leave ♪
-Oh, hey.
-[Alex] What time is it?
-It's early still.
You don't have to get up yet,
do you?
-I'm sorry, sweetie.
-No, it's fine.
It's just [inhales deeply]
I'm just tired.
-Gonna put the coffee on. Yeah.
[message alert tone]
[cellphone ringing]
[dramatic music intensifies]
[jackhammering continues]
[ominous music]
[Jeanette] Oh, my God.
I know.
Black male, late teens,
found this morning
by one of the science teachers
out for his run.
Not yet identified,
but he's covered
in cuts and bruises.
Same type of bag.
Just like the others.
I know. It's all right.
[Jeanette] Shit.
When does this go national?
Why here?
I've requested a list
of staff and students
and all footage from CCTV.
Okay, good. I want
all students accounted for.
And can you add the board
and anyone affiliated
with the school,
even in a minor way?
Oh, we've gotta, gotta look out
for any crossovers
with the others.
Who's that?
[Lou] That's Peter Drake,
school principal
He lives off site.
Yeah, I wanna talk
to him.
Right, forensics
can carry on here.
We've gotta get
in front of this.
I need you with me
on interviews, okay?
-Something else.
-[Lou] Lowry.
-What about him?
[Lou] He was found this morning
at his home by his cleaner.
He's in the ICU.
Looks like
he's been poisoned.
What are you thinking?
Well, I'm thinking
someone wants to shut him up.
Okay, let's go through
Lowry's files,
see if we can find
a link to this school.
I mean, it doesn't matter
how small, okay?
Currently, all bets are off.
Everything's on
the fucking table, yeah?
Thank you.
[Victoria] [recording]
You're a liar!
Just like him,
just like them,
and you're sick.
You'll get what's coming to yo!
If you knew pain
the way I know pain,
you'd give anything to take back
what you said about me.
How dare you slander me?
I will not be merciful!
I can't forgive her,
you hateful fuck!
Know this, Sophia Craven,
you are not half the woman I am!
[tape clicks finished]
[keypad dialing]
[automated operator message]
The number you have dialed
is not in service.
Please check the number
and try again.
[Sophia] [whispers]
Where are you?
"She [indistinct]
knows the address.
"She mentioned the route
past the graveyard.
She described her house
being opposite a church."
"The church opposite
a graveyard."
[thunder rumbling]
[rain pattering]
[vehicle approaching]
[thumping bassy music]
[Besim] Let's go. Let's go.
Hurry up. Get in the van.
Sit down. Close the door.
[Peter] We're, we're all
obviously deeply disturbed
by this morning's discovery.
I must say, if there's anything
that we, as an institution,
can do
to support the investigation
Well, you can start
by telling us why someone
might want to leave a body
on the lawn of your school.
Well, I mean, at this point,
your guess is as good as mine.
We have absolutely no idea
who could've done this.
I mean, to, to leave a man
just thrown out like that
is completely incomprehensible,
[Jeanette] It's not a man.
It's a teenage boy.
Quite possibly the same age
as some of your students.
Tell me, Mr. Drake.
Are there any reasons
someone might hold a grudge
against Beecham College?
[Peter] I shouldn't have
thought so.
What about the school board
or teachers?
Any recent incidents?
-What kind of incidents?
I'm not sure
what you're insinuating.
-Do you know Carl Lowry?
-[Peter] Who?
[Jeanette] Carl Lowry.
[Peter] The dentist?
So you know that,
two days ago,
he was arrested for owning
and distributing
indecent images
of children?
What are you implying?
[Jeanette] What about
David White?
Sorry, what's all this about?
Two of the bodies are placed
inside properties
owned by these two men.
We're trying to work out if
there's a connection, Mr. Drake.
To the school?
[Jeanette] Or someone
who works here, yes.
[Peter] Well, I mean,
I know of them
So you know them?
Well, that's pretty scandalous,
wouldn't you say?
Well, they're businessmen.
I have dealings with most of
the city's leaders in commerce.
[Lou] The rugby field,
is it monitored?
No, afraid not.
We have cameras,
but they're in use
during matches.
We do beam back.
Beam back?
Uh, yes,
for parents overseas.
We'll need access to all CCTV
in the last seven days,
-all areas.
-Of course.
[Lou] And we'll need
the whereabouts
of the boarding students
accounted for,
as well as a list of staff
on duty overnight.
I'll get my secretary to compile
that as a matter of priority.
We'll also need access to
the school's financial records.
I'm sorry. I fail to see
how that's relevant.
[Jeanette] This is a murder
investigation, Mr. Drake.
That body wasn't put there
by accident.
Someone associated
with this institution
knows something
about that boy's death.
We'd like to see the records
of all the money
that comes in and out
of the business, please.
-You mean "school."
-[Jeanette] Private school.
It's a business.
[Lou] You are, after all,
a leader of commerce.
Are you not?
Thank you, Mr. Drake.
We'll be in touch.
He's lying.
[Lou] Are you sure about that?
[Jeanette] Hey, listen,
you saw how he changed
when I mentioned Lowry, right?
[Lou] You asked him
if he knew a pedophile.
I did.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean
he's guilty.
-[Jeanette] Come on,
-You heard him.
It's business. They all
fucking know each other.
I understand what you're saying,
all right
Forensics are all packed up.
The body's on its way
back to Eva.
[Lou] Look, when you go back
to the station,
uniform can tidy up here.
Mike and I, we'll go back
to yesterday's warehouse,
get some intel
from the locals.
All right, cheers.
See you later.
[dramatic music]
[Victoria] [recording]
And I wouldn't know
or presume
to know the power
you wield
over people like me,
but the things you say
and do,
you're trying to keep me in,
lock me up,
hold me down.
You know fuck-all about me.
You only know as much
as I ever wanted you to know
and fucking less!
[knocking on glass]
[Sophia] Victoria.
[Lou] Started off 'round here.
I was the bobby
on the beat.
I'm not saying that everybody
'round here is an angel.
But there's a lot of good people
'round here too.
And they don't all hate us
like you may think.
You see, what they don't
tell you about policing
is it's 99% intuition.
You gotta use
your own moral code.
Turn a blind eye here,
give someone
a helping hand there.
That's how you create trust.
That's how you get results.
That's real policework.
Wait here.
[unintelligible chatter]
[Lou] Keep an eye open.
Take this.
-See you later.
-See you later.
And what'd he say?
[Lou] Nothing. Doesn't even
know anything about it.
Whatever's going on,
it's got nothing
to do with anybody around here.
Look, Lou.
Did you pay him? Well?
"Well" what?
-That's not okay.
-[Lou chuckling]
Tell me something, Mikey.
How do you think you get results
in communities like this?
-What do you think?
What does that mean to you?
Asking nicely?
Saying please?
We could be out here
all fucking day,
knocking on doors,
sitting on sofas,
drinking cups of tea,
and do you know
what that would get us?
Do you know
what that would get us?
Absolutely nothing.
See that exchange there,
that 40 quid?
That, boy, is a whole
day's worth of information.
You're still giving money
to a known criminal.
It's an economy.
It's what we're in, Mike.
It works both ways.
And if you wanna make progress,
real progress,
that actually makes
a difference,
you can learn
a lot from me.
Come on.
[distressing music swelling]
[pigs squealing]
[music transitions to ominous]
Come on.
[Jeanette] Right, we now have
three bodies in three days,
all in bags at various locations
across the city.
The latest being
this morning's discovery
at Beecham College.
Do we have word
on Beecham students?
[Officer] All accounted for.
Great, so we're probably looking
at vulnerable young adults here.
We're looking at care-leavers,
runaways, asylum seekers.
We can't yet
rule out trafficking.
Whoever's doing this
is still at large.
And it goes
without saying
that we have to find them
as a matter of urgency.
Now, these three guys
have all admitted
to knowing each other.
This is them in a recent
Leaders of Commerce meeting.
We need to understand
what links them
and what they're not telling us.
We're still looking
at Carl Lowry
as our prime suspect,
but, in an unfortunate twist, he
was poisoned at home last night
and is currently in a critical,
but stable condition in the ICU.
This obviously points
to the likelihood
that there are others involved
that don't want
Car Lowry talking,
which is why
I'm looking at these two men.
I've been given full permission,
thank you Superintendent Pound,
to flush out Carl Lowry's
entire criminal history.
There doesn't seem
to be anything
that ties him
to the college directly,
but that doesn't mean
that it's not there.
Sorry to interrupt.
Just got a report
from missing persons unit.
We may have a match
for the second body.
Hasan Rahimi, an Iranian
who's been missing
for 18 months.
Right, I'm gonna need someone
to inform the parents
and bring them in
for an identification.
-Lou. Everyone else.
I think you know what
you're getting on with, right?
Our main focus
in on Carl Lowry.
And I want everything
pulled up on that school.
Let's get going, please.
[eerie action music]
[birds squawking]
You never done anything
like this before?
Don't worry.
You'll be fine.
[hard knocking on glass]
[door opens]
-[Mike] Is your mummy there?
[Boy] Yeah.
Can you, can you
call her for me?
[speaking foreign language]
-[Mike] Mrs. Rahimi
Is it Hasan?
Have you found him?
What's happened?
Have you found him?
Have you found Hasan?
Please tell me he's okay
[Man] Marjan.
Sorry. Mrs. Rahimi.
We'll have to ask you
to come down
to the police station, please.
Uh, we found a body matching
the description of your son.
I'm sorry.
One minute.
[Marjan sobbing]
[Mike] [whispers]
This sucks.
All right.
[Marjan sobs]
[speaking foreign language]
What's he saying?
[Woman] It's not their son.
Whoever did this, I hope
we fucking catch him
and I hope we fucking
-[Mike] Hi.
Me and Lou,
we spoke to the family.
The potential match
for the second body.
[Jeanette] Okay.
It's not a match.
I mean, the body wasn't even
It wasn't even their son.
[Jeanette] Oh, I'm sorry.
[Mike] You was right.
You said in the brief
and I'm starting
to see a pattern.
Kids going missing,
refugee kids.
[Jeanette] Mm-hmm, there's
absolutely a pattern, Mike.
Pattern of countless young
asylum seekers unaccounted for.
Look, I've been doing
some research.
They're using these hostels
as overflow for asylum seekers
who are waiting
to be processed,
and I'm just thinking, um
Look, you said, you said
these boys could be new
to the country.
If they are
asylum seekers,
they could've been housed
in one of these hostels.
But we need to speak
to the staff,
ask them if they've seen
anything, anything weird.
Anything new,
anything they've noticed.
You're a good police officer,
You should back yourself.
If you've got a hunch,
follow it.
Go on, then.
[music swelling]
-[Lou] What?
-Come in.
Don't you think you should've
told me that you interviewed
a woman who accused
Carl Lowry of rape?
What? When?
[clears throat]
[Lou] Jeanette.
Do you know how many people
I interview every year?
Yeah, I understand that,
but perhaps this
might've jogged your memory
considering he's a prime suspect
in a multiple homicide.
What's her name?
Ursula Wilson.
Ah, yeah, I do remember,
now that you mention it.
She, um, well, she only
wanted to press charges.
-Where you going?
-I'm gonna interview her.
Oh, I'll come with you.
[Jeanette] No, no, you carry on
doing what you're doing.
[birds chirping]
[dog barking]
[Besim] You okay?
You have to do this.
This is part of it.
Roll your sleeve up.
What is it?
[Man] Help numb the pain.
[sinister music]
[Ursula] I only had hemp milk.
If that's okay?
Oh, that's perfect.
Thank you.
Knew you was police.
[Jeanette] Did you?
Can always tell a copper.
Then perhaps it's
my natural air of authority.
[chuckles lightly] No,
it's not that.
She's down for a nap.
I don't have long.
Yeah, of course, um,
Ursula, I'm gonna have to
ask you a few things
that might feel difficult.
And trust me when I say,
the last thing I wanna do
is bring anything up that's
gonna be upsetting for you.
But I do believe that you
might have some information
that could be very valuable
to our investigation.
Carl Lowry is in a coma.
He's in the hospital.
Now, he was arrested last week
on suspicion
of possession and distribution
of child abuse images.
We think he may be connected to
a multiple murder investigation.
[shudders lightly]
We have a report.
We found it
on his police file
that, in 2019,
you accused him of rape.
[clears throat]
I was 18.
He said he wanted
to take me out, treat me,
and I was stupid.
He took me to a hotel,
him and one of his mates.
Told me to say I was
his daughter if anyone asked.
I looked young back then.
Gave me a drink.
And then he said
I had to do something for him.
[clears throat]
I tried to leave,
but they'd locked the door.
In the report you filed,
it made reference
to Lowry drugging you.
Can I ask
if you know what that was?
I remember it 'cause he kept
going on about it.
He said
I wouldn't feel anything.
This other guy, this, uh,
his friend,
do you remember his name?
Could you identify him
if I showed you some pictures?
That was a long time ago.
I don't wanna go back there.
I reported it, you know,
at the time.
[Jeanette] Yeah, I know.
I saw.
I wish it had been
taken further.
[scoffs] They said
no one would believe me
'cause I was a prostitute.
I am so sorry.
That should never have happened.
[Ursula] You don't need
to be sorry.
Your police officer
did everything he could.
I was very grateful.
[baby crying]
Uh. I've gotta go.
She's awake.
Uh, Ursula.
I'm sorry
that you were told that,
that one of our officers
said that to you.
I mean, if you'd seen me
when you came in,
it would've been different.
You say that, but do you know
how many cases like that
get to court?
He did me a favor.
Excuse me.
Darling, it's okay.
[line trilling]
[line trilling]
[haunting music]
[door shuts]
[car engine starting]
[car driving off]
[television blaring]
[Game Show Host] Now you've
already bagged£ 2,000
from the prize pot.
And you're just
two questions away
from hitting a gold run.
[indistinct] here, Chris.
In fact, I think there might be
stern words if you mess it up.
[Ben] You're going out?
[Madeleine] Just to Charlie's.
She's having
some friends over.
[lightly stressed breathing]
[Jeanette] I didn't mean to
drag you out if you had plans.
[Sophia] No, no,
that's all right.
I also wanted to say sorry,
you know, about last night.
Wasn't our finest moment.
Uh, it's just
You were fine.
God, lots of couples argue.
Have you been together long?
Yeah, in some ways,
I guess.
Since my early 20's, so, yes,
we've been together
a very long time.
[Sophia] Well,
that's an achievement.
Not many couples can last
that long successfully.
-Mm. What about you?
[Jeanette] Have you
a man in your life?
Or a woman.
Or a woman.
I'm sorry, how embarrassingly
limited of me. I'm sorry.
[Sophia] No, it's fine.
I do actually date both
[clears throat] men and women,
but, at the moment,
I'm seeing a man.
His name is Lance.
I see him once a week.
He's married and that
suits me just fine.
Right. Hey, listen,
each to their own, I say.
[chuckles cynically]
God, honestly,
sometimes, I think if me
and Alex opened things up,
we might be a bit happier.
Do you really mean that
or do you just wanna sleep
with other people?
-[grumbles playfully]
-[Sophia laughing]
[both laughing]
Agh, I'm really glad
you called, actually.
I know it's not technically
professional or whatever,
but I haven't had
the best day either.
I went looking for that.
My patient, um, who disappeared,
I went looking for her.
Oh, is that wise?
[Sophia] No, no
Well, maybe.
I don't, I don't know.
I, I am worried
about her.
You must think I'm mad now.
No, I absolutely don't.
So sorry.
It's okay. All right.
-I didn't mean to
-[Sophia] It's okay.
[Jeanette] I didn't mean
to do that.
No, no, no, it's all right.
Would you like another drink?
I'll be two ticks.
[loud clubbing music]
Oh, my God.
My mum is going
to fucking kill me.
Ah! He's coming over.
He's coming over.
Don't worry.
You look fit as fuck.
-Hi. Thanks.
-[Jacob] You look nice.
Bye, Jacob.
What was all that about?
Sorry. She can be
a bit weird.
Do you, uh,
do you wanna go back to mine?
[ominous music]
You look nervous.
-I'm sorry. I should go.
-It's okay, it's okay.
[Jacob] No, it's fine,
it's fine. Maddy, it's fine.
We don't need
to do anything.
Not if you don't want to.
Let me go get us a drink.
[somber music]
Thought you'd left already.
I did. Came back.
I know these men.
I've met them all
at various different events.
It's a small city, Jeanette.
Everybody knows everybody.
It could be any number
of reasons
the bodies were left
on their properties.
The question is,
what's the quickest route
to the killer?
I don't know.
Do you think
they killed them?
All roads are open
until they're not, Jeanette.
You have to remember that.
Now go home.
I will, I'm just gonna
If not for you,
for them.
[Man] Come.
[dramatic music intensifying]
[eerie music]
[spectators shouting]
[spectators shouting]
[cheers and applause]
[screams] No!
[crying exasperatedly]
[Madeleine gasps]
[ominous music]
[pigs squeaking, grunting]
[transitions to intensifying
strings music]
[car approaching]
[tires screeching]
[dog barking]
Best you come, yeah?
[cellphone ringing]
-Yeah. [clears throat]
-[Victoria] Is this Jeanette?
I'm calling to let you know
about another body.
[Jeanette] Sorry,
who is this?
In Ferrets Wood.
[sniffs aggressively]
Do you want a lift?
Come on, I'd rather
take you home
than leave you out here.
So where do you
wanna go?
Uh, there's a farm.
It's about
a mile up the road.
Near the side
of Ferrets Wood.
Thank you.
No problem.
What's your name?
It's nice to meet you.
My name's Victoria.
[dramatic stinger swelling
[haunting music]
Hush little baby ♪
Don't you leave ♪
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